getDare Truth or Dare

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TheAuthorOfMyStory 06-18-2010 11:29 AM

An Extremely Typical Truth or Dare Story
I am simply the author of my story.

And this is my story:

An Extremely Typical Truth or Dare Story

An Extremely Unnecessary Character List:
Alex - A bit to smart for his own good. But somewhat sexy all the same.

Eric - Alex's best friend. He could be considered typically handsome by your average girl.

Rebecca - One of Alex's good friends. Eric has had a crush on her for as long as Alex can remember. Mostly because of the fact she's really hot.

Kimberly - Known to be shy, and conservative in nature. She is only truly comfortable around Rebecca. Alex has had a crush on her for as long as he can remember. Mostly because of the fact she's even hotter than Rebecca.

All characters are somewhere in their mid to late teens. You decide.

Part 1

When Alex woke up that afternoon, he had absolutely no idea where he was.

The couch he was lying on was made of tattered purple leather, filled with reeking stains of spilled drinks and the smell of stale potato chips. The carpet had similar stains and smells, except it was covered with half empty bags of popcorn, soda pop cans, and different assortments of magazines and books, ranging from National Geographic, to If You Gave A Mouse A Cookie. The fan above him was spinning in an almost bored fashion, like it could be doing something more productive right now than just spinning lazily for someone's nonexistent enjoyment. Alex could also hear a battered AC trying to cool the uncomfortably warm house down.

Even after examining the room, Alex still had absolutely no idea where he was.

Alex tried to remember what he had been doing before he had gone to sleep. But that question was quickly answered in his mind when he saw a Xbox controller lying in front of the sofa, wirelessly connected to a Xbox, which was connected to a Television, which was presently both turned off.

Even after making this observation, Alex still had absolutely no idea where he was. And it was starting to piss him off.

Why couldn't he remember a darn thing? For all he knew, this was his own living room, and he didn't know it. Did he even have a living room? He couldn't remember. Was he drunk? Alex looked around for anything that suggested alcohol but the only kind of drink he could see were empty 7up cans lying all over the floor, along with the occasional Sierra Mist and Sprite. Alex decided that there was definitely something very wrong with him.

Then it all came to him at once. He knew why he couldn't remember anything, and why everything seemed so new and foreign to him.

He was in the middle of An Extremely Typical Truth or Dare Story.

Before he had woken up, he had not even existed. That's why he couldn't remember anything happening before he had woken up. Nothing had happened. Nothing had existed before he opened his eyes and realized he had absolutely no idea where he was.

So what was going to happen to him? Well, the obvious, of course. He was going to play a game of truth or dare at one time or another. But that was his only reason of living? To play some stupid game? This was ridiculous! Who the hell wanted to read a story about people playing truth or dare?

But then he arrived at an even more surprising thought. What would happen if no one read this story? Would whoever writing it want to keep writing it? Then he realized that if no one read this stupid, and pointless story, he may as well might not exist, and that might just happen if this story wasn't exciting or arousing in some way.

So something sexy needed to happen really soon. Like, right now.

The phone rang.

Not quite what Alex was expecting, but it was good enough for now. He went over to the small desk beside the Sofa and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" Alex answered uncertainly.

"Hi! It's Rebecca!" said a seemingly overexcited voice on the other end of the line. Alex truthfully had no idea who Rebecca was, but he knew from the character list that she was one of his good friends, and some guy named Eric had a crush on her because she was really hot.

"Um, hi." Alex said dully.

"Hey, guess what?" Rebecca exclaimed, "My parents are gone for the weekend! They said they had some kind of family emergency or something stupid, and had to go out of town, so I'm going to throw a party!"

This whole idea seemed really sketchy. Alex could tell where this was going.

"Are your parents home?" Rebecca asked suddenly. Alex had no idea where his parents were. But just at that moment, Alex saw a refrigerator. And a note on that on that refrigerator said:

"Family emergency. Have to go. Sorry for the rush. Food is in the fridge. See you Tuesday.
Mom and Dad."

"Uh, I guess not." Alex answered slowly.

"Awesome!" Rebecca almost shouted. "Then we can have a sleepover! I've already talked with Eric, you know, your buddy, right? And Kimberly too. Both of their parents are out of town, so they can stay over too! This is going to be so great!"

"Wait, hold on, how am I going to get there?" asked Alex. "My parents took the car..."

"Oh, I can pick you up!" Rebecca responded happily. "I'll be picking Kimberly up too, so that won't be a problem. Oooooooo, this is going to be so much fun!"

"Yeah, it will." Alex said, with about one eighth of the excitement that Rebecca had right now.

"I'll pick you up at 6:00, Ok? Good! Bye!" Rebecca rushed. She hung up before Alex had a chance to respond.

This was going to be one hell of a night.

TheAuthorOfMyStory 06-19-2010 11:51 AM

Part 2

As Alex looked out the car window, he could see the millions of other houses go by, each one having its own unique style. Most of them had pretty standard colors, like brown, white, some blue parts, some red parts. Although each one was slightly different, each one looked about the same. They all had a roof, a door or two, a window here and there, and a standard looking lawn, some more colorful than others. As Alex examined the houses more closely, he thought about how truly uninteresting a bunch of houses where and asked himself why he was even thinking about something so irrelevant to the story anyway.

What Alex was really trying to do, he realized, was to distract himself with the awkward situation he was in right now. He was riding in the back seat of a car that looked like it was older then the dinosaurs themselves. It was one of those cars you might see at a junk yard, and would never expect to work unless aliens from the future came back in time with the technology to make it run again. How the car was running now, Alex had no idea. Inside, the seats were sticky with the occasionally spilled drink, and smelled of moldy french fries, left over peanut jelly sandwiches, and something that Alex could only identify as school lunch mystery meat.

