getDare Truth or Dare

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cseagles 01-04-2011 03:16 PM

Me and Brendon
Hey guys, this is going to be my first story. I'm somewhat new to the site. I have been lurking and reading others' stories and I think I've got the hang of it. So I will post a couple of parts and let me know what you think. Here goes nothing.

First, here are the characters.
I am setting this story about 2 years ago, seeing as how I wouldn't do this at 17.

Me (Prefer not to use name)
Age: 15
Height: 5'6.5"
Weight: 160 pounds, muscular build
Hair: Dirty Blond, buzz cut
Eyes: Green/Blue

Age: 14
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120 pounds, skinny build
Hair: Blond, shaggy
Eyes: Blue

The names and appearances are true. The events in this story never took place, but this just a fantasy I've had for a while.

Background: Me and Brendon have known each other since we were 12, and became very good friends, best friends actually. We would have sleepovers all the time, but nothing really ever happened. I had hit puberty in the summer between 7th and 8th grade. Brendon was still childish, with little hair on his face, armpits and legs. I never really knew how much pubic hair he had because we had never seen each other naked. He was very conservative about his body, but I was the opposite. We would play sports outside, particularly basketball. I would go shirtless most of the time and he would occasionally. He was never really attractive in any way to me. Let's face it, he was my best friend. I am totally straight and have been with a few girls and loved it. Brendon is the only guy I would ever do stuff with. On to the story.


It was about 5:00 in the afternoon and I was bored. I decided to call my best friend Brendon to see what he was up to tonight. He lives right down the street from me, so it's about a 2 minute walk to his house. I pick up my cell phone and give him a call. After 3 rings, he picks up.

Brendon: "Hello?"
Me: "Hey dude, what's up?"
Brendon: "Oh, nothing much. Just hangin' around the house. You?"
Me: "Same. I'm bored as shit. You wanna hang out tonight?"
Brendon: "Sure, let me ask my mom if you can come over."

About 20 seconds later, he came back to the phone.

Brendon: "You can come over. Bring your suit, we're going swimming."
Me: "Sounds good, see you in a few."
Brendon: "Bye."

cseagles 01-04-2011 03:30 PM

Ok guys, here comes part 2.

I went to get my swimsuit and towel from my room in my basement. I put my suit and towel in my Nike drawstring bag. I slung the bag over my shoulders and headed out the door. My mom saw me walking out the door and asked, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going over to Brendon's house to swim for a while," I said.
"Okay, be back before 8, we're having dinner then," my mom replied.

As I began the walk to Brendon's, I began to think about what might happen today. It was the middle of summer and we had the whole evening to ourselves, with the exception of his parents and his siblings. After about a 2 minute walk to his house, I arrived at his front door. I rang the doorbell. Brendon came up to the door in his swimsuit and nothing else. I got slightly aroused by this, but nothing much else.

"Come on in," he said.

He told me I could change in the hallway bathroom, and I did. I stepped out of the bathroom and went into the kitchen where he and his mom were. His mom was making some lemonade for us for later.

"Do you want to get in now? The water's pretty warm."
"Yeah, sounds good," I said.


sizzle 01-04-2011 03:51 PM

sounds good so far

cseagles 01-04-2011 03:56 PM

I'll be posting parts three and four later tonight. Stay tuned!

cseagles 01-04-2011 08:58 PM

Here's part 3.

It was a scorcher that day, about 95 degrees. We got in as fast as possible, neglecting to put on sunscreen. It didn’t really matter to us at the time because we were teenagers and thought we were invincible. Anyway, we ran up the latter (he has an above-ground pool) and jumped right in. The water was shockingly cold and I immediately began to shiver. Brendon wasn’t cold, however. After about 20 minutes of playing “tips” and racing back and forth from end to end, we decided to get out. It was 5:45, we had plenty of time to get some more fun into the day.
“Hey, do you want to shoot some hoops?” Brendon asked.
“Yeah, sounds good to me.”

We stayed in our swimsuits, which were still a little bit damp, but we didn’t mind. His basketball hoop is in his driveway because he lives on a pretty busy street and his parents are kind of strict. We picked out which basketballs we were going to use and got to it. We lowered the rim so we could dunk. We went back and forth, seeing who had the best moves. I usually did because I was taller than he was. After about 30 minutes of playing around, Brendon spoke up.

“Do you wanna maybe play a game of 1 on 1?”
“Sure, but I don’t wanna hurt you too bad,” I said jokingly.
“You’re on. We’ll go up to 21. Threes are worth 2, and everything else is worth 1.”

He drew an imaginary three point line with his foot and placed a stick where it should be so we wouldn’t forget.

I beat him the first time, 21 to 11.

“Best out of three,” he declared.
“Let’s do it big boy,” I mocked.

I won again, but only by 1.

“Good game,” he said.
“You too,” I replied.

