getDare Truth or Dare

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uzaho 02-13-2013 02:28 AM

Going Unnoticed At School
It's been years since I've written anything, and I've never written anything like this before, but I hope you all enjoy it! :o


Part 1

"Why are you always late..." our protagonist muttered to herself.

Katey was rushing back to school after her lunch break. Transferring schools so late in the year had been a little stressful on her, especially since she didn't know anyone in this town, so she frequently wandered around town by herself on her lunch hour. She was lonely, but self-pity and shyness convinced her that it would be easier to finish out the year without trying to make new friends. With her family never staying anywhere for long it probably wasn't worth the trouble.

She held her orange fountain pop against her gray sweater as she cut across the school yard. It was an old knitted sweater that didn't really fit her properly. It was too large and hung off of Katey's small frame. Beneath it she wore only a tube top whose fabric ended just before her bellybutton. She didn't have much for breasts; instead she enjoyed showing off her pale lightly-freckled shoulders since they matched her lightly-freckled nose. The gray was also a nice contrast to her short, naturally red hair, so this combo was a favorite of hers. Katey was also wearing tight white shorts as it was late spring and plenty warm, but their snug fit was making her need to pee greater than ever.

As she went in one of the side entrances of the school she was debating whether she should run to the washroom before heading to class; she had a history test now, which probably already started, and only so much time to-


"AAHHHHHH!!" screamed Katey in terror, before the world around her went black.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Katey slowly opened her eyes. Her head hurt. Her legs felt cold. She wasn't sure where she was.

Rubbing the back of her head she looked up. Her vision was a little blurry but she realized she was sitting in an open bathroom stall.

"How did I get here?" Katey wondered, collecting her thoughts. "What happened? I was trying to go to class, when... something..."

"Oh thank goodness!" A bright figure with blonde hair entered the stall and crouched down. "I'm so sorry Katey. Are you okay?"

"...Jen?" It took a moment, but Katey recognized her bio lab partner. "What's going on..."

"I feel horrible Katey. It's all my fault. I was trying to scare you. I mean only a little. Not in a mean way. I just kind of like you and... But you slipped and.... I'm so sorry Katey!" It all sputtered out from Jen's lips in a blur.

Katey was regaining her composure. "Wait. What happened?"

"Well I was sort of waiting for you after lunch because I wanted to surprise you for helping me in bio so I got you a card and I'm not stalking you or anything but you just seemed lonely and I wanted to do something nice but then I thought it'd be fun to scare you, but when I jumped out you slipped and dumped your soda and the card got ruined, and... and you kinda peed yourself...." Jen said pointing down.

Confused and shocked by all of his information, Katey figured out why she was so cold; she was sitting there completely bottomless, her feet spread apart on the tile, her bare butt on top of an uncomfortable toilet seat lid, and had been giving Jen quite the view of her pale, bald pussy this whole time! She quickly slammed her legs together, covering her lap with one hand and her face with the other.

"...and you weren't moving and I was afraid you hurt yourself or maybe had passed out and I was so embarrassed and didn't want to get in trouble and so I managed to drag you to this bathroom and was just trying to clean you up, an-"

"Jen!" Katey exclaimed, finally ending Jen's stammering. "Where are my pants?!"

"Oh!" Jen stood and walked across the bathroom to a sudsy sink. "Right here! I'm washing them!"

She proudly lifted a pair of soaking white shorts into the air followed by a pair of white panties. Looking across the bathroom at Jen, Katey now noticed that her captor/good samaritan was missing her top. All she had in its place was an abnormally orange bra, leaving her mostly tanned skin and flat athletic stomach on display.

"Wait, why are you topless?" asked Katey.

"Well... you kinda threw your soda at me when I jumped out. I don't blame you, really. But I've been having trouble getting it clean." Jen leaned over and pulled a stained tank top from another sink. "It kind of went everywhere."

Jen wasn't exaggerating. Her light beige bra looked like it had been brushed with a sticky orange paint, and the front of the tank top was completely stained. Thankfully the red, flowy, mid-thigh skirt Jen was wearing managed to hide the orange patterns better, although it did appear damp. The tips of her blonde hair also appeared to be damp, just brushing the tops of her shoulders.

There was a moment of silence between the two of them. Jen holding wet clothing up in the air. Katey holding her sweater down over her crotch. For the moment it seemed like they were both stranded in the bathroom.

"Well..." Katey hesitated. "What do we do now?"

"I'll make it all better, I promise!" Jen pleaded, taking a moment to think. "If we can sneak our clothes down to the janitor's closet beside the gym... there are washers and dryers and detergents and stuff. I'm sure that could get everything clean and dry!"

Katey scoffed. "Well you can run through the school in your bra if you want to, but I'm not going out like this!"

Jen thought for a moment. "Oh! You're right. You're not in any state to go anywhere... but you can lend me your top!"

"What!? I'll be naked!"

"No you won't." Jen assured her. "You can keep your sweater since that's covering most of you. I'll just wear your tube top. Besides, you'll be safe here in the bathroom."

Katey wasn't calmed by this. She didn't really know this girl. She seemed nice enough, if a little dumb, but could she trust her? Would she come back? Did she even have other options? She also felt a little violated. Jen had stripped her from the waist down while she was out, and had full access to her body. If she had peed herself, Katey's legs and crotch had been cleaned suggesting that Jen had been attending to more than just their clothes. She slipped a finger under her sweater to feel in and around her pussy lips. They were dry and smooth but unlike her legs were quite warm, much warmer than they should be. Katey idly ran her finger up and down her slit, unsure of what she was looking for.

With all of these thoughts running through her head Katey started to feel extremely embarrassed. She brought her feet up onto the toilet seat tucking her legs up under her sweater. Her legs stretched the old sweater's neck causing it to slide down and over her knees exposing her otherwise hidden tube top underneath. She was in a very compromising position stuck in a bathroom in a school she didn't want to be noticed in on a good day, much less like this. Although this had to be better than laying unconscious in the hallway soaking in puddles of pee and orange soda. Maybe Jen really was just trying to help. It was all so much to take in.

Jen walked into the stall and again knelt in front of Katey who proceeded to wrap her arms around her legs over her sweater.

"It'll be okay Katey. I promise." Jen gave a reassuring smile. "I just need your top."

With a deep breath and slow exhale, Katey nodded in response.

Jen was excited that she had gained the trust of her new friend (in her mind anyhow) and leaning forward tried to throw her arms around Katey to hug her. But this knocked Katey off balance and sent her tumbling off one side of the toilet, face first towards the floor!

Her sweater bounced off her legs and up her torso as she twisted. Katey managed to stick an arm out to prevent a damaging impact, but she continued down onto the floor as her hips wedged between the toilet and the side of the stall. As Katey's descent stopped she realized that she was quite literally "face down, ass up" with the latter pointed directly at Jen!

"AH! Jen!"

"OMG! I'm so sorry Katey!" Jen said, covering her mouth but not looking away.

"Well...? Hello!? Help?!" Katey could feel Jen's gaze on her pasty barren skin.

It took a moment before Jen took action. But when she did she clamped her hands around both of Katey's thighs and leaned back, pulling hard. Katey's small hips quickly popped free, but Jen was still kneeling on the floor and had no where to go. This caused her to plop down onto her back and Katey to land on top of her.

Katey was startled to look down and see Jen's pink panties inches away from her face. The fabric was form fitting to Jen's mound with a not-too-obvious camel toe. Her thighs were lightly bronzed with an obvious tan line peeking out from under her panties. Katey smelled something sweet, almost ambrosial. Although there were hints of orange soda, what she was smelling was distinctly more feminine.

Suddenly realizing that Jen must have had a similar (or better) view, Katey gasped and rolled off of her. She scrambled up to her feet, yanking the sides of her sweater back down into position.

"Um... I can still see." Jen, still on her back, had an unobstructed view underneath Katey.

Gasping, Katey ran out of the stall closing the door behind her.

"I'm sorry! I mean, it's okay! I've already seen it. I mean, it's really pretty. Flawless even. No hair or anything..." Jen trailed off. It was a weird compliment. Katey did blush slightly. She was getting more and more embarrassed by the minute.

"...Thanks. I guess." Katey squeaked. She leaned her butt up against the counter and stuck her hands between her legs. Despite being in high school, Katey had yet to really develop. Her lack of pubic hair and small breasts made her pretty self conscious about her body.

Jen brushed herself off and walked out of the stall toward Katey.

"Okay. Well. Umm... Yeah." Jen started.

"I know, I know." Katey said. "But you can't wear it over your bra. Then I'll have a wet and sticky tube top too."

"Oh. Good point!" Jen said, reaching behind her back. "I should probably wash this."

Katey's eyes widened. She was about to say something before Jen quickly slipped her bra off her chest, down her arms, and into a full sink. Jen was definitely better endowed than Katey, and very perky. Her nipples were small, and her breasts untanned, which all helped to make what were likely C cups appear to be much larger.

Jen splashed her hands in the soapy sink and brought them up to wipe down her still slightly sticky chest. She rubbed in circles around each nipple, then under each breast, and up between them.

Katey realized she was staring at Jen at the same moment Jen did and they both turned away from each other. "Did she just do that?" Katey thought. "Maybe she wanted to show them off or make things even or something. I'm bottomless, so she's topless. Or am I just some perv for staring..?"

Katey glanced over at a pair of now dripping wet breasts as Jen reached for some paper towel.

"I guess it's my turn." Katey said to herself.

She turned her back to Jen and moved down the counter slightly. She hesitantly pulled up on the hem of her sweater, exposing her ass to Jen. She paused before lifting it up and over her head. Folding the sweater gingerly, she placed it on a dry spot on the counter.

Katey dropped her arms down and sighed. Her fingers began to trace small circles on her thighs. One of her hands slid across the front of her thigh over her pelvis and up over her stomach. The fabric of the tube top started just above her belly button with a bit of frilly lace and ended just above her nipples, affording her whatever cleavage her breasts could manage. It was a strange feeling to have this much skin exposed. After rubbing the lace between her fingers she slid her hand back down toward her bare mound, cupping it slowly, pressing herself into her soft skin. It felt warm, inviting her hand in.

"What are you doing??" Katey thought to herself. She shook her hand out then nervously started swinging her arms back and forth gently brushing against her bare legs. She looked down at her feet, her mind becoming confused once again. There was such an unusual mix of fear, embarrassment and sexual arousal from all of this and it was now cascading around inside of her.

"Did you want a hand?"

Katey looked over her shoulder. Jen was standing patiently holding her breasts with her hands.

"No. I just..." Katey looked around. "Need a little privacy." She said, walking toward a stall.

After latching the stall door she leaned against it and sighed again. Deep down, a small part of her was enjoying this. But she couldn't tell whether it was Jen's nudity or her own that she was enjoying more.

"Just do it already!" She told herself.

After a few seconds she ripped her top off of her body in one swift movement, wadded it into a ball and threw it over the stall door. Immediately she grabbed her small breasts with her hands and squeezed, partly due to how anxious she was and partly to confirm that there was nothing covering them. She quickly ran her hands up and down her body, unexpectedly elated with herself.

"I'm naked." She said aloud. Katey's pale skin almost glowed in the harsh washroom lighting, it's radiance broken only by her freckles.

Looking down at her nude form she was acute aware of how vulnerable she was. She was stuck in the bathroom. With someone she barely knew. With no access to her clothes. No clothing... "Oh, I forgot my-"

"Mitch is such a douchebag isn't he."

Katey's eyes went wide. "Um, Jen...?"

She heard the sounds of footsteps - several of them. There were girls entering the bathroom!

"Jen!" Katey whispered.

"Uh... what are you doing in here?" A strange voice ask.

"Oh, nothing." That was Jen. "I spilled some soda and had to change. Just trying to wash it out."

"What did you do, pour it over your head?" A different voice asked laughing.

"Ha ha. You're suuuuuper funny. Likeohmygod." Jen's voice was thick with sarcasm.

"Pfft. Whatever, bitch. So anyway, Mitch was all like..."

The girls continued to chat among themselves. Katey heard the sinks start to drain, some rustling, and water dripping onto the floor. She was getting scared. Was Jen going to just leave her there?

Katey stepped up onto the toilet, covering her breasts just in case, and carefully peeked over the stall door. There were three other girls in the bathroom all huddled around the sink closest to Katey. Jen was putting the wet clothes into a shopping bag she must have found somewhere. But Jen was wearing Katey's sweater! It was hanging down off one shoulder as she leaned forward to shove wet clothes into the bag, the neck line bobbing about. From Katey's high perch she could easily see down it making out both of Jen's perky tits.

"Wait!" Katey thought. "Then where's my other top!?"

She glanced around the other girls and along the counter. Nothing there. She poked her head up a bit further to inspect the floor. No luck. But finally she spotted it. Most of the way up the wall on one side of the room a rusty vent had snatched it out of the air.

"Shit!" Katey cursed herself. "What the hell is it doing there! Did I even look when I threw that?"

She glanced back over at Jen who had now noticed Katey.

"I'm sorry!" Jen mouthed to her as she backed away toward the door.

Komodo Jones 02-14-2013 07:30 AM

I must say I find it extremely rare to find a story on this site nowdays that pays such good attention to detail and does not follow the same song and dance as so many other stories produce. Also long installments and not noticing any grammatical or spelling mistake, makes it even better. I wish you the best in the future of writing this and look forward to the next installment.

321tt 02-14-2013 08:25 AM

I cannot but agree with Jones. Very good job, nicely written, sensitive, sort of realistic, and still very exciting and arousing :)

uzaho 02-14-2013 01:49 PM

Thanks! I was worried I might be getting a little too wordy. I'm not sure if I can keep my posts consistently long, but for now we shall press on! :D


Part 2

Katey pleaded with her eyes but there wasn't much Jen could do without alerting the others to her presence.

"See you later," Jen said to the girls, but looking at Katey.

"Get fucked." An obscene finger was the only other acknowledgement of Jen's exit.

"ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod," repeated Katey under her breath.

Now Katey was REALLY trapped! She might have had trouble trusting Jen at first, but she was terrified to be alone with these other girls. Her legs trembled and she covered her pussy; she felt like the entire school was now somehow aware of her nakedness. She couldn't be seen like this!

"Well then get down!" she told herself.

Still standing on the toilet, she lowered herself down from the top of the stall and squatted on the seat until hidden from view. While holding her vagina, her free hand roamed across her body in some desperate attempt to find even a shred of clothing on her somewhere. Feeling nothing but soft bare skin, this only heightened Katey's anxiety. As her arm moved over her chest she found two very hard nipples poking out into the air. Katey barely noticed, turning her attention instead to the strangers only a few feet away.

The girls were clearly horrible people. Katey could hear what sounded like them lighting a cigarette which she confirmed by the acrid smell that followed. They never stopped talking, badmouthing other friends, spreading rumours, just being all around shitty teenagers.

Crazy thoughts started wandering through Katey's head. What would they do if they found her? They might beat her up. Maybe they'd just take pictures. Would they call their friends in to gawk? Or would they march her through the halls on some makeshift leash? Or maybe they would force her down to the floor and tease her body. Or worse...

Katey's pussy was warm again. The more embarrassing the scenario that she ran through her head, the warmer she got. She knew she didn't want any of that to happen to her, but the thought of it, the idea - of being caught and humiliated - thrilled her, causing her skin to tingle and cheeks to blush.

When she found her fingers had began idly tracing the inside of her labia she grew concerned.

"I like this. I really like this... Is there something wrong with me?"

It was then she started to question how long Jen had been gone. It felt like only seconds and hours all at once. She had to sneak into the janitor's room, but how long could that possibly take? Had she gotten stopped in the hall? Had she just left her there for good?

Katey's overactive imagination was interrupted by a "Hey, look!"

She gasped. Tucking her legs closer to her chest, while not removing her hand from between them, Katey closed her eyes and refused to believe that she had been spotted.

"Dumb-bitch forgot something."

"Mine!" Another girl shouted.

"Eve, you have tons of shoes. These aren't even that nice."

Jen apparently had left Katey's shoes behind. Katey was least concerned about her shoes though. She just didn't want them to look up.

"I don't care. I called them. That's that!"

"Seriously Eve, you're obsessed. Dozens of little Chinese children have died trying to satisfy your want for shoes!"

Two of the girls laughed. Katey guessed that Eve didn't find the comment funny.

"Well I want something too. Maybe she left something else behind!"

Katey's breath halted, her fingers finally stopping their movement between her legs. Were they going to search the stalls?

"Hey, what's that there?"

Katey closed her eyes.

"Something must be wrong with her. You think she was throwing her clothing around in here?"

She peaked through her eyelashes expecting the stall door to be open with three heads poking in. But the girls weren't at her stall. They had noticed her tube top. Katey's heart sank.

"It's pretty high up."

"Boost me!" exclaimed someone.

Katey began to bite her lip. That was the only piece of clothing she had left. She wanted to see what they were doing, or at least if they would be able to reach it. The ceiling was pretty high. She didn't want to expose herself though.

She stood up ever so slightly on her toilet seat. The top half of the washroom was now visible to her. She couldn't see the girls but she could see her tube top. The middle of it looked to be caught on some kind of hook. Maybe a broken nail or screw. Part of it was also being gently sucked against the wall by the vent.

An arm shot into view for a split second. And again. Katey ducked out of sight for fear of being spotted.

"GAWD. Not like that, like this."

As the sound of tearing fabric filled the room a few seconds later, all Katey could do was continue biting her lip.

"Yeah!" someone yelled.

She shook her head. This wasn't happening.

"That's no good. You only got half of it!"

"It ripped! Not my fault!"

"This looks like the top half."

"Good," Katey thought to herself bitterly. "Maybe I can still get the bottom half..." But the bottom was mostly just frilly fabric. She didn't know if it would serve much use as clothing, but at least it was something. Katey hoped that they would ignore the top half now that they had claimed a trophy.

"Hey Mandy.... piss on it!"

"HA! That'd be hilarious, but I already went."

"...don't look at me, I went before her!"

"Ugh. Fine. Then flush it or something. I don't want a ripped top."

Katey could hear someone enter the stall next to her followed by a light splash and the flush of a toilet.

The girls exchanged some quick jokes, congratulating themselves on how awesome they were, and soon left the washroom.

Katey slowly peaked over the top of the stall again. She was alone.

Looking down into the adjacent stall Katey had almost hoped to find her top floating in the toilet, having willed itself to not be flushed. But she wasn't that lucky. She looked over at the bottom half still attached to the wall and wondered how she could get it down. If Jen had in fact left her, she would need to gain every shred of modesty she could find in order to make her escape. She struggled to think of ideas. She didn't have a change of clothes in her locker. There was a lost-and-found but it was in the main office. She wasn't sure what else to do.

And there she was, standing on the toilet, looking out over the washroom as Mandy walked back in.

Katey dropped down as fast as she could, almost falling off of her perch. Was she seen?

"Hey, some bitch was hiding in here listening to us!" Mandy shouted to someone, leaving the washroom again.

Her heart racing, blood boiling, Katey waited for her impending doom. In any moment she was sure to be drug out of the stall by her feet, into the hallway and tossed into a classroom. She waited for an embarrassment so great that she could never walk into the school again. And she kept waiting. But nothing happened.

After a minute she was about to breathe a sigh of relief when she heard the door open again. She quickly held that breath and listened for any sign of who might be entering.

A loud knock on her stall door caused Katey to squeak in fear. She thought of saying "occupied" but didn't want to confirm her presence, even if the girls already knew. She just closed her eyes and squeezed her breasts again, pressing her stiff nipples into her chest.

This was it. She'd been discovered.

uzaho 02-16-2013 11:23 AM

I'm having a lot of fun with this. But I'm trying to keep the length up. (obligatory "That's what she said" )


Part 3

"Katey, it's Jen. Open up."

Katey's heart jumped. Her eyes snapped open in excitement. Stepping off the toilet, she swung open the door and lunged at her rescuer, throwing her arms and legs around Jen in a hug that brought them both tumbling to the floor.

"Jen I'm so glad you're here! I was afraid you weren't coming back! Those girls were horrible! One of them just saw me!" Katey's head was buried in Jen's bust, an experience made all the more comforting by that gray sweater. When Katey looked up she noticed Jen was blushing.

"You're a lot friendlier than I remember you..." Jen said with a coy smile.

Katey regained her composure enough to remember that she was still very much naked and now laying on top of another girl.

Swallowing a new lump of embarrassment as her face turned beat red, she picked herself up off of Jen. In her ascent she saw that Jen's skirt had bunched up around her waist and that her pink panties were now a paler fleshy color. It took a moment before she realized she wasn't looking at Jen's underwear.

"Where are your panties!" Katey exclaimed, almost forgetting to cover her own naked body. She observed Jen's neatly trimmed pubic hair above an otherwise smooth mound.

"I needed them for a distraction," Jen said adjusting her skirt sheepishly before standing.

"I was... wait a sec." Jen grabbed Katey by the arm and pulled her back into the stall. "This is probably safer. After last time," she said. Katey nodded, fully covering herself once more.

"So I was trying to sneak in to the janitor's closet but I could hear someone inside. I waited for a few minutes, but they weren't coming out. So I took off my panties placed them on a door handle of another room and banged on the janitor's door. I ducked around the corner and after a few seconds he came out, noticed my panties, and left to investigate! It was great! I was like a spy!"

Jen sounded proud of herself. Katey was only partially listening. The other part of her was thinking about Jen's naked mound beneath her skirt. It looked so much different than her own... fuller.

Using the hand covering her crotch, Katey absentmindedly rubbed her palm into where Jen's pubic hair would be as a finger casually passed her lips. She had managed to work herself up into quite a state crouching naked in that stall for so long. Even the briefest of displays by Jen was quickly stirring her insides again as she paired the sight of Jen's sex with the smell of her panties earlier.

"...then I dumped everything into a washing machine, squeezed in a bottle of detergent, turned it on and ran! I got back here pretty quick but I was waiting for those girls to leave."

"So they did leave? One of them saw me..."

"They took their time, but yeah. They talked in the hall for a bit, then left."

"Okay. So what's the plan now?" Katey asked. "I'm not any less naked," she said looking down at herself, "And I don't feel like hiding in here for the rest of the day!"

"Well what about your..." Jen looked over at the vent. "Oh."

"Yeah, they managed to tear my tube top in half."

"So where's the other half?" Jen asked.

"Down the toilet."

"Really? They flushed it?"

"They were going to just pee on it, but... yeah."

"I'm sorry Katey. We can probably still get the rest of it though." Jen was trying to be encouraging.

"But how?"

"Well I could try to hold you up on my shoulders," Jen thought aloud. "You're a bit smaller than me. Once you get up I bet I could hold you. Long enough for you to get it down anyhow."

"I guess..." Katey wasn't impressed by this plan and not only because Jen wasn't any larger than her, although she was better toned. Nothing else had gone right today. It seemed like this plan was only going to fail like everything else.

Jen opened the stall door and stood under the vent looking up. She then turned around so her back faced the wall.

"Here's the plan," she started. "You step into my hands and I'll lift you as high as I can. It looks like there's a bit of a ledge below the vent. If you can grab it you can use it climb onto my shoulders. Then the rest should be easy!"

Katey slowly walked out in front of Jen and looked up. It didn't seem very safe but she was getting used to following Jen's lead. Besides, a plan was better than no plan.

"Okay. But don't drop me." Katey walked forward. With one hand still covering her sex, she freed her small breasts and placed a hand on Jen's shoulder. Jen leaned forward with her hands clasped awaiting a foot, her eyes glancing between two pointing nipples.

"Quit looking." Katey huffed, placing her forearm back across her chest, her nipples just as hard as ever.

"Sorry, but it's sort of hard not to. You're standing right in front of me!"

Katey tried to step into Jen's hands but couldn't balance herself without the use of her arms. She reluctantly let go of her crotch this time and placed it on Jen's bare shoulder. Jen felt the wetness on Katey's hand but didn't say anything. She was clearly aroused but had either grown accustomed to it or was too distracted right now to notice.

Katey hopped a few times before bouncing up into Jen's arms. As she was adjusting her legs trying to balance herself on Jen's hands her pelvis was bumping against Jen's face. Katey gasped and bent at the waist to separate their contact after Jen's nose poked Katey's currently sensitive clit. This threw them off balance. Jen backed up into the wall to regain her footing, causing Katey to flatten against it and grind her pussy into Jen's face yet again. They rested there, Katey straining to hug the wall for support, Jen sniffing Katey's wetness both against her face and on her shoulder, before Jen heaved upward. Katey nearly missed her moment, but caught the ledge in time and pulled herself up onto Jen's shoulders.

Jen was right. While standing on her shoulders with a steadying hand on the ledge Katey was easily able to free the remains of her top from its rusty noose.

"I got it!" Katey yelled! She tossed the garment to the floor.

"Good," Jen replied, staring up into the nearly dripping slit between Katey's thighs. "Now come down."

Katey hadn't thought of this part. This could be trickier. She was no cheerleader.

She lifted one foot expecting to find a hovering hand for her to rest it on, but the juices Katey had unwittingly deposited on Jen's opposite shoulder caused her other foot to slip!

The ledge was of little help to her now; she could steady herself with it, but not hold herself up. As Katey began to fall her feet slipped inside the open neck of the sweater. Her legs slipping inside the fabric trapped her against her companion and Katey's naked body slid down Jen's bare torso at some speed. Her arms were flailing along the wall searching for something to grasp. Jen slapped her hands down on the back of Katey's legs as they appeared out the bottom of the sweater. As Katey's back met the neckline of the garment the sweater strained as it tried to support her weight before moving further up her back. Katey's arms swung around and behind Jen's neck. Katey felt hands sliding up the backs of her legs as Jen pulled her in, trying to slow the fall. Just after her butt popped out of the bottom of the sweater, Jen's hands squeezed in on the inside of her thighs, her fingers finding their resting place against Katey's crotch; on either side of her wet lips.

Neither of them moved. Jen held onto Katey and Katey onto Jen as they shared the same sweater. Their chests heaved to and fro from the sudden exertion and rush of adrenaline pushing their breasts into each other. With her butt pulled apart by two palms, fingers resting against the parted lips of her pussy, Katey's legs had moved outward, her knees squeezing the outside of Jen's legs while her arms were wrapped firmly behind Jen's head. Both of them panted into the other's neck trying to catch their breath.

Katey was the first to adjust herself and felt warmth shoot through her. Jen was pulling Katey's pelvis into her skirt, and between the silky fabric resting against her clit and Jen's fingers pressing up into her labia, Katey's every movement was a source of pleasure. With the position they were in and with all of the thoughts that had been racing through her mind the past hour, Katey's body was begging for stimulation.

The entire fall had been brief, only seconds really, but it and the moments after had been very intense. Katey unlocked her arms and slid them from around Jen's neck tucking them inside the sweater. Her elbows brushed past the outside of Jen's boobs as Katey planted a hand on each shoulder. Supporting herself, she pushed her head and chest off of Jen as far as the sweater would let her. Their faces were given only inches of space to look at one another.

"Hi," Jen whispered, blushing.

"...Thank you," Katey eventually muttered, "for catching me." She struggled to look Jen in the eye. Her freckled skin was flush from her face right down to her stomach.

Jen moved one of her hands - with a sharp audible gasp from Katey in response - and sliding it over Katey's butt placed it on the small of her back, allowing Katey to lower a leg down onto the tile. After another movement, and another gasp, Katey had both feet on the ground again with her hands resting just above Jen's chest. Jen then lifted the front of the sweater up behind Katey which allowed her to wriggle free.

They looked at each other briefly before Katey turned and took a few small steps away, quickly pushing down a hard nipple with one hand and trying to calm her red, wet, wanting pussy with the palm of the other. This was all so strange to her. Naked in a washroom embracing someone who she barely knew early that day. Katey couldn't lie to herself; she liked it. Her mind was overstimulated and her body incredibly horny. But it was still very weird.

