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Trucker28 03-23-2016 02:33 PM

My Sister’s Dare with Consequences
This is my first story, anywhere, so be nice. Constructive criticism will be good. There is more I'm just learning how to upload. Enjoy!

My Sister’s Dare with Consequences

“THAT FUCKING SLUT!” my sister, Sara, shouted from the living room.

I was shocked to hear her cuss like that. She was always a little prude. I mean an occasional “crap” here or “darnit” there, maybe a “fricken” if she knew our parents were not around. I had never heard my younger sister talk like this. I did all the time. And got in trouble for it more often than not.

She obviously didn’t know I was home and our parents wouldn’t be home for at least 3 hours. My soccer practice had been canceled due to a sick coach and I had come in through the back door leaving my bike on the patio. I had been heading to the fridge for a can of Mt. Dew when I had heard her yell. I turned the corner; she was standing with her back to me in front of the couch. Staring at her phone which seemed to be causing the commotion and consuming her attention. She was wearing the tiny little jean shorts that most all girls are wearing these days. Her brown wavy hair stopping right at her shoulders of a black tank to with a red one underneath.
We get along fairly well for siblings. I know a lot of my friends that act like, and tell anyone who will listen, they hate the siblings but we were usually fine. I did like to push her buttons, getting her upset by teasing her or just giving her shit about being such baby or the crappy boy band music she listened to. One thing I was really good at was taking things away from her.
She literally had the worse reflexes in the world.

I took three stealthy steps across our worn beige carpet, thankful that my parents still didn’t have the money for the fake wood floor my mom so desperately wanted. I then expertly snatched her phone from her little fingers that were left grasping at the air where her phone had been.

“SHIT! BRANDON! GIVE ME THAT BACK!” she screeched.

“Wow such language from a little girl.”

“Give it now!”

I held it out, the whipped it away as she tried to reach for it.

I finally turned away from her and looked down at the screen. “Oh my God, you’re looking a porn!” I said with a laugh.

“It’s not porn,” this came out as more of an embarrassed whisper.

This looked like porn to me. The picture was taken from the guy’s point of view. Down his stomach to his, not very large, dick that was being held in a young girls fist. Really not much than his pink head was poking out her hand. White globs of cum pooled on her fist and dribbled down her knuckles.
The girl, straddling his legs, was wearing white cotton panties only visible on either side of the hand job going on in the foreground. She a had very light skinned stomach that stretched up to two perfect pink nipples that reminded me of bubblegum. There were only a small hint of a shadow underneath each giving them the look of just beyond completely flat chested. She was young, maybe my sister’s age. Unfortunately the picture stopped at the shoulders showing blonde straight hair just behind the bare shoulders.

“This is porn,” I claimed holding the phone out for her to see it.

“But it’s not mine, someone sent it to me.”

I clicked the back to leave the full screen picture and found the original message it came from.

“Why is Emma sending you porn?” I emphasized porn by drawing out the word.

Emma was Sara’s best friend and really cute. They had been friends since kindergarten and spent more time with each other than their own families. For the past few years they had been taking dance and gymnastics classes together and both were quite good. I kind of thought of her as a goody-goody too and was shocked she would send internet porn to my sister.

“It’s not what you think,” she was back to an embarrassed whisper.

“What would Mom and Dad think?”

“Oh no you can’t let them see that,” she begged.

“Then tell me what this is!”

Her cheeks were already pink, but now her whole face began to turn red. Her crystal blue eyes began to water.

“It will be ok, just explain it to me. I won’t tell anyone,” I said as calmly as I could.

“Fine,” she looked down at her feet. I wasn’t sure if she was preparing a story or working up her courage to tell the truth. “Emma and I made a bet…” she trailed off for a second, “neither one of us has ever really seen or touched one…you know. So the first one who did and could prove it would win.” She continued to stare at her feet.

I didn’t think that was the kind of lie she would make up. Did girls make these kind of bets? It sounded like some bet creepy high school boys would do. Like my friends, I could easily see them making a bet about touching some girls boobs or getting our fingers wet.

I looked at the picture again, “How do you even know that is her?” I questioned, “I’m sure she found it online just to fuck with you.”

“It’s her,” she stated as a matter-of-fact finally looking up at me.

I waited for her to explain.

“I recognize her room.”

I hadn’t looked at anything but the people. Guys right. The walls were a light yellow. To the left of her gorgeous body was a messy dresser covered in makeup and hair care products. On the back of the dresser a mirror reflected some boy band posters from a different wall. To the left of her was a window with white blinds.

“Also she is wearing the bracelet I made for her last summer.” My Sara was really into these braided friendship bracelets, I was not surprised she could recognize a pattern she made. Again the stroking hand was sporting a pink and yellow band.

“I’ve also seen her naked before and those look like her boobs.” I had to take her word for it but I did have to check them out again. Girls are so lucky! They get to check out each other’s tits whenever they want.

“So,” I paused, “what does the loser have to do?” Some of the redness had left her cheeks but now it returned.

“Uhh…” she stammered “It was just who could do it.” I suspected a lie who bets without consequences. But I didn’t push it.

“So, she just gets to rub your face in it?” I asked.
Her eyes seen to widen then, as if on cue, her phone gave a slight vibration. Emma texted. I was more shocked than before.

-You got an hour or else its your T in my V!-

qt31415926 03-23-2016 05:16 PM

Well written with nice spacing and very easy to read. Please have my interest!

Trucker28 03-23-2016 11:23 PM

“So, she just gets to rub your face in it?” I asked.

Her eyes seen to widen then, as if on cue, her phone gave a slight vibration. Emma texted. I was more shocked than before.

-You got an hour or else its your T in my V!-

Half my brain, the side that new my little sister and considered her the naive little girl she was supposed to be, was having difficulty deciphering this easy text. The Dirty Boy side knew exactly what it meant. “Fuck!” She must have seen my confusion. She used it to relieve me of her phone, snatching it from my hand. After she read the text we both just stared in silence.

Finally I had to say it. “She really is going to RUB your face in IT!” I had to laugh at my own pun.

Sara sounded more scared now then when I threated to show our parents the picture. “I don’t wanna do that.” She made a not so pleasant face at the thought of going down on her best friend.

“Do girls make these kinds of bets?” the first time I had asked myself that question, now I asked her. Guy’s don’t make consequences where they have to blow each other. At least the guys I know.

“I don’t know, I thought we were just goofing around. It was more of a dare, with consequences. I didn’t think she would go through with it. I knew I wasn’t. I figured we both would fail.” She was talking fast her eyes were starting to water again.

“So, you can still… come out even if you…” I had difficulty getting it out.

“Like I can find a boy in an hour,” she sounded disappointed.

“Not many guys will turn a girl down.”

