getDare Truth or Dare

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matt1995 04-11-2014 07:49 AM

Choose your own adventure: Jake, James, Katie and I
Jake and James were identical twins. They were both six foot two, about two hundred and fifty pounds and incredibly athletic. They had short neat hair, smooth unblemished skin and muscles in all the right places. They both had eight-pack, great pecs, thick legs and fantastic arses. They were well-spoken, funny and friendly. In short - any girl would dream of having either one of them as a boyfriend. Unfortunately for those girls, both Jake and James were gay.

Katie was about five foot eight with long straight blonde hair and a slim figure. She was into gymnasts and so had the sort of body which looked great in a leotard. Long lovely legs, a thin waist and relatively small (B cups) but firm and round boobs. She was clever and pretty, although typically fairly shy and a recluse in her own world, especially around people she didn't particularly know.

I was Matt. I was a tiny bit taller than Katie and relatively slim, although I did like swimming and climbing, I nevertheless could not boast the Action Man physiques of the twins. I had brown hair, high cheekbones and intense blue eyes.

Together Jake, James, Katie and I were best friends in college, all eighteen years old and in our final year. It was Summertime , and it was Friday afternoon and we were planning for our weekend. We all queued up in the Canteen, being that we took the same classes and always spent all our freetime together, and got our food, before finding an empty table in the corner of the room to sit at.

'So...' I said, 'What is the plan for this weekend?'
'Tom iz havvinvnw a pacefa att...' James tried to speak with a mouth full of macaroni cheese.
'That's disgusting James!' Katie said, shielding her food with her arm from any of James' spit.
'I think what my brother is trying to say is that Tom is having a house party at his house this weekend, 'cause his parents are away, and I'm sure we can get in', Jake elaborated on his brother's mumblings.
'That sounds pretty good - you sure you can get us in - I barely even speak to Tom...' I replied.
'We play rugby and football with Tom on the weekends. I'm sure he'll let us all in.' James had finished his mouthful.

'My dad away and he left his tent at home,' Katie said, 'So if we don't want to go to an athletes' party with all the jocks hitting on me and comparing cock lengths on the kitchen table, us four could go camping in one of the farmers fields near my house. I've got beer.'
'That sounds alright,' said James, 'But if we skip both of those tonight, some people are heading to this beach tomorrow.'
'Oh yeah,' I added, 'It's Joanna Webster in the year below. Her dad's some techno tycoon which means...'
'Private beach...' Jake finished my sentence.

'Sounds pretty fun, right?' James said, 'And I've got a car, so we could set out tomorrow at about seven in the morning (which I don't fancy doing with a hangover) and reach the beach by around twelve. That'd be my pick.'
'Still, Joanna is a real bitch,' said Katie, 'And she treats most people like crap just because her daddy's a million billion quadrillionaire and all her clothes are made by some Italian designer. See there could be pricks at the beach or party, but in a tent, there's just us four. And we all like each other. I'm feeling the camping trip.'
'I really like Tom, and his parties are proper mental. Last time the Rugby Captain jumped off the third storey roof off Tom's house and into the pool, naked! Plus we wouldn't have to clear up...' Jake looked around expectantly, waiting for people to agree.

'Well,' Katie said, 'Looks like a tie break to me... You decide then, Matt.'

A) James: Joanna's Private Beach
B) Katie: Camping Trip
C) Jake: Tom's House Party

Please write A, B or C and at some point in the future, probably about a week, I will continue from there. Sorry for the slow start, but I thought it best to establish the characters and begin with a big decision, and thanks for reading.


joshl 04-11-2014 11:42 AM

i think B that should be interesting ;)

Nick 04-12-2014 06:26 AM

Great set up! I'm excited to see where it goes.

I think C sounds great

phantom2001 04-12-2014 09:03 AM

C as well. I think the party has a lot of good potential

phanmail 04-12-2014 08:30 PM

b few thinks are hotter than girls in a tent :D

deswill 04-13-2014 12:19 AM

B sounds good to me.

skyrunner 04-13-2014 01:09 AM

B sounds like it could go feminization

sagivfer 04-13-2014 04:47 AM

I think B would be the most interesting.

matt1995 04-13-2014 11:26 AM

Jake, James, Katie and I, Part 2
I have had more time than I previously thought so will be able to write a part sooner than expected. These are the votes at time of writing.
A - 0
B - 5
C- 2

I arrived at Katie's at seven, to find Jake and James already waiting with Katie outside. James had the large tent over his muscular shoulder, whilst Jake held two crates of twenty beer bottles a piece with apparent ease. On my back was a rucksack - in it my sleeping bag, wash hit and a random assortment of equipment I had needed for a recent expedition.
'Since the two Olympus brothers are showing off,' Katie said, 'All you have to carry up is this.' She passed me a large litre bottle of vodka.
'Okay,' I said, 'Let's roll.'

