getDare Truth or Dare

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xxxMichellexxx 07-05-2007 09:03 AM

Posting Problem...?
I have noticed that a lot of users are posting more then they need too. As many of you may already know, if you look at a user's Public Profile, it will say how many posts you have and in brackets, how many posts per day. Some of the numbers that appear in brackets are unbelievable. I'm not going to mention names but I've found someone with 39.90 posts per day, 5.46
posts per day, etc. (As Of July 5th 2007)

There is no point to posting this much! You do not need to post in every thread!

There is no compitition going on involving who can get the most posts! There used to be one because there was a Top Posters list in the Top 7 Stats section. The 2 users involved lost reputation.

So... Stop Posting Excessively

blog_and_cam 07-05-2007 09:12 AM

39 posts per day or whatever is just an average, not the real thing! haha, and if it was complete truth, saddos.

SlaveBoy 07-05-2007 09:15 AM

i know u are kind of saying me but i use to post when i read in forum i from now on only 100%post in stories and for the rest i may not post as many.

xxxMichellexxx 07-05-2007 09:17 AM

still it should be under 2 posts for day even if it is an average, max. 3. For example: SlaveBoy has 70 posts in just over 2 days

Marc 07-05-2007 09:17 AM

Totally agree! It's quality, not quantity that should be the aim!

SlaveBoy 07-05-2007 09:18 AM

but now u don expect me to delect every single post right

timmy 07-05-2007 09:19 AM

ive posted A HELL of alot these past 2 days

but i still think its only like 15-20 posts lol

cuz ive finished school and im resting on getdare =]

ermm yer + slaveboy, your not reading the rules very well.

please just read the forum rules.

like were you post things

why you post things

it just helps with the flow of getdare

chain 07-05-2007 10:28 AM

Problem is the site is getting kind of ....wel crappy. We've never had this many members before, much less this many members who have no regard for the rules, make 2 posts then leave forever. While I do want to keep almost every post, so we can go back and look at it, there's a part of me that wants to just physcially delete every thread that breaks the rules.

Manbearpig 07-05-2007 10:39 AM

I have said it before, and i am sure some of the older members such as myself, depp, chaing, usaslavegurl will agree. A while ago there was not as much action but a lot of quality posts. Now there is a ton of action. There is 15-20 posts an hour during the day but only about 50% are have way decent quality. People need to read the rules.

I really want hear Depp's take (again) on this issue.

chain 07-05-2007 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by dabear (Post 17748)
I have said it before, and i am sure some of the older members such as myself, depp, chaing, usaslavegurl will agree. A while ago there was not as much action but a lot of quality posts. Now there is a ton of action. There is 15-20 posts an hour during the day but only about 50% are have way decent quality. People need to read the rules.

I really want hear Depp's take (again) on this issue.

100% agreement. I am actually writing a detailed thread in the Inside Beat section about problems and what needs to be done, whether it be new rules, tighter enforcement and making it easier to Probate/Ban someone, to re-organizing the mods, to adding new ones. I believe I am speaking for all the staff, when I say that something has to be done. We are working on it.

timmy 07-05-2007 11:04 AM

im very glad your taking acction dude.

and well done usagirl
im glad you made this post =]

good luck lads, and im sure i speak from all of the long term getdare users when i say that.

bondfan 07-05-2007 01:58 PM

I don' think there is a problem with posting often. Especially with threads like "Person above dare" it's quite easy to get a high post count w/o writing garbage like sl... some other people.
I'm no long time user but I like to believe that I don't post any nonsense posts and I really hope the situation will get better.
I'd be in favor of really harsh rules but that'd probably be too much work for the mods and admins.

Tony12 07-05-2007 03:08 PM

Well i think people are on purposely posting far to much. They should put a limit to something like 10max a day...
I don't think it matters how many posts people write but i don't think it's necessary to leave a comment on every post so i partially see your point!

Manbearpig 07-05-2007 04:37 PM

I do not think there is a need for a post limit. Sure certain days you can have a lot of posts. Just make sure every single post is a quality post.

Hccmike 07-05-2007 05:47 PM

Nah A post limit would be a bad idea...

But I do agree with Dabear on most things in this thread Ive always been what I would consider an active member giving hints and such and my post count is pretty damn low considering my join date and I check the forums at least once a day.....haha....

Oh and for changes won getdare I think what we really need is at least 2 mods who soul purpose is to just watch the boards for random spammers with people posting in a thread to say "Hello" or something small like that just to try to get there post count higher. I mod on another website for a FFXI linkshell its not really that hard to do Ill just ocasionaly deletepost if they look completly pointlesss... just need somone who checks the forum everyday.

