getDare Truth or Dare

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IceMaiden 06-14-2018 01:30 PM

Denied by Icey
Welcome to denial hell! Anyone who enters this thread is denied for the next 60 days. There will be no orgasms, no ruins, but if you're good I might just let you touch and stroke. 60 days sounds like a really long time without even the chance of an orgasm, doesn't it?

Fortunately for you, there is a way you can get out of the thread early thus ending your denial. How? Simply by collecting points. You need 100 points to leave the thread. You earn points by completing and reporting on tasks that I post in the thread. I do not have time to create individual tasks and so the tasks will be for everyone to attempt if they wish to. If a task crosses your limits? Too bad, you will just have to wait until the next task is posted and hope that one is something you can do.

How many points you recieve for each completed task depends on the following factors: How well you completed the task and how detailed your report is. No report, no points. One liner report, no points. A nicely detailed report of what you did and how you felt = points. You get the idea. There will be a minimum of 2 tasks posted a week. (More on the weeks I have more free time.) You will keep your point score in your signature along with how many days you have remaining.

Touching time: Players with 50+ points will be allowed up to one hour touch/stroke time per day. If you have less than 50, too bad, no touching at all for you.

If you enter the thread and orgasm, ruin or touch before your time is up/you have enough points, your points reset to 0. If it happens twice, you're out of the thread permanently. The ONLY exception to this is when I believe it was a 100% genuine accident. If I don't believe it was I wont allow you back. So if you are just looking to fail on purpose in the hopes of being punished that is not going to happen. I wont be giving any punishments.

I will post the first task once there are a minimum of 5 players.

*Touching in regards to hygiene and bathroom purposes is always allowed.

DenialBoy 06-15-2018 08:37 AM

Would love to join this but I agreed to Triangles game first! Maybe once that is over :) 06-18-2018 05:20 AM

it seems like you’re the most intimidating on the board frosty ;) :sado:

Irishsissy86 06-18-2018 05:52 AM

60 days just seems like a lot! I am tempted though, and I don't think you're that scary :)

Slave2000 06-18-2018 05:54 AM

I will join this theead 06-18-2018 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by Irishsissy86 (Post 3323047)
60 days just seems like a lot! I am tempted though, and I don't think you're that scary :)

unless you join it, you LOOK scared :p

Irishsissy86 06-18-2018 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 3323054)
unless you join it, you LOOK scared :p

Well to save face - fine I'll join :) 06-18-2018 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by Irishsissy86 (Post 3323066)
Well to save face - fine I'll join :)

muahah i’m making it my mission to find playthings for frosty to torture (:

Irishsissy86 06-18-2018 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 3323071)
muahah i’m making it my mission to find playthings for frosty to torture (:

I've been played!

IceMaiden 06-18-2018 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 3323026)
it seems like you’re the most intimidating on the board frosty ;) :sado:

I know! I didn't think I was that scary. :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by (Post 3323071)
muahah i’m making it my mission to find playthings for frosty to torture (:

Yay!! <3

SubRed92 06-18-2018 11:11 AM

So very very tempting... I'm already denied for the next 30 days so I might as well make it 60 right? No touching will also make it extra difficult to earn gCs in the getDare Orgasm Bank since I won't be able to edge.

Sounds so horrible but yet so lovely at the same time!

I am in

also, does the 60 start once 5 players are in? Or from the time of my post?

IceMaiden 06-18-2018 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by SubRed92 (Post 3323418)
So very very tempting... I'm already denied for the next 30 days so I might as well make it 60 right? No touching will also make it extra difficult to earn gCs in the getDare Orgasm Bank since I won't be able to edge.

Sounds so horrible but yet so lovely at the same time!

I am in

also, does the 60 start once 5 players are in? Or from the time of my post?

Once the first 5 players are in. :)

LitDarkness 06-18-2018 12:47 PM

Denial is one thing you scare all away with.

To be fair, even if I could, I would not join, either.

SubRed92 06-18-2018 07:01 PM

Another question! Is edging by humping things allowed? (not that I'll attempt that but others may want to know too)

LPV 06-18-2018 07:25 PM

LPV believes that all nominees and losers from the Denied Forever Poll should have to join here!

AmberCrystal88 06-18-2018 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by IceMaiden (Post 3318681)
Welcome to denial hell! Anyone who enters this thread is denied for the next 60 days. There will be no orgasms, no ruins, but if you're good I might just let you touch and stroke.

Oh come on, this thread didn't even have a warning not to open it... :eek:

I guess my 60 days starts now, and I'll keep a running point total in my signature.

I'm just browsing right now so haven't even looked for tasks through the thread yet, but I will be tomorrow for sure lol.

EDIT - I see there's no tasks yet... Oof.