Jen meanwhile chewed her bottom lip, running her tongue along the flesh between her teeth. Some of her fingers felt wet and she brought a hand up to her face to inspect them. The tips of two of her fingers glistened with Katey's juices in the bright washroom lighting. She dropped her hand, bit her lip harder, and looked down only to find a wet spot on the front of her skirt. Confused, she lifted its hem and inspected her own vagina with a free hand, wondering if she too was getting turned on. When she realized the spot was from Katey and that she was now rubbing her friend's juices into her own sex, she pulled her skirt down and put a hand to her mouth. With her fingers pressing against her face she unintentionally took in Katey's scent again.

Like before, neither of them moved. They just stood for a moment giving each other uncertain glances.

The creak of the washroom door broke their awkward silence and alerted them to the situation. Katey grabbed the tube top from the floor as Jen ran back into the stall. Katey was about to follow her in but detoured into the stall beside her at the last moment. Someone finding two girls in a stall together might bring questions she didn't want to answer.

Closing the stall door, Katey quickly opened the stretched and tattered loop of fabric in her hand.

"This might fit Jen better." As Katey thought this she saw Jen's hand appear from under the other stall holding her gray sweater.

Katey knelt down and stuck her own arm under the stall wall to pass the former tube top over to Jen before taking her sweater back.

"Hide from this, bitch!"

Only two words had time to run through Katey's head: "Oh no."

Terminus 02-17-2013 09:37 AM

Great story so far! I can't wait to see where it goes!

uzaho 02-18-2013 09:58 AM

Not sure if I can keep the releases this frequent and this long. Would you guys prefer length or frequency?


Part 4

So close to the ground, Katey witnessed a torrential downpour of dirty water crash into the tile of Jen's stall and splash across into her own. Katey sprung up onto her toilet seat clutching her sweater, making sure to lift her legs into the air to avoid being splashed further (or for that matter, seen under the door). She was forced to listen to the desperate shrieks Jen was releasing over the crashing roar of the water. Katey looked up. A large yellow mop bucket was nearly done emptying its contents into her former hiding place. Katey's last second decision had spared her from getting soaked.

The downpour ended with a whimper - the final sloshing of water as it rippled and waved, smacked tile, porcelain and skin before all was silent.

The sound of the bucket hitting the floor was followed by the cackling laughs of three girls, screaming expletives and insults as they left.

Katey sat barely able to comprehend what had just happened. Water was racing underneath her as it searched for the drain in the middle of the room.

She began to untangle the sweater that Jen had passed back to her but noticed something was wrong; the neckline was torn in two places. When she fell through it a moment ago the neck must have stretched beyond its limit.

She quickly stuck her arms into the sleeves and pulled it over her head only to have the sweater fall off her shoulders and down to her stomach the moment she dropped her arms, leaving her exposed yet again. If she hadn't been sitting it surely would have fallen further. When it rains....

Katey held the neck of the sweater up to cover herself and exited her stall, her bare feet splashing about as she walked through the water on the floor. Her lab partner turned friend was not making a sound.

"Jen?" She tapped lightly on the door. "You okay?"

No answer.

Katey knelt down to look under the stall door. Jen appeared limp on the tile in front of the toilet.

"Jen? Jen, you're scaring me..."

She had to help Jen. Not wanting to get her sweater wet she stripped it off and tossed it across the room on to the counter.

She looked under the stall door for a second time. "Jen? I'm coming in, okay?"

Getting as low to the wet tile as she dared, she crawled forward into the stall trying to stay as dry as possible. Once inside, Katey got back up on to her knees and wiped grimy water off her forearms. Jen was laying on her side in the fetal position with her arms crossed over her chest.

After opening the stall door she tugged at Jen's arms and legs which finally got a response. With Katey's guidance, Jen stood and they exited the stall together walking toward the counter.

Katey looked Jen over. She was utterly drenched. Her shoes and socks were darkened by the water and now squished with every step she took. Her skirt was heavy from soaking in the water while on the floor. It had dropped in the back and now clung desperately to the crest of her ass to keep from falling. It had shifted almost entirely off of her hips to expose more midriff, stopping just above her mound. The V of her pelvis and her tuft of pubes were now on display. Her chest looked to be surprisingly dry but her hair was a disaster; a tangled mess, half of it soaked through from when it too laid against the tile. Katey could not find eyes beneath the matted hair. Her head was pointed down, defeated and pathetic.

Katey grabbed fistfuls of paper towel and started to wipe down Jen, her arms still crossed over her chest. She brushed her hair from her face and tried to pat dry the worst of it, but the paper towel was less than suitable. She moved down to her neck and shoulders, followed by her back, moving quickly in an attempt to restore Jen's former cheerfulness, and perhaps her dignity.

As Katey walked around to face her again she found Jen's arms stretched open holding what appeared to be a mostly dry tube top. She had tried to protect it during the aqueous assault she had just endured.

Jen refused to look up at Katey. She was staring at the ground.

Katey tentatively removed the top from Jen's hands and placed it on the counter. Jen's arms slumped down to her sides, her unsupported breasts bouncing and shoulders drooping as she sighed.

Stepping in front of her, Katey grabbed Jen by each of her arms and stood there wanting and waiting for Jen to look up at her. "Hey," she started.

Jen's eyes opened and looked around aimlessly as she raised her head before finding Katey's gaze.

"It'll be okay Jen. I promise." Katey smiled at Jen, reciprocating the kind words she had been told earlier.

Jen's lips trembled and her eyes teared up as she threw her arms around Katey squeezing her in a tight hug as her skirt finally slipped off her butt and down to the floor.

There the two girls stood, completely wet and completely naked in a cold washroom but a warm embrace.

The embrace immediately reminded Katey of the far more (unintentionally) sexual one they had shared a few minutes earlier. This one wasn't as pleasurable but it was somehow just as intimate, their bodies needing one another. Katey's heart began racing again as she thought of the breasts that were pressed against hers and the fur that was tickling her mound. But the soft naked skin of her friend also made her feel free from the dangers of the world.

Katey moved a hand down to the small of Jen's back and another upward to the base of her neck to pull her in tighter. Jen lightly sobbed a few times, but tried to compose herself quickly. Their embrace moved from a loving comfort to something more gratifying. Their hands roamed slowly across each others naked skin; innocent exploration to be sure but more than comforting. Their bodies were melting together; each inch of their skin gradually yielded, both of them seeking comfort in their contact. Fingers brushed between shoulder blades, up into their hair, and ran down each others sides. Katey never knew she could feel so safe with another girl, so good. Their embrace was heartfelt and earnest. Katey didn't know what this was. She couldn't explain it, but was beginning to think that she didn't need to.

With a sniffle, Jen was the first to pull away.

"I'm trying so hard to..... This is all my fault." She brushed a tear from her cheek and gave an appreciative look to Katey.

"No, no. I'm so sorry Jen. That was a horrible thing for them to do, but they were trying to get me... Are you okay?"

"Yeah, but I should be saying sorry. This whole mess is... you're not... I mean, I like you and... just wanted you... to like me," Jen stammered out behind a timid smile.

Katey took a shy step away, breaking the physical security that their naked bodies had formed, leaving them both feeling exposed yet again. She squeezed her hands between her legs, blushing yet again. She noticed her step had made a small splash, and looked down. They were still standing in almost an inch of water. "Why isn't this draining?" She said aloud.

Jen partially covered herself, embarrassed by what she had admitted and disappointed that the topic changed so quickly.

Katey spotted a small drain in the middle of the floor that was not doing it's job. The floor had a very gradual slope toward the drain causing the water to pool more in the middle of the floor, but most of the washroom tile was still covered in some amount of water.

"We can't stay," Katey said. "Class is going to end and someone will have to clean this up. Someone will find us! ....wait, what time is it?!"

"Umm... maybe... err... we probably have ten or twenty minutes 'til the end of the period." Jen said stepping out of the skirt now collecting water again on the floor. "Where are we going?"

"I dunno. But we have to leave."

"Wellllll... we should probably move our clothes to the dryer," Jen pondered, lifting her breasts with her arm. "So we could head toward the gym." Jen wasn't sure of herself at the moment. The gym didn't provide a lot of hiding spaces, especially considering how well used it was.

"Okay. But... let's try to hurry," Katey said, not wanting to pressure Jen too much after her somewhat traumatic experience.

From the middle of the room, Jen was looking at herself in the mirror covering her breasts with one arm while trying to straighten her hair with the other. Katey knelt down and picked up Jen's skirt to wring as much water out of it as she could. She did this while kneeling directly in front of Jen, and although her mind was now trying to focus on their escape her eyes continued to fixate themselves on Jen's body, taking in as much as she could in the little time she had.

Jen was definitely more feminine - curvier - than Katey was and Katey took note. Jen didn't have a tiny waist but was very thin and with her hips and C cup breasts she definitely managed an hourglass figure. Despite her butt being one of her best assets, overall she just wasn't nearly as womanly. She would never want to give up her freckles for a tan, despite how young they made her look, but Jen's body was becoming the source of much envy.

Jen had very subtle abs; her stomach was flat and her core strong with a distinct V shape leading down to her sex. The only thing that broke up the downward lines and flat surface was a low tan from a pair of skimpy bikini bottoms. One look and anyone could tell she was definitely athletic. Perhaps a runner. A short landing strip of hair sat between her tan line and her slit, but she otherwise looked completely smooth. Perhaps waxed. Most notably, and what Katey had the perfect view of given her angle (and now that the skirt wasn't in the way) was Jen's perfectly triangular thigh gap. Jen's two rounded outer lips were completely exposed to the air with her hood and clit barely visible between the closed lips. Her legs never quite touching as you moved away from her mound, it was as if she held a tiny, invisible martini glass between her thighs. It was almost mesmerizing. Katey had never seen another girl's vagina before, let alone up close or one that was so beautiful. She certainly took longer than she should have to squeeze Jen's skirt dry.

Katey took one last long look before leaning back and motioning for Jen to step into the skirt. When Jen was lifting a leg Katey saw a flash of pink as her pussy lips parted ever so slightly. Katey sucked one of her lips into her mouth, subconsciously wanting it to be from a different pair of lips...

Katey lifted Jen's skirt as she stood. It passed easily over Jen's hips. Too easily. Perhaps it was Katey's excessive pulling and wringing on the fabric, but the waist of the skirt seemed larger now. It sat lower than normal, dipping below Jen's tan line.

With Jen's private's covered by a drier skirt she gave Katey a weak smile.

"Thanks," Jen whispered.

Katey almost thanked Jen in return. But before she could open her lips she noticed her pussy was warming itself again. She turned away from Jen, worried that she would somehow figure it out. She moved to the counter and grabbed her sweater. Her back to Jen, she pulled it on carefully trying to find a position it would sit on her shoulders. But the garment was in poor shape with its broken neck.

Pulling the sweater forward lifted part of the back on to Jen's shoulders and offered some support but exposed all of her backside and the neck drooped well below her breasts. If she stuck her elbows out to the side the neck wasn't able to pass over her arms, but that would quickly become a nuisance as well as tiring and left her crotch and ass completely exposed. She determined that her best option was to give up on her shoulders and let it slide down her arms holding up the front with one hand. The garment itself was in a more precarious position, but at least this way her chest was completely covered with the use of one hand even though her shoulders, upper arms, and half of her back was bare. She couldn't simultaneously stretch the bottom down to cover her crotch, and the bottom of her pale, ample bum still hung below the hem line. It was better than nothing.

Katey turned around to see Jen bent over, struggling to take off her wet runners and socks.

"These are soaked," she grimaced. "Really uncomfortable."

"You're still soaked. Here, let me help," Katey replied grabbing more paper towel with her free hand, kneeling behind Jen this time.

Katey started rubbing up and down Jen's legs to dry them. Her calves were slender. Her thighs toned.

Jen was bent forward at the waist which caused her skirt to rise in the back. Katey's position once again gave her a fantastic view of Jen's thigh martini, now accentuated by the dark damp red of the skirt on the other side of it. It was different this time though. Her butt wasn't very large and was still mostly covered by the skirt, but leaning forward so far her pussy was pointed back at Katey. She was staring directly at the full length of Jen's slit.

It didn't take long to dry Jen's legs, even as Jen was moving them to remove her shoes. Katey got impulsive. Her heart skipped as she took this opportunity to dry higher.

Sliding up the back of Jen's right leg she ran up and over her right cheek, under her skirt. She slowly rubbed once around the whole of her right ass cheek before pausing, squeezing it lightly beneath her fingers, then sliding underneath the skirt to do the other side.

"Are you having fun?"

Startled, Katey lost her balance and fell backward, only incidentally removing her hand from under Jen's skirt. She regained her balance by resting on her hands, her arms stretched out behind her. This put Katey in a weird crab-walk pose. She had to lift her pelvis to keep her drooping sweater from contacting the wet floor.

Their eyes met between Jen's legs. She was peeking back at Katey upside down with a strange look that Katey didn't fully comprehend. It was a "hand in the cookie jar" moment, but Katey couldn't tell if Jen was upset. So Katey tried to pretend as if nothing happened, and in doing so didn't notice Jen's curious glances between Katey's own parted legs.

Katey stood, darted over to the counter and passed the now barefoot Jen more paper towel.

"It's okay," Jen said, righting herself. Katey didn't look at Jen, and wasn't sure where or how Jen was directing that comment. She just stood nervously with an arm stuck out at Jen holding paper towel. After a few awkward seconds Jen took it and patted down her stomach and chest.

Katey looked around for another distraction to give her heart and butterflies time to slow themselves. She spotted the tube top still on the counter.

"Here..." said Katey, offering it to Jen.

"Thanks. But I'm not sure what I can... oh, wait!"

Jen snatched the top from Katey and, turning around, started fiddling with her hair. After some twists, loops, and adjustments, Jen turned around to reveal her very stylish headband.

"Looks great," Katey said with a smile. "But what about..." Katey glanced down, as innocently as she could muster, at Jen's hand-bra breasts.

"The tube top wasn't going to hold these, so at least now I can tell where I'm going! Besides, I don't plan on letting anyone see me like this. Even if I had my clothes. I look a mess."

"You don't look so bad..." Katey said almost under her breath. Almost. Jen grinned.

"You ready?" asked Jen.

Katey exhaled. "No... yes."

"Okay then. Let's do this."

cryfly 02-18-2013 03:23 PM

This is the most awesome story ever!

Komodo Jones 02-19-2013 07:52 PM

To answer your question that all depends on what purpose you're writing your story for. If you're writing this story for yourself I would focus on longer chapters with more time between them. If you're writing this to get views, comments, and be recognized, I would suggest making shorter entries with less time in between them. Also it's important to analyze your audience, personally I prefer longer chapters, that's just who I am and that's also how I write myself. So for me personally, I would say go with long chapters, but I'm just one guy. Either way, I still enjoy your style of writing, tremendous detail, flushing out the characters without blatantly stating "this is who they are." You're not afraid to take things slow, it's a different story that I've never seen before, and you're not rushing into hardcore hot n' heavy sexual stuff which is something you don't see very often. I continue to wish you the best as you continue this story.

uzaho 02-20-2013 12:27 AM

Thank you for that feedback. I really do appreciate it. I guess I'm writing this more for me (than for fame/page views/whatever) but I want other people to enjoy it with me. I'll just try to write my chapters as logically as possible and keep writing until I find a good stopping point. I seem to be averaging over 2000 words per post though, so length is definitely not an issue!


Part 5

The two girls walked over to the door of the washroom. Katey's heart tried to leap out of her chest with every beat. She was about to run through the school with another mostly naked girl. Getting their clothes back while not being seen seemed simple in concept. But just like their clothing, the options available to them lately had been dwindling.

Katey creaked open the door and poked her head out. The hallway was empty. She closed the door.

"It's clear, but... should we run?" Katey asked Jen, unsure of herself.

"Okay. Just be quiet."

Katey took a few more deep breaths. She placed a hand over her pussy to shield it from the unknowns of the hallway. But the warmth and wetness she again felt only alerted her to her state of arousal. Once more she felt conflicted; Was it her own exposure or Jen's that was causing her heart to race so quickly?

She pushed the door open and was two steps into the hall when she stopped herself and jumped back to hold the door open for Jen.

Jen bolted out and started to jog down the hallway, filling the stillness of the corridors with the pitter-patter of wet feet. Katey let go of the door and sprung after her but forgot the terrible state her top was in when she threw both of her hands down to cover her tingling pussy. Her sweater instantly dropped down her body and covered her legs, making short work of tripping her. Falling, she managed to pull an arm out of a sleeve just fast enough to minimize her impact but she hit the floor with a thump. It was thankfully just loud enough for Jen hear. She turned and jogged back to help up Katey.

"Careful!" Jen whispered, her breasts swaying and bouncing as she pulled up on her friend's arms.

Katey stood with Jen's help. Her heart was palpitating with anxiety and adrenaline. Her hands shook as she stepped out of the sweater bunched around her legs. Jen was already taking off down the hallway again. To save time, Katey held the sweater up against her chest and ran after her friend.

Jen had pulled away quite easily. Katey wanted to yell out after her but was terrified to make a sound. One word and she was sure every classroom door would open in unison and students would race out into the hall to see her. She just closed her eyes and ran as quietly as she could while her wet feet slapped ugly vinyl tiles. She briefly wished she had pillows strapped to her feet.

The air rushing over Katey's face, arms, shoulders, hips and thighs as she ran was exhilarating. It felt freeing but was another reminder of how helplessly exposed she was.

She looked up after turning a corner and slowed her pace. Her eyes searched for Jen down the hall. She couldn't see her. Was she that far behind?

Katey stopped. She was standing in the middle of a corridor clutching a mangled gray sweater against the chest of her otherwise completely nude form. Her eyes darted back and forth briefly before she slammed them shut, as if losing her sight would make her invisible. She crossed her feet. Both her face and her pussy flushed red with heat, butterflies and palpitations out of control. She was naked and alone, literally, and surrounded by dozens of classrooms of students.

"jen..." she barely squeaked, her voice breaking.

She dropped a hand down to cover her inflamed crotch. Her hand didn't stop when it touched her lips. She began rubbing herself, making long vertical strokes down her slit as if trying to soothe a bruise. She wasn't consciously doing it. She wasn't controlling it. Her hand moved of its own accord. And it felt incredible. As if a stranger was exploring her mound.

"Not now," she thought to herself. "Not here." But her body didn't care.

In the background Katey could hear the faintest murmurings about sines and cosines. Or she would have if the blood rushing through her ears hadn't been pounding so deafeningly.

Katey's juices had escaped her almost instantly. A very wet finger parted her lips and made contact with her clit. Her entire body shivered. Her knees wobbled. Her head tilted back. Her mouth opened.

Katey clamped a hand over her mouth, dropping her sweater, and released a short moan. Her feet uncrossed themselves as they lost their footing and found a new wider stance which was welcomed by her pulsating sex.

A perverted mind controlled Katey's body now. It was primal and unwavering. It invaded her consciousness and suppressed Katey's fear. It replaced her thoughts of fleeing with images of Jen's gorgeous, voluptuous pussy lips and round, perky breasts. She imagined Jen's hands exploring her body as she yielded to every advance, offering every inch of her pale flesh. The smell of Jen's sex filled her nostrils and tantalized her taste buds.

She had never been so intimate with anyone, either physically or emotionally, as she and Jen had and in such a short time. Maybe she didn't have to feel so alone anymore as long as she felt... this.

Katey's menacing hand was moving with speed now that her thighs had opened. Her index and ring finger rubbed and squeezed in on the outside of her labia while her middle fingers parted them, darting up and down inside their length. With every flick of her clit Katey gasped. Her fingers purposefully flicked upwards, hitting her clit in dramatic fashion each time. These impacts became repetitive and the audible gasps they caused brought Katey to involuntarily pant with pleasure.

Her mouth needing air, the hand covering it moved down, brushing over of her neck and onto her chest. It aimlessly rubbed one of her nipples before she forced it to grab the breast it was attached to, hoping to prevent it too from losing control.

Panting so fast left Katey breathless in moments. Her entire existence was now focused around her clit. Her middle finger firmly planted against it her digits twitched furiously, her hand gyrating, seeking greater and greater stimulation. Her knees were losing their strength. Her tongue danced within her open mouth. She let out another moan, louder this time, lost within her arousal. Her body had been begging for this for over an hour now, and she was finally succumbing. She felt fresh juices run down her thigh. She felt a hand slap her ass.

Katey's eyes practically popped out of their sockets. She ripped her hand away from of her vagina sending even more wetness down her leg. She tried to yell but stopped herself with a soaking hand, coating her face and mouth so suddenly she could taste herself.

Standing next to her was a very incredulous, smiling Jen. She was clearly anxious but had a devious look in her eye.

"Shhh..." Jen warned, a finger to her lips. She then pointed across the hall. Katey, shaking and terrified, turned to look.

Through the window of a door she saw a teacher writing on a whiteboard, turning back and forth from the board to the class. She had been standing there panting, moaning, and masturbating directly outside of a classroom! In plain sight of a teacher!

Blood and emotion drained away from her face as she was taken by the shock, leaving only her freckles behind. She started to feel lightheaded and stumbled backward before Jen grabbed her and leaned her up against a wall.

Jen was still smiling. "He didn't see. You okay?" she whispered with a chuckle. Katey meekly nodded, her lips pursed.

"You made a wrong turn. We can't go this way," Jen nodded down the hall. "It takes us past the office." She looked up and down Katey's quivering body. Jen bit her lip and shook her head. "I don't know what's happened to you, but we can't stay to find out." She leaned forward and gave Katey a friendly kiss on the cheek, pausing as she smelled Katey's sex - intentionally for once. "Come on."

As Jen pulled her off of the wall, Katey only then noticed that Jen was wearing her sweater.

"My sweater..." Katey mumbled.

"Didn't look like you were using it," Jen teased, shrugging. "Besides, I think it looks better on me. You look much better in that birthday suit!" She stepped behind Katey and placing her hands on both of Katey's cheeks pushed her in the right direction. Katey didn't recognize Jen's flirting. Instead she wanted to protest but was too ashamed and embarrassed to speak. Her hand had found its way to her pussy again, the lips beneath her fingers begging for her to continue. For once her hand did not respond. It only hid her wet, tingling shame.

Katey was beside herself. She felt as if she shouldn't be thinking these thoughts. Normal girls didn't think like this, did they? Although she rarely felt normal. And with Jen discovering her in the midst of her shame she was mortified. She wanted to say something, apologize, or try to explain herself but only managed to retreat into herself. She felt woozy. But between the gentle kiss, the smack on her backside, and the perpetual pleasure factory between her legs, colour was quick to come back to Katey's face, her warm blood rushing out to her extremities.

Uneasy and now with nothing to wear or hide behind, Katey slowly walked down the hall in front of Jen.

"Hurry up," Jen demanded. Katey followed the order obediently and worked up to a jog, this time in the right direction. Jen followed closely behind.

She tried to compose herself. She had no clue why she had just done all that. It was impulsive and uncharacteristic of her. Yes, she had been enjoying herself - thoroughly in fact - but to just stand there in the hall like an idiot waiting for someone to discover her while so desperately wanting to flee... she couldn't wrap her head around it. Maybe she had wanted to get caught. Maybe she was having a stroke or something.

Katey wondered how long Jen had been standing there. How long she had watched her. She thought of Jen's lips against her cheek and hands against her ass. She thought of the tightness and firmness of Jen's smaller ass. She thought of Jen's fingers when they were pressing up into her against the wall. She thought of their breasts pressed together, her nipples rubbing over Jen's from their heavy breathing. She thought so many thoughts, including why her brain couldn't stop thinking them. She also thought she knew where she was going until she turned around a bend in the hall and felt Jen's hands grab her arm, pulling her back behind the corner.

Katey squeaked out a noise of disapproval. She was confused, readjusting her arms and hands to cover herself after Jen had yanked them away from her body.

Jen just pointed past the corner in response. So Katey peeked around it. A class was being let out early and students were slowly spilling out into the hallway. She would have run into that entire class while completely naked!

"Oh...." was all Katey could mutter. This was the safest route that would get them to the gym. And unless Katey were to somehow succeed in her blind invisibility trick, she couldn't make it down that hallway unseen.

"Come on. There's still study hall."

They ran back towards where they came until they found a sign marked "Study Room" only a few doors down. Jen opened the door and Katey recklessly pounced through the entryway desperate for shelter. Jen quickly closed the door behind them.

The study hall was dark except for the light coming in from small windows in the doors at either end. Study hall was literally a former hallway, an underused side corridor that had been converted into a study room years ago. It was an awkward room, long and thin with bad carpeting. A wall mounted countertop ran down either side of the room with dividers marking separate work cubbies. Chairs were scarce but present. This study "hall" was never really used. The library was a better place to study in. It was a strange idea that none of the students had taken to. Most forgot it even existed. But at this moment it provided a possible escape, giving the girls access to an adjacent hallway that would get them past the office and bypass the class that had ended early.

Katey thanked the darkness for finally obscuring her body. Jen was about to reach for the light switch when they watched the door open at the other end of the hall.

Tadario 02-20-2013 10:36 AM

Hi Uzaho,

Great story, plot, environment that you managed to create.
I can't wait until you continue this story, as I want to what happens to them and the "mean" girls ;)

uzaho 02-21-2013 10:19 PM

Part 6

Jen grabbed Katey by the arm, standing like a deer in the headlights, and pulled her down to the floor under one of the counters.

Two people entered, but strangely made no attempt to turn on the lights as the door closed behind them. Katey's eyes were still adjusting to the dimly lit room. From her low vantage point between the scattered chairs it appeared the two people were facing each other. The tight, light pink pants that one of them was wearing implied they were a girl, which suggested the other was likely a boy.

The girl walked backward, pulling her partner further into the room. They were about halfway when she stopped. He leaned in with only slight hesitation and they began their "private" make-out session. Jen sighed in relief and looked back at Katey who was curled up, naked, and mortified. It was bad enough that she was again trapped in a room with other people, but without the privacy of the stalls and with one of those people being a boy it was all much worse.

Jen had dropped her grip on Katey's sweater when they had dove under the counter and it now sat at her elbows and below her breasts. She pulled up on it briefly but decided to ignore it knowing that she wouldn't be able to hold it over the next few minutes.

Jen tried to grab Katey's attention, placing a finger on Katey's lips as she moved towards her.

"We can pass them." Jen whispered into Katey's ear.

Katey tried to calm herself. They had a path under the entire length of counter to get them to the other end of the room. They would be passing extremely close to this couple. It was dark and they were distracted, but it wouldn't take much for them to look under their shallow cover if they found a reason to and there weren't nearly enough chairs to offer any real concealment. But it didn't really matter. With Jen breathing into her ear Katey would've done almost anything she asked.

With a long quiet exhale Katey nodded, her arms tightly crossed over her chest.

Jen leaned forward onto her hands and knees. Her boobs hung freely with the sweater bunched up above her waist, being pulled up only slightly by her arms as she started crawling. Katey followed Jen's lead as they gingerly slid past chair legs. She was glad that she was behind Jen. It may have been dark, but their eyes were adjusting to it and she didn't want to be pointing her wet sex in Jen's face. She much preferred peeking under Jen's skirt.

Cautiously, not wanting to alert the lovebirds, the two girls made every effort in their advance to minimize any sound they were forced to make. The room was dead silent besides those smacking lips and heavy breathing.

A small chair was pushed in all the way under one cubby. The chair's four legs had an awkward shape to them, but the chair was too close to the wall to allow Jen to pass in front of it. She didn't want to risk moving the chair, so she dropped to her stomach and wiggled her way forward. After she managed to get halfway under it she stretched her arms out in front of her and dug her nails into the carpet. She pulled herself forward, her body in full contact along the floor, dragging her nipples and ample breasts over the rough carpet. Unfortunately her skirt had different ideas. Her wiggling had already caused the damp material to move down her hips. With the weight of her legs pressing the skirt into the carpet it caused Jen to pull herself out of them. In one clean movement it was now down to her ankles.