Manbearpig 07-05-2007 05:59 PM

yea i mean i have been a member for over a year. I check the forums often, maybe 8-10 times a day on average. However, i am still averaging just below a post a day. I dont think people need to reply to every single post they see. That doesnt mean you say "Great story! Keep up the great work!!!" to a person on the story board. I am getting tired of people posting, "WRITE A STORY NOW, DAMN IT!!!" (although people normally dont get that violent :rolleyes: ). The only advice I have to high posters is make sure that every post is a quality post.

Hccmike 07-05-2007 06:24 PM

Well a problem that people we have is that people bump and just make demanding posts. I see a few of the "Give me a dare!!!!" Thread and After nobody has posted on it for a few hours youll get a repost on the same thread saying, "OMG PLEASE DARE ME"... it gets annoying and its pointles I asked for some beach dares and I didnt get any response oh well :/ The Same goes with the storys I have no problem with people posting "Wow, really great story" or "Wow amazing dare" or something liek that thats fine... Not just postings "WRITE MOAR NOW" or something stupid but those have value short and sweet can still apply but posts just need to be kept in check....

Manbearpig 07-05-2007 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Hccmike (Post 17817)
Well a problem that people we have is that people bump and just make demanding posts. I see a few of the "Give me a dare!!!!" Thread and After nobody has posted on it for a few hours youll get a repost on the same thread saying, "OMG PLEASE DARE ME"... it gets annoying and its pointles I asked for some beach dares and I didnt get any response oh well :/

Well what really bugs me is when

a. They do this after a few minutes

b. They just keep on adding to their post or they make 20 new ones and worse of all they post it all over (mostly in the wrong sections)

c. They post stuff in the TorD section and they need it NOW!!!

d. I like it when people give some notice (e.g. I need dares for 8-10 a.m. tomorrow) but people post them 2 weeks afterwards.

Hccmike 07-05-2007 06:44 PM

I think at least a rule should be for that thread that if you post like that your post should be deleted on the spot and you are not allowed to post a new thread. if you do have a 3 day ban from the forum
Something like that but hte problem is nobody reads the rules really....

I just had an Idea!

Depp what if you made it so people would have to read the rules before making an acount.... i know alot of people will just skip it but it might help some...

Manbearpig 07-05-2007 06:49 PM

Only problem is a mod cant be on 24/7 for this. I know we have mods in both Europe and the U.S.A., but dont forget, we mite use this as a second home, but we all have a real life, whether it is school, work, friends, ect. I am sure once September comes, have the people who joined this site will totally forget about it and never post again. I go down to maybe checking my account once every other day come school time. But i am only one person, wut does everyone else think (btw, i think i am over my 10 post limit for the day lol :D)

Hccmike 07-05-2007 06:56 PM

Yah you are!!! how dare you!!! but at least they have a point to them. I try to check it at least once a day even on school days... hell ill help mod the forums just for spam if Depp would like me to I have some experaince in it..

Britbrat 07-05-2007 07:04 PM

I think the only reason that the amount of posts per day is going up is because kids are out of school and they have nothing to do but be on the computer, so they have more time to be looking at all the things they may have missed on getdare during school and are getting caught up by posting a lot of things now

Manbearpig 07-05-2007 07:16 PM

Yes but that does not let them post low quality, rule breaking posts. People need to read the rules!!!

chain 07-05-2007 07:57 PM

Post count going up isn't the problem, its the post quality, or lack thereof that's the problem.

Hccmike 07-05-2007 09:16 PM

Hell if you want to really remove alot of people from just spaming just make post count not publicly veiwable :D

Glutgod 07-05-2007 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by Hccmike (Post 17860)
Hell if you want to really remove alot of people from just spaming just make post count not publicly veiwable :D

I do not agree with this, it would probly be a bad Idea, not just because of me... But it would not be fair, and a lot of other users. (I think) would agree with me. What I think we need to do is have people first delete old never used accounts, that would help, and delete any accounts that are spamming, anyways I've found a new thread that has a place where people can post all they want, if it turns out good people will just post all thier spam there.

ps. I'm just like 2 post per day.

Hccmike 07-05-2007 10:14 PM

Eh I dont like it myself I like having a postcount but... it was just a possible sugestiion for solvin ghte problem

depp=noob=lol 07-06-2007 03:18 AM

a few months ago we had the same problem. I dont want that that will happen again to getdare. Guys, please use more REPUTATION and spread it wide. How more rep, how better user you re. So guys, give more Rep and stop looking at the post counts. THANKS!

