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sk0073r 05-02-2008 02:45 PM

The "Chat" by Sk0073r [Fiction]
Yes its me once again, and this storie is inspired with a mix of experence and ficion. You may find alot is simular to chat, but i want to make it different from my other stories, a little experament lets to say.
This is from the viewpoint of a 16 year old male.

One day i was bored to the extreme. So what does a 16 year old guy do when hes bored? play chess? Ha! I jumped onto the net onto my favourite website. Teenspot. It wasnt a naughty website, but enough for some kicks out of the sex stories from some chick whos boyfriend fucked her in the ass and she didnt know if she could get pregment. How should i know? Just good to point and laugh at some people sometimes. I was browsing the forum when i saw a thread named

" Master wanted, 16 f uk, chat only "

i was intreaged... What sad person, would actually come on the interntet and look for a "Master?" ... Ha, this i had to see, for some more highs. I clicked onto the title and up came the empty thread. No replys. Just her MSN addy. Ah what the hell, could be good for come laughs. I add her. Straight away she appears online. I say hi to her. I wait for a few mins. She replys hi.

me: So um, you want a master?... Wot do u mean?
Slave : Someone to give me commands, someone to controle my life, someone to make me their pet... Will u?

At this moment i thought to my self " Hey, how can she prove shes doin this stuff if she said chat only? Ah i found the flaw, she was just another person like me, just in it for the kicks. "

me : Sure, ill be your master... But you must get a camera before next week
Slave: Yes sir. I will get a cam for you my sex god

Hey i was starting to like this. At first i told her to get naked, and i got a simple kk here and there. I told her to play with herself, another kk . She told me she orgasmed. I said kk. It was all KK's here and there. Wasnt getting much kicks out of it. I decided to make it more interesting.

Me: Hey, lets take this up a step...

But i had to think hard of what to tell her to do, somthing extreme that would get more than a "kk"

me : I dare you to go and sleep with someone tonight

Slave: But... im still a virgin... Master...?

me: Ha, got you now didnt I. I COMMAND YOU TO. tonight, you must get a guy and fuck him. Beg him.

Slave: ... kk

*slave now is offline*

ha, that must have scared her off surely, no way she would do that so she simply blocks me and moves onto the next guy for "shits n giggles" ... Oh well a decient night of boardom gone now... Tomorrow, back to the usual... Studying and stuff... I lay in bed without a second thought, and fell asleep straight away.

The next morning i turned on my computer to start typing an essay. As usualy i done my routine of checking emails, going on msn... Hey... Slave is on...

me: Ha i knew you were a fake

Slave: i did it... :'(

me: Yea yea yea...

Slave: I...

Me : yea whatever, stop acting now... Oh god sake get a life.

The conversation went on.

but then it sprung to mind... Hey... i get some kicks from her sob stories of how she lost her virginity because of me... She may be a faker.. infact i know for sure she is, but my boardom is cured for a week, which is when she will block me coz she wont get a cam.

me: ok slut. next challange for you to do is to take off your panties , shove them in your ass, and leave them there for a week. Dont wear any , and no showers. Not allowed to take them out. untill i say. Now, go do it. Im going offline to do this essay.

Slave: yes master.

*I signed off MSN*

tissue13 05-02-2008 02:52 PM

prety good...keep going! alot of potential

Hampers 05-03-2008 09:19 PM

This Premise has Promise.
Make sure to check your spelling though. Try typing it on Word first, then copy+pasting it across to here.

10TimeZ 05-06-2008 06:06 AM

Nice. Keep it going.

jjjj 05-06-2008 03:22 PM

this is a pretty good story i hope she gets a web cam and it turns into a giant plot where it turns out the slave lives nearby or is someone you know lol

thats my name up there just so you know so just call me that

Naughtybaby 05-06-2008 03:46 PM

i like it your making yourself sound very harsh though

BettyBoop 05-13-2008 09:29 AM

Keep going its pretty good

Ghost 05-13-2008 08:50 PM

Is good.. wonder what is gonna happen..?

tilly07 05-13-2008 09:27 PM

Good story but, this story had me thinking it was real for a second. Lol

uareapossum 05-23-2008 10:02 PM

Dont give up on this story. Your stories are always very well writen

sk0073r 01-17-2009 04:25 PM

HEEEY everyone!