“I’m afraid to ask the boys I know. They’re all dill weeds.” This was her usual type of cursing. “They are all have big mouths and when they hook up with a girl everyone thinks she’s a slut. Even if a girls just lets a boy touch her boobs everyone knows and ever boy in school is lined up to ask her out.” I could tell she was thinking, “Maybe you could call one of your friends? Tyler or Hayden, not Caleb he kind of smells.”

“Are you kidding me? What am I supposed to say? Come on over my sister wants to give you a handy.” This was crazy! Who is this girl? Where did my lil sis go? Did I crash my bike on the way home and now I’m in a coma?

“Just invite one of them over, to play video games or something,” she suggested. “I’ll have to work up the courage to talk to them.” She still sounded scared.

I just stared at her, I think my mouth was open like an idiot.

“I really don’t want to do THAT with Emma. I can’t even imagine…” she trailed off.

I finally came around. “Maybe she’d let me pay your debt,” I joked, at least to her. I have never actually gone down on a girl but I’d try it on Emma in a heartbeat.

“Will you ask them for me, please,” she begged. Her blue eyes looked up at me, like a cute blue eyed little puppy.

“Let me see what I can do,” I reluctantly said. I went back to the kitchen for the soda I wanted before and now needed. My mouth was dry. Why was I nervous? I passed Sara silently in the living room then climbed the stairs, drinking my soda, and headed to my room.

Closing the door, I dropped the empty green can into the trash by my desk. Fishing out my phone from my pocket I crashed backwards onto my bed. I began to scroll through my contacts. Seriously, what was I doing? Tyler was out of the question. He was my best friend but he was kind of a jerk, especially about girls. If he hooked up with my sister I would never hear the end of it. “Dude your sister jerked me off!” or “I got to feel her boobs!” No way, that was not going to happen.

Hayden was a bit cooler but he has a new girlfriend. I didn’t want to be a part of that.

Caleb, well yeah he kind of had poor grooming habits. Actually, Sara said it better, he smelled.

Lying there, I started imagining Sara going down on Emma. Her cute face sliding in between Emma’s pale thighs, tongue lightly brushing a tight virgin slit. Lucky Sara. My dick was hardening in my shorts.
If my little sister does either of these she is going to be more experienced than me. That sucks. I’ve had only one girlfriend. It lasted a few months and we made out quite a bit. Her nice soft tits and I got really acquainted but nothing ever happened below the waist. I had two other hook ups. One got my two fingers wet for just a few minutes before the alcohol got the best of the girl and she spent the rest of the party puking into Tyler’s back yard bushes.

The other was at a summer camp and was my most embarrassing moment. A girl I was making out with for like an hour started rubbing me through my jeans. I popped off in my pants. She giggled about it but was pretty cool and didn’t tell anyone as far as I know. Luckily she was from another state and I’d never have to see her again.

As I lay there a plan came together, I wasn’t very proud of it but I had a dick and it was really needing some relief.

jklivin 03-23-2016 11:32 PM

Great story I really enjoy and ready for more

Trucker28 03-24-2016 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by qt31415926 (Post 2145870)
Well written with nice spacing and very easy to read. Please have my interest!

Thank you, I read and reread the story but don't see the errors till it's posted.:mad:

Azarialeigh 03-24-2016 10:36 AM

I like it so far... hope you keep writting more

Trucker28 03-24-2016 10:39 AM

About twenty-five minutes later Sara lightly knocked at my door. “Yeah, come in.”

“Is anyone coming?” she asked meekly.

“Pun intended?”

It took her a minute. “Don’t be gross.” She made a face.

“If you think that’s gross, maybe you’ll do better with Emma.”

She made a huffing growling noise that showed her annoyance with me.

“Just, what did you find out?”

“Tyler and Caleb are busy and Hayden has a girlfriend. He is always over there lately.”

“You have got to be kidding me,” she accused.

“What do you want me to do, tweet out - My sisters giving hand jobs. First Come, first Cum?” I kidded.

She glared at me.

Finally, I tried my plan. “Listen, I have an idea. If the picture is taken from the guys point of view, I guess, I could help you out. You don’t have to tell her who it is, do you?”

Her eyes just blankly stared. Then she turned and left the room without a word.

“I hear it’s a little fishier than chicken!” I called after her.

It took her five more minutes to come back. “You really want your sister to…” she couldn’t finish the sentence.

“I’m just trying to help you out. Do you have any other choices in the next half hour?” I asked.

“Brandon, this is just sick,” she spat.

“Just imagine I’m Bieber or someone.”

“As if you could ever look that good.”

She turned again in my doorway. Not looking at me she stated, “It has to be in my room, she’s seen your room and will know.”

Holy shit this might just happen. I got up slowly, not to overly eager, and headed to her room. The overall pinkness and One Direction posters were annoying, but I went in and sat on the bed. She wasn’t looking at me she was facing her closet door. I let her go at her own speed. Work up her courage. It seemed like five minutes but it was probably only one. Finally she turned.

“Well?” she questioned. I guessed she thought I would be naked and waiting for her.

“I’m not getting naked alone,” I stated calmly.

“Seriously, you want to see me nude?” Sara asked.

“Of course, perks of me being a used, to help you.” I stated.

She took a deep breath then lifted her tank tops, both at the same time. She, like myself, has a light olive skin from our mother’s Italian family. Her flat smooth stomach looked amazing as she slowly, teasingly revealing her white bra. I knew from doing the laundry that she wore a 32a. The padding was thick, not exposing and skin underneath. There was a slight bulge at the top of the bra and I had remembered overhearing my mom telling her it was almost time for a b cup.

I realized I was staring. She was waiting. I peeled of my shirt.

She then unbuttoned her jean shorts and wiggled them down. They were very tight and she had to stop and pull her underwear back up because they were coming down too. When they finally hit the ground she stepped out of them and waited for my turn. I lifted my butt off her pink flowered comforter and pulled my khaki cargo shorts off. My hard-on was down the right leg of my boxers pushing up against the thin materials.

She reached behind her, then turned away. Her round ass looked great in her white cotton panties. I had seen her in panties thousands of times, but this was supper hot. She dropped the bra to the floor as I was still caught up in her ass. She looked back then quickly pulled the panties down and stood back up, too quick to see anything between her legs. Her tan lines were left over from summer many months ago. That was normal for both of us. She stayed with her back to me arms folded across her chest. “Your turn,” she said quietly.

I stood and lid my boxers off, my erection springing to full height then sat back down on the bed.

“Last chance to back out,” I wasn’t sure if she was talking me or herself. She took another deep breath then turned around. Damn! She was so hot! Her arms were still shyly across her chest, but she was not blocking the small tuft of brown pubic hair above a hint of a crease between her tightly closed legs.

When my gaze finally moved up to her face, her eyes were wide. “It’s so much bigger that Emma’s.”

I couldn’t help myself, “Emma’s got a dick!” I exclaimed.

“You know what I mean,” she laughed.

Talk about a confidence boost. I’m really not that big, just compared to the one in her friend’s picture I was huge.

