getDare Truth or Dare

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sarahsarah 08-28-2015 10:44 AM

Binding Connections
Hi everyone, this story will be a collaborative effort by myself and subby999uk. Some of you may be familiar with my main story (strapon contest with consequences) which I will return to eventually, and with subby999uk's previous stories, most recently Teacher training, Kate's degradation.

This is an entirely new fictional story, and an entirely new concept for both of us, to write a story with somebody else, but something we both wanted to do. Feedback will be appreciated by both of us. This is in the R18 section so do expect some extreme scenes in the future. I don't want to give any more away so without further ado, I introduce 'Binding Connections.'

Chapter 1

The sun is slowly setting over the city and young Alex Friend has the greatest view in the house. She smiled to herself and slowly sipped the glass of champagne, enjoying the cool breeze as it brushed across her skin. The sound of the city always pleased her from her penthouse balcony, all the people beneath her, unworthy of her, trying to make their way in a dog eat dog world unaware of how easy it can be for some people.

One more sip of the champagne and Alex relaxed into her seat enjoying the red sky glimmering over the skyline. This was the life, relaxing, easy, beautiful. A small groan turned her happiness into anger in a heartbeat. Over the hum of the traffic she could hear him, almost like he was trying to provoke her. Alex finished the glass and made her way inside.

Her apartment was incredible, 3 large bedrooms, a living area of fine quality, everything she could hope for. The smell of clean leather was always refreshing; the black and red décor gave a professional look, everything in its place, and at just 26 years of age, it all belonged to her. Alex’s father passed away when she was just 18 leaving everything, his property, his company and his wealth to her. She was an only child and her Mother was long out of the picture, so every last bit of what he made went straight to Alex.

Everything was right, everything but him. She walked into the second bedroom and there he was, face down in the pillows chained to the bed, the vibrator resting against his genitals. She loved her father but hated him for inflicting her with this bitch. The man in front of her worked as a butler and servant for her father and had begged to stay with her when he passed on. Alex knew how much her father thought of the man and had agreed to let him stay in the apartment but only as a slave. Despite being only 30 he quickly agreed; he became part of her inheritance.

The only problem was how much he bored her; the bitch would do everything she asked, without question, without real purpose to achieve anything. He just knew no other life but to do what she wanted, and had no desire to have any other life. Despite Alex’s complete dominant nature, he gave her little to no satisfaction. She liked when they wanted to please her out of fear, still had some fight, a want for something more, even a reward. This bitch wanted nothing, and it was unsatisfying, he’d never plead, never argue, never be happy, just content.

‘Do you just try to ruin everything bitch?’ Alex sighed as she entered. He was gagged but even if he wasn’t it would be the same unemotional response of no mistress she always got from him. Instead he slowly shook his head. Alex moved her way across to her equipment; the only bit of satisfaction she really got from him was when she could take out her frustration. Alex ran her eyes across the tools and selected a long cane. The slave knew what was coming, he got punished most days and it was almost never his fault, things he could never control.

Alex stepped across him. ‘You couldn’t just let me enjoy a sunset in peace. You’re worthless.’ Crack! The first blow came down; it barely caused even a flinch despite the force. He knew better than to move or complain but this angered Alex more. She liked getting people to beg for mercy, cry out in hope she would stop, but he never would. ‘You’re pathetic.’ Crack! The blows and insults continued to make her feel a little better. She may not be able to get him to be interesting but watching his rear end turn from pale to red, watching the skin crack open, welts and bruises form, gave at least some satisfaction. Alex enjoyed hearing the swish of the cane, the sound of the impact and the feel of it making contact with the soft flesh. Even if he wouldn’t react, she knew her blows were causing pain and he was screaming on the inside and that was at least something.

Crack! The blows poured down onto him again and again until her phone beeped. Crack! One last blow and she settled her cane back in the cabinet she retrieved it from and switched off the vibrator. Alex retrieved the phone and quickly read the message. ‘Hi Alex, would you like to go for a drink tonight, could be fun. Soph’

Alex checked the time, it was still early. She had an important meeting tomorrow but meeting Sophia quickly took priority in her mind. Alex had first started going out with Sophia a couple of months ago; since then things had gone from friendly drinks to a steady relationship. Although Alex liked men and enjoyed dominating them, she had a more intimate connection with women. She was openly bisexual to all that knew her and Sophia had stirred something inside her. Unlike her though, Sophia was a lesbian, and had absolutely no interest in men; she had enjoyed watching Alex punish her slave or tease guys but Alex knew Sophia had zero interest in doing it herself.

Alex replied ‘Sounds great Babe, I’ll pick you up in an hour.’ She sent one more glancing look at her slave and left to get ready to go out.

subby999uk 08-28-2015 11:47 PM

Chapter 2
"Come on Tina, you're not leaving me on my own with him" Sue said as she slid her arms into her coat.
"Fuck, I don't need this, I need to do some shopping tonight, I've got nothing for dinner" Tina replied, managing to pack her bag and pull her jacket on without once putting her phone down, she was an expert, she could keep texting while talking, driving, eating, it was a joke in the office that the thing must be superglued to her hand.
"Tell me about it, he's been hanging around me all day, I don't need this tonight" as Sue replied they both saw Ken approaching.
The girls groaned, they were still out of earshot, turning away they shared a look, raised eyebrows and an ironic smile before they turned back to Ken and smiled at him politely.
"Hello ladies, are we ready then?" Ken said, he was excited and a bit nervous to be taking out the two girls, his nerves were evident by the large dark patches under his arms, he always sweated a lot, but today was worse than usual.
Sue and Tina were part of his team, they worked in the packing department printing shipping labels and dealing with returns. It had been months since he'd split with his wife and he was determined to get back in the game. He'd tried going to the bar after work on his own to try and meet someone but that hadn't got him anywhere, his chronic shyness and the fact that he would only drink Coke probably didn't help, his was a familiar face in the bars close to the office and the women who frequented them knew to avoid him now.
These two were a different matter, he'd always found both of them very attractive, Sue was twenty eight, Tina was nineteen, they obviously liked him, they were always laughing at his jokes, he was only thirty five so why wouldn't they be interested, he was still a catch.
"Yes Ken, we're ready" Sue replied, trying to suppress a sigh.
"Ok then, let the drinking commence, we're going to a little place round the corner, they know me there"
Tina couldn't suppress a giggle, she had a friend who worked there that knew Ken was her boss, she'd often tell Tina about his creepy, awkward attempts to approach any woman unlucky enough to walk into the place alone and they'd both have a good laugh about it.

Ken walked into the bar with Sue and Tina hanging back slightly, they were arm in arm, there heads were almost touching as they walked along, whispering and giggling together, they had been close friends for a couple of years, Ken wished he could hear what they were saying.
"Take a seat ladies" he said, indicating an empty table and walked up to the bar.
Jane spotted Tina as the pair of them sat down, she raised her hand and waved and they exchanged smiles, she groaned inside as Ken approached.
"Hi Ken" she said with a thin smile.
"Evening Jane, I'll have my usual, I've got company tonight so get them whatever they want, put everything on my tab"
Aren't we the bigshot, Jane thought "Yeah, about your tab Ken...."
"Don't worry about it sweetie, I'll settle up next week" he wasn't sure how he was going to do that, he only drank Coke, he had for years, he'd had a drink problem when he was younger and now he didn't risk drinking at all. The women that he cajoled into taking a drink from him were a different matter though, they usually picked something expensive, it was only fair if they were going to spend the next half an hour stuck with him. Some of them recognised him and knew he was always good for a few free drinks and would take advantage, letting him get them nicely tipsy before slipping out when he wasn't looking or just telling him they had to go, the bar bills soon mounted up.
"OK Ken, what would they like?" Jane replied
Ken turned to the table they were sitting at, it was the other side of the bar "What can I get you Ladies?" he shouted across to them, far louder than was necessary, the bar went quiet for a second as half the room turned to look at him, there were a couple of sniggers.
Sue put her head down and brought her hand up to her forehead "Fucking prat" she whispered.
"Just one drink and I'm out of here, he's so fucking embarrassing" Tina replied, then she got up and walked over to the bar, she told Jane what they wanted, exchanging looks of amusement while Ken wasn't looking. Then went back to Sue while Ken waited for Jane to prepare the expensive cocktails they'd asked for.
"Why did we let him talk us into this?" Sue said.
Tina laughed "I don't fucking know, he's the boss, got to keep him happy I guess"
"I hope it's worth it, I'm not sure I can take any more of his anecdotes, If he starts telling another drinking story from when he was at college then just shoot me in the head, please, just shoot me" They both laughed, cutting it short as Ken arrived with the drinks "There you are girls, drink up, the night is young"
"Thanks Ken" they both said in unison.
"What's so funny?" he asked.
Silence for a moment as they exchanged glances "Oh nothing Ken, just something that happened at work" Sue ventured, hoping he wouldn't probe any more.
The next few minutes seemed to last for hours, the girls sipped there drinks quietly as Ken got more sweaty as he struggled to think of something to say, he'd killed the conversation dead. This wasn't what he'd hoped for, when he was in the office he'd always managed to entertain them, but now, without work to talk about he realised they had nothing else in common.
The drinks were soon gone as they all sat there sipping them awkwardly, as soon as the glasses were empty Ken jumped to his feet "OK, same again is it?"
Tina glanced at Sue and got to her feet as well "Errrr, actually Ken, I really need to get going, I've got some shopping to do" she said as she pulled her jacket over her shoulders, she looked down at Sue who was glaring at her, Sue mouthed "You bitch!" silently, making sure Ken couldn't see it.
"Oh...OK, well have a good evening then" Ken said, looking a bit crestfallen but feeling relieved that it wouldn't be so awkward.
"Well it looks like it's just you and me then" Ken said, Sue forced a smile and he went to the bar for more drinks.

As they sat there in silence he spotted Alex walking in the door with someone , he couldn't see who it was at first as she was the other side of Alex but as they got to the bar he realised it was Sophia. For fuck sake! Oh so now she's going out drinking with the boss is she?
Sophia had been at the company for three years, she'd started as a packer but had soon managed to get a job in the office, first as a secretary, then soon after as Alex's PA.
Ken had been at the company for twelve years, when he'd started, Alex's father had been running the place, he'd had a good relationship with him and had soon been promoted to shipping manager, it had been a sad day when he died and Alex took over the running of the company.
She was a beautiful woman, the sort of woman that would fluster him whenever he tried to talk to her. She'd never thought he was any good, she just tolerated him as long as he didn't fuck up too badly. If only he could talk to her properly he could make her see that he had good ideas, that he was more than capable of taking the company forward, but he just clammed up whenever he tried to present anything to her, getting so tongue tied that she often just walked away in mid sentence, leaving him sweating and stammering.
He sat there contemplating his life, he couldn't stop himself glancing over at the two women as they laughed and chatted, they seemed to light up the room, they were getting attention from many of the guys, who were all rebuffed with easy by the confident commanding Alex. Fucking bitches, he resented Alex for cutting his career dead, and Sophia for being promoted above his head so quickly, she was technically his boss as well, it was all their fault, his life was going nowhere, no wife, no children, a dead end job, he was throwing his money away chasing women who just treated him with contempt, sometimes openly laughing at him, he wasn't even sure if he could make the rent this month.
He turned his attention back to Sue, she had her head down, typing something on her phone "I see the boss is here, Sophia seems to be well in there" he said, hoping he would find an ally in her.
"hmmmmmm" she didn't even look up.
"Sophia, she's done well for herself, I wonder how she managed that" he pressed.
Finally Sue glanced up from her phone "Sorry, Oh.....yeah, she has, I like her, she's a bit shy, but she's a lovely girl"
For fuck sake, how can she like that bitch? Ken felt alone, everyone loved Sophia it seemed, well fuck them "I've got to go Sue, enjoy the rest of your evening" he said.
He got to his feet and stormed out the bar, knocking a couple of people in the process, getting him some threatening comments.
"Oh Ok, Night Ken" Sue said, but he was already gone, she turned her attention back to her phone.
He was seething at the injustice of it all. When he got back to his empty apartment he'd calmed down slightly, but he was still angry, things were going to change, he wasn't going to let those cunts treat him like shit any more, his mind turned over and over as he lay on his bed staring up at the ceiling.

Hagiology 08-29-2015 01:40 PM

An interesting start, please continue.

The first chapter suffered somewhat from an over-reliance on exposition, e.g "Despite Alex’s complete dominant nature" and "She was openly bisexual " but overall it was well written. The second chapter seemed far more grounded compared to the first where the reader has to suspend reality (i.e the Butler/Slave part) which makes for a slightly jarring transition but aside from that the story seems good so far. It feels original too, I must commend both authors on resisting the temptation to fall back on the common tropes of this genre, such as the typical kidnap scenario. The collaborative nature of the project is also rather unique and I admire the dedication it must take to write that way.

The second chapter feels like a good foundation for the rest of the story to build on, even if the back story is somewhat clumsily explained. I like how how the overtly BDSM aspects of the story have only been teased, the story doesn't feel like it's in too much of a rush.

Overall it's a very good start and I look forward to the next few chapters.

sarahsarah 08-29-2015 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by Hagiology (Post 1894719)
An interesting start, please continue.

The first chapter suffered somewhat from an over-reliance on exposition, e.g "Despite Alex’s complete dominant nature" and "She was openly bisexual " but overall it was well written. The second chapter seemed far more grounded compared to the first where the reader has to suspend reality (i.e the Butler/Slave part) which makes for a slightly jarring transition but aside from that the story seems good so far. It feels original too, I must commend both authors on resisting the temptation to fall back on the common tropes of this genre, such as the typical kidnap scenario. The collaborative nature of the project is also rather unique and I admire the dedication it must take to write that way.

The second chapter feels like a good foundation for the rest of the story to build on, even if the back story is somewhat clumsily explained. I like how how the overtly BDSM aspects of the story have only been teased, the story doesn't feel like it's in too much of a rush.

Overall it's a very good start and I look forward to the next few chapters.

Thank you very much for the feedback. The back story will develop over time and the exposition is to help set the scene early on. We did not want to rush our ideas and would rather build a solid base to build upon and I'm glad you've enjoyed it so far.

Thanks again, we will always appreciate good feedback, especially constructive.


sarahsarah 08-31-2015 03:44 PM

Chapter 3

The car pulled up outside the bar and Alex calmly stepped out into the cool air. “You sure you don’t want to go anywhere a little nicer Soph?” Alex asked. The bar was always friendly enough, great staff, nice atmosphere however she did feel a little dressed up for the place. It didn’t bother Alex too much; it would probably attract the attention she craved but Sophia wasn’t always as keen to have stranger’s glances all night.
“It’s great Alex, will you relax, and I only want a few casual drinks with my best girl.” Sophia smiled and they both made their way towards the entrance.
“Don’t call me girl, it makes me feel young.” Alex replied. She hated being on the receiving end of pet names and Sophia knew it. She would constantly try to wind her up with them.
“Would you prefer me to call you mistress like your little pet?” Sophia taunted. “Come on, let’s get a drink in, you know I can’t resist a nice cocktail.”
“And I assume I’m buying the drinks?” Alex queried already knowing the answer.

Sophia laughed. “Of course you are. It’s one of the best perks of dating the boss. You are the one who likes to control everything and the one with the money; the one who pays me less in a year than she makes in a week.” Sophia loved to wind Alex up about this. In fact Sophia’s salary was incredibly high considering her age, short time at the company and socio-economic background. She knew part of this was down to Alex taking a shine to her but Sophia also knew she was more than capable of the job.
“So that’s one of the best perks? Are you only with me for the free stuff?” Alex leaned in close to Sophia so she was practically breathing into her ear. “Is that all you see me for?” She lightly kissed her cheek and brushed her hand across her. Sophia shook a little.
“Of course that’s not all” she stammered slightly, briefly losing her self-control. “But my god, it’s a nice bonus. Now can we go inside already, I’m freezing my tits off out here?”

Alex chuckled. Sophia always had a way with removing all sophistication and tension, and she loved her for it, it just relaxed every situation, one of the reasons she enjoyed having her help her at the company. They made their way to the bar and Alex smiled when she saw Jane was serving. Jane was one of the nicest people she’d met, never one to cause any arguments and had built up a good relationship with Alex. “The usual for me please Jane and whatever my lovely friend would like.”
“A strawberry daiquiri for me please” Sophia added. The two girls were already attracting a few glances from some of the guys at the bar and Sophia was looking slightly uncomfortable.
“I’ll pay for those drinks ladies.” A guy to the left stood up from his table, clearly trying to impress his friends, hoping to show how easy it was to pick up a nice young girl.
“I wish I could let you do that, but I don’t really want to; so why don’t you move back to your friends over there and leave us in peace.” Alex replied. Sophia smirked at her response; it was amazing how quickly she managed to humiliate people.
“Dan by the way” the guy says causing both girls to roll their eyes. “Haven’t I seen you girls somewhere before.” Sophia sighed. It was always the same with guys, they just wouldn’t leave you alone. Jane brought the drinks at this point and Alex took a quick sip of her martini before replying.
“Yes you have, that’s why we don’t go there anymore.” Sophia and Jane couldn’t help but laugh at this as Dan’s friends burst into laughter as he trudged back to join them.