Katey's jaw dropped, laughing to herself just a bit, as her friend suffered a new wardrobe malfunction. She didn't have much sympathy given that Jen had stolen her sweater. If anything, this was karma.

Jen looked back at her bare behind as she lay on the floor and thought about trying to reach back to pull it up. She decided to finish crawling to the other end of the room first where she could afford to make more noise with less fear of being caught. If the damp skirt was willing to stay around her ankles that would be good enough for now. Katey could still grab them if they fell off completely.

Katey had little difficulty dragging herself under the chair, although the feel of carpet was none too pleasant. As she did she looked up to see the boy and girl heavily into their make out session. He wasn't doing much with his hands, merely resting them on the hips of what Katey now noticed were pink tights. This girl was wearing them as form-fitting, curve hugging, pants. The girl meanwhile was running one hand up his side and over his back while the other hand rested on the front of his pants. Except that it wasn't exactly resting.

After a few more chairs Jen and Katey were almost directly behind them. Jen looked up to her left and took a moment to observe the two large round ass cheeks wanting to burst out of the thin tights, the girl's t-shirt not nearly long enough to cover her. Jen leaned down on her left shoulder to look behind at Katey, raising her eyebrows in approval. This brought Jen's body lower to the floor while her ass remained in the air, giving Katey a great view of everything even in the dark and one that she found far more interesting.

It was in that moment that the girl pushed away from the boy and leaned up against the counter, the middle of her ass perched on its edge. However she also moved her feet back, her right foot standing on the drooping fabric of that cursed gray sweater.

Jen nearly gasped. She tugged very gently on her trapped arm to no avail. The heel of this girl's sneaker trapped the bunched up fabric against the carpet and kept Jen pinned to the ground. If Jen struggled she would give them away.

"Show me," the girl commanded.

Katey and Jen watched as the boy undid the button of his jeans and guided his zipper downward. He opened the front of his pants to reveal a pair of pink cotton panties!

Katey immediately noted that his penis was barely contained by the tight crotch of the underpants. She hadn't seen one up close before, and although she had other things on her mind - including Jen's elevated mound - she also hoped she could see his. Katey also guessed that this girl was probably wearing those panties earlier. Or maybe she just wished it. Her tights certainly gave no hint of a panty line, although it was also dark.

"This is embarrassing," the boy said. Katey almost scoffed. Her half naked compatriot and her completely naked self would very much have liked to disagree. He clearly didn't know the meaning of the word.

"Mmm, I like it," the girl replied, beckoning him forward with a finger.

The boy leaned in placing both his hands on the counter and continued kissing the girl. Katey was not impressed by the lack of use of his hands. The girl on the other hand went back to roaming his body, leaving his panty-clad penis alone for now. She clearly wanted him to explore her though; her legs were spread wide with such a thin material covering half of her body.

Katey noticed Jen looking back at her mouthing the word "help".

She wasn't sure what to do. She thought that maybe they could wait until she moved again, although she looked to be getting pretty comfortable against the counter and this boy wasn't very aggressive in his advances. They were also racing against the clock as the bell could ring at any time. She half-contemplated screaming "Fire!!" or "Rape!" or something else equally absurd hoping they would just run off, but that would be less of a plan than it would be an act of desperation.

Katey closed in behind Jen, leaning her naked body over Jen's butt to better inspect her friend's predicament while staying as concealed as possible beneath the counter. Maybe Jen could just slip out of the sweater? There wasn't any room to move her arm though, and she wasn't about to leave her favorite sweater behind, regardless of its condition. Jen was lucky the girl hadn't stepped on her arm or hand. It was then Katey got a stupid idea.

She moved off of Jen's back. Straddling one of her legs, she sat down on one of Jen's calves who was still on her knees. This put her directly in front of not only Jen's raised backside and protruding sex but directly behind the kissing couple.

She slowly reached her hand out. Jen shook her head and mouthed "no" as Katey's hand got closer. She grabbed the outside of the girl's thigh just below where the boy's fingers were wrapped under the counter and gently rubbed the leg up and down. No obvious reaction from the girl, but she clearly wasn't questioning this hand on her body. Katey was now thankful this boy was so inactive.

Katey looked down at Jen's arm but the shoe hadn't moved.

Despite the lack of results Katey was now confident in her plan and reached around to rub the front of the girl's thigh. The girl gave a short giggle, still locking lips with her boy toy, and moved her leg to widen her stance. Katey looked down again. She moved the wrong leg.

Katey removed her hand and surveyed the situation. The girl had just moved her legs farther apart. That had to be a sign, some sort of guidance.

Tentatively she reached a hand out towards the inside of this girl's thigh. She tried to position it in a way the boy's hand could have approached her. Swallowing her fear, she began rubbing this stranger's inner thigh. The girl released a low encouraging moan as she ran a hand up to the boy's neck. Katey kept glancing between her own hand and the girl's shoe, wanting the actions of the one to will the movement of other.

The girl now placed a hand against the boy's bulging panties, grabbing at his dick through the fabric. Katey could barely see, her view cut off by the bottom of the girl's crotch, but she didn't like this. She knew what this girl wanted. This would be farther than she had "gone" with anyone before, boy or girl. It was made all the more surreal being that it was with a stranger who didn't know she was there, next to her friend who she would much rather be exploring. Katey was getting butterflies again. But if it meant freeing Jen then she was willing to try.

Carefully, she moved her hand upward near the crotch of the tights, resting for a moment on the highest part of her thigh before sliding over and pressing the thin tights into the girl's pussy. Katey's fingers were instantly met with a warm wetness through the thin fabric that for once was not her own. Her heart skipped and her hand stopped as the gravity of this situation hit her, but she pressed on to avoid suspicion.

Her face flush, Katey gently pushed the wet, pink fabric into the folds of this girl. She was afraid her small fingers wouldn't feel like her boyfriend's. She had three of her fingers against the girl pushing up between her labia. The motion was very mechanical at first, just back and forth directly under her vagina. But after a pleasant moan from the girl and a slight rotation from the heel of her shoe Katey knew her plan was working. Her determination beat down her uncertainty as she placed her other hand on Jen's bare ass - for balance of course - and committed herself. For Jen's freedom.

Katey transitioned her movements into longer more fluid ones, applying pressure while wrapping her fingers forward and upward to approach the girl's clit. The girl's pelvis occasionally twitched grinding her ass against the edge of the counter as Katey's movements quickened. Her mound was pillowy and inflamed, her lips opening naturally, begging for contact. Touching this girl was thrilling and mysterious. Katey couldn't see much and despite how thin the material was there was still a barrier between her and her target, and this intrigued her. Between her curiosity and the confidence her anonymity offered her she was quickly starting to enjoy this, pressing up into the soft folds beneath those wet, stretchy tights.

Katey looked over to survey the shoe but found a strange look on what little of Jen's face she could see. Katey was sweating and confused before realizing that she was gently humping the back of Jen's calf! Her pelvis rolled under her to match the motion of her occupied hand, pussy lips gliding along smearing Jen's leg in her juices. She looked over at Jen's arched back and her elevated privates. She could see Jen was grabbing her own vagina from underneath her with one hand - at the very least to cover it - with her other hand still incapacitated. Katey was as embarrassed as ever but she only managed to slow down her pelvic thrusts, unable to stop herself completely. Staring at Jen in the darkness, holding her ass, knowing that Jen's skin was against her pussy, all the while her hand rubbing the concealed vagina of another girl, her own level of arousal was far to great to want to stop, despite how awkward it was. She wanted to tell herself that she had lost control again to save face but she knew this wasn't true.

But in a magical moment, the girl moaned and lifted her foot! Jen was free! Katey peered through the darkness to see part of Jen's elated face only to feel two thighs clamp themselves around her hand.

While Jen's arm was free, Katey's hand was now trapped and in an area far more sensitive to movement than the sole of a shoe.

Jen started to move out from under Katey. Katey lifted herself to help, moving the hand on Jen's ass over to her vagina in an attempt to keep any more of her juices from dripping onto Jen or the skirt that was now passing between her legs. But subconsciously it was to apply more pressure to her clit now that she no longer had Jen's leg between her's.

With her mobility restored, Jen scurried down the length of the counter, taking no time to complete the other half of her journey. Katey watched as Jen sat at the end struggling to adjust the little clothing she had.

Turning to her new predicament, Katey was now lost. Her plan had backfired. This girl hadn't noticed that the hand between her thighs did not belong to her boyfriend, but surely if Katey yanked it back through her legs she would realize this very quickly. Instead she just wiggled her fingers - on both of her hands - providing as much stimulation as she could, afraid to disappoint the girl.

"What are you DOING in here!?!" The girl bounced off the counter frightened by the booming voice and increase in illumination. Katey's hand popped out of the lubricated thighs without notice. Jen stood in the open doorway, one hand around the base of her neck feigning shock and disdain while actually using it to support the torn sweater.

Katey's hand again in her possession, she watched as the boy turned his back to the door and the girl try to shove the penis in her hand back into the boy's small panties. He grimaced in pain as his clearly hard cock was contorted back and forth fruitlessly by this girl until she ran away in fear. The boy ran after her, penis bouncing.

"Well I NEVER! Of ALL the things..." Jen was doing some sort of self-righteous old lady impression. Katey giggled at Jen as the young couple ran out of the room, refusing to look at who had caught them.

Jen took her hand off the door letting it close, She turned on the light as Katey crawled out from under the counter.

"That was great!" Katey was directing her comment at Jen's performance, but later realized it could be taken differently. She brushed herself off, only barely trying to cover herself, then absentmindedly smelled both sets of her damp fingers comparing fragrances.

"It smell any good?" Jen teased, a hint of jealousy lingering on her tongue.

Katey wiped her hands against her hips. "I think you smell better."

She stopped. She looked up. Did she say that? Out loud?

Jen was now staring at her feet, rubbing her toes together into the carpeting trying to hide her blushing smile. She was simultaneously embarrassed and flattered.

"Uuuhh... I- umm..." Katey held her arms tightly across her body, her nipples poking into her forearms. She didn't even bother shielding her wet crotch now as every time she touched it she only seemed to make things worse.

"Thanks!" Jen replied looking up. She tried to sound confident and playful, but was taken off guard and could not stop blushing. She could only look Katey in the eye for fractions of a second before looking away.

"Yeah. We... umm... we should... go." Katey stammered. Inside she was punching herself, writing a book in her mind called, "Things You Can't Say to Classmates."

Jen opened the door behind her and made a swooping gesture.

"After you!"

As Katey approached the door Jen opened her mouth and moved her hand toward Katey. Katey paused for a moment but Jen rescinded her advance, dropping her hand down to push her skirt between her legs. Jen smiled an awkward toothy smile, her face only getting redder, as Katey sheepishly moved past her.

uzaho 02-24-2013 12:46 AM

It's really frustrating when you're not sure where you should take a story...


Part 7

Entering the hallway put Katey's nerves on edge again. The hall was empty but it wasn't quiet. In the distance around a corner they could hear some students talking. Katey backed up in trepidation causing Jen to walk into her ass and grab at her bare waist. Katey hopped away nervously, then hearing the voices again cuddled up beside Jen in the archway of the door. Jen smiled an apology and Katey shook her head, trying to shake away her anxiety.

They stood and listened to the voices for a few seconds but they weren't getting louder. That was reassuring. The students weren't walking; they seemed to be huddled together talking about class. Probably the class the of them were trying to avoid a few minuted earlier.

Jen tapped Katey on the shoulder and pointed down the hallway toward the voices. Katey peeked out half expecting someone to be walking toward them, but saw no one. Instead she squinted to read the sign on the door Jen was pointing at. It read "MAINTENANCE". This was it. They were behind the gym.

Jen held three fingers up in front of Katey's face. Then two. Then one.

Jen ran out of the alcove, dragging Katey behind her down the hall. They passed the entrance to the boys locker room and were soon standing in front of the maintenance door. Jen threw herself at the handle but it didn't budge. She shook it in frustration with both hands as the cheeky sweater again slid down over her chest.

Covering her breasts with one arm and grabbing Katey with the other she ran further down the hall. Katey's heart beat faster as they neared the corner, the voices becoming increasingly louder before Jen lunged at a new door. Katey followed her in to the girl's locker room.

The door opened to a small corridor that led from the hall to the gymnasium. On the left there was a washroom that was mostly open to the corridor. Farther ahead on the right was the door to the actual locker room.

"There's another way in there from the gym, inside the equipment room," Jen looked back at Katey as they walked toward the gymnasium door.

They were nearly at the door when the bell rang.

They stopped. This was what they were dreading. They heard a whistle from inside the gym followed by voices and feet running toward them. Jen turned to run back from where they came but there was no time, the far door was opening too!

Katey lunged at the next closest door to them: the locker room.

Despite the name there were few lockers inside. There was a small bench in the middle of the room and lots of clothes strewn about the floor.

Katey looked longingly at the clothes, pulling Jen into the room behind her. She let go of Jen's hand and bent over scooping up an armful of clothing. She didn't care what she had grabbed. The feel of the varying types of material as she held it against her soft skin was so gratifying.

Jen tore the garments out of Katey's arms and threw them across the room. She grabbed Katey and pulled her into the showers just as the locker room door opened behind them.

The showers weren't exactly private. There was a large break in the wall on the right side of the locker room that opened directly to the shower room. There were technically stalls but they consisted of little more than dividers that hung off the wall separating each shower, only reaching a little more than a foot away from the wall; it was more about defining space than providing privacy. Standing in the middle of the locker room you could see the entire back wall of showers.

Jen pulled Katey around the corner into the first stall. If anyone came in to the shower room they would easily be seen, but they were at least hidden from the changing area while being close enough to survey it. The stall wasn't very wide though. Jen swung around so her back was against the divider closest to the entrance, but her left arm and shoulder weren't protected. Katey leaned her naked back against the other divider, shielded from view. The two of them stood and caught their breath after being seconds away from being caught themselves.

"Hey, where are my clothes?"

"Yeah, not cool guys."

"I see your pants over there."

"Where's my top?"

"I didn't touch your stuff."

"Maybe Danielle was searching for tampons again!"

"Guys! That's not funny..."

Katey realized why stealing those clothes would've been a bad idea. At least in that moment. They would have been trapped in with all these girls. Anyone truly missing anything would surely start looking for it. Getting caught in the locker room wearing someone else's clothing would get them in way more trouble than being found there without any clothes, even if the latter was somewhat less desirable.

She looked across at Jen who had her head cocked to the side listening to the disembodied voices talk about everything and nothing. The sweater was still halfway down her body bunched up at her waist, her wonderfully perky breasts rising and falling under her heavy breathing. Her skirt was resting diagonally off of one hip showing off part of the V that ran down her pelvis.

Katey walked over to Jen and leaned into her. She placed her hands on Jen's hips and stared into her eyes for a moment, taking Jen off guard, before peeking her head around the divider.

Trying to stay concealed and at her extreme angle she could only see the front corner (relative to the showers) of the change room opposite them. She could see around a half dozen girls changing out of their gym clothes - an odd mix of training bras and push ups, princess panties and thongs were present. It looked like these girls were from a lower grade. At most a few years younger than them.

Katey ducked back behind the corner and pulled at Jen's hips moving her off the divider, shifting her to the left so her back was against the shower room wall.

"They could see you there." Katey whispered, her hands still resting on Jen's hips.

"Oh. Thanks." Jen replied.

"...I'm so sorry Jen."

Jen shrugged, a concerned look on her face.

"I'm sorry what you've gone through. Sneaking through the halls. Getting covered in mop water. Cleaning my pee..." Katey looked away in disgust as she said it. "...and then... humping your leg." Jen smirked at that comment.

Jen reached out and hugged her new friend, their bare chests meeting once more. But the hug was instantly made far more awkward, and not only due to the contact of their nipples. Jen had one leg crossed in front of the other. Katey was still very wet from her study hall sexploration. Jen drawing Katey into her caused Jen's leg to part Katey's, pulling a wet pussy up onto her thigh.

Jen's arms wrapped around Katey, Katey's hands moving behind her waist, but Jen stopped when she felt Katey's wetness press into her. Katey looked up ready to apologize for yet another embarrassing situation but Jen didn't look embarrassed. It was more of a knowing look; a naughtier look. They stood there a moment, contemplating their next move with a room full of half-naked schoolgirls around the corner.

Jen slid her hands down Katey's exposed back until they sat on the top of her round bottom. Jen leaned into the wall and started to pull Katey forward, her wetness gliding further up her thigh, Katey being forced onto the tips of her toes. Then a cold wetness rained over them.

Jen had backed into the push button for the shower. Water was now sprinkling over their shoulders and smacking against the tile. Acting fast, Jen leaned forward and threw her hands up to cover the shower head, trying to minimize the noise. Katey lost her balance with Jen flailing about. She grabbed Jen's skirt as she fell which offered no support and moved easily down her legs. Katey dropped to the floor, her ass hitting with a loud thwack as she landed partly under the stream of water.

The room of girls had broken into laughter as this happened. Katey quickly ignored the pain in her backside and the water hitting her midsection as her eyes darted toward the break in the wall, fearing she had been caught. Instead she saw a strange sight; the girls who had been in the corner before had moved away leaving only one girl there and she was making a proper fool out of herself. She had gym shorts on her head pulled down over her face, socks shoved into her training bra/undershirt, was giving her a dual-wedgie pulling the sides of her panties up far past her bellybutton, all while jumping from leg to leg doing some kind of insane dance. Some girls were encouraging her while others flung weak insults, all of them laughing hysterically. Katey watched for a few seconds before getting enough sense to move out of sight.

The water had been hitting Katey in spurts. She rubbed her sore bum as she got to her feet and noticed immediately that Jen was now naked, her back still against the wall. She had taken off the sweater and was holding it precariously against the shower head above her trying to stem the flow of water. The push buttons in the shower room were on timers that lasted for a few minutes and Jen knew that letting the water hit the tile unabated would draw attention from the other room. But it's not easy to stop water from flowing by hand.

Katey stood in front of Jen and raised her arms, helping to push Jen's hands and the sweater against the shower head. With both of them holding it in place all that could be heard was a gentle hiss from between their fingers as the water trickled its way past them and into the sweater. It ran down both of their arms and over their bodies at a steady rate, but it was virtually silent.

"Sorry." Jen whispered to Katey, a frown on her face in response to that hard fall.

"I'm okay." Katey said, wincing slightly. Her pelvis rotated while she flexed her now tender glutes and thighs.

Their eyes met again. They had managed to discover a new form of discomfort with their arms raised above their heads, standing inches away from each others naked body, staring each other in the face. Streams of hot water ran over their shoulders, around their breasts, down their stomachs and between their thighs, tickling their skin as it warmed their bodies. While holding the sweater above them they were effectively trapped in this position.

Jen began to grin. That turned into a smile, which became muffled laughter.

"What?" Katey smiled at Jen's bemusement.

"We're hopelessly ridiculous aren't we?" Jen whispered, looking down.

Katey chuckled, "I wouldn't say hopeless."

Jen pursed her lips to contain her laughter. There were a few seconds of silence between them, private thoughts, as the caress of the water served as a soothing distraction from what had turned into a crazy afternoon.

" you like me?"

Jen asked the question hesitantly and cautiously. Katey knew what she meant and suddenly felt more than just physically vulnerable in that moment. Everything had been mostly innocent so far, at least in that they were only victims of their environment. Katey knew she felt something towards Jen, but she had never felt this way about a boy before let alone a girl. Did she actually like girls? Like, like-like? Maybe she just liked THIS girl. That would be okay, right? Could she admit that? But what if Jen didn't feel the same way? Maybe this was a test. Maybe Jen was worried that she was feeling something that wasn't there. But Katey had felt sparks. She was sure. Was she over-thinking again? Was she taking too long to answer?

Katey looked up to see Jen shaking her head. She was also mouthing something over and over. "No." But she was looking at something else. Katey had to twist her body sideways - exposing both her and Jen - since her arms were blocking the periphery of her vision. In the middle of the shower stood a girl holding a Disney princess beach towel around her body. She had a mostly blank expression on her face as she glanced between the wet, naked, oddly postured teenagers that stood before her and the changing room of girls just past them.

It was a standoff. Katey and Jen stared this girl down vehemently pleading with their eyes and mouths while water streamed down their nude bodies. The girl appeared to be sizing them up and weighing her options.

uzaho 02-26-2013 01:13 AM

A slightly longer update with a bit more fun! ;)


Part 8

The tension was short lived. The girl turned towards the back wall and continued on her original trajectory. Katey faced Jen again but craned her neck back to keep an eye on the girl.

She walked into a stall on the other side of the room but turned around to face the two girls. She adjusted her black rimmed glasses with one hand while holding a bottle and her towel with the other. Moving her hand back she played with a piece of her long dyed black hair which had gone astray after she had pinned it up for gym class. Her glasses on her face and the strand of hair on her shoulder served as a striking contrast to her pale skin. She seemed to be indecisive about something.

Her curiosity got the better of her and she walked across the showers towards their corner. She stopped in front of them, but on enough of an angle to stay hidden from the rest of the locker room. She was no shorter than them meeting their gaze at eye level, although she was quite slender. The girl would have otherwise looked very innocent and harmless - almost doll-like - but in that moment she held so much power over them that she was unintentionally intimidating.

"Hi," she said quietly, waving her hand. "I'm Rebecca."

Jen and Katey looked at each other nervously, water still streaming down their naked bodies.

She leaned forward, smiling. "You can call me Becky."

"Hi." Katey responded cautiously. "I'm Katey."


"Cool. So... what's up?" Becky asked, looking them up and down. She had a very good view standing only a few feet from them.

"Umm. Sort of a long story..." Jen whispered back. Some girls could be heard leaving the change room around the corner.

"I like long stories!" Becky said jokingly. "Although I'll take the short version too."

They looked at each other again. Everything they had gone through so far that afternoon had been such a weird mix of embarrassment, humiliation and arousal that Katey didn't really want to fess up to it.

Jen sighed. "I, umm..."

"It was a dare." Katey interrupted Jen, not willing to divulge the truth. Being put in their situation by a dare seemed less embarrassing to her than the series of stupid decisions and accidents that they had been through.

Becky's eyes lit up at the sound of this, an excited grin creeping onto her face. "Really?"

Jen nodded in agreement.

"What?" Katey asked, trying to act tough.

"Nothing." Becky responded slyly. "But I think you just convinced me to skip my next class."

Katey instantly regretted saying anything. Becky didn't seem mean, but she was very interested in them.

Becky could recognize the dominant position she was in and poked her head around the corner. Katey could only hear one conversation taking place. Becky stepped back and held up four fingers indicating only four girls left to leave.

The gentle hiss above them stopped with the timer on their shower finishing its countdown. Jen and Katey lowered their arms, Jen bringing the soaking sweater down in front of her chest while stepping out of the skirt at her ankles. Katey shielded herself as best she could, her arms a bit sore after holding them up for so long. Katey could have asked for her sweater back but after Jen took it from her it didn't seem like her's anymore. Not only that but she was starting to enjoy, if not prefer, her nudity. She had never felt this exposed before and every time she was made aware of it her heart would race and her skin would tingle.

Becky moved closer to them. With the water no longer a threat she huddled up into the stall as close as she could.

"I want in," she whispered.

"What do you mean?" Katey was confused.

"Dares are so much fun!" Becky replied earnestly. "It's an excuse to be naughty. Besides, I think you've been stripped and left here. You don't have a lot of options. I can't deny I want to take advantage of that, but I feel like I could help you too!"

" that shampoo?" Jen asked.

Becky looked down and tried to pass the bottle into her free hand. In doing so she started to lose her beach towel. As it was, her Disney towel was barely large enough to cover her, something she still kept from when she was much younger. It inched down her flawlessly white skin and stopped just above her right nipple before she regained her control, the top of her areola and contours of her breasts now visible. Katey took notice. This girl may have been a bit younger but she had a much nicer chest than hers. Her tits weren't much larger but her boobs sat closer together and projected away from her chest, coming to carefully crafted points at the nipple; two small peaks split by a narrow valley. With the edge of the thin beach towel now resting on her pert nipples there was an impressive amount of cleavage on display.

"It's a 2-in-1 actually. Shampoo and body wash." Becky tugged up on her towel slightly but was more concerned with keeping it from falling any further.

Jen looked at Katey. She seemed happy about this. Her hair looked a mess with the tube top barely holding it together and her skin must have still felt grimy from the mop water.

They heard the sound of the door closing again followed by nothing. Becky peeked around the corner. "Sweet! We're good."

"Okay. So... What are you proposing?" Jen was intrigued now.

"I'm willing to help you two out but I want to have some fun doing it. You can dare me to do something for you, but then I get to dare you back."

Jen and Katey weighed the proposition silently. Katey was unknowingly excited by the idea, her hand twitching briefly between her legs. Jen meanwhile just wanted a shower.

"Alright. I guess we're in." Jen spoke for the two of them. "So what now?"

"Well, I think I have something you want..." she said, shaking the bottle in her hand. "...but I'm not going to just give it to you. Make it worth my while. Dare me." Becky had an anxious yet sultry tone to her voice.

"Umm... Okay. Well then I dare you to wash me." Jen paused. "Katey too," she added smiling.

"Yup. I like you!" Becky giggled. "Okay, but you don't get to help. We get to wash you how WE want. Right, Kate?" She said with a wink.

"Sure," Katey answered blushing. Her heartbeat was increasing and she started to feel tingly again. A finger pressed up between her lips as her hand covered her crotch.

"Sorry, Kate or Katey?" asked Becky.

"It doesn't matter really. I mean... I like Katey because it sounds like kitty." Katey surprised herself. She usually didn't volunteer things like that.

"AWW! That's cute!" Becky said, cocking her head to the side. "I'm calling you Kitty!"

Katey smiled. Her face turning redder, her skin apparently trying to match her freckles. She had never had a nickname before. Not one she liked anyway.

"Okay Jen," Becky started, setting her bottle on the floor. "Pass me your sweater."

Jen slid an arm underneath to cover her chest as she handed over the still soaking sweater. Becky leaned down to also snatch the wet skirt from the floor.

"Kitty, go put these with my clothes in the other room."

Katey walked right up to Becky's outstretched hand and at short range scooped the wet garments into her arm to cover her breasts, her hand not moving from below. As she walked around the corner her legs pushed her labia into the finger that had dipped between them which only served to heighten her anticipation of the dare. Finding a summer dress laying on the tile she dropped the wet clothing and hurriedly shuffled back around the corner.

"Jen, we can't clean you if you're covering yourself like that. Kitty, what do you think?"


Jen and Rebecca turned in surprise then burst into laughter followed soon after by Katey. The tension between them eased, sexual and otherwise, and they all started to drop their guard. Jen leaned against the side of the stall while Becky lost her grip on her towel as Katey scooted up beside her. Katey had collected so much anxiety and adrenaline - pent up energy - that now since she felt like they were in a safer environment she was starting to let it go.

Seeing the towel fall Katey lunged down to Becky's feet to grab it. Instead of just picking it up she got onto her hands and knees and clenched it between her teeth. She looked up and directly between Becky's legs. She had a short and slightly unkempt bit of hair above her slit, an expanding patch of light brown peach fuzz that betrayed her dyed black hair. Katey thought that Becky's slit looked very much like her own and wasn't sure if she should be jealous seeing it on another girl or ashamed that hers was hairless and looked even younger.

"Heheh... Thank you Kitty!" Becky bent down to pet Katey's short red hair before taking the towel from her mouth. Katey leaned in and rubbed her head against Becky's leg eliciting further laughing and giggling.

"Good Kitty! Now let's get Jen ready!"

Becky, now less interested in her towel, threw it onto a nearby divider and picked up her bottle off the floor. She turned the bottle upside down for a few seconds before popping the cap and squeezing the bottle at Jen, shaking it up and down.

"Ah!" Jen yelled weakly. Katey giggled as the cool ropes of frothy blue liquid hit her friend's skin. Jen turned her head and held her arms out trying to block the stream of body wash, but Becky's shaking was sending it everywhere. She turned away from them getting a few final splotches on her back as the pressure from the bottle subsided. Becky capped it and set it back down on the tile.