Irishsissy86 06-18-2018 11:33 PM

So are we up to 4 "volunteers" at the moment?

Buttaholic 06-19-2018 02:23 AM

I hesitated to join but it is so tempting to know how it will work out.
Guess there is no fun in no risks; I'll join.

Pariahterror 06-19-2018 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by LPV (Post 3323989)
LPV believes that all nominees and losers from the Denied Forever Poll should have to join here!

Unfortunately puppy is already denied and has to edge daily XD.

trenho 06-19-2018 04:31 AM

Sadly I can t join, but sounds like a great thread:D

IceMaiden 06-20-2018 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by SubRed92 (Post 3323970)
Another question! Is edging by humping things allowed? (not that I'll attempt that but others may want to know too)

Only if you have 50+ points. It will come out of touching time.


Originally Posted by LPV (Post 3323989)
LPV believes that all nominees and losers from the Denied Forever Poll should have to join here!

I agree! So when are you joining? :p

TASK 1: Pain. Choose ONE of the options.
Option one: Fit as many pegs over your body as you can and leave on for as long as you can. Time starts once all pegs are on. When you can take it no more remove them one by one without opening them.

Option Two: Slap each ball as many times as you can as hard as you can stand. These are to be done in one session only.

Once you have completed the option you chose post a report to the thread. You may get more points if you choose to place the pegs over more senstive areas/if you use something other than your hand for the ball slaps. Pictures are welcome but not required and do not have to be of you - for example, it could just a picture of the dents the pegs leave behind somewhere. You may get bonus points for that too. If you choose to do pictures remember to keep them suitable for gD. :)

Buttaholic 06-20-2018 11:36 AM

I've picked and done one and here is my report:
I couldn't quite make up my mind until the very last minute. I usually prefer ballbusting because I could -somewhat- easily do many in one session but I the other one was more intriguing. I've always wanted to try fitting many clothespins everywhere but I never got the courage to.
I wanted to do something more special and experience how it feel; I wanted to do a Zipper of clothespins and see how painful can it get (I utterly regret this decision now!)

Here is how it went:
I grabbed a lengthy thread and started following the DIY youtube video and made a 12-clothespins long zipper.

I wanted to try it immediately so I got naked and started pinching enough skin for each pin (of 10 pins) on my abdominal area and placed 2 one on each nipple where the end I'm supposed to pull at the one of the nipple pins. See the picture for visualization (hot picture for attention :rolleyes:):

After placing those ones I moved to the more sensitive areas; I placed 13 ones on my balls (literally grabbing skin without looking and placing) and another 5 along my penis shaft (all without a zipper)

Now it was the time game, everything before this wasn't painful at all.
[1-2 minutes] were me standing doing nothing but looking if a pin might fall.

[2-4 minutes] I started feeling a little pinch on my nipples and balls building up slowly, I also felt like sitting so as soon as I sat down every pin tensed and started pinching harder so I stood up quickly (was pretty funny in the moment to be honest)

[4-10 minutes] pain was building up very fast everywhere and I couldn't quite decide which are was hurting more.

[10-15 minutes] I was getting tired from standing and started sweating as I tried to minimize my movement to take less pain, ever inched I moved would start pulling on some of the pins, I could feel every inch of the pinched skins. feeling the pain move around, jumping from one pin to the other, I wanted to remove them but looking at clock I felt disappointed.

[15-20 minutes] pain never stopped increasing as if it has no maximum limit, I kept squirming in my place, feeling pins digging deeper in my skin, my nipples are almost numb and my balls felt like a thousand pounds. I was getting shaky and I moved to start my shower to jump in as soon as I'm done. One of the abdominal pins was starting to slip and it pinched much less skin and that hurt like I could never imagine until it slipped and kept hanging by the thread.

[20th minute] I wanted the never ending pain to stop, I grabbed the end of the line and took a deep breath (which actually hurt like hell around my nipples lol) and I mustered as much courage and pulled the thread as fast as I can... yes it was exactly like pulling a bandit but multiply that by a million and not a single spot... every. single. inch.
I wanted to scream, but there were more ones that got be pulled one by one.
The ones on my shaft were relatively easy but the ones on my balls were indescribably painful. (here's something my dumbass-novice self did and probably everyone should avoid: I grabbed too much skin for each pin on my balls)
Pulling those 13 ones were by far the most pain I've ever experienced around my balls EVER.
After I was done I couldn't aim water from the shower to any of the places at all.
The pain never stopped and I had to go out hangout with my friend looking all grumpy (plus I had to drive which was painful still)
Now as I type this; the pain is fading away (1.5 hours later)

Thank you Icey for the task and the new experience.