It was 7:45, and I had to get home. I told him I have to go, and he invited me back to sleep over after I was done eating dinner. I readily agreed and told him I’d be back in an hour.


cseagles 01-04-2011 08:59 PM

And part 4

As I walked into my house, I noticed that my mom already had dinner ready. Steak and mashed potatoes: my favorite. I wolfed down my dinner and asked, “Hey mom, is it okay if I go back to Brendon’s house to sleep over tonight?”

“Sure, I don’t have a problem with it.”
“Thanks mom.”
I packed everything I needed for the night, including my iPod touch. I loved my iPod. It was my most prized possession. Not because I was an audiophile, but because of the internet option it had. I watched some type of porn every night that I had it. Me and Brendon had watched some together before, but we always went our “separate ways” after watching. It was 8:45, and I made my way back to Brendon’s house. I was thinking that everything would be the same as our other sleepovers, but this one would turn out to be different.

His younger sister, Madeline, answered the door. She always liked me (not like that) and hugged me as I came in.

“How’s it goin’?” she asked.
“It’s goin’ great. How ‘bout yourself?”
“Great. Brendon’s upstairs in his room. You can go up if you want.”
“Thanks,” I said.

I would only see Madeline every couple of weeks because of her softball tournaments and games, but every time I saw her, she got more and more attractive for a 7th grader. I had noticed that she was beginning to show some signs of maturity. Her breasts were finally coming in, and she had ditched her training bra about 3 weeks before. She had just recently gotten her braces off, making her more attractive. She had long blond hair that went down to the middle of her back and blue eyes. She was - well I’ll just come out and say it: she was hot. As I walked upstairs, she walked towards the kitchen. I noticed her butt was starting to come around nicely. I smiled as I walked upstairs and made my way to Brendon’s room.


kinky 01-05-2011 04:31 PM

Nice story :)
is it MxM or is this sister going to be in it?

cseagles 01-05-2011 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by kinky (Post 381749)
Nice story :)
is it MxM or is this sister going to be in it?

I have the rest of the story written already and it is MxM, but I was also thinking about throwing the sister in, but that might be another 3-4 parts. I'll consider it though, but for now, it's MxM.

cseagles 01-05-2011 06:35 PM


I walked into Brendon’s room. It has been the same for a long time. There was Notre Dame everywhere, and I mean everywhere. The walls were painted green, gold navy blue. His dresser drawers were painted in the same fashion. There were Notre Dame memorabilia items everywhere you turned.

When I walked in, Brendon was playing PS2. He had an XBOX 360, but his older brother Logan was always using it in his room, so we never got to play.

“Hey!” he exclaimed. “I thought you weren’t gonna make it.”
“Nah, it’s cool, I’m here. Whatch’ya playin’?” I asked.
“I’m playing the old Medal of Honor games. Kind of a blast from the past, you wanna play some 2 player?” he asked.
“I’m game. What map?”

We quickly sorted out what the rules were, the game mode, and what team we were going to be on. We played about 15 games of 1 on 1, when there was a knock on his bedroom door. It was his dad. His dad was a great guy, and he was our football coach. He was actually my favorite coach, and like a second dad to me. He treated me like his son, which was great because we were all like family.

“I want you guys in bed by 11:30, Okay?”
“Alright dad,” Brendon replied.
“Hey coach!” I said.
“Hey buddy how the hell are ya?”
“I’m doing great. How about you?”
“Can’t complain. Nice talkin’ to ya,” he said.
“You too coach.”

By now, it was 11:15, and me and Brendon decided to keep playing PS2 until we had to go to bed. By the time 11:30 rolled around, we were still wide awake and had no intentions of going to bed for a while. His dad came in the room and told us goodnight. We went into his bathroom right down the hall and got ready for bed. We brushed our teeth and went back to his bedroom. When we got back to his room, I took off my shirt and stayed in my basketball shorts. He got the hint and started to get his sleeping clothes ready. There was an awkward silence.

“Do you want me to leave for a minute?” I asked.
“Yeah, that’d be appreciated,” He said.
“Okay, I got ya.”

I walked out of his room and waited by the stairs. About 3 minutes later, I heard his door open and I used that as my signal that it was okay to go back in. When I was back in his room, he was wearing a ratty old Comcast shirt and a pair of old basketball shorts.

“I sure as hell don’t wanna go to bed,” Brendon said.
“Me neither, what do you wanna do?” I replied.
“I don’t really know. Have any ideas?”
“As a matter of fact, I do,” I said.


Demon Thief 01-06-2011 10:30 AM

Ooh, this sounds interesting.

Great story so far, dude.

immaeatu 01-06-2011 03:13 PM

i reeeeeally like this story so far :)
post the other parts soon!!!

kinky 01-06-2011 03:54 PM

Good good, looks like it is turning out great, welldone

cseagles 01-17-2011 03:10 PM

Hey guys, it's been 11 days since my last post. Sorry about that, I've been really busy with school for the past couple of weeks. Well here are the other parts.