"Turn around Jen! Let us see!" Katey excitedly demanded, getting to her feet.

Jen slowly turned around, her arms hanging loose at her sides. Soapy strings of varying thickness covered her body. There was more on one side than the other since she had turned away from them. One of her breasts was coated. A glob in her hair trickled down the side of her face. Several long strands ran up and down her abdomen and were running their way down her pelvis. Other random hits were scattered across her arms and thighs.

"You look ready to me." Becky seemed pleased. She walked up to Jen and pulled the tube top out of her hair, casting it aside. Jen's blonde but dirty hair fell down and touched her shoulders. Jen moved her hand up to her face to wipe the glob running down her cheek but Becky stopped her. "Hey! That's my job!" She wiped the liquid off the side of Jen's face then deposited a drop of it on to the tip of Jen's nose, giggling to herself. Looking down she took one of Jen's arms and started rubbing her hands along its length as Jen held it limp beside her. Becky spent only a few seconds doing this before moving to the other arm, working up a light lather against Jen's damp skin. With both arms coated she ran one hand slowly up each of Jen's arms, over the tops of her shoulders, then gently working her way up her neck. Jen closed her eyes, enjoying both Becky's soothing touch and the cleansing feel of the soap.

"Come on Kitty! Don't be shy!" Becky called. Katey was just watching, her hand again between her legs moving slowly on its own accord.

Katey walked toward Jen with trepidation and excitment. With Becky working on the front she figured it was best she focus on the back. She slid past Jen to get into the stall and stood behind her. Katey placed two hands on Jen's skin gathering the splotches of soap in her palms and rubbing it up and down her back. She quickly moved further down, bending forward and sliding her hands over Jen's small butt, again feeling the firmness of her tight ass under her now lubricated fingers. She traced the bottom of each cheek running her fingers along the crease at her thighs, lifting the meat of her ass with her palms.

Feeling both confident and horny, she pushed her soapy fingers inwards along the crease and together under Jen's butt, moving them forward briefly between her legs. She pulled back when Jen flinched, her ass tightening, Katey's heart skipping, as she brushed against Jen's pussy from behind.

Katey ran her hands back under Jen's cheeks and over onto her hips. Washing her hips for only a moment she slid her hands forward past Jen's waist. Even under the slippery soap she could feel Jen's toned stomach, her abs faintly presently. Katey rested her own pelvis against Jen's ass as her fingers pushed down her abdomen. Her fingers met over the strip of hair above her mound and Katey pulled them back, carefully tracing them up and down the defined V that ran between her legs.

Working her way up, Katey moved along Jen's sides, over her waist, up her ribs and to the sides of her chest. Her fingers moved forward slightly brushing Jen's breasts but also meeting another pair of hands. Katey looked over Jen's shoulder to see Becky, soap dribbling down her forearms, caressing Jen's bountiful breasts.

"Oh, here, I'm sorry! Give these a try! They're a lot of fun!"

Becky moved her hands away and, with only mild hesitation, Katey replaced them with her own, lifting a boob with each hand. Katey immediately laid her body against Jen's, pressing her own breasts into Jen's back as she enthusiastically squeezed and massaged her first pair of tits. It was nothing like handling her own. And for them to be Jen's was proving too much for her body to handle.

Becky had leaned down and was gently rubbing Jen's pussy. She wasn't moving past her outer labia though; just caressing her lips and groin with her fingers while brushing past her clit every now and then. A heavy petting.

Katey took no notice of this. She held onto one of Jen's tits with one hand while her arm laid across Jen's stomach, pulling their bodies together. Katey stuck her free arm between them, running down their soapy bodies and between Jen's ass cheeks. She couldn't help herself. She started masturbating furiously while rubbing Jen's breast and fondling her nipple. Jen knew what she was doing and started slowly grinding her ass into the back of Jen's hand as she pleasured herself. Katey was losing control again. And Jen was encouraging it.

Katey snapped back to reality as the spray of water hit the back of her neck. Becky had leaned past them and hit the shower button having finished with Jen's legs and now stood beside them as they vertically spooned each other.

"Wow. Down Kitty. That, um... That wasn't really part of the dare." Becky said, slightly confused. "I mean, super hot and all. But... yeah." Katey slowly pulled her hand out from between Jen's ass and placed it on her shoulder. She leaned her head against Jen's and took a moment to regain her faculties. Jen twisted her neck to try to look at Katey but otherwise just stood, as she had been told, waiting.

"Sorry." Katey squeaked out.

"That's okay," replied Becky. "You just kinda took it up a notch there."

"You can rinse me off Katey," Jen offered.

It took a few seconds to sink in, but Katey happily accepted the offer once it did. She stepped out of the water stream and turned Jen sideways in the shower, the flying droplets now hitting Jen's shoulder. Standing in front of Jen, Katey scooped handfuls of water from the air and splashed Jen's chest, lightly pushing the soap away with her hands. She casually flicked her nipples as he hands wiped them down. Becky meanwhile dropped handfuls of water over Jen's head, wetting her hair before rubbing in the shampoo that had found its way into it. Becky worked Jen's hair into a lather before wiping down her back.

Katey worked over Jen's abdomen washing the soap down her flat stomach and observing the definition of her obliques this time with her eyes as well as her hands. She didn't get too close to Jen's pussy however. She intentionally stayed away thinking that she had gone a little too far a moment ago. The last thing she wanted to look like was a sex freak or some uncontrolled psycho, so she held back even when she had the best excuse to do what she wanted to.

Instead, Katey rinsed Jen's thighs and legs, then standing ran her hands up her hips and her sides before finishing her arms. Katey stood and smiled at Jen, but didn't receive a smile back. She was only met with a long, intense stare.

Jen grabbed Katey's wrist. She placed Katey's hand on her bellybutton and deliberately guided her hand down her pelvis, over her pubic hair and onto her mound. Katey watched her hand as it moved under Jen's guidance. When it was sitting against Jen's pussy, she took her other hand and pressed Katey's fingers past her lips. Applying pressure to the back of her hand, Jen pulled Katey's wrist up slowly then moved it back down. She did this repeatedly, the same long fluid motions each time. Katey looked in partial disbelief at her hand between Jen's legs, her fingers between her friends lips. She looked back up at Jen's face intermittently but Jen had closed her eyes again. Katey's juices were running down her thigh of their own accord, her free hand limp at her side. Never in her life had she been so turned on. She was literally paralyzed by it. It took all of her strength to keep herself conscious and her focus on the folds under her fingers. To experience this moment and the soft, sensual, skin of Jen's picturesque pussy in her hand.

Becky had moved down to wipe the back of Jen's legs but was now looking up between them. She watched Katey's fingers weakly poke at Jen's hole with the end of each stroke. Jen's lips wrapped themselves around Katey's fingers again and again. Becky couldn't help but bite her lip.

Jen opened her eyes and moved Katey's hand away. Their gaze met, Katey's one of mild shock, Jen's of partial satisfaction.

"You had missed a spot."

The corners of Jen's mouth curled upward when she said it, unable to contain how pleased she was with herself.

Without missing a beat, Jen turned her back to the water and leaned her head into it to rinse her hair. Katey could only stare from the side at the curve of Jen's arched back, her full breasts pointing up toward the ceiling, and her arms up behind her head as her fingers strained the lather from her hair.

"You two are something special, you know that?" Becky said, jealousy and wanting in her voice.

Jen walked out of the shower stall refreshed and rejuvenated. She saw Becky's towel hanging over a divider and moved towards it.

"Wait a sec." Becky interrupted Jen's thought. "It's my turn to dare you two."

uzaho 03-01-2013 01:55 PM

Part 9

"I think that dare was more fun for you than me," Jen replied. Her hands were playfully placed on her hips as she stood and looked back at Becky and Katey. Every crevice of her body had just been explored by these two girls and guiding the hand of the one she fancied had given her just enough satisfaction. After being unintentionally teased by Katey for the past hour she had needed that.

Becky glanced back and forth between Jen and Katey. "Yeah... Really didn't look like it!"

Jen sheepishly looked away. "Alrighty, well... so? Just let me get dried off."

"No. My dare first." Becky was getting stubborn.

Trance-like, Katey ignored their conversation. The bundle of energy she had been so ready to release moments earlier was sucked back inside her body and had paralyzed her the moment she had touched Jen's pussy. She now stood against one side of the stall staring at the hand that had explored Jen's moist, intimate folds. The hand inched closer to her face until she took in a long and sharp breath, her nose tasting Jen's sex through the air. The smell was familiar but far more potent than what lingered in her memory. Her eyes closed as she remembered being inches away from Jen's form-fitting panties in the washroom before; the first time she had experienced this scent.

The flow of water from the shower ceased while Becky and Jen continued their small argument.

"Look," Jen started, "We just need to change our... Katey and I have something to do still."

Hearing Jen say her name Katey opened her eyes. At the sight of her slick fingers in front of her face she dropped her hand and looked over to the other girls. Becky was now holding her towel behind her with Jen motioning for it.

"Is this about your clothes?" asked Becky.

Jen sounded worried. "What about our clothes?"

"I don't know, but you don't have any here. Well, besides that skirt and sweater which are soaked." Becky waited for Jen to say something, but continued when she didn't. "I saw the locker room after the rest of my class left and it was empty except for my clothes. So... where are yours."

"They're... in the wash."

Becky's eyes widened. "Wait. You two have been running around the school naked?"

Jen's head turned and met Katey's gaze. "More or less... yeah."

"That's crazy! That's..."

"It's not totally our fault, there wer-"

"...awesome!" Becky finished.

"What?" Jen was confused.

"That sounds like so much fun!" Becky held her fists under her chin, the towel draped in front of her body which was filling with excitement.

Jen turned to look at Katey again, "Well... some of us have enjoyed it more than others, but..."

"Well yeah! No wonder you're both so worked up!"

"I'm not 'worked up'!" Jen said trying to defend herself.

"Bull! That shower dare was becoming so intense that I was g-" Becky stopped herself mid sentence. "Um, yeah."

Jen tried to push on. "Can I at least dry my hair or something?"

"...ahokaywait. If I give you my towel can I still dare you later?" Becky liked feeling as if she could control these older girls so giving up the last thing they would want or need from her was disappointing.

Jen shrugged her shoulders.

"You can dare me Becky..." Katey offered from the background. Katey didn't like conflict and didn't want the two of them to argue. Besides, if the dares turned out like the last one they did then Katey was open for more.

Becky smiled. "Yay! My Kitty likes me!" She handed the towel to Jen and skipped over to Katey to pet her short red hair. Katey enjoyed the feeling of the girls delicate fingers combing across her scalp but barely reacted as her mind and body were still foggily coming back to reality.

"So what did you need to do?" Becky asked.

Jen dried herself as they spoke. "We just need to get our clothes into the dryer. They've probably been done for a while."

"Where's that?"

"In the janitor's room."

"There's a washing machine in there? Huh. I didn't know that."

"Yeah, but we couldn't get in a few minutes ago because it was locked from the hall. So we had to come in to the gym."

"Well you and Kitty are lucky then," Becky patted Katey's head again. "The gym is empty now for the rest of the day."

Katey grew more and more cognizant of the situation again - three girls standing naked together in the showers - and she became more self conscious about her body. Especially while looking at Becky so close up. Her nubile young breasts were better defined than her own and her nude skin showed no imperfections. Katey liked her freckles but Becky's pale skin was nearly flawless. Give her a pair of wings and, besides the black hair, she would look angelic.

As Katey's wet skin slowly air dried small shivers ran through her and she brought her arms tight against her body to both shield and comfort it.


Looking up, Katey first saw Jen's athletic nude figure followed by the damp towel that she was offering.

"Oh. Thanks." Katey shyly smiled and brought the towel over her shivering shoulders.

"Okay, well you'll probably want to dry your other clothes too!" Becky skipped around the corner to retrieve them.

A few seconds later, Jen and Katey heard Becky's distressed voice. "Awwww!"

When Becky walked around the corner Katey instantly knew what happened. She wasn't paying attention when she had tossed their soaking items in the locker room. They had landed directly onto Becky's clothes, soaking them through. Becky stood in front of them with dripping shoes, socks, and a floral sundress.

"I can't wear this!" Becky whined.

Katey frowned. "I'm so sorry Becky. I didn't mean to."

"What about your gym clothes?" suggested Jen.

"I forgot mine today. I had to borrow a set from the teacher." Becky looked disgusted. "That's why I wanted a shower. I don't think they clean those..."

"But you still have them, right?" Katey asked.

"No. I took them off right away and got someone else to hand them in for me."

Jen shrugged. "Well you can dry this off with the rest of our stuff."

"Yeah, but then I'll have to be naked!" exclaimed Becky.

Jen gave her a strange look. "You seemed to like that idea a minute ago."

"Well... I mean... I liked the thought of you two running around naked..." she admitted. "I don't really want to be though."

"Join the club!" Jen scoffed.

"Um... don't you have underwear?" inquired Katey.

"Well my panties are mostly okay, but I didn't wear a bra today."

Jen gave her another weird look. "Why not?"

"I just..." Becky stammered. "I just don't like them. They're so tight. I know I should, but I didn't even need to up until last year." Becky lifted the wet clothing up to cover her nipples. Thinking about running through the halls naked was making them poke out into the air.

"Well anyway," Jen interrupted. "We need to get everything into the dryer if it's going to be done before school is over."

Becky nodded and passed the clothing over to Jen. The three girls walked back into the locker room where Becky retrieved her panties from the bench and slipped into them. They were teal and plain and covered the whole of her small butt. Now strangely embarrassed, Becky threw her arms over her chest grabbing each of her shoulders. Katey was jealous. She longed for panties, even if her overly aroused vagina would have soaked through its crotch several times over by now. Pulling on a clean pair of undies after a shower was something she always looked forward to.

Katey was closest to the door with the Disney towel still draped over her shoulders.

"Can you check the hall?" Jen said to her, arms full of wet clothing.

Katey's heart began to race again. Even though she had been through this several times now it was still both scary and thrilling to her.

She pulled on the door handle just enough to stick her head through. Glancing from side to side then pausing to listen she determined that their exit was clear. She swung the door open and stepped into the hall, the other girls close behind. She repeated this before entering the gymnasium proper.

The gym was a decent size. The side they were entering from had bleachers the whole way across in four sections, split by the doors to each locker room with the equipment room in the middle.

Stepping through the gym door and looking out into the empty space, weird thoughts ran through Katey's mind. The gym floor was large, barren and open. She would be entirely helpless if someone were to come in; completely exposed with no way to hide.

"What's wrong?" Jen asked, standing next to Katey.

She didn't respond. The emptiness called to her and the energy inside her begged for release. Her imagination had already put her body into motion.

Katey pulled the damp towel off her shoulders and set it neatly on top of the wet clothes in Jen's arms. She then looked around the gym a final time before she took off running.

The rush of air tickled her bare skin and gave her goosebumps. She threw her arms straight out to either side and let out a short scream as she ran in a confused pattern over the waxed floor. Happiness, excitement, disobedience, arousal... all of these emotions filled her and spilled out of her. Her small boobs bounced and her butt jiggled as she meandered through the gym, her body purposefully on display for all to see. Of course her audience was quite small.

She soon circled back, slowing down as she approached the other girls. Coming to a stop she smiled and took a deep breath, biting her bottom lip while rubbing her arms.

"You're amazing!" Jen laughed.

"That looks fun!" Smiling, Becky ran out onto the gym floor. She took only a few steps then leaped into the air to perform a cartwheel. Landing somewhat sloppily she continued running to the other side of the gym in a straight line before turning round and quietly running back to them. She jumped to a stop next to Katey then paused, displaying a naughty look on her face. In one swift movement she pushed her panties down her legs then stood up with a huge smile. She ran back out onto the floor in a flash, yelling and doing more cartwheels.

Jen couldn't stop smiling. "What have you started!?"

Katey again didn't respond. Instead, still biting her lip, she bashfully tugged on Jen's arm. After a few seconds of uncertainty Jen relented and dropped their clothes to the ground. Katey ran after Becky, pulling Jen behind her.

The three girls regaled in their nudity as they skipped, danced, and ran through the empty gym. Jen did not bother to try to contain her ample breasts as they bobbed up and down, Katey paying close attention as they did. Becky ran around and between the two of them, playfully poking and slapping their skin as she weaved and jumped. Katey began to tease her back and dodged her attacks while Jen tried to catch her. They all giggled and laughed enjoying their mutual vulnerability.

Distracted by Katey, Becky let her guard down and Jen managed to grab an arm as she passed. Becky yelled and tried to wriggle free but Jen had a firm grip and pulled her closer. Jen quickly secured a bear hug around the younger girl's chest and felt hard nipples atop the firm breasts under her arms.. Becky managing to get her arms free at the last moment and started kicking the ground to put Jen off balance.

"Grab her legs!" Jen yelled to Katey. Becky was thinner and weaker than Jen but she was putting up quite a struggle pulling at Jen's arms.

Katey ran over and carefully grabbed each ankle of Becky's flailing legs and pulled up, raising her into the air. Her body was now horizontal between the other two girls but she refused to give up. She kicked her legs and writhed her body. Katey walked forward to find a better position, pushing Becky's legs over each of her shoulders until Becky's knees were just past Katey's head. This unexpectedly put Katey inches away from her crotch, looking up at the bottom of her privates. Katey pursed her lips and lightheartedly blew at the girl's slit. She squealed in surprise and bucked her hips causing Jen to almost lose her grip. Katey just laughed and blew harder but was met with less struggle. Disappointed in the second reaction she wrapped an arm around Becky's thigh to place a flat hand above her pelvis with another on her butt trying to steady her.

"Ready?" Katey asked devilishly.


Katey's fingers frolicked across Becky's skin tickling every inch of her ass and stomach. Jen wanted to join in and managed to slip Becky into a sort of half-nelson, freeing one hand to tickle her neck, chest and sides. Jen and Katey laughed while Becky squealed and cackled. Her body tensed and twisted but could only last seconds before it completely succumbed to the assault. Desperate for mercy she went limp and managed to slide most of the way down the other girl's bodies before they guided her the rest of the way to the floor. The moment her skin touched the cold flooring she relaxed her muscles and sprawled her limbs out over its surface.

But Jen and Katey weren't done. No longer having to support Becky's weight meant they could now attack her with greater precision, her completely unprotected body open to all manner of assault. They leaned down and laid their hands upon her for round two. Becky tried to protect herself but it took little work to bypass her defenses. A tweak of a nipple, poke of her crotch or other devious misdirection was all it took to gain access to the ticklish areas that she protected. A solid minute went by before the two of them stopped, finally offering the submissive girl relief.

Becky looked up at Jen and Katey while she laid there panting, her bare skin still crawling and tingling from their touch. They smiled and gave each other a two handed high-five over top of Becky. Her pinned hair was coming undone from struggling and its length was more obvious now. Her face was red from her laughter and straining but she wore a huge smile on her face. Her once flawless skin now had red marks scattered across its surface from the various pokes and pinches that had been inflicted. Her crotch was also red, but that wasn't due to the tickling. Becky's body had just been abused and provoked in very enjoyable ways.

A soft bang echoed throughout the gymnasium startling the three girls. They awkwardly covered themselves and looked around. Katey quickly realized that it came from outside, likely a ball getting kicked into the side of the building.

"It's okay," she assured them, walking away. "But we should probably go."

Jen helped Becky up off the floor while Katey grabbed the clothes pile that Jen had been carrying. The naked teenagers had briefly laughed in the face of danger and managed to have some fun despite their circumstances but it was all short lived. The three girls made their way to the door of the equipment room.

omega10 03-02-2013 12:37 PM

I thoroughly enjoy this story just to give you a vote of confidence :)

uzaho 03-04-2013 07:53 PM

Thanks omega! :) Encouragement is always welcome.


Part 10

Becky hurried ahead of Jen toward the double doors of the equipment room. Katey with her arms full of clothes was a little farther behind walking down the length of bleachers. When Becky arrived at the door she grabbed the handle and pulled but was met with resistance. She leaned down on it but it didn't budge. She started to look panicked.

"It's locked!"

Jen came up beside her and pulled open the other door.

"Oh..." Becky shuffled her way inside while Jen held the door open for Katey.

The equipment room was fairly large. There were individual portable bins around the outside of the room that held all manner of balls for all things: soccer, basketball, volleyball, medicine balls, football, and others. There were other bins and racks for lacrosse sticks, baseball bats, rackets, etcetera. In the center of the room were stacks of rectangular blue mats that were piled a few feet off the ground. Visible beyond all of this on the far side of the room was an unmarked door.

Becky ran forward and did a belly flop onto one of the closest piles of mats, her bare skin making a light smacking sound against the vinyl pad. She was still recovering from their gymnasium romp.

Katey looked around the room hoping to see jerseys or any other wearable item that they might be able to borrow but couldn't see anything. The gym teacher kept everything of that sort in their office.

Jen led Katey around the outside of the room. When they got to the door Jen leaned up against it listening for any signs of life beyond. After a few seconds she looked back at Katey nervously.

The door creaked as Jen eased it open. It was an unusually large door, designed to move cleaning and waxing equipment back and forth from the gym. Jen poked her head inside.

"Looks good!" Jen now said confidently.

She opened the door wider and let Katey enter first. The room was a little dim but it wasn't scary or dark or creepy like they're often portrayed in movies. It was just a boring brown-tiled room. There were cleaning machines and supplies on shelves. But off to one side of the room was what they came for - one washing machine and one dryer.

Katey walked up to the dryer and pulled the front door of it open shoving everything in her arms inside. Jen lifted the lid on the washing machine and began handing items to Katey. Jen held up her shirt briefly, pleased that the orange syrup that once stained it could no longer be seen. Between them they made quick work getting everything into the dryer.

"We should probably use high heat." Jen suggested. "The sooner this is all dry the better."

Katey fiddled with the knobs and pressed the start button, causing angry, clunky, rumbling sounds to emanate from the dryer.

"Finally! I'm glad that part is over." Jen said.

Katey sighed, "Yeah. Now it's just the boring waiting bit."

Jen slapped Katey's ass cheek. The sound rang throughout the tiled room.

"AH!" Katey yelled, jumping up onto the corner of the dryer to escape. "What was that for!?"

Jen naughtily shrugged, moving in front of Katey. "I dunno. But it wasn't boring was it?" She winked.

"Well it stings a bit." Katey tried not to sit on her butt while the stinging tingled away, but this forced her into resting her crotch on the corner of the dryer partially supported by her hands. The erratic low frequency vibrations of the dryer shaking her vulva wasn't immediately sexual but it was pleasant.

"You're fine. Point is we've got upwards of an hour to kill and the entire gym to ourselves. We can find something to do."

"Okay, let's just not spend the whole time spanking me." Katey pouted playfully.

Jen smiled back. "Hey, that's a totally legit way to pass the time! In fact I think that's how some people spend their weekends!"

The two girls chuckled, followed by silence. It took Katey until then to notice that Jen was pressing down on both of Katey's thighs. Her legs were being separated by the corner of the dryer, her feet pushed back along either side. Jen was on her tip toes and was using her grip to stretch herself up towards Katey. It seemed this was part of the reason that the dryer was shaking against her crotch. She wasn't sure if Jen knew what she was doing, but with Jen so close to her and her hands on her legs, the vibrations of the dryer were starting to get to her.

"Well... let's at least not spend it in the janitor's room," she said, trying to shift herself on her perch. "There's not a lot to do in here."

Jen almost made Katey an offer regarding what they could do in there but stopped herself. "Sure." She stepped back from Katey allowing her to get down off the dryer. "I guess we could check on Becky."

As Jen turned towards the door, Katey looked back at the dryer. There was a small glossy coating on top of the corner she had been perched on. She deftly wiped it away with her hand. She was still partly in denial about her constant state of arousal since this had all started so she didn't want to leave evidence confirming it.

The two girls entered the better lit and more welcoming equipment room. It was even a bit warmer. The maintenance room used proper tiling which felt cold under their feet. The cheap ugly flooring of the equipment room somehow managed to avoid this, although the room itself may have just been warmer. They saw Becky lying in the same spot, spread out face down on one of the stacks of mats.

"Becky? Whatcha doing?" Jen asked as they made their way around to her.

"I'm enjoying the mat," came her muffled reply.

"Obviously," said Jen. "Come on. Let's do something. We've got time to kill."

"I'm good," Becky said. "You and Kitty go play."

As the door to the maintenance room closed behind them Katey noticed that she could still here the low pitched rumblings from the dryer. It was quiet, but audible.

Jen had stopped next to the mat beside Becky while Katey had continued around to the back of the mat stopping at Becky's feet. Jen pulled on Becky's arm weakly, but Becky didn't move. She was either still wet from the shower or was sweaty after running around but her skin stuck fast to the vinyl. Her arm fell limp to the mat again after it was released.

Jen smacked her small butt and rolled her from side to side trying to get a response while Katey poked at Becky's feet. Jen couldn't get a reaction but her feet were ticklish enough that she soon bent her knees and lifted them into the air. Katey tried to pursue, but for good measure Becky swung both of her arms back and grabbed at her ankles, pulling her legs to either side and her feet forward away from Katey's reach.

Although Jen was now in a better position to attack a suspended foot she decided to leave it alone. Instead she grabbed a chunk of Becky's hair and lifted her head off of the mat. Jen made a weird squawking noise into the girl's ear. Becky's had her eyes closed and tried to suppress a smile. Jen let go and Becky's face smacked down onto the mat which was followed by a pitiful groan.

Becky was trying her hardest to ignore the two girls, but in doing so was also trying to prolong their probing. She was still very hyper and getting this much attention by doing nothing fed her catatonic state. Jen and Katey continued to poke and pinch but refrained from tickling as they had thoroughly punished her with that already.

After a minute, Jen waved at Katey to get her attention and pointed inwards at Becky's crotch. Katey had already noticed but had been trying not to look. Becky had spread her legs wide after pulling her feet into the air. Katey had a view straight down onto her sex again. And now Jen was telling her to poke it!

Katey grinned and shook her head but Jen nodded back with a shrewd smile on her face. It would definitely get a reaction.

Leaning with some trepidation Katey stuck out her index finger and moved her hand forward between Becky's legs. Her reddened lips were ever so slightly parted, the pink beneath clearly visible to Katey. She closed her eyes and, holding her breath, gave a poke at Becky's sex. Since she she wasn't looking, Katey poked her harder than she needed to but her placement could not have been more perfect. Her finger quickly dipped past Becky's lips and into a wet vagina. Katey's finger got halfway inside of Becky before her insides reacted and clenched up halting Katey's advance. Finally meeting resistance and hearing a yelp from Becky, Katey opened her eyes and pulled her hand back. For a split second she watched herself pull her finger out of the younger girl's hole.

"KITTY!" Becky let go of her ankles and clamped her thighs together. Katey was surprised. Did that really happen? She told herself no until the top half of her finger felt cool in the air, covered in a thin layer of evaporating liquid.

"Kitty! That's mine!" Becky finally lifted her head off the mat, trying to look back at Katey. She looked a bit shocked but her words were still cheeky.

"You told your Kitty to go play," said Jen. "And it looks like she found another pussy cat!"

Katey didn't want to laugh but couldn't help but giggle after that comment.

"Jen! Kitty!" Becky was trying to scold them for laughing but she was doing a poor job of hiding her own amusement.

Becky rolled off the mat to her feet, pushing Jen to the sid, then lunged at Katey, poking her belly button.

"Bah!" Katey exclaimed. "Sorry Becky! I didn't mean to... you know."

Becky's face was red but she still held a smile on her face. "You're such a bad Kitty. I need to get you under control!"

Becky stomped off dramatically to one side of the room. Jen hopped up to sit in Becky's former spot. a stupid grin on her face. Katey poked Jen in the leg then jumped up to join her. "Aren't you so clever?"

"Rarely, but it happens!"