She just stood there. “We are going to need your phone, right?” I asked.

She found it on her dresser and handed it to me, still awkwardly trying to cover her small boobs.

I wanted to just stare at her but I had to keep to the rest of my plan. I slid back to the middle of the bed and laid back. I made sure all of the sounds were off on her phone. The bed trembled as she climbed up on to my legs.

“We only need one picture, ok,” she whispered.

I found her pic of Emma and sent it to my phone.

“I want to get a good one though,” I said, “right when I cum.”

“Do we really have to go that far?”

“Of course,” I claimed, “it has to be realistic. She won’t believe it if we don’t.”

Sara let out an exasperated sigh and finally lowered her arms. I took the first pic making sure to get her face, tits and my dick in the shot. I also sent it to my phone. Man she’s too nervous to realize what I’m up to.
Her small, shapely tits were better than I expected. A little paler than her shoulders or stomach. They were small round mounds resting on rib cage. A darker small areola was peaked by a hard nipple jutting out towards me.

“Don’t laugh,” she pleaded.

“Are you kidding? You are hot.”

“They’re too small, and mom’s are small too. I don’t think they will ever get bigger.”

“They are perfect,” I assured her. She made a thin smile. This seemed to ease her mind.

“I don’t know what to do,” she stated.

“Start by touching it.”

She reached out with a trembling hand, finger tips lightly touching my cock. “It’s warm,” she cooed. Sara’s finger tips slid gently from the base to the
head. Crap, I hope I can last more than a few minutes. Her fingers circled my cock gripping it lightly. “Seriously, this thing is scary,” she claimed, “I’ve never had more than two fingers where this thing is supposed to go.” The thought of it being mine to go there was a little scary to me too. A hand job was one thing. Was she thinking about sex with me, or just a cock in general? I had to push that from my mind to keep a little control.
She held it with both hands like a baseball bat. “Emma’s pic had less poking out when she was only using one hand,” she stated with a little bit of wonder in her voice.

“You’ve never watched porn?” I probed.

“No, gross, Emma’s parents’ have the same kind of blocks dad has on our computers.”

“Really, I know how to get past those if you want to watch some time. Dicks come in all sizes, like boobs.”

“Let’s just get done with this shit first.” She scolded.

Her hands stared moving slowly, gripping tighter. I stared a video. Her gorgeous tits jiggled slightly with her hand movement. I tried to just enjoy it watching her face directly. I didn’t want her to know I was taping. She was fixated on my cock, like the rest of me wasn’t there at all.
A small uncontrollable moan escaped my lips. I seemed to startle her, like she just remembered I was there. “Are you ok?” she questioned.
I nodded approval.

Her hand began to move faster. Her tits too.

“Are you cumming?” she asked. There was pre cum forming at the tip.

“It leaks a little before it happens,” I stated my breath getting shorter. Shit! I didn’t want to talk during the video. I’ll have to edit the sound out.

She giggled. “I heard on a TV show a mom tell her daughter that guys dribble before they shoot. I didn’t get it until just now.” She was smiling. It looked great on the video and it felt even better but I needed her to stop. I didn’t want to finish this soon.

“It’s starting to hurt,” I groaned.

She stopped, “Did I do something wrong?” Sara sounded upset.

“No, it is just dry, you could use your spit or your mouth,” I suggested.

“Eww! Don’t be nasty!” she squealed.

“Just get the lotion from the bathroom, the kind that’s not scented.”

She looked much younger as she hopped of the bed and darted out her door into the hallway. Her little boobies first, then her tight ass bounced across the room. I followed her with the camera. I hoped she would have a little trouble finding the lotion; I wanted a moment to relax from by impending orgasm. I stopped the video and sent that to my email. It was still uploading when she raced back in. Damn, when did she become so eager?

jklivin 03-24-2016 12:45 PM

Exactly what I was hoping for very erotic

tiger777 03-25-2016 10:05 AM

This is great :) very good story can't wait for the next part :D

Trucker28 03-25-2016 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by tiger777 (Post 2148113)
This is great :) very good story can't wait for the next part :D

Thank you! Here is the next part.

Trucker28 03-25-2016 04:09 PM

Damn, when did she become so eager?

I got a much better look at her little pussy this time as she climbed back on me. It was small and had just a tiny bit of pink showing. I had spread my legs while she was gone and this time she only straddled my left leg. As her slit pressed against my leg I could feel her warmth and her wetness. Were girls pussies always that wet or was she enjoying this physically?
She squirted lotion in her right hand and enthusiastically resumed stroking me; lathering my cock in a white slippery mess. The time had helped to keep me from cumming and we sort of started over. “You can rub some into my balls too,” I suggested.

“Really, after I accidentally kicked you in the nuts that one time…”

“Accidentally on purpose,” I interrupted.

“…dad said that I should never do that and guys nuts were too sensitive to touch.” She continued as if I said nothing. “I got in big trouble.”

“Kicking bad. Gently fondling good.”

She moved her left hand to my sack. “These just feel weird,” she giggled but continued to feel them with her fingers. The lotion was doing its job, lessening some of the friction. What I didn’t expect was for Sara to start moving her hips. She began grinding her pussy on the top of my thigh. I would have called it dry humping except I could feel a trickle of her juices running down and tickling the back of my leg. All of my concentration was lost. I was imagining helping her out by sliding my fingers in between her cunt and my leg. Unfortunately, I was afraid her reaction would be negative, so I just let her work herself up. The rocking of her hips matched with the stroke of her fist. With the lotion worked into my skin the friction came back and I knew it was coming to a climactic end.

I put my left hand on hers and had her pull it toward her a little more. “This feels better, don’t stop it is so amazing!” I was getting close. With my right hand I lifted the phone, making sure the camera was ready. I had to bring my left hand back to steady the phone. I didn’t warn her except for an uncontrollable noise that I can’t really describe.

The first shot hit her cheek and I got and awesome pic! Like a trooper, she kept pumping; I blew cum on one tit, when she finally realizes she could be aiming at me instead of herself. Her hand brought my dick down to my abdomen and she milked the remaining cum on my stomach, filling my belly button. I took a pick without her face and cum dripping from one tit.

“Did you really have to shoot all over me?” she wasn’t smiling any more.

“You look amazing.” I turned the camera to show her. When she reached for
it I said, “You might want to clean up a bit first.” She looked at one hand still smeared with lotion and the other covered in cum.

“You are a sick nasty brother,” she scolded as she climbed off me being careful to not make a mess on her bed.

“Says my cum covered sis,” I came back with quickly.

I used time she was cleaning up to make sure I had copies of every picture. I erased all the texts and all but the very last few pictures to send to her BFF.

“Can you bring me a towel too?” I hollered after her.