We began to walk up the considerable hill, towards the field near the top which Katie planned to use. We chatted as we walked.
'So, guys, what's the plan for tonight?' Jake asked.
'Well, girls,' Katie responded, 'I've got some cards, and we've got enough alcohol to make us vomit out our guts onto drystone walls.'
'I thought we could have some good old dares,' I said.
'Dares?' James asked, 'Aren't we a bit old for them?'
'Well James,' I said, 'If you're going to be a pussy...'
'I am certainly not a pussy. I am nothing to do with pussies,' James said.
Jake laughed. 'I'm up for it. I was always the best at dares back when I was at sleepovers and stuff growing up. I'd always go further than anyone else would... well... dare to go.'
'That's fighting talk there Jakey,' Katie said. 'I'll be daring you to the limit tonight...'

We continued to chat, lessening as the hill took our breath and our energy, and made it to the top field by around eight, just as the light was beginning to fade. I had originally met the twins in scouts, and as such we had the tent up in a matter of minutes, and were soon sat inside the gratifying spacious tent, all sipping from bottles of beer.
'Matt,' James asked out of nowhere, 'Truth or Dare?'
'Truth,' I responded instinctively. I knew how it went. Low stakes to start with, then build things up slowly.
'When did you last masturbate?' James asked.
'That's a disgusting question James!' Katie exclaimed.
'That's nothing,' Jake said. 'That's a normal conversation for guys.'
'Well fine,' I replied, 'It's been ages, 'cause we've had my cousins over and I've had to share a room with a fifteen year old who I barely know. No opportunities. So, like two and a half weeks.'

'Bloody hell,' James said, 'I don't think I've gone that long since my age hit double figures...'
'Pervert,' Katie laughed.
'Well I'm sorry if I didn't want to circle jerk with my cousin...'
'Technically it would be more of a line jerk,' Jake cut in. 'Unless you let your little brother in on the action.'
'Now that's disgusting,' I replied, 'He's only thirteen years old.'
'You say that,' Jake said, 'But I've told you before about when I walked in on him wanking when I was at your house last month.'
'Yes,' I said glumly, not wanting to hear the story again.
'And I swear for thirteen he has a big...'
'ENOUGH!' I interrupted, half-angry and half-amused. 'Katie - truth or dare?'
'Truth,' she answered.

'How many guys have you slept with?'
'None,' she said without hesitation or shame. 'I'm waiting for the right one. Now time for you, big man. You talk the talk but do you walk the walk. Truth or dare?' She looked at Jake.
'Okay... Take your shirt off.'
'Please...' Jake laughed. He quickly pulled off his shirt. I tended not to play sport with the twins so my chances to see them shirtless were fairly limited. Anyone would say that Jake had an incredible physique - like a cross between a model and a bodybuilder. Without tensing, his abs were defined and his pecs were firm and rippling. He had the V-shaped back so many people yearned for, as well as the defined V-lines on his stomach. He truly was the complete package. 'I think you underestimate how un-body conscious athletes are. Okay, bro, you're next...'

'Give me your best shot. Truth.'
'Maybe Matt was right. Maybe you are a pussy... Nevertheless, my question to you is... who has the bigger cock, me or you?'
'What?' James said, 'How the fuck would I know that?'
'Because we frequently are naked in front of each other and have shared the same room for eighteen years. Of course you know.'
'Well I suppose... It's me.' James smiled.
'Bullshit,' Jake said, 'It's obviously me.'
'Now that is fighting talk,' I said. 'I think we need to work out who's telling the truth.'
'Work out...' Katie said. 'How are we supposed to do that?'
'Isn't it obvious?' I said, 'We look...'
'Well this is elevating quickly...' Jake said, 'But I know I'm right so what's the harm?'