When Alex had seen the car drive up from outside of his window, and stop in front of his house, he half expected a sexual predator to get out of the car, knock on his door, and offer him some candy. But instead walked out this girl who Alex had never seen before, but by some unknown force he recognized her as his best friend. She was also really hot. Alex then recognized those descriptions from the character list and realized that she was Rebecca.

Rebecca really was sexy (Alex figured that most of the characters in this story were going to be pretty attractive, so that whoever was reading this stupid story would be happy knowing that the people in the story weren't butt ugly). She was generally thin, and just over the average height for her age. Her long, black, silky hair moved about gracefully as she got out of the car and walked over to the front door.

Alex decided to open the door before she got there, and head out himself.

"Oh, good, you're all ready!" Rebecca said happily. "Well, no need to wait around then! Let's get going!" Rebecca turned around and headed back to the car.

Alex headed to the car as well, and prepared to get into the two door car. But when he put his hand on the door handle, he saw something through the window that made his heart skip a beat. And that something, he realized, was a someone.

The most beautiful girl that Alex had ever seen was sitting in the passenger seat. By that same unexplained force that helped him identify Rebecca, he recognized her as a girl that he had had a crush on her for as long as he could remember, mostly because of the fact she was even hotter than Rebecca. He figured out with simply logic that this must be Kimberly. She had black silky hair, like Rebecca, except it was shorter. She seemed smaller in size than Rebecca. If Alex had a guess, he would say that Kimberly was a good deal shorter than both Rebecca and himself. She was looking out the window, examining what was probably a telephone pole, when she noticed Alex staring at her through the window.

"Well, get in." Rebecca insisted. Alex opened the door, and saw that he needed to get in the back seat behind Kimberly, and the only way to do that was to ask Kimberly to get out so that he could push her seat back and climb in.

"Um," Alex started, "can you get out so I can get in?"

Kimberly didn't seem to know what to do at first, and seemed not to understand why she needed to get out. But after a few seconds, she realized why, and got out of the car with a strange awkwardness that suggested she didn't really know how to use her legs. Alex then pushed the seat back, and climbed in with a similar awkwardness that suggested he didn't really how to use his arms.

Once Alex and Kimberly were both back in the car, Rebecca drove off with a unhindered excitement that clearly showed that she couldn't wait for the party to start.

Ever since Alex had gotten in the car, Rebecca and Kimberly had been having small talk about life. This was, at the moment, something that Alex wasn't too interested in. He had other things on his mind, like the fact that Kimberly was more beautiful than he could imagine. Never before had he seen anyone else as sexy as her in his life. Then again, the only people he had really seen in his so called "life" were the two people in the car right now.

A small bump made Alex come back to his senses and he realized that the car was climbing up a steep driveway and was parking beside a fairly large house. All three of them got out and went to the front door, where they found some guy standing out there giving them a "WTF" look.

"Man, what took you so long, guys?" he complained "Rebecca, why don't you tell me when you're going to be picking people up, and not at home?"

Rebecca started to get out here keys. "Relax, Eric, we're all here now, so it doesn't matter. Now get out of way so I can get in."

Hey, wait a second, thought Alex. Wasn't Rebecca supposed to be all happy and giddy? Now she's telling someone to get out of the way? Thats a quick character change. Then Alex remembered, in typical truth or dare stories, characters are usually pretty shallow and changed their personality many times throughout the story, usually because whoever writing it was too lazy to keep something consistent with each character.

Hey, wait a second, thought Alex again. I actually know this guy, Eric. He's in the character list. He's my best friend, and could be considered typically handsome by your average girl. Huh, that character list is right. He really could be considered typically handsome by your average girl.

Eric was a buff and rough guy. He was about the same hight has Alex, but seemed taller because of his strong body, and tough ego. In fact, he probably could have broken down the front door if he had really wanted too. He was very fit, and the mysterious identification force that had been telling Alex everything about these people told him that Eric was very into football. He wasn't surprised. Why this guy was his best friend, he had no idea. Maybe he'd find out later.

So now Alex knew all the characters. Or so he thought.

All four of them entered the front door. The party had begun.

zac 12-15-2010 05:58 PM

This looks great and a lot of fun, great start :)

zyxwxyz 12-15-2010 06:55 PM

This is awesome. I love it so far. :D
Edit: Oops, didn;t realize this was so old. No chance of it being continued, then.

TheAuthorOfMyStory 02-02-2011 08:54 PM

Part 3

The party had begun. There was just one problem. No one knew how to begin it.

What made this even more sickening for Alex was that he knew what they were going to be doing for probably the majority of the night: truth or dare. Except there was no way in hell that he wanted to be the one to start it. For one, he was technically supposed to know these people pretty well (but he had really just met them). For another, some amateur children's game was not his ideal version of fun.

Rebecca (who was now overly aggressive for some reason. Stupid unexpected character changes...) ordered a pizza after everyone bickered for a while about what they wanted on it. Eventually, the group decided on cheese, pepperoni, jalapeno, pineapple, baloney, and pickle. Why they chose this, Alex had no idea, he really didn't try to be apart of decision; it didn't matter to him anyway. His theory behind why the group chose what they did was because they had argued about it for so long that eventually they didn't care about what they were arguing over anymore, so just picked something totally ridiculous.