I havent been on here in around a year, but im back, and im going to continue with my story!

I had been busy all week, writing essays and stuff. I forgot all about MSN and my slave. I innocently signed on, and browsed my emails. 17 Unread, all from the same person. "Slave"
Ha. I enjoyed reading every last one of them. She told me of how she stunk after not showering, and how her panties were brown.
She signed in just as i read the last email.
Me: Hey, got that cam yet?
Slave: No i am sorry. Please punish me

I thought for a second... this was going no where. Yea it was fun, imagining her doing stuff, but what was the point? I had an idea

Me: Hey, where do you live in the UK?

There was a few moments space then she replied : Glasgow
I felt strange. She lived in the exact same place as me. Out of the full UK, she was in the same city. This was too good to be true... I felt an itch in my trousers as i asked her... No, told her my next command.

Me: Meet me tomorrow evening, 2pm in Glasgow, Buchanan bus station, stand 15.

There was a short silence. Surely she wouldn't say yes... It would have been too dodgy for her to do such a thing

Slave: Yes master.


I arrived at Buchanan bus station at 2:05pm, came off the X11 express. It was a chilly day, i could just imagine how perky she would be. I giggled to myself. I stood at the 15th stand, and looked around for a 16 year old girl nearby.
A gentle voice whispered in my ear from the behind.
I turned to view her, then, we both said at the same time, each others name.
She was the most beautiful girl in my year. Her eyes were like an anime characters, big and beautiful. Her hair was the sexy color of oak, her breasts not too big but not small. She was wearing the most seximafiedest outfit you did ever see. Black and tight top, and a tartan mini, and i MEAN mini skirt. Wow.
Her face turned scarlet.
She was out of my league. No way would she be my slave.


Suddenly, she managed to whisper in a sweet and innocent voice
"So... Your place or mine?"

nightmare09 01-17-2009 04:34 PM

go on please i want to hear more

V-man 01-17-2009 04:34 PM

great story please write more

batman 01-17-2009 04:37 PM

keep goin this is awsome.

sk0073r 01-17-2009 05:07 PM

Hehe, I like to tease

I thought for a second about taking her back to my place, but my parents were in. We got back on the bus together in silence to her house. We occasionally looked at each other... Well, she cought me looking at her breasts i mean.
We arrived at her house. Her parents were on some business trip or somthing like that. I didn't pay much attention to her brea.. i mean what she was saying. She lead me upstairs to her room. It was what i expected. Pink, fluffy. Though, it was too innocent for her.
I sat on her bed. I couldnt think of what to say... would it be appropriate to continue with the slave master rubbish now we knew who each other were?
She sat beside me, and picked up my hand. She placed it on her breast.
My temperature went through the roof.

I pulled my hand away from her and raised up. Looking down at her, i commanded her. " Take off your clothes bitch."

She smiled and obeyed. DAMN SHE WAS HOT.

" Do you have any, toys? "
She once again gave me that smile and pulled a box from underneath her bed.
She placed it in my hands.

"Got anything sexy to wear?"

She raised to her wardrobe and brought out Neko (cat) ears and tail, and a maids outfit.

Though i looked at the outfit closely... This size was much too big her her?!?
None the less, i tossed them to the side along with the toys, to examine her naked body. Oh god. My boxers suddenly felt as if they had shrunk.

"Put the cat ears and tail on"

She put on the eats

I was about to say 'and the tail' but i realised that there was nothing on the tail for her to attach onto herself, just had a strange oddly shaped rubber end. She looked at it, bent over, and pushed it into her anus.

batman 01-17-2009 05:09 PM

keep going i love this!!!

nightmare09 01-17-2009 05:48 PM

me too i agree with u

sk0073r 01-17-2009 05:51 PM

I walked up to her, and kissed her. I kissed her passionatly while removing my clothes. I threw them onto the floor in a hurry. I soo wanted to get into her. She was perfect. I was topless. I stopped kissing her and removed my jeans and boxers. She looked down at me and giggled.


I wasnt small, i was average. No idea what she was laughing at... it made me feel uncomfortable.