'Okay,' James said, sweat across his brow. 'What happens to the person who is wrong?'
'A forfeit.' I said.
'Okay,' Jake agreed.
'So James says his cock is bigger than Jake's.' I outlined.
'I do.' James agreed.
'And Jake says that his cock is bigger than James'.'
'It is.' Jake said.
'And so whoever is wrong does the forfeit? You both agree.' They nodded. 'Swear?'
'We do.' They replied in an almost stereotypical twin unison. 'But what's the forfeit, Matt?'

'The forfeit is that...' I said, knowing they'd stupidly already agreed to do it.

A) 'The loser strips completely.'
B) 'The loser has to blow the other to orgasm.'
C) 'The loser has to shave all hair from the neck down.'

Please vote now. Thanks for reading.


sagivfer 04-13-2014 02:30 PM

C I think it will come down to a feminization

Nick 04-13-2014 04:35 PM

Option C sounds like a lot of fun

Alexis Rune 04-14-2014 07:34 AM

I agree, C... lots of taunting about being tiny and girly to go along with it :)

deswill 04-14-2014 09:34 PM

C is my choice................................

matt1995 04-16-2014 08:38 AM

Jake, James, Katie and I, Part 3
Votes at time of writing - unanimous choice albeit it an unexpected choice in my opinion.
A - 0
B - 0
C - 4

'Shave all the hair from the neck down?' James asked, looking uneasy.
'That's right,' I said, 'And you already agreed.'
'No worries anyway,' James responded, 'Because I know I'm bigger than my bro.'
'You may well think that,' Jake said, 'But when the guys in the rugby showers are mocking you for having no pubes and a baby's arse, then you'll know which of us was more hung...'
'How are we going to measure anyway? I have no intention of pushing my cock next up my brother's...' James said.
'Luckily,' I pulled over my rucksack, 'I have everything in here for the whole thing; a measuring tape in my first aid and a razor and shaving cream in my wash kit. So go ahead guys, get it up so we can measure.'

The two brothers briefly looked around, a hint of embarassment, before stuffing their hands down the front of their respective shorts. Katie and I looked at one another, grinned, and then both grabbed a fresh beer from the crate. I opened mine with my metal keyring, did the same to Katie's, and then we clinked them together.
'Good show,' she said, as James and Jake masturbated themselves, albeit hidden from view.
'Indeed,' I laughed, 'And I was just going to go home and watch Simpsons tonight.'
'But their identical twins, right?' Katie asked in a hushed voice.
'So won't they be...?'
'I don't know... but I worded it so... you know.'

'All done,' Jake said, pulling his hand from his underwear, the large bulge very apparent.
'Likewise.' James did the same. I pulled out the measuring tape. 'Well guys, time to whip them out and see who'll be leaving pubeless. Jake pulled his out straight away, shamelessly, and into view came a noticibly long and thick cock. It had a thick pubic bush at the bottom, and stray hairs up the veiny and impressively tanned shaft. I had no idea where he had had a chance to sunbathe naked. I threw across the tape measure.
'From the top to the end, right?' Jake asked, enjoying the attention he got. I nodded, slightly too shocked to speak. Jake pressed the metal end into his thick pubic bush, and ran the tape up the shaft right to his bellend, out of which a certain amount of precum flowed.
'Eight point one delicious inches,' Jake said. I checked, and he told the truth. 'Beat that bro.'

James was not so keen, but pulled his cock out. To my surprise his was already completely bare of pubes, and looked as if it had been shaved recently.
'What the fuck?' Jake said. 'You had as many pubes as me after rugby on Monday.'
'I got with George in the year below the other day,' James said, 'And prepared accordingly.'
James cock was not tanned like Jake's, but just as thick and pulsating. It did not surprise me to hear James had had a one night stand with George, a popular guy in the year below at school. James was attractive enough to sleep with any guy or girl he wanted. James took the tape and measured.
I read it this time. 'Eight point one...' I said. 'Identical.'
'Mine's definitely thicker!' Jake said, with a mixture of panic and indignance.
'I don't think so,' I laughed, 'And anyway, that wasn't the bet.'

'So what, we're both right,' James said.
'No,' Katie cut in, still a bit pale having had two huge cocks spring out in front of her, especially as a girl who was on the inexperienced side sexually, especially considering her age. 'It means you both have to shave. You were both wrong. Because you both said you had a bigger cock than the other.'
Jake looked angry but James relieved. 'Well I'm all done.' James said.
'No you're not bro.' Jake grabbed the wash kit from my outstetched hand. 'You still have a hairy arse, armpits, legs and I bet even a few chest hairs. Bagsy first, but get ready.'