She came back with a hand towel that she tossed at my face. She had wiped the cum from her face and tit and her hands were clean. I was surprised she hadn’t wrapped a towel around herself or grabbed her robe. I remembered seeing it hanging in the bathroom. She just climbed on the bed next to me as I mopped up my stomach. She picked up her phone and flipped thru the pics. She was sitting legs open and ankles crossed. Her pussy was wide open and the pink inner lips still looked very wet. She caught me looking and gave me her your-such-a-perv look, but she didn’t close her legs.

“This one is OK” she stated calmly, I saw her swipe again to the next picture,

“You got my face in this one.” She held it up to me. I admired my cum on her cheek. She swiped again and laughed out loud. Look how much smaller this one is and he barely even squirted much stuff out. It was the picture of Emma and her dare.

“What time is it?” I inquired.

“Oh no, I’ve got like 2 min left.” I watched as she began texting her friend.

After a minute she asked, “Why are you still here?”

Just admiring your little body I thought to myself. I gathered up my clothes and left rather grudgingly.

“Shut the door on your way out,” were her last words to me. She must have gotten off the bed because I heard the lock click before I made it to the bathroom.

In the bathroom used a wet towel to clean out my bellybutton and then took a piss.

Passing by her room I heard music playing, I stopped and listened closely to the door. I thought I could hear movement and maybe a moan. Or I was just trying to imagine her fingering herself to climax.

I headed back to my room to put all my new pics and vids on my computer.

I also made a new email and sent everything to it. I locked my door and watched my little sister jack me off again and again.

jklivin 03-26-2016 05:24 AM

Fantastic way to start the day, hopefully her text didn't go through to make it on time and she still gets to lick her friend too. I loved this story

AnalAriana 03-27-2016 10:22 PM

loving it so far!!! hoping for an update soon!

Trucker28 03-27-2016 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by jklivin (Post 2149224)
Fantastic way to start the day, hopefully her text didn't go through to make it on time and she still gets to lick her friend too. I loved this story

Thank you! I too am hoping Sara will get a little taste soon.

Trucker28 03-27-2016 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by AnalAriana (Post 2151833)
loving it so far!!! hoping for an update soon!

Thank you, I apprieciate the comments and I am shocked and amazed to see over 1700 views. I do know that the number includes some coming back expecting updates and I am sorry this is not one.

I am working on a part 2 with a lot more going on and I am afraid to start posting till I know exactly where I am going. Hold tight and again thank you for reading.

Trucker28 04-03-2016 10:31 PM

Part 2
Part 2
That night at dinner my sister completely avoided eye contact with me. I was relaxed and mellow from taking care of business two more times while alternating between her video, pictures, and my homework.

The next day, after school and soccer practice the house was empty. I texted Sara because she is supposed to tell me if she doesn’t come straight home. She texted back that she was at a friend’s and mom knew. When she got home I asked her how she was doing.

“Fine,” a one word answer.

“How’s Emma? I asked.

“A little suspicious,” she said.

“What do you mean?”

“She thought it was weird that I came up with a picture so quick,” she explained.

“So what did you tell her? That you drug your brother into your room and jerked him off.”

She glared at me. “I said that I had hooked up with one of your friends last week but was too embarrassed to send the picture. Also, I wasn’t that interested in winning. If you know what I mean. I think she bought it until she asked who it was and I wouldn’t tell her.”

“Did she tell you who her guy was?”

“I didn’t ask,” She said.

“Well, let me know if you need any more help, I’m always willing to help out.”

“IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!” she barked forcefully.

“Like you didn’t enjoy it,” I grinned.

Her eyes widened, “You think so!” she huffed.

“Well you seemed to enjoy grinding on my leg.” I raised my eyebrows.

Her face turned red. She didn’t say anything just turned, stomped up the stairs, and slammed her bedroom door.

Seeing her feelings, I left her alone for the next few days. I decided blackmailing my sis was a little creepy so I deleted them from my computer but kept them on my secret email.

It was a few weeks later when I learned that Emma’s parents were going out of town and she would be spending the weekend at our house. This news was even better when my parents said they would be spending the weekend at our grandmothers because she was not feeling well. My first thought was a party with my friends and anyone I could invite. My mother must have seen it in my eyes, and shut me down quickly. She told me that my sister could have her friend over because it was already planned but no one else. She said she was going to have a neighbor keeping an eye out for parties. I acted hurt that she didn’t trust me.

The week leading up, I couldn’t help to wonder if my sister was acting differently around me or not. She still dressed the same around the house usually at night she laid around watching TV in just panties and a long shirt. This was nothing new but seemed so much more erotic, knowing what was exactly underneath. The movement of her braless tits and hard nipples as she played Wii tennis. The shape of her panty wrapped ass as she lay on the floor reading. I was having to go to bed earlier to take care of myself.

Emma was at our house Friday when I got home from school. Our parents where there too; they had each taken a half day off work. As our dad loaded the car our mom went over all the rules again and what to do if something went wrong. I was in charge and responsible if anything happened. She gave me some cash to order a pizza but we should eat the leftovers or frozen dinners also. Then she kissed us both goodbye which included a hug for Emma.

As soon as they were gone I asked the girls what they wanted to eat. I was already starved. Then Sara and Emma headed to my sister’s room and told me to call them when the food was here while I was on the phone.

Twenty minutes later the doorbell rang and I answered expecting a pizza guy. Instead a medium height girl, probably my sister’s age, was at the door. Instead of a big rectangular pizza she had a flowered backpack slung over her shoulder. She had dirty blond hair blonde, a cute face, and a pink shirt bulging with the biggest boobs I’d ever seen on a girl her age or size. She wasn’t dancer muscular and thin like Emma and Sara but she wasn’t overweight either. Just a little thicker all over. Mostly in the chest.

“Is Sara here?” mystery girl asked.

“We are up here!” Sara hollered from the top of the stairs.

The girl pushed passed me and headed up the stairs. “Woe Emma!” I called up the stairs to my sister, “we are not supposed to have friends over.”

“She said NO BOYS! As you can see Rylie is not a boy! Don’t make a big deal about it, Ok.”

They disappeared down the hall and I heard her door close. I was about to make a big deal. When I turned to close the front door a beat up old mustang pulled up in front of the house. The thought of pizza calmed me down. Let the big tittied girl stay, as long as she doesn’t eat too much.

I didn’t call them down until after I had eaten two slices and had two more on my plate. “That’ll show’em,” I said to an empty kitchen.

I carried my pizza and a new can of Mt. Dew up the stairs. My sister’s room was eerily quiet. When I knocked on the door at least two girls screamed. Not a blood curtailing horror movie scream, but quick, that scared me scream. Sara yelled, “STAY OUT!”

“Pizza’s here!” I called back. Then, I headed to my room. A few minutes later I heard the girls hoofing down the stairs laughing and giggling like… well, a bunch of school girls. I sat at my computer and played some online games with some of my online friends. It was dark when I heard from my sister again.

