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danrob88 03-09-2011 04:00 AM

Bestiality Discussion
Ok I have started this thread as people didn't seem to understand the topic on the other thread here:


Bestiality. Is it good? Is it bad? Why is it illegal in most countries? What are your thoughts?

Lets please have a constructive and assertive debate/discussion here. I DO NOT want to see on this thread posts such as, "I think it's wrong and no one should do it because it's wrong and disgusting" or "I think there is nothing wrong with it because you don't hurt the animal"

If this is all you are able to input or something along those lines, please don't post here.

You need to show some kind of evidence to support your argument. References are the best. Also, do not contribute if you can not approach this discussion with the ability to reason, accept and change your opinion if someone produces evidence falsifying or disproving your point.

With that said, let hear what you all have to say :)

misty 03-09-2011 10:22 AM

Mint Julep

keykitty 03-09-2011 11:17 AM

^Maybe it is just me but that doesn't seem overly relevant but thank you?

I can't call it either good or bad because it is so neutral. It is bad if it is forced but good if it is natural. I have not tried it and highly doubt I ever will but I do understand the appeal. As said by KittyKatMeow on the other version of this forum, what can be more degrading than being an actual bitch and in some cases not being able to do anything about it (especially in regards to practically being locked tight because of a dog knot). I know where I am it is illegal and some horrible cases of animal abuse have stemmed from sexual animal abuse. In one case the animal was horribly anally raped and destroyed and tortured to the point where he died. They found the dog lying bloodied outside (not quite sure where as it is an older story). Cases such as these are purely bestiality gone wrong and too far.

If people want to practice it it doesn't bother me provided the animal is well taken care of and safety comes first. :3 toodles

LUCKYPSMILE 03-09-2011 12:59 PM

i like this comment:
It is bad if it is forced but good if it is natural.

i think its hott. male doge are always horney because they are male. lol

funnytimes 03-10-2011 12:37 AM

Bestiality is purly wrong. There is no gray area. Let me start off by saying most Bestiality cases are with pets not wild animals (who would be that crazy?). Pets are inslaved to some extent. I think that humans should be able to have pets but "owning" an animal is a gray area in mankind. Pets are animals that want to make noise, want to go outside and play, want to pee and poop wherever they feel like it but they can't. Humans civilize animals. Humans will tell their pets to be quiet, lock their pets indoors when they leave and if a person's pet pees or poops in or by their owner's house they are often punished. It is hard to say if humans give back as much as they take away from animals... but this thread is not if humans should own pets it is if bestiality is ok or wrong. I will say it agin bestiality is wrong. One of the reasons pets will bark at night, run to places they shouldn't, or pee in the house is because they don't understand as much as we do. A pet that has fully developed is about as smart as a little kid if that. I understand if you want to pet your animals or pat your kids on the back but you would never do anything sexual with your kids, why would you do it with your pets? Also pets lack the ablity to judge you for race, religion, disabilities, so you want to take advantage of that? There is a reason bestiality is illegal. This is not a insult in any way and I hope you don't see this as insulting but if you are thinking about performing sexual acts with animails you need to see a therapist for help. They will not put you down. They will probley find out why you are attracted to animails and offer alternative actions. I am not a therapist and my comments are opinions. This is why you need to see a person who does know alot about the subject for help.

Aivey 03-10-2011 02:52 AM

I disagree with funnytimes,
Bestiality isn't wrong, because there is no law in nature saying that it's not right. If it occurs in natural wildlife, then why would humans engaging in an act that takes place naturally be wrong? There's no reason why it would be wrong appart from "Because we're humans and we should know better than 'take advantage' of animals that dont know as well". That statement itself is extremely close minded, as there's no proof that we humans know better than anyone else. Humans only believe that what they say is true simply because they're too arrogant to realise that they may be wrong.
It is true that animals are like children, but they're not. Engaging in sexual acts with a child is wrong, simply because the child would be hurt, wouldn't have a choice, and isn't even sexually interested. Bestiality done right shouldn't hurt the animal, and the animals themselves are horny. If it were in the case of a dog, and he enjoyed being sucked off and enjoyed fucking someone, then I don't see a problem with it. at all.