Without flinching Jake pulled off either sock, his shorts and his sexy bright blue hipsters. He had a body much like the Greek statues one sees, though with the noticeable exception of his dick, which was far bigger than the stone counterparts. He also was rather hairy, and he immediately sprayed the cream into his hands, and began to rub it on his thigh. Within one long line the razor was full of hair.
'Wait a moment,' Jake said, 'How do we shave without water?'
Katie pulled a metal bowl from her bag and placed it next to Jake. She reached into the beer crate, grabbed a couple, and poured them into the bowl.
'That's revolting...' James moaned.
'That's the only option we have,' said Katie, 'And might I add if we want this dare to be done by morning we can't just sit here and watch Jake rid himself of six years of hair growth. Do either of you two twins have razors in your bags?'
Jake nodded and grabbed one from the top of his bag. James pulled out two. I looked at him questioningly. 'One for the face, one for the pubes...' He responded nonchalantly.
'Well that's three, four overall.' Katie stated. 'One for each of us. Now stand up Jake, and we'll have you done in five minutes.'

Jake did so and stood in the centre of the tent, and we all crowded around him. He rubbed the shaving foam all over himself, and then we all went to work with the razors. None of us therefore needed to touch him, though judging by his throbbing erection he still enjoyed it hugely. He did his pubes whilst his brother worked his arse; whereas Katie and I worked the chest and legs respectively. True to what Katie had said, he was completely bare, and all the sexier for it, within five minutes. James switched and we got him to a similar state - all the faster because of James' predispostion to manscaping.
'There we go,' Katie said, as she dropped the disposable razor into the now horrific bowl of hairy beer.
'I look like little boy...' Jake bemoaned.
'And I smell like a brewery.' James said.
'Well you look great.' I said.

'Well, lucky for us,' Jake said, 'Now it's our turn to dare you...'
'It is,' James laughed, and they leaned into speak to one another briefly. I had to admire how comfortable they were with one another - eighteen year old twins completely naked and erect next to one another. I shared a ominous look with Katie. Jake in particular had been particularly proud of his body hair and no doubt had revenge in mind.
They broke apart.
'First things first - strip naked.' We seem to have forgotten we were playing truth or dare, but it seemed now that fifty percent of us were naked, we were going straight into dares for everybody. I didn't have much of a choice. I pulled off my t-shirt, my socks and my trackies. I was aware of the obvious wet patch in purple boxers, so whipped them off instantly, revealing my seven and a half inch erection.
'You've got a fair cock on you as well, Matt,' James joked, 'And shaved I see. Lie in the middle of the circle.' I did as I was asked. 'Now bring your legs over your head.' It was very lucky that my mum did yoga and often had goes with the DVD while my parents were out, and as such was unusually flexible for a boy of my age. My knees came over onto the ground just next to my shoulders and legs splayed across the floor. My bum, hairless, though through genetics and not choices, was in the air and my head uncomfortable next to the ground, my cock pointing directly at it.

'Now,' James said, moving around me and placing his hands on my feet thus fixing me there. 'Jake is going to wank you until you cum, and any cum that you don't swallow has to stay on you for the rest of the night.'
'What the fuck?' I said.
'A dare's a dare.' Jake said. 'Katie, can you hold his hands down.'
'Are you okay with this?' Katie asked me.
I hesitated. Although James had my legs my arms were free and resting against the floor, and I could still get out. I'm sure Jake and James wouldn't restrain me, but once the dare had started it would be to the end. 'Go ahead.'
'Good boy,' James said, as Katie took her position near my arse and held my hands down.
Jake came near me, and moved his hand between my legs to grab my cock. 'Big boy,' he winked, and began to move his hand up and down on my shaft.
It was amazing. I had known Jake and James for years and years and I had never predicted anything like this situation. Yet as Jake's hand moved in front of my face and my cock pulsed ominously in front of me, I could not deny how hot his all way or how horny I was.