All Alex wanted was a friendly night with Soph and no matter where they went guys wouldn’t get the message. OK, it must be difficult to spot a lesbian couple but it still frustrated her massively. She took another sip of the martini. She loved the taste of them, by far her favourite drink, sophisticated but delicious. A couple of girls joined them at the bar. “Wow you really are one in a million” one of them said, clearly having witnessed the failed attempts.
“Yep, and so were his chances.” This got another burst of laughter from the girls and Alex started to relax into the setting. Sophia was already near finishing her drink to the surprise of Alex. My god she could drink quickly, at this rate she might have to carry her home. The laughter continued until a glass smashed to the floor on the other side of the bar causing all of them to jump. The four girls and Jane quickly turned to see the commotion as a man stormed past two people and straight through the exit. A woman was shaking her head embarrassed, just staring bleakly at the phone in her hands.

“Alex”, Sophia tapped her on the shoulder and pointed in the general direction of the fuss. “Was that Ken who just stormed out, Ken from shipping.” Alex tried to get a better look at the girl who was texting away.
“Yeah, must have been, because that’s Sue.” Alex finally made the connection; they were clearly out for a few drinks as work colleagues, but who knows what caused the problems. “Do you mind if we go join her Soph, I could do with talking to Sue, and she clearly looks like she could do with the company? She still has a full drink. Jane, could you bring us another of the same when you get the chance. Thanks”
“Not at all, I always liked Sue, she seems really friendly.” The two girls said goodbye to the women at the bar and made their way over to the table. The lighting was a little dimmer in the corner but there was no doubting it was definitely her employee. Sue was a star turn at the company, always hardworking, thoughtful, good ideas and a great personality in the workplace. If only all could be like her.

“Do you mind if we join you?”Alex asked indicating the empty seats at the table. Sue jumped in shock at hearing the voice of her boss. She looked up confused for a second then nodded quickly.
“No, not at all, please, I could do with someone to talk to.” Alex and Sophia sat themselves at the table and smiled finishing off their drinks.
“So how’s the night been?” Sophia asked, curious to find out what on earth had just happened here.
Sue sighed, “Well, it’s been interesting to say the least. Three of us, me Ken and Tina came out for a drink after work. Ken kind of roped us into it but he’s seemed lonely recently and he is sort of our boss.”
“Well, maybe for now” Alex said before quickly changing back to the subject. “So that was Ken with you who just stormed out, and Tina is the new girl right?”
“Yeah she is. Like I said the three of us were here for some drinks, but Tina came up with an excuse and bolted after one. It was really awkward, barely even a conversation. I’d have gone too but I felt a bit sorry for him so agreed to another. Before you know it he just says he has to leave and storms out knocking into people and knocking that glass over. I have no idea what happened but I thought I might as well finish my drink before getting a taxi. What did you mean when you just said for now? You’re not going to sack him are you?”

Jane arrived with the drinks and quickly left back to the bar. This probably wasn’t the right time to have this conversation but Alex didn’t really care. “Well, Ken is a nightmare at the moment. He has been for a few months. Every day he looks worse, his ideas are OK but he literally can barely even put them across to me one on one, practically just wasting my time. He’s a constant reminder of how my father ran the company and he’s been slowly declining ever since, but no I’m not going to fire him.” She took another long sip of the martini and relaxed again resting her hand on top of Sophia’s. Sophia gripped it gently and smiled.

“So, if you don’t mind me asking, if you’re not sacking him then what is happening?” Sue asked, trying desperately not to step out of line despite the boss seeming friendly enough. She didn’t really like Ken, he was a bit annoying, controlling and a general pain, but he had suffered quite a bit lately, and didn’t know how deep the problems went. She didn’t want to see him thrown out onto the streets.

Alex smiled to her. “Of course I don’t mind you asking, I brought it up. I was going to call you into my office tomorrow morning to discuss this but why not here in a friendly place. I’m not planning to fire Ken, but I am going to demote him and promote you to the position, providing there are no problems in the board meeting tomorrow. You’ve earned it as one of my best employees, I know Ken is your colleague but I know you will do a far better job than he ever could.” Alex tried to quickly gauge the reaction from Sue but it took very little effort. The confused look on her face quickly changed to a massive smile of happiness.
“Are you serious, me, shipping manger” Alex just nodded and smiled. “Wow, thank you, this is amazing.” Any thoughts Sue had about Ken had swum a long way from her mind. Her family would be so proud and happy, and the pay rise which would come with it. Alex was satisfied; she was a little bit concerned Sue might care a bit too much for Ken but that seemingly wasn’t going to be a problem.

They finished the current round of drinks and Alex ordered a bottle of champagne to celebrate. “Sue, I know you’re excited but I’d like you to keep this to yourself for just a few more days. There is still the meeting tomorrow which should go fine as I am still the majority shareholder, so whatever I say basically goes, and then I’ll be meeting with all members of your department the day after individually to announce the changes. You can’t tell anyone before that, especially anybody working within the company. Understood”
“Clearly, thank you again. It means a lot to me.” Alex just smiled and raised her glass of champagne. Sue and Tina followed suit.
“To the beginning of something special”

subby999uk 09-01-2015 03:06 AM

Chapter 4

"Yes Andy, I'm sorry this has happened again, let me look into it and I'll get back to you.................I realise you're having to let your customers down.................I'll get the stock to you tomorrow........................I can only apologise Andy, it won't happen again..........Andy?........." Ken put the phone down and slumped back in his chair, great fucking start to the day.
He brought the order up on his screen, Andy ran a small sex shop in town, he was one of their best customers, fuck it, there was a long list of items he'd requested, he'd ordered ten of each item and had only been shipped one of each. Ken looked at who'd processed the order, Tina, he should have known, too busy playing with her fucking phone to pay attention as usual.
He looked out the window of his grubby little office at the two girls, they were at there desks, engrossed in conversation as usual. He should say something, he needed to let Tina know she'd got an order wrong yet again, maybe he should give her a warning.
He walked out and the two girls stopped talking as he approached, he was sure he heard a sigh from Sue and they definitely rolled there eyes at each other when they saw him. "Tina"
"Yes Ken"
"About the order for Taboo...." Tina looked at him intently, raising her eyebrows in expectation, Kens mouth went dry "There was a...........a little problem with it......."
Tina just stared at him impassively, it wasn't the first time she'd been in this situation, Ken was such a wimp he'd just clam up and walk off mumbling in a minute.
She wasn't going to help him, she just stayed quiet and waited ", you really need to pay attention.......he's an important please try......" Just then he saw Sophia striding purposefully through the warehouse towards them.
"Ken, I've just had Andy from Taboo on the phone, he wasn't happy, his order was messed up again and he was very disappointed with your attitude, he said it sounded like you didn't care at all and were just fobbing him off " After the revelations of the night before Sophia was feeling confident and in control, there was no way she was taking any shit from this little man today.
"No, I tried to explain..." Ken was flustered, surrounded by three women, he was way out of his comfort zone "it wasn't my...." he looked at Tina who was still glaring at him, daring him to blame her in front of Sophia.
"Well I've left a note for Alex for when she gets in, Andy wants her to phone him back, I hope for your sake she's able to repair the damage" with that she turned and strode off, despite feeling furious at the injustice of it all he couldn't help admiring Sophia's firm buttocks wriggling around under her tight pencil skirt, the heels she was wearing gave her a sexy seductive sway as she walked. This just made him feel more angry and frustrated, just another woman that he could never have, completely out of his league, like most women were.
Tina could barely suppress her laughter, something that didn't escape Ken's notice, he felt impotent, humiliated, for fuck sake, he was in charge of this department, if people just did their fucking jobs properly......
He wanted to let rip on Tina, it was her fault, she should take the blame for this, he needed to let her know this wasn't acceptable "Tina......Isn't she a bitch? I don't know why Alex rates her so highly, I mean...what does she actually do?" fuck, why am a such a fucking pussy, he thought to himself as the words tumbled out, the camaraderie of feeling united with his colleagues was more important to him than what Alex would say right now, they must feel the same about her, they've watched her come in here and be promoted over their heads as well.
He stood there, eyes darting between Sue and Tina, waiting for them to agree with him, he could feel the sweat trickling down from under his arms, come on, you must be able to see it, he begged silently.
Sue was the first to speak "I don't know about that Ken, I think she knows what she's doing, Alex wouldn't have just anyone working along side her"
"But...but....She just swans around like she owns the place, what work does she do?" Ken tried again, please agree with me.
"She's very good with the suppliers, she's managed to get the prices of a lot of the lines down, they all love her" Sue replied, there was no way Ken was going to mess things up for her, his days were numbered anyway.
"She's always been helpful when I've queried my overtime payments, she always makes sure I get what I should" Yeah, even if you weren't actually here, Ken thought to himself, he knew what she'd been up to, but was too much of a coward to challenge her.
"She's...but she's..." what is she, what can I say "She's a pervert!" he blurted out.
The girls were stopped in their tracks "What?!" Sue almost shouted
Ken's mind was racing, why did he say that? Maybe that was a mistake, but he was angry, fuck it "She...looks a porn, on her the office" he was sweating profusely now, what was he doing?
"How do you know?" Tina asked, she'd actually put her phone down on the desk, Ken couldn't remember the last time he'd seen her without it in her hand.
"I've, seen her browser history, it's not just normal porn either, she's kinky, she likes to look at BDSM stuff"
"Oh come on Ken, it could have been anyone using her computer, you don't know it was her" Sue said, her opinion of Ken had just dropped even lower now she knew he'd been sneaking around "Why were you snooping on her computer anyway?"
"I...I wasn't.......snooping, she asked me to look at it as she had a problem with her email" that much was true, he'd become the companies unofficial IT expert, he didn't get paid for it, everyone expected him to sort out their problems though, just because he was a such a geek.
"What's that got to do with her browser?" Tina chipped in, enjoying Ken's discomfort.
"I...I..had was her, I know it" Ken realised this wasn't going as he'd hoped.
"But you don't know it Ken, lots of people use that computer, the office isn't usually locked, I've used it myself when this piece of shit is playing up, so has Tina" Sue said, giving the PC under her desk a kick.
Ken was filled with frustration, they won't have a bad word said about the wonderful Sophia, he had to make them see her for what she was "IT WAS HER!" he shouted, he was trembling visibly "Look, come with me, I'll fucking prove it" he turned and stormed back into his office.
The two girls squeezed in with him, there was barely room for them to stand behind his chair and they were pushed uncomfortably close to him, they could smell his sweat, they looked at each other and cringed.
By the time they looked back there was a video playing on his screen, it was Sophia's office, she was sitting at her desk, the camera was positioned in the corner, behind her and to one side. As they watched Sophia had her skirt up around her waist and her hand was clearly visible as it flicked furiously between her legs, they saw her other hand come up and she started to squeeze and fondle her tits, sliding it inside her blouse, there was no sound but by the look on her face she must have been moaning as they saw her arch her back in the chair and throw her head back, they could just make out the image on the screen of a woman strapped to a cross being whipped by a leather clad dominatrix.
The girls were transfixed for a while, then Sue said "What the fuck......."
Ken smiled "Yeah, I know, look at the dirty slut, who'd have thought she was such a kinky bitch, it's amazing isn't it" he had them now, they could see what Sophia was doing late at night when she was supposedly working so hard, just watching porn like a horny teenager in their bedroom, there's no way they'll have any respect for her now.
"I mean, what the fuck are you doing secretly filming her, there isn't any CCTV in that room, so you must have put a camera in there, what the fuck were you thinking?" Sue was obviously annoyed, who else was this dirty little pervert spying on? were there cameras watching her desk? In the rest rooms?
Ken's stomach lurched and he felt cold, what had he done? He just wanted to show them, he needed them to see "I....I needed to....." what could he say, watching porn on a work computer out of hours might be frowned upon, but installing secret cameras and spying on staff would get him sacked instantly.
"How long have you been spying on her? who else do you spy on?" Tina was equally shocked, her skin was crawling at the thought of what else Ken might have been doing or watching.
"Fuck Ken, that's just not acceptable" Sue added.
Ken was feeling panicky now, he'd made a big mistake, his frustration had got the better of him and he'd done something rash, he hadn't been thinking straight "I...was asked to put some cameras up because things had been going missing in the office" a pathetic lie that could be disproved so easily "Anyway get back to work, this is not your concern, I'll make sure I deal with it" what the fuck did that even mean? He was scared, praying the two girls would see the funny side and not take this any further.
"Yeah I think we better get out of here Tina, there might be a camera in here as well" Sue said, still annoyed with Ken, she had him though, he was so fucked.....

sarahsarah 09-11-2015 01:38 PM

Chapter 5

Alex strolled into the company late in the morning. The factory was already hard at work when she arrived, the machinery could be heard in the distance and the cool air of her office was a relief on such a warm day. She quickly read over the note on her desk from Sophia and sighed to herself; another order messed up and most likely more money down the drain. One word stood out though in bold letters after the description of the problem and that word was KEN. It always had something to do with him.

Taboo was a large client that had received one tenth of their order and the problem was clearly in shipping. Alex didn’t understand it, manufacturing had made the entire order, but shipping had dispatched ten percent and the other ninety was unaccounted for. Not only was she losing money on the order but the disappearance of the stock would be a large expenditure as well. Her opinion was clear. Ken just could not control that department.
Alex picked up the phone and rang Taboo. “Hi Andy, Alex Friend from binding connections. I want to express my sincerest apologies for the problems with your orders.................I understand, we can get the order to you within two days.................I recognise the loss to your company; we will provide a 10% discount on this order and a 5% discount on the next two.................Thank you for understanding, it won’t happen again, I’ll make sure of it.................Yes the right people are being dealt with.................Nice talking to you as well Andy, I’ll see you next week.................Goodbye.’
Alex hung up the line. She was pissed off, another few thousand dollars down the drain from those discounts plus the costs of manufacturing. At least she’d managed to keep hold of the client; the market was getting more competitive all the time and their position at the top was constantly under threat. The board meeting was in half an hour so she quickly went through her never ending list of emails. Her office phone buzzed. “Sue would like to meet with you if you have the time.”
“Send her in Sophia but it will have to be quick.”

The door opened and her future shipping manager entered the room. “How can I help you darling?” Alex tried to act pleasant but really she was stressed out, she’d lost a large amount of profit, got little work done and had a significant meeting coming up. “Try to be quick.”
“Is this completely private?” Sue asked “Nobody else can hear us?”
“It’s just me and you, now what can I help you with?”
Sue took in a deep breath. “It’s about Ken, I’m not sure how to say this really……. He’s been acting strange for a while……… I don’t know how I can put this…….”
Alex sighed. “Let me just cut across you there, Ken is on a quick slope right now like we discussed last night. He’s getting demoted and I trust you to run it better, especially after this morning’s fiasco. Anything else on the matter and about that nuisance of an employee can wait until the meeting tomorrow. OK?”
“But…… but….”
“No buts on the matter, I don’t have time for it right now, keep working and I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Understood?”
“Yes Miss Friend. Sorry for taking up your time.” With that Sue left and Alex relaxed back into her seat but only momentarily before Sophia entered.

“What is it now?” Alex questioned, not sure she could handle more problems this morning. She looked at Sophia expectantly, waiting for the next catastrophe to come up.
“The board members have arrived for your 11:30 meeting.” Alex looked across to the clock to see it was already 11:25, where had her morning gone.
She glanced back to Sophia, “OK Soph. I want you to join me in the meeting; you might as well see how these things go if you’re going to rise further in the company. You’ll need to see what happens, or more likely, what doesn’t happen at the top level.
“Are you sure Alex, I don’t want to get in your way.” Sophia seemed a little surprised; normally nobody outside the board ever went into these meetings.
Alex thought about it. “Yes, definitely, you’ll have to call me Miss Friend though as an employee in front of the board members. I want you at my side taking notes and observing, only intervene if you feel you must.” With that the two of them left Alex’s office and headed up to the boardroom.

It was half an hour in before formalities were finally completed and Alex finally tried to show some interest. They’d had a quick update on the departments, reread the last minutes and had a coffee break, but finally she was able to speak.
“Thank you for coming everyone.” There were 5 other board members than herself, 4 men and 1 woman. The five of them had all invested into the company when her father ran the business and a couple barely seemed to take her seriously. There was Mike, her father’s best friend and colleague who’d hoped he’d get a big share of the company upon his death, but instead gained nothing and had begrudgingly accepted her. They did not get along and Mike seemed determined to stop everything she did. The others were there simply to do business, but her main problem and barrier was age. The youngest among them was Graeme at 45 and the other four were all over 60 and stuck in their ways.
“A few of you have a few suggestions and points they would like to make but I have a few before you raise them.” Sophia smiled to me in the seat on my left and listened intently. The others pulled out pads, pens and materials to record notes. Alex sighed, they were all of the past, and not one of them seemed to understand technology and what it could bring to the table, not a tablet or laptop in sight except hers and Sophia’s.
“Firstly, I want to address the recent problems in shipping. You are all aware of the mistakes and inadequacies of the department so without further ado I would like to demote Ken Adams from his role. He has no control of his staff or the orders. He has served well however so I would like to return him to his old job within the department.” A few nods appeared to acknowledge this gesture of good will to a member of my Father’s staff. “The most qualified and performing member of staff in the department is Sue Johnson, I will promote her to the role in the coming days.”
A few murmurs spread around the table and Alex rested her hand on Sophia’s thigh as they discussed it amongst them. She stroked the hand slowly across the leg and Sophia glanced back warningly. Alex just smiled and continued to wait. Eventually the discussion stopped. “I take it there are no objections?” When nobody spoke Alex continued. In the position her father left the company board she had a majority say. The only thing that could stop her was the other board members could unanimously vote against a decision vetoing it if they felt it would damage the company. They were unable to make any changes themselves however.

