getDare Truth or Dare

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IceMaiden 12-08-2017 04:45 PM

Picture Perfect (Interactive Story)
This is my first attempt at an interactive story where the readers choose the direction the story it might completely suck. If there is interest and people choose I will leave each choice open for 24-48 hours before beginning the next part. Majority vote will be written for the following part(s). If there isn't any interest after 48 hours I'll choose which way to take it myself.

Harper smiled as she walked towards home, her mind wandering to the surprise bouquet of roses she had recieved this morning. She had no idea who they were from yet rather than find it creepy she found it quite adorable and sweet. She couldn't understand her friend's shocked reaction or why they found it creepy rather than endearing. She figured who wouldn't want a secret admirer and tokens of their appreciation?

As she turned onto her street and headed down the garden path her eyes focused on what looked like a small package waiting by the door. Eagerly she hurried to it and smiled when she read the note that accompanied it.

Hope you like as much as I did."

Picking the box up and tucking it under her arm she inserted the door key into the lock with her free hand and stepped inside, closing the door quietly behind her. As soon as she was free of her coat and sitting comfortably on her bed she pulled the box towards her and began unwrapping it excitedly. Two gifts to her home led her to believe her secret admirer was a friend of her's and she hoped it was Aidan, the male she had been crushing on for the last two years.

As she peeled away the layers on the packaging she wondered why there was another small envelope inside. Shrugging she reached for it and tore it open and about a dozen pictures fell onto the bedspread in front of her. As she picked one up and glanced down at it her earlier excitement dissipated to be replaced with a sinking feeling of dread.

Throwing it away from her she picked up the next and then another and another and her heart sank as she looked through each one. Each one of the photos showed her in a compromising position; each worse than the last.

She remembered the party where these photos had obviously been taken, remembered her friend's boyfriend hitting on her and knowing she shouldn't take things further but doing so anyway. What she didn't remember is anything after the stolen kiss they had shared. She certainly didn't remember sitting in his lap or pushing her shirt up and pressing her boobs into him so he could play with her nipples with his tongue. Nor did she remember them sneaking away into one of the upstairs rooms and doing a whole lot more than kissing.

The pictures told a different story and she frowned as she saw herself fully naked strewn over the bed with him on top of her, taking her from behind, looking up at him seductively as she pleasured him with her mouth. Although several of the pictures were grainy and unclear to anyone besides herself if it actually was her in them, the last of them left no doubt about it. She was completely naked and smiling into a camera she didn't remember with cum splattered all over her face.

She frowned and noticed her hands were trembling as she spied a small slip of paper that had fallen from the envelope along with the pictures and picked it up. Unfolding it carefully she read over the words and her heart sank further.

Who knew you had it in you? I'm guessing not many people know what happened that night. If you don't want the world to see these pictures then you will follow the further instructions. If you choose not to...well, you and I wont be the only ones to see these. The instructions will be sent quite soon. I hope you make the right choice...for your sake."

Should she:
A: Follow the instructions
B: Call their bluff and ignore them?

DareLover159 12-08-2017 05:42 PM

I vote A, it is not worth the risk!

also I love these kinds of stories, can't wait for more

NewMaster2 12-08-2017 08:44 PM

I vote A;

I want to see what he has in store!

IceMaiden 12-11-2017 12:22 PM

As the day turned into night Harper waited restlessly for the oncoming instructions. She found it difficult to concentrate on anything for too long, her mind always slipping back to the looming threat hanging over her head. Try as she might, couldn't think of anyone who would want to hurt her. She had no enemies and prided herself on being a genuinely decent person. Except for that one night that caused this; which she couldn't even remember.

As the numbers on the clock ticked over to 12.26AM she sighed as she began methodically getting herself ready for bed. It didn't look like the instructions were going to happen before the next morning. Was that part of the game? She wondered. To cause her to worry as she waited anxiously? She frowned as she finished brushing her teeth and headed to her bed climbing under the covers.

She had been waiting nervously for hours to receive the instructions she had been promised and as more time passed she became angrier that they were making her wait so long to find out whatever twisted game they had in store for her.