Jake was sweating and looked incredible, and he grinned as he brought me closer and closer to orgasm. James leaned over me, about a foot from my face, and for a moment I thought he was going to kiss me, before he moved back. My breathing increased as I approached orgasm.
'Here we go bro...' Jake said, as his hand pumped faster and faster. 'Two and a half weeks.'
It had slipped my mind about how long it had been and I suddenly panicked. I forgot to open my mouth as finally, with ecstasy, I reached the long awaited orgasm. My most powerful orgasm to date rocketed through my body, and one, two three, four, five, six huge cumshots hit me right in the face, my mouth closed and teeth gritted in pleasure.
'Fucking hell Matt' came a voice but I was too preoccupied to respond or register who it was as my cock continued to pump warm salty cum into my face. It pulsed as Jake let go of it, and cum dribbled onto my chest. James let go of my legs and I flopped to the floor, completely and utterly spent, my breathing as heavy as if I had just swum forty lengths.

'You've got a face like a plasterers trousers...' Katie laughed.
I just panted. 'You're next...' I said, as my erection went down slightly.

A) 'Blow both the twins until orgasm.'
B) 'Run up and down the hill naked.'
C) 'Take off all your clothes and burn them.'

sagivfer 04-16-2014 09:38 AM

A, I think it will hit things up a bit

Absinthe 04-16-2014 09:53 AM

A as well, nice story so far.

deswill 04-16-2014 09:38 PM

C) Take off all clothes and burn them.

Nick 04-17-2014 08:32 AM

C as well, would be fun

phantom2001 04-17-2014 08:34 PM

Definitely a for this

shypilot 04-28-2014 03:11 PM

I vote for C. Great story so far.

Xxxdressxxx 04-28-2014 03:18 PM

I'll vote for a on this

matt1995 05-03-2014 01:35 PM

Jake, James, Katie and I, Part 4
Voting results are:
A - 4
B - 0
C - 3

'And I know exactly what you're going to be doing.' I said, as I lay in the middle of the floor, cum dribbling off my face onto the tent canvas and a pool collecting on my stomach from my still pulsing cock. 'I've got a load on me. You can have two... Relieve the twins.'
'Blow them?' Katie asked, moving forward.
'Until they cum.'
Katie hesitated very little. 'Alright.'
She keenly moved across the tent towards them, and I shimmied backwards and sat up, ignoring the snail trail of semen I was leaving, leaving the stage free.

'Woah woah woah...' said James. 'Don't we have an opinion?'
'Yeah. I mean asking us to do sexual stuff with a woman. That's like asking a Jew to eat pork.'
'Or a Muslim to eat pork.' James joined in.
'Or you to get porked,' He looked at me, 'By a guy...'
'As if you wouldn't dare me to do that. Anyway, a blowjob is a blowjob, and I bet Katie is pretty good at them.'
'Thanks... I guess,' Katie said, the winds somewhat gone from her sails with the twins' objections.
'Okay fine,' Jake said. 'But you had better not dare us to go anywhere near that vertical axe wound.' He gestured at Katie's lower half.
'What a lovely description of a vagina,' I laughed. 'Anyway Katie; Tuck in.'

The twins went to their knees and leant back in unison, while Katie pulled off her top, either for hygiene or the heighten the sexual experience, to reveal a hot pink bra, and without a moment of consideration took Jake's rock hard and enormous cock in her mouth. For all prior appearances and presumptions, Katie seemed to know her way around oral sex. She moved her way up and down Jake's dick, whilst massaging his balls with one hand and blindly reaching over with her other hand and stroking James up and down. Despite their protestations, the twins, eyes closed, seemed to be in ecstasy. Jake and James were sweating, their rippling abs shining in the artificial light, and Katie looked good too. She was in good shape and their was the hint of a pink thong above her jeans. It was incredibly hot.

I began to rise, despite emptying my load mere minutes before, and I gently massaged myself as I watched the three way unfold. Katie switched between them and seemed be attempting to edge the twins simultaneously. As their breathing increased she slowed and moved to the other one, and continued for at least five minutes as I also approached my second orgasm. Katie was now sweating too, and I moved myself slightly to get a view of her glistening boobs. She was deep throating James and began to gently pull Jake towards her with her hand. He shuffled forward on his knees, until both cocks were next to her face and within inches of one another. I moved forward to get a better view as the twins met at the shoulder and the dick. Katie briefly popped the end of both cocks into her mouth, and then retracted. The connection seemed to awake Jake and James, and they opened their eyes and began to pump themselves, like the money-shot a porno. Such was the lengths of the twins' that she too could wrap a hand round them and masturbate them at the same time. Jake began to moan and in a moment was shooting his cum onto Katie, first into her mouth, and then her face, chin and tits. No sooner had his brother begun to ejaculate when his brother replied - and jizzed explosively onto Katie, and some even splattered onto his brother's cock.