She knocked on my door and asked if I wanted to watch a movie. She was standing in front of me in her normal sleep wear holding up American Pie and Road Trip. Like our computer blocks, all the rated “R” movies were kept in our overprotective parents’ room. “Make sure you put those back when you’re done. Dad will think I was in his room not his innocent lil girl.”

She batted her eyes and gave me her I’m so innocent grin. I was sure watching awkward teen nudity and sex with some awkward teens would be interesting but I decided to let them be alone a while longer. “No, I’m good.” I finally replied.

I’m not sure it was a whole movie later, but eventually there was another lighter knock on my door “Come on in,” I responded. This time it was Emma. She also was wearing an oversized white t-shirt with all of the Beatles faces and LET IT BE across the top. It was so large she was floating inside it. I could not see anything on her legs. I wondered if she was wearing only panties like Sara. Her blonde hair was pulled back into pony tail and there was a scared embarrassed look on her face.

“Can I tell you a secret?” she whispered in a low shaky voice.

jklivin 04-03-2016 11:31 PM

Very interesting I'll definitely be checking for more posts

Thorimo 04-04-2016 06:31 AM

can't wait to read the rest

CurvedDickSub 04-04-2016 07:07 AM

great story so far!

tiger777 04-04-2016 08:09 AM

Great post, I just love where this is going :)

Trucker28 04-04-2016 09:41 PM

“Can I tell you a secret?” she whispered in a low shaky voice.

I just nodded. Her small chest pushed out as she took deep breath then silently and rapidly crossed my room. I was still sitting at my desk so she leaned slightly down, her lips near my ear. I could feel her warm breath and it made the hair on the back of my neck vibrates. Just when I thought she was about to speak she hastily moved her head and kissed me on the cheek. I barely knew what had happened before she had dashed out my bedroom door and into the hallway where a chorus of girly giggling erupted. I did catch her tight black shorts that she and my sister wear when they cheer, as she raced for the door.

I sat wondering if it was time to find out what was going on. It seemed like the tame beginnings of Truth or Dare. I decided to hold out just a little longer.

With my door left open I could hear the hushed game punctuated by roaring laughter but I could not really make out what they were saying. It was a less that 10 minutes later when it got quiet again and I heard the creaks of the stairs. I was already looking at the doorway when Rylie came into view.

She paused but did not look as nearly as uncomfortable as Emma had. Her shirt was a thin pink tank top that was long but didn’t actually cover the crotch of her purple panties. It was tight accentuating her large breast that seemed bigger than when I had seen them at the front door. This may have been because she was holding both hands behind her back. She smiled at me and brought one hand up to brush the blonde hair from her face. I could tell she was still hiding something behind her.

“Could you read something out loud to me?” she asked her voice was really filled with confidence as she came towards me. I realized she was not wearing a bra because in the four steps across my room her boobs jiggled, swayed, and danced like they had minds of their own. It was obvious I was staring but all she did was smile and hold out a purple lacy bra that she had been hiding behind her back. She held it out with the tag between her thumb and first finger.

I took in from her and began reading the tag, “Victoria’s Secret, size 34 D,” there was other information but she snatched it way still smiling, proud of those suckers, and rightfully so. I imagined her taking money from grown men and swinging with her legs around a pole in the not so distant future.

I heard giggling in the hallway outside my door. I think Emma and my sister thought this would be Rylie’s most embarrassing fear but she could not get enough. She leaned forward and whispered so the other girls couldn’t hear, “You should come down and join our game.” Her warm breath in my ear made my cock swell more than all her jiggling. I just nodded. She turned and left, her purple pantied ass swaying out the door. Unless her shirt was longer in the front than in the back, I’m sure she had lifted it a little as she left.

I gave them 2 minutes, then I gave my erection another minute to relax before I went down stairs. They were sitting on the floor in front of the couch. The coffee table had been moved to the side of the room. The giggling stopped when they looked up and saw me standing over them.

“Coming down to join us?” Rylie asked.

“No way! Go back up stair,” my sister said firmly.

“Hey, I think Emma wants him to play,” Rylie countered back.

Emma didn’t say a word but her cheeks went red. “Seems like I’ve been part of this twice now,” I finally said.

“Not part of the game!” Sara said to me, then turning to Rylie, “I’m not taking dares from my brother! Plus he doesn’t have… you know.”

“We could make him…,” Rylie trailed off.

“He wouldn’t believe us unless we showed him, and that’s not going to happen.” she stated forcefully.

I was confused with what they were referring to, but let them continue.

“You know we are going to use him again and both those dares were mostly your idea,” Rylie came back.

Emma finally whispered, “He could just stay and well… I don’t know.”

“Be a prop?” Rylie finished Emma’s thought with her own idea.

It was quiet for a minute. “If I can’t give dares I should at least have some say in the dares I’m a part of.”

“I’m OK with that. Emma?” Rylie looked at Emma ignoring Sara, their host, altogether.

Sara nodded shyly.

“You can’t make me do anything sexual with him!” she stated again but her resolve sounded weaker when she begged, “please.”

“Welcome to our game,” Rylie smiled at her win.

“So how am I going to be used?” I asked, a little nervous but excited at how this might play out.

“I think we will start with just your lap. Why don’t you grab a chair from the kitchen,” Rylie was taking charge.

I carried a wooden chair into the living room and sat down to the side of the girl’s triangle. “Emma, your dare is next.” She paused probably for suspense.

“Are there no options for truths?” I asked.

“We finished up those long ago,” Sara said. “Just dares now.”

“I think our new guest needs a lap dance, Emma,” said Rylie. “Sara, you agree?”

jklivin 04-05-2016 01:04 AM

Great update looking forward to see how humiliating this can get

Trucker28 04-06-2016 08:12 PM

“I think our new guest needs a lap dance, Emma,” said Rylie. “Sara, you agree?”

My sister laughed, and Emma gasped.

This format was new to me it seemed that the two girls got to decide on the dare for the third.

Emma was still sitting on the floor with a look of fear in her eyes. I don’t think she was expecting to start like this when she agreed to let me be a part of the game. “I don’t think I know what that is,” Emma said meekly.

“You strip and then sit on his lap and dance, just like it sounds. Kind of grind your butt against his… lap.” Rylie wiggled her butt against the floor her breasts moving inside her shirt.

“Strip!” gasped Emma.

“You could have made my brother leave and not voted against me,” my sister commented.

“It doesn’t matter she already has the dare,” Rylie grinned at me.

“Strip?” Emma repeated. “I don’t wanna take my bra off or panties.”

“I think she can just strip to her bra and panties,” my sister said giving Emma a little relief.

“The shorter the stripping part, the longer you have to grind on his di… I mean lap!” she smirked. “I’ll get some music. She hopped up and reached for her phone on the end table underneath the lamp.

“No phones!” my sister said. She got up and held up an iPod my we had hooked up to our stereo system.