As I pulled out my iPod from my bag, I could feel Brendon’s eyes on me, waiting to see what I was going to bring out.

He asked, “What’s that?”
I replied, “It’s my iPod touch. It has the internet on it, so you know what that means.”
“No, I don’t,” he said.
“Are you serious?” I retorted.
“Yeah, I’m being completely serious. What are we gonna do with your iPod?”
“Let me lay this out for you,” I began. “We’re teenage boys, we’re at a sleepover, it’s midnight, and we have nothing to do. So, what do you think we’re gonna do with an iPod that has internet on it?
“Ohhhh…” he said.
“Yup. Now, do you have a favorite site?” I asked.
“No, I’ve only watched porn once before and I don’t remember what site it was on,” he said.

I was a little taken back. How sheltered was he? That didn’t stop me though. As I tapped the Safari icon on my home screen, I noticed a problem: no wi-fi. “SHIT!!” I thought to myself.
Brendon could tell something wasn’t right. He began, “What is it?”

“No wi-fi,” I said disappointingly.
“Dammit, I thought we were gonna have some fun tonight.”
“Me too. Hold on, lemme check if there’s any networks around your house.”

I checked frantically for neighboring wi-fi networks that I could use. No luck.

“Sorry bud,” I said. “Looks like we’re gonna have to wait till you sleep over at my house for a little fun.”

There was a silence. I began to think for a moment, “What the hell could we do?” Then it dawned on me.

“How about we play a game?”
“What game?” he asked.


cseagles 01-17-2011 03:15 PM


“Let’s play Truth or Dare. I haven’t played since I was 9. Who do you want to go first?”
“I guess I’ll go,” he said.
“Okay, but there are some rules. Everything stays inside the house, and better yet, inside the room. Nothing painful.”
“Alright then,” I said. “Truth,” I paused. “Or dare?”

Brendon looked cool and calm. He responded, “Truth,” like he had done it a million times.
“Okay, lemme think,” I said. “Oh! Okay, I got one. How far have you gone with a girl?”

This was a classic, I know (sarcasm).

He responded, “I’ve only kissed a girl before, nothing more.”

He looked a little ashamed of himself. I could see why. I had always come up to him with these stories the day after parties I would go to, telling him about how I fingered one of the hottest girls in our grade. He had always been a little jealous, I could tell. Now it was Brendon’s turn to ask me the million dollar question, “Truth or Dare?”

“Truth, of course,” I answered.
“Okay,” he said. “Same question that you asked me.”
“Oh come on, you know how far I’ve gone with a girl,” I said.
“I don’t care,” he responded. “Tell me. In detail. Who it was, and what you did.”
“Fine,” I said reluctantly. “It was with this girl named Shelby. We were at a track meet and it was really cold and we decided to cuddle up underneath the tent in a couple of blankets. We got closer to each other and started to make out. Then I felt up her tits underneath her bra and I eventually ended up fingering her.”
“Wow,” he said. I could tell he was interested by the tent forming in his shorts.
“I see that you enjoyed the story,” I said jokingly.

He looked embarrassed and quickly tried to cover up his erection. From what I could tell, it wasn’t that small, nor was it that big. I was sure that he wasn’t bigger than I was. I felt a little tingle on the end of my dick, but quickly found the power to keep it down.

We went through 4 more rounds of truths. When it came my turn to ask him “truth or dare,” I knew what I was going to ask. It was originally out of curiosity, but then it became something more.

“Have you ever done anything with another guy?” I asked. “You have to answer truthfully. What happens in this room, stays in this room.”
“Well,” he started. “Yes, I have actually. I masturbated with one of my other friends that you don’t know.”
“Did you enjoy it?” I asked.
“Yeah, kinda. I would do it again.”
“Okay, I feel ya,” I said.
“Truth or dare?” he asked.
“Truth,” I responded.
“Same question you asked me.”
“No, I haven’t but have definitely thought about it. I’m willing to do just about anything.”

He looked a little shocked, but then realized the direction this sleepover was going. After I told him, there was a bit of a pause. You could’ve cut the tension with a knife. Then, the knife was eventually brought out.

“How ‘bout we make this interesting and just take dares for the rest of the game?” he asked.
“I’m down with that,” I replied.

And the fun began.


cseagles 01-17-2011 03:18 PM


“Okay, you go first since you asked me the last question. I dare you do strip down to your boxers.”
“NO WAY!!” he said. “I’m not gay.”
“Well, neither am I,” I said.
“Okay, fine.”

He got up and began to take off his shirt. He pulled it off and revealed his bare chest and midsection. He wasn’t muscular by any means, but he was fairly skinny, which I could deal with.
After he was done with his shirt, he paused a minute before sticking his thumbs into the side of the waistband of his shorts, and pulled them down in one swoop. He had on hunter green boxer briefs and I noticed a semi beginning to form and a wet spot on his crotch, indicating that he was ready for some action. This made me instantly horny and was almost standing at full attention.