"Hey bitch keep laughing after my next command. I want you to go to the shop for me, dressed as you were before but with your tail and ears, and with no underwear. Go to the shop and buy some condoms, diapers, and vodka.

She started to put her clothes back on. Ha, the looks she would get with a anal tail and a mini mini skirt.
She went out, and left me alone in her house.

I took a look around, went downstairs to her bathroom. That gave me an idea... make her piss herself in tight jeans.. oh god that would be sexy. I moved on to her kitchen. Had a look at what food she had, and in the freezer. Ice.. Yea that could come in handy... could put some of that in her ass... Ha... I went back up to her room. Her bed as ideal to handcuff her to... This was going to be good.

She returned with the ingredients.
I pulled her by the tail to her room, and used the handcuffs in her " toy box " to chain her to her bed. I went downstairs to her kitchen and got a bottle, and cola. I made a 70% vodka, 30% cola mix... I moved to leave but i had an idea. I was sill naked. I placed the bottle over my dick and rubbed myself. If i hadnt, i think i would have got blue balls from all the excitment.
I brought the mix of 69% vodka, 29% cola, and 2% cum to her bedroom.

"Open your mouth and drink this"
She obeyed

After the cock[pun]tail had finished, she was extremely drunk.
This was my chance... There was going to be no hesitation from her. She was mine. My neko.
I placed my body over hers and looked down into her drowsy eyes. I grabbed hold of her gently. She was so hot, but barely conscious. I turned my body around to face her pussy. I gently pressed my tongue against her. She gave a little moan as i started to like her. I went faster and faster and her moans became louder. But just as she was about to start screaming i stopped. I turned round to face her once again, and pushed against her. I went fast. She started to scream. I came so fast. She was perfect.
I got up from the bed and looked down at her, fast asleep. I uncuffed her, and lay her on the floor naked. I lay on her bed, and closed my eyes.
That was amazing.

I woke up the next day, staring up at the pink sky. My arms felt stretched, so I attempted to move them. I... I was chained... I was chained to her bed.
I looked down at myself. I was wearing a maids dress. I felt a nappy itching against my skin.
She was not in the room.

That will have to do you guys for tonight :D
More to cum tomorrow :)

Simple_me 01-17-2009 05:57 PM

Usually these twist are predictable and bland.

but you have made the complete opposite in this, i honestly wansn't expecting that.

I've never been more proud of you than i am right now.


sk0073r 01-17-2009 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by Simple_me (Post 109760)
Usually these twist are predictable and bland.

but you have made the complete opposite in this, i honestly wansn't expecting that.

I've never been more proud of you than i am right now.


Thank You :D:):D

Smile 01-17-2009 06:17 PM

i have to say, this is truely amazing, i cant wait for the next part and i absolutly love the twist keep it up:)

sk0073r 01-18-2009 08:01 AM

I started to panic. What the hell is going on! Damn it, was it a trap all along?! I struggled and tried to release myself from the handcuffs. No good. I heard footsteps ascending from the stairs. She was coming. What was she going to do to me? My heart started to beat faster and faster as the steps came closer and closer, her breath drawing nearer. The door was opened gently. She stood there wearing a dressing gown with a cup of water and painkillers in her hand. She looked at me dully. She obviously had a sore head. She swallowed the pills in her hand with a little water, then tossed the rest of it over my face, then walked away again. I struggled to draw breath, i was so scared. I heard her voice on the phone. She spoke in a small voice, almost sounding tearful.
"Hey. Yes i m ok mum. Yes i m fine. No don't come home early... Everything is fine." She sniffled "No im not crying, i just have a cold. Ill see you in a few days. Yes ill be fine. Bye mum" I heard the phone being put down gently. She entered the room once again and pulled a chair over to the bed. She looked at me from head to toe, and withdrew a knife. My heart beat so hard i could feel it against my chest, trying to escape from my body. She placed the knife over my crotch, and rubbed me gently with it. I was near tears. She wouldn't, would she? She stood from the chair and turned to her dressing table. She slammed the knife down.
I imminently knew what she was talking about.
"Why did you do that?... Why did you make me. You didnt even ask, you didnt even command, you just did it."
I turned my head to face her.
She looked down at me with tears in her eyes.
"I'm only 15"

sk0073r 01-18-2009 01:17 PM

Oh my god... Shes 15... That means... I raped her... Oh god im going to jail.. shit shit shit shit!