One phone call later, everyone strangely became friendly with each other again while they munched on their pizza, as if the argument had never happened. The group engrossed itself in a pleasant conversation in Rebecca's basement/party room. It worked quite well for a party room. It had a computer, a ping pong table, a electric keyboard, a TV, equipped with a playstation, a small desk, and several beds and sofas. The only thing that the group seemed to be interested in though were the sofas. Two sofas were smartly put right next to a corner in the room, perpendicular to each other. This way, the group of four could easily converse with each other while somewhat facing each other without any problems.

While they ate their pizza, they discussed what you would probably expect a group of teens this age to talk about: sports, school, TV, music, the occasional "you wouldn't believe what I saw so-and-so do the other day", ect. Eventually, the topic of "what the heck are we going to do now" came up, and Alex started to feel his heart skip a few beats. It wouldn't be long before someone came up with the idea to play truth or dare.

"Does anyone want to hook up the Playstation?" Eric asked the group as he was woofing down the remains of a pizza crust.

"Actually, I've been playing a lot of video games lately," Kimberly chimed in. "I'd rather not play any more."

"Yes, me as well." Rebecca commented.

"We could...turn on the TV?" Eric suggested.

"Eric, this is a party," Rebecca responded disappointingly, "the last thing I want to do is sit around and do something we could all be doing by ourselves."

"So you want something we can do all together?" Kimberly asked.

"That sounds like a good idea!" Alex suddenly butted in. "How about monopoly?"

The rest of the group looked at Alex as if he had suggested that they should try to eat the pizza box for desert. His attempted diversion didn't seem to work.

"I know! Truth or Dare!" exclaimed Rebecca. "Who's in?." All three of them suddenly turned strangely giddy and excited, which Alex found a little unsettling.

"I'm in!" shouted Eric and Kimberly almost in unison. Alex started to feel sick to his stomach. He knew this was coming.

Kimberly turned to Alex. "Alex, don't you want to play too?"

Alex looked up at Kimberly and was caught again in the beauty of her eyes as she looked almost pitifully at him. Her eyes seemed to be filled with excitement, but along with something else that he couldn't quite describe. Alex thought at first it was fear, but he then recognized it to be anxiety. Alex started to feel anxiety as well as he engrossed himself with Kimberley's stunning features.

"...Alex? Do you want to play?" she asked again, but this time with a strange smile that sent Alex's sexual senses tingling.

This night was going to be quite interesting.

"...sure. Who's first?"

henryzz 02-03-2011 01:18 PM

Nice story!! Any chance of going back to the kind of gap we had between the first 2 posts?

TheAuthorOfMyStory 02-03-2011 09:07 PM

Possibly. Don't expect anything special though.

Part 4

Alex thought more throughly on what he had just gotten himself into. Here he was, sitting with three people he just barely knew in the bottom of someone's basement. Two of the people were the hottest girls he had ever seen (the only girls he had ever really seen, for that matter), and he was in a situation where he was probably going to do some pretty wild things with them, willingly or not. Alex looked over at Eric, who was sitting next to him on the sofa. He was filled with excitement as he looked over at the other two girls, Rebecca and Kimberly, on the other sofa. At what part of the girls he was looking at, Alex couldn't tell, but he guessed it probably wasn't at their faces, because both of the girls were wearing pretty low cut shirts. Alex guessed that they hadn't chosen those shirts without intention.

"I'll go first." Eric proudly volunteered. "Kimberly. Truth or Dare?"

Kimberly seemed a little shocked that she had been the first one picked. After a few seconds thought, she answered "Truth."

Eric propped his arm between his head and knee as he thought about what he was going to ask Kimberly. Alex could imagine all of the dirty things that were going through his mind, but he imagined that Eric would save them for another round other than the first.

"I've got one." Eric stated, sitting back up straight again. "When was the last time you masturbated?"

Masturbation?! On the first question? Surely someone in their right mind wouldn't think to ask something as private as that before the game had even started! But the Alex remembered, he was in a extremely typical truth or dare story. The beginning stages of awkward questions were not going to happen because no one wanted to read through them. The group was going straight into the stage of "could I get away with asking this?" because anything else before that would be boring. God, Alex thought, could this story get any less realistic?

Kimberly strangely wasn't affected by the severity of the question (despite the fact that it said in her character description that she was "known to be shy, and conservative in nature") and answered it almost immediately after it was asked.

"This morning."

"This morning?!" Rebecca exclaimed, turning to Kimberly with an "I-didn't-know-you-were-like-that" expression on her face.

"Yep." she replied to Rebecca with a smile. "Right after you called me up and invited me to this party."

"Wow..." Eric mumbled. "That's...pretty impressive."

When masturbation had started to be considered impressive, Alex didn't know.

"I didn't know you were the type of person who masturbated." Rebecca pointed out.

"Oh I've been doing it for a while." Kimberly said while nodding. "I've just never told anyone about it."

"I don't see why you would need to." Eric mentioned. "I don't tell anyone when I masturbate."

"Why would you want anyone to know when you're masturbating?" Rebecca asked.

"Um, can we move on? It's my turn to ask someone." Kimberly stated impatiently, feeling awkwardness starting to creep into the conversation. "Rebecca, truth or dare?"

"Hm..." Rebecca looked intently at a unknown spot above Alex's head for a couple of seconds before looking back down. "I'll stick with truth."

"Ok, I was hoping you'd say that." Kimberly stated while smiling. "Are you a virgin?"

"Of course not!" Rebecca straightened up in surprise. "I told you about the first time I had sex a long time ago! You already knew that!"