“Okay, now I dare you to stay like that for the rest of the game.”
“What the fuck dude? You can’t do two dare in a row!! That’s unfair.”
“Fine, I’ll cut you a deal. You can give me two dares in a row now.”
“Alright, I guess that’s okay,” Brendon said. He continued, “Now I dare you to strip down to your boxers and to stay that way the rest of the game.”
“How original,” I said.

I began to get nervous since I was fully erect by now, and he was sure to make a comment about my tent. But, the show rolled on. Since I wasn’t wearing a shirt, I took off my socks first. That was the easy part. As I stood up, I could tell that Brendon was looking at my bulge. I sighed and took off my shorts, with my boner in full view behind my boxers. I was caught off guard about what happened next.


cseagles 01-17-2011 03:19 PM


Brendon took one look at my bulge and said, “Going camping any time soon?”

I was completely thrown. I thought he was going to get disgusted and tell me to get dressed again, but he didn’t.

Now it was my turn to dare him, and I knew what I wanted him to do.

“So you know how you said that you masturbated with another guy before?” I asked.
“Yeah, why?” he stammered.
“Did you enjoy it? I mean, would you ever do it again?” I asked.
“Yeah, I might.”
“Well would you want to with me?”
“Sure, I guess.”

He looked a little taken back, but very reluctantly agreed. He looked around the room as if there was somebody watching, but it was useless. He took a deep breath and laid down on his back. He lifted his butt up and began to pull off his briefs. I tried to look around his legs, but I had to wait to see something. When he raised his legs to get his briefs all the way off, I could see his tight asshole and his ball sack. I was surprised to see no hair on his taint and on his sack. I now had a full sized hard on, bigger than I had ever before. Then he scooted closer to me, to the point where his leg was about 6 inches away from mine. I could see his 5 inch dick come to attention as he began to stroke. He had very little pubic hair, only a little bit on the base and the sides of his shaft. He began to stroke very slowly, and I was begging him in my mind to just hurry up and cum. As his pace began to speed up, so did his breathing, and eventually let out a soft groan. “Ohhh yeahhh…” he said. As he began to pick up speed, he slipped his hand under his balls to prevent them from slapping against his tight asshole and making too much noise. This went on for about 3 minutes until he started to moan louder and louder. Then after a medium groan, he let out a fairly large amount of cum that sprayed all over his stomach and his shaft. I gave him a minute or so to recover and got him the box of tissues that were on his dresser. He wiped up and put his briefs back on.


sizzle 01-17-2011 03:43 PM

wow, great chapter

nuditydudity 01-17-2011 04:32 PM

Awesome updates! Keep up the great story!!!

cseagles 01-17-2011 07:08 PM


By the time he was done cleaning up, he had turned his attention to the tent in my boxers.

“Well, looks like you enjoyed the show,” he said.
“Yes, yes I did.”
“Okay, now it’s my turn to dare you. Since you saw me in my birthday suit, it’s time for you to get naked. I dare you,” he said.
“Okay, fair enough,” I said.

I leaned back so that I was laying down on my back and lifted my hips up to pull off my boxers. As I got past my waist, I could feel the pressure against my boner. As soon as I got past that point, my 6 inch boner flopped out violently and hit my stomach with a thud. I felt extremely awkward, but it felt kind of good to be completely “free.”

“Stand up,” Brendon commanded.

I got up and stood there with my cock throbbing and standing at attention. Brendon circled me and inspected my cock with a watchful eye.

“Okay, you can get dressed again.”

Just as soon as I went to sit down, I could see the tent in his briefs come back. This made my cock throb even more, begging to be jacked off. That’s when it hit me.

“I dare you to give me a handjob,” I said.
“No way dude, now you’re just taking it a little too far.”
“Well, you could give me a handjob or you could be punished for noncompliance,” I said in response.
“Fine. Take off your boxers.”

I complied and let my boner fly free. I laid down on his floor and let him come to me. I had my hands behind my head, anticipating his touch. That’s when the feeling of his hand on my cock hit me like a ton of bricks. It made me gasp a bit, but it was controlled. He slowly began to stroke me. Up and down, up and down, up and down. I let out a moan.

“Shhhh!!” he said. “We can’t be too loud.” His parents’ bedroom was right next to his.

He progressively went faster and faster to the point where I was about to cum. I tried for another 20 seconds to hold it in. I couldn’t. I finally let it go and warm, salty cum shot all over my chest and his hand. I felt like I had just gone into zero-gravity and came back down. I was seeing stars. A handjob feels SO much better when it’s not you who’s doing the work. We wiped up and went back to the game.

“Why don’t we just stay naked?” I insisted.