Katey shook her head. "You can be kind of evil."

"Bad Kitty! Get down from there!" Becky was walking around the mats again.

"Ha!" Jen laughed. Katey gave her a look but Jen threw up her hands defensively. "Hey, I didn't do anything!"

The three girls were becoming increasingly comfortable with their nudity and were covering themselves less and less. Their situation still lingered in the back of their minds. They were now completely without clothes in the middle of school. But together they felt safe. This allowed them to relax as they started to let go of their stress.

"Kitty, you can't sit up there! That's where the people sit. Here..." Becky struggled, but quickly slid a mat off the top of another pile and dragged it around to where Jen and Katey were. "This is where Kitty sits!"

Katey looked down at the mat then up at Becky giving her a sad look, lips trembling. "Meow?"

Jen laughed. "No!" Becky said, still smiling.

Katey sighed and slid down off the stack. She sat on the mat on the floor, legs crossed.

"Geez Kitty, we can't take you anywhere!" Jen teased.


"It's okay, I found a leash for her!" Becky said. Surprised, Katey looked up. Becky had a pink skipping rope in her hand and was leaning down towards Katey. She strung the rope behind Katey's neck and tied a knot loosely to make a collar which left a long section of rope for a leash.

"There. It's perfect! Definitely your color too. A good match for your fur!" Becky said pleased with her work, fingering Katey's hair.

"Now you can take her for a walk!" Jen added, amused.

"Yeah! Come one Kitty! Time for a walk!" Becky coaxed Katey off the mat, tugging lightly on the leash.

Katey was a little concerned to be in such a submissive position all of a sudden, but she complied. Getting on all fours she crawled off the mat, following Becky as she was led around the outside of the room. Becky muttered some high-pitched baby talk encouraging Katey to follow her. The one handle of the skipping rope was dangling down from Katey's neck like a collar tag. Jen watched them with amusement. At first it seemed a bit ridiculous but by the time they had made one full lap around the room Katey was starting to have fun being Becky's pet. She wiggled her butt as she crawled back onto the mat, kneading it with her 'claws'.

"Good job Kitty!" Becky knelt beside Katey and scratched her behind her ear. Katey rolled her head around and made a comical purring noise.

"Ha! She likes it!" Jen was enjoying watching this scene unfold.

Becky moved her hand back and scratched Katey's neck, followed by more purring from Katey who was still on all fours. Katey craned her head upwards. "Aww. My Kitty loves me!"

Becky started to pet Katey along the length of her back. Her hand brushed between Katey's shoulder blades, slid down into the small of her back and up again over Katey's round ass. They were fast strokes and occasionally caused tingling across Katey's skin, but it was all strangely comforting.

"Will Kitty let me rub her belly?" Becky was asking but it seemed like more of a command.

Katey meowed and rolled onto her back, her legs out on the mat but her arms hanging limply in the air.

"Good Kitty!" Becky immediately began stroking up and down Katey's stomach. She started with a few short strokes from her ribs to her belly button, but these turned into something longer and slower, the full length of Katey's torso. Her hand moved up between Katey's small breasts, just inches between each nipple. Her hand felt warm on Katey's skin as it traveled off her chest and down her stomach. Becky brushed her fingers over Katey's pelvis before moving to a thigh. She rubbed her leg a few times before dragging her fingers inconspicuously inside Katey's thigh to the side of her crotch as she moved her hand back up to Katey's torso.

Katey's eyes moved between Becky's face and the travelling hand while Becky's gaze was transfixed on whatever part of Katey she was touching at that moment. She actually looked happy and tranquil. If not for that Katey might have felt less comfortable, although she couldn't deny that it was also very arousing to have her bare skin explored in such a submissive state.

Katey saw that her nipples were poking up off of her breasts. She felt a bit embarrassed until she saw that Becky's were even more noticeable. She wasn't sure what to think of that; whether she should be offended or defensive or flattered that Becky was for some reason turned on. But she just laid there like a good little kitty, both wondering when her belly-rub would end and hoping that it wouldn't.

With the playful petting having turned into something of a more awkward sexual nature Betty stopped, resting her hand on Katey's pelvis. She looked at Katey with a grin. "Ready?"

Katey knew what was coming. "No!"

Becky's hands attacked Katey's soft exposed belly, tickling her remorselessly. The soft sensual petting had primed Katey's skin, increasing its sensitivity to Becky's touch. This now made it all the more ripe for tickling. Katey squirmed and flailed about on the mat as she laughed.

Jen jumped down from her front row seat to join the fray. She pushed Becky down to her side. Katey was momentarily dreamy-eyed that Jen would come to her rescue.

Jen yelled "She's mine!" before placing her own hands upon Katey's stomach. Katey laughed and squealed moving frantically to protect herself. Becky meanwhile sat on Katey's legs to prevent them from kicking and tickled Katey's thighs and stomach. Jen focused on her neck and armpits but moved around quickly trying to evade and beat Katey's moving hands. Katey made some weak attempts to tickle Jen back and got a few short reactions, but with two girls on top of her she had few opportunities while she defended herself from multiple different directions at once.

Seeking relief, Katey bucked Becky into the air enough to roll around onto her stomach. Katey tightly pressed her upper arms into the sides of her body trying to limit access to her armpits. She crossed her forearms gripping them behind her back to strengthen her position.

Becky tried to pull her arms apart briefly but Jen stopped her. Katey felt a tug on her collar. The tickling was subsiding. But then she felt the rope tug at her neck again before it wrapped around her arms.

Jen quickly shoved the skipping rope handle under Jen's arms and pulled to make a tight loop. Becky reached down to tickle Katey's sides as a distraction while Jen made a second loop, and a third, before being forced to tie a knot when she reached the end of its length. Katey's arms were now tied behind her back and secured taught to her neck!

"Nice!" Becky congratulated Jen.

Katey had turned her head, trying to look behind her. Jen moved forward and leaned down beside Katey's face. "You're okay, right?" Jen kissed Katey on the cheek. Katey might have felt scared at first, but with Jen's reassuring kiss she let herself fall back into her role.

"Meow!" Katey playfully protested.

"Uh oh, she's still feisty!" Becky warned Jen.

"It'll be okay Kitty." Jen petted Katey's hair. Having fingers against her scalp again sent shivers down her spine. That is until the slap on her ass washed them away.

"Kitty, you have a very nice bum," complimented Becky. She squeezed her cheeks over and over, one in each palm. Becky's hands were far too small to grab the whole of Katey's ass so her fingers dug into the meat of her butt as best they could. She pulled her ass apart as wide as it would go exposing her asshole and vagina to the light before she released her grip and Katey's butt jiggled back into place. Katey's bottom wasn't all that large, but being such a small girl the roundness that it displayed stood out as a defining feature on her frame.

"Let's flip her!" Jen said, pulling Becky off of Katey's legs.

The two girls pulled Katey toward them, off of her stomach and onto her back. Katey tried to squirm and resist but her arms were tied tightly behind her. And laying on her back meant she was also laying on her arms. She pulled her legs up to her stomach to try to shield herself but that too was fruitless. Becky reached under and tickled her butt causing Katey to kick her legs out flat against the mat. Becky promptly climbed on top of them again to limit their movement.

Without delay Becky and Jen resumed their tickling, now with unrestricted access to Katey's nubile body. Katey tried to contain her laughter, afraid to get too loud, but uncontrolled bursts broke through from time to time. She tried to twist her body to roll back onto her stomach. Unable to use her arms she was easily held down by Becky's weight. She then tried sitting up but with own weight pinning her arms to the mat she could only barely lift her head, her neck held down by the rope.

Becky tickled Katey's stomach mercilessly, roaming from her hips to her crotch and from her belly button to her sensitive sides. Jen first focused on Katey's neck since it was such an open and ticklish target, then meandered down to Katey's chest. She attacked the sides of her ribs and breasts since her armpits were now almost permanently protected with her arms tied so tightly in place. Then Jen went after a new target, suddenly pinching one of Katey's hard nipples. Katey couldn't help but squeal. Her nipples were still very hard and very sensitive. She was sure that Jen could see this and was taking advantage of her vulnerability.

But Jen pulled back, just testing the waters. She tickled under Katey's chin, down the sides of her arms, then over her ribs again, eliciting softer laughs from her softer touch. She gave Katey time to protest her previous action but with nothing said she decided to continue.

Jen licked one of her fingers and planted it on Katey's ribs between her breasts. Gliding up onto one of the small mounds she ran the tip of the finger around Jen's areola. Katey shuddered in pleasure as Jen purposefully teased her. The saliva being rubbed around Katey's nipple was warm and tantilizing. She had never experienced anything like this before. And it wasn't just the finger on her breast, or the hands on her body; Having no choice in the matter, being forced to let Jen do what she wanted, made everything all the more stimulating. She could feel some of her juices escape her body, dribbling out of her pussy and trickling down under her ass. Her pussy lips were coated in her own wetness, gliding past each other as she had writhed about. She didn't know if Becky had noticed yet, but if she did she might be tempted to join Jen's teasing which by now was becoming very obvious.

Katey's entire breast tingled as Jen pinched her nipple again. She leaned forward, resting her cheek against Katey's in order to whisper into her ear. "You never did answer if you liked me," Jen twisted the hardened nipple lightly before pulling her fingers off with a squeeze. "But I think you do."

Jen pulled away. She stared into Katey's eyes. Katey's face was burning red. Tears were drying on her face due to their assault. She tried to catch her breath between suppressed laughs. But Katey still met Jen's eyes and matched her intensity. Maybe it was just a physical attraction that they shared. Katey had been still trying to define it, but Jen was now expressing it with her actions. The two of them held onto the moment searching the other's eyes for acceptance and approval, Katey all but ignoring Becky's continued attempts to tickle her. Then the room was quiet. Specifically quieter.

The rumbling from the dryer had stopped.

uzaho 03-06-2013 07:33 PM

Part 11

All three girls stopped. The dryer wasn't done yet. Something or someone had turned it off. Katey tried not to breathe. Becky's small butt sat on Katey's legs, her hands resting on Katey's stomach, while Jen hovered near Katey's face. They remained motionless, straining to hear some sort of sound.

After a long delay they faintly heard the dryer door being slammed shut.

"Go! Get up!" Jen whispered, pushing Becky to move. Together the two of them grabbed each of Katey's arms and lifted her off the mat to her feet. The three of them then scurried to the gym door. Jen pushed it open and Becky bolted through, Katey following close behind, her arms still tied behind her back.

Becky turned right after exiting the equipment room and around the bleachers, running away from the girl's lockers. The other girls followed her. Jen called out from behind Katey but Becky wasn't listening and continued on, bursting through the main entrance into the small lobby that laid beyond it. Jen and Katey slowed as they approached the doors but then heard the equipment room opening behind them! Jen shoved Katey into the door and they both tumbled through.

Gathering their bearings Katey watched Becky run around a corner further into the school. Jen pulled at her arm and dragged her forward, speeding up to as fast of a run as their bare feet could handle as they tried to catch Becky. Katey glanced to her left frightened to see a group of teenagers! They were just beyond a set of glass doors that led outside. Katey hoped none of them were looking. Getting pulled along by Jen she had no choice but to keep going. If she struggled against Jen she would surely fall as her bondaged arms were impeding her balance.

Jen and Katey pursued Becky into the school arriving once again in the hallway that led behind the gym. But now they were closer to the office. They spotted Becky a short ways away her back pressed flat against the wall.

"Becky," Jen whispered. The girl looked over at them, scared. "This way." Jen pointed down the hall toward the back of the gym.

Behind her glasses, Becky's eyes were stuck open. A proper deer-in-the-headlights sort of look. She stared at them but didn't move.

"Becky!" Jen called to her, frustrated.

Still holding Katey's arm, she walked down the hall toward Becky. The girl recoiled as they approached getting more and more afraid. It wasn't until they were almost next to her that they noticed she was standing next to the open door of the office!

Jen yanked Katey out of the middle of the hallway, their bodies slapping to a stop against the wall. Jen was about to say something to Becky when a teacher walked out!

He stood in the hallway for a few seconds looking at some documents in his hands facing away from the girls. Thankfully he walked off down the hallway away from them and Jen breathed a sigh of relief.

Katey's crotch was very wet. She had gotten so horny from being tickled, teased, prodded, and explored. Her desperate squirming had spread her juices around and with her pussy currently primed for action she couldn't help but feel a rush as the thrill of being caught captured her imagination. If her hands had not been tied behind her back she might have just finished herself off right then and there. Instead she just squeezed her legs together and rolled her pelvis from side to side, feeling her thighs slide with her own lubrication.

Jen waited until the teacher walked around the corner before taking action. She forcefully pulled Becky away from the door before leading both girls back down the hall. Katey had closed her eyes and Jen nearly pulled her off her feet, stumbling when they started to move.

Quickening their pace, Jen dragged the two girls back down the hall. They hurried passed the maintenance door and made their way in to the girl's locker room. Halfway in they heard another door open. It was the maintenance door!

An annoyed janitor appeared in the hallway holding a basket of clothes. Their clothes! They stood with their door half open, watching for a few seconds as he walked away from them down the hall, before they ducked inside.

They didn't head to the locker room this time. They swerved into the open-walled bathroom just inside the door.

Jen let go of the other girls and leaned her butt up against the counter. Before her stood a bondaged and horny, freckled, redhead and a black-haired, nerdy, nearly comatose young scene-girl, both of them just as stark naked as she was. She placed her hands on either side of her face and shook her head. "What am I going to do with you two?"

The room was silent.

"That... was... AWESOME!" Becky screamed, jumping up and down, tits bouncing.

"SSSSSSSHHHhut-up!" Jen lowered her voice. "What are you talking about...?"

"OHMYGOD! We totally evaded capture! We're like... Charlie's Angels! I'm Alex! I know I'm no Lucy Liu, I mean I'm not Asian, but I tot-"



"Just... nevermind." Jen shook her head again. This girl was unpredictable, if not delusional.

Katey walked up to Jen, a sultry look in her eye. "Jen," she started. "Can you untie me?" Katey stepped forward and straddled one of Jen's legs, pressing her pussy against against the top of her leg. "Please?"

Katey's wet crotch rubbed slowly, perhaps even unconsciously, over Jen's thigh. Jen heart skipped as a brief flash of adrenaline pulsed through her. She remembered her teasing, the heightened sexual state she had put her friend into and the moment they had shared a few minutes ago. But they had other concerns now.



"You know I love you, right?"

The words startled Katey. She backed off of Jen's leg, hopeful and anxious.

Jen continued, " I hope you'll understand."

The slap to her face blindsided Katey and sent her stumbling backward. Jen steadied her before she could fall. Katey glared at Jen with amazement and shock. Oddly the second slap was even less expected. After being struck across both of her cheeks her senses were shaken. She could feel her knees wobble under her but Jen was again ready, supporting her weight while Katey composed herself.

"Holy crap Jen!" Becky stared, mouth agape.

"Katey? You okay?" asked Jen sweetly. Katey slowly nodded in response. Her expression was blank, her skin white, except for the burning tingly palm prints that were reddening on her face.

"You slapped the shit out of her," Becky said, figuratively of course.

Jen moved behind Katey. "Well I was hoping to slap something else out of her." Jen worked on the knot at Katey's neck. "Besides, these 'delicate' redheads have a higher pain threshold than the rest of us. She'll be fine."

"Okaaaay... and why do you know that?" responded Becky.

"Oh. Umm. No reason." Jen smirked. With Katey's neck free Jen moved to untie her arms.

"Right. Well I guess that's good to know," Becky said timidly, pulling a section of her own hair across her pale skin. "I wonder where that guy took our clothes?" she thought aloud. Becky fiddled with her thick black frames while wrapping her dyed hair around a finger.

"Probably the office..." Katey muttered, still dazed, as the skipping rope finally released its grip on her arms. She rubbed her forearms and turned to face Jen, a shameful yet thankful look on her face. Jen just smiled and rubbed Katey's shoulder.

There was more silence as the three of them pondered their situation again. A short time ago they had been carefree, regaling in their nudity while their clothes had been drying next door to them. But that had been ripped away from them. They seemingly out of options; stranded and naked, with no one to help them. Everything seemed sort of bleak.

Becky's face developed a curious look.

"Hang on," she said, leaving the washroom. The other girls watched her leave but said nothing.

"Is there a game today?" Katey asked after another moment of silence.

"Aww dammit." Jen moved to kick something but stopped, acknowledging that swinging her bare foot around a tiled room was a bad idea. "I guess we need to find some other place to hide then."

"Look what I got!" Becky tauntingly called out as she confidently strut around the corner wearing her plain teal panties. They were never placed in the pile of clothes that Katey had picked up so had been sitting on the gym floor this whole time.

"Wow. You're friggin lucky!" Jen said.

"They would probably have gone to lost and found eventually..." a meek Katey offered.

In an instant all the planets aligned. A lightbulb went off in Jen's head as she formulated her best plan yet.

"That's it!" she exclaimed.

"What's it?" Becky asked.

Jen didn't respond. Instead she walked over to Becky and wrestled her out of her panties. She yelled and put up a fight at first, having only just gotten them back, but soon gave in and unwillingly stepped out of them.

With panties in hand Jen began scouring the room. Katey and Becky watched her from a distance as she walked from corner to corner, peeking under the sinks, and entering every stall. Finally she found what she was looking for, letting out an excited "Yes!" then started her work at the counter. The two girls moved closer to figure out what she was doing.

"Hey! Stop it!" Becky said to Jen, but did not otherwise intervene. Jen had found a small piece of broken tile and was now scraping its sharpest edge against the dainty teal panties. Sharp is a relative term here as the edge was rather dull but it was the sharpest object at her disposal.

The two of them stared at Jen as she worked, cowering over the counter, her ample breasts swaying and bouncing as she vigorously rubbed the porcelain tile into the fabric. Katey excused herself, at this site, entering a stall so she could clean up her crotch.

She could feel a dull, slow, throbbing in her inflamed vulva and her vagina was still anxiously waiting for something to be shoved inside it. Even just wiping away her juices sent shaky pleasurable waves throughout her body. Her body was approaching some sort of perpetually edged state, ready and begging for stimulation at ever turn. She again contemplated dealing with this now in the privacy of the stall but with her regretful, shameful advance on Jen still lingering in her mind she suppressed her sexual fervor. She didn't want to awaken what Jen had just helped her put away. Her nether-regions now dry (outside at least) Katey flushed a wad of toilet paper and exited the stall.

Jen was still rubbing away, Becky tormented by what was being done to her only article of clothing.

"So... what the fu-?"

"Just give me a second, Becky," Jen replied, setting down the tile. She had managed to create a perforated pattern in the panties which she was now ripping by hand. It took some careful tearing but after a few seconds she manged to rip away a solid piece of fabric.

"Here you go Katey!" Jen said, handing over the now crotchless panties.

"Pfft. She's not that wet," quipped a bitter Becky. Clothes-less again her mood had taken a sharp turn from hyper to pissy. Jen leaned over and smacked her on the shoulder.

Katey examined the garment. Katey had indeed ripped out the entire crotch of Becky's panties all the way to the small elastic at its waist leaving little more than the full bum of the underpants hanging off of it.

"Um... what am I doing with this?" Katey inquired, ignoring Becky's comment.

"It's a top!" Jen said proudly.

Katey now eyed the panties suspiciously.

"Okay, but I don't have pants. So what am I supposed to do with this?"

Jen was getting exasperated. "You have the smallest boobs... Just put it on."

Slightly offended by Jen's comment, Katey reluctantly tried to pull the panties over her arms but it was an extremely tight fight. As it approached her shoulders she was afraid the waistband would rip with so little material to support it, so she stopped. Becky groaned, worried that this was all a waste of time, not to mention her underwear.

Katey instead stepped into the waistband of the panties to try a new approach, pulling them up her legs. Katey may have had smaller breasts, but Becky had a smaller bottom. Sliding the elastic over her round cheeks approached dangerous levels of stretch but she managed to squeeze them by. With a few more careful tugs she got the elastic over her breasts, although not without flicking each of her nipples in painful delight. The lone section of hanging fabric was now covering her chest.

But again, Becky was smaller. She was about as tall as the other girls but noticeably slimmer. The waistband dug into Katey's skin and the fabric barely came to either side of her breasts. From the side you would likely see the small amount of side-boob Katey had on offer, but from the front she was much better covered than she had been a moment ago. It almost looked like a bandana or kerchief-style top due to the tapering edges of the fabric and the near-point that Jen had worked into the bottom edge. It was a small and haphazard top to be sure, but a passable one.

"Good job Jen. You're MacGruber. Now what?" Becky wasn't impressed.

"Isn't it MacGyver?" corrected Katey.

"Mac-who?" Becky snarked back.


"Listen you guys," Jen started. "Here's the plan. There's a lost and found box in the office, right? Well Katey is going to go find us our clothes!"

uzaho 03-10-2013 12:28 AM

Part 12

Becky smiled. Katey didn't.

"I can't just walk into the office like this!" whined Katey. The fabric that hung from the waistband of Becky's former panties barely concealed her boobs, however small they might have been, and it offered the rest of her body zero protection.

"Katey, listen," Jen said, grabbing Katey by her arms. Katey couldn't help but look down at each of Jen's nipples centered so wonderfully on the front of her fuller, lively breasts. "You just have to go up to the counter. It's right next to the door."


"The secretary won't see anything. The counter is too high, so she can't. Your bottom half will be totally covered. You just need to get in, ask for our stuff, then go."

"But what if someone comes in? Or walks by? Or-"

"You'd like that, wouldn't you," interrupted Becky, smiling an evil smile.

"No I wouldn't." Katey defended herself timidly, albeit unconvincingly. She lowered her head and covered her crotch with her hands.

"Katey, I know it's risky but it's the only plan I can think of. Even if we just get back some of our clothes, ma-"

"But we don't even know if they're there!" Katey argued.

"Well where else would they be?" Jen asked.

"Maybe the janitor is taking them home to try them on," Becky taunted. "Or maybe he's jacking off into them!" Becky laughed with a dirty look on her face. Katey cringed at the thought of some guy blowing his spunk into her favorite sweater, even if it might already be ruined.

"Ew!" Jen wrinkled her nose. "You'r not helping! And that's nasty Becky!"

"Hey! It happens. A couple years ago I caught my brother's friend jerking it into m-"

"AHHLALALALA!" Jen said, her fingers in her ears. "I don't want to hear that!" she sang.

"-my panties." Becky finished. She blushed as the memory played through her head.

"Other people doing it doesn't make it okay." Katey said. She paused, pulling at the elastic that was digging into her chest. "But why did he do that?" Katey asked, curious.

"He liked me? Because boys are dirty? I dunno.... But I made him 'finish'..." Becky started to blush and - trying to hide her smile - turned her head away.

"You made him... Ugh!" Jen had just pulled her fingers out of her ears and turned away in disgust. "Yuck! That's gross!" Jen had never had much interest in boys.

"I dunno..." Becky kicked her feet. "He said he was dared to. They were having a sleepover; my brother and his friends. But I'm pretty sure the rest of them were sleeping, so I don-"

"Wait," now Jen was interested. "You mean he walked in while you were sleeping?!"


"And jerked off in your room?! You know that's super creepy, right?" Jen asked, mouth agape.

"Maybe it was a dare. I dunno. But he was willing to do it, so, like, he was okay with me catching him. Right? Maybe he even wanted me to. And it's not like I wasn't curious. He was just standing there next to my dresser with his thing out. So I jumped out of bed, ran to block the door and flicked my light switch. He barely even moved. All he could do was stare a-" Becky paused, blushing further. She used to sleep naked when her brother had his friends over. It was a dare she had given herself, but decided to leave that detail out of her story. "...but I kinda liked him too. I mean people don't do dares unless they want to. Not really. Like, some part of them anyway. Even when they say they don't want to they still choose to do it."

"Okay, totally not getting how that's still not super creepy." Jen folded her arms, covering her breasts, uncomfortable with Becky's line of reasoning. Katey meanwhile thought back to Jen's shower dare. Jen had proposed the idea. She had even guided Katey's hand between her folds. That thought was all it took for one of Katey's hands to begin moving between her legs.

Becky back-peddled quickly, trying to downplay her former crush's depravity.

"Well it was dark when I first saw him. And he never told me what the dare was. Maybe he wasn't actually jerking, I'm not sure. But I caught him with his boner out while looking in my pantie drawer. He couldn't just, like, apologize! I could've gotten him in so much trouble. But it was the first time I had got to see guy-bits, and here was this boner! So, I mean... I kinda told him to do it. Or maybe I dared him to. I can't remember. I just wanted to watch him..." Becky paused again but Jen was speechless and Katey was preoccupied with herself, so she continued. "Umm... His 'o-face' was pretty funny! Oh, and I didn't keep the panties or anything. I actually made him wear them!" Becky said this with a certain level of devious pride.

"You... What!?" Jen's voice was incredulous.

"Yup! He jerked it into the crotch. So after he finished I made him take off his pants and put on my underwear backwards! Gave himself a huge wedgie!"

"You mean his... jizz... was all..." Jen chuckled and made weird gestures with her hands.

Becky nodded. "Mhmm! Right up his butt crack!" She giggled. "I kept his pants too. Total walk of shame!"

"Oh my god..." Jen shook her head with a laugh. "That's a... weird story. I guess it serves him right though."

"I dunno. I think he enjoyed himself." Becky sounded more coy than she meant to. "Okay, maybe not the jizz part. I nicknamed him 'Wetback' after that. I've never told anyone though..." Becky casually ran her hands over her breasts. She felt both dirty and warm after telling such a perverted Truth to these girls. She had never told her friends that during their TorD games; they already thought she was weird enough with some of the things she said and had dared them to do, so she kept some stuff bottled up.

"Yeah... you do know that's not what that word means, right?" Jen said.

Becky adjusted her glasses "Wetback...? No?" She looked towards Katey for confirmation only to see that her eyes were shut. "Hey! Kaaaatey!"

"Wha...?" startled, Katey looked around. Her hands conspicuously moved away from her crotch exposing her reddened lips.

"Really now! If you liked my story so much I can go find Wetback. I'm sure I could convince him to recreate that night for you!" Becky teased.

"No! Ew! I wasn't... umm... it doesn't matter..." Katey wasn't sure what to say. She had been exploring her pussy, comparing it to how Jen's had felt, and imagining they were back in the shower. But she couldn't say that.

"Okaaay," Jen said, a questionable glance at the still horny Katey, "We're getting sidetracked here."

"I don't think so Jen," replied a now scheming Becky. "Actually, I think Kitty has the right idea!"

Katey was confused and scared. Becky had called her Kitty again. "What?"

Becky walked forward and tapped Katey's nose with her finger. "Duh! For your dare, silly!"

"This isn't a good time for dares Becky." Jen tried to look stern.

"Do I look like I care?" Becky snapped, still bitter about losing her panties. "She already agreed to it, remember? And I just gave you a Truth..."

"That no one asked you for," muttered Jen.

" it's the perfect time! Besides, I'm just going to give her what she wants!"

Jen was against it but Katey was interested, despite her fear. "...what's that?"

"I dare you to masturbate in front of the secretary!"

"What!" Jen exclaimed. "She can't do that!"

"Of course she can!" Becky shot back. "You said she'll be hidden, right? So the secretary can't see! Besides, I know my Kitty... She'll like this!"

"Becky!" Jen stepped between the two of them. "We're trying to get our clothes back here!"

"Hey! Back up sugar tits!" Becky poked at both of Jen's nipples. She pulled away and covered herself. "I know what we're doing. I'm not stupid. But it's your fault that I'm stuck here with you! I should totally just run up to a teacher and tell them about the mean older girls who kidnapped me and stripped me after gym class."

"WHAT!?!" yelled Jen.

"...But that would suck for all of us. I'd probably get teased for longer than you two would be in trouble for."

"Uh, no. We would probably get expelled!" Jen emphasized the word.

"Puhleez. It'd be your word against mine. And what about the clothes they found in the dryer, hmm? Mine are there too. That wouldn't help my story."