Forcing herself to breathe evenly and relax she finally managed to drift into a light sleep just as the notification went off on her phone to alert her to a text message. Still somewhere between asleep and awake it was loud enough to rouse her and she reached out sleepily for it. Putting in her pin code to unlock the phone she swiped down to her messages and saw a number she didn't recognize. Clicking to open it she suddenly felt much more awake as she read the words.

Hope I didn't wake you. It's time for your next instructions. I want you to send me a photo of your breasts. You have ten minutes."

Harper stared at the phone in shock. She had hoped desperately that she wouldn't have to do anything sexual, yet the very first instruction demanded it. How far was this person willing to take it? Her mind worked on overdrive as she mentally listed the pros and cons of sending him the picture he had asked for.

She knew if she did what he said she was only providing him with more material as leverage to use against her and digging the hole even deeper. But if she didn't...what if he was serious about releasing the pictures from the party? And why could she still not remember doing anything that the photos portrayed? Her phone lit up as the next message arrived.

"Five minutes, Harper. Tick tock."

She scowled at the message as her heart began to beat erratically. Why were they doing this to her? Rage washed over her at how unfair it was and as she tried to make a decision on what to do a flash of inspiration hit her. She smiled grimly as she opened her web browser and began searching for images of breasts.

Feeling rather cocky she forwarded one back and tossed the phone to the side before rolling over and closing her eyes, ready to go back to sleep. She was interrupted by another incoming alert and she grumbled as she retrieved her phone once more.

"Do you think I am stupid? I hope you will enjoy the entire town seeing what you get up to in your spare time."

She blinked several times as she tried to form rational thoughts. How had they known? She'd been careful to choose an image that showed breasts similar to her own. As she thought about what the release of the pictures would do to her reputation and family she found herself replying, her fingers trembling.

"I'm sorry. Please don't."

She pressed send with a shaky breath and sat hugging her knees to her chest waiting anxiously for a response, which came several minutes later.

"Last chance."

She knew what was implied and although her body trembled further she couldn't help being relieved that they had decided not to release the pictures. Sighing; she stripped off her night shirt and took the photo they were insisting on. As soon as she pressed send her heart sunk as her eyes squeezed tightly closed. Was there any way out of this? Alerted to their response by her phone, she found her eyes opening as she glanced down at the words. She had been anxious and nervous so far; but now she terrified as she read the message repeatedly.

"That wasn't so hard was it? But you must be disciplined for trying to fool me. I'm not a monster so I will even let you choose how you make it up to me. You may choose public humiliation...or pain. You will let me know what you decide before you leave the house for college in the morning."

Should she choose:
A: Public humiliation
B: Pain

sexualfeelings 12-11-2017 03:11 PM

B pain. I feel that public humiliation would defeat the purpose of blackmailing her.

doflodares 12-12-2017 01:04 PM

Public humiliation. The blackmailer needs to prove that he's willing to humiliate her if she's going to take him/her seriously

AbusiveMaster 12-13-2017 03:29 AM

It has to be A, B is far too easy.

tommo000 12-13-2017 05:31 AM

B pain , public humiliation comes later

also you should do a poll on the gender of the blackmailer

m55uk4younger 12-13-2017 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by tommo000 (Post 3072706)
B pain , public humiliation comes later

also you should do a poll on the gender of the blackmailer

I agree, yes B, Pain.

smf0 12-13-2017 07:04 AM

I'd vote A - public humiliation

FrozenWolfGirl 12-13-2017 08:55 AM

a: public humiliation

IceMaiden 12-13-2017 10:03 AM

The alarm cock blared loudly, startling Harper from her fitful and lackluster sleep. Rolling out of bed she blearily changed into jeans and a sweatshirt before running a brush through her hair. As she headed to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth she recalled the last text she had recieved and she stopped in the doorway to the bathroom. How was she supposed to choose her own torment?

Almost in a trance she went through the motions of getting ready for class while she deliberated which decision to take. She was a wimp when it came to pain and who knew what she would have to endure? But public humiliation...wasn't the entire point of following these instructions supposed to ensure she didn't have to face that and have her pictures released?