After a good 2 minutes of thinking, Brendon agreed, and we both stripped naked. There we were, two teenage boys with our throbbing cocks wide out in the open, waiting to be played with. We sat back down, Indian style so that our packages were in full view for the other to see.


nuditydudity 01-17-2011 08:59 PM

Great update. So looking forward to more! Nice grammar/punctuation, and interesting story!

cseagles 01-17-2011 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by nuditydudity (Post 389604)
Great update. So looking forward to more! Nice grammar/punctuation, and interesting story!

Thanks man. It only took me about 2 hours to write the whole story. I haven't been doing much with it lately, just been busy in real life. I have about 3 more parts to put up. I think I'll put up the rest tonight. Hope you enjoy!

Be sure to check out my other story, which is coming along as well.

The Best Camping Trip Ever -

cseagles 01-17-2011 09:23 PM

Here's Part XI.


It was Brendon’s turn to dare me to do something. He went into his drawer and pulled out a bottle of lotion.

“I dare you to give me a massage all over,” he said.

I agreed and took some lotion into my hands.

“Do you want front or back first?” I asked.
“I’d like a full frontal first,” he said.
“Okay, suit yourself.”

He climbed into his bead and laid down on his back. His cock looked like it was ready to burst, but I decided I was going to tease him before I did any real work. I started by rubbing the lotion into his chest and arms. I must have done some good work on his nipples because they could’ve cut through glass at the angle they were standing. I moved down to his stomach and paid good attention to that. I was soft, but gripped his stomach and his sides at the same time. By the time I had finished with his midsection, I had run out of lotion. I took the bottle and put some on his legs first. I started at his feet and worked my way up to his calves. Then I worked my way up to his thighs. His thighs were great for being such a skinny kid. They were nice and smooth, not a lot of hair. His legs were tightly sealed so I spread them apart so I could gain access to his sack and inner thighs. I began with his inner thighs. I rubbed those for a good 3 minutes before I began to move on to his taint and sack. I rubbed his smooth taint for what seemed a lifetime, and I could tell he was enjoying it by the precum on his dick. I managed to slip a finger near his hole, but I teased him in the process. I then went for his balls. They weren’t huge, and they weren’t small. Just average sized. I rubbed, and rubbed, and rubbed. I loved the feeling of his wrinkly sack in between my fingers. Then I moved on to his cock. I began gently stroking it and loved the warmth that it brought to my hands. I began to jack him off and picked up the pace when he started to give out soft, long moans. I picked up speed until he was about to cum, but for some reason, I didn’t let him. I wanted him to have the longest amount of pleasure he could. I stopped and started 7 times before he finally cummed all over. I cleaned him up and he turned over onto his stomach.

I started with his upper back. By the time I reached his lower back, I had ran out of lotion once again. I did the same thing with the lotion I did on his front side. I poured the lotion the length of his legs. Once again, I started at his feet and worked my way up to his ass. I massaged his tight ass, working my thumbs into the crease between his ass cheeks and his thighs. I moved onto the top of his ass. I spread his legs again. His tight asshole was in perfect view. I massaged around it and on the inside of his ass cheeks. I paused for a moment, and told him I was done. He got up and wiped off the lotion that hadn’t already dried. We sat back down and began talking once more.


cseagles 01-17-2011 09:28 PM


I asked him how the massage was.

He replied, “It was fucking amazing. I loved it when you massaged my ass and my taint.”
“Sounds like I did a pretty good job.” There was a pause. I finally broke the silence, “Hey, can I ask you something?”
“Yeah, sure. What is it?”
“I know you masturbate and all, but have you ever, you know, done it another way?”
“How do you mean?” he asked.
“Like, you know. Played with something that wasn’t your dick?”
“You mean, my butt?”
“Yeah,” I said. “You don’t have to tell me, I was just wondering.”

Brendon thought about it for a minute. He said, “No, I haven’t. Have you?”

“Yeah, it’s great. It feels weird at first, but it gives you the hardest boners ever. You should try it some time.”
“Well, I guess I could. Would you mind showing me how?” he asked.

I had to pause for a moment because I didn’t think that he was going to go for it.

“Sure, I guess. Hand me that bottle of lotion.” I said.

He handed me the bottle of lotion and I got ready to show him how.

“Do you want me to show you by doing it myself or do you want me to do it to you? Or vice versa?” I asked.
“How about you tell me what to do, and I’ll do it to you. Sound good?”
“Yeah, sounds great.”
I laid on my back and spread my legs as far as they would go. I gave him specific instructions as to what to do.

“First, you want to feel the hole to see how tight it is. Mine’s pretty tight, but go ahead anyway.”

He moved his hand closer to crotch. First he put his hands on my balls for a couple seconds and gently slid his finger down my taint, sending chills up my spine and relaxing my asshole a bit. Then I felt his finger near my hole, and then I felt his finger poking at it.

“Doesn’t feel that tight to me,” he said.
“It’s okay. Okay, now put some lotion on your middle finger. Once you do that, you can start to put it in.”

He followed the directions perfectly and began to stick his finger in my tight ass. It felt so good.

“It’s tightening up around my finger,” he complained.
“Relax, just move your finger in and out, and up and down a bit.”