I noticed that all three of the girls had left their phone on that table.

“How about Love Yourself?” she asked, her and Rylie both giggled. “You ready?”

After a silent 30 seconds Emma nodded, the music started but she didn’t move at first.

“We know you can dance,” my sister said.

That got Emma moving. She swayed her hips and started lifting her shirt. When the bottom of her bra was about to show she chickened out and dropped it back down. Instead, she hooked her thumbs in her shorts and began to slide them off as she swayed her hips. She was wearing pale yellow panties that neatly hugged her crotch. She nervously lifted her shirt again, this time pulling it all the way off revealing a matching padded bra. Unlike my sister she had nothing that bulged out of the tops of each cup. But her tight muscular body was incredibly hot and she definitely had the cutest face of all three girls. She was literally adorable.

She finally stood in front of me and stopped moving. I hadn’t noticed Rylie had taken the iPod from Sara. She stopped the music. “Turn around and sit on his lap,” she ordered. Emma sat on my lap. “Now grind,” she said as she restarted the music from the beginning.

“Thank you,” I mouthed to Rylie.

Emma’s began grinding her ass on my lap. I was only wearing thin basketball shorts over my boxers. There was no way that she wouldn’t be feeling my hard cock pressed against her ass. She started getting into it. Her hips moving in circles then rocking back and forth the length of my dick. Rylie touched Emma’s shoulder and gently pushed her back against my chest so her whole body was now rubbing against me.

Halfway through the song, I was in heaven, but Rylie told her to stand up again. Emma did, a little reluctantly. “Now climb on facing him.” Emma straddled my legs and I looked down and saw a darker wet spot on the crotch of her panties. I could tell she was embarrassed that I had noticed. She put her arms on shoulders and our eyes locked. I thought about kissing her. She quickly brought her head to the side of mine. Her small cloth bra pressed against my chest. She began moving her hips again to the rhythm of the song. There was much less friction on my rock hard erection but I was ten times as erotic with her facing me. I put both hands on her ass and pulled her tighter against me. My mind was imagining this as a perfect position for her to ride my cock. Her amazing hips were still rocking when the song ended leaving me very wound up.

Emma slid off me and quickly bent over to pick up her shirt. From behind I got another view of the wet crotch of her yellow panties that were slightly pushed into her slit. After her shirt was on she quietly whispered into my sister ear.

“Hey, no secrets,” Rylie called out.

“She said, she could feel his penis,” my sister replied giggling.

“How big do you think it is?” Rylie questioned her.

Emma’s cheeks were pink from my sister revealing her whisper but she was still able to reply. “I’ve never really measured anything with my BUTT.”

All the girls laughed. “I think Brandon is going to need to go love himself soon,” Rylie said, keeping the girls laughing.

I slid off the chair to sit on the floor closer to the girls.

Sara and Emma started whispering again. “Hey what did I say about secrets,” Rylie reminded them.

“We’re deciding your dare.”

Rylie stayed quiet as the girls talked.

“50 jumping jacks,” my sister finally stated.

“Can I do one dare that isn’t involving my twins?” she said with a smile. “I think they have booby envy,” she said to me. She didn’t hesitate to move to an empty part of the room. She took a breath then began her jumping jacks. Immediately her tits were trying to escape her tight tank top. I caught a quick glimpse of a nipple in a side arm hole. Then at the top both disappearing quickly then reappearing somewhere else. She was counting but at 26 she stopped and both hands grabbed her breasts.

The other two girls were laughing hysterically. I thought it more erotic than funny.

“My nipples are being rubbed raw,” she complained. The girls laughed harder.

“Maybe you should take off your shirt?” Emma spoke up. Way to go Emma!

Rylie stood there contemplating her next move.

“If you don’t hurry we will make you start over,” my sister said.

“She should start over, she started my song over,” Emma added.

“Fine!” Rylie replied, by whipping her shirt off quickly and restarted counting her jumping jacks.

The girls cheered and I joined in. The sight was better than I expected, her beautiful boobs fell into a rhythm bouncing in a circular motion. I was awestruck by her hard reddish nipples and large areolas that gently puffed out of her already large breasts.

When she got to 50 she stopped and covered herself with her arms. “UHH… Rylie…” Emma said pointing to her purple panties. I had been so mesmerized watching her breasts that I hadn’t thought about what jumping jacks might do to her panties. The crotch was pulled to the side almost revealing her entire pussy lips. She quickly spun away from us reaching down to correct what the internet might call a pussy slip. Now we were all laughing hysterically. Emma and Sara fell onto their backs laughing. I could tell my sister also had no bra under her shirt. Even Rylie was laughing after she managed to fix her panties and replace her shirt.

I really wish I had paid more attention to those panties, I don’t know how long she had been totally exposed.

When the laughter finally died down Rylie and Emma began plotting Sara’s dare. Emma had a horrified look and said, “I don’t know, that was a secret.”

“That’s what makes it a great dare,” said Rylie.

“I don’t know?” Emma repeated.

“Got anything else?” asked Rylie. Emma shook her head no.

“Sara,” Rylie began, “Your dare is to go to your room bring down Harry. Give him to Brandon and tell him what you told us during your truth. Also, I think you should have answer… five of his question.”

Crossdresser5 04-06-2016 08:49 PM

Please continue this is soo hot

tiger777 04-07-2016 11:15 AM

Yes this is a great story :) I hope that you have as much fun writing it as I have reading it

jklivin 04-07-2016 12:52 PM

Great story enjoy reading

Charlotte.W 04-07-2016 08:31 PM

Please continue this soon. I'm loving it so much :)

Trucker28 04-07-2016 09:41 PM

“Sara,” Rylie began, “Your dare is to go to your room bring down Harry. Give him to Brandon and tell him what you told us during your truth. Also, I think you should have answer… five of his question.”

“No, no, no, please no,” she begged.

“Who’s Harry?” I asked

“You’ll find out,” Rylie replied to me first. “I just showed my breasts and my vagina,” she said to Sara, “You can get through this.”

We all watched as she bleakly climbed the stair her pink panties flashed a little with each step.

“This is going to be good,” Rylie said deviously.

While Sara was gone I thought I’d have a little fun with Rylie, “I really only got a tiny glimpse of your vagina, so maybe you could…you know…”

“I don’t think so,” she replied shutting me down.

Emma said, “It was pretty much hangin’ out about half the time you were jumpin’ around.”

“Damn, how come you didn’t point it out to me sooner?” I scolded.

We both laughed as Rylie’s cheeks turned pink. I think we finally embarrassed her.

A minute later Sara finally descended the stairs her cheeks were already redder than her friend’s. She had her purple hairbrush with her which I had seen hundreds of times. I had no idea where this was going. She handed me the brush and said, “This is Harry, after the singer from One Direction.”

It was silent for 30 seconds, “And…,” Rylie interjected.