Alex slid her left hand a little higher just so it rested on Sophia’s inner thigh, and Sophia suppressed a slight moan causing a questioning glance from the man nearest to her. “Next up, I will be introducing an entirely new range of mobile and computer controlled devices. I know many of you have been opposed to this in the past, but you all agreed that if I could get some pre-orders for these devices you would consent to the ideas.” Alex felt a little higher with her hands and discovered that Sophia was not wearing any underwear. It didn’t surprise her; the girl was constantly a little risqué. Alex ran her fingers tenderly over the mound eliciting a low moan from Sophia unnoticed by anyone else in the room. Sophia tried to move her hands in the way but Alex pushed it to the side and indicated to her to keep taking notes.
“We now have an order already in place for over twenty five thousand dollars worth of this merchandise from ESD Ltd.” A few eyebrows were raised and nodding around the table. “So I assume this is no longer a point for discussion.” Again there was murmuring but no dispute. Alex could see Sophia was now starting to squirm with the constant teasing attention under the table, completely obscured from anyone else’s view.
“Thirdly, you may have all noticed my assistant Sophia is in the room.” A lot of heads darted towards her as she tried to control her urges. “She is rising quickly through the company and eventually may become a branch manager so I want her to see how it works at the top level. She will be taking notes constantly on her laptop during this for experience.” Sophia mouthed the word bitch to Alex as she realised her hands would now be entirely occupied with typing and providing no protection of her pussy. The rest of the room nodded in acceptance, of all the things they could complain about regarding Alex’s decisions this wouldn’t be one. Sophia had shown huge promise within the company and had a way with clients.

“The final point I would like to raise again is the company name. I’ve raised it before but you keep vetoing my decision. Binding connections is aged, the name is dull, and it is from my father’s old fashioned regime and a constant reminder of it. We need to develop with the times and the trends. People these days can’t even be bothered to type the website as it is too long. I ask one of you to see sense and support me.” Alex inserted a finger deep as she said this and a gasp came from Sophia bringing a glare from Mike.
“I agree with Sophia and her gasp of shock. How can we change the name, it is a trademark, a brand, recognised, admired and respected through the market, just as your father was.” Anger rose rapidly through Alex. It was her company now, not his; she couldn’t stand the mention of him in the boardroom and Mike knew it. Alex let it rest though and took out her frustration by pumping her fingers hard into Sophia’s snatch. Sophia squeaked in shock causing the whole table to turn in surprise.
“Are you OK Sophia” Julia asked, the only other female in the room. “You seem a little agitated and flustered, would you like a glass of water.”
“No… I’m fine” Sophia stammered, “Just… a lot knew to take in.”
Alex smiled, “Well you are taking it in very well.” This got a harsh glance from Sophia. Alex continued to tease her though, as the room discussed finer points of the business, just taunting but never more.

Eventually the room cleared and Alex removed her hand which was soaked in Sophia’s juices. Alex laughed as the room emptied leaving just the two of them. “Well I’d call that a successful meeting, everything without issue other than the damn name.” Alex raised her fingers to her own mouth and sucked them clean. “You definitely seemed to enjoy it; I bet you unquestionably need a session with your computer again later in the day to work off your…….tension?”
“You’re horrendous Alex” Sophia shook her head but smiled to indicate she knew it was true.
Alex smiled back. “But don’t you love me for it.” The two embraced and then made their way out the room. “See you after work, and remember, I’ll be watching.”

subby999uk 09-16-2015 12:57 AM

Chapter 6

Ken was slumped in his chair, it was late and he was tired, most people had already gone but he'd decided to stay late and check all the orders that Sue and Tina had processed that day, he couldn't afford for there to be any more mistakes. His head was still spinning from the barrage he'd received earlier, he should be used to it by now, but it always hurt. It was so unfair, he couldn't watch everything the girls did, he might as well do the job himself if he was going to do that, but he was the manager, so the buck stopped with him he supposed.
He could take Alex shouting at him, making him feel worthless as she let her fury at his incompetence spill out, he knew she'd vent her anger and then she'd calm down and it would be forgotten the next day. This time was different though, she was calmer, not losing her temper, the tirade of comments about his performance were more vitriolic than usual though.
"Things will be changing around here very soon" was her parting comment, this worried him and had been on his mind all afternoon.
He stood up, squeezing himself out from between the desk and the chair that was pushed against the back wall, for fuck sake, there were bigger offices than this that had been empty and used as store rooms for years, he put on his jacket and left.
Walking out the side door he made his way towards the car park, turning the corner at the back of the building he was stopped in his tracks, Sue and Tina were standing next to Sue's car, Sue was just opening up the back door, a pallet truck had been wheeled up to the car, loaded with boxes. The warehouse was deserted, everyone was long gone.
Ken could feel his heart starting to pound as he watched, transfixed by the scene, the fucking bitches, so that's why there were so many 'mistakes'. Tina started to lift the boxes onto the tailgate and slide them into the car, taking his phone from his pocket he started to film them, peering around the corner ready to duck out of sight if they looked in his direction. When he was sure he had enough evidence he put the phone away and strode across the loading bay towards them.
Tina was the first to spot him, almost dropping the box she was holding "Fuck!!"
Sue's head snapped around to look "Shit!! No!...I fucking knew this would happen!"
"What the fuck is going on here?" Ken shouted as he approached the two shocked girls.
Sue started to cry, nooooo!, this can't be happening, why did she let Tina talk her into using her car? She'd had a future here, now she'd thrown it all away, she'd lose her job, maybe even be prosecuted "......Ken.....I......"

Sophia was slumped in her chair, she let the blissful floaty feeling wash over her as her orgasm slowly subsided, her toes were curled and digging into the plush carpet, eyes closed, she pushed her neck back against the soft cool leather of her chair and let out a long satisfied sigh.
When she'd recovered sufficiently she reached down and slid the large ribbed dildo from her pussy, shuddering as each rib was pulled out from between her tight lips, she couldn't resist giving it a few licks, savouring the familiar tangy taste. Alex's teasing in the boardroom had left her unbearably horny, she couldn't wait for everyone to leave so she could relieve the burning need for release with a session in front of the computer, the way Alex had taken control, putting her in such a helpless and embarrassing position had left her feeling quite submissive this evening.
Alex was always teasing her about it, she was her porn addicted little slut, she was so right, Sophia thought to herself. As she opened her eyes she was greeted by the sight of a young girl, hogtied with a beautiful more mature woman gripping her hair and forcing her face into her pussy while another younger woman had a hold of her legs, pulling them wide while she plunged the huge strapon she was wearing into her tight shaven pussy, this brought a twitch to Sophia's soaking clit, for a moment she thought about picking up the dildo again, she was ready to go again already, but it was getting late and Alex would have finished her shopping and be waiting for her at home by now. The thought of getting home to Alex's tender attentions won easily, the porn could wait.
She closed the browser, behind the window was the newly installed CCTV monitoring software that Alex had arranged to be installed, it had been a bit of a secret, only a few people knew about it, an attempt by Alex to find out what had been happening to all the orders that seemed to be going 'missing'.
There were four camera's being displayed, three in various parts of the warehouse and one in the loading bay, it was this one that grabbed her attention. There was Ken, his back to the camera talking to Sue and Tina, she was more interested in the car and the pile of boxes in the back of it though, what the fuck?
She watched for a few seconds as what she was seeing sank in, she tried to think of any legitimate reason why they'd be putting a load of stock into the back of a car after hours, there wasn't one she could think of. She pushed her chair back and stood up, wriggling her hips, she hurriedly pulled her tight skirt back down, she saw her panties on the floor as she slid her feet into her heels, they can wait, she thought and kicked them under the desk. She made her way across the large office, her heels sinking into the thick carpet, threatening to topple her over in her haste.

"I might have known, no one could be that incompetent, I knew you must have been up to something" the three of them stopped dead as soon as they heard her voice, as one they all turned to look at Sophia approach "Well? care to explain what's going on?".
Silence, Sue and Tina just stood with heads bowed, Ken loved the look of defeat on their faces, he'd got them, he was going to be vindicated, he couldn't help thinking about what Alex was going to say, he imagined her apologising for all the unfounded blame that she'd piled on him, maybe she'd even give him a pay rise to make up for the unfair treatment he'd received recently, possibilities went round and round in his head.
"You didn't think you'd get away with this for long did you Ken?"
Ken went cold, he could feel himself starting to sweat "What?......"
"Alex isn't stupid you know, it was obvious the stock going missing couldn't all be explained as 'shipping errors' you three have obviously had this scam going for a while"
"Don't be fucking stupid!!" Ken shouted, his voice shrill, how could she think he was part of this? "I just came round the corner and caught them, they were loading up Sue's car"
"Come on Ken, I'm not stupid either. it's been going on for weeks, are you really trying to pretend you were so fucking stupid you couldn't tell what was going on right under your nose? You must be in on it"
Sue saw a glimmer of hope "I told you we'd never get away with it Ken, why did you have to get so greedy?" she turned on the tears again.
"Why Ken? This company has kept you in work for years, you've always been treated fairly, we've always looked after you, and you throw it back in our faces"
We've looked after you? our faces? who the fuck is we? you turned up here a couple of years ago, who the fuck are you to talk to me like that you fucking cunt!
Ken snapped, before he knew what he was doing he'd lunged forward and grabbed Sophia around the neck, catching her by surprise she overbalanced and fell backwards against the car "NOOOO! you bitch! you think you know everything but you fucking don't, who the fuck do you think you are?" he was screaming, his face inches from hers, showering her with spit as the words tumbled out.
Sophia cringed as Ken's breath and spit hit her face, shocked, she was frozen to the spot. She felt Ken grab her arms, squeezing hard he started to shake her, forcing her painfully against the car again and again "These cunts were stealing from you, it had nothing to do with me, why the fuck can't you see that? why don't you fucking believe me?" his voice was cracking as he shouted.
"KEN!! for fuck sake! what are you doing?" Tina's voice pierced his skull.
He turned to her "You cunts, this is your fault, I've got proof, I filmed you, I'm not getting the blame for this"
"Ken, calm down, think about what your doing" Sue tried to intervene, she stepped forward and tried to prise Ken's hands off Sophia.
"We're all fucked Sue, this bitch is going to ruin us all, can't you see that? Do you want to go to prison" Ken knew Sophia was going to ruin his life, he felt impotent, he knew this wasn't the answer but he couldn't see any way out.
Sophia was sobbing "Ken, please, I won't tell anyone, please let go" she whimpered, for all of her bravado earlier, now she was terrified, she had no idea what Ken might be capable of now he was backed into a corner.
The only way they would get out of this was to stick together, Ken knew this "No, you fucking won't tell anyone, Sue, Tina, none of us were here were we?"
Sue looked at the girl cowering against the car, she looked so beautiful, but so vulnerable and scared, she knew there was no way she'd get out of this situation looking good, whatever happened to Ken. She put her hand around Sophia's throat "That's right, we weren't here, none of us were, understand bitch?"
Sophia's eyes were wide with panic, she nodded, she felt a sharp stinging slap across her cheek "Remember we know where you live, if we hear any more about this you're fucked!"
Ken had released his grip, but Sophia was still up against the car, surrounded by the three of them, their faces loomed in on her, sneering, aggressive, like wild animals, Sophia didn't know who was most scared now, she could get them all sacked, and probably arrested, but the thought of living with the fear of someone paying her a visit terrified her, she'd be jumping at every knock at the door for years, she couldn't live in fear of revenge for the rest of her life "Please, I won't tell anyone, I swear, just go, and we'll forget any of this ever happened"
Slap "That's right, none of this happened" it was Tina this time "Now fuck off, you know what will happen if you tell anyone, we'll be watching you"
Sophia turned and ran, twisting her ankle painfully as she fell off her heel, sobbing and shaking she staggered back to her office.
She fell into her chair, her head swimming with shock and fear, the camera's were still on her screen, the loading bay was deserted.

sarahsarah 09-30-2015 02:27 PM

Chapter 7

Alex entered her apartment after the slightly longer than planned shopping trip and to her surprise was greeted by a faint whimper; at first it confused her; the slave knew to be silent in his cage at all times but she decided to follow the sound. It was coming from the bathroom. She knocked gently on the door with faint crying sounds coming from within and immediately knew it was Sophia. “Soph… honey… please open the door and talk to me.” Alex waited patiently and a few sobs later the door opened and Sophia hobbled out.
“What do you want Alex?” She asked keeping her head low.
“I want to know you’re alright, I want to know what has happened, and you’re never like this.” Alex replied calmingly as she took hold of Sophia and brought her into her arms. Soph, whatever it is don’t worry about a thing. I just want to help and support you” Alex stroked Sophia’s hair gently as Sophia sniffled.
“I don’t think I can say” Sophia sniffled. “It was so scary.”
Alex rested her arms on Sophia’s shoulders “Come to the sofas, I’ll mix up an Irish coffee and then when you’ve settled down a bit, we’ll sort this whole thing out.” Alex smiled then left to make the drinks.

“OK, now are you going to tell me what happened, you know you can say anything and I’ll stand by your side.” Alex sat next to Sophia and rested her hand on her knee.
Sophia shuddered a little as she whispered “They said they’d hurt me badly if I said anything.”
“Nobody will hurt you, not with me around. You’re 100 percent safe. Now tell me what is going on, you’re worrying me a little. Who are they?”
“It was in the loading bay…………… after work…………..” She sniffled “……………the missing stock…………… the three of them……………they, they, they……………”
“Stop there Soph. You’ve said enough. If it’s OK with you I can access the CCTV from my laptop here, I can see for myself what happened and then we can work out what to do. Is that OK?”
Sophia nodded. “But don’t make me watch, I can’t face it.”
Alex set up the laptop and rewound the CCTV to the exact point of the attack on Sophia. What she saw maintained her attention. The four figures on screen transfixed her. There was no sound but the newly installed surveillance cameras were showing a lot. She had no idea what had just happened, but the final result was terrifying.

Alex immediately put her arm around Sophia “Is your ankle OK?” Alex asked. She knew it sounded lame but it was all she could think to say.
“Its fine, I just twisted it slightly.”
“That’s good.” Alex mulled over what to do and exactly what she’d just seen; she could get them all arrested right now, call the police, there was enough evidence to easily convict the three of them. Not just the assault but the theft which had been ongoing could send them all down for years. “So what do you want to do?”
“What do you mean what I want to do? What can I do? They threatened me, threatened to find me, hurt me, they were serious.” Sophia pulled away slightly and looked up into Alex’s eyes and was met by a comforting determined look.
“An empty threat dear; but to be safe, you’ll be staying at mine tonight and for the foreseeable future. I will get someone to pick up your stuff. My slave will be silent I’ll ensure and you can have all the comforts you want. As for what you can do, there are a few things. Firstly you can call the police obviously. I have enough evidence that there is no doubt what happened and all three will probably face long jail sentences. However this puts me down three members of a department with only 5 people. It also lets them off easy in my opinion after hurting someone I care about so much.” Alex looked down to Sophia and smiled. “There is another option but this is your decision not mine.”
“And what would that be Alex?” Sophia enquired clearly curious.

The next day Sophia arrived at the company determined but still slightly worried. Alex had explained everything and made it sound so easy, but Sophia was not convinced entirely. She trusted Alex to the end of the world but this seemed insane and not even possible, but if anyone, then Alex.
She walked into the department where Alex had been the last two hours working out some finer details and to ensure she had sorted out the missing stock, the new orders and morning emails before she faced everyone.
Sophia was nervous as she walked past Ken, Tina and Sue’s stations. Ken shot her the darkest look ever, almost a warning that yesterday was serious. Tina and Sue stopped mid conversation to glare at her menacingly. Sophia hurried away. How could they have done this to her, made her feel scared. Especially Sue, she always thought they got along but yesterday had shown her otherwise. Sophia almost ran up to her office to the satisfaction of the other three; they’d clearly gotten to her. She walked straight past her own desk and into Alex’s office. “Is everything ready?”
“Of course darling. Now, are you sure about this, we can still forget it all and call the police. It is entirely your decision. I’ll support you whatever you choose.”
“I trust you Alex. If you say this will work, it will work, and we can always turn to plan B later if we must.” Sophia forced a smile. “So what do we do?”
Alex stood up, “you are going to ask Tina, Sue and Ken to me office as you would do as part of the job for the meeting with me as was already planned and scheduled with the team. After the five of us are in the office, you leave it to me unless you absolutely feel you must interfere. After that we wait. Now ask them to come up to the meeting with me.”
Sophia nodded, stood up and walked out.
Alex prepared herself for what comes next; she loved these moments but was always anxious in case it didn’t go to plan. She’d thought it all out last night, now it was up to fate.