She grumbled as she grabbed her books and coat, and pulled out her phone. As she read over the words once more she imagined all the horrible ways she could be made to suffer. Agony or embarrassment? Trying to think logically she reasoned that the humiliation couldn't be too bad as that would mean her blackmailer would lose the leverage they had over her. It couldn't be worse than the photos getting out, right? She was pretty sure that whoever it was didn't want this to end just yet and reasoned it would therefore be embarrassing but not the end of the world like the photos would be. Before she could change her mind she clicked on the reply icon and sent off her response.

The journey to college took around twenty minutes and by the time she was sitting waiting for the professor to show up she still hadn't had a response. Maybe they got bored and decided to stop? She hoped.

The professor showed up a few minutes later and as he began the lesson Harper felt her phone vibrate. Glancing casually at the professor to make sure he wasn't paying her any attention she surreptitiously brought her phone out of her pocket and opened up the text. The words swam in front of her.

"Don't you find that class rather dull, Harper? How about we make it more exciting? Make yourself cum. Now."

Harper froze as her breaths became shorter in panic. How was she supposed to pull that off without being noticed? Her phone vibrated again.

"Get a move on, I don't have all day."

Her eyes flicked anxiously around the room, the words leading her to believe it was someone in the class. But every other student was focused on the professor, not another phone in sight.

After the stunt she had tried to pull the night before she didn't dare to try to refuse or outwit them again and as she slowly lowered her hand inside her jeans she was grateful for the first time her assigned seat had been at the back of the class.

Moving her fingers under her underwear and applying pressure to her clit she tried desperately to coax forth her orgasm while simultaneously trying to remain quiet and avoid attention. Almost thirty minutes passed before her body finally began to respond to her administrations; she was so anxious about being caught.

Slowly becoming wetter as her body reciprocated she fought the intakes of breaths as she struggled not to make any noise that would alert scrutiny towards her. Her breathing became laboured as the orgasm approached and finally she was able to bring it forth, her legs shuddering underneath her desk as she rode the intense waves it brought with it.

As she came down from the high she peered up under her eyelashes and was relieved no one was paying her any attention still. Another vibration of the phone had her pulling it out to check once more.

"You're such a slut, getting off like that in class."

Her cheeks flamed as she read the text and she allowed her anger to rise as she thought about how she had no choice in the matter. She was halfway through a scathing response before common sense returned and she deleted her angry words. Instead she waited for the next she knew would come and sure enough it followed a few minutes later.

"Know that next time you wont get off so lightly if you try to defy or fool me. Now that that is taken care of, we can get back on course. I believe there is a party tonight that you were planning to go to. Once there you will make sure Adian gets a blow job from you."

Harper started, stunned. She had forgotten all about the party one of her friends were throwing until now and as she read the last sentence her mind drifted as her eyes sought out Adian. He was sitting a few feet away from her scribbling notes as their professor droned on, so it couldn't be him. As far as she was aware he had no clue that she even liked him and he'd never given her any hint he liked her as more than a friend.

She pursed her lips as she thought over this new development. Maybe she could spin this to her advantage and finally get him to notice her as more than a friend? She smiled to herself. Whoever this jerk was playing with her had just done her a favour.

Several hours later Harper found herself swaying to the music that was radiating throughout her friend's house, slightly drunk. She had kept an eye on Adian all night, making sure he didn't wander off or leave and leave her unable to do what she had prepared herself for. As he stood up from one of the couches and headed upstairs towards the bathroom she followed him, knowing that this could be her chance.

Planting herself outside the bathroom a few minutes passed before he reopened the door and almost stumbled into her. She smiled shyly at him and before she could talk herself out of it grabbed his hand, leading him to one of the bedrooms.

"Harper? What are you doing?"

"I have something I want to show you."

Half dragging him behind her she made sure the door closed firmly behind them and before she could lose her courage launched herself at his lips. As her lips met his she brought her hands to his belt and began unbuckling it; only for him to pull away and grip her. His eyes searched hers, unsure and concerned.

"What is this?" He questioned.

"I would have thought that was pretty obvious by now." She giggled, her hands still fumbling at his belt.

He pulled both of her hands away with one of his and frowned at her.
"Harper, I'm flattered, really. But I thought you knew."