Sara looked down at her feet, which I knew she did when she was going to say something that she didn’t want to. She mumbled something inaudible.

“What was that?” asked Rylie.

“I masturbate with him,” Sara said only a little louder.

“This has been inside you!” Shocked, I was staring down at the brush. The handle was a rounded purple plastic with wavy grips for the fingers with a slightly larger bulbous end. The brush end was flat on one side with black bristles on the other.

I could tell she was pissed that I said that, “Just the handle!” she spat back.

“You have four more questions,” Rylie stated with a giggle. I’m not sure what kind of friend she was to my sister, but she was loving this. I was loving it too.

“How often do you use him?”

She looked up to her friends. She must have answered it before. “Maybe 2 or 3 times a week,” she said.

“When did you use it last?”

Her face turned brighter red. “This morning,” this time she sounded disgusted with herself.

It really hit me that my fingers were touch, basically a dildo, that had been inside my sister hours ago.

I started to laugh as my next question entered my head. I held it away from me between two fingers, even though I wanted to bring it to my nose. “Did you wash it!?” I asked wrinkling my nose like I had just smelled dead fish.

“EEW!” Emma squealed while laughing. Rylie was holding her chest again this time because she was laughing so hard.

“EVERY TIME!” my sister screeched, ripping the hairbrush from my fingers.

The three of us couldn’t stop laughing for a few minutes. Every time Sara tried to say something we would start in again.

Finally Rylie managed to say, “One more question.”

I was stuck without an idea, “Can I save it for later?” I asked.

“No and that’s your last question,” Sara replied quickly.

Rylie interjected, “He was asking us. What do you think Emma?”

“I’m good with Brandon saving a question for later,” Emma stated.

Sara glared at both her friends. She finally sat down with us and dropped the Harry on the floor between Rylie and herself. Rylie didn’t hesitate to pick it up. “So, Emma do you think Brandon here is bigger than Sara’s boyfriend Harry?” She didn’t really give Emma the chance to answer when she said, “Your dare is to compare Harry to Brandon.” She held Harry out to Emma.

jklivin 04-07-2016 11:32 PM

Better and better with each chapter, especially interactions between siblings

AnalAriana 04-08-2016 12:01 AM

Juat like McDonald's "I'm loving it"

Thorimo 04-08-2016 06:26 AM

always stopping on a point when we need more.

a great story.

Trucker28 04-08-2016 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Thorimo (Post 2167490)
always stopping on a point when we need more.

a great story.

I love leaving cliff hangers! Thank you.

Trucker28 04-08-2016 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by tiger777 (Post 2166462)
Yes this is a great story :) I hope that you have as much fun writing it as I have reading it

I am! Thank you so much for reading.

Trucker28 04-08-2016 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by jklivin (Post 2167230)
Better and better with each chapter, especially interactions between siblings

Thank you, I am still trying to work out the kink(s). Hopefuly I will have more soon.

jklivin 04-08-2016 11:42 PM

I'll be waiting patiently

Trucker28 04-12-2016 07:49 PM

“Your dare is to compare Harry to Brandon.” She held Harry out to Emma.

“So I’m the first to get naked? I don’t think so,” I interjected.

“You have the option to change it,” Emma said hopefully. I wasn’t exactly sure what she was hoping for.

I thought for a few seconds. “I’ll do it but Emma and I go to the bathroom alone and she has to have at least one less items of clothes than when she danced for me.”

“AAH, Sara and I want to watch,” stated Rylie.

“Speak for yourself,” my sister said, “I’ll agree with it.”

“Well then they need to be in there naked for 3 minutes,” Rylie added.

We all just sat there in silence for a second. “Well, go on,” Rylie finally got us moving shaking the hairbrush in Emma’s face. Emma took the brush.

Emma and I stood and started toward the bathroom. Rylie jumped up, stopped Emma pulling her close, and whispered in her ear. Both girls giggled. We had a first floor bathroom that was small with only a toilet and sink. I couldn’t ever remember having been in it with more than one person and I now knew why. After I followed Emma in, I had to squeeze against her just to shut the door. It was really small.

I took my shirt off placing it on the counter and she followed her arms bumping my chest because she was shorter than me. I started to drop my shorts; I had to lean over near her shoulder. I was thinking that I should have picked a better room. She had not put her shorts back on so she was just wearing the yellow bra and panties.

“Which do you want me to take off?” she asked bashfully.

“It’s up to you, I want to see it all,” I replied. I knew she was embarrassed of her small tits but she didn’t know I had already seen them on sister’s phone and even more often on my own computer. I was really hoping for her to lose the panties even though it would be tough to see anything standing so close to her. “You don’t need to be so shy, you are absolutely gorgeous.” I said looking into her eyes. I couldn’t help myself I put both hands on the sides of her head, leaned into her and gently kissed her cheek. “I owed you one.” I whispered. She just stared for a second then rose up on her toes and kissed my lips.

“We’re not starting the time until you tell us your holding is penis!” Rylie hollered from the hallway definitely listening right outside the door.

She slipped her thumbs in the sides of her panties and slid them down her legs. Her head brushed my boxer covered erection as she bent over to remove them. She stood back up and looked me in the eyes again. I kissed her lips again. Screw them, we’ll take our time, I thought. I whispered, “You do it.” Her eyes gleamed as she knelt down in front of me.

She brought her hands to my waist and gently pulled my boxers down my erection pushing against the fabric. When the waist band began sliding down my shaft her eyes widened and her smile grew. She pulled quicker and my dick popped up almost smacking her chin. She pulled away just in time, giggling. She used one hand to gently stroke me.

“Are you touching it yet?” Rylie asked.

“Yes,” Emma purred, “It’s nice.”

“Ok, I’m… starting… the… time,” Rylie said slowly, obviously dragging it out.

“Just start it!” Sara exclaimed from the hallway.

When I was completely hard Emma picked up the hairbrush and held me. The end of the handle against my abdomen and the back of the brush against my cock. The entire brush was about two inches longer. Compared to the handle I was longer and thicker. She set the hairbrush on the counter and wrapped her hand around my shaft. I reached down and gradually lifted her so she was standing facing me again. I pulled her close, she continued to stroke me, the head of my cock against her flat stomach. I kissed her again more passionately this time letting our tongues intertwine.

With one hand on the back of her head the other slid down over her taut ass. Then I moved it around her hip and slid over a light peach fuzz of pubic hair, so blonde I hadn’t noticed it before. She pulled her mouth away letting out a startled breath when my fingers pushed against her wet pussy lips.

“Are you OK?” I whispered, not wanting to let the girls outside hear.

She nodded, smiled, and kissed me again.

Just then Sara yelled, “Time!” Someone tried opening the door which I hadn’t locked. Luckily the door wouldn’t open because it hit my ass.

“Hey! Stay out!” Emma screamed. Talk about moments lost.