Sophia walked back to the floor and approached Tina and Sue, she put on a shaky voice as she talked to them. “Girls…. Alex would like you to go up for the scheduled meeting…. If that’s OK.” She lowered her head and backed a couple of paces away. Tina sniggered in slight joy at Sophia’s tension.
“Thanks for the message; we’ll be up in a few moments.” Sue replied hopeful that yesterday’s madness would disappear and all would go as she hoped. She struggled to get any sleep, scared of what Sophia would do. Sue knew the threat was empty, or at least it was to her, all she wanted was for the last day to disappear.
“OK, I’ll tell Ken and then the three of you can head up.” Sophia scurried away towards ken’s small office. Once there the smell of sweat hit her harder than ever. It was clear Ken was nervous, scared even about the coming meeting.
“Ken.” He quickly turned around in shock at the intrusion but quickly gained his composure. “Alex would like to see you for the scheduled meeting in her office.”
“Oh…. Thanks…. I’ll be there shortly.” Ken had been racking his head around what would happen today, his job, his home life, his everything seemed to be hanging by threads.
Sophia quickly hurried back to Alex and took the seat to her left, three seats sat opposite.

The three employees entered together with Sue and Tina clearly trying to hide their disgust with Ken’s appearance and hygiene.
“Please take a seat.” Alex gestured to the three seats opposite and all three quickly sat down. “I have a few things I need to talk to you all about and I expect silence throughout until I finish. You may then quickly ask any questions before being dismissed. Understand?” Alex finished and all three nodded giving Alex queue to continue.
“Firstly after a discussion with the board your roles are going to be changed. Firstly Sue will now take on the role of shipping manager, Ken you will be demoted into her role.” Alex said sharply as Sue smiled. Everything must be going as planned.
Ken seethed in anger “WAIT…. WHAT!!!...HER!?”
“Silence!” Alex responded firmly and sharply. “I don’t want another word til I have finished.” The authority in her voice hushed the room and Sophia smiled as she saw the domineering personality awake in her girlfriend. “This was the case even before some recent events.” With that she spun the monitor in front of her around to show a still frame of the loading bay from the evening before. “Before I happened to see this on my recently installed surveillance.”
The three employees gasped in unison unsure what to do, what to say, there was nothing. Silence lingered in the room for a good minute before Alex continued.
“As you can all see this occurrence was highly discomforting to I and of course to my trusted employee next to me. You are all extremely fortunate that we haven’t gone straight to the police.”
“You wouldn’t dream of it” Ken stammered at Alex struggling to catch his breath but trying to force some control back. The evidence was clear, they were caught red handed.
“Wouldn’t I Mr Adams, right now I don’t think you are in any position to say what I will and won’t do. Now I suggest you be quiet as the next time you speak without me asking and I won’t think twice. That goes for you two as well.” Alex indicated to all of them. Sue and Tina were too dumbstruck for words.
“As you can see though we haven’t yet called the police and I do hope that I won’t have to, however if this is to be the case then so be it.”
“Please….Please don’t.” Tina whimpered in a desperate plea. Alex chose to ignore the interruption.
“I do have an offer for you though, a way of redeeming yourselves and I take it all of you are interested.” Alex looked quickly at the three nodding heads before continuing. “Call it a change of contract. Firstly you will all take a 30% pay cut, a small amount towards what you have robbed from my company in the last few months. Secondly you may not leave the company on any grounds until I say you may leave. You will continue to do your jobs completely to my satisfaction.
“Thirdly and finally you will do absolutely anything and everything that I, or Sophia here, ask of you at any point without hesitation no matter what, when or where it is.”
“And if we don’t?” asked Sue rather calmly but angered inside.
“Well that’s obvious, I ring the police, you go to prison and see how that affects everything else.” The three gasped again and tears formed in Tina’s eyes. Sophia smiled, she knew everything was going to plan and Alex had delivered her speech to perfection with no wiggle room.
“I will say that this is an all or nothing deal though, the three of you must all agree to these demands or we call the police. You have until the end of your shift to talk it over, and decide between you. If you all agree you will return together to this office at 5pm and sign your new contracts. Any questions before you leave?”

subby999uk 10-05-2015 01:03 AM

Chapter 8

"How the fuck did this happen? I can't believe this, you've ruined my life you bitches" Ken was slumped in a chair near Sue and Tina's desks, he was sweating visibly, Tina was closest and couldn't help cringing.
Tina couldn't help smiling at the irony of it, they'd been ripping off the company for weeks right under the nose of this idiot and here he is, in as much trouble as them, probably more. Tina knew if it came to it, they could make it sound like Ken was the ringleader, he was their boss after all, what could they have done but go along with what he wanted?
"Shut up Ken, you're part of this now, you attached Sophia you fucking idiot, we'll make sure you go down with us, can you imagine what they do to guys who attack women in prison?"
Ken could imagine only too well, he'd been thinking of nothing else for the past two hours "But......" his hands clenched into fists, he was seething with anger, he wanted to hit the bitch, well both of them ,for getting him into this, but he was trapped, he needed to keep control if he was going to have any chance of getting out of this.
He sighed deeply, he was beaten "What are we going to do?"
"What choice have we got?" Tina replied "If we don't go along with it we're all fucked"
"It's alright for you, you live with your parents, you can afford to take a pay cut, I can hardly afford the rent as it is, I'll be out on the streets" Ken whined.
"Me too, I'll have to sell my car, I can hardly afford the payments now, aaagh, fuck, this is a nightmare" the implications of her new terms of employment were starting to dawn on Sue.
"All we can do is go along for now and hope things blow over" Ken said, not convinced that was going to happen.
They sat their in silence, contemplating their fate, all looking at the floor, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone.
After a couple of minutes they heard footsteps, looking up they saw Alex striding towards them.
"Well? Have you made up your minds? this is your only chance, agree to my terms now or fuck off and take your chances with the police" It wasn't quite five, but Alex couldn't be bothered to wait, she had their contracts in her hand.
The three of them glanced at each other, squirming in their seats, the tension in the air was palpable, finally Ken spoke up "We agree" he said, his voice quiet and shaky.
"A wise choice" Alex said with a grin, your only fucking choice wasn't it you losers, she thought to herself.
She handed each their new contracts, as they started to glance through the several pages of small, tightly spaced print she handed them pens "Oh just sign the fucking things, you know you haven't got a choice" she snapped impatiently.
They all turned to the back pages and signed them, Alex was quick to snatch them back before they had a chance to read any more of the details.
Turning to Ken, Alex pulled the cap off of an aerosol can she was holding "Ken, you smell disgusting" with that she sprayed him with the can, covering him with the heavily perfumed deodorant, making him cough and gasp as some went in his face.
When she'd finished she tossed the can to him "You'll use that from now on, you'll keep a can of it on your desk and you'll use it three times a day, If I ever can't smell it on you then they'll be consequences".
The deodorant was a cheap brand with a strong flowery feminine scent, very distinctive "Can I use a different type?" he asked timidly.
"Seriously? you're really trying to argue with me already?"
"No....I....No Alex"
"You'll address me as Miss Alex from now on, that goes for all of you, understand?"
"Yes Miss Alex" they replied, almost in unison, Sue's cheeks were burning with the humiliation, she'd always thought of Alex as a friend, how could it have come to this?
"And that goes for Sophia as well, you'll address her as Miss Sophia"
They sat in silence, the realisation of what it was going to be like under the new order of things was sinking in.
Alex chuckled "Awww, look at you, all so sad, well too fucking bad, you made your bed, now fucking lie in it"
"Come with me" she commanded, turning, she walked towards a door near the corner of the building.
The three of them exchanged glances as they stood up, all nervous about what was to come next. They followed Alex to the door, she unlocked it and lead them up a staircase.
Ken led the way, he couldn't help admiring her shapely, sexy ass wriggling in front of his face as she walked up the stairs a couple of steps ahead of him.
When they got to the top Alex turned "I guess you've never been up here Tina, we haven't used this part of the building for years, not since the new unit was finished.
"N-No Miss Alex" Tina replied.
"I'm assuming you've been thinking about how you're going to manage on your reduced salaries, well I have the perfect solution" Alex was loving this, the three of them were terrified of her now, they new she held their futures in her hand, she could ruin them all if the whim took her.
They all looked at her expectantly, they all had an idea what was coming but hoped they were wrong.
"These offices are vacant, you can move in here, aren't I kind?"
Tina looked pale, she was shocked "I-I don't think I could move out, I've never lived away from my parents"
"Nonsense, you're nineteen, it's time you had some independence" Alex loved the irony, letting Tina be independent was the last thing she had planned.
Tina looked around and her heart sank, she was in a long dark corridor lined with doors to small grubby offices, there was a damp musty smell in the air, the floor was covered in worn dirty carpet tiles. She looked inside the first office, it had a florescent light on the ceiling that flickered and hummed, the walls were painted cream but were dirty and scuffed, they still had random pieces of paper, calendars and wall planners pinned and taped to them, it was like the previous occupant had just got up and left one day, leaving the evidence of their working life to be discovered years later. Boxes of junk were stacked against the wall.
"You've got everything you need, there's a bathroom and a kitchen at the end" Alex said, Ken remembered them, the kitchen was just a small windowless room with a sink and a small worktop just big enough for the kettle and microwave that was used by the staff at lunchtime. They walked down the corridor until they reached it, the microwave was still their, after all these years.
The expression on Sue's face was priceless, Alex relished her look of disgust, not quite the swish apartment she'd managed to rent for herself recently, Alex had been around there one evening, it had been a stretch for her but she was very proud of the place.
Finally they reached the bathroom door, Alex pushed it open and they were greeted by a foul smell.
Sue gasped "Shit!" she couldn't hide her revulsion when she saw the state of the filthy toilet and small hand basin, it hadn't been cleaned for years.
"Oh don't look so worried, you have your pick of offices to use as bedrooms, and I'm sure you'll have it looking like home in no time"
"Please Miss Alex, there's no need for this, I'll find a smaller apartment" Sue couldn't imagine having to live in this shit hole, especially with Ken here as well.
"Oh I insist Sue, I want you where I can keep an eye on you. And don't worry, the rent will be very reasonable"
They all turned when they heard that "What?......" Ken exclaimed.
"Well you didn't think you'd be living in my lovely office suit rent free did you?" Alex taunted "I'll be deducting forty percent of your salaries for rent, any complaints?"
They were all ready to burst with anger and frustration at this latest revelation, there would be hardly anything left of their much reduced salaries, they'd be working all day then coming back to this dump every night and getting virtually nothing to show for it.
"No Miss Alex" Ken said, despite the state of the place and the fact that he'd be paying through the nose for it he couldn't help thinking of the possibilities, he'd be living with these two attractive women, there wouldn't be much privacy in the cramped offices, his mind started to swirl with perverted thoughts.
"No Miss Alex" Sue's mind was swirling as well at the thought of being trapped in such confined quarters with Ken all night, but for very different reasons, she was numb, almost in shock, these developments were too much to take in.
"No Miss Alex" Tina couldn't get the image of the filthy bathroom out of her mind, a world away from the luxurious en-suite she had at home in her parents expensive house, fuck, this can't be happening, was all she could think.
"Well it's clocking off time, I'm going to leave you to it, looks like you've got a lot of cleaning to do, I'll be up here again in the morning to make sure you've been working hard, Ken, you know where the cleaning equipment's kept"
"Yes Miss Alex"
"I want you all moved in here over the weekend, that gives you four days to move any furniture you can fit in."
Sue was sobbing now, it was just getting worse and worse, she thought about washing, there would be no more nice luxurious hot showers, there was one small hand basin that they would all have to use to wash themselves, it was going to be a nightmare "Please Miss Alex, please don't do this" she begged pitifully.
"Oh shut up Sue, I've hardly started, so stop whining and get busy" Alex was bored with them now, the offices were cold and damp and the mouldy smell was starting to make her feel sick "I'm going, remember what I said, you've got until the morning to get this place habitable"
They all watched her stroll down the corridor and disappear down the stairs in silence, as soon as they heard the door at the bottom of the stairs slam shut the shouting and recriminations started, they were all feeling frustrated and impotent and needed to let off steam, venting their anger as they each blamed the others for the predicament they were in.
Eventually they calmed down, half an hour had passed and the cleaning still needed to be done, reluctantly they got to work, Ken was delegated the delightful task of scrubbing the toilet clean as the girls started to take the rubbish that filled every room down to the bins.
By midnight they were all exhausted but the place was at least empty and the smell was starting to fade, they all made their ways home, trepidation of what was to come in the morning filled them all, it was obvious the repercussions of there actions and their decision to go along with Alex's plans would be far more profound and far reaching than just a change to their terms of employment.

CutieGurlTaylor 10-07-2015 01:19 AM

do you guys know what the next/past part will be about? or do you have to read the story and then come up with the next part?

sarahsarah 10-07-2015 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by kg69 (Post 1935917)
do you guys know what the next/past part will be about? or do you have to read the story and then come up with the next part?

We have a general idea what the other person is going to write about and check it with each other on chapters first before posting, as well as discussing long term ideas for the characters.

sarahsarah 10-08-2015 04:21 AM

Chapter 9

Alex arrived home and found Sophia curled up in bed. It was only 7pm but Alex knew she’d had a tough couple of days, so decided to let her rest for a bit. Alex decided to check up on her slave, she’d been preoccupied the last few days so had done nothing but let him out twice a day to use the toilet and got him to fill up his food and water dishes. “How are you?” she proclaimed as she marched into the room.
“Good Mistress” was all he replied, huddled up in the corner of his cage. Alex sighed, the moment she saw him she was bored. The same monotone voice, willing but not interested, obeying but not determined. Alex couldn’t stand it anymore. She grabbed a key from her nightstand and walked over to the cage.
“Frank. I want you to listen to me very carefully.” His head turned up slightly. “I can’t cope with this anymore; I have too much going on in my life and have found three new projects. I know you have been willing and done close to nothing wrong, even when I’ve been unjustly rough with you.”
Frank got a serious look on his face. She never addressed him by his actual name, not since her father had died. She meant it all. “Mistress, please don’t.”
“Frank. I’ve made up my mind.” She turned the key in the lock and opened the metal door to the cramped cage. “Get out and stand up.” Frank obeyed instantly not knowing anything else but serving. Alex looked him over, why couldn’t he just be more interesting she thought. He had such good intentions and had served her well but she just wasn’t fascinated or concerned.
“You’ve done your job well as much as I didn’t want to and I know my father would want you to be looked after. I have a link to a few places if you are desperate to still be a slave but I hope you move on and find a new life Frank.” Tears actually started to appear in Frank’s eyes. For the last 7 to 8 years this had been his entire life.
“But what will I do? This is all I know” Frank mumbled, for the first time shaken and worried.
“You’re still young enough. Meet someone, get a proper job, make a life for yourself and have some fun. Do you want to spend the entirety of your life trapped in a cage? I will help you as well with money. I’m going to transfer $40,000 into your account as payment for your hard work and will provide you with the greatest reference ever for a butler. I have also asked Jane in the local bar to rent you the spare room as a favour for me. I have never cared much for you Frank, but I’m not going to just throw you onto the streets, but I don’t really want to see you again.”
“Thank you Alex, you’ve given me everything I wanted and needed.” Alex, he called me Alex she thought. That name hadn’t passed his lips in so long it felt weird.
“Not a problem. Now pack your stuff, it’s all in the wardrobes on the far side, and leave. I want you gone before I wake up.” Alex patted him on the shoulder, more affection than she’d ever shown him in the past and then exited the room leaving Frank motionless, confused and silent.

Alex returned to the living room and pulled out her phone and started to text Tina. ‘Hello, I want you at the company 6:30 sharp tomorrow, clocked on and waiting outside my office for me. Understand?’
Out with the old and in with the new she thought, and then went to wake up Sophia. The reply didn’t take too long, just three words. ‘Yes miss Alex.’ It wouldn’t be too long before that changed to mistress but she had to be patient. Tina will be easy but Ken was a loose cannon and Sue still far too proud to break easily.
The contracts were still lying on the table; all of them hadn’t even had a chance to read it properly but some of the finer details were crucial. This would be enough to protect her and Sophia should any of them have a drastic change of heart. There was no way anyone could prosecute them when she had these no matter what she did.
Alex now had entire control over their weekly rota and timetable.
Alex now had entire control over their wages and could determine any changes and how it should be spent.
They had agreed to any punishment deemed necessary at any point.
They had all accepted to do absolutely anything she asked of them, and had agreed to allow any force or action against them without even reading it.