IceMaiden 06-20-2018 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Buttaholic (Post 3325751)
Here is how it went: {...}
Thank you Icey for the task and the new experience.

+5 points for a lovely detailed report.
+5 points for including how you felt during.
+5 points for trying something new despite being nervous about it.
Total: 15 points.

Please remember to include your point total and remaining days in your signature. :)

AmberCrystal88 06-20-2018 04:09 PM

I'm hoping to do the task tonight...

I'm so used to jerking off at least once a day, sometimes 2 or 3, so this has been a rough couple days - BUT I'VE BEEN GOOD I promise. But damn, it's like every little thing gets me worked up.

Hopefully I calm down soon :/

LPV 06-21-2018 04:29 PM

THE LOLA has given LPV permission to join this thread. Icey, please be kind!

AmberCrystal88 06-21-2018 06:36 PM

I have completed Task 1, Option 2.

I have a small, round, leather paddle - about the diameter of a grapefruit - that I used. Actual "kit thing" I own shown below. As a result both balls got hit at the same time, rather than one at a time. It actually made for a weird dynamic - whichever one got hit harder made more effort to hide, meaning the other got hit harder the next time.

23 is the last number I remember counting to, but that's not even a true number - Most of my paddles were bursts of 4-5 and I only counted the ones that actually hurt or my brain had the capacity to care to count.

I also used the edge of the paddle a few times, so it was a more concentrated hit. I got lucky a few times and hit right in between which was crazy - my body naturally braced for the worst and it was like a quick relief when it wasn't that bad.

I'm not really into CBT but I'm also not into clothes pins and I only have a handful anyway, so... I hope my actions were satisfactory.


SubRed92 06-21-2018 07:01 PM

Lovely reports so far! I wish I can write one but I'll have to wait for the next task. I might be stuck here for the full 60. Does anyone believe I have zero clothespins in the house?

I am starting to see the effects of not touching. There's a constant tension and warmth in the groin area. It is almost like it's calling out for me to touch. Whenever I am unoccupied I am aware of it. The pleasures of cumming flash in my mind randomly. The imagery of throbbing, spurting... When I shower and wash myself down there, I have to consciously tell myself to be quick with it. I shall stop here since it is making it worse.

I have tried ball spankings once. While I did enjoy it (mainly the obedience aspect), I am concerned with safety (potential infertility) and hence it is a limit now.

Here ends my rambling.

IceMaiden 06-23-2018 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by AmberCrystal88 (Post 3327123)
I have completed Task 1, Option 2.

+5 points for a nicely detailed report.
+5 points for showing the items you used.
Total: 10 points.

IceMaiden 06-23-2018 11:30 AM

Task one has now expired. No points can be gained from completing it anymore.

Task two:
Humiliation & degradation: Choose ONE of the options.
Option one: Write as many humiliating names and phrases on yourself as you can. They must be left on for a minimum of 12 hours. The longer you leave them on the more points you are able to collect.
Option two: Pee and/or cum (precum only! And it has to be a decent amount to qualify. Edging allowed for this task.) over your next meal before tucking in to your delicious meal.
Pictures are welcome but not required and do not have to be of you - for example, it could just a picture of the markers you use or your meal. You may get bonus points for that too. If you choose to do pictures remember to keep them suitable for gD. :)

Buttaholic 06-23-2018 01:25 PM

Option two sounds good because I get to cum, not? No catch? :D

IceMaiden 06-23-2018 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Buttaholic (Post 3329406)
Option two sounds good because I get to cum, not? No catch? :D

Oh...I meant precum. I'll fix that :p

eliasperma 06-23-2018 05:27 PM

I would like to join this thread :)
Can I do the second task too or do I have to wait for the next one?

AmberCrystal88 06-23-2018 09:31 PM

I'm sorry Miss but with all due respect, I need to excuse myself from your thread. Just wanted to let you know. I'm now in a relationship with an amazing lady IRL and need to give that priority. Thanks for the fun, and good luck with all these minions of yours.

Buttaholic 06-24-2018 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by IceMaiden (Post 3329458)
Oh...I meant precum. I'll fix that :p

I kinda guessed, too good to be true.
Doesn't mean my hopes didn't jump a little bit too high for a second there lol :D

IceMaiden 06-24-2018 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by eliasperma (Post 3329788)
I would like to join this thread :)
Can I do the second task too or do I have to wait for the next one?


Yes you can do the second task. All tasks are worth points until I post saying they have expired, even if you join after they were posted. :)

IceMaiden 06-24-2018 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by AmberCrystal88 (Post 3329993)
I'm sorry Miss but with all due respect, I need to excuse myself from your thread. Just wanted to let you know. I'm now in a relationship with an amazing lady IRL and need to give that priority. Thanks for the fun, and good luck with all these minions of yours.