Katie spluttered as she was, like I had been, plastered in man juice. She looked down on herself, at her white-covered boobs, and in a moment whipped off her bra.
'I don't want my mum washing cum off my bra,' she laughed. She turned to me. I moved forward as well. Her boobs bounced and I could not look away.
'Cum on me,' she said, and winked. I stood up and moved forward and immediately began to pump my dick quickly. She licked the end of my cock and I was gone - blowing my second load of the night into Katie's face. She made no attempt to direct it, and took my three shots on the face. I closed my eyes, even more exhausted than before, and again out of the moment. What was happening? And how would we all be able to look each other in the face come Monday? Without warning, hands grabbed my shoulders and brought me to me knees and suddenly I was being kissed. I opened my eyes and saw Katie's face, in extreme close-up, as we kissed. Our saliva mingled and so too did the four loads of cum on our faces. Bloody hell I thought. How did this happen? And isn't this how people get eye infections...

'Well well well. What have we got here?' An unfamiliar, deep thick Yorkshire accent cut into the moment. I broke apart and turned. In the opening of the tent stood a man, perhaps nineteen or twenty, in a flat cap. He had to be the farmer. 'You guys are in trouble. This is private property. Come with me.' I had to think quickly.

A) Attack the farmer and attempt to restrain him
B) Invite him to play the game
C) Run
D) Go with him

sagivfer 05-04-2014 07:01 AM

C this time. I wanna see what happens next

deswill 05-05-2014 01:32 AM

D go with him.................

tepxis 05-05-2014 02:32 AM

B sounds a good idea

Nick 05-05-2014 07:03 PM

A, just to split the decision even more :)

LitDarkness 05-10-2014 05:47 PM

B I think it'll be intresting

phantom2001 05-16-2014 11:33 AM

he's gonna be fun in the game...B

Nwbie 05-16-2014 12:04 PM

More please :)

Dr_ 05-16-2014 12:09 PM

D - got to be D :)

Messypup 05-16-2014 05:34 PM

pup thinks D would be the best option.

matt1995 10-20-2014 04:43 PM

Jake, James, Katie and I: Part 5
A - 1
B - 3
C - 2
D - 3
Split vote, so I'll decide on D. Long time without posting - but I'm back. Sorry for the wait. Make sure to vote.