The points went into a lot of detail but they had practically all signed over their lives unknowingly and she loved it. She wanted to break them though and not just force them.
Sophia walked into the room in a dressing gown and sat herself down next to her lover. “Hi Alex, how is it going?” she asked, knowing how busy the day had been.
“Where to start Soph, I’ve just got rid of Frank.” Sophia smiled; the slave annoyed her and just seemed a pain, especially as an older guy. “He’ll be gone by morning. I’ve moved our three delinquents to the upstairs offices. It is so grim up there but hopefully they’ll have it into useful shape for when I expand production.”
Sophia chuckled. “You are such a bitch Alex, how can you ask anyone to live up there? It’s horrible.”
“Who do you think your calling a bitch darling?” Alex remarked with a smirk. “I just need them to clean it all out and it’ll save me a job. Consider it a scare factor. I’ve put in a bid for the three bedrooms flat on the ground floor, so I can have them close and watched at all times. Obviously rent will still come out their wages, not to mention the gym memberships when they start those.”
“So everything is working out?” Sophia jumped onto Alex’s lap.
Alex leaned in for a quick kiss. “Of course, just like I said, and for an added bit of fun, Tina will be in my office first thing tomorrow; time to have some entertainment.” She leaned back in to the kiss and in one movement Sophia’s dressing gown was lying on the floor leaving her completely exposed. “Much better; a perfect form like an angel.”
“So how come you get to keep your clothes?” Sophia quipped. Alex flipped Sophia onto her back on the couch and tentatively kissed down her neck.
Her lips travelled further planting a kiss between every word as Sophia moaned. “Because… tonight… my… darling… is… all… about… you.” As she finished the final word her lips made contact with the right nipple causing Sophia to gasp. Alex’s tongue flicked out just brushing over the tip in slow movements, circling tentatively around it, just causing enough contact to elicit small reactions.
She quickly switched nipples barely even removing contact and repeated the process. Alex could feel Sophia twitching underneath her with every movement being greeted with a reaction. The moans were already growing as Alex departed the breasts and travelled downwards.
The kisses continued to plant a path downwards until Alex could feel and smell Sophia’s juices coating her pussy. She licked her lips and dived in to the job, no longer taking the delicate approach used on the nipples but furiously attacking with her tongue. The moans above grew louder with every second as the inevitable orgasm approached.

Alex and Sophia arrived at the company just before seven the next morning, the night before a bit of a blur. Most staff arrived at about half 8 so the building was near deserted apart from the night staff finishing their shifts. Alex went straight to the clocking on machine where she saw only one name clocked on in the department, Tina’s.
She quickly checked the time and was met with a little disappointment. 6:32 was the time displayed. One request and she’d already failed. Sophia had a sly grin at it though as she clocked on her own card, knowing that Alex didn’t tolerate any mishaps. They made their way up to the office to find Tina slouched against the wall with eyes closed. “Up straight” Alex barked out the order sternly and Tina’s eyes shot open and instantly she stood upright.
“I thought you said half six Miss Alex?” Alex smiled at least she got one thing right. “I did, which is when you were supposed to be here, you were two minutes late. I can get here whenever I choose, now don’t question me again.”
Tina looked shocked at the response as Alex opened the door. “Sorry Miss Alex, it won’t happen again.”
“You’re right it won’t and I’m going to make sure of it. In!” Tina quickly scurried through the door into the boss’s office and it was locked behind the three of them. Tina was starting to feel scared; why did they need to lock the door, what was happening. “Firstly I have a message which you will be delivering to the other two. Everything else which happens here will remain between the three of us for now. Understand?” Alex finished and Tina nodded.
Sophia sat down on Alex’s desk just watching everything happen whilst resisting the temptation to play with herself. There will be plenty of time for that in a bit.
“You will inform Sue and Ken that from now on the three of you will be attending a 3 hour gym session every Monday, Wednesday and Friday after work, where you will do a range of exercises laid out for you when you get there. I want you all in top shape.” Tina groaned, she hated exercise, she had a slim figure but from eating healthily rather than working out.

“Now for the fun part of this morning and I want you to do everything without delay. Now strip.” Alex tone of voice didn’t even change from the first comment. Tina looked like someone had slapped her hard across the face. “Wh…Wh…What?” Alex sighed. “I’ll let you off with a warning this time but you refuse again and there will be consequences. Now strip.”
Tina reached down and pulled off her top before removing her shoes and then black skirt she always wore to work. She was left in just her bra and panties. Sophia unable to resist the urge anymore, watching Alex reveal her dominant nature, her hands reached down and started to play with her pussy. Tina hesitated and Alex landed a swat on her ass causing Tina to jump. “Did I tell you to stop?”
“No Miss Alex.” She replied and reached round to unclip her bra before sliding her panties to the ground and stepping out, leaving her entirely naked in front of her boss and her boss’s assistant. She could see no other alternative though; prison was not an option to her and this had to be the better way. She was starting to realise the extent of what Alex had planned though and it scared her, tears starting to form in her eyes, her hands reached to cover herself but Alex just swatted them away. Tina let them rest by her sides.

“Much better” Alex said as she strolled around the naked 19 year old girl in front of her. “On your knees.” Tina quickly dropped down. “Hands on your head, legs spread.” Tina quickly followed the orders hoping for this to end quickly. “Much better, you’re getting the hang of this.”
Sophia inserted a finger into her own pussy as she continued to watch the show play out exactly as she hoped.
“Please Miss Alex. Don’t do this.” Tina pleaded. A sharp swat of a hand landed on Tina’s right breast almost knocking her to the ground but she quickly regained her position.
“I know this is new, but never tell me what to do. Now whenever I say P1 short for position 1 you will get into this position. Understand.” Tina nodded. “A sharp slap landed on her left tit. “Answer properly.”
“Yes Miss Alex.” Tina sobbed. “Better.” Alex replied as she continued to circulate the young girl assessing every inch of her body. “Hands behind your back; face to the floor, ass up.”
Tina took a moment to process the request but then quickly got to the position. “Higher.” Tina forced her ass higher into the air exposing her completely to the two women. Alex reached forward and stroked the round ass in front of her. “Excellent, whenever I say P2 you will get into this position. Understand?”
“Yes Miss Alex.” The tears were now running freely down Tina’s face but Alex also noticed the matching glistening wetness on her pussy betraying her feelings. She smiled.
“Stand back up straight; hands behind your back and legs slightly spread.” Tina instantly followed the orders. “Better, much better, you may have at least some competency after all.” Tina smiled at the backhanded compliment, which didn’t go unnoticed by Sophia who smirked at the vulnerability of the teen. “This is P3.” Tina nodded her understanding. “Now go to P1.”
Tina instantly dropped to her knees with hands on head. “Good. P2.” Tina followed quickly again. “Good.” Tina smiled. Something about the approval made her happy, like she was succeeding, impressing the boss; the tears were dissipating quickly. “I’m glad you can follow basic orders. There may be some hope for you after all. We know you can do the basics now at least. P1.” Tina shot back up to her knees and Alex leaned down resting her face just inches from Tina’s. She ran her fingers slowly through the girl’s hair and rested her hand under her chin forcing her to look upwards. “Now this is just the beginning, you want to impress me don’t you?”
“Yes Miss Alex. I want to impress you and Miss Sophia.” Sophia let out a small moan at this.
“Good. Are you going to do all you can to make us happy, because you will like me a lot more when I’m happy?”
“Yes Miss Alex, I want to make you happy.” Tina couldn’t believe the words coming out her mouth, she felt disgusted at her position right now; she wanted to run for the hills, never come back, but she also didn’t want to see any disappointment in the deep, piercing eyes she was currently staring into, which almost seemed to reach back into her soul. She wanted them to look at her with pride, she wanted to impress them.
“Prove it, what will you do to make me happy?” Alex whispered into her ear, this was going better than even she had hoped it would. She’d awoken a natural submission and urge to please in the girl.
“Anything you want Miss Alex.”
“Call me mistress.”

subby999uk 10-12-2015 10:10 AM

Chapter 10
The flowery perfume was permeating the room, a sweet sickly aroma, infinitely better than the stench of Kens body though.
"Well, put it down" Alex said, not even glancing up.
With shaking hands Ken lowered the tray with a cup of coffee and a plate of pastries, the china cup and the plate rattled in his trembling grip. Then he stood next to the desk, arms by his sides and waited.
Ken had come down from the grim room where he now spent his nights at six am, just as he had every day this week, he needed to clock on by six or he would be in trouble. His morning started by cleaning Alex's and Sophia's offices thoroughly, he knew there were CCTV camera's watching the rooms, he'd installed them after all, but now he had no way of accessing them. The dress code Alex had given him for his morning chores was simple, a pair of very tight leather shorts that left little to the imagination and a pair of high heels that made every task twice as difficult and were a constant source of pain. After three hours of hobbling around on them his feet were in agony and his calves were burning and cramping.
As he stood there shivering, he was directly under the air conditioning vent in the ceiling, something Alex was well aware of, he contemplated what had happened in three short days.

On Tuesday Tina had been very sheepish all day, she was obviously very embarrassed about what had happened that morning, every time Ken asked her about it she got flustered and her cheeks turned bright red, she wouldn't reveal any details though.
It wasn't until the afternoon that he got summoned to Alex's office.
As he entered Alex was sitting behind her desk, Sophia was sitting on a large couch against the wall to one side "Get in here Ken" she barked as he slowly opened the door with trepidation.
He waited in silence, his mouth was dry and his heart pounding, Alex stood up and walked around her desk "Well you smell a bit better, your clothes are still filthy though, get them off"
"wh-what?" Ken was taken by surprised, this isn't the direction he though this was going to go.
"You heard, get them off" Alex snapped, he caught Sophia smirking out the corner of his eye, she was obviously enjoying his discomfort. When Ken still didn't move Alex said "Do I need to remind you of the new terms of your employment? You do everything I ask, without hesitation, understand? Now this is your last chance, get your clothes off or leave the premises, your choice, but remember what will happen if you leave"
Ken stripped, his shaking fingers fumbling with the buttons, in a few seconds he was standing in his white briefs, well they were originally white, they were now grey and stained.
Alex cringed when she saw them "Get those off as well, you really are disgusting Ken, how dare you come into my office in that state you filthy little man"
Ken's cheeks burned with shame as he pulled the dirty briefs down his legs, he left them on the carpet at his feet as he stood up straight again, Alex raised her eyebrows "Really? you're just going to leave them there?"
Ken bent over and picked them up "Sorry Miss" he said under his breath.
Suddenly his cheek was stinging with pain, Alex had brought her hand sharply across his face "Sorry? you'll be sorry, and it's Miss Friend now, understand?"
"Y-Yes.......Miss Friend" Kens mind was swimming now, what the fuck was going on?
A distasteful aroma was wafting up from Kens briefs, they could both detect it, Alex looked down at them, almost gagging at the sight "Get those out of my sight, put them in your mouth you disgusting pig"
Ken was about to question her, but the expression on her face made him think better of it, he pushed the briefs into his mouth, he struggled to get them in, his cheeks were stuffed but still there was some material hanging out, Alex smiled as she watched the ridiculous sight. When Ken stopped pushing she picked up a pen and started poking the rest inside "Come on boy, get it all in there" she said as she prodded the pen into his mouth forced the material further down his throat. Finally the briefs disappeared and Ken stood there with his cheeks bulging out like a chipmunk, his breathing was heavy and laboured now.
Alex turned to Sophia "He doesn't look nearly as scary now does he darling?"
Sophia grinned back "Not scary at all Alex"
Alex turned her attention back to Ken "Turn to Sophia, look at her" she commanded.
Ken turned reluctantly, he could hardly bring himself to raise his head and make eye contact, his cheeks felt like they were on fire as they burned with shame and humiliation.
"Look into the eyes of my lovely girl, the girl you thought it was OK to abuse and threaten, that's a decision you're going to regret for a very long time"
Ken glanced at Alex, his eyes pleading, he wanted to beg for forgiveness but he couldn't utter a word with his mouth full.
"Look at her not me you disgusting runt" Ken's eyes returned to Sophia.
"Now sweetie, time to exorcise a few demons, you shouldn't have to be nervous around this idiot, come here, don't be scared" Alex could tell Sophia was unsure, she didn't want to force her, but it was important for Sophia to put what happened behind her, she needed to do this, to put herself in control so she'd never be intimidated again.
Slowly Sophia stood up and walked over to Ken, standing just in front of him, he didn't seem anywhere near as scary standing there naked and vulnerable, smelling like a whore's mattress.
"Kick him darling, kick him in the balls, show him just what you think of the little prick"
Sophia glanced at Alex, that was a surprise "Really?"
"Yes really"
Kens eyes were wide and manic, he was looking panicky now, his gaze flicked from one to the other, looking for any sign that this might be a bluff to scare him, it was obvious from Sophia's expression that it wasn't.
"Come on darling, just kick him, what can he do? He belongs to me now, there won't be any repercussions" Alex had her arm around her waist comfortingly.
Sophia looked into Alex's eyes, she was so in control, as always, with Alex to look after her she felt more safe than she ever had. Suddenly anger started to rise inside her and her attention snapped back to Ken, before she could think, her knee came up hard and made contact with Ken's tender balls.
He let out a muffled bellow and collapsed to his knees, clutching his crotch, his eyes were wild as his chest heaved as he sucked air through his nose as best he could.
Alex let out a squeal of delight "Oh well done darling, I bet that felt good"
"It did Alex" Sophia said, surprised at how satisfying that was.
"Get up Ken, and get your hands behind your back. That one must have caught you by surprise, you don't move again without permission though, understand?"
Kens heart skipped, again? That wasn't the end of it? He struggled to his feet and stood in front of Sophia, nodding he clasping his hands behind his back.
"Get your feet apart" Alex commanded, Ken shuffled his feet until they were about thirty inches apart.
"That was a nice warm up, now step back a bit sweetie, and use your foot this time" Alex said softly, not wanting to force her, hoping Sophia would take the initiative.
"OK" she said with a grin, taking a step backwards she looked at Ken's downturned face "Look at me" she said.
Ken's head came up and his watering eyes met hers, she held his gaze for a few seconds, not breaking eye contact her foot shot up, making contact with the soft pendulous sack between his legs. The effect was dramatic, the scream that emanated from behind the gag was anguished, Ken bent double and his knees buckled, but he managed to stay on his feet.
"Back in position" Alex ordered, giving him only a few seconds to recover, Ken forced his body up again, he'd managed to keep his hands behind his back.
His sobbing eyes came up to meet Sophia's again, hoping to see some pity, but there was none.
Sophia felt a feeling of power surging through her, it was intoxicating, seeing the guy that had terrified her a few days ago standing there sobbing and moaning in pain, helpless, powerless, was one of the most satisfying things she'd ever experienced. She didn't waste any time, her foot came up again, this time she concentrated on bringing it up as hard as she could, she was focussed on Ken's face, relishing the look of agony as fresh pain shot through his unprotected body.
This time Ken couldn't keep on his feet, he crumpled to the floor and rolled into a ball, clutching his poor tortured balls.
"Get UP!!" Alex screamed "You've got five seconds"
Ken pushed himself to his knees, his chest was burning with the effort of sucking air though his restricted airway.
His legs were like jelly as he got to his feet, as he straightened the urge to keep his crotch covered with his hands was overwhelming.
Sophia was looking at him impassively, a thin smile on her lips, the nervous girl that he'd intimidated was nowhere to be seen.
With every ounce of willpower he could muster he pulled his hands away from his balls and clasped them behind his back, he spread his shaking legs again, his feet were spread but he couldn't help turning his knees inwards to bring his thighs closer together.
"Feel better now daring? That must have felt good" Alex said softly as she leant in and kissed Sophia on the cheek, she was so proud of her.
"It was Alex, so satisfying" She replied, then turned to Ken, her expression was so cold Ken knew what was coming, this time she caught his balls with the sharp toe of her red pump.
Ken crumpled again, he pulled the briefs from his mouth and gasped desperately to fill his burning lungs, the pain between his legs was the worst he'd ever experienced, he didn't know anything could hurt that much.
"Pleeeese, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, please don't hurt me any more" Ken was broken, he'd do anything to avoid any more pain, Sophia loomed over him, he was terrified of her now, he knew she could send fresh waves of agony though his body if the whim took her.
Sophia and Alex both looked down at him, there expressions a mixture of satisfaction and revulsion, Kens eyes were darting back and forth, looking for a hint of forgiveness.
He crawled over to Sophia on his belly and started kissing her shoe desperately "Please Miss, please, I'm so sorry" Kiss, Kiss "what I did was unforgivable, I'll do anything to make things right" Kiss, lick, Kiss.
Sophia let him carry on for a while, relishing the power she had over the snivelling worm, finally she tired of his pathetic begging and sobbing "Get up Ken, I don't know if I'll ever forgive you, but you're going to spend a long time trying to make things right"
Alex slid her arms around Sophia and kissed her passionately on the mouth "You were amazing, I'm so proud of you darling, I love you so much"
"Thank you Alex, thank you so much for setting this up, I feel like a different person" She looked down at Ken, he was still clutching his balls and rocking back and forth on the floor "I can't believe I was so scared of that prick, I mean, look at him"
"I know sweetie, there was nothing to be scared of, nothing at all. Ken get up and get back to your room" Alex's tone couldn't be more different, her soft soothing tone when she whispered to Sophia changing instantly to a harsh bark as she addressed Ken.
Ken got up, it was after hours now and still naked he dashed out the office and ran through the deserted warehouse, still clutching his swollen balls. He made his way up the stairs and collapsed on to his small camping bed.