"Im. im not going to tell anyone... But im going to make you fucking pay"

She suddenly got more angry. She left the room and returned with a glass.
"You ever seen that video on the internet, 2 girls one cup?"
I nodded
" Well, how about 1 girl, 1 boy, and 1 method of torture, seen that one?"
I shook my head
" Thats coz its not on the internet yet. We are going to make it."
She brought out from her cupboard a camera, and a tripod which she set up on front of the bed, looking down at me. *beep*

She walked over to me and lifted the dress up to expose the diaper. She then walked on top of the bed and put somthing in my mouth from her toy box. I couldnt close my mouth now. She stood over my face, and i seen her had no underwear under her nightgown. She bent over and put her pussy over my mouth.
I heard the hissing noise before i tasted it.
She started to piss into my mouth. It was disgusting. I had no choice but to accept my fate. I swallowed. She smiled. She looked into my eyes and said:
" Did you enjoy that? Would you like something to eat as well?"
I shook my head but she turned around and put her ass to my mouth. I tried my hardest to break the object in my mouth but it just wouldn't. I closed my eyes tightly. I felt her moving away.
"No. Im not ready yet"
She giggled and left the room.

I put my head back onto the pillow in relief.

She came back five minutes later, carrying a glass of a yellow liquid. More piss? How did she get more piss? She poured it into my mouth, as i braced for the second wave. Wait...Apple juice? Oh that was much better. Got the taste of piss out of my mouth. The glass had finished, but she went to retrieve another. She made me drink it. And another, and another, and another.

She turned off the light and closed the door, leaving the camera facing me and my diaper.

My stomach didn't feel quite right.
Everything began to go slowly.

As i closed my eyes, one last thought passed through my mind.
Bitch. She drugged me.

Pikachu 01-19-2009 04:19 AM

Brilliant as always. :D

Welcome back.

sk0073r 01-19-2009 12:26 PM

glad your all enjoying it, i have a sore head atm so im not going to post another part today unless im better later on.
<3 Sk0073r

sk0073r 01-19-2009 03:38 PM

I woke up the next morning with a headache. I could feel the dampness in my diaper. Oh how i didn't know THAT was going to happen. It her her plan all along... Hey, WAIT... IT WAS MY PLAN! I was going to do this to her! Was she some kind of mind reader? As i thought to myself i raised one eyebrow.
I lifted my head and looked around the room. I never really took much in when i first entered. Though, there wasn't much to take in. The color pink sprang to mind. My head circulated the room examining every detail to pass time. I faced her cupboard, half open. Inside it looked like there was some black object that had a ball attached to it. I continued my time killing technique. I heard footsteps from the stairs. The door opened. Stood before me was Sarah, dressed in casual jeans and a T-shirt (which looked two sizes too small for her, you could see her boobs poking out).
"Im going to free you now. But, remember this " She walked over to the camera, and pulled out the SD card. She placed it between her breasts.
"You raped me. You fucking raped me. I got my revenge by pouring extreme laxatives in your apple juice. "
" I bed you didn't even notice, you perhaps only felt the dampness of your diaper. " She walked over to me and withdrew a belt from behind her back
" This is a special little belt a friend told me to use on you. It goes on what your wearing like this "
She put it round the maids dress
"And it locks like this"
She placed a padlock over a part of the belt, and closed it.
" Now you cant get the diaper off, until you unlock it with this "
She showed me the key
" Now i don't think you want to leave the house looking like a French maid do you? So, im going to hide the key somewhere in the house. But until you find it, your my bitch. You must obey me, you must do everything i say, or I tell people what you did to me, and this video goes on the internet. "
I though to myself about her proposal. Jail, or humiliation for a little while... Ill take the humiliation.
I nodded my head.
" I will hide the key"
She left the room while i lay and decided on a plan. I would get my cloths while she was sleeping later and get the hell... no, then she would show everyone the video of me, but worse tell that i raped her... I better do as im told.
She returned, and undid the handcuffs.
"You may look for the key at any time, but you must also follow my orders. You are not allowed to speak. Only nod."
I imminently nodded.
" I really need a pee, but i don't want to go to the bathroom. I want to pee in here. Without any mess. Lie down Bitch "
I looked at the floor, then back to her. Clearly this was some kind of fetish to her, peeing in guys mouths. I obeyed. As i lay i felt the hard floor against the diaper. She stepped over my head once again. took off her jeans, and bent over.
I could tell she was enjoying my reactions. She moaned slightly.
" Now, wipe me clean "
I stuck out my toung and licked her pussy. She moaned slightly again. She raised from my head, put on her jeans and left.
" You may search for the key while you clean my bedroom. There seams to be an odd smell of shit, and clothes everywhere. "
I nodded.