"Yeah! No shit! Because you wanted to join us! I'm still trying to figure that out. But who would they actually believe!?"

"Calm down. We'd probably all just get suspended. Which would suck. And that might still happen the way things are going. Who knows. Anyway, I'm not going to 'turn' on you. But I think at LEAST one of you owes me something for all this. Just be glad I'm willing to trade a dare for it!"

"It's okay Jen." Katey finally stepped into the conversation. "I'll do it."

"Katey, you don't hav-"

"I said she could dare me. And a dare is a dare." Katey tried to sound disinterested but she was a bad liar. Her mind and body were still begging for stimulation and that teacher walking past them outside the office had given her such a thrill. As much as she didn't want to admit it, Becky was right; she liked the dare. She wanted to try this.

"That's my Kitty!" Becky was now cheerful and giddy once more. She hopped past Jen and again 'booped' Katey on her nose. "Okay! Okay... let me think for a second." Becky hugged her naked body with her arms and bit her lip in contemplation. "First rule... You're not allowed to finish. But you can't stop unless you're about to. Actually, if you almost finish then you can totally stop. Am I making sense?"

"Edge..." Jen interrupted.

Becky cocked her head to the side. "Huh?"

"I think people call that an edge. To stop before an orgasm."

"Neat!" Becky smiled. "Okay, then if you can 'edge' yourself then you can stop. Maybe that'll give you some incentive!"

"Is that all?" Katey asked with trepidation.

"Hmm..." Becky tried to think of something to add. "Well you have to do it in the hallway too. Like, for the whole time your gone. Until you edge. But if you don't then you can only stop once you get back. Okay?"

Katey sighed. "Okay."

"Good!" replied Becky, satisfied.

No one had anything else to say.

Jen was a little annoyed that Becky had threatening them the way she had, but at least it was an idle threat. She admitted that she wouldn't do that. Or at least claimed she wouldn't. Becky was clearly unpredictable and even if the immature girl had more bark than bite, Jen was a little worried.

Becky could feel herself getting hyper. She was glad that they were doing dares again. She had never played truth or dare with older girls before, even if they weren't that much older. And even if she had sort of coerced them into doing it she was excited. These girls were much more daring than her friends. They had all gotten naked before, but Becky was convinced her friends would never have done something like Jen's shower dare, let alone the one she just gave Katey. Becky began imagining herself doing this new dare, simultaneously jealous yet not that Katey was the one who had to go through with it.

Katey on the other hand was trying to think unsexy thoughts. She was excited by the dare but didn't know if she could stop herself if she started to edge, so staving it off seemed smarter, if harder. Experimenting at home she had figured out that the longer she masturbated for the more intense her orgasms got. And since her body had already been on and off edge for so long - much longer than she had ever gone - she was almost frightened by the thought. She had no frame of reference for what her body might do once she finally had an orgasm. She was almost worried she would faint.

"So..." Katey broke their awkward silence. "Can one of you come with me? Maybe warn me if someone comes toward the office?"

"Sure!" Becky offered enthusiastically. "I'll protect my Kitty!"

"No." Jen wore a condescending grin. "You'll probably freeze up again and then you'll both get caught. I'll cover her."

"Well you can't stop me. I'm going too!" Becky said defiantly. "Maybe we can make it a group dare!"

"What are you... Listen, you got what you wanted. Now don't get ridiculous."

"Your face is ridiculous." Becky stuck out her tongue. "Your shower dare was a group dare. Why can't this one be?"

Jen rolled her eyes. "Hey, if you want to 'polish your pearl' go right ahead. I'm sure Katey would appreciate the support." She said sarcastically.

"Thanks girls." Katey spoke sincerely. Even with the other two bickering she was glad she wouldn't be doing this alone.

Jen smiled back. Looking around she picked the skipping rope up from the floor. "We'll bang these handles together if someone is coming, okay?"

Katey nodded her response. She wasn't sure what she would do if that happened, but a warning was better than none.

She took a deep breath and looked across the room into the mirror. She was the one who looked ridiculous. The two naked girls next to her seemed far more normal. There was barely any material connected to the slim elastic of the extra small panties that dug into her chest other than the limited amount of bum fabric covering her boobs. What other shreds that remained were ragged and clearly torn. On top of that (or under it) Katey's stiff nipples held the fabric away from her skin making two points on the curved surface of the panties. Maybe that didn't expose her any more since the elastic did hold down the top of the fabric to her chest and her small breasts didn't push the material very far away from her but she felt extremely naked with nothing but air between her and the thin teal fabric. And with her nipples poking so obviously under it, Katey was made all the more self conscious of her nudity. She had felt less naked actually naked. Her entire body tingled the longer she looked at herself in the mirror.

It seemed less and less like a convincing top. Or for that matter a good plan. But Katey felt she could trust Jen. They all had just as much to lose and Katey definitely didn't want to disappoint her. Maybe if she was fast the secretary wouldn't notice. But that was the sick irony. All Katey had ever wanted before this was to go unnoticed. And yet now, nearly naked, the idea of being so plainly noticed had her more aroused than she had ever been.

Maybe this was just the "teenage hormones" her parents were always talking about.

Username87654 03-12-2013 01:29 PM

I just read the whole story and it's really good. Don't stop :)

uzaho 03-12-2013 11:41 PM

Thank for the encouragement unique-yet-vaguely-named anonymous reader!

Here's a longer chunk for ya!


Part 13

Katey peaked out into the hall, tugging nervously at the waistband over her chest. Leaning forward, the thin fabric fell away from her making her top look more like a bib. She abruptly stepped out into the open hallway, her lookouts tailing behind her.

Becky jumped out and shook one of Katey's arms up and down, the hand attached to it covering her crotch. Katey had almost forgot about Becky's dare. She gave herself a few words of encouragement in her head and moved her hand slowly over her sex, making long vertical strokes. She hoped that maybe she could soothe instead of stimulate her pussy, although that seemed like a hopeless notion with how horny she was. Becky now looked satisfied either way.

The three of them ran their way from door to door, alcove to alcove, covering themselves as one does when you're roaming around public places in the nude. Thankfully there weren't many classrooms along this section of hallway, which made the few doorways more inviting. But doors were still a risky thing to sit in front of when they didn't know who might be on the other side of them.

They found themselves at the door to the study hall again when Jen grabbed Katey.

"Katey, where are we going to watch from?" she whispered.

"I... dunno." She hadn't thought that far ahead. She just didn't want to go alone.

Katey looked down the hallway. There weren't many doors or alcoves close to the office. The study hall door wasn't really that far away but it also wasn't nearby.

Jen cracked the handles together. They made an oddly high pitched sound which echoed down the hallway. "Do you think you can hear that from inside the office?"

"Yeah. I mean... probably."

"What good will that do? You can't see much from back here." Becky was being oddly critical given their lack of options.

"It's better than nothing," Jen replied.

"But you can't see if anyone is coming from the side lobby. Look, the furnace room door is a lot closer to the office and almost looks straight down that hallway. Wouldn't that be better?" suggested Becky .

"Sure you can see out to the lobby, but they could see you too! You'll have no cover and there's no where to go from there. At least here we can duck into study hall if someone comes by."

"Fine... I'll go then!" Becky was stubborn, but was getting hyper again.

"You're going to get caught! No, you'll get us all caught!" insisted Jen.

"Hey, the sooner we spot the enemy the more time we'll have to react. We must get to the gatekeeper! I may not have a lot of cover out there, but I want to protect my Kitty." Becky petted Katey's stroking arm. Sitting still like this was making it worse for her. She had more time to focus on the passes her hand was making over her crotch. Katey had unconsciously increased her tempo.

"Okay, fine. But if you see someone just... run. Don't think. Run."

Becky smiled oddly and bit her lip, nodding her head quickly in response. She didn't want to miss out on the fun Katey would have, even if these other girls didn't necessarily consider this fun.

Katey's eyelids were drooping. Maybe she could just edge here and continue in a minute. But Becky was already pushing her out of the alcove of the door. She stumbled a bit, rising from her crouched position and begrudgingly moved forward.

Becky ran past her down the hall. In a few seconds she slid her body up against the door to the furnace room. Jen wasn't kidding. The door offered almost no protection. There was little more than a door jam to hide behind. It was inset into the wall a few inches, but that was about it. Becky was skinny, but not that skinny. Even pressed flat against the door, her face, feet, and breasts were all visible from down the hallway. Her flawlessly doll-like skin was the only thing that helped camouflage her against the off-white walls. With that said, the pink of her nipples and more importantly her black glasses and hair all worked against her.

With semi-frantic gestures and that odd smile still on her face, Becky encouraged Katey to hurry up. She swallowed and breathed deep, trying to ignore her hand's movement, and jogged in front of Becky who lightly smacked her ass as she passed. She didn't know when or why Becky had become so daring, especially given that she had froze up in the hallway before, but either way Becky wasn't making this task an easier for Katey.

She came to a stop a few feet from the office door, resting against the wall. She peeked inside the office as best she could. She couldn't see anyone in the background, but she couldn't see most of the office either. The secretary was looking at her computer. She looked young, probably still in her early twenties.

Katey's heart was pounding. Her stomach churned. Her fingers actively coaxed out her wetness. Her body trembled. She felt like she could throw up. But she could do this. She had to. Jen was counting on her.

"Hi!" She put the biggest smile on her face she could muster, slamming her stomach against the edge of the counter as she ran into it, one hand on top, the other still busy below.

"Well hello yourself! You seem cheerful! What can I do you for?" She spoke kindly but kept most of her attention on her computer. The rest of the office was empty.

Katey's demeanor betrayed that of her toothy smile. Pressing her stomach forcefully into the edge of the counter, her bare belly button sat an inch or two above its edge. She had hoped the counter would be taller than that. The secretary was sitting down at her desk, its surface lower than the counter that hovered over it. Katey was afraid to move her arm too much. Her hand made shorter, faster strokes against the top of her slit which forced her hood to roll back and forth over her clit. Her whole body was unnaturally stiff, certain delicate parts of her more so than others.

"Uhh..." She was freezing up. Masturbating right in front of someone was really hard. It was a lot for her to deal with, and not only because of how aroused she already was.

"Are you alright?" The secretary asked politely.

"Mhmm. Yup!" Katey quickly corrected her near moan.

"Okay. So what did you need?"

Katey tried to control her breathing. She swallowed again. Her hand was getting jerky, starting and stopping to try to limit her pleasure but was instead giving herself short intense bursts.

"I'm looking to find... for my clothes." That came out weird. "I lost something," she added, trying to avoid anything Freudian.

"Oh, okay." The secretary glanced at the interesting article of clothing draped over Katey's chest. "What did you lose?"

Without warning, a person slammed into Katey's leg! She had to step to one side in response, grabbing a firmer hold of the counter, but quickly stepped back as inconspicuously as possible, her legs now forced farther apart by this person. She took a sharp breath to contain her desire to scream, terrified that someone was now touching the inside of her bare leg. The body had made a thump against the front of the counter as it hit the floor. In the background Katey could hear a high-pitched tapping. Jen had tried to tell her...

"What was that?" The young secretary furrowed her brow, paying less and less attention to her work.

Katey pulled back from the counter just far enough to see Becky staring up at her. She positioned herself between Katey's legs, a shushed finger to her lips. Was someone coming?

"Oh, sorry. I guess I... kicked your counter. With my shoe," she added. She was trying too hard to sound normal, but now she was also distracted by the prospect of someone coming down the hall, but she couldn't hear Jen anymore.

"Alright, but could you try not to?" The secretary was attempting to be nice about it but was clearly getting a little irritated.

"Oh. Sorry. I'm so sorry... Dakota." Katey finally noticed the secretary's name on a placard on the counter. The last thing she wanted was to make this 'gatekeeper' suspicious.

She smiled weakly. "Apology accepted. Now, what did you need?"

"I lost somethi-"

Katey pulled away from the counter again. Becky had poked at her slit, both of Katey's hands still on the counter. She slapped one of her hands over her pussy and sucked her body back up to the counter, her jerky mechanical movements starting again.

The secretary rolled her eyes a bit, almost giving up on helping this strange girl. "Sweetie, I got that, but what did you lose?"

Katey tried to glance around the office casually, looking for a lost and found box or the basket the janitor had been carrying or any sign of their clothes. She took a while to respond, once again distracted by her hand along with the thought that Becky now had a great view from underneath her. But who was watching the hall?

"Er- Some stuff." She blurted out.

"SOME stuff... How much 'stuff' did you lose exactly?"

Katey tried to think quickly, but the pleasure erratically pulsating through her body caused her composure to come and go.

"Well, it's not for me. It's... hmmemmmy sister. Sh- she lost something. Maybe ahaa-dress." Her breathing was getting shallower, her heart rate increasing. Her eyes temporarily closed for whole seconds instead of blinking. She was really straining to keep herself together. Maybe she was getting close to edging. But she was having a hard time concentrating on anything, even the state of her own pussy.

"Listen, I can't just let you rummage through lost and found," Dakota explained, then paused. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"Mhmm!" Katey nodded emphatically, pursing her lips together.

"You don't look alright. You're sort of, well, very red."

Heat poured from Katey's face as she forced her body to stay as still as possible while her fingers menacingly attacked her clit. She didn't feel like she could control them anymore. They moved faster and faster, pressing progressively harder.

Dakota stood. Katey's eyes opened wide. Dakota's hand reached forward. Both of Katey's grabbed onto the counter, rising to her tiptoes and pushing her pelvis further from view. She was even closer to Becky's face now but was trying to hide her bare hips from the secretary.

"You're really hot." Dakota felt Katey's forehead. "Are you sure you don't need to see the nurse or something?"

Katey opened her mouth. She took long slow breaths as she spoke, trying to calm down.

"No. I'm fine. Really."

Dakota put her hands on her hips. "Then do you want to tell me why you're really here?"

Her heart stopped. Her knees went weak. Katey was a horrible liar. And under this much pressure with this much at stake her mind went blank. Her body shut down. The only thing her trembling body managed to do was shake loose a single drop of her juices from between her lips which fell on to Becky's equally exposed skin beneath her.

"Come on now. Come clean. What do you want? Is this some dare? Did someone put you up to this?"

A switch flipped in her brain. Maybe she didn't have to lie.


Dakota prodded. "Yes what?"

"It's a dare." Becky poked Katey's thigh but didn't get a reaction from her.

Dakota smiled and shook her head. "Well you're very daring!" she teased, glancing at Katey's top again.

Katey looked down at the counter in embarrassment, getting an eyeful of her nipples as they tried their damnedest to cut through the thin teal fabric draped over top of them. But she felt like she could relax a bit now. Dakota sat down again, speaking in more hushed tones.

"You're lucky I'm working today. If Eleanor was here you'd probably be in the principal's office already." She pulled her chair into her desk, facing Katey. "But I guess I can relate more. You should've seen some of the crap me and the girls pulled when we were in school!" She had a fond glimmer in her eye as she spoke.

Becky was not interested. She was focused entirely on the completion of her own dare. She was poking all around Katey's crotch, unwilling to touch her now sopping sex.

"So is this sort of like a treasure hunt thing? Like a competition, right? You need to find... 'stuff,' as you put it?"

"Uhh... yes?" Katey squeaked, going along with the strange idea.

"Okay. You said you wanted a dress, right?"

Katey had moved a hand back under the counter to swat at Becky's poking digits.

"Yeah. And there's a sweater an-"

"Woah. Hey. Listen. I'm willing to help out, but I can't fill out your list for you. Someone's going to notice if this box is suddenly empty." She gestured to under her desk. "But I think I can get you that dress. Just hang on."

Dakota pushed her chair back and ducked underneath her desk. A frustrated Katey pulled away from the counter and gave Becky a desperate look, pleading for her to let her out of the dare. Becky looked to be enjoying herself but still gave a stern glare back to Katey. Becky made "OK" fingers with one hand and trust another finger in and out of the hole. Katey shook her head. Becky then brought two of her fingers to her open mouth and flicked her tongue out at Katey. Again Katey shook her head. Becky cocked her head and raised her eyebrows as a warning but Katey still didn't respond.

Now Becky was the one shaking her head. She was disappointed. She leaned to one side and grabbed a hold of Katey's closest wrist, pulling her arm taut down the side of Katey's body. Katey looked forward again, trying to ignore whatever Becky was now doing. She couldn't complete the dare. She had been so close to edging, and her body was still ready for it - so much so she felt weak - but they weren't there to play truth or dare. They were there to get their clothing back.

But ignoring Becky was a bad move. As Dakota began to rise from under the desk Katey felt a tug on the back of the elastic around her chest. Becky yanked down on it hard, but the front of it only dug further into her chest. In an instant, the elastic snapped!

Katey managed to contain her yell to a yelp. She turned her body away from the counter, trying to pivot on the arm Becky was still holding. She threw her free hand behind her blindly, grabbing at the air trying to find the now useless panties. Becky giddily smacked Katey's ass cheek which sent her spinning back around to face the counter only to meet Dakota's eyes! She was taking in the now topless form of the girl in front of her desk.

"Okaaay then..." Dakota was less shocked as she was uncertain. All she could do was stand there, staring at this girl.

Katey tired to bring her free hand up to her chest when she realized it was no longer free! Becky had a hold of both of her wrists and was practically hanging underneath her. She was skinny, but using most of her body weight she could keep Katey's arms down against her sides. Katey thought about dropping to the floor but she was certain they would then get caught. The thought stuck around longer than it should have, but she didn't want to get in trouble.

"Are you... done flashing me yet?" Dakota looked to be very patient.

"...No." Katey closed her eyes. She could feel her hard nipples as they pointed out at Dakota. Her pussy throbbed again. She bit her lip as conflicting emotion and arousal cascaded over her.

"Ah... What?" Dakota asked, confused.

"I can't." Katey replied, looking down again, trying to twist her wrists away from Becky.

"Okay. I'm just going to-"

"Touch me."

"What?!?" Now Dakota was confused.

But Katey hadn't said it. It came from Becky!

Katey, still looking down, leaned back from the counter to eye Becky between the crack of its edge and her stomach. Becky once again had an evil smile on her face. She nodded and shook Katey's wrists. Was that a threat?

She looked up. Dakota had tossed the dress onto the desk in front of her. Her arms were crossed. One of her hands was over her mouth. Her eyes explored Katey's body. She was either lost in contemplation or was soaking in the sight of the nubile girl standing before her.

Katey's bottom lip trembled. Her eyes were getting watery. Her nipples hurt. Her clit begged to be touched. But Dakota seeing the first two started to feel sorry for Katey.

Dakota placed her hands on the desk. She spoke evenly. "Listen. I will get fired," she whispered. "You'll probably get expelled. So you can't say anything to anyone. You were never here."

Katey nodded solemnly.

Dakota sighed, staring at Katey's exposed upper body. "You had better win this damn contest..."

Katey drew a slow breath, trying to calm herself. Her body was going get what it wanted, but she hated that Becky was delivering it to her like this.

The secretary reached forward. She stopped herself and pulled back a bit, kicking herself one final time for her interest in this girl's activities, not to mention her assets. After a few seconds of hesitation, her hand hovering in mid air, she grabbed at Katey, the girl moaning as her small boob was snatched. Dakota's fingers dug into the soft flesh but she quickly corrected her clumsy grip. She softly cupped the breast, squeezing gently a few times, stimulating Katey's hard nipple in the palm of her hand.

Dakota's hand moved across Katey's chest to her other breast, passing her fingers over Katey's other attentive nipple, flicking it finger by finger. She then moved back to the center of her chest. She ran her fingers back and forth between Katey's small boobs before she continued down her petite torso, her fingers lightly gliding her stomach, admiring the girl's supple skin.

Dakota shook her head again and pulled her hand up. She pet Katey, stroking her hair a few times before softly grabbing one side of Katey's face, her fingers pushing back around the girl's neck. Katey stared back into Dakota's eyes, feelings of shame, arousal and wanting competing for her attention.

"You are a very pretty girl. Stupid, but pretty. I really do hope you win... whatever this is. But this is it. Okay? Please?"

Her words were sincere. Katey nodded slowly. Dakota was trying to be so supportive. Her touch had been affectionate and tender. Katey felt woozy, for a multitude of reasons. But she was thankful that Dakota was so understanding of her situation, even if she had essentially fabricated Katey's story for her.

As she and Dakota parted, Katey realized that Becky was no longer holding her. She wasn't even in the room anymore. Katey had been able to cover herself for some time and yet she had still let this happen. She did not pull away. She did not cover herself. Had a part of her wanted this? She didn't know if that made it any better. Becky had still gone too far.

Regaining her faculties she threw one arm over her breasts and leaned over the counter to grab the dress. Placing her hand upon it Dakota placed hers over Katey's. Their eyes met.

"What, umm... what's your name?" Dakota sputtered, embarrassed.

They stared at each other uncomfortably for a few seconds but Dakota turned away, her expression ambiguous, if not just blank. She was hard to read.

"I'm Kitty."

Dakota turned back with eyebrows raised. The corners of her mouth curled upwards as she softly laughed to herself.

Kitty gave an appreciative smile in return along with a single meow before running out of the office.

TheFloss 03-14-2013 07:04 PM

Oh whoa- you're writing two at once? This is great stuff, man.

uzaho 03-17-2013 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by TheFloss (Post 919526)
Oh whoa- you're writing two at once? This is great stuff, man.

Yeah, no one said I was smart. It's making it a bit harder to keep up my former pace. But thanks!


Part 14

Katey ran naked down the hall as conflicted and horny as ever. Why did some part of her enjoy being embarrassed like this? She had never done this sort of thing before and this wasn't just some way to kill an afternoon, she hadn't had much of a choice so far. Perhaps being forced into this was stimulating her undiscovered submissive nature but either way she had been enjoying herself. Right up until Becky stripped her the suspense of getting caught and trying to follow Becky's dare had fueled her excitement to new heights. Being felt up by the secretary was something altogether different. She had wanted to run but her body had betrayed that inclination. She would have felt violated had she not, in the end, submitted to it. Katey felt-


She yelled when a hand grabbed her arm.

"SHH!" Jen countered, pulling her friend into the study hall.

"What happened? Where's your top? You okay? Where's our stuff?" Jen's rapid fire questions had no discernible order.

"Uh... I-"

"She didn't complete my dare!" Becky piped up, sitting on one of the desk cubbies.


"That wasn't fair Becky!"

"Hey, take your punishment like a woman!"

"Wait, what?"

"But that wasn't part of the dare!"

"You quitting wasn't part of the dare either!"

"Hey! What is going on?!" Jen raised her voice in exasperation.

Neither girl responded.

"Katey, what happened to your top?"

"Becky tore it off me. But I didn't get in trouble..." She tried to minimize her failure.

"What?! Why did you do that?!"

"Because she stopped masturbating. She wasn't done yet."

"Becky! What the hell? She was trying to get our clothes back!"

"Well, I did get this..." Katey held out the dress, now noticing that it wasn't Becky's.

Becky sneered. "Congratulations!"

"This is all she gave me. I didn't get to see anything else. I dunno." Katey was a bit sheepish, still reeling from the masturbation and her exposure and the fondling. She was almost guilty that her body felt this good. She wished she could share it with Jen.

There was a moment of silence again. Katey held the small blue dress in front of her. Jen stared at Becky who was leaning back in the shallow cubby resting on her hands, her tits pointing into the air.

Jen breathed in deep and held it. She walked over to Becky as calmly as she could before grabbing both of the girl's nipples and twisting sharply.

"OW! What's wrong with you?" Becky sat up protecting herself with a criss-crossed hand bra.

"YOU deserve a punishment, not Katey!"

"But she didn't finish my dare!"

Jen crossed her arms. "Did she edge?"

Becky looked over at Katey, "No... well I don't think so..."

"How could you give her a punishment or a forfeit if you don't even know?" Jen was trying to outplay Becky at her own game. Katey knew the truth but wasn't about to speak up.

"Because... I just know! She just wanted to stop!"

"Umm..." Katey interrupted them. "Why did you run into the office like that?"

Jen turned to Katey. "Some kids came in from the lobby. I mean that's why she ran, but running to the office was dumb. Lucky for you two they turned towards me and not past the office."

"Oh." For a brief moment Katey had thought that Becky and Jen had somehow planned this all out, even if that wasn't realistic. Something just seemed fishy.

"So what did the secretary do?"

"Oh, Dakota's cool."

Katey and Jen both looked at Becky, puzzled. She shrugged.

"What? She used to babysit me and my brother. Her friends were super fun." Becky gave a devious look when she said that.

"How old is she?" Katey was interested now.

"I dunno. Nineteen? Maybe twenty. I think she just graduated actually. She wasn't that much older tha-."

"Wait a sec... Katey flashed... Dakota, and this girl didn't do anything? Didn't you have to run?" Jen was a bit incredulous.

"No, I said Dakota was cool." Becky repeated, annoyed that Jen wasn't listening. "Katey even let her feel her up!"

Jen didn't respond. She looked back at Katey, her expression a mix of surprise and curiosity. Katey just kicked her feet, holding the dress over her breasts.

"But you should be thanking me! If she hadn't seen me run in like that we probab-"

"She saw you too?!?" Jen whipped her head back to Becky.

"Yeah, I-"

"You let her see you naked?!"

"Ohmygod, seriously, you're so bossy! I can tell you everything if you just let me." Becky dropped her hands into her lap and tossed her head back dramatically.

Jen furrowed her brow but shut her mouth.

"For, like, the last time, Dakota's cool. I saw her in the office earlier today. Even if she had caught Katey rubbing one out I don't think she would've got her in trouble, but after she saw me come in I think she knew enough to play along." Becky explained. "I mean... it all worked out right?"

Katey almost felt better knowing this. At least there was some sort of explanation for her strange encounter, even if she now knew one of the secretaries was some sort of sexual deviant. Then again, what was Katey? She had never been so turned on in her entire life before today.

"So... can't you go back and talk to her then? To get our clothes?" Katey asked.

Becky shook her head. "You were there. She said she couldn't give us anything else. And besides, I don't think our stuff is there. Just look at the dress she gave you."

Katey pulled the blue dress away from her body. It was unusually small. It certainly wasn't going to fit any of them. It wasn't long enough, or very wide.

The room went silent again. They were virtually no better off than they had been ten minutes ago.

Katey was still so aroused. Her nipples were getting sore from being stiff for so long.

Jen wanted to get back at Becky but was frustrated that Katey seemed so willing to look past this girl's wild and reckless antics.

Becky held an odd combination of regret and excitement despite the other two girls getting suddenly solemn.

"Hey. I'm sorry, okay?" Becky offered. "Maybe that was dumb, even with knowing Dakota."

Jen sighed and shrugged, trying to be diplomatic. "No one got in trouble. And we did get something out of it." She pointed at the dress.

More silence.

"Becky," Katey piped up. "...did you want a truth or a dare?"

Becky's jaw dropped. It quickly turned into a large smile. "Really?"

Katey pursed her lips and nodded.

"Umm. Okay. Umm." She was so happy to be properly playing with these older girls now. "Uh... Truth!"

Katey thought for a moment. "How many people have seen you naked?" She held the dress against her body again, aware of her own nudity as she said it.

"Oh, I'm not sure!" She started to count on her fingers. "Wait, all the way naked, or just part way naked?"

"Whichever." Katey was only partially interested. She was just trying to lighten the mood and this seemed to be what Becky had wanted from the beginning.

"Well not counting you two, or family... like, a dozen? Is that a lot?"

Katey thought so seeing as no one had seen her naked before today. "Yeah. Maybe."

Becky kicked her legs in the air, elated to feel like part of the group again. "Okaymyturn! Jen! Truth or dare?"

Jen was taken aback a bit. Were they actually doing this? "Uh. Truth I guess."

"Okay. Have you ever done anything with a boy?"

"Like what?" Jen didn't need to ask this, but she was curious what Becky wanted to know.

"Like a handie? Or a blow job? Or even all the way?" Becky looked like she wanted a juicy story.