"I know." Kimberly sneered.

Rebecca looked over at Eric, realizing what she had just said. She covered her mouth in surprise.

"Well well long ago was this 'a long time ago?'." Eric asked with a mischievous smile.

Rebecca lowered her head and blushed. "That wasn't part of the question, I don't have to answer it."

Alex somehow wasn't too surprised by this. A mysterious force let him know that Rebecca had already told him this a long time ago as well, and no, he was not the one who had had sex with her, despite Alex's stray thoughts. Alex then wondered who was reading his stray thoughts.

"Let's keep moving" Rebecca quickly said while bringing her head back up with a jerk. "How about...Alex! Truth or dare?"


He knew this was coming. Well, there was only one thing he was going to say. There was no way in hell he was going to pick "dare".


"Hmm, ok..." Rebecca pondered. "What is something I would like to know about our good friend Alex...something that I ALREADY know..." she turned towards Kimberly, who was holding a sneaky smile. Alex prayed that Rebecca would go easy on him.

"I know." Rebecca revealed. "How far have you gone with another girl?"

Technically, he had never gone anywhere with another girl, since he had not started existing before he woke up this morning, and didn't really know any other girls than the two he was looking at right now. He decided that he had to make something up.

"Well..uh...I once went with a good friend of mine to go camping...way, way north of here..."

Everyone listening leaned in, expecting to hear a really juicy story.

"...but that's the farthest away I've been with another girl. I mean, I've been on dates occasionally where we would go in town and get a drink or tw-"

"Alex! You know that's not what I meant!" Rebecca spat. "Have you ever had sex with someone?"


"Gotten a hand job?"


"Fingered someone else?"


"Been fingered?"


"Gotten a blow job?"


"Given someone else a blow job?"

"God no!" Alex exclaimed.

"For all I know you have!" Rebecca almost screamed. "Have you even kissed a girl?"

"" Alex muttered. "I think this is quite past one question."

Eric turned to Alex in surprise. "Alex, you've never even kissed someone else before?"

" that bad?" Alex was starting to feel uncomfortable. And completely out of place.

"Alex, look at how old you are!" Eric flopped his hands up in the air with disappointment. "When was the last time you had a girlfriend?"

"Um...uh..." Alex was speechless.

"Oh let me guess...YOU'VE NEVER HAD ONE!." Eric yelled at him. "Dude, why haven't you gone out and gotten yourself a girl, man?"

For all Alex knew, he had a girlfriend right now and didn't know it. But then that mysterious force came in again and let him know that everything he had confirmed was true. Including not having a girlfriend.

"I've answered more than enough questions. Can we keep going?" Alex mumbled.

"Sure." Kimberly responded, now with a new eye for Alex. Whether that was a good eye or a bad one, he couldn't decide. "Ask someone truth or dare."

Alex looked at the other three, and pondered who he should choose. He frankly had no idea what he would ask anyone. He really wasn't so eager to know anything, except maybe something about...

"Kimberly." Alex announced. "Truth or dare?"

Kimberly smiled with anticipation. "Dare."

TheAuthorOfMyStory 02-04-2011 04:44 PM

An Extremely Typical Truth or Dare Story: Part 5
Part 5




"Yes really, dare."

"Dare. You really want a dare?"


"...are you sur-"

"God dammit Alex, just give her a dare." Eric spat.

Alex was rather surprised, both by the fact that Kimberly had just asked for a dare, and that someone had cursed for the first time in the story. Of course, when Alex pondered both of these things, typical truth or dare stories usually turned to dare pretty quickly, since that was the part most people wanted to read about anyway, and the readers really weren't going to give a fuck if people were cursing because they wouldn't be reading this story if they weren't already interested in a bunch of teenagers playing an amateur children's game.

Alex eyes were wide in dread as he dwelled on the situation he was stuck in. On Alex's left was Eric, who was getting a little annoyed by his behavior, and to his right was another sofa, which was at a 90º angle to to the sofa he was sitting on now, where sat the two most sexy, most beautiful, and only girls he had ever seen in his existence. Now he had the chance to ask the more beautiful of those girls (in his opinion) to do practically anything he so desired. At any other moment, Alex probably would have seen this as a moment of a lifetime, but at that moment all he wanted to do was try not to be embarrassed again like he had been last time by further exposing his inadequate knowledge of anything sexual.

What could he ask Kimberly to do? If this had been real life, they would probably be doing something a little more sensible than playing an amateur children's game, but since this was fiction, anything was possible. Kimberly would probably strip down completely naked if Alex asked her to, but Alex was more worried about trying to keep his brain from imploding from uneasiness than to please his sexual appetite.

"Hurry up Alex, we can't wait forever." Rebecca said impatiently.

Alex knew he had already taken too long to think of something, so he tried to say the first things that came to his mind.

"Kimberly...I dare you to...uh...let's see..."

"Alex! Just choose something!" Eric hissed.

"I dare you to...lick your toe."

Kimberly looked at Alex as if he had asked her to look up Omphaloskepsis in the dictionary.

"What?" Kimberly uttered.

"You can't be serious." Rebecca said unbelievably.

"That is the worst dare I've ever heard anyone come up with!" Eric proclaimed.

"And disgusting!" Rebecca added with a look of disgust. "Why would anyone want to do that?"

'It's a dare. You're supposed to do it whether you want to or not." Alex fumbled. "Isn't that how the game works?"

"Yeah, but that dare is simply pointless!" Rebecca claimed. "And gross! Give her something else."