Pikachu 01-19-2009 06:35 PM

Awesome can't wait for next part :D

sk0073r 01-20-2009 12:25 PM

Of course, the key wouldn't be in her bedroom. She left the room to hide it. I started picking up clothes. I was about to throw them randomly into the cupboard, but that wouldn't be such a great idea, she would probably de-ball me for it... I found a hanger and slipped it into her wardrobe. I looked onto the floor. The "Toy box" lay there, half open. I picked it up and took a peak inside. There was an anal plug. Infact, two... No wait, three!
I imagined her lying in her bed with the three toys.

The room was pink and misty. The windows were steamed up. She lay on her bed with the three toys beside her. Sarah turned to face them and played eni-mini-mo, and landed on the clear large toy. It was picked up, and lubed up. She put her hand to her bare sexy ass. It was the best ass that you could ever see. Medium sized, rounded. Smooth, as smooth as a babies bottom. She rubbed her ass cheeks before smacking herself a few times. Then, she put lube on her anus. She ever so slightly. She picked up the clear plug, and brought it to her back. She rubbed her crack with it then slowly pushed it in. Only a little bit. Then took it back out again. Then, she finally pushed it right in. She arched her back and screamed quietly.
She turned back to the remaining two toys. She picked up the blue one. It was slightly longer than the clear toy. She repeated the process of rubbing it against her genitals before pushing it inside her. She started breathing heavily. she picked up the last of the toys and placed it in her mouth, then reached behind her and pressed a button on the anal plug. She pressed a button on the one in her pussy. They vibrated violently, and she immediately started to moan. She pumped the toy in her mouth back and fourth, as tears appeared in her eyes. She started going faster and faster before clicking the button on the toy in her mouth. A hot salty substance was shot from it. She spat the toy out and started screaming at the top of her voice. She reached to her pussy and pulled out the toy, the warmth, the vibrations, the intense feeling was getting too much. She was going to faint. She reached behind her to pull out the anal plug... But, it wasn't there! She started to panic while her eyes went inside her head. The vibrations from inside her were making her loose her mind. she had already orgasmed three times. She pushed her hand inside her ass she grew weaker and weaker, finally, she pulled out the once clear toy, and turned it off. She threw it over the bed. She returned to the world. Her eyes closed, as she breathed more slowly, trying to calm herself down.

"HEY! What are you doing! Get back to cleaning my room"
I woke from my day dream, and realized i was grasping one of the toys in my hand.

Pikachu 01-21-2009 12:59 AM

I wish my story is as good as this :p

sk0073r 01-21-2009 03:24 PM

Thanks, more will be written tomorrow. I had too much homework tonight... Damn Accounting and finance.

Simple_me 01-28-2009 04:38 PM

Oohh, nice fantasy segment ;)


sk0073r 10-03-2009 04:55 PM

wooow ive been away for a long time. I thought i'd better tie some loose ends , it was rude of me to dissapear like that! Fortunetly, while ive been gone I managed to write a few stories and Ive done a lot of art, so my work might have improved.

She grined when she relised what i was holding.
"Oh, you seam to like this toy... Why dont you put it in?"
I looked up at her in shock. The anal plug was not just an anal plug. Its shape was cone like. I shook my head in hope she wouldnt make me.
She mearly smiled and went back to whatever it was she was doing. I continued to tidy her room, when all of a sudden i felt a blow to my stomach. I looked down but nothing was there. I felt my insides moving and my ass getting relaxed. Was I really going to fill my nappy again? How much could the thing hold! Its going to explode if i sit down! I once again emptied my bowels. I felt a warm feeling going down one of my legs, but I did not look.