He did just that and my hole quickly became stretched to where he could put 2 fingers in. He slid his second finger in and began to move it back and forth more vigorously. At this point, my cock could’ve knocked someone out it was so hard. Just when I was about to tell him to go for the third, he slid his mouth over my dick and began sucking. He started by swirling his tongue around my head. Then he licked my shaft from the bottom to my head, causing me to shiver with ecstasy. Then I felt something warm and wet on my balls. It was him shoving my whole sack into his mouth and sucking away furiously. He moved back to my cock and began pumping with his free hand and sucking it at the same time. I couldn’t hold back any longer. I shot my load into the back of his throat, and he gagged for a second and spit into a nearby garbage can. He slowly pulled his fingers out of my ass and I put my legs down. My breathing was like I just ran a marathon. I sat up and said, “My turn.”


cseagles 01-17-2011 09:28 PM


Instead of laying on his back, he laid on the floor and turned over onto his stomach. I began my running my finger along his ass crack, teasing him as I went towards his tight hole. I ran my finger up and down is crack at least 5 times, just to drive him crazy. I put the lotion on the end of my middle finger and made my way in. He was SO tight. As soon as I got my finger tip in, his ass clenched around my finger, and I began to go to work. I moved my finger in and out as best as I could, but it was too tight. I put more lotion on my finger and I slid right in. I began to go faster and faster with one, then got it loose enough to try 2. I got both in no problem. As I kept going with 2, I asked him, “Do you want me to keep going?”

He moaned, “Yes… yes… keep… going.”

I pulled my fingers out and grabbed more lotion and put it on 3 of my fingers. I drove them straight into his ass and he cried out in pain, but it was muffled by the pillow on the ground. I started pumping and pumping away. Then I heard him say, “Go for 4.”

I was a bit shocked that he wanted to go that far, but I complied and put all 4 fingers in his ass. At this point, I was sliding in and out like his ass was a sheet of ice. I asked him if he had enough and he said yes. I pulled my fingers out and put my boxers back on. We both got dressed and went to wash our hands (safety first!). After we got out of the bathroom, we were exhausted and decided to go to sleep.


alienguy10 01-18-2011 03:59 PM

Nice story!
Write a shower scene - that would be great!! ;)

kinky 01-18-2011 04:14 PM

Very nice story, I hope this isn't the end!!

Demon Thief 01-19-2011 10:28 AM

Me neither. Those last chapters were amazing.

cseagles 01-19-2011 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by alienguy10 (Post 390063)
Nice story!
Write a shower scene - that would be great!! ;)

Thank you for the great idea, I will put one in. That will be the next part.

pymani96 01-20-2011 04:36 PM

This story has got to be one of the best stories i've read. Please continue it.
P.s. If you haven't read the story "the best camping trip ever" then do it now!
P.p.s. Ditto "riona at university" by andom4444

cseagles 01-20-2011 04:56 PM

Okay, here's the next part. Be sure to check out my other story.

The Greatest Camping Trip Ever -


We woke up the next morning to the smell of his dad’s breakfast. We went downstairs and saw mountains of bacon and eggs on the table. We wolfed down our breakfast and went back upstairs to change. We both got naked in front of each other of course. While we were both naked, I asked Brendon, “Hey, can we just keep last night between us?”

“Of course dude, I wouldn’t tell a soul about that.”
“Thanks bro.”

We walked back downstairs to see what was planned for the day. Just then, the phone rang. Brendon picked up the phone.

“Hello?” he answered. “Ummm, let me check. MOM!! Yeah, she’s right here.”

His mom took the phone from Brendon and went upstairs so she could have a private conversation with whoever was on the other end of the line.

“Who was it?” I asked.
“It was my uncle Kenny. His mom fell down the stairs.”
“Shit dude, sorry to hear that.”
“Thanks, it’s okay.”

Brendon’s mom was on the phone for about a half hour before she came down the stairs again.

“Okay Brendon, I need to go to your uncle Kenny’s house. I won’t be home till tomorrow and I’m taking your dad with me,” she said. “So that means you’re going to have to look after your sister. I know you wanted to go out this weekend, but this is important and I really need your help. Can you handle this? You can have someone stay and help you too.”
“Okay, I can do it,” said Brendon.
“Thank you so much. I’ll see you in a couple of days.”
“Bye mom,” said Brendon.

This was one of the best situations imaginable: Brendon, his hot sister, and myself. This was going to be one hell of a weekend. The ideas began swirling around in my head of all the stuff that could happen. I quickly snapped out of it and came to my senses.

“Sorry you have to help me take care of my sister,” said Brendon.
“It’s not a problem dude, I kind of want to help,” I said.
“Sweet. So what do you want to do first?”
“I don’t really know. What’s your sister doing today?”
“I’m not sure, let me go ask what she’s doing today.”