"Yes, please do." Eric insisted.

"Um...Agreed." Kimberly finally said somewhat unsurely, finalizing the decision.

"OK..." Alex moaned. "Then how about you...lick my toe?"

"Alex! What's with you and toes?" Eric screamed.

"OK. I'll do it." Kimberly agreed.

Rebecca turned to Kimberly in surprise. "What? You can't be serious."

"It's what he dared me to do, I have to do it." Kimberly said with simplicity. "Does it matter if it's a bad dare?"

"The group should be able to reject a dare if they want to." Eric stated. "Alex, I'm serious, give her another dare."

"No, it's fine really." Kimberly said. "Alex, take off your shoes."

Kimberly glanced at Alex as he bent down to pull off his shoes and socks. Why the hell had he dared her to do something so stupid? Couldn't he had thought of something better? Well, it was too late now, he couldn't take the dare back. Why had she agreed to do something so stupid? It seemed awfully dull of a typical truth or dare story.

"Kimberly, we can get you out of this if you want to." Eric insisted.

"Eric, shut up or I'll be licking your toes next." Kimberly spat at him.

"You know, licking seems a little bit on the soft side." Rebecca remarked. "Why don't you suck his toes?"

"OK, sure, I'm fine with that." Kimberly replied. "Is that OK with you, Alex?"

Alex had no idea how to respond. The only thing he could get himself to say was a weak "sure." He had just thrown his shoes and socks in a pile in front of him, and now awkwardly sat on the sofa with his bare feet touching the cold tile floor. " exactly do you want to do this?"

"Just stay where you are and let me do the work." Kimberly got up from where she was sitting and knelt down in front of Alex. She took both or her hands around Alex's bare foot, brought it up to her mouth and started sucking on his big toe. From an outsider, this scene would have looked quite strange. A extremely sexy girl was giving a random person's toe a blow job, and the person receiving that blow-job held a queer expression of "am-I-supposed-to-be-doing-somthing-right-now" on his face. Two rather confused people were sitting on opposite sides him. One of them had an expression of "I-can't-believe-she's-doing-this" on his face while the other had an expression of "I-can't-believe-he's-letting-her-do-this" on her face. Anyone looking at this scene would probably walk away with confusion and worry, thinking that something had gone mentally wrong with these people.

With a small sucking in of saliva, Kimberly popped Alex's toe out of her mouth, stood up, and sat back down on the sofa while giving Alex a dirty smile. "I enjoyed it." She said. "I never knew toes were so tasty."

Alex was able to manage a weak laugh as a reply. The experience had been both exhilarating and stressful for Alex. Another girl had never put her mouth on any part on his body before, and frankly, he had found it quite simulating. Kimberly had taken a lot of liberty with Alex's toe; Her tongue had left it soaking wet with her warm sticky saliva. Alex couldn't imagine what it could have tasted like, but he imagined it wasn't as tasty as Kimberly had made it seem.

"OK, lets keep going," Eric said, breaking the silence, "but for god's sake, let's agree that we won't have any more dares that involve toes."

Besh 02-05-2011 10:14 AM

I rarely post on getDare. The few times I posted in the past were to praise a story. I will post another time for that purpose. And I will post for that purpose now!

Thank you for your great story. I really love your irony. You made some good points that a few of the (very typical) story writers around here should take to their hearts. Thank you for that (and the genuine idea of the story)!

TheAuthorOfMyStory 02-05-2011 12:49 PM

An Extremely Typical Truth or Dare Story: Part 6
Part 6

Alex sat uncomfortably on the sofa as he and the others waited for Kimberly to choose someone. He had just gotten his toe sucked by the most beautiful girl he knew, and had actually quite enjoyed it. But Alex got to thinking: why would anyone want to read about a girl sucking a guy's toe? Why would anyone want to read a story about a group of teenagers playing an ammeter children's game in the first place? He continued to ponder his existence as the others talked.

"I know." Kimberly announced. "Eric. Truth or dare?"


"Alright. This one's easy. I dare you to take off you shirt."

Eric smiled. "Gladly." Eric took the hem of his shirt and lifted it over his head, revealing a very nice and muscular stomach. There was no question that he wasn't athletic; Alex remembered remembering that Eric was into football. He was also riding his pants quite low, revealing some of his pubic hair and the fact that he wasn't wearing any underwear.

Rebecca both stared at his chest in wonder. They were obviously very impressed, and both wanting to see more.

"You like?" Eric asked, badly imitating a Kazakh.

"Very much." Rebecca and Kimberly both replied in unison.

Alex kept silent, as he was still trying to figure out why the hell Eric wasn't wearing any underwear. Eric put his hands behind his head and leaned back, revealing more of his pubic region, making the girl's eyes widen even wider.

He then asked, "Kimberly, truth or dare?"


"Hey wait a second," Rebecca butted in, "Kimberly just dared you. You can't dare her right back!"

"I don't see any reason why he can't." Kimberly reasoned.

"Well, I don't think that's fair." Rebecca pouted. "Do you think it's fair Alex?"

"Huh? What? Oh, yeah...uh sure." They had broken his train of thought. He had still been wondering why Eric wasn't wearing any underwear.

Alex saw that Eric was looking at him, and when they made eye contact, an idea seemed to pop into Eric's mind.

"Hey, an idea just popped into my mind." Eric proudly announced. "Alex, you said that you had never kissed someone? Well here's you big chance. Kimberly, I dare you to take Alex into the closet and give him the best kiss you've ever given another guy."