I finished cleaning her room for her, and just in time as well. She entered the room with a smile on her face.

Fantastic! You've earned a treat... Im going to let you search for the key anywhere you like for two hours. Anywhere you want to look, you can look.

I smiled and started searching outside her room. It wasnt in her room I had just cleaned it. I started in the bathroom.

But then a horrid thought came to my head... She said look anywhere... It could be anywhere, including inside the toilet, even in the trash... This was going to take longer than I was allowed, but even so, i started searching the bathroom high and low. I put my hand down the toilet, I looked under the bath, i looked in the bath, i checked the sink, the pill cabinate, even under the bathroom mats... It wasnt in there.

I went into the living room next and searched high and low... This wasnt going well...
I was about to enter the kitchen when she stood on front of me.

"Stop... I change my mind, watching you like a fool searching all the wrong places for the key is boring me. AND, your bloody skinking... Ill tell you where it is, but for an exchange of somthing"

I looked at her , puzzled, and asked what kind of exchance

"Ill tell you where it is... If You get it with your hands tied behind your back"


She bound my hands behind my back with handcuffs. I looked at her in hope this wasnt just a trick. She started to undress on front of me.
"Its somewhere on my person... And its not in my clothes."

(normally i'd leave it and come back later for the next part, but since i want to tie this up, im going to continue)

She pushed me onto my knees. I knew what she wanted me to do. I put my tounge against her wet pussy and began to lick around her lips. Was the key in here? I started to use my tounge to penetrate her.. No way was she a virgin before i...
I opened my eyes. I was eating out a 15 year old... No matter how much humiliation, I should stop while i still can.

She looked down at me with anger in her eyes.
"Its not in there."
She pushed me onto my back, then stood over me, her pussy above my face. But then, she turned round. No... Not there... I struggled as she began to decend, her ass coming down to my face. No no no, the key was in her ass. How the hell was I going to get it out.
As if reading my mind she replied
"Let me get it out for you"
I watched with fear, shaking as her anus started to strech open to allow shit to drip from her, onto my nose, onto my chin, over my lips. I almost threw up. The mear thought of what was happening made my stomach turn. I tighly closed my eyes as she pressed her ass down onto my face, smearing the feces all over. I felt a clonk on my forehead.
The Key.

She stood up to observe her work and began to laugh. She turned me over so my face was againt the floor, and undid my handcuffs. My hands swiftly went up to my face and I attempted to rub off as much as I could. Then, without hesitation I took the key and unlocked my belt. Like a damm breaking the nappy burst, my shit joined hers onto the bathroom floor. This was it... I could escape, I dont care about her blackmailing me, I had to get the hell out of here!

But I couldnt go out like this... I locked he bathroom door creating a barrier between us, and had a shower. The stench was removed from my body, but not the bathroom. I skipped over the mess and slowly opened the door, to see her sitting on the bed with her face in her hands, and my clothes sitting neatly beside her. I walked up to her naked, and picked up my clothes.
She looked up at me
"Revenge... I really didnt think we would end up like this huh..."
I looked at her to see that her eyes were wet
"I really like you... This twisted relationship we've had for the past... However many hours it may have been... Ive enjoyed it..."
I put on my clothes and walked towards the door, still half in shock.
"I want to see you again"
I opened the door ready to leave, but then I turned to her
Maybe our weird fetishes actually brought us together, I had fun as well... This girl I met online, on a forum about daring each other... I smirked at her.
"How about tonight online?"

unknownCase 10-03-2009 08:01 PM

That is seriously THE BEST STORY on the entire forum. One of the mods should put this in the "Best Of" this is just a freakin beastly story.

sk0073r 10-04-2009 01:58 AM

Thanks :) Im glad you enjoyed it. Please read my other stories too :D

Kasg 10-04-2009 12:09 PM

Great story, are you gonna continue on it?

sk0073r 10-04-2009 12:55 PM

That was suppost to be the end :) Though, a continuation may be here in the future. Thanks :D

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