Brendon came back a few seconds later and said that she wasn’t doing anything today. This was perfect. We decided to go swimming for a while, and Brendon’s sister Madeline was going to join us. We couldn’t mess around too much because she was a lot smaller than us, but we all had some fun taking turns dunking and splashing her. I noticed that her body was amazing. She had a flat, toned midsection followed by a pair of small B cup breasts and a very shapely ass for a thirteen year old. I was thoroughly impressed to say the least. I would cop a feel every now and then, trying not to seem too oblivious. I decided that it was time to get out and dry off. As we were climbing the latter to get out of the pool, I noticed that Madeline’s bikini bottoms were coming off a bit. Of course I didn’t say anything. I wanted to keep the view as long as possible. When she got out of the pool and onto the deck, she adjusted her bottoms and the view was gone. Be and Brendon dried off and proceeded to hang out in the living room and watch sportscenter for an hour or so. We were in just our swim suits. Madeline had already changed and showered. She came down the stairs looking sexy in her white short shorts and tight orange tube top.

“Brendon,” Madeline said. “I’m going over to Hailey’s house. I’ll be back in a few.”
“Okay, don’t stay too long. We have to eat soon.”
“Will do. Bye guys.”

It was just me and Brendon. We sat there on the couch not saying anything and just watching tv.

“I think I’m gonna take a shower. I’ll be back. You can come take one with me if you want.” Brendon said.
“Yeah, that sounds awesome. Let’s go.”


immaeatu 01-20-2011 06:23 PM

i LOVE the new additions to this story!!!!
ya know, you dont need to add this sisterrrr....... ;D
lool but its your choice :3

alienguy10 01-21-2011 05:52 AM

Awesome chapter Cseagles!! Can't wait for the shower scene !! =D

Slugger 01-21-2011 04:27 PM

I love this story.
Don't involve the story.
Keep it MxM<3

Dicedarefan666 01-22-2011 08:09 AM

Hmm, not to be a doucher, but I prefer your other story. Your writing is just as good here, but the content doesn't really interest me. But still, keep writing, I suspect that a lot of people will enjoy it.

Edit: Oh, and in my opinion, the sister should make an appearance, then I feel like this story would appeal to a wider audience, and more importantly, appeal to me. :P

nicknick0912 01-22-2011 08:15 AM

This is a pretty good story keep it going. So when are you doing the next part. :confused::confused::confused::confused:

cseagles 01-22-2011 11:09 AM

Okay guys, here's the shower scene, by request. Don't worry, the sister will get involved soon enough. Sooner, rather than later.


I was beginning to get a hard on, but I wanted to save it for the shower. I followed Brendon up the stairs and into the bathroom. It wasn’t a huge bathroom, but definitely big enough for two people. The shower was also a pretty nice size too. Brendon turned on the water and let the bathroom get nice and hot first. I could tell that the water was where he wanted it because he began to strip as soon as there was some steam on the mirror. Brendon pulled down his swim suit and revealed his three inch flaccid penis. He didn’t have many pubes, just some on the sides of his shaft and a few on his balls. I was extremely turned on by this and began to come to attention. He bent over to move something on the bathroom floor and I caught a glimpse of his tight, hairless asshole. I began to take off my shorts and revealed my five and a half inch hard dick. Brendon looked at me in a turned on sort of way and pulled back the shower door. I stepped in to the shower and let the hot water pour down my body. Brendon got in after me and closed the door. I saw the water hit his body and he turned around and let it hit is tight, wet ass.

“Wash me,” he said.

I grabbed the bottle of shower gel and put some in my hand. He turned around and I started with his back and shoulders. I began rubbing him down and worked my way down to his ass. I got down on a knee and really worked on his ass cheeks. He then bent over to reveal his asshole to me. It was perfect. I slowly began to move my hand into his crack and slid a finger in. He gasped for air and then his breathing began to get heavier.

“Hold on, pull out for a sec,” he said.

I pulled my finger out of his ass and he laid down on his stomach. I began to go to work on his ass again. I spread his cheeks apart and slid my finger back in. Finally, I was able to get two fingers into his tight asshole, then three. I pulled my fingers out and took my dick in my hand and ran it along his ass crack just to tease him. I then pulled his cheeks apart again and slowly began to fuck his ass. I put the tip in and he moaned in pain, but the moans quickly turned to pleasure. I was about half way in when he yelled, “Fuck me!!!” I then rammed the rest of my hard cock into his tight asshole. He yelped in pain, but it was so hot. I kept going, in and out, in and out. I pulled out when I was about to cum and let go all over the wall of the shower.

“How was that?” I asked.
“Fucking amazing. Your turn now.”

Me and Brendon traded places and I laid down on my stomach and let him go to work. He gave me the same treatment that I gave him. I slid his fingers in and out of my ass until he was able to get three of them. I could feel his rock hard cock running along my ass crack. I felt the tip press against my tight hole and I felt it slide in. It took him about ten seconds to get the whole thing in. It was the greatest feeling I had ever had. I moaned and moaned until the point where I was screaming out in pleasure. I could scream as loud as I wanted because it was just me and him, and nobody else in the house.