"Also pets lack the ablity to judge you for race, religion, disabilities, so you want to take advantage of that?"
I find this amusing.
So apparantly, when you choose to have sex with someone, you'd judge them for their race, religion and disabilities, and they'd be deciding factors for that? Animals don't judge each other either, in wildlife, animals have sex when they need to, and they don't judge each other on race, religion and disabilities, and thus, there's no reason why animals would judge humans either.
On the topic of the legality of bestiality, the main reason there are laws regarding it is because too many humans (not animals) have been hurt by engaging in the act (First thing in my head is the case in Washington, where the law was only passed after a person was killed by being sodomized by a horse). This should not happen if done correctly. However, there are only 31 states in the US where bestiality is illegal, and most larger countries have more laws regarding the pornographic images regarding bestiality than bestiality itself. The reason why is because there has never been any true moral issues regarding bestiality, proving that it's 'wrong'. The only existing reasons have been based on social norms and popular culture.

Aaaand to answer this thread's question:

I'm not the type to actually try beastiality out, but I do see the appeal of doing something involving it. Althout illegal in some areas, i don't see why it should be illegal, seeing that all parties are consensually involved, and our term "beastiallity" occurs in wild life too. I think my main dislike about it is how it's "icky" since it involves an animal, but then again "icky" acts often get people off, as the subbiness of the act really shows something. I guess scat play, messy dares, beastiallity and humiliation all fall in the degradation category, and so yes, I see the appeal of it. So i guess for me, i wouldn't put it as a "like" per se, but it probably wouldn't be a limit either.

(my post from the other thread)

sweetsong 03-10-2011 12:03 PM

I only fuck leopards. Male leopards. ;)

Star Shadows 03-11-2011 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by sweetsong (Post 415754)
I only fuck leopards. Male leopards. ;)

Named Leopard, that view vaginas, cos they wont complain :p

Dkaren 03-11-2011 06:14 PM

I am really fucked up... but even I think bestiality is wrong. Just no.

Tab 03-12-2011 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by funnytimes
I understand if you want to pet your animals or pat your kids on the back but you would never do anything sexual with your kids, why would you do it with your pets?


Originally Posted by Aivey (Post 415503)
Engaging in sexual acts with a child is wrong, simply because the child would be hurt, wouldn't have a choice, and isn't even sexually interested.

A comment on this comparison: I'm fairly sure that in most cases of pedophilia, the child isn't actually purposefully hurt, and they're given a consensual (if manipulative) approach, and are interested, either sexually or out of curiosity. These people are mostly "sweet" perverts, not harsh molesters, and therefore they feel justified in doing what they do. (Because everyone (and the media) talks about child rapists, when those are in fact the minority.)

The main reason it is wrong, I think, is that they are prevented from developing in a healthy way psychologically, especially if it is a family member or someone else they depend on. The arguments about the child getting abused being the main reason doesn't hold up, because sexual abuse (or any abuse) is a separate crime, and the only reason why one would not separate consensual sex from abusive sex in children when it is distinguished between in adults is the argument that any sex is a form of abuse, which leads in to the point above of healthy psychological development.

Carrying this over to bestiality, to reply to funnytimes above, this reason doesn't really work when you replace 'kids' with 'pets'. For one thing, if an animal's psyche is not ready for sex because it's comparable to a kid's psyche (which is not ready for sex), then how could it mate at all? Adulthood and sexual maturity happens in animals as well as humans.

From what I've seen, the main argument against bestiality (except religious or unfounded conviction) is along the lines of what funnytimes mentioned, that the pet is the submissive part in a relationship it can't get out of and that being approached sexually by its owner will be abuse. It's also often claimed that animals can't give consent or deny. Bestiality proponents on the other hand may say that they can indeed tell if their pet consents, and that it will give signs of discomfort if it's not happy. Many are even convinced that they're making their pet happier by allowing it to have a sexual life, and speak very harshly of those who neuter their pets or otherwise take away something from them sexually, saying that they're abusers. I daresay that in most cases of bestiality, the animal is a male (such as a male dog), and that the animal is actually horny. People get off on the degrading idea that they're being shagged by a dog. All in all, it is difficult to argue against the ones who take all the precautions, have a happy and consenting pet, etc. etc. The law being as broad as it is (in most countries) and banning all animal/human sexuality is arguably more of a safeguard than an ideal. (An animal can't report or sue, it can't testify in court etc., so making much of a distinction is often impossible.)