"Ok," smiled Kimberly cheerfully, as if she had just been asked to go outside and get the mail. What the hell was going on? Kimberly is supposed to by shy and conservative according to the character description! She would never agree to do something so lightly! Kimberly stood up and started walking towards the closet on the other side of the room. She stopped when she saw that Alex wasn't following her. Alex had a look of dread on his face.

"Um, Kimberly, are you sure?" Alex asked her, hoping he'd find a way to get out of this.

"Of course she's sure you idiot," Rebecca snapped annoyed. "Don't be so afraid, just get in there and do it!"

Eric pushed Alex out of his spot on the sofa, forcing Alex to stand up. He looked up at Kimberly, who was giving him a worrisome smile. Without thinking, he started to stumble towards the closet behind Kimberly.

Why was he pushing this away? He was about to have his first kiss in a dark closet with a girl sexier than anything he had ever imagined! Surely he would enjoy the experience, but irrational fear was getting the better of him. What scared him even more was he couldn't see any reason why his irrational fear existed. He couldn't possibly be humiliated by the other two for doing it; they had come up with the idea in the first place! Was he afraid that he was going to make a fool of himself in front of Kimberly? What could he do, touch her in the wrong place? Offend her by not enjoying the kiss? And then there was the whole thing about the kiss itself. What is a kiss like? What are you supposed to do? What are you supposed to expect the other person to do?

Before he could think of any more questions, Kimberly had opened the closet and stepped in. The closet was small and cramped. All sorts of clothes were hanging on the rail above them; they would have to stand in between the clothes and practically need to hug each other in order to both fit in. Alex squeezed himself in front of her, pushing the clothes aside with his arm as he did so. As soon as he was fully in the closet, Kimberly shut the door behind them, enveloping them both in total darkness.

Both of their chests were pushed hard against each other due to the tight circumstances they were in. Alex could feel Kimberly's heart beating with excitement, as well as his own heat starting to accelerate. Her breasts pushed against his chest, and he could feel her nipples starting to become erect under her thin clothes. If was easy for him to feel her hot, moist breath under his chin in comparison to the dry air around him. These sensations caused more blood to flow into his penis, which he realized with fear was pushing itself into her upper pubic area. While this was happening, Kimberly placed her hands behind Alex's back and under his shirt . A sting of energy shot through him the second she touched him. She started to wrap her hands fully around his waist, pulling their bodies even closer together. Alex felt her breath move from his neck to his lips, and before he knew it, she had pressed her warm lips against his.

And in that moment, his existence became clear to him. The reason this story was even being written became utterly clear to him. People didn't read these stories to see people do stupid things, like sucking on peoples toes. They read them for the sexual exhilaration, to read moments such as these, and to feel the same thing the characters were doing. He wasn't just in a story. He was practically i-


Alex found himself in the middle of nowhere. Nowhere, meaning that absolutely nothing was around him. Everything was white. There was no sky, no walls, no wind, no noise, no smell, not even a literal ground. Alex was standing, but from what it seemed like, he was standing on nothing. Alex looked around and continued to see nothing. He seemed to be in "nothing".

Wait, hold on, what the hell just happened? Wasn't he just making out with Kimberly? Where was he?

At that moment, Alex turned to see a woman staring at him.

She was beyond description.

She looked at Alex with a sense of knowing, a sense of omnipotency. Her expression showed neither happiness or sadness. If it showed anything, it showed cunning and intuition.

She was also completely naked.

Alex looked at her with both wonder and confusion. They simply looked at each other for a full minute before Alex could muster to say anything.


"Hello." Her voice was also beyond description.

Twenty seconds past before Alex could muster to say anything else.

"...who are you?"

"I am The Author of My Story."

Another five seconds past.


"I am The Author of My Story."

"OK, that's great. But who are you?"

"I am The Author of My Story."

"No, what's your name?"

"I am The Author of M-"

"You've said that four times now! Who the fuck are you?"

"If you ask the same question over and over you're only going to get the same answer over and over."

Ten seconds past.

"Could you at least tell me where I am?"

"Oh, nowhere really."


"Yes, quite literally nowhere, actually."

Twelve seconds past.

"Why are you naked?"

"Aren't I want my readers want to see? A naked woman? I couldn't think of any better way to present myself."

Two seconds past.

"'Your readers? You mean..."

"Yes, I am The Author of My Story.

"...of this story?"

"Well, that's who I wanted to be, The author of 'this' story, but by username could only be eighteen characters long, so I had to change 'this' to 'my'."

Five seconds past.

"So...everything that's happened. You've created it?"

"Yep. Every word."

"Even what I do? Do you decide that as well?"

"Well, that's something we need to talk about."

"I'm sorry?"

"We need to talk about your behavior."

Two seconds past.

"You're ruining my story."

Another two seconds past.

"Excuse me?"

"I said you're ruining my story."

"OK. You're writing the damn thing. You fix it."

"No, you are being the problem, not me."

"What am I doing wrong?"

"You're behavior is being irrational."

"You're behavior is being irrational! Why the hell did you pull me out of the closet with Kimberly?"

"Because you were revealing things about the story that the people reading it don't want to be reminded of."

"What things?"

"You know what I'm talking about."

Five seconds past.

"Look, here's the deal. The only reason you exist is because people are reading this story. If people stop reading this story, I'm going to loose interest in writing it, and you will cease to exist. So it's up to you to do everything in your power to keep this story entertaining and a worthwhile read, or else your existence will be at stake."

"Isn't keeping the story worthwhile your job?"