She squinted up at him, suddenly not feeling too good. Whether that was from the alcohol she had consumed or the pity in his tone she wasn't quite sure.

"Knew what?"

"Harper...I'm gay."

She stared at him, dumbfounded. In all the time she had known him he had never mentioned this to her and she had no idea. Although now it makes sense he never seemed interested in any of the girls that threw theirselves at him...she thought bitterly.

"I didn't know. I have to go." She choked out, as her cheeks heated in embarrassment. Ignoring his plea to wait she stumbled from the room as her phone chirped. She scowled as she pulled it out. She was so not in the mood for this.

"Oops. Did I forget to mention that part? It doesn't matter either way. You will try again and succeed or the photos are out...or I can offer you an alternative. But you wont like it."

Harper frowned as defeat crushed her. She now understood that they never expected her to succeed and this was just a further way of humiliating her. Her eyes flashed on the alternative option and her mind tried to dismiss it as quickly as it considered it. She didn't doubt she would hate it. How was she supposed to pull this off? It was like she had been given an impossible task just so she would fail on purpose.

Should she:
A: Try a different method
B: Ask for the alternative

M0ddingArt 12-13-2017 10:38 AM

Ask for the alternative

smf0 12-13-2017 01:41 PM

Got me curious... what is the alternative? - B

person7 12-14-2017 03:56 AM

the alternative, I think shes too nice of a person to try again

koszos 12-15-2017 09:43 PM

I vote, also, for B

tommo000 12-17-2017 10:33 PM

B i think it'll be best

IceMaiden 12-20-2017 03:20 PM

After what seemed like an eternity Harper began to text back. As she sent the message she wondered if she had done the right thing. An incoming text brought her from her thoughts.

"What an interesting choice. Leave the party and go to the following address. You have twenty minutes to arrive."

Harper glanced through the rest of the message and recognised the address they had attached at the end. It wasn't too far from the party and she could make it even if she walked. Deciding to go ahead and walk there instead of getting a cab, she hoped the fresh air would help clear her head and perhaps sober her up a little bit.

She wobbled a little on her heels as she navigated her way around the throngs of people still partying. Stepping into the chilly night air she shivered, wishing she had brought a warmer coat with her. Taking care not to wobble again she headed towards the address given, clutching her flimsy jacket tightly around her.

Turning the corner to the next street she glanced at the door numbers until she came across the one she was looking for. She managed to walk down the garden path and get to the door before she froze, her insides churning. As all sorts of scenarios raced through her head, each more gruesome than the last and she considered turning back and hoping the damage from the resulting fall out wouldn't be too bad.

As she thought about it she knew it would be too bad, perhaps unable to be rectified and although she was terrified about what she was walking into she couldn't see another way out. Not if she didn't want to destroy her parents and wanted to keep her reputation intact. As she deliberated over the mess she was in another text chimed. Pulling her phone out she looked down to read.

"Are you going to stand there or all night or finally get the courage to knock?"

Her eyes flew upward as she searched each window but she could see no one peering out at her and she had no idea if they were watching her from inside or outside the house. Swallowing hard, she raised a shaky hand and tapped lightly on the door. The phone chimed.

"Put on the blindfold. It's under the mat."

She frowned and bent down to retrieve it, her eyes squinting in the dark. Clutching it in her hand as she straightened up she slipped it over her head and eyes. Only then did she hear the door open. Flinching when she felt a hand on her arm; she stumbled even as she was guided inside.

"You failed to achieve your task with Adian so you will repeat it here with me," Came a voice she vaguely recognised but couldn't quite place.

She was so busy trying to work out who the voice belonged to that it took a moment for her brain to process the words. Beginning to shake her head, she was pushed forcefully to her knees as the voice continued talking.

"Do a good job and I'll let our mutual friend know you succeeded. Don't..well, you already know what they will do."

Her head swam. Was more than one of them doing this to her? Hearing a zipper being opened she tried to push her body backwards and away from him. He simply laughed.

"Harper, you can either do this or not. I'm not going to force you. But if you do, you will do it well enough to make me believe you want it, if you want me to relay the message that you succeeded. You have one minute to decide before I'll drag you out of here."