"I'm not... really into boys."

"Fine. Your turn then." Becky slumped back, pouting. She hadn't understand what Jen had meant by that but Katey was paying a bit more attention. She even caught Jen glancing at her.

"I don't really... I think I'll just pass. Katey, do you want to go?" Jen was still trying to think of a way out of their situation.

"Okay. Becky, truth or dare?"

"Da- no, truth!" She said, curious but worried about what Katey might have her do for a dare, especially after what Becky had done in the office.

Katey pondered again. "You have a brother, right?"

" that the question?" Becky raised an eyebrow.

"No. I was just... anyway. Have you played truth or dare with him?"

"Kitty, no offense, but you should ask better questions than that."

"Okay. Have you ever touched his dick?"

Becky's face went blank as her cheeks turned red. She casually slid an arm over her bare chest, now seeking as much protection as she could manage.

"Umm... I think you already asked your question Kitty."

Katey shook her head. "No, this is my question. You said my first one wasn't good enough."

"Yeah, but I don't have to answer that."

"Why not?"

"Because... because you'll think I'm weird!"

Katey had just blurted out the question. She hadn't expected this kind of response from it. "Well I think you're making it weirder by not answering."

Becky sighed. "Yes. I have held my brother's dick."

That word - held - was very purposeful; it was a level of admission Katey hadn't been looking for. So what had they been doing exactly? Katey decided it best not to push any further.

"Hey Becky," Jen spoke up. "I have a dare for you."

Becky wasn't sure if she wanted a dare yet, but she did want to change the topic away from her and her brother. "Okay. What is it?"

"I dare you to get us out of this mess, and I'll tell you exactly how you're going to do it..."

Pepe990 03-18-2013 03:42 AM

I really love this story! Can't wait for the next part!!!!

TheFloss 03-19-2013 05:14 PM

Ah! Great as always!!! Your characters have delightful depth.

uzaho 03-22-2013 01:01 PM

:D Thanks again for the encouragement guys!


Part 15

Becky shuffled her way down a long hallway. Voices could be heard from behind the doors of the classrooms she passed. She was sweating. Her brow was nearly damp, her face flush. Her entire body was hot, even her bare feet against the cold floor. The anxiety she felt was making her mind numb.

She almost tripped again, squeaking as she balanced herself. Jen had tied the skipping rope at her feet. There was a small length of rope running between her ankles which offered her limited mobility, and made her long trek agonizingly slow, but it was easy to get tripped up. More and more so as she experienced lapses in concentration.

Almost tripping had caused her to stop again. A few sharp breaths passed her lips. She calmed herself. Becky brought the hand back to her crotch while her other hand, clutching the dress, rested once more at her side. She wasn't allowed to cover herself unless she knew someone was coming. Her feet being bound would make it very hard - if not impossible - to hide if she was about to be discovered. It was all very risky. But that wasn't so bad by itself. Having to masturbate the entire time was making everything much more difficult.

Becky inched forward once again, resuming her former pace both on her feet and between her legs. Her knees were bent slightly, pointing out to the side. She had to keep them as wide as possible to give her hand proper access to her sex.

Jen had surprised her. Becky agreed to the dare before she had even heard what it was. She was just excited that Jen was participating again. But she didn't think she could be this mean.

Becky stumbled again. Waddling with her legs so wide forced the skipping rope to pull taught against the opposite leg with every step she took. She had to concentrate on each step to maintain her balance but rubbing at her lips and clit distracted her to no end causing her to lose focus - and her footing - very quickly.

She didn't want to stop this time. She hopped her way forward to keep moving. Becky had been out here for several minutes now. She would get caught out here if she didn't hurry up. But hopping didn't work. She leaned forward too far and was unable to stick a leg out in front of her to prevent her plummet to the floor.

She let go of the dress. Her arm reached out to soften her fall. Tumbling forward she dropped down to the floor. Her glasses slid down her nose slightly. Her black hair shrouded her face. Gravity had forced her to her knees.

She didn't stop masturbating though. She was proud of that, taunting Katey in her head as she knelt on the hallway tile. This was way harder than her dare, but she wasn't a quitter. Of course she told herself that she just didn't want to get her sex hand dirty by placing it on the floor. The last thing she wanted was a dirty hand rubbing at her increasingly wet pussy.

Another sharp breath. Becky bit her lip. Her knees had slid away from each other when she collapsed. The impact had hurt a bit but now her legs were spread much wider than she had been able to while standing. Her pride in keeping at her task faded quickly. It was replaced by a lusting appetite. An urge. A compulsion. Her hand could work between her lips so much easier with her legs spread like this. Her fingers danced at a quickening pace along her slit, desperate to feed her fervor.

Her head dropped, body shuddering. The small of her back twitched up and down. Her tempo increased. Each of her breasts gently shook under her. Her hips and torso bobbed back and forth as she tried to hump her own hand. Her breathing was shallow. She released her clenched teeth from her lip. Now she drew air into her body to the same rhythm as her hips.

Panting and on her knees, Becky's bound, quivering, naked form was immobilized with pleasure in the middle of the hall.

"I'm so... close..." she said to herself aloud.

The classroom was only two doors away. She didn't want to, not in that moment, but she had to get up.

She pushed off the floor with one hand, bending back at her waist. Her fingers continued at their task. Another wave of pleasure pulsed through Becky's body, her torso arching forward, while she leaned back trying to rest on her shins. Regaining her composure she rotated one of her knees upward and planted a foot onto the floor. Steadying herself with her hand at her side she righted her other foot, slowly forcing herself to stand again.

Becky stopped for a moment. She had to collect herself if she was to continue. She raised a wet hand in front of her. It looked like she had entered herself while she was on the floor. She didn't even remember doing it. But the lengths of two of her fingers were well coated with her juices.

She stuck each finger in her mouth, one at a time, licking them clean. Tasting herself she realized she could not recall when she'd last masturbated. Why had it been so long?

Becky's fingers now wet with saliva reapplied themselves to her vulva. After picking up the dress from the floor, her feet trudged forward under their own power.

In Becky's mind, Jen was clearly more concerned with exacting vengeance on Katey's behalf than she was about getting them out of their current predicament. Why else would she make this so hard on her?

After a few more moments of stumbling Becky was finally in front of her target. She fumbled with the dress, struggling to pull it over her head. It was a tight fit. Jen had ripped the straps off of the small garment so that Becky could pull it farther down her body but it didn't help much. It was several sizes too small. She wiggled and writhed, her shoulders finally popping out the top of the dress one after the other. Dragging it downward, her breasts soon began to poke out, the dress squeezing them against her chest and spilling over the top. But it didn't feel like it was covering her crotch yet. The bottom edge of the dress was ruffled. She couldn't gauge exactly how well it covered her. It wasn't as if she had a mirror to check with but if she pulled it down any further her breasts would pop out of the top completely.

She didn't have much of a choice. It would have to do.

Becky opened the classroom door halfway, hiding behind it as she peered into the classroom. Even if the dress did cover her privates her bound feet might raise some questions. She could have said something, or knocked even, but she just stood there waiting for the teacher to acknowledge her presence.

"Hi... Can we help you?" The middle aged man gave a quizzical look toward the intrusive, red faced girl.

"Yeah. Is Lisa here? I need to talk with her... about her sister, Jen. Jennifer." Becky spoke as eloquently as she could while masturbating behind the door.

"Can't this wait until after class?" The teacher wasn't impressed by this interruption.

"No, it can't. It's urgent. But it's private. I really need to come... Lisa to come with me." She stumbled through the words a bit, but Becky felt she was doing well.

The teacher sighed in contemplation. "Alright. Lisa, you're free to go." He relented as much to continue on with his class as anything.

A girl near the back of the room stood from her desk. She looked confused but concerned. Shoving her books into her bag she moved quickly to join Becky in the hallway.

"Umm... What's wrong with Jen? Wait, what's wrong with your feet? Wait... who the hell are you exactly?" Lisa was spiraling through a wide range of emotions standing in the hallway with this younger girl. Becky shuffled away from the doorway to face Lisa and held both of her hands in front of her at the bottom of her dress, discretely working at her clit.

"Jen needs your help. She... she sent me to come get you."

"What kind of help? Is she hurt?"

"No, nothing like that."

"...then what?" Lisa said, impatiently.

"She didn't want me to tell you. She just wanted me to bring you to her."

"Listen, if this is some kind of prank you can stop right now. I'm not intere-"

"Do you remember Derek?" Becky interrupted.

"What?" Becky could tell Lisa recognized the name.

"Well do you remember that time you broke that one thing that night? That no one is supposed to know about?" This meant nothing to Becky. She had to stop masturbating to concentrate on the words as Jen had said them. Repeating them wrong might render them meaningless.

"What did she tell you?" Lisa glared at Becky.

"Not much. But do you believe that Jen sent me know?"

Lisa squinted at Becky, looking her up and down. "Maybe."

"Okay. Then... umm... can you untie my feet?"

"Is there something wrong with your hands?"

"I'm not allowed to do it. But Jen said that you can do it for me."

"Okay, seriously, what the hell is going on?"

"Jen needs your help. She really does. But this part," Becky pointed down at the skipping rope, "is a dare."

"Are you kidding me? Is that dress part of the dare? What are you doing under there anyway?" Lisa crossed her arms belligerently.

Becky closed her eyes. Jen had told her to be completely honest with her sister but to avoid telling her what was wrong. Jen was afraid her older sister might bail once she found out they were all stuck at school naked. She wanted to talk to her first. But it was that honesty part that was irking Becky. It was part of the dare though...

"I'm... masturbating."

"Uhh...... why?" Lisa leaned back. The whole situation kept getting weirder and weirder.

Becky sighed. "It's part of the dare."

"Okay. So. Can you stop?"

Becky shuddered again. Lisa knowing that she was touching herself was turning Becky on. "As soon... as... we get back."

"And where's that?"

"Study hall."

Lisa nodded, waiting for Becky to offer more information. Instead the two of them just stood in the hallway, Lisa watching Becky masturbate.

"So are we going or not?" Lisa asked impatiently.

"Could you please untie me first?" Becky pleaded. It would be much easier and faster to walk back without her skipping shackles.

Lisa shook her head. "This is so weird..."

"Plu-hmmnf... Please?" Becky asked, shuddering again.

Lisa knelt in front of Becky to try and address the knots. With her head directly in front of Becky's crotch she could now hear soft sexual sounds as the girl's fingers traveled the length of her slit, fondling between her wet folds. It was very distracting. Something happening that close to you - let alone right next to your head - is hard to ignore.

Lisa kept glancing up at Becky's sex while she tugged at the skipping rope. Becky tried to control her breathing. Control her pace. But it didn't help. Nothing seemed to. She wanted so desperately to cum. She had never had such a longing for her electric toothbrush. Suddenly Becky remembered why it had been so long. She had broken her toothbrush in the act and mom wasn't willing to buy her another one. Why didn't the school just hand out vibrators in sex-ed? Surely that could keep most girls satisfied until college, right?

Becky's internal monologue proved futile. She wasn't going to make herself any less horny while she was still forced to rub herself like this.

"Okay. There you go."

Lisa pulled the last loop of rope off of Becky's ankle. The young girl spread her feet apart for the first time in several minutes, then immediately bent forward and bit her lip. Giving herself better access to her sex was dangerous with how horny she was. Maybe just a taste of satisfaction. Becky deftly slipped a finger inside of her. She made several long, slow, wet thrusts before pulling out. Her hand slid forward to rub the juices on her clit. The warm lubrication was soothing and arousing all at once.

"Yeah. This is super awkward." Lisa had yet to stand. She was watching everything Becky was doing with sincere fascination. This sort of thing just didn't happen at school. And yet here was this girl going to town on her vag in the hallway.

"Sorry. I just... yeah." Becky didn't know what to say. She tried to keep from panting. She hadn't thought about this part. It was all really exciting. She had never masturbated in front of a stranger before. She felt so naughty. Becky was already more than eager enough to complete the dare as it was, so this was just icing on her cake.

Lisa stood holding the skipping rope. "Yes indeed. Let's go already."

"WAIT!" Becky didn't mean to yell. She looked around, hoping none of the invisible people around them had heard her.

"What now?" Lisa was starting to get exasperated but was also blushing. She was inexplicably part of another student's sexual truancy.

Becky looked down sheepishly at the floor. "I still need to be tied up..."

memnoch55 04-15-2013 09:44 AM

great story looking forward to the next part

thefunman 05-15-2013 05:53 PM

When will this continue? Very good so far

Hades 05-24-2013 03:19 PM

Please continue writing. This is an amazing story.

TheFloss 05-25-2013 06:31 PM

Uzahu! ...Uzahu!!!! She still needs to be tied up!!

uzaho 05-27-2013 01:31 AM

Wow. It's been two months since I updated this. Well I'm hoping to get back on track! Updates should be a little more frequent now. I'd like to actually finish this story eventually. :p Again, thanks for the encouragement everyone. :)


Part 16

“I can’t believe she’s actually doing it.”

“Bah. She likes it.”

The two naked girls peeked down the hall as Becky waddled further away from them. With feet bound and dress in hand her petite pale behind wiggled back and forth, teasing them from a distance before finally rounding a corner.

Leaning on her friend’s shoulder, Katey realized she was pressing her body against Jen’s back. Still strangely self-conscious she pulled away, covering her chest and ducking back inside of the study hall.

“I still think this may have been too much for her, Jen.”

Jen closed the door as Katey sat down in a chair.

“After what she put you through in the office? No way. That was so reckless of her.”

“I dunno...”

Katey looked down at her exposed body. She dropped one arm down to her lap squeezing her hand between her thighs while still covering her nipples with the other. Although she wanted to appear more relaxed she was forcing her posture to become increasingly awkward.

“ wasn’t that bad.”

Leaning against the wall, her curves on full display, Jen furrowed her brow. “Katey, you didn’t deserve that.”

“I know. I just...” Katey’s skin flushed with warmth as she recalled the strange hand that she had allowed to explore her. “It wasn’t so bad. Considering.”

“Well Becky deserves something even worse than this. I mean this isn’t really a punishment for her. Did you see the look she gave me when I tied her ankles together? She was excited!”

Katey nodded. “Yeah, that’s kinda weird. I know I wouldn’t be.”

“Really?” A smirk crept onto Jen’s face. “I seem to recall you thoroughly ‘enjoying’ yourself in the hallway a little while ago.”

“What?” Katey was sincerely confused.

“Seriously?” Jen smiled incredulously. “Did you suppress the memory or something? Maybe this will remind you.”

Jen turned to the side, stuck out her butt and - with a giggle - loudly smacked her ass.

Katey’s face reddened instantly. As she followed the tan lines on either side of Jen’s butt she remembered the intimate display she had unknowingly given in the hall a couple hours earlier. If Jen hadn’t smacked her ass she might have came right there in the hallway. Although that probably would have been for the better considering that she still hadn’t been able to since.

“Does that ring any bells? Maybe this will.”

She turned toward Katey and leaned forward, pressing her tits together between her arms. Jen dramatically panted and moaned. Her pelvis was grinding the air behind her while both hands pressed up into her crotch.

“Quit it! I didn’t look like that.” Katey was embarrassed but felt herself get wet almost immediately. Or perhaps just noticed that she still was. She had already been put through hours of sexual tension, taunting, teasing and touching and was still reeling from the encounter with Becky’s old babysitter. Katey was really horny. And now the same girl who got her into this whole mess was turning her on yet again.

“I dunno. I think you did,” replied Jen, righting herself. “I mean, really. You gave me quite a show.”

Katey looked away, biting her lip. When she glanced back at Jen she noticed that she too was blushing. But she thought she also noticed something through the window of the door.

Hopping off her seat Katey pushed passed Jen and lunged forward. Katey flicked the light switches on the wall giving way to darkness.

“What’s wrong?” asked Jen.

Katey turned to face Jen’s voice and leaned back. “I think I saw someone.”

Jen chuckled. “Relax, Katey, we’re fine in here.”

“I guess. I just... I think we’re safer like this.”

Jen crossed her arms. “Yeah, you’re probably right. But now I can’t see you.”

Katey was leaning next to the door. Her eyes had only barely begun to adjust but she had been staring at Jen’s nakedness ever since she had turned around. Her more mature physique was illuminated by the trickle of light coming from the window in the door, but she was lit only from her lower thigh up to her slender neck; arguably all the best parts of her, besides her smile.

“Well... I can see you.” Katey replied sheepishly.

Jen looked down, her hair dipping lower into the light. She chuckled and swayed her body while checking herself out, showing off her glowing hips and tight stomach.

“Well now! Don’t I look good!” exclaimed Jen.

“I’d say so.” Katey confirmed, no less aroused than a moment ago.

Jen stopped her swaying. “Aww, thanks.” She paused. “So... you like what you see?”

“Umm. I mean, yeah, I wa-” Katey stopped to swallow the lump in her throat and calm her stammering. She was afraid of admitting aloud what she hadn’t yet admitted to herself. ”I’d be so lucky to have a body like yours,” was her sloppy recovery.

“Oh.” One of Jen’s fingers began to wander around her belly button, slowly travelling higher and lower on her body in no particular pattern, over the V running down her pelvis and under the curves of each of her breasts. “What’s wrong with your body?”

Katey shrugged then realized she was still in the dark. “I’m just not as pretty as you. I mean, what’s there to look at?” Katey was intimidated by Jen’s beauty even though she was enamoured by it.

“Don’t say that! You’re very pretty.”

“I guess.” Katey appreciated the compliment but felt increasingly inadequate as her own image of perfection stood across from her, the only thing she could see.

“Come here.”

Jen stepped toward Katey’s voice, hands thrust forward to feel for her. Katey stuck an arm out into the beam of light streaming past her to help Jen who promptly grabbed hold and pulled Katey away from the wall.

“Alright, now you stand there.”

Jen positioned Katey in their spotlight but a bit closer to the door. This allowed Katey’s face and hair to be lit up along with the rest of her torso. With the outside light effectively blinding her, it was impossible for Katey’s eyes to adjust now. Jen slipped away into the darkness.

Katey looked down at her body. With the image of Jen’s perky form fresh in her mind she couldn’t help but be saddened by what she saw. Her breasts were smaller. Neither her abs nor pelvis were defined in any way. She couldn’t help but compare all of Jen’s best features against her worst. She bashfully covered herself, embarrassed for her unwomanly form to be emphasized so blatantly.


Two hands entered into the light. They gently guided Katey’s arm away from her breasts and down to her side. With the same care and affection they then pulled Katey’s other hand off of her crotch to expose the smooth pink lips she was hiding.

“There. That’s better.”

Katey was nervous. The two of them had already spent hours naked together, had explored each other with more than just their eyes, and had even held each other intimately in each others arms, but Katey had never once felt as exposed or vulnerable as she did in this moment.

Katey shifted to one side. “Jen, I don’t kno-”

Jen grabbed her arm. With a reassuring squeeze, she slowly pushed her until her body was again centered in the light. The arm again retreated into the emptiness that surrounded her.

“Don’t move.”

Katey swallowed again. She was so uneasy. She was starting to feel like she was supposed to be giving a speech in a dark auditorium. If that wasn’t bad enough, doing so completely naked turned it all into a horrible dream. But the growing exhibitionist in her was turned on. The thought of her trapped in the middle of the gymnasium, clothes stripped away from her, standing in front of the entire school, unable or unwilling to move, brought her to shudder with a wave of arousal.

Katey’s fingers fidgeted. She felt her face reddening again. Knowing Jen was gawking at her only made her increasingly nervous. But was she even there? Maybe she had left out of the other door.

“Jen?” Her voice was anxious.

“Mhmm?” came Jen’s reply.

Katey sighed. “Uh... what are you doing?”

“I’m trying to see what you see.”

Katey kicked at the floor. “Well aren’t you done yet?”


“Why not?” She braced herself for an answer she didn’t want to hear.

“Because you’re beautiful, Katey.”

Katey blinked a few times to hold back tears that wanted to form and turned her head away from Jen’s voice.

Jen again reached out from the darkness to tuck some of Katey’s short red hair behind her ear. “Really. I don’t know why you’re so hard on yourself.”

Katey felt shivers down her spine from Jen’s unexpected touch. “I guess... I don’t see what you see either.”

“Well then let me give you the guided tour.”

Katey looked up. The soft glow emanating from her pale skin dimly lit Jen’s body, now standing much closer to her. The glow didn’t expose much detail but she could at least see where Jen was, as well as her eyes and warm smile.

“Let me see. Where to start. How about here!”

A finger landed atop the tip of Katey’s nose. She smirked and shook her head slightly, but Jen’s finger followed.

“Look at all of these cute little freckles on this pretty little nose of yours. They even stretch out onto the top of your cheeks.” Jen’s finger dropped to Katey’s collar. “And they even tickle the tops of your shoulders here.”

Katey shrugged. “Yeah, but I can’t tan like you.”

“And you shouldn’t!”

Katey frowned. “But I want to.”

“I’m just saying, even you say you can’t tan. So don’t destroy your skin trying something you can’t do. Your skin is amazing. Not a lot of girls have your delicate features that so perfectly matches this porcelain skin of yours. You just need to cherish and appreciate what you have. You’re actually really lucky.”

Katey’s frown had quickly disappeared. She stared at Jen’s eyes which seemed to hover in the air next to her. “Thanks.”

“Oh, I’m just getting started!”

While talking, Jen had slowly slid her hand off of Katey’s shoulder and down to her chest. Katey hadn’t realized this, but was about to.

“Your boobs are so much fun!” Jen exclaimed with a squeeze.

Katey’s face turned to momentary shock before she playfully slapped at Jen’s hand. “Oh go away!”

“No! I refuse!” Jen’s toothy cheshire cat smile beamed from the darkness. “They’re like Audrey Hepburn’s! They’re not overwhelming or intimidating. They fit in your hand without a fuss. And your nipples!” Jen pinched Katey’s unattended nipple with her free hand. “They’re tiny and pink and adorable! They look like candy!”

Jen’s hands moved further down. She knelt next to Katey as she continued the tour.

“And would your look at your stomach? You’re not lumpy, you’re not muscley, you’re just smooth, soft, and flat all the way down. Maybe you don’t have an hour glass, but you’re super dainty! And then... turn around for me.”

Katey rotated herself away from the light. Jen’s hands remained pressed against her, gliding seductively across her skin as she turned.

“I wish you could see this little booty of yours.” Jen grabbed a cheek in each hand, spreading and squeezing them. “It’s so full and round but it’s not like massive black girl booty. It sticks out just enough to make your body more shapely. And you just want to smack it!” Jen’s hand landed on Katey’s left cheek with impeccable timing. Katey again tried to shoo away Jen’s hands but Katey was proud of this attribute. And she was glad Jen had noticed it.

Katey looked over her shoulder. The side of Jen’s face was lit up as she stared at Katey’s ass. “Thanks Jen. I guess I feel a bit better about... me.”

“But the tour isn’t over yet.” Jen said sweetly, looking up at Katey. “Don’t you want to finish?”

Katey bit her lip but said nothing. Responding in kind, Jen grabbed Katey’s hips and twisted, signalling Katey to turn back into the light. Jen again let her hands brush across Katey’s skin as she turned, relishing the sensation of the girl moving beneath her fingers.

Standing forward, Katey’s hands moved behind her back, Jen’s hands once more on Katey’s hips, they again looked at each other. It was both a loving and wanting look. Of shared experiences, trials and strife. Of lust, desire and friendship. So many words had been spoken, but more often than not it was when nothing was said that they became more and more attached to one another.

Jen’s open hands travelled up Katey’s sides, feeling the gentle curves of her torso. Her thumbs bumped into the bottom of Katey’s breasts. Spinning her fingers around, Jen brushed both of Katey’s nipples then descended down her stomach. Her hands parted from each other as they lowered and quickly spun around to the backs of Katey’s thighs. Jen casually pulled herself forward and gently kissed Katey’s belly button.

Katey was starting to tremble. She was filling with anticipation. When she had first woken up in that bathroom Jen had seemed a bit flustered around her; even uncertain. Now Katey was the one who was flustered and Jen was confidently taking what she wanted.

Jen’s finger began circling Katey’s belly button. Her touch was delicate but deliberate. It was almost ticklish. Until she dropped her finger down. She moved slowly in a straight line, unimpeded over her bare pelvis. Katey took a sharp breath which drew her stomach in. Jen smiled. Her finger stopped at the very top of Katey’s slit.

“Some girls would do anything to be this smooth.” Jen remarked, admiring Katey’s lips. “If you’re just naturally hairless then that’s amazing but even if it just hasn’t come in yet you’re still really lucky.”

Katey bit her lip again before popping it out from between her teeth. She wanted to help Jen. Encourage her.

Katey shifted each of her feet away from each other. Her stanced widened. Her legs parted. Air finally travelled between her thighs and helped her realize just how warm and wet she was.

“Mmm. Thank you.” Came Jen’s reply. Leaning forward again she planted another kiss, replacing her finger with her lips. Katey shuddered again.

“I just can’t get over how smooth you are,” she said, rubbing back and forth over Katey’s small mound. “Your skin is like silk.”

Katey was going to reply but Jen forced her to gasp again. Using one hand, Jen ran a finger along each side of Katey’s labia, lightly tracing two lines underneath her. With each stroke Katey felt her knees weaken.

Jen again kissed the top of Katey’s slit, then higher on her pelvis, then with increasing frequency all around Katey’s mound until finally a third finger joined the party. It easily parted Katey’s wet folds and was instantly coated by her juices. It joined the motion of the other two fingers and ran up and down the inside of Katey’s lips, parting them slightly and coaxing more and more wetness from her.

Katey moved her hands out from behind her back. One of them went straight to her breasts, squeezing with delight, while the other went to the top of Jen’s head. Her fingers pressed down onto Jen’s scalp, massaging her and burying themselves into her hair.

Anxious and excited, Jen’s three fingers repositioned themselves on Katey’s sex. Two of them spread her lips while the slick third finger pressed up into Katey’s clit to moisten it. Her hold on Jen’s head tightened as Jen’s fingertip danced and circled around her clit.

Jen’s wet finger pulled back. Katey wanted to tell her to keep going, to never stop, but was preoccupied with holding her breath as well as the noises she wanted to make. But when she felt Jen’s tongue flick her clit suddenly and repeatedly she couldn’t contain herself any longer. Katey moaned and whimpered as she again gasped for air. She had no idea it would feel this good. She crumpled forward, planting both of her hands on Jen’s shoulders for support.

As Katey forced her eyes to open through the intense pleasure she was hit with an unexpected burst of light.

“And what the fuck is this?”

Hades 05-28-2013 03:10 PM

You are a great writer and this is an awesome addition to the story please keep writing!

peter1111 05-30-2013 02:41 PM

Very very good! ...and what a cliffhanger, hope you post the next part soon :p

uzaho 05-30-2013 10:29 PM

Thanks again! Here's just a little something to keep it all moving. TheFloss, since you asked... ;)


Part 17

“You want me to tie you up?”

Becky nodded, still avoiding eye contact while her hands remained busy under her dress.

“But I just--- Why did I just untie your ankles if you want me to tie them up again?”

“I wasn't thinking about my ankles...”

Lisa stood before this girl with a look of incredulity on her face. In only a few minute’s time this had turned into the weirdest day of school she’d ever had.

Skipping rope in hand, Lisa turned and walked away.

“Wait! Please! Don’t go! I’m sorry! You don’t have to tie me up! Let’s just go t-”

“Seriously!” Lisa spun around, yelling as quietly as she could. “Could you give me, like, one minute?!”

The two of them stared at each other for another moment, the look on Lisa’s face telling Becky she shouldn’t bother chasing after her. Lisa quickly spun around again and increased the distance between them.

Becky wasn’t sure what to do. She closed her eyes as Lisa rounded a corner. Where was she going? Was she coming back? Her words implied it yet Becky had no guarantee and was too scared to follow. She had been riding so close to sexual climax but the simultaneous possibility of not only losing the dare but ruining their best chances of being saved brought such a heavy weight down onto her it could have crushed her into nothingness.