I didn't know what else to do as I knelt on the tent canvas, naked and cum-splattered, and the young man looked on at us. I moved my hand towards my boxers and tried pulling them on.
'I don't think you'll be needing those where you're going,' the farmer said, 'Out the tent, as you are.'
I swallowed hard. What was I to do? I stood up, and was first out the tent. The twins followed, similarly nude, and Katie made her way up to follow them.
'No need for those, love.'
'What?' Katie's voice was quiet.
'The clothes. The jeans and thong. Off with them. Now.' Katie didn't hesitate, and pulled off her jeans, thong and sock in one movement. Her shaved pussy came into view, and looked amazing, as did her cute round bum. She crawled out of the tent on all fours, and stood up. The four naked teenagers in front of the man.
'Where are we going?' I asked.
'To… somewhere.'
'Never you mind,' the young man said. 'Where I tell you.'
'And what if we don't,' Jake asked. ' 'Cause there's four of us and one of you…'
'Then this will come into play', the man said in his thick accent, raising a metal pole so we could just see it in the half life. 'This is a cattle prod, and has different settings so I can move my cows easily. If you annoy me, you get a shock.'
'Bullshit,' Jake said, and walked towards him. I had to admire Jake - he was naked in the middle of the field being threatened by a stranger - and without pausing he walked towards the young man. Jake was big and powerful, and his aggressive presence would scare most people away. The young man didn't hesitate. He jabbed Jake sharply in the stomach with the cattle prod, pressing a button on the handle at the same time, and Jake instantly screamed and fell to his knees.
'You shouldn't try and piss me off, boy...' the man said. 'Now all of you start walking up the hill and you,' he said to Jake, who was still panting on his knees, 'Can go up on your hands and feet, like a good horse, with me on your back…'
For a moment it looked as if Jake would argue, but then, glancing at the cattle prod, got into position as if a sprinter about to set off, presenting himself to be mounted. 'All of you walk in single file and no talking. Or else this little bitch,' he gestured to Jake, 'Gets 500 volts.'
We did as we were asked as he mounted Jake and we set off up the hill. The tent, all our clothes and belongings inside, was left behind and the four naked teenagers, and our armed captor, made our way up the hill. Jake, the consummate athlete, did incredibly well as he carried the man up the hill with minimal panting, his arse up in the air. There was a degree of tense fear among us and also, although we probably wouldn't admit it, of excitement. Some people get aroused by almost being caught; we had taken it to the next level.
After about fifteen minutes we reached a small barn and, without instruction, made our way inside.
'Line up,' the man said, as he dismounted Jake. He pointed into the darkness of the barn. We made our way, in the dim moonlight, into a line. Jake's back cracked as he got used to standing up straight again. The double doors closed and we were cast into darkness and there was a silence. There was the sound of blowing and suddenly the barn was illuminated as the farmer lit an old fashioned gas lamp. The barn had several hay bales throughout and two crossed supporting beams opposite the door. The floor was covered in straw. Other than us, the barn was empty.
'You will call me 'Sir'' The farmer suddenly said, hanging up the lamp and pacing backwards and forwards in front of us. 'Is that clear?'
'Yes sir!' we replied as one, and got an affirming smile. The usually rebellious twins were placid; Jake through memory of the cattle prod and James through the site of his brother's pain.
'I am your master. I will set you tasks. The first task is simple,' he declared, pulling off his shirt. His physique was not quite that of the typical jock, built in the gym and honed with supplements, but rather one of power and practicality. This man clearly had a physically hard job, which he could clearly cope with. He had a large chest, and barrel stomach and big powerful shoulders. Whilst wearing his fleece he had seemed rather diminutive, but in the current situation he seemed almost omnipotent. The cattle prod seemed to crackle in his grip. 'You each have to bring me to orgasm.' He pulled down his jeans in a simple move revealing a semi-erect large and quite hairy cock. 'Each of you have one minute and you must make me cum, or else there's a punishment. The order is decided by whomever wraps his or her lips around my cock first.'
There was a pause. Suddenly Jake and James dove forward towards our master. James was quicker and pushed his brother out the way, quickly beginning to give fast paced head to the man. Katie and I looked at each other, a combination of despair and fear on our faces. This might not be easy. Traces of my cum and the twins were still on our faces. The man simply stood there, one hand on the back of James' head, surveying his people. A slight twitch and biting of the lip, not more than forty seconds after he had started, signalled the first orgasm. I moved forward quickly but Jake was ready and, bigger and more powerful than me, got there first, barely moments after his brother had relinquished it. I fell back for a moment, and looked again at Katie.
Jake moved back with us, a trickle of white fluid dribbling down his chiselled chin.
The dilemma was clear; I could easily push my way past Katie, and if I did I would have a much better chance of making the master cum and avoiding the forfeit. But could I cope with sending my best friend to the uncertain punishment whilst I remained high-and-dry. Vote:

A) After Jake, push my way forward so that I have a better chance at bringing the master to orgasm for the third time in as many minutes.

B) After Jake, allow Katie to go next. She has less knowledge and experience with cocks, and so it'll give her better chance. Even if I go last, there's a chance I could make master cum. If not, maybe I could endure the forfeit.

Jagge 10-20-2014 05:20 PM

B i think you should let her fail first instead ;)

Nick 10-20-2014 07:30 PM

I vote B as well

Glad to see you back!

jane xxx 10-20-2014 07:43 PM

Im voting for B.

Bankerrtx01 01-16-2019 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by matt1995 (Post 1304008)
I have had more time than I previously thought so will be able to write a part sooner than expected. These are the votes at time of writing.
A - 0
B - 5
C- 2

I arrived at Katie's at seven, to find Jake and James already waiting with Katie outside. James had the large tent over his muscular shoulder, whilst Jake held two crates of twenty beer bottles a piece with apparent ease. On my back was a rucksack - in it my sleeping bag, wash hit and a random assortment of equipment I had needed for a recent expedition.
'Since the two Olympus brothers are showing off,' Katie said, 'All you have to carry up is this.' She passed me a large litre bottle of vodka.
'Okay,' I said, 'Let's roll.'