She shuddered, appalled that he wanted not only her body but her enthusiasm with it. Her stomach revolted at the idea of giving a blow job to someone she didn't even know. She imagined the days after, knowing she would always be looking at each person as a suspect. And it would drive her insane to think they would know while she didn't, silently laughing at her. But what choice did she really have?

"None." She thought bitterly. Giving in, defeated, she pushed her body back towards him and hesitantly reached out with her hands. Finding her target, she wrapped one hand around the base of his shaft and lifted herself up slightly so she could reach with her mouth. As her lips touched him she fought the urge to pull away, instead opening her mouth wide enough to take him inside.

He remained entirely still, giving no indication that he even felt her and she groaned silently to herself, realising he hadn't been kidding about wanting her enthusiasm. She knew now she was going to be the only one doing any work. Sliding her mouth down a little further she froze instinctively when she heard the quiet sound of a cell camera going off. Again, he just laughed at her.

"I wouldn't worry too much about the pictures I'll be taking tonight. It's not like there aren't any far worse ones of you out there."

She flushed, her mind recalling the damning images. She wished she had never opened that package. The camera went again and she did her best to ignore it as she continued to work on him with her mouth. The faster he came, the sooner she could end this.

He seemed to be deliberately withholding his orgasm and Harper realised he probably was doing just that, prolonging her misery. She sighed in frustration, grazing him accidentally with her teeth and he pulled out of her mouth immediately.

"That wasn't nice, Harper."

"It was an accident." She snapped back.

"That tone of yours isn't very nice either. So I am going to video this instead of taking pictures and when I cum in your mouth you will hold it in your mouth until told otherwise. Maybe this will teach you to be more respectful."

For the first time he began thrusting into her, gripping her hair tightly in his hands. As he tensed she felt the warm cum spurt into her mouth and she fought not to gag. Holding it in her mouth, fighting the urge to spit it on the floor at his feet, she waited as he leisurely pulled out of her mouth.

"Open nice and wide."

She grimaced, but did as he said.

"Now gargle it like you would mouthwash."

Glaring behind the blindfold, she followed this instruction too, trying to prevent the rising nausea.

"Now swallow and show me your mouth."

Retching a little as she forced it down her throat and opened wide again, she waited, unsure what she was supposed to do now.

"Just one more thing to do. You've done quite well so far and if you follow this last order to my satisfaction you will have succeeded with your task. Isn't that what you want?"

She nodded slightly, her cheeks burning in shame.

"State your full name for the camera."

She stiffened. They already had pictures, one of which clearly was her in it. Why did they want her name on video? She didn't think anything good could come from that. Both of them remaining quiet, the ticks from a nearby clock could be heard in the tense silence and she crumbled inside as she thought about what they could do with her naming herself on video and then failing the task and the consequences that would ensue. She didn't know which would be worse at this point.

Should she:
A: Give her name
B: Refuse and fail the task

smf0 12-30-2017 04:07 PM

Failing the task now doesn't seem like a real option - A

Sarge90 01-02-2018 12:04 PM

I would say A, the hard work has been done and his voice is also on the video, even with editing it's clear she's uncomfortable, if it ever got loose she has a defence.

Also, I have to say this story is incredibly compelling, I really want to know (despite having no clue about really any of the other characters) who the blackmailer is; I think that's a sign of a good storyteller.

IceMaiden 01-02-2018 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Sarge90 (Post 3104459)

Also, I have to say this story is incredibly compelling, I really want to know (despite having no clue about really any of the other characters) who the blackmailer is; I think that's a sign of a good storyteller.

Thank you so much!

Now Christmas/new year is over and I have more time I will be coming back to this.

BamaSwitch 01-02-2018 04:08 PM

Just found this thread! I love the story so far. Great work!

A is my vote. :)

Slave_E 01-06-2018 02:02 PM

I would say A, I want to know what happens next...

chrisbi01 01-06-2018 02:37 PM

i will say A too . This story is so good nice job!

aaron9769 01-07-2018 10:08 PM

Got to be a surely

anomalous 01-08-2018 02:57 AM

Yep, a for sure.....