“I’m about to cum!!” he yelled.

He pulled out and cummed in the same place I did. We continued to wash each other for another ten minutes, exchanging blowjobs. This was the most fun I’d had in a shower in a long time.


cseagles 01-22-2011 11:43 AM


We got out of the shower and dried each other off. Brendon bent over and I dried his ass, slipping a finger in his crack as I did so. He instantly became hard, and so did I. He did the same to me and we finally decided to get dressed. We went back downstairs and watched tv for a few hours. It was about 7 o’clock before Madeline came home in a pair of short shorts and a bikini top. She looked so hot in this attire and I was horny.

“Hey guys, what’d you do while I was gone?” she asked.
“Oh, you know the usual. Nothing much. You?” Brendon said.
“I went swimming at Haley’s and we had a few more girls over and did some ‘girl stuff’.” She said

Girl stuff. This intrigued me. I wanted to know what went on when girls hung out. Me and Brendon decided to back into his room and play some XBOX. We were up there for an hour before Madeline came into the room.

“Hey guys, I’m bored. Can we do something?”
“Yeah, sure. What’d you have in mind? You wanna play a game or something?” asked Brendon.
“Oh my God yes!! Let’s play truth or dare,” she said.

I was very surprised that she would say something like this, being thirteen and all and hanging out with two guys that were older than she was. But then again, she’s hot, so of course I didn’t pass it up. Brendon, however, was the wild card. I didn’t know what he would say.

“Yeah, that’s cool. I don’t care. Where do you wanna play?” he asked.
“Let’s play in here. I don’t feel like going anywhere else,” she said. “But there have to be a few rules: One – nothing illegal, painful or messy. Okay?”
“That’s fine. I wouldn’t wanna do anything like that either,” I said.
“Okay,” Madeline said. “Who’s first? How about you Brendon,” she said.
“Truth or dare?”
“Okay, how many girls have you kissed?” she asked.
Brendon looked around for a couple of seconds before replying, “One. Just one.”
He looked a little ashamed of this, but I just put it off.

“Interesting,” she said.
“Okay, Madeline. How many guys have you gotten with?” Brendon asked.
“None. I haven’t gotten with anybody.”

This kind of shocked me, but at the same time it didn’t. Brendon and Madeline’s parents were strict and didn’t like much dating, especially for Madeline considering her age.

“Okay, you!!” she said pointing at me. “Truth or dare?”
“Very well then. When was the last time you masturbated and what did you think about?”

This was a bit of an elaborate question, but I didn’t want to risk any type of punishment for not complying.

“It was two nights ago and I thought about this girl in my class. Satisfied?” I said.
“I guess.”
“Okay Brendon. Truth or Dare?” I asked.
“Have you ever been past first base?” I asked. I knew the answer, but I just wanted to keep it as interesting as possible.
“No.” Which was a lie, but I didn’t care.

“Madeline, truth or dare?” Brendon said.
“Dare,” she said confidently.
“Okay, I dare you and Luke to kiss for ten seconds.”
“What?! No!!”
“If not, then you have to take a piece of clothing off,” Brendon replied.
“Fine. Come here,” she said to me.

I leaned in and we kissed for ten seconds. Her lips tasted good. She slipped me her tongue which I wasn’t expecting.

“TIME!!” Brendon called.
“Nice,” said Madeline pointing towards my shorts. I had an obvious boner and there was no sense in hiding it.”

“Okay, Luke!! I dare you to take off your shirt for the rest of the game,” she said.

Not a problem. I took it off and threw it towards the other side of the room.

“Madeline, I dare you to remove one item of clothing, and it can’t me jewelry or socks,” I said.
“Damn you’re good,” she said. She stood up and undid the zipper to her short shorts and slowly pulled them down to her ankles and stepped out of them. She had awesome, hairless legs. This turned me on even more. By doing this, she was in just her bikini, which I had seen her in before, so it wasn’t anything new.

“Brendon,” she said. “I dare you to strip to your boxers for the rest of the game.”
“Aw come on. Isn’t this a little weird with us being siblings and all?”
“No? I’m basically in my underwear so I think you should be too.”

Brendon started with his shirt and threw it on top of mine. He then took off his shorts and was left there in his boxers with a small tent forming.


Dylan xX 01-22-2011 03:03 PM

I've been kind of lurking this story, to see how it comes out.

My rating isn't based on how horny this story makes me, it's based on the plotline itself.

And I gotta say, I love almost everything about it.

Keep up the good work bro,

-Dylsterr (and Connor who won't let me stop rubbing his tummy :P)

obon7 01-22-2011 04:55 PM

love your story, reminds me of my fantasies with my friend bradon too. lol

immaeatu 01-23-2011 09:44 AM

this story is good and i definately loved the shower scene ;)

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