We began to walk up the considerable hill, towards the field near the top which Katie planned to use. We chatted as we walked.
'So, guys, what's the plan for tonight?' Jake asked.
'Well, girls,' Katie responded, 'I've got some cards, and we've got enough alcohol to make us vomit out our guts onto drystone walls.'
'I thought we could have some good old dares,' I said.
'Dares?' James asked, 'Aren't we a bit old for them?'
'Well James,' I said, 'If you're going to be a pussy...'
'I am certainly not a pussy. I am nothing to do with pussies,' James said.
Jake laughed. 'I'm up for it. I was always the best at dares back when I was at sleepovers and stuff growing up. I'd always go further than anyone else would... well... dare to go.'
'That's fighting talk there Jakey,' Katie said. 'I'll be daring you to the limit tonight...'

We continued to chat, lessening as the hill took our breath and our energy, and made it to the top field by around eight, just as the light was beginning to fade. I had originally met the twins in scouts, and as such we had the tent up in a matter of minutes, and were soon sat inside the gratifying spacious tent, all sipping from bottles of beer.
'Matt,' James asked out of nowhere, 'Truth or Dare?'
'Truth,' I responded instinctively. I knew how it went. Low stakes to start with, then build things up slowly.
'When did you last masturbate?' James asked.
'That's a disgusting question James!' Katie exclaimed.
'That's nothing,' Jake said. 'That's a normal conversation for guys.'
'Well fine,' I replied, 'It's been ages, 'cause we've had my cousins over and I've had to share a room with a fifteen year old who I barely know. No opportunities. So, like two and a half weeks.'

'Bloody hell,' James said, 'I don't think I've gone that long since my age hit double figures...'
'Pervert,' Katie laughed.
'Well I'm sorry if I didn't want to circle jerk with my cousin...'
'Technically it would be more of a line jerk,' Jake cut in. 'Unless you let your little brother in on the action.'
'Now that's disgusting,' I replied, 'He's only thirteen years old.'
'You say that,' Jake said, 'But I've told you before about when I walked in on him wanking when I was at your house last month.'
'Yes,' I said glumly, not wanting to hear the story again.
'And I swear for thirteen he has a big...'
'ENOUGH!' I interrupted, half-angry and half-amused. 'Katie - truth or dare?'
'Truth,' she answered.

'How many guys have you slept with?'
'None,' she said without hesitation or shame. 'I'm waiting for the right one. Now time for you, big man. You talk the talk but do you walk the walk. Truth or dare?' She looked at Jake.
'Okay... Take your shirt off.'
'Please...' Jake laughed. He quickly pulled off his shirt. I tended not to play sport with the twins so my chances to see them shirtless were fairly limited. Anyone would say that Jake had an incredible physique - like a cross between a model and a bodybuilder. Without tensing, his abs were defined and his pecs were firm and rippling. He had the V-shaped back so many people yearned for, as well as the defined V-lines on his stomach. He truly was the complete package. 'I think you underestimate how un-body conscious athletes are. Okay, bro, you're next...'

'Give me your best shot. Truth.'
'Maybe Matt was right. Maybe you are a pussy... Nevertheless, my question to you is... who has the bigger cock, me or you?'
'What?' James said, 'How the fuck would I know that?'
'Because we frequently are naked in front of each other and have shared the same room for eighteen years. Of course you know.'
'Well I suppose... It's me.' James smiled.
'Bullshit,' Jake said, 'It's obviously me.'
'Now that is fighting talk,' I said. 'I think we need to work out who's telling the truth.'
'Work out...' Katie said. 'How are we supposed to do that?'
'Isn't it obvious?' I said, 'We look...'
'Well this is elevating quickly...' Jake said, 'But I know I'm right so what's the harm?'

'Okay,' James said, sweat across his brow. 'What happens to the person who is wrong?'
'A forfeit.' I said.
'Okay,' Jake agreed.
'So James says his cock is bigger than Jake's.' I outlined.
'I do.' James agreed.
'And Jake says that his cock is bigger than James'.'
'It is.' Jake said.
'And so whoever is wrong does the forfeit? You both agree.' They nodded. 'Swear?'
'We do.' They replied in an almost stereotypical twin unison. 'But what's the forfeit, Matt?'

'The forfeit is that...' I said, knowing they'd stupidly already agreed to do it.

A) 'The loser strips completely.'
B) 'The loser has to blow the other to orgasm.'
C) 'The loser has to shave all hair from the neck down.'

Please vote now. Thanks for reading.


Can you write all the branching paths...I know they would’ve never be fullly don ebut I want to see the actions taken

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