We both bent down to grab our underwear at the same time bumping our heads. “Sorry,” we both said at the same time laughing. We stood there for a second. Emma was looking down at my dick again.

Her fingers went to a small birthmark I have below and to the left of my bellybutton. “Oh My God,” she said, “You two are so busted.”

Crap, I thought, she recognized me from the picture. I tried to play it off as if I didn’t know what she meant. “What are you talking about?”

“Don’t worry,” she said, “You will know soon.”

Eventually we managed to get dressed and leave the bathroom. The girls gathered together giggling. I realized Sara had gotten a ruler, probably from her room. They were holding it to the hairbrush and Emma was pointing out where I measured up. I thought she was being pretty generous so I didn’t argue.

After the giggling and whispering died down. Emma seemed to be more eager to take charge. “How about we slow down a little and do another round of truths? We are getting kinda crazy.”

“I like where this is heading, I’d rather keep doing dares,” Rylie said suggestively.

Sara came back, “I think we can do truths for around.” I was pretty sure she thought she was saving herself from an embarrassing dare but she was stepping into Emma’s trap.

“I have been enjoying the dares,” I said, “but it’s your game.”

Sara did not wait for more discussion, Emma had agreed with her, so she went after Rylie, “I want to hear about your most embarrassing moment.”

“You already know my brother saw me naked,” Rylie replied.

“I think there’s more to the story,” she pressed.

Rylie hesitated a second, looking at Emma like what do you know? Then she finally started her story. “I was home watching my little brother, Skyler. Our parents were at a movie or something. Skyler had went to bed already and I was watching a movie and I was starting to get a little horny.”

“What movie?” Emma interrupted.

“I don’t remember it was a few years ago.” Emma just stared at her. “Fine, it was one of the Twilight movies OK?”

The girls laughed. “As I was saying, I was getting horny so I went to take a bath. I guess I forgot to lock the door. I was in the tub and the hot water felt really good. It also felt good to lift my hips out of the water. You know the cold air feels good too. I started masturbating and then…”

Emma interrupted again, “How were you doing it?”

“Just rubbing my clit with my fingers and lifting my hips out of the water every so often. I had my eyes closed and didn’t hear him come in. Skyler was just standing over me. Staring down at my vagina. My boobs were not this big yet. I tried to cover up and yelled at him to get out. He started to cry and ran out of the room. Later I felt bad because it wasn’t his fault. Luckily he never told my mom what he saw.” She finally stopped talking.

“Wow that’s pretty hot,” Sara said and Emma agreed.

“How long do you think he was watching?” asked Sara.

“I don’t know my eyes were closed.”

“Does you’re your brother have any porn or girly magazines?” I asked.

“Eww gross! Why?” Rylie responded.

“Because if he doesn’t, YOU are going to be his masturbation fantasy for the next few years.”

Emma and Sara giggled.

“Oh God No! He wouldn’t do that, would he?” she begged.

“Unless he’s gay I’m pretty sure he already has,” I said. “Hell, I wasn’t even there and I’m going to use it.”

The girls laughed even harder.

When the laughing finally quieted down Emma jumped in again, “Good truth Rylie, Sara now it’s your turn. Tell us the TRUTH about the boy you jacked off last week.” Emma looked at me when she was speaking to Sara. I’m guessing it was for effect, to show that she knew the truth.

jklivin 04-13-2016 12:43 AM

Fantastic chapter, humiliation couldn't get any better coming up so looking forward

Trucker28 04-13-2016 08:20 PM

When the laughing finally quieted down Emma jumped in again, “Good truth Rylie, Sara now it’s your turn. Tell us the TRUTH about the boy you jacked off last week.” Emma looked at me when she was speaking to Sara. I’m guessing it was for effect, to show that she knew the truth.

“What!” My sister gasped, “I already told you!” Emma looked and me with a sneer. She had a ‘What did you tell her!’ look.

I just shrugged.

“Then, how does the guy YOU jacked off have the same birthmark as Brandon…and the same dick?!” she exclaimed.

Sara looked more horrified then when she had to tell me about her hairbrush dildo.

“Wait, you jacked off your brother!” Rylie cried, “You said you didn’t want to do anything sexual with him and you have already given him a hand job!”

“Fine!” Sara yelled, “It’s your fault, he saw the picture you sent me. Then I only had an hour to find a guy. All of his friends were busy… I didn’t have any other choice… I didn’t want to have to lick your pussy.” She was stammering now.

“Oh my God! You showed him my picture?” Emma was upset now, she reflexively used her arms to cover her chest.

Rylie was the only one laughing. “You guys are crazy!” she cried, “Incest and dick picks. How long did you stare at his dick that you could recognize it?”

Emma and Sara were glaring, still furious at each other. Rylie was laughing and loving it.

Finally Rylie tried to get the game going again. “OK you two just relax, it’s still Sara’s dare. Tell us about your first hand job.”

“Damn it!” she said. Then she went into her side of the story. “After I decided to get it over with, HE,” she emphasized, “said I had to take off all my clothes. So we got naked and I jacked him off.”

“Come on,” Rylie prodded, “You can give us more. How did it feel?”

“I don’t know hard but soft at the same time. It was so much bigger than the little guy Emma played with.”

“So, did you like stroking it?” Rylie asked again.

“It was just weird at first. I liked it better after I used the lotion, it got all slippery. Then it got really hard and I knew something was going to happen, then it all squirted out. That was gross and messy.”

“It was on her chest,” Emma snickered.

“And her cheek!” I had to add. The girls laughed again.

“You got a facial from your Bro!” Rylie howled.

“I hate you guys!” Sara bellowed.

“Oh, come on, we’re just having fun!” Emma replied.

“Yeah Brandon, is cumming on your sister fun?” Rylie asked turning Emma’s words around.

When the girls finally settled down I decided I had a question I wanted answered. “So, for my fifth question, you were kind of wet and horny after our fun. Did you masturbate when I left, and did you use harry?”

“No,” she replied, “It was in the bathroom and you were in there cleaning up.”

It was silent for a second. Then Emma said, “You avoided the first part of the question. Did you masturbate after?”

Sara silently nodded her head looking defeated.

I knew it.

“I’ve got a question, but it’s for Brandon. Would you answer a truth?” Rylie asked me.

“I guess, why not?” I replied. I figured she was going to ask if I enjoyed it.

“Did you actually call any of your friends to come over?”

I couldn’t help but laugh, “Hell no! Why would I hookup one of them with my sister.”

Sara glared at me, “You’re such a perv!”

Emma and Rylie’s laughter started up again.

Sara quietly stewed for a minute before telling in Emma it was her turn. “Tell us all about who you jacked off.”

“Oh…” she wasn’t expecting Sara to ask the same question. “I promised him I wouldn’t tell.”

jklivin 04-14-2016 12:46 AM

What a treat to come up to, fantastic as always

AnalAriana 04-14-2016 04:31 PM

Can't wait for more!!!

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