His balls still ached, it had been three days and the swelling was just starting to go down, every movement reignited the pain and reminded him of Sophia's revenge. Every time he met her his stomach lurched in fear, he was terrified of upsetting her again, as much as he was scared of upsetting Alex.
It had been fifteen minutes since he'd put the tray down for Alex, she'd enjoyed a leisurely breakfast as she browsed the internet as Ken stood there, shivering miserably. Time was getting on and people would be turning up for work soon, he needed to get back to his room to change, he'd managed to avoid being caught by anyone in his shorts and heels, so far.
Alex grinned as she saw the time, she hadn't needed him any more this morning, she just enjoyed making him wait. Finally, when she heard some people outside the offices she said "OK Ken, you're dismissed, remember I want you back here at lunch time"
"Yes Miss Friend" For fuck sake, Ken wanted to scream, why hadn't she just let him go quarter of an hour ago? His lunch breaks were now spent attending to Alex's and Sophia's needs. With his heart pounding he made his way to the door, opening it nervously he glanced around before mincing out and stumbling towards the stairs as quickly as the heels would allow, just as he reached the bottom of the stairs he heard a loud wolf whistle behind him, fuck........

sarahsarah 10-15-2015 06:28 AM

Chapter 11

It was Wednesday afternoon, as Alex sat patiently behind her desk thinking over the last day. Tina was now hers; totally, completely, she would do anything asked of her within reason right now. Alex has opened up a desire in the girl to be controlled, a desire neither of them even knew existed until yesterday. Ken had been brought completely to his knees, literally and figuratively. That just left Sue, one last person to break, but this time Alex knew it wouldn’t be quite as simple.
Sue was a proud woman, always had been, she would not be quick to respond like Tina. In fact Alex was a bit worried she’d take a jail sentence instead, but she had an idea that could get her to break. The knock on the door roused Alex from her thoughts and Sophia quickly entered. “Hi Alex. You asked me to come up to the office? Is it work or pleasure?”
Alex raised a finger to silence Sophia. “Yes darling, I did. I have another session planned for right now you probably don’t want to miss. We are going to be playing a little bit of a game with Sue and Tina, a bit of a demonstration of my power.”
Sophia smirked. “OK, I have to say I’m intrigued. What’s the game?”
“All in good time my dear, for now, make yourself comfortable.” With that Sophia rested herself on the couch at the side. Alex was never sure why she had a couch in the office, perhaps for the more informal meetings, but she liked it.

Ten minutes passed before there was another knock on the door. “Enter” the firm voice from within spoke, and slowly Sue walked in followed by a nervous looking Tina. “Tina, could you be a darling and lock the door behind you.” Tina shook mentally as Alex said this; the meeting yesterday was not long forgotten and she was still uncertain of her feelings. She wanted nothing more than to impress and please Alex but it scared her.
“Yes mistress.” Tina replied as she clicked the lock shut. Sue looked at Tina a little surprised. Did she just call Alex mistress, she had seemed a little strange since yesterday morning and Sue was increasingly worrying about what had happened between the others, and what might be about to happen now.
“Well done Tina.” A little surge of approval shot through her body causing her to smile. She couldn’t explain why; why did she want to hear Alex praise her; what was in that firm, domineering voice that caused this tingle inside her. “Tina P1.” Alex said firmly. Sophia smirked as she watched the teen instantly go red at being humiliated in front of her close friend. Tina quickly dropped to her knees; legs spread and rested her hands on her head. Sue’s mouth shot open as she witnessed this total obedience, total submission to the boss.
“What’s going on Miss Alex?” Sue asked, unsure what to think. She was staring down at her friend completely will free to her boss that she always considered a friend as well. Alex just smirked as she strolled over and stroked Tina’s hair, showing absolute control over the situation. “P2.” Tina didn’t even hesitate now, she knew better than to fight.
She quickly brought her face down to the floor and raised her ass into the air as high as she could. Again Sue looked shocked, struggling to form words.
Alex gently patted Tina on the behind almost as a sign of approval. Even this caused a stir in Tina; this act of total degradation was making her buzz in excitement.
“This is madness Miss Alex. Why is she doing this?” Sue almost wanted to grab Tina into a hug and pull her away from this torment, help her to make it stop but she couldn’t think how. Something else also stopped her in her tracks though. Tina seemed to be smiling, almost getting pleasure from this.
Alex smiled again, a malicious smirk of total control and power. “You see Sue, Tina here is understanding exactly what her new terms of employment are, what is to be expected of her, what I want from her, and she is embracing it. What do you want right now Tina?”
“To do whatever I can to make you happy mistress.” Tina replied, but she wasn’t even certain why, the words had almost poured out of her as if Alex had dragged them ou, like she was a puppet to her control. Something made her want this.
Alex stepped right in front of Sue. “Soon, you will learn that I have total control here as well, and you will understand.” Alex brought her voice to a whisper and gently purred into her ear. “Soon, you will also call me mistress.” Alex stepped quickly away, partially for presence and partially because she knew if Sue was going to lash out, it would likely be now. But Sue was motionless.
She looked back down at her friend, looked back to her boss and flicked between the two. She was getting flustered, tears forming in her eyes. “I don’t think I could, I….I…. I can’t…. It isn’t me.”
“Nonsense my dear. You will come to embrace it, don’t worry though, I’m not going to force you to do this.” Sue smiled at this, a glimmer of light. Perhaps Alex would be nice after all.
“But I’m going to promise you something, by the time you leave this room you will have chosen to lie down naked on my desk, spread your legs, and fuck yourself to orgasm with this dildo.” Alex rested a small pink dildo on the desk and smirked.
“WHAT! Are you fucking crazy?” Sue finally lost her temper, this was insane she thought. She would never demean her body like that in front of people.
Alex took two steps forward and caught Sue with a sharp slap to the face bringing her down to her knees. “Remember who you are talking to Sue.”
Sue sobbed on the floor and only managed to whimper out a response. “I’m sorry….Miss Alex… But I could never do that.” Tears now running freely down her face she couldn’t even bring herself to stand up.
Tina, still kneeling on the floor in position, looked across to her friend, she realised she would have been exactly the same just over a day ago, how quickly things could change.
“Better. Now remember Sue I said you have a choice though. If you so wish you could walk out of here after this meeting having done absolutely nothing, or you might walk out of here after doing exactly what I just said. What do you think Sue?” Alex smirked; there was no way this woman would leave here completely untouched.
Sue brought her head up to meet Alex’s eyes. Sophia just watched anxiously, could Alex really get this woman to degrade herself like she described. She looked over at the pink dildo, Sue was so proud ever since they met, would she really fuck herself with that thing in front of the rest of them.
“I’d rather do nothing Miss Alex, if that really is an option?”
Alex laughed. “Of course it is an option.” She added an edge to the last two words. “But it won’t be quite as simple as just walking out of here.”
Sue didn’t like the sound of that, she knew there’d be a catch, but was still hopeful for a way out. Sophia was now on the edge of her seat waiting for what was to come.
“Tina. P3.” Tina shot up to her feet with her hands behind her back; she’d been wondering when Alex would acknowledge her again. “We’re going to play a little game Sue. There will be 10 rounds in total. Each round I’m going to give you an option A or an option B. All you have to do is pick one. If you only ever choose option B, you will walk out of here completely untouched, unaffected as you are right now, but I don’t think that will happen.”
Sue was still confused, why wouldn’t she pick option B all the way if it meant Alex wouldn’t degrade her in any way. “But why won’t that happen Miss Alex?”
Alex raised her finger to Sue’s mouth silencing her instantly. “Because, Sue my dear if you’d let me finish. Option A will be something you have to do, Option B will be something Tina will have to do and Tina won’t refuse anything asked of her, won’t you?”
“No mistress, I will do everything you ask of me.” Again the answer rolled off the tongue but Tina was scared, she loved Sue as a friend and thought Sue loved her, but when it came to this she had little hope.
“So, Sue assuming you now understand the rules. Are you ready for your first two options?” Sue nodded, completely terrified of what was to come. “Answer me properly Sue.”
“Yes Miss Alex, I understand.” Sue was physically shaking now.
Alex smiled again as Sophia couldn’t resist playing with herself once more. She really was turning into Alex’s horny little pet. “Round 1, choose Option A and strip completely. Choose Option B and Tina will strip completely and Sophia will attach these.” With that Alex held up some nipple clamps.
“Please Miss Alex. Don’t make me choose to do this?” Sue pleaded on her knees at Alex’s feet.
Alex sighed. “Sue I have the ability to force you to do these anyway, but I don’t want to.” Sue looked in disbelief. “If you don’t pick then both options will happen.”
Sue shivered at the last part, and could only think one horrible thought, she’d rather it was Tina than her. “Option B Miss Alex.” Tina whimpered pre-emptively at Sue’s choice. She had hoped Sue would take the hit as her option was worse.
“You heard the girl Tina. Strip.” Alex firmly ordered of her. Tina knew she had no choice and her body quivered as she obeyed. She pulled off all her clothes quickly to Sue’s total surprise. She was starting to realise just how submissive her teen colleague had become. Tears streaked down Sue’s face but Tina was accepting, clearly nervous, but also aroused. Sue felt an urge to touch herself but quickly resisted.
Sophia jumped to her feet and practically snatched the clamps out of Alex’s hand. “Steady on babe. There’s no rush.” Sophia didn’t even react to Alex’s comment, she was determined.
She approached Tina and whispered into her ear. “I hope these hurt like a bitch.” With that she clamped down the right nipple. Tina squealed as it bit into her flesh. Sophia made sure to tug the chain a bit causing Tina to wince. She then firmly attached the second clamp causing Tina to jump again as Sophia laughed, she was really starting to enjoy being this dominant.
“What do you say Tina?” Alex asked mockingly.
Tina looked up, her nipples sore and aching. “Thank you Miss Sophia.”
“Any time precious.” Sophia chuckled and returned to where she was sat before. Sue didn’t know what to think, she was upset she’d inflicted that pain on Tina but was still relieved that she was the one stood there naked and not her own naked form on display for all to see.
“Round 2 ladies. Sue, choose option A and strip completely. Or choose option B and little Tina here is going to receive 20 blows to the ass from this paddle.” Alex rested the round, wooden paddle on the desk next to the ever looming pink dildo.
Tina started to whimper causing a distressed glance from Sue. This decision was much more difficult, thinking of inflicting pain on her friend. “Please Miss Alex, why do you have to do this?”
Alex cackled. “Sue, I don’t have to do anything, I want to do this. You can turn around at any point and walk right out this door, but you don’t want to do that, and Tina doesn’t want you to do that.” Sophia rested back in the chair and once more her instincts got the better as she decided to really enjoy the show.
“Please Sue, we have no choice.” Tina whispered. Sophia was relishing every moment but a fire started to rise in Sue. How could she just let this happen, it was her fault to begin with. Why did she have to steal that stuff? Tina may not have a choice but Sue knew she did.
“Option B Miss Alex.” Alex was for the first time mildly surprised. Perhaps Sue really didn’t care what she did to Tina; her pride might be too great. Alex showed none of it though and just tapped on the desk indicating for Tina to come over.
Alex retrieved the wooden paddle. “Bend over my desk Tina, and remember, Sue chose this for you. Sue, you better watch what you inflicted, show that respect.” Tina bent over at the waist, physically trembling as Sue watched on in fear.
The first blow came down hard causing Tina to shout out in pain. The crack ringed out across the office causing Sue to wince and leaving a solid red mark on Tina’s right ass cheek. “Only 19 left Tina.” Tina sobbed at this thought, but knew she was helpless to resist, she didn’t even blame Alex; she respected Alex. She blamed Sue and her self-importance, how hard was it to strip. The next blows were far lighter after the scare factor was instilled but every now and again a large blow would crash down into the skin causing Tina to scream, Sue to cringe and Sophia to moan. After all twenty blows were landed Tina was frozen in pain, tears streaming down both hers and Sue’s faces.

After Tina had recovered and regained her position Alex took no time in continuing. “Well done Tina. Round 3.” For some reason that small praise seemed to make the whole spanking worthwhile to Tina, that mild approval of what she had done. “Choose Option A and strip completely. Choose option B and Tina will receive 20 blows to the pussy from the paddle.”
Tina looked shocked. “Please mistress, it’ll hurt so much. Please, I won’t be able to take it.” Alex just held up a hand to silence the girl.
“The choice is not mine Tina, and you know better than to talk back”
Tina sobbed. “Sorry Mistress.” She sent a pleading look towards her friend. Stripping must be better than this.
Sue was distraught; she did not want to strip in front of these three women, but couldn’t put her friend through so much pain. The spanking had been horrible to watch, her friend in pain and she knew this would be so much worse. “Option A” she said, the words catching in her throat. A wave of relief washed over Tina. Alex smiled knowing she’d found her limit, and just nodded indicating for Sue to begin.
Sue was physically shaking as she reached to remove her top but slowly she raised it over her head. The skirt quickly followed but she became frozen. This was it, her last real chance to turn away and call Alex’s bluff. Only she knew she wasn’t bluffing as the younger woman just stared her down, her eyes piercing into her with such a dominating aura.
Her hands slowly started to move and she unclipped her bra releasing her breasts for the first time in front of another woman since her college years. Alex moved slowly towards her smiling as Sue reached down and slid her hands under the bands of her underwear. She hesitated momentarily before with one deep breath and a single tear sliding down her face, she slid them to the floor staring down in total humiliation.
Alex placed one finger under Sue’s chin and raised it up til their eyes met. “Now tell me Sue. Why did you reluctantly hide this beautiful form from me for so long?”
Sue looked back into the eyes but only one notion came to her. “You think I’m beautiful Miss Alex.” Sue knew she didn’t have the figures of the other three girls in the room but the total honesty in Alex’s eyes made her feel like the most stunning woman on the planet. Alex just nodded and walked back as Sue smiled and took her place next to Tina, tears gone and still proud.
“Round 4. An easier round. Sue, you can either have a pair of nipple clamps to match young Tina’s or Tina will have 4 pegs attached to pussy lips.” Sue didn’t take any time in replying; despite her new found courage she had sensitive nipples and didn’t fancy copying Tina. “Option B please Miss Alex.”
Alex wasn’t surprised at all; she already had the pegs in her hand and took no time in attaching them to Tina. Each one caused her to wince but round 4 was quickly done to both girls pleasure.
Tina was relatively happy with her latest abuse considering the last option. These pegs felt like a walk in the park compared to what the sting of a paddle would feel like.
Alex knew this was it though. If Sue was going to inflict any punishment on her own body it would likely start now. “Round 5 Sue, we’re half way there. You can either take a hand spanking, 10 spanks from Sophia, or I’m going to whip the pegs off Tina.” Alex knew these two were miles apart; Tina would suffer agony if Sue went for option B and she could see Tina panicking at the options.
“Option A Miss Alex.” Alex smiled, the girl wasn’t completely unwilling, which meant Alex knew she now belonged to her.
Sophia jumped up as Sue walked forward and took the position Tina had only 15 minutes earlier. Unlike Tina’s punishment though, Sue’s was light, and Sophia’s hand provided nowhere near the same impact as Alex’s paddle had.
Sue went back to her place, proud she had completed something, pushed herself and stopped some suffering from going to Tina.