The young girl stood alone in a blue dress at the end of an empty hallway silently sobbing and mechanically masturbating, paralyzed by her apparent inadequacy and failure. Class would end and she would be mobbed by students. They would call her “Blue Bating Becky” and torment her until-


The hand on her shoulder scared her eyes into opening, a single tear running its way down her cheek.

“Geez, would you calm down?” Lisa said. “Fine, I’ll tie you up.”

Becky took a step forward and threw her arms outward for a hug but quickly retracted her advance. A sniffle and a smile from the petite girl was followed by a look of sincere relief.

“I just had to put my backpack in my locker. I’m not going to bail.” Lisa paused. “Not on my sister, wherever she is. I mean, this is all really weird, but... I can’t say you don’t have my curiosity.”

Lisa grabbed each of Becky’s wrists and brought them up to her face, sliding them together until her palms were touching. She wrapped the skipping rope around each wrist and tied it off into a knot. Becky was once again tied up. But Lisa’s lack of creativity didn’t seem to please Becky.

“Oh...” was all she could mutter, still recovering from her internal melodrama.

Lisa didn’t know what the girl was expecting, but since she still had a lot of rope left she continued to wrap it up and around Becky’s forearms, gradually forcing her elbows to make contact with each other

As Lisa wrapped she was distracted by the smell coming from Becky’s hands. Her fingers weren’t simply covered in her scent; they were coated in a glistening sheen of her own juices. It reminded Lisa of how long it had been since she had last experimented with her former friends, not to mention her sister.

Lisa was proud of her work. For a girl scout drop-out anyway. She wasn’t about to waste any more rope though. What remained would make a good “leash” of sorts to guide her but little else in her mind. Becky still didn’t look satisfied though.

Lisa looked this girl up and down. She appeared to be quite the hungry exhibitionist. Maybe that’s more of what she was asking for.

Lisa reached on either side of Becky and, with an abrupt jerk, yanked the top of Becky’s tight blue dress downward finally releasing the small breasts that had been yearning for release.

Becky gasped and glanced down at her milky white chest and pert nipples in shock. She looked around frantically as if unaware of her surroundings and yet relieved that they were still alone in the hallway. Her eyes again appearing deviant, Becky bit her lip while a naughty smile crept onto her face.

“This really is something else kid...” Lisa shook her head, simultaneously amazed by her own perversion and flustered by her attraction to it. “Come on.”

Tugging on the length of skipping rope via its handle, Lisa walked past Becky, turning them around toward their destination.

As they walked away Becky tried to lower her bound arms but found they were stuck out in front of her. She couldn’t lower them or touch anything on her body other than her face and shoulders. Becky shook her bonds frantically to get Lisa’s attention.

“What now?” she asked.

“I can’t masturbate!”

“Huh.” She raised her eyebrows then tried to continue walking. “Is that really necessary?”

“I can’t stop! I’m not allowed to stop!” Becky flailed, pulling on the rope again.

Lisa came to a halt. “Jesus...” she exclaimed. “Listen. First thing? Calm down. I don’t want to get caught dragging a half naked bound sixth grader-”

“-eighth grade...”

“whatever... dragging you naked and bound through the school. I just might get in trouble for that. Secondly, can’t you just wait for two whole minutes? We’re not even...”

Becky was no longer listening. She twisted her arms, squeezing her breasts together, trying to find an angle where her limbs would magically bend backwards.

Wait... that’s it!

She kicked one leg up into the air and spun around on her toes, swinging the leg over the length of rope between the two of them.

“What are you doing now?”

Facing away from Lisa, Becky lifted her arms. She pulled the rope taut against her sex and it quickly slipped between her well lubricated lips. A few more short tugs sent it sliding back and forth along the length of her slit and up into her clit. It didn’t fully satiate the desperate calls for stimulation that her pussy had been throbbing for, but it still felt good and in her own mind still counted as masturbation.

“Okay,” Becky replied politely. “We can keep going.”

She was quite the sight to behold now. The small navy blue dress was a stark contrast to her silky porcelain skin but it no longer offered her even the most meager levels of modesty. The top was pulled down well past her chest and the frilly bottom was lifted in both front and back by her impromptu crotch rope exposing her for all to see. But for her to be walked backwards through the corridor pulled along by a high schooler really put the icing on the cake.

“You’re going to walk backwards?”


Lisa stood for another moment, amazed once again by this girl, before gently guiding her into an awkward backwards trot. She watched Becky’s gentle to-and-fro rhythm as she walked, sliding the rope underneath her with every step. If she was really against her masturbating she could just drop the rope. But of course she wouldn’t. A part of her enjoyed the tugging and resistance she herself was adding to the rope as they walked. In a way, Lisa was the one masturbating Becky.

It took perhaps only a dozen steps before she could hear Becky’s progressively louder and more methodical breathing, her backwards stride faltering and becoming less stable. The skipping rope may not have been meant for this but it appeared to be doing the job well enough.

Lisa was interested, but confused. Every moment was becoming stranger than the last. What was her sister up to? And who was this girl? Was she some sort of crazed nymphomaniac? Some kind of sex slave? She didn’t want to know - not really - of course she couldn’t help but ask.

“So how do you know Jen... exactly?”

Becky’s labored panting hindered her response. “I guess I don’t... ah... not really... we only met about... mmmmmah-an hour ago...”

Hades 06-01-2013 06:33 PM

You really like messing with us don't you?

naked_lego 06-01-2013 10:57 PM

You are amazing!
I am at the end of page one! I just wanted to say I really like this story. The nude in public thing it is something I dream of doing but I would only do it if I fell into a situation like this. You also post your story without any feedback most the time; that is really cool. Lots of writers feed of feed back but you just keep posting. I am glad you haven't given up on your story because it would be a shame to have another top notch story unfinished. Keep writing! When you finish, start another story! :D

uzaho 06-02-2013 09:50 AM

I swear, I'm not trying to mess with you! :) If anything I'm messing around with my characters! And thank you lego. I do appreciate when people comment and encourage me but I'm here to express myself as much as anything. So I'm writing for myself just as much as for you guys. And I do have another story in progress that was inspired by this one, but I think I'll finish this up before I go back to that one.

Without further ado...


Part 18

“And what the fuck is this?”

Jen tried to stand at the sound of her sister’s voice but Katey planted both of her hands on her head and kept her face focused on the wet mound in front of her.


Jen had to reach around to smack Katey’s ass before she would let go of her.

“Jen! I did everything just like you told me!”

Standing and covering herself, Jen turned around in time to see Becky push past Lisa into the room. She was sweating, her arms bound, tits out, a wet rope dangling between her legs as she walked forward. She looked pathetic and used. Dried tears were shielded behind the thick frames of her glasses. Her balance was shaky at best. Yet her demeanor betrayed her appearance; she seemed proud.

“But I need to cum so badly! You said I couldn’t during the dare, but-can-I-now-please?! Please?!? Please let me cum!!!”

“What happened to-”

Katey stepped out from behind and grabbed each side of Jen’s face with her hands, kissing her fiercely and forcefully.

Their first kiss.

Katey breathed hungrily into Jen, sliding her fingers up into her hair to pull Jen’s mouth closer to hers. The sudden passion exhibited from Katey took Jen completely off guard and made her wet instantly, as if she wasn’t already. Goosebumps crawled across their skin. Their lips trembled with excitement, the two girls craving one another. Their bodi-

“What... the... fuck...”

Jen pushed the sexually consumed girl away from her and guided her down onto a chair. Katey looked dizzy and confused as she sat naked, staring blankly at the other girls.

“... kind of freaky teen orgy have you started here?!? I don’t know whether to leave you here, embarrass you, or join in!”

Becky’s eyes lit up. “You totally should! It’ll be fun!”

Jen swatted at her shoulder. “Becky!”

“This is so fucked. Where are your clothes You’re sitting here bare ass naked in study hall eating out some equally naked redhead after sending some other crazy little nympho to pull me...” Lisa’s expression changed. She pointed to the dizzy girl in the chair. “Wait, this is Katey?”

“Can you shut the door?” Jen asked coldly.

Lisa smirked. “Your lab partner, right? The new girl? This is your crush?!”

“Lisa, the door.”

“This is hilarious! Did you want to prove to me you could bang he-”


Lisa was startled by her sister’s outburst. She wasn’t supposed to be the bitchy one.

The door closed, her train of thought rattled, Lisa tried to start into her self-righteous rant again but was interrupted before she could even start.

“I have been trying so hard... to keep it together.” Jen’s voice faltered. “All I wanted was to do something nice for Katey... but everything went to hell. And every time I’ve tried to make things better they just get worse and worse.”

Jen paused to compose herself.

“...I’ve been having fun.” Becky offered.

Jen smiled and shook her head.

“School is almost over. We don’t have any clothes. If you don’t help us we’re going to get caught. Maybe even expelled, I don’t know. I’m just... I’m out of ideas Lisa. I need your help.”

Lisa stood in contemplation. It was always tempting to torture her little sister but maybe now wasn’t the time. Maybe.

“What’s in it for me?”

Jen sighed.

“You can use me...”

Jen looked to the side. Becky was offering herself to Lisa. She was sacrificing herself. Throwing her body on a live grenade.

“What?” Lisa asked.

Becky tried to shake her hair out of her face. “You heard me. Use me. I’ll be your fuck toy.”

Lisa glanced away. This wasn’t the kind of offer she was expecting.

“Becky, that’s really nice of you,” Jen started. “But my sister isn’t going to accept that,” she added with a glare.

“Why not?” Becky asked. Her expression was part confusion and part disappointment.

“Yeah... why not?” Lisa was feeling defensive not only because her sister was trying to dictate what she would or wouldn’t do, but because she was somewhat enamoured by this girl.

Jen knelt down beside Becky. She tried to pull the undersized dress up over her chest but the tight garment refused to move against Becky’s damp skin.

“Why did she tie you back up?” She asked, trying to loosen the knots in the rope.

“I asked her to. I liked it when you did it. Although this one kind of hurts.”

A grin came to Jen’s face. “You’re crazy. You know that don’t you?”

“I just wanted to have some fun.” She looked over at Lisa. “Your sister doesn’t scare me or anything.”

“That’s not the point Becky. I can’t let you do that to yourself.”

“And why not?” Lisa interrupted. “You have two sex slaves and I can’t have one?”

“They’re not slaves Lisa!”

“Seems like it,” she said, crossing her arms.

Jen undid the last of Becky’s knots. “Lisa, we’re running out of time here. You have your car right?”

“What if I don’t?”

“Oh don’t even start! You drive it every day! Just help us already!”

Lisa huffed. She looked angry, if not disappointed. “Fine. Whatever. Meet me out front in five.”

“In front? Why can’t we come with you to the lot?”

“Hey, you want a ride or not?” She waited for a response. “Front entrance. Five minutes.”

“I’ll go with you!” Becky exclaimed.

Lisa looked confused at the black haired porcelain doll walking toward her. “Why?”

“Why not? Oh! Almost forgot!”

Becky turned around and grabbed the skipping rope from Jen.

“I’ll make sure she’s there!” Becky whispered with a wink.

Lisa opened the door as Becky ran back to her.

“Hey Lisa, do you have scissors in your car?”

The door closing behind them, the two naked girls were once again alone.

Neither of them moved. A minute passed. The silence was so awkward but neither of them were sure of what to say.

“Jen?” Katey finally asked.


“Do you really like me?”

“Of course I do.”

“But... you like-like me?” she asked nervously.

Jen walked forward. She lightly grabbed hold of Katey and pulled her up to her feet. Hand in hand they stared into each other’s eyes. They could feel the heat radiating from their bodies, the desire that pulsed from their skin. Jen moved her hands to Katey’s hips, sliding them around to the small of her back to draw them closer. As their bare breasts pressed together, nipples finding one another, Jen kissed Katey softly on the lips. A kind and genuine show of affection as opposed to the raunchy, passionate display a moment ago. It was tender and gentle but their lips lingered before Jen slowly pulled away.

“Yes. I really do.”

Katey felt waves of relief hit her. Inelegant teenage pretenses were suddenly pushed aside. She hugged Jen in earnest, finally able to ignore the doubt and uncertainty knowing that the feelings they shared weren’t just lustful or limited to an afternoon of accidental sexual exploration.

Jen pulled away slightly, resting her forehead against Katey’s. It had been such an exhausting day.

“We should go. Can’t miss our ride.”

Hades 06-03-2013 05:48 PM

This. Story. Is. Awesome!

kmacroxs 06-03-2013 06:14 PM

You are a great writer. Please continue.

uzaho 06-04-2013 02:48 PM

Thanks again guys!


Part 19

“Why’d you bring the skipping rope?”

It was the first thing either of them had said since leaving Jen and Katey in study hall.

Like Jen, Becky had found it nearly impossible to get the top of her tight blue dress back over her breasts. After expending so much energy masturbating she had worked up a bit of a sweat and effectively glued the undersized children’s dress to her torso. Instead she just covered her exposed tits with her hands, holding the bunched rope close against her chest. If one of her hands was free she surely would still be trying to finish what she had started in the hallway.

“I just wanted it.”

“Okay... that’s weird but, okay.”

Another moment of silence.

“Well why did you want to come with me?”

“I dunno...“

Becky glanced around as they entered the parking lot. The warm sun glistened off her pale skin. There were a few high schoolers on the other side of the lot who were leaving school early. Becky hoped standing next to this fully-clothed girl would allow her to pass through the parking lot mostly unnoticed.

“I guess I like you. And they didn’t really seem to want us there,” she continued. “You saw how we found them, right? But if they’re having that much fun I think we should too!”

Lisa smiled. She was surprised that Becky still wanted to be around her after she was as bitchy and rude as she was. She didn’t always want to be but when it came to her younger sister it felt like that was part of her job title. Strangely Becky wasn’t phased by it. This girl was either extremely trusting, had a similar relationship with her own siblings, or was simply more focused on having ‘fun’ than who she was having fun with.

Becky walked delicately across the hard, hot pavement in her bare feet as she followed Lisa out into the lot.

Lisa pondered for a moment. “So you like dares, huh?”

“Who doesn’t?” Becky replied with a dirty smile.

“That guy is getting in his car over there. If he drives by us I dare you to flash him!”

Biting her lip Becky nodded eagerly. With her top permanently down it wouldn’t take much effort. Besides her old babysitter, and now Lisa, no one outside of their little group had seen her naked today. And of all the things she had done, she had never flashed a car before!

Becky hid behind a random parked car as she saw her target start to move. Becky’s butt poked out the bottom of the tiny dress. Lisa crouched down alongside her although she wasn’t sure why she needed to hide; she wasn’t the one showing off her goods. Her knee length skirt and button up blouse kept her well protected.

Becky passed the skipping rope back to Lisa, a section of it still damp from her... excitement. The car came ever closer and Becky’s heart rate grew faster. She wanted to time it just right so that this guy could only get a glimpse of her as he passed. Peeking out from her hiding place she began a silent countdown.

5... 4... 3... 2...

She jumped from the stall, arms in the air, her small breasts bouncing, only to watch the car turn out of the parking lot before ever passing them. He clearly hadn’t seen her.

“HA!” Lisa laughed.. “Well you almost did it!”

“What?!” Becky sounded insulted, spinning around to face the dare-er. “I jumped out and everything!”

“Yeah, yeah.” Lisa stood, continuing to her car just a few spaces away with Becky scurrying behind her.

“Fine then! I dare you to put your clothes in your trunk!”

Lisa briefly stumbled over her feet. “What?”

“Take off all of your clothes and put them in the trunk of your car!”

“I’m not part of the game you guys have been playing. I’m just an innocent bystander here.”

The two of them stopped directly behind Lisa’s car.

“No you’re not! You dared me, now I dared you. That’s how this works!”

Lisa set the skipping rope down. She simultaneously did and did not want to get dragged into the twisted shit her sister was now dealing with. The two of them had some sleepovers that had gotten pretty out of hand in the past but that had been so long ago. It didn’t seem fair that her sister was now having all the fun, but for all she knew this kid could very well be the reason Jen was in such a predicament. Lisa could only imagine what these girls had been doing with each other. And the thought of that was beginning to entice her.

“I’m not doing that. It’s... a big dare. Don’t you think? For my first one?”

Becky hummed and hawed. “I guess so.”

“Why don’t I just take off my underwear or something?”

Becky’s eyes lit up now that Lisa was about to become their fourth. “Okay! Bra and panties!”

Lisa instantly regretted offering that. “No... just my panties.”

“Oh! Oh! Why don’t you go bottomless?!”

“We’re not bartering, uh, Becky.” Lisa barely remembered the girl’s name.

“How about you take off your panties and then undo all the buttons on your shirt!” Becky bounced on her toes, holding her bare breasts against her chest.

Lisa was getting goosebumps as Becky continued to bargain with her. She looked around. There was a car idling a few stalls away but no one else was walking around at that moment. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Of course even though they were basically alone and her privates would still be fully covered she couldn’t control her anxiousness, fidgeting behind her car.

“Fine. But only because my sister is going to be waiting on us soon.” Lisa quickly reached up under her skirt and, with two thumbs in, lowered her plain white panties down her legs. Becky giggled with excitement as Lisa discarded the bikini briefs in her trunk.

Without delay, Lisa swiftly moved to her driver side door.

“Hey wait!” Becky yelled, Lisa inserting her key. “You haven’t done your shirt yet!” Becky ran around to the passenger side.

“You’re so loud!” Lisa scolded, glancing around before unlocking her car.

As the two girls entered they were hit with a blast of heat. Not to be unexpected when your car is left sitting in the sun all day, but often a source of momentary surprise. Lisa quickly stuck the key in her ignition. She was lucky enough to have air conditioning but the fan wasn’t very strong. It was going to take a while for them to cool down but they still had to wait on the other girls.

“Hey! What are you doing? Put your seatbelt on!”

Becky was leaning over the center console. Her young developing tits jiggled underneath her as she reached for the buttons on Lisa’s shirt.

“I’m okay. Start driving!”

Lisa pulled out of her stall nervously while Becky’s slender fingers picked at her blouse. With how warm it was in her car she didn’t so much mind having agreed to this dare, but Becky seemed determined for her to complete it as soon as possible.

Before they were even out of the parking lot Becky was most of the way done. The C cups of Lisa’s peach bra shimmered from the sunlight coming through the windshield. Her navel was soon visible, exposing a somewhat athletic stomach not unlike her sister’s, but Becky had unexpectedly ran out of buttons. The rest of Lisa’s blouse was tucked into her skirt. She tried to pull the shirt upward but for whatever reason it wasn’t willing to budge. So Becky did what any helpful girl would do; she lifted Lisa’s skirt.


The car swerved as Lisa swatted at Becky’s hands. The girl giggled and dropped the skirt causing it to bunch up in Lisa’s lap. But before she let go she saw the last two buttons she was searching for poking out from under the skirt’s waistband. And also peeking out from underneath the parted edges of the shirt’s lapels was a noticeable patch of pubic hair. She immediately noted that Lisa had more hair than her sister Jen, but her ‘landing strip’ was still very well groomed.

Becky lifted her head and smiled, inches from Lisa’s face. “I can’t pull your shirt up!”

“So you pulled my skirt instead?! I’m not wearin-” Lisa stopped herself. It’s not as if Becky didn’t know. “Just... On the side. Just loosen it.”

Becky looked down at the bunched up skirt covering Lisa’s lap then scanned her eyes upward to find its edge. On the hip facing her she was happy to spot them; three solitary matching vertical buttons. Becky smiled. It could have just as easily been a zipper but Becky was glad she had even more buttons to play with.

She quickly undid all of them with a gleeful satisfaction, ignoring whether she really needed to, before tugging on the blouse again. It moved freely, the waist of the skirt now very loose and open to the air. She undid the last of the buttons on the bottom of the blouse and threw each lapel away from Lisa’s body, exposing her entire defined torso to the sunlight.

“There, NOW you’ve done my dare!” Becky proclaimed with a smile.

Lisa pulled up to the curb, parking in front of the school. She was nervous. She didn’t do this kind of stuff. Yet here she was sitting in her car pantieless with her shirt open. Thankfully the primarily loading for buses and parents was on a different side of the school so they were mostly safe. But there were already two students walking away from the entrance together. What if they noticed her and Becky? What if more students spilled out? Lisa idly rubbed the top of one lapel, perpetually reminding herself of her state of undress. She couldn’t hide. She could drive away, but she would be leaving her sister stranded there. Of course she didn’t entirely exclude that idea. She could feel as her face got hotter, as if an oven had been turned on inside her. But this heat wasn’t from the warmth of her car.

“Well?” Becky asked, still perched on her knees in the passenger seat.

“Well what?”

“Well what’s my next dare?”

Lisa looked over at the young black haired girl intently staring at her through the thick trendy rims of her glasses. She really was keen on keeping this going.

“How about... you open the back door for Jen and her lover.”

Becky’s expression changed to one of sarcastic excitement. “Wow! That’s super creative! I can just reach around the seat. We’re supposed to be having fun here!”

“Geez, sorry.”

“It’s okay, just... make it more interesting!”

Lisa sighed, still rubbing her open lapel.

“Maybe you should... run around the car. Naked. And then open the door.”

The genuine show of interest from Becky indicated that this dare was no longer inadequate.

Becky glanced out the windows, now as nervous as Lisa. “Just the one time?”


Becky nodded, but disappointment and frustration swept across her face when she tugged at her dress.. “Oh yeah. Damn. You said you had scissors, right?”

“Check the glove box. There’s all sorts of stuff in there.”

Becky reached forward and undid the latch. Lisa’s glove box of stuff was indeed stuffed into the box. There was all sorts of loose paper, pens, pencils, a calculator, glue, and other random school and art supplies. But amongst it all was a lone pair of scissors.

“Great! Can you, umm... help get this dress off me? It feels like a towel that’s trying to strangle my body.”

Passing the scissors to Lisa, she sat normally in the seat but angled her petite frame toward her driver. Grabbing ahold of the top edge of fabric bunched underneath her boobs, Becky pulled the child’s garment as far away from her body as she could. It created a gap of less than an inch between her and the dress but that was more than enough for the scissors to do their work.

Slipping a hand between Becky’s breasts, Lisa inserted the scissors over her sternum and after a few laborious squeezes of the handle began to cut through the layered fabric.

“Mmm... fucking yes.” Becky sighed. Her words were almost orgasmic. The cut fabric pulled away from the incision into a V, the tension in the stretched dress finally able to release itself.

Lisa continued her downward dissection of the garment, exposing the rest of Becky’s pale form cut by cut, the bottom of the blade gliding over the surface of her skin as it slipped lower. Only a few quick cuts were needed upon reaching the short frilly skirt, completely separating the front of the dress and releasing Becky from its grip.

She was once again without a shred of clothing. The sun beat down on her once flawless skin - the top and bottom edges of the dress left behind small lines that ran around her body below her breasts and above her pelvis. Becky writhed out of her seat, pushing her nakedness into the air. Weak moans passed her lips. She spread her legs. Arched her back. Pushed her chest up toward the ceiling while sliding her head past the headrest. Her smooth mound glistened in the sunlight. Her small nipples painfully stiff.

Lowering herself, Becky grinned. “That made me wet...”

Lisa chuckled, her eyes dancing up and down Becky’s body timidly. “It feels that good to be free? I’d think the dress would have squeezed you dry by now!”

“No. Um... the scissors.” Becky looked away, unwilling to catch Lisa’s gaze. “Sometimes I like to imagine someone cutting the clothes off of my body … forcefully... before taking me...” Excited even further by acknowledging this small fetish of hers, Becky drew the back of one hand down the length of her body. “Feeling the blade against my skin...”

“Okay, yeah, woah. TMI right there,” interrupted Lisa, squirming in her seat.

Becky giggled. “Sorry. But thank you!” she said with a wink.

They were both startled when they heard the school bell ring loudly to signal the end of the day.

“Crap!” Becky slumped into her seat. “I still haven’t done my dare!”

“Well then go! You have time if you hurry!”

The stakes were suddenly higher. Students would be streaming out of the school soon.

“Okay, but... someone could see me!”

Lisa shook her head confused. “Well they could’ve before too.”

“Yeah, but...” Becky again glanced outside the windows of the car.

“Fine. You can walk home.”

Becky looked at Lisa in shock. “But, why?”

“I mean if you don’t do the dare... like a forfeit, right?”

Becky took a moment for that to sink in. She took her dares very seriously. If that was the forfeit being offered then she undoubtedly preferred the much shorter challenge.

Becky swung the car door open dramatically and leapt out onto the sidewalk. She wanted to run around the car in a full sprint, but doing so barefoot on hot pavement wasn’t an option. Instead she was forced to tiptoe her way as fast as she could, half shielding her body from prying eyes and half maintaining her balance by touching the car.

Lisa watched with great interest as this young girl, barely a teenager, shuffled naked across each side of her car. In her rearview mirror she noticed some kids at the very end of the street. From her position she couldn’t tell if they were looking in their direction, but if not it was their loss. They would be able to see quite the sight!

Becky however had a better position. Facing down the street, her attention was caught when she heard a sharp whistle. She could see all five of them, guys and girls, looking right at her! They were over a block away down the sidewalk, but the distance didn’t obstruct the tantalizing view. Becky froze in fear, one hand across her breasts, the other against the car. She was like some fainting goat, constantly locking up upon being frightened.

Lisa watched her stop. She was stupefied by Becky’s action, or lack thereof. She didn’t really want to get her attention for fear of also getting the attention of others, but after several seconds of stillness she couldn’t just sit there.

The blast from the car horn startled Becky into blinking. Confused, she took stock of her surroundings. She was outside. In front of the school. Lisa’s car was next to her. She was very, very naked.

Becky’s feet scurried to life again. As she turned toward the school she noticed Jen and Katey streaking (literally) toward the car. She opened the rear door for them before hopping back into her passenger seat.

Becky appeared horrified and excited all at once.

Lisa looked concerned. “What happened? Are you okay?”

“Of course I’m okay!” Becky replied, almost shaking. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

Lisa was going to press her further when two nude bodies flung themselves into the back seat, one on top of the other.

“Drive! Drive!” Jen shouted as she landed on top of Katey, her words filtered through a mix of panic and excitement.

Lisa pulled away from the curb, trying not to squeal her tires as she took off.

“We’re free...” Katey whispered to herself.

“OHMYGAWD Jen!” Becky snapped out of her stupor. She spun in her seat to face the equally naked girls behind her. “Did you see me! I ran around the car!”

Jen laughed. “Yes, and who knows who also did.”

“It was Lisa’s dare! Who isn’t wearing panties by the way!” Becky goaded her new dare partner.

“Huh?” Jen lifted herself off of Katey enough to peek around the back of Lisa’s seat. She caught a glimpse of her sister’s bare hip exposed by the unbuttoned opening in her skirt, as well as her obviously opened blouse.

“Um... yeah. I guess I’ve joined you...” Lisa involuntarily admitted, referring to her earlier comments.

“Really?” Jen asked.

“And we cut off my dress! Look!” Becky added, lifting the tattered sheet into the air. “Felt sooo good.” She sensuously drew out her words while looking at Lisa, poorly hiding the sexual innuendo from her voice.

It was Katey who laughed this time. “Has anyone ever told you you’re crazy? Someone really should.” She smiled up at Jen as she said it. Jen lowered herself back down onto Katey. With the full length of their naked bodies in contact with each other, Jen shared an eskimo kiss with the girl, causing her to giggle sweetly.

Becky suddenly spazzed. “Wait! Stop the car!”

Lisa looked at her weirdly. “Why?”

“Stop!!!” she yelled.

Lisa pulled over to the curb again. They had only managed to get a full block away from the school.

“What is it?”

Still frantic but now somewhat relieved, Becky continued.

“We have to go back.”

The rest of the car stared at Becky in bewilderment. She really was crazy.

“Um... why?”

“We left the skipping rope! I need it for my next dare!”

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