Lonelyangel 07-06-2007 03:52 AM

I think the problem with relying on people giving reputation rather then post count, is that reputation actually takes effort on the part of others who sometimes can't be bothered (mostly newbies)! Unfortunately i can't see any alternatives.
Maybe with the large membership problem, delete inactive accounts of a period of more then 60 days (or any other number) and maybe a waiting list, until more account spaces become availible.

chain 07-06-2007 05:07 AM

I personally don't think there's any problem with the number of members. The problem is people repeatedly breaking the rules. Poor post quality of some members should be expected on every forum, but this has gotten out of hand. Reputation points may help, but at the end of the day if you want to be a respected member, one who may be asked to be a mod, or someone every just likes, post fairly frequently, but make it good stuff. We may get a mod soon that has under 0.50 posts per day. I have just over .50 posts per day. Quality is what matters. While I completely agree with USASlaveGirl and her concerns, poor quality isn't against the rules, nor is it a problem we can fix while still being an open site. I personally believe that the bottom line is: Post good stuff and people will thank you, post crap and there's a chance you'll get flamed.

xxxMichellexxx 07-06-2007 08:08 AM

completely agree with you chaingangistheclick, people need to post, like the saying goes, "Quality not Quantity". Another thing that people should learn to do is EDIT their posts. There is no point on doing something like this: (Example)

User1: Need Dares For Today! Post Them Here! Thank You!
User2: What's Your ASL?
User1: 18/f

They could have just as easily edited their original post to answer this question. I'm not saying this should be used in every situation but for something like that...

money.m 07-06-2007 08:44 AM

I just saw a thread yesterday saying up your posts... that person made 2 threads 4 people just to make more posts now i think that person should be banned and those should be closed/deleted

sorry let me edit that it was already closed just went to look guess everyone had the same idea lol

cheesy dude 07-06-2007 01:25 PM

non quality posts? well thats why we reward good posts with good rep :) i know i bring up rep alot but people should really use it. If it is used enough and some users start getting stars and stuff on their rep then people will stop and thing i want start so im gonna post quality:) not crap.

Tony12 07-06-2007 02:13 PM

Not the way i ment it... There should be a limit to stop spamming... ?

TheLittleStrawberry 07-06-2007 02:22 PM

I don't get this reputation thing... I can't see anywhere, where reputation is shown. is it in the profile? If anything... i think it should be visible in every post.

Anyway. I don't think the number of posts people make is a big deal... Sure... People can 30+ posts per day. But if they are constructive and qualitative posts, i don't see one single problem with it. Sure there goes the saying "Quality over quantity". But that doesn't mean that quantity means less quality.
It really depends on the person who posts really...

Maybe mods should be more strict around spammers and n00bs.... And if there aren't enough, have more longtime and/or responsible members get the chance to be a mod, and be part of cleaning this forum :)
Apparently there's a high demands for them lately.

chain 07-06-2007 03:52 PM

New mods are hopefully *fingers crossed* on the way. We have some in mind, whether or not Depp sent out the invites to them or not remains another story, along with if they'll accept. Reputation is the green bars under your post count on the side of the post. You may add reputation by click thie scale near the red or green button at the bottom lefthand corner of the posts. Certain members can take away reputation points.

TheLittleStrawberry 07-06-2007 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by chaingangistheclick (Post 17998)
New mods are hopefully *fingers crossed* on the way. We have some in mind, whether or not Depp sent out the invites to them or not remains another story, along with if they'll accept. Reputation is the green bars under your post count on the side of the post. You may add reputation by click thie scale near the red or green button at the bottom lefthand corner of the posts. Certain members can take away reputation points.

Thankyou :)

I think the reputation button should be more noticeable and precise though.. i would never have figured out what it was on my own. It should be more advertised too.

Maybe more people will use it, and more people will strive to be better users to gain reputation :)

chain 07-06-2007 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by TheLittleStrawberry (Post 18002)
Thankyou :)

I think the reputation button should be more noticeable and precise though.. i would never have figured out what it was on my own. It should be more advertised too.

Maybe more people will use it, and more people will strive to be better users to gain reputation :)

The proposed plan is 3 new mods, which will remain anominous untill the right time. However, this proposed plan has only gotten thumbs up from me and Depp...the rest of the staff have not been on since the proposal was made. However, Depp kind of runs the site so he can do whatever he wants. Also, this plan in contingent on the nominees accepting the invitation to be a mod. So far (to the best of my knowledge) no one has ever turned down one of these types of invites. Hopefully within the next 24-28 hours we will be able to inform you on the potential new mods and then a complete list of all the mods.

depp 07-06-2007 06:29 PM

I will send my invites after more of the staff give feedback. Somethimes they know things about users I just don't.

molten man 07-07-2007 01:00 AM

i would suggest that u dont see d average posts per day but see their quality of posting!! if it is inappropriate then action shud be taken else there shud be no problem wid d posting!!!!

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