Thirty minutes later though and Sue was looking on completely in shock and awe at what was going on in front of her. She’d turned down licking Alex’s feet in round 6 opting for Tina to do it instead. Alex had only been testing Sue, checking that she would rather have Tina still do tasks. Interestingly, Sue had thought about it, whether it was a fetish or new desire to impress, Alex didn’t know but she’d been impressed.
Round seven had left Sue humiliated. She’d had no choice but to shave off her pubes. The new smooth mound felt completely alien to her, It had been this or Alex’s second option, let Tina shave her head, Sue reluctantly couldn’t let her friend go through that, especially when the tears rolled again. Tina loved her hair; she would spend hours making it perfection, Sue didn’t really have a choice.
They were now halfway through round eight. Alex had decided to throw out a curve ball, a demonstration of the power she now had over Tina. She’d given Sue an option she knew the woman wouldn’t pick in her wildest dreams and drink Alex’s piss. Sue had opted for option B resulting in the now seen image in front as Alex directed Sue’s head so she was staring directly at Sophia’s pleasure.
Alex had seen her girlfriend getting close in the last few rounds so had decided to make option B Tina giving Sophia a rimjob until Sophia had an orgasm.
Sophia’s moans were growing louder by the second and sue was in shock. The act was so demeaning, so nontraditional, and so insane but not only did Sophia look like she was in heaven, Tina actually looked to be relishing the effect she was having on the girl. Every time Sophia shouted out any praise, Tina increased her effort. In Sue’s opinion the teenager seemed to be lost in her new role, almost enjoying it, maybe she could feel the same, she let her hand rest upon her own pussy and slowly rubbed.
Alex grinned to herself as she watched her new properties, and as she saw Sue’s hand wander, she knew it was pretty much game over.
Sophia’s orgasm snapped Sue back to reality and her hand quickly shot back behind her back, hoping nobody had noticed, she wanted nothing more than to get off now, but she just wished she was alone.
“Looks like you enjoyed that.” Alex deliberately said to none of the three in particular. Sophia was recovering, Tina’s face was covered in juices and Sue was completely red in embarrassment at how horny the scene had made her.
“Round 9. Sue, please choose whose ass this is going to enter, yours or Tina’s.” Alex dropped a small butt plug onto the desk. She already knew the answer but had a plan ready.
“Tina’s, Miss Alex.” Alex signalled for Tina to come over.
“P2 Tina.”
Tina put her head to the floor and raised her ass high into the air. “Please be gentle mistress, I’ve never had anything up there before.” A wave of pleasure rushed over Alex sending tingles down her. Two days ago this teenager was a spoilt brat, daddy’s girl, arrogant and confident. Now she was a submissive, her submissive willing to offer up her anal virginity without a second thought. The transformation was dramatic even for Alex’s expectations.
However Alex had little intention of being gentle, that wasn’t part of the plan. She lightly lubed up the plug and Tina’s asshole, indicated for Sue not to turn away, gently rested the tip against the anus and in one movement forced it completely into Tina’s asshole.
Tina screamed out in pain. “MISTRESS! Please take it out! Take it out! It hurts!” Alex just laughed and walked over to Sue as Tina sobbed in pain. Tina was in agony, she hated the feeling, and she just wanted it out, the pain to go away, that aching pain, she felt so full despite the plug looking so small.
“You will get used to it Tina, give it time.” Alex was now face to face with Sue ignoring Tina’s anguished moans behind her. “All that for a small butt plug Sue, have you ever done anal?”
“Yes Miss Alex, a few times and find it uncomfortable.”
Alex laughed, “Uncomfortable, Tina is finding it agony, and that plug was barely bigger than my finger.” Alex walked away and sat behind her desk looking down at the groaning form of Tina. “You may remove it now Tina.”
Tina reached behind and gently slowly pulled the plug clear. “Thank you Mistress.” Tina placed the dirty plug on top of Alex’s desk.
“I believe we only have one round left of our little game; hasn’t it been fun?” Sue shook her head but remained silent; Sophia looked like she’d just won the lottery. Tina didn’t know what she thought; she’d never have dreamed she could have done any of this, given the choice she wouldn’t have done some of it. However she would have to admit she was excited, high on adrenaline, loving the feeling of making mistress happy.
“Sue I made you a promise at the start of the session that by the time you left this room you will have chosen to lie down naked on my desk, spread your legs, and fuck yourself to orgasm with this dildo.” Again Alex pointed towards the small pink dildo. “Well that is option A.”
Sue was shaking now; she really did want to get off right now, even in front of these girls. However the embarrassment still felt too great. “What’s option B?”
“Well Sue dear, if you choose option B I’m going to put that plug in Tina’s mouth to stop her from screaming while I tear her arse open with this” Alex placed a strapon harness on the desk sporting a massive plastic cock.
Sue looked it up and down, it was colossal, there was no way Tina could handle it. Tina’s eyes were also locked onto the enormous dildo, shuddering with fear, pleading silently for Sue to help her, save her, be a friend once more.
Sue took one glance at Tina but she knew there was only one option and strangely wasn’t too disappointed. “You win Miss Alex. I choose Option A.” Alex smiled and put away the harness. She stood up and walked across to Sue.
“Magnificent my dear but tell me properly. Tell me like you mean it, like you want it, like you would do anything for me, like you really feel.”
“Mistress, I want to lie down naked on your desk, I want to spread my legs, I want to ravage myself with that dildo until I have a magnificent orgasm.”
Alex stroked Sue’s hair gently. “Much better. Enjoy!”

jklivin 10-15-2015 11:35 AM

That was a great chapter I totally loved it

subby999uk 10-25-2015 01:20 AM

Chapter 12

It was dark, the car park was empty and quiet, just the occasional passing car to break the silence. It had been twenty minutes since they arrived, the three of them were dressed in tight little hot pants and crop tops, Tina's firm young body looked delicious, Sue's more mature, fuller figure was filling the tight clothes sexily, Ken looked ridiculous in the female clothes and was shaking with humiliation in the chilly morning air, Tina and Sue were exchanging glances and sniggering at his embarrassment.
Sophia could see the trio standing outside the gym as she approached in her new Mercedes, Alex had said she deserved a little luxury when she'd given her the keys to her new company car the previous week.
Her pussy tingled slightly at the sight, they looked so defeated. She'd told them how to dress the day before and made sure they were here by five thirty, that was half an hour ago, she enjoyed the thought of them shivering nervously while they waited for her to arrive.
She pulled up outside the door and stepped out of the car, dressed in a smart grey business suit and red pumps, she was ready to get to the office as soon as this little session was over, she was carrying a large black holdall.
It had been just over a week since she'd put Ken firmly in his place and her confidence was growing every day, it had become so apparent how weak he really was. The three of them were starting to get used to the new order of things. Sue more than the others had started to accept her subservient role, she even seemed to enjoy it now she'd got over her initial embarrassment.
"Glad to see you made it on time, I hope I haven't kept you waiting" she said with a grin.
"No Miss" they said, almost in unison.
"Good, lets get started then" Sophia unlocked the door to the gym and led them inside, it belonged to a friend of Alex's who'd been kind enough to let them use it before the staff turned up at nine to open up.
The lights flickered for a few seconds, then one by one they stayed on to reveal a room filled with an array of exercise equipment, one side of the room had floor to ceiling windows that faced the road, it was still dark outside, broken only by the occasional cars headlights passing by.
Ken's heart sank when he looked around the room, it looked more like torture equipment to him, he'd never liked exercise of any kind, as his flabby untoned body was testament.
"Oh where to start, so much choice" Sophia said idly as she ambled around the room "Let's start you with some running, up you get, these three machines will do" She directed them to three running machines in a row of ten that faced the window.
Reluctantly they stepped on to the machines "OK, here we go" Sophia said as she walked along the row, turning the machines on to six mph. Immediately they had to start jogging to avoid being thrown off the back, Tina and Sue both found it easy, they both liked to keep themselves fit and visited the gym regularly, not this one however, Tina was actually quite a keen runner. Ken was a different matter, he was struggling already, they could hear him wheezing and puffing as he struggled to keep up.
"Jesus Ken, what's the matter with you? You're not even forty yet, is that really the best you can do?" Sophia was appalled at how unfit he was, she was definitely going to change that, he was going to need a lot of work.
"I-I'm" gasp "trying" gasp "Miss" Ken could hardly talk he was already so out of breath.
Sophia hardly heard him, her attention had turned to the two firm jiggling asses that were pumping away purposefully in front of her, she almost started to drool as she approached Sue, she let out a little gasp of pleasure as she walked around the front of the machine and was greeted by the sight of Sue's large firm breasts bouncing up and down under the straining crop top. She stepped close and let her hand caress Sue's ass as it writhed under her touch "Keep it up Sue, you're doing well" She said softly.
"Thank you Miss" Sue replied, panting slightly, Tina glared at her, jealous of the attention Sophia was giving her and started to lift her knees higher in an effort to impress.
Just then there was a thump and a wail form the behind her, Sophia turned to see Ken laying on the floor behind the machine panting loudly "What the fuck Ken!!" she exclaimed.
"I'm...sorry....Miss....I....I...tripped" Ken was clutching his knee, he'd obviously landed on it before being thrown off the machine.
"Oh for fuck sake, get undressed......NOW!" Sophia was annoyed at being interrupted while she gave Sue some attention.
"W-what?" Ken stuttered, confused.
"Which part of 'get undressed now' didn't you understand Ken?"
Ken looked at her stunned for a few seconds, then Sophia raised her eyebrows as she fixed his gaze, he didn't waste any more time, quickly standing up he removed the shorts and top.
"I think you need a bit of motivation Ken" Sophia had walked over to her holdall while he was undressing, now she had a hinged ring in her hand and some cord. Ken recognised the ring, it was one of the lines they made, it had eight little spikes on the inside and could be locked shut, he groaned as Sophia approached "Lock that round your balls Ken, hurry up"
He looked up at Sophia's stern face pleadingly, but there wasn't a hint of compassion there, he knew it would be a long time before she'd even begin to forgive him for his attack, now she had the upper hand and was going to make him suffer at every opportunity. His shaking hand reached out and he took the evil device from her.
He wrapped it around his scrotum, wincing as the spikes dug in, not sharp enough to draw blood they were incredibly painful nonetheless, "aahhhhhhhhhhhh" he hissed as the clasp snapped shut.
"Shut up and get back on the machine" Sophia commanded, she'd turned it off for now, the two girls were still pounding away on theirs, trying to keep up the pace as they craned their necks to watch Ken's torment.
Ken stood on the belt, trembling slightly, Sophia tied the cord to the ring on Ken's balls, then gave it a sharp tug, making Ken shout and step forward, then she tied the other end to one of the handles on the front of the machine "There, that should keep you in position, the cord will break before it rips your balls off, well it probably will, but it will be incredibly painful Ken, so best not come off again" with that she turned the machine back on and Ken resumed his laboured running.
With the sound of Ken wheezing behind her, Sophia turned her attention back to the two fit young women who where starting to sweat but coping easily with the gentle pace "Let's have some fun girls, impress me" she said as she adjusted their machines, speeding them up to eight mph.
The girls instantly changed from a jog into a full run "Let's see how long you can keep that up" she said as she admired Tina's firm young buttocks rippling under her tight pants, she couldn't resist letting her hand wander down to her crotch and she rubbed her clit gently thought the skirt as she imagined peeling the tight material over those cheeks with her teeth "Oh, and Ken, you'll keep going as long as they do, so you'd better hope I can tire them out soon"
Ken's red puffing face turned to her, he was wincing and gritting his teeth as the sharp spikes scratched and dug into his scrotum as the heavy metal ring bounced up and down with every step, his eyes were watering, he looked like he was about to start sobbing "Ple" gasp "Please" wheeze "Miss" gasp "I.....can't....."
"Oh shut up you useless cunt, you'll do whatever the fuck I tell you" a surge of power rushed through her as she said that, as she looked at him she couldn't imagine how she was so intimidated by him only a few days ago, it was a distant memory now, how quickly things can change.
The girls were starting to struggle now, getting more breathless they were sweating profusely, soaking there clothes and trickling down there hot glowing bodies. Sophia went to her bag and took out a short flexible cane "Looks like it's getting difficult, well now the fun really starts" with that each girl felt a sharp stinging flick across their asses "Keep it up girls" Sophia could feel her pussy soaking her panties as she worked them harder, such a delicious feeling.
She walked to the front of the machine and turned them both up to ten mph, the girls glared at her, Sue groaned audible "Please Miss, I can't keep this up" she managed as she pounded the treadmill, her lungs burning, her legs were starting to feel like jelly.
"Nonsense, you're no where near done yet" Sophia replied, positioning herself between the two machines so she could access the two pairs of quivering pulsating buttocks with the whippy cane.
"First one to stop is going to get a good thrashing and spends the day with their ass plugged" Sophia smirked as she saw Tina's expression, fear filled her and she focussed on keeping up the pace, her legs were feeling weak and shaky but she couldn't take a plug in her ass all day, she just couldn't.
Ken was getting desperate and panicky now, he couldn't keep going much longer, he kept stumbling as his tired legs tried to keep him on his feet, the damn cord kept pulling tight, sending agonising twinges through his tortured balls, the cord looked so thick, he knew it would take quite a tug to snap it, adrenaline from the fear of ripping his balls off was the only thing keeping him going now.
Sophia didn't care though, all her attention was taken up by the lovely sight of the sweating bodies of the two girls struggling to please her, she considered speeding up the belts again for a second, but no, she wanted to keep this going for a bit longer yet, she could tell Sue was reaching the end of her endurance and would probably lose. "Come on Sue, keep that ass moving for me" she said as she started to rain short sharp flicks of the cane all over her ass.
"p...please......i.....can...can't.....go..... " Sue was exhausted, sweat trickling down into her eyes , her chest heaving with the effort, she kept glancing at Tina, hoping she'd soon have to give up, her heart sank though, Tina was striding comfortably, she looked like she could keep going for hours.
Sue slowed and stumbled as she stepped off the back of the machine and bent over, gasping for breath, her hands were resting on her shaking thighs.
"Oh dear, looks like you're going to have a very sore ass today, in more ways than one" Sophia was grinning broadly, her pussy was tingling at the thought of having those cheeks bent over to receive a sound thrashing from her cane. She turned off the two machines and Tina slowed to a stop, she was hardly even out of breath, Sue was impressed by her level of fitness, it filled her with dread though.
The room was silent now, apart from the desperate wheezing coming from an increasingly desperate Ken who was struggling to stay on his feet, the cord had pulled tight as he'd moved towards the back of the machine, every step was agony now as the tight spiked ring pulled hard on his scrotum, digging in and making him wince and moan constantly. The three girls turned their attention to him, they all started to giggle at the pathetic sight.
Ken turned to Sophia, his watering eyes pleading with her to stop this, she just grinned back "" he managed to gasp eventually.
Slowly Sophia walked to the front of the machine and leaned casually on the control panel at the front, she let her finger idly wander over the controls as she fixed his gaze "You look like you're about done in Ken, would you like me to press this?" she teased.
Ken's eyes dropped, he watched the tip of her finger trace a circle around the stop button, his eyes stung as sweat trickled into them "Yes....please................Miss" come on you bitch, just press the fucking button.
Finally, as Sophia watched Ken use the last of his strength to save his poor balls from being stretched even further she pressed the button, Ken staggered to a stop, as soon as the belt stopped moving he collapsed to his knees, clutching his tortured balls and wheezing loudly.
Sophia looked down at him with contempt "Get up you fucking useless bastard" her anger and hatred of him hadn't started to fade yet, she didn't feel an ounce of pity.
As Ken stood Sophia walked up to him, she'd picked up a barbell on the way "Here, hold this" she said and handed it to him, Ken let out a sharp breath as he felt the weight of it, it was a twenty five Kilo bar. She untied the cord from the running machine and gave it as sharp tug "Come with me" she led him over to a wall which had a series of horizontal bars running up it, Ken struggled behind her, trying to keep the strain off of his balls as Sophia gave it a series of sharp tugs.
"Now get that bar up, over your head" Sophia ordered.
Ken's jaw dropped "Please Miss, I..I can't..."
Slap, Sophia's palm made contact with his cheek "Don't fucking argue with me, DO IT!"
Ken lifted the weight to his chest, letting out a long laboured breath as he did, then, bracing himself, he heaved the weight into the air and tried to lock his arms in position, he was shaking with the effort already.
Sophia relished the look of pain on his face, she was more than satisfied with how this was going, with an evil smirk she tossed the end of the cord over one of the bars above Ken's head, she pushed herself close to him, she was taller than him in her heels, she reached up and tied the end of the cord to the barbell making sure there was no slack. She could feel Ken trembling as she pushed herself against his chest, the sweet sickly smell of his deodorant was filling her nostrils, her eyes met his, he looked panicky again "That will keep it up, you can hold it up with your arms or with your balls Ken, up to you"
He was sweating profusely again, he was in a helpless predicament, he had no choice but to keep that weight in the air or his balls would suffer unbearably, tears started to trickle down his cheeks as his shaking arms started to burn.
Sophia had already turned away though, she was far more interested in getting back to Sue "Now then, let's get you in position" she said, picking up the cane, her voice dripping with excitement "Let's have you naked to start with"
Sue shivered at her words, but knew better than to argue, she unzipped the tight shorts and peeled them down her legs, then pulled the top over her head, revealing her large quivering breasts
"mmmmmmm, nice" Sophia drooled "Now get over that bench" she indicated a padded exercise bench.
Sue draped herself over the bench, trembling with nerves, and a little excitement, she was still wet with sweat, it wasn't just sweat she could feel trickling down her thighs though.
The bench was high enough to allow Sophia to run her hand over Sue's firm cheeks, she could feel the heat rising from her body, her fingers lingered, tracing lines over her cheeks, dipping between them into her hot crack, Sue quivered in anticipation.
"Thirty strokes I think, you'll count each one, keep your hands and feet on the floor, if you move out of position then I'll start again, understand?"
"Yes Miss" Sue said, every nerve in her body was tingling with anticipation, she almost felt like screaming at her to get on with it.
She didn't have to wait long, the first stinging blow cut into her defenceless cheeks, catching her by surprise, she jumped up, bringing her hands off the floor.
"Well that's not a good start is it, we'll start again shall we?"
"Sorry Miss" Sue gasped
"And Ken, you'll stay there until Sue has completed her punishment, so you'd better hope she can take it a bit better than that"
Ken's stomach lurched when he heard that, his poor arms were burning and shaking already, he didn't know how much longer he'd be able to keep the weight up "Yesss.......Misss" he hissed, despite the pain in his arms he couldn't take his eye's off of Sue's delicious naked ass that was facing him.
The cane cut into Sue's ass again "uugh, one" she fidgeted on the bench but managed to keep her hands and feet on the floor.
Sophia got into her stride, barely giving Sue chance to count the stroke before the next one hit. She was determined not to let Sue off easy, she saw it as a challenge to make her move out of position before the end...............
"Aaagh, f-fifteen" Sue was struggling now, her ass was a mass of burning welts.
"Half way, you're doing well" Sophia ran her hand over the red lines criss-crossing Sue's tender white cheeks, very satisfied with her handiwork. This was all new to her, a few days ago she'd never have imagined she'd be involved in something like this, she was well aware of what Alex did with her slave, but it had never really interested her. But now, with this delicious female ass quivering in front of her, completely at her mercy, she was more than interested, her pussy was tingling and dripping with excitement.
Then she turned to Ken and smirked, his arms were shaking violently, he was biting his lip and groaning with the effort of keeping the weight in the air "You'd better hope young Sue here can stay in position Ken, if she moves I'm starting again, do you think you could keep your arms up until I've finished?"
Ken could feel the spikes digging unbearably into his scrotum, his balls were being pulled relentlessly upwards, however hard he tried he couldn't keep his arms straight and the strain on his tortured balls was gradually increasing "No" gasp "Miss....please...." wheeze.
"Well that's just too bad Ken, you'll just have to keep the weight up with your balls then" Sophia relished his anguish, that will teach you to lay your hands on me you fucker.
"Let's carry on then" she said, bringing the cane down as she said it, she caught Sue by surprise and she jumped, legs flailing in the air as she let out a yelp.
Sophia laughed "Oh dear, weren't you ready?"
"N-No Miss....please...give me another chance Miss" Sue begged, it was so unfair, it wasn't even a particularly hard stroke, it was just unexpected.
"Well of course I'll give you another chance dear, thirty more chances in fact"
Sue new it was hopeless, she could tell this had been Sophia's intention all along "Yes Miss" she braced herself, tightening every muscle, ready for the next stroke, her heart sank, she was right back where she started, waiting for the first stroke, FUCK It! she screamed inside.
As Ken watched the cane come down on Sue's already bright red ass he started to pray Sue managed to go the full thirty this time, his arms were getting weaker by the minute, the thought of that weight hanging from his balls filled him with panic.
Swish "One" swish "Two" swish "Three" Sophia was back in her stride again, the blows rained down at a fast but measured pace, Sophia found it amusing how much Sue's body was dancing and gyrating, considering her hands and feet didn't move it was impressive, she was very flexible.
When she got to twenty five she stopped to admire the results, her cheeks looked like a bright red angry mess, she could hear quiet sobs coming from her.
This was nothing compared to the noises coming from Ken though, he was moaning and sobbing loudly, sweat was trickling down his face, the bar was almost resting on his head now, he was standing on tip toe, desperately trying to take a bit of strain off his balls, his legs were shaking almost as much as his arms now.
Sophia couldn't resist smiling at him "I bet you'd like me to hurry up and get this over with wouldn't you Ken"
"" his mouth was contorted in agony, he could hardly get the words out.
"Wouldn't it be a shame if Sue failed now and I had to start all over again?" she was in no hurry to give her the last five, watching Ken's desperate plight was amusing her too much.
"please...please..." Ken begged, sobbing, his balls were being pulled up and felt like they were being crushed in a vice as the steel ring stretched his scrotum more than he thought possible, he wasn't sure how much of the weight his arms were taking now, it felt like the thing was hanging off his balls.
"Patience" was all she said, tapping the cane into her palm idly and giving it a couple of swings through the air.
Ken wanted to scream at the bitch to get on with it, but he bit his tongue, she held all the cards now, she could leave him here until his balls came off if she wanted too, he was completely at her mercy. He cursed himself over and over again as the thought of his attack on her went round in his mind, why had he done that? why?
Finally Sophia turned her attention back to Sue, she wasn't going to make the same mistake again, she could tell she was tensed and ready for the next blow. She applied the final five strokes, not too hard, but hard enough to make Sue yelp and squirm, she didn't want to have to start again and by the look of Ken he'd lose his balls if he was there much longer.
"Well done dear, I hope you'll be putting a bit more effort in next time, you'd better bring your fitness up to Tina's level pretty quick or things are going to be very painful for you" She squeezed her glowing cheeks firmly as she said it, making Sue wince and moan, the wetness between Sue's legs didn't escape Sophia's notice.
"Thank you Miss, I'll try harder Miss" Sue replied, happy that Sophia was impressed with how well she'd taken the beating, she was determined to get in shape and make her proud.
"Don't move" Sophia said as she walked over to Ken.
"Oh Ken, you look so fucking pathetic" she sneered, then she brought her palm down and slapped Ken's upstretched scrotum, it was bright red, stretched tight over his balls, he howled in pain at this new torment, he wanted to double over, anything to protect himself, but what could he do? he had no choice but to stay upright with his balls pulled up and presented for her attention, he'd never felt so vulnerable and exposed.
His reaction brought another smile to her lips "Oh you don't like that do you" she teased, slap, slap, slap.
Ken was dancing now, hopping from one foot to the other, but there was nothing he could do to stop the agonising blows "No,please, stooooopppp, please" he sobbed uncontrollably.
"I should just leave you here to your fate, the staff will get here in another hour, I should just leave you here for them to find, maybe you'd manage to keep your balls until they got here"
Ken when cold, panic filling him now "Please no Miss, I'll do anything Miss, I'm so sorry, don't leave me Miss"
A cruel smile crossed her lips as she stared into his terrified eyes, as she fixed his gaze her hand went down to the ring on his balls and she untied the cord, Ken crumpled in a heap on the floor, the weight hitting the floor loudly "Just remember Ken, I can do anything I want to you, any time, no one will care, if you upset me in any way, you're fucked, understand?"
"Yes Miss", I understand" and he did, he understood perfectly what was at stake, he considered for a second slithering over the floor and kissing her feet, but thought better of it.
Sophia had gone anyway, back to Sue via the holdall, she had a big black butt plug in her hand, sitting on the bench next to Sue, she pushed one of her legs over to expose her pussy and asshole.
She glanced over at Tina who she'd ignored for a while, she was leaning against the running machine, her hand was down her shorts, she'd been playing with her pussy as she'd watched the incredible scenario unfold, "Doesn't this look fun Tina? you'll be taking this inside you soon enough" she said, holding up the plug and waving it in the air.
Tina gulped, the thought of that forcing it's way inside her tight little virgin ass make her shiver, but her fingers speeded up, renewed wetness covered them as she flicked her tingling clit "Yes Miss" was all she could say.
Sue gasped loudly as Sophia worked the plug inside her, meeting some resistance from her tight sphincter to start with, she soon penetrated it and relentlessly worked it deeper and deeper, no lube for you, she thought to herself as the plug was finally inserted right down to the wide base "Up you get" she said, giving her a playful slap on the ass.
Sue struggled to her feet, she felt so full, the base of the plug was keeping her cheeks stretched apart, she tried a few short steps, bringing a chuckle from Sophia as she watched the awkward, painful way she walked.
"Time to get to work, people will be in the factory now, good luck getting back to your rooms to get changed without being seen" Sophia collected up her things and put them in the bag and left, getting in her car she made her way to the office.
The three of them sat there in silence, not wanting to make eye contact, they were all shocked at what had just happened, Sophia had gone further than any of them had imagined, as the events slowly sank in they left the gym, it was light now, and the streets were busier, they hurried to Sue's car and got in.