Totally understandable, r/l comes first. Best of luck with everything :)

Buttaholic 06-25-2018 04:59 AM

Second Task:

After looking at the two tasks (after the modification) I realized that the second task would be so much harder for a few reasons:
  • To get a good (impressive) amount of precum I'd have to edge not less than -I guess- a 50-100 times
  • I can't improvise as much to try and make it more humiliating
  • I'm terrible at edging

So I picked the first one, which I can be a bit more artistic at :)
There's something about bodywriting that makes the words feel humiliating because I feel like I actually submit unwillingly to being called any of these word, yet very exciting that I would choose over getting to touch myself (speaking of the other task)
[24th of June - 2:00 PM]:
I couldn't find my permanent one at that moment --more on that later.
So I had to use a black flip-chart marker that I liked its grip a lot:
and I didn't know where to start or what to write (stage fright?)
**For this part I will use numbers, picture and colors to make it easier**

1- Typically, I started with Denied Dicklettet and some arrows pointed at it. As I was horny, I got a bit excited by that so I added Stupid to make a Stupid Denied Dicklette
Dicklette felt so emasculating so I picked it.
2- I stopped after the first one for a bit not knowing where or what to write (again). So it came to me to write Fuck Toy there on my right thigh.
3- I was thinking of more humiliating names to a penis and I thought of Weewee with an arrow pointing to it
4- Simply wrote Clit (: with that little emoji
5- Worm
6- At this point I didn't know what to write so I searched the internet for some ideas and I came up to this little "Slave name Generator", gave it a try and I got Mouth breathing knuckle dragger which made me giggle a bit so I wrote it (it took so much space
7- Cunt at the heart
8- I always hated the hashtag -on social media- #MenAreTrash so I wrote Trash as I felt defeated.
9- I find Puny very humiliating and weakening.
10- I got an idea I saw before (pretty sure it was porn) so I wrote Pig and doodled a little pig face there (It was cute so I took a picture that you will probably find below)
11- Me and my greek friend were talking and I asked her "What word would you use to humiliate a guy?" she answered with a greek word (I was expecting English but this turned out good actually); the word Malakas which means a guy who masturbated so much that he damaged his brain/went blind.
I've never seen a 7-letter word so humiliating before!
12- I was browsing through getDare and I found Cum Dump so I wrote it there
13- I got a bit distracted and drew a butterfly lol
14- Pathetic
15- Beta male
16- This one is a classic; Wh on left cheek and re on the right one and the O is found between them naturally
17- Man pussy with arrows pointing to it
18- Filthy slut

It was 3 PM when I was done

Incidents that happened that day:
-Since it wasn't permanent marker, it got a bit smudge and apparently I was resting my arm on my thigh (on Cum Dump) and it got printed on that arm. I only realized that when I went to pick up food, so I went to the restroom to wash it off.

-I also was wearing shorts and some of the words on my thighs were written too big so they would occasionally -partly- appear.

-I had to go shopping for short with a friend, there was the added fear being exposed.

-Happened a couple of times that I'd get hard in public knowing what's underneath my shirt and shorts because all I could think off is: Cum Dump, man pussy, filthy slut, puny, etc.)

At 11 PM I wanted to re-apply them after finding the permanent marker.
After getting naked it was shocking because they were smudged, the word itself wasn't gone but the extra ink made a puddle around each word.
I had to wash them carefully because I didn't take a picture of them all so I wouldn't remember all of them.

It's 22 hours now since I've wrote them the first time, they have faded quite a bit and I guess I won't reapply them again (had enough of my share of humiliation for the day lol)

Thank you Icey for this task, I've done bodywriting but not in that scale before so thank you again because hunger for points is what's probably driving me to do my best in tasks.

IceMaiden 06-26-2018 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Buttaholic (Post 3331771)
Second Task:


+5 for an awesome report. One of my favourites from all the ones I have read!
+5 for such a cute little piggy drawing.
+5 points for leaving the writing on longer than needed.
Total: 15 points.

Buttaholic 06-26-2018 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by IceMaiden (Post 3333910)
+5 for an awesome report. One of my favourites from all the ones I have read!
+5 for such a cute little piggy drawing.
+5 points for leaving the writing on longer than needed.
Total: 15 points.

Great! nice to know you liked it.
Might want that piggy tattooed lol
20 points away from 50 *fingers crossed*

Twisted Kitten 06-26-2018 08:59 PM

Kitty is going to give this a go! I've always wanted to try long term full denial, but needed a good push. Longest I've gone is a few weeks I think. Maybe a month. I've got a bad memory. But I want to take a stab at it anyway.

So kitty's denial starts today!

(6/27/18 at 12am, denied until 8/26/18 12am)

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