"You're right, it is, and I'm having a hell of a hard time doing it while you're freaking out and doing the stupidest things you can think of. I had to do wonders to make that stupid toe dare even the slightest bit entertaining by altering the wording of it from 'licking' to 'sucking' through Rebecca."

"How is sucking better than licking?"

"It's more affiliated with oral sex."

Ten seconds past.

"So what do you want me to do?"

"Stop being an asshole and try to enjoy yourself. If you enjoy the game, my readers should enjoy the story."

"What if I don't want to enjoy this ammeter children's game?"

"Then force yourself to enjoy it, because if you don't, bad things will happen."

"Like what?"

"You don't want to find out."

Four seconds past

"Oh, and by the way, Besh, your comment is greatly appreciated. Comments like yours really do mean a lot to me. "

"What? Who the hell is B-"


Kimberly continued to rub her lips along Alex's. Alex was letting her do the majority of the work, both because she had been dared to kiss him, and that this was his first time trying this whole kissing thing. Eventually, Alex gathered enough courage to kiss Kimberly back, keeping what the author had told him in the back of his mind. Wait, hold on, had he really just had a conversation with the person writing this story? He could remember no gab between when he entered the closet and the moment he was in now, but he could remember the conversation just as well as he could feel Kimberly's lips. Well, he thought, I'm kissing the girl of my dreams, I may as well enjoy it.

The kiss lingered on for a couple of more seconds before Kimberly parted their lips and softly said "We should save the rest for later." Alex smiled, but he knew Kimberly couldn't see him.

Kimberly turned to open the door, intentionally brushing her hand and body over Alex's now erect penis while doing so. When she turned the handle and opened the door, a bright light streamed through the closet, causing both Kimberly and Alex to squint in defense. When they fully came to their senses again, they both saw that Eric and Rebecca were having a make out session of their own on the sofa. Their hands were wrapped around each other, and they were both oblivious to Alex and Kimberly's presence, until Rebecca happened to look up and see them.

"Oh!" she peeped in surprise, quickly breaking contact with Eric, who was still shirtless. Eric turned around and cooly relaxed back into where he was sitting on the sofa.

"Sorry, we decided to continue the game while you were in there." Eric mumbled cooly.

"Who dared who?" Kimberly asked.

"I dared him to kiss me." Rebecca answered embarrassingly. "It seemed appropriate, since you two were in there doing the same thing."

Kimberly and Alex sat down on the sofa. The group was now sitting in a new configuration. Alex was where he was before, except now he was sitting next to Kimberly instead of Eric, and Eric was next to Rebecca on the other sofa. Alex remembered from the character list that Eric had had a crush on Rebecca, and that he himself had had a crush on Kimberly, so this seating arrangement seemed to be largely appropriate.

So now that Alex had had a talk with the author of this story, what should he be doing differently? It was apparent that because he had given in to Kimberly's kiss, things were starting to turn towards the better, in a sense that he might be able to enjoy himself. But how far would this group be going? He wasn't sure he would be prepared for what might happen in the very near future. And another thing. Right before his conversation had ended with the Author, she (or he...she never said what gender she really was) had mentioned that if he didn't enjoy himself, bad thing would happen. What bad things was she talking about? And who the hell was Besh?

"It's my turn again." Kimberly said. "Rebecca, truth or dare?"

The Judge 02-05-2011 11:06 PM

it's a little confusing with his inner thoughts. Makes sense but maybe more into the game now. Still a great thread!!

SAMaster 02-06-2011 03:51 AM

Awesome story.... probably one of the best i've read here. Keep up the good work... Looking forward to the next part!!!!!

Swan 02-06-2011 05:08 AM

DHK-eh 02-06-2011 05:41 PM

Awesome, all I have to say for now... awesome.

TheAuthorOfMyStory 02-06-2011 08:23 PM

An Extremely Typical Truth or Dare Story: Part 7
Part 7

It didn't take long for Rebecca to reply; it was obvious that she had already decided what she was going to say before Kimberly had even said anything.


Alex didn't hear how Kimberly replied, because he was too lost in his own thoughts. Why was he being forced to play an ammeter children's game with these sex hungry maniacs? The answer was obvious. People wanted to be "entertained" by the nature of this story. But why was he, someone who had no interest in this at all, being forced to participate? No, he took that back. His kiss with Kimberly had proven to be quite...interesting. Well, anyway, one thing was certian. If Alex didn't enjoy himself, he would cause the game to be ruined, and the story would end horribly, as well as his existence. Alex could only see one thing he could do in order to survive: try to act like a sex hungry maniac.

When Alex pulled himself back out of his thoughts, he realized that Rebecca had stripped down completely naked.

No surprise there.

She had an amazing body, but Alex didn't feel like describing it in his thoughts. Wait, no...that was a bad idea. One of the things people were reading for were sexy descriptions of naked people. People would be pissed if he dismissed an description. He had better describe her. So he thought: Let's see, she has a nicely tanned body. Her breasts and pelvis area are much lighter than the rest of her body, revealing that she is a regular attendant of the beach. Either that, or she likes to go to tanning salons with a bikini on....It would have to be a pretty small bikini. Actually, the bikini that gave her her tan lines seems unrealistically small. Where do people even get bikinis in that sm- wait no crap shit fuck! - Stay on topic. You're describing a naked girl, stick to that. OK...her legs are thin and smooth. She is cleanly shaven down below. Her down below is also quite moist. Her down below is also wide open. She is also cleanly shaven down belo- wait, I already said that. Her breasts are round and curvy. Her nipples are also quite erect. Goose-bumps are also clearly visible around her breasts. Her breasts are also very big. They also look very sexy. They also look equal and proportionate. Her belly button is also very distinguished. The dark hole sticks out notably from the rest of her body. One could probably stick his or her finger in her belly button with ease. Below her belly button is a birth mark that is the shape of a eleph- you know what, I think I've described more than enough. The people reading this story should be happy now.