On sensitive / debated and well known topics like this, Wikipedia is excellent because it is under heavy peer review. It also has links to more information. Bestiality on Wikipedia - 'perspectives' section

wowo2 03-12-2011 06:03 AM

I am neutral on the subject, because let's face it the animal might want it too :P I think some people find it wrong just because it's "dirty" or something ... Anyway , i'm completly neutral on it :)

keykitty 03-21-2011 05:00 PM

I think the problem is with beastiality we are all looking for something to compare it to which isn't really possible which makes it harder to look at on the "right/wrong" spectrum. Comparing an animal to a child just doesn't work as there are many other issues at play and differences between the two. This is why even governments are so varied on the idea of whether it should be illegal or not.

Blank 03-23-2011 06:11 AM

I think its wrong, and the though of it actually makes me quezzy ( I have no clue how I spell that sorry)

speaking of this subject, thiers this girl i use to chat to all the time on tinychat and she was cool till she started becoming bitchy, well I heard a story that she did something on video involving peanut butter and her dog and one of my friends has the video to it, I dunno weather I really want to ask her if its true or not. what would you guys do? if its okay to ask in this thread since its the same subject anyway.

theone 03-23-2011 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by Blank (Post 423858)
I think its wrong, and the though of it actually makes me quezzy ( I have no clue how I spell that sorry)

speaking of this subject, thiers this girl i use to chat to all the time on tinychat and she was cool till she started becoming bitchy, well I heard a story that she did something on video involving peanut butter and her dog and one of my friends has the video to it, I dunno weather I really want to ask her if its true or not. what would you guys do? if its okay to ask in this thread since its the same subject anyway.

Like you I don’t like bestiality one bit.

As for your question; while I in no way condone bestiality there is a difference in hard core bestiality to what your friend claims this girl was doing.

Unfortunately some young people are doing some crazy things on webcam, things they might bitterly regret later and things that could potentially ruin their lives. Your friend already claims to have a copy of the video. If you really respect the girl and think she was cool before, then ask your friend to destroy the video. He most likely won’t, but so what, the girl has already heaped potential damage on herself and you can’t do anything about that. If your friend has the video then many other people may have it too. She is unlikely to listen to your advice and asking her if it’s true may not be the most tactful way to approach the problem. Especially if she is being bitchy towards you now. Bear in mind if it is true, the girl may already be regretting her actions. Once something like this is done publicly on the internet, you lose an enormous amount of control over your life. Effectively you place that control into the hands of people who have little to lose by ruining someone else’s life.

eroticdonkeypoo 07-15-2011 07:14 AM

I would never do it but i think it is weird that it is totally ok for big companies to slaughter 58 billion animals each year, but doing something that might be raping animals is strictly illegal and taboo. :confused:

bodacious 07-15-2011 07:33 AM

Taboo. THAT'S the word I was looking for. The problem with most sexual acts that aren't vanilla is that they're perceived as taboo. Sodomy, pedophilia, zoophilia and necrophilia (I don't know why that popped in my head (not a fetish of mine) are all taboo for most "normal" Americans.

But with that said, who am I to judge someone who likes having sex with animals? If you can prove that the animal's psyche isn't being hurt, then more power to you. He's probably out telling his puppy pals about how he shagged his owner. As with every other fetish, someone will have a problem with it. But as long as it's illegal, there's nothing you can do about it. At least, that's my opinion. (then again, I think sodomy is illegal in my state and I willingly participate in that one).

MasterPain 07-15-2011 08:12 AM

incest in the animal kingdom is practiced quite often, to get a pure breed animal us humans force brother and sister animals to mate so the __________ breed line is more prominate...

is this wrong? not really because in nature a mating partner is a mating partner, animals dont think "eeeeeewwwwie im having sex with my sister"

now is beastiality wrong? nah, there is just a massave stigma making it a taboo for us humans to do it, but the same is said about anal sex, homosexuality, and the rest.

us humans make silly laws about everything exampled here

and it is quoted in the bible

Passage Exodus 22:19:

19 Whosoever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death.

put to death by GOD

but is is wrong... no just taboo.. and i think that anything sexual is minor compared to being killed off for a simple sexual experementation..

other things God commands people put to death for:
man smiteth a man.. man smitheth his father or mother..
a man that curses his mother of father..
letting your animal out of the pen and it kills someone, the owner is killed..
working on the sabbath day...
..... but that is not alll


so let me get this straight... a man sleeps with a animal, or working on a sunday.. he is to die... then that man who kills him is to die... and so on and so forth.... hummmmm nice...

but that is offtopic....

long story short... mankind made stupid laws since the dawn of time... and i dont judge what others have done sexualy.

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