IceMaiden 01-11-2018 09:17 AM

As she deliberated he tutted at her.

"Do you want to fail Harper? It's starting to seem like it."

Silently she shook her head and he raised an eyebrow at her. She knew what he was waiting for. Taking a breath she managed to stutter out,

"Harper Aldaine."

She could sense his glare even under the blindfold.

"I said your full name Harper. I'm losing my patience with you."

She glared once more under the blindfold, seething inside. How well did these people know her to know she had a middle name? It wasn't something that came up in general conversation and not many people knew.

"Harper River Aldaine." She spat out.

He smiled, his ire vanishing almost immediately. She flinched as she felt his hand on her head and fought the urge to break it as he patted her condescendingly on the head while simultaneously stating,

"Good girl."

"Can I go now?" She snapped, her patience gone.

"I suppose so." He murmured as he continued stroking her hair.

Pulling her none too gently to her feet, he led her back the way they had entered. Stopping at the front door he brought his face close to hers to say quietly,

"I'll be seeing you again soon, Harper."

Without another word he unlocked the door and unceremoniously pushed her out into the cold night air before slamming the door behind her. She didn't waste a second in tearing off the blindfold and hurrying from the yard. She wanted nothing more than to go home and scrub her skin and wash his scent off her.

Stopping only to throw her jacket and phone on her bed she headed straight into the shower once she got home, hurriedly peeling away her clothes and stepping under the hot water. She stood there letting the water rain over her body without moving as she felt a tear prickle the corner of her eye. Blinking it back she began methodically scrubbing her body; starting from the bottom and working finally all the way to her head. She didn't think she had ever ashed herself so thouroughly.

When the water began to run cold she sighed and stepped out, wrapping a large towel around her and headed into her room. Gingerly she sat on the bed as her mind tried to process what was becoming of her life. Her thoughts were interrupted by the all too familiar and now unwelcome incoming text alert. Reaching for it she opened the text and her eyes skimmed over the words.

Well done. I have to admit I was quite surprised that you passed as I was entirely certain you didn't have it in you. Isn't it amazing what a little fear can do to a person? I must say, I enjoyed your video very much. I look forward to a repeat of that only with me this time, but that wont be for a little while. You did so well today I am even going to let you choose what you do next! Remember, good girls get rewards. I want you to send another picture of your breasts, this time with the following written on them: "I, Harper, choose the following number." Underneath that you will write one or two."

Harper scowled. She could choose which number but how did that help her? She had no idea what either meant for her but was sure neither would be something she would enjoy. Sighing inwardly she retrieved a marker from her desk and then dropped the towel. As she placed the marker to her breast she hesitated and quickly began to reply.

"Do I at least get to know something about what the numbers mean?"

She only had to wait a few seconds and the response both surprised and irritated her.

"Yes. But only if you ask me more nicely."

Gritting her teeth her fingers swiped furiously.

"Please. Could you tell me what they mean?"

Again, she didn't have to wait long for an answer.

"One will have you repeating some of your fine work today with others. Two will involve your home video being posted to a rather exclusive site for the viewer's pleasure."

She stared. How the hell was she supposed to do either option? Suddenly she realised just how far out of control this could spiral and how willing this person was to take it too far.

Should she take

dragoneau 01-11-2018 05:40 PM

I would say 1...

Sarge90 01-28-2018 10:25 AM

Neither option is particularly appealing, but I think B would be the lesser of evils tbh.

Curtis 01-31-2018 10:22 PM

I'm going with 2, only because the blackmailer could always post anyway, so if she chooses 1 she could end up with both (and probably would, the way this is developing).

Good story, by the way.

Golden_Throw 02-15-2018 02:45 PM

She should try 2.

AnalSlave1 04-27-2018 08:13 AM

Let's go with number 2

molten man 04-29-2018 05:11 AM

Just saw this.. The story is mind blowing.. Please keep it going.

I choose 1, since the whole point of the exercise is not to go public.

ChaseKinky 06-16-2019 11:54 AM

This story is amazing, along with the writing! I love how you thought of letting people help where the story goes too.

I think she would choose A. Even though she hated it the first time, the video has her full name in it and could end up anywhere.

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