Eric was staring at Rebecca's marvelous and descriptive body with disbelief. Alex was looking at it with belief, because he knew that anyone's naked body in a typical truth or dare story would have to be undeniably sexy, otherwise people probably wouldn't want to read the story.

"Rebecca..." Eric moaned in disbelief, "Your body is so undeniably sexy..."

"As is yours." she moaned in reply, looking at his slightly exposed pubic area. Kimberly looked down in turn. It didn't take long for Alex to realize that both Kimberly and Rebecca were fixated on that one spot.

"I think I can predict what the next dare will be." Eric uttered, realizing where Rebecca and Kimberly were staring.

"Oh, really?" Rebecca said slyly, not looking up.

"Yeah." he assured. "So dare me to do it."

"I wouldn't be so sure of yourself." she smiled, still not looking up. "Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to let me take your pants off."

"Ah," he moaned, "I was so close..."

Still without breaking eye contact with Eric's crotch, she got up and kneeled down in front of Eric. She unbuttoned his pants, unzipped his zipper, and pulled them down, resulting his penis to shoot up like an Olympic sprinter. Rebecca froze with Eric's pants half way down, and while she started at his penis. Her face then seemed to suggest that she was thinking "Hi! Do you want to play? Let me pet you and I'll be your friend."

She continued to stare as she slipped Eric's pants down his legs. Once it got past his knees, she simply let go, now making the count of naked people go up from one to two. Rebecca continued to stare at Eric's penis, as if in a trance. Kimberly also stared at Eric's penis, also as if in a trance. Eric was looking at the beautiful pair of breasts that was sitting in front of him, also as if in a trance. Alex just sat there confused, wondering if he should be in a trance as well.

"Kimberly," mumbled Eric without looking up, "Truth or dare."

"Dare," she said immediately, without looking up as well.

"Get naked." he said, almost robotically.

"OK." she replied, also almost robotically as well, still not looking up. "But before I do, Alex, truth or dare."

Could he get away with saying truth? No, he was supposed to be acting like a sex hungry manic. He technically didn't have a choice.

"Dare?" he replied, obviously worried.

"You too."

" too? What?"

"You get naked too." She said. She still hadn't broken eye contact with Eric's penis.

Fuck. Now everyone was going to be naked. Including himself.

Kimberly finally looked away from Eric's penis and looked at Alex. She gave him a smile that gave Alex the creeps. She then quickly lifted her shirt over her head, and threw it aside. She reached behind in a like manner and slipped her bra off her shoulders and threw it aside, revealing her small, round breasts. Then in one quick motion, she reached down, unbuttoned her pants, unzipped her zipper, grabbed the hem of her pants and slipped both her pants and underwear off, sending them a couple of feet away from where she was sitting. Now the count of naked people went up from two to three.

"Your turn." Kimberly cooed.

Kimberly's body was even more beautiful, sexy, and descriptive than Rebecca's, but Alex was so full of fear that he couldn't bear to think of anything else other than the fact that he had to take his clothes off in front of two other girls, who were also naked. A sex hungry maniac could do it easily, but could he do it? Could he get away with not doing it? Could he possibly not do it without ruining the story?

Eric and Rebecca also looked up at Alex. Everyone was naked except for him. Now he had to follow suit. He wasn't sure he could do it.

He moved his hands to the hem of his shirt. His body was shaking as if he had been dunked in a pool of ice water. With difficulty, he grabbed his shirt, and slowly raised it over his head. His arms shook violently the whole way up. He placed his disrobed shirt beside of him. Then he moved his fingers to unbutton his pants, but his fingers were shaking so much he couldn't undo the button. He stopped and looked up. The other three were still staring at him, all unaware that Alex was almost sick with fear. He went back to what he was doing, and with extreme difficulty, unbuttoned his pants. He then shakily unzipped the zipper, and placed his hands on the sides of his pants in preparation to pull them down.

He tried to make his arms move, but they seemed to be stuck. He couldn't make himself finish the job. He looked up again, and the other three looked exactly as they had before. No clue about Alex's fear. No possibility of comprehension. To them, taking off their clothes was as simple as answering a cell phone. Showing their nude bodies to three other people was no problem for them. How were they able to do it? How could a person do something so foolish and profane so easily and absentmindedly? Then it came to Alex: it was because they weren't typical people. These were people from a extremely typical truth or dare story. Their only purpose was to entertain others. To make someone else feel the same risk and excitement they were feeling. To let thousands of other people be entertained by their bodies and actions. To make them feel as if they were at a party and participating in these events as they took place right in front of their eyes. That was their only point of existing: to let others experience their excitement and make it a reality.

Alex was not going to become one of those people.

"I won't do it."

MeasinToday 02-07-2011 10:21 PM

This is wonderful. Please please continue! You are very talented, keep it up!

Wordsmiff 04-16-2014 07:19 AM

Typical Truth Or Dare
Is this Story dead???

Wordsmiff 04-17-2014 02:26 AM

I like the way the author has deliberately used bad spelling, grammar and punctuation to further highlight the way stories are written on this site. Nice one, Author.

venusaphrodite 04-17-2014 04:44 PM

How delightfully passive aggressive - I wish there was more of this.

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