sarahsarah 11-08-2015 05:27 AM

Chapter 13

Alex laughed inside as she saw her three employees walk in. They were trying to be discrete, hidden amongst the stalls. She knew they must be close as soon as Sophia had walked in with a big grin on her face. Apparently the gym session had gone well, the first of many in this format most likely.
Ken looked awkward, trying to hide the female clothes as he rushed for their current living quarters. Alex smiled; she’d forgotten how fun fresh slaves were, the embarrassed, self conscious attitude they approached everything. This afternoon was going to be fun.

Ken marched up the stairs first swiftly followed by Tina and Sue. “Can you believe what those bitches are making us do” Ken blurted out as soon as he thought they were alone. He’d checked the area for surveillance and found nothing; anger was building inside, Sophia had tormented him to breaking point and his balls still ached. “I can’t take this anymore”
“What do you expect us to do Ken. You’re part of the reason we’re all here.” Tina hated when Ken went into his moods, it stressed them all out and made him sweat even more. “To be honest I quite enjoyed the session.”
Sue just glared at her, jealousy forming. “Well, you would, you don’t have to spend the rest of the day with this plug jammed up your arse.” Sue gestured towards her rear end where you could just make out a bump in the skirt.
“Guess you just need to get on my level.”
“Shut up bitch, you know we’re not as fit as you.” Sue was seething at Tina but knew she was right, how could she compete with the younger girl. “You have to let us win occasionally.”
“Why should I? What’s in it for me?” Tina folded her arms across her chest as if in a college rivalry.
Sue considered. “I’m sure you could think of something Tina but I don’t want to make a habit out of getting an ass beating.”
Ken couldn’t believe what he was hearing, the girls sounded resigned to their fate. “Are you two missing the entire point? What the fuck are we going to do? We can’t just go around letting them do this, where will it stop, I’m not letting those bitches rip my balls off whilst you stand there laughing, we need an idea.”
Sue and Tina just frown, they’d been over this before, any time Alex or Sophia tormented him he looked for a way out. “Ken, we’re fucked” Tina replied, “They have all the control and we have none, the best thing I can see is to make them both happy and you never know, maybe you might enjoy some of it.”
Ken was furious, his blood boiled. “Enjoy it! Are you fucking nuts? What good could possibly come from this?” Sue laughed. She couldn’t help it, she found his tempers hilarious. The fact he was still wearing his gym gear made it all the more comical.
“Well for a start, the exercise might actually help you get into some shape, and don’t tell me you don’t get turned on by Sophia squeezing your little balls.”
Tina burst out laughing. “I saw you looking at Sue’s punishment earlier Kenny boy; you loved every minute of it. Stop trying to play the victim. You’d like nothing more than to be back there watching Sue’s ass wiggle.”
Ken went bright red. “No… No…..I wouldn’t…. that’s not true,” he stammered.
“Isn’t it? You don’t want to feel that ass in your hands, give it a nice squeeze?”
Ken couldn’t form words, he’d frozen, not sure what to do. “B….b….but….”
“But what Kenny boy, but she wouldn’t let you? What if mistress ordered it for you Kenny? Go on Sue, give the man a wiggle. Wouldn’t you want mistress to order Sue to let you have your way with her? Is that what you fantasize about?”
“Fuck off Tina.” Sue stated with some authority. “You’re giving him a boner. What if it was you she made fuck him? What could you do about it?”
Ken couldn’t deny he was turned on at the thought of Alex letting him have his way with the two girls but the way she despised him it seemed unlikely. Never the less it might happen, he held onto the positive thought as his erection grew.
“Put the thing away Ken you imbecile. You’ll have someone’s eye out.”
The sound of Alex’s voice brought everyone to a halt. “How long have you been there mistress?” Tina asked apprehensively.
“Long enough my dear. Congratulations on winning this morning, it’s a shame you didn’t have better competition.” Tina smiled at the compliment as Ken and Sue’s face dropped. “Don’t worry ladies, I don’t plan to have either of you fuck Ken.”
Both Tina and Sue smiled at the comment as Ken looked disappointed. “Well…. At least not any time soon. Ready and in my office in 10 minutes. Not a second late.”
Alex turned sharply at the chorus of yes mistress from Sue and Tina and yes Miss Friend from Ken and left the room.
Tina and Sue had had all life and enthusiasm drained. Sue thought of the idea of Ken and shuddered. Surely Alex wouldn’t.

Ten minutes later there was a knock on the door to Alex’s office and the three employees were permitted in. Sophia was in her usual seat on the sofa and smiled as she watched the three apprehensive figures approach. Alex was sat on the corner of her desk and waited until all were silent and the door was closed.
“P1.” Instantly all three employees hit the deck, hands on their heads and legs spread. “Excellent, looks like you aren’t entirely useless and can remember simple commands. From what Sophia has told me you had an interesting morning. You seemed to particularly enjoy it Tina.”
“Yes Mistress”
“Good. The other two of you seemed less fortunate.” Alex stood, picked up a riding crop off the desk, and walked behind the three. “How is the ass Sue?” With that she lightly swatted the bulge the plug was making causing Sue to groan lightly.
“It’s good Mistress. Thank you for asking.” Sue’s ass was still aching from the onslaught she’d received in the morning.
“Good.” Alex landed a dew more swipes onto her ass laughing as Sue squirmed.
Alex walked behind ken and sharply landed a blow on his back. “Sit up straight Ken.” Ken straightened his back as much as possible. Alex walked to the front and lightly tapped Ken’s face with the crop. “You see Ken; I don’t like negligence and I don’t like imperfections. According to Sophia this morning you were ogling Sue’s ass and had the audacity to get hard in a punishment session. You need to learn to control yourself. Stand and strip.”
Ken shot to his feet and briefly hesitated as the four girls stared at him. SMACK. The crop flashed quickly across his cheek knocking him backwards. “No hesitation Ken. Strip.” Tina smiled at the punishment and Sophia couldn’t help but to once again be Alex’s horny assistant, reaching down and letting her fingers get to work.
Ken’s clothes were lying on the floor in no time and Alex walked back to her desk returning with a metal contraption. Ken’s eyes filled with fear, he’d worked long enough at the company to recognise the chastity cage. “Please Miss Friend, don’t do this.”
SMACK. The crop came quickly colliding with the other cheek. “Never have the audacity to question me Ken.” Alex threw the device to Ken. “Put it on. I don’t want to go anywhere near your genitals.” Ken whimpered as he took hold of the contraption. It was heavier than he remembered but seemed firm. There were small spikes lining the inside, enough to cause pain when he tried to get hard.
The device was a torture tool in his mind and as he watched Sue and Tina smile at his predicament, and Sophia moan as she fingered herself, he felt as hopeless as his cock would be in this cage.
He clicked the device into place and groaned as he felt it encase his penis. The spikes barely made an impact right now but he knew it would get worse.
“Hurting already Ken, are you even hard yet?”
“No Miss Friend” Ken replied. ‘The bitch’ Ken thought, he couldn’t believe that they were making him do this in front of the others. It was humiliating, degrading and evil. He wanted nothing more than to throw it back in Alex’s face but knew there was no choice in the matter.
The padlock clicked the two parts of the metal cage into place and then he was trapped. “Excellent, that should keep you in check Ken. Before you ask, the key is safe around Sophia’s neck.” Sophia revealed the chain dangling on her, with a small key at the bottom. “It will take a lot of effort at redemption for Sophia to choose to free your pitiful manhood.” Sophia smiled at him, a menacing grin of pure despise. Ken sighed, he knew it might be a long time before he would be satisfied again. “Now what do you say Ken after our generous gift.”
“Thank you Miss Friend” Ken grumbled through gritted teeth. He knew he had to try and please the two women.
“No problem Ken. Tina stand up please and come over to me.” Tina stood up and walked over to the desk without hesitation. “Strip and turn around to face the others.”
The command no longer even seemed to register as anything more than standard to Tina. She quickly obliged, removing everything and turning to face Sue and Ken.
Ken stared at the teen’s toned figure and immediately his cock twitched in the cage sending an aching pain through his body. He looked away, hoping to remove his excitement.
“Look at her Ken.” Alex stated with a cruel grin. “Look at the perfect form.” Tina’s humiliation dissipated at the compliment and she smiled at Ken’s suffering despite her nakedness. “I bet you’d like nothing more than to have your way with this pretty figure.” Alex ran her hand through Tina’s hair brushing it off her face. “Wouldn’t you to feel these breasts?”
Ken groaned in anguish as his penis tried to fight the cage as Alex guided her hands across the tits. “Yes Miss Friend.”
“To have her ride on top of you as you lay back and watch them bounce.” Alex laughed as ken squirmed in pain his cock pleading for air. Tina stood motionless as Alex’s hands danced across her body. She could feel her wetness growing.
“Please Miss Friend, please stop, it hurts.” Ken begged, causing Sophia to burst out with laughter.
“Just think Ken. Every time you think of sex, all you’ll get is pain. Now get dressed and piss off back to work.”
Ken quickly picked up his clothes, got dressed and darted from the office not wanting to be tormented any further by the two girls. As soon as he was out of sight Alex turned her attention to Sue and Tina. “Tina, get dressed and resume position.” ‘Patient and willing’ she thought to herself, Alex was amazed at just how far she’d mange to break the girls in such a short space of time. She’d taken it relatively slow, not included anyone outside the group, nothing too extreme and mainly focused on obedience and respect.

“OK ladies, I have a special task for you which may lead to a reward.” Both girls picked up, this was the first time Alex had spoken of anything positive. “You both want to please me, correct?”
“Yes mistress” both answered in unison. Alex smiled, ‘they’re mine’ she thought.
“You’ll have your chance soon enough. How do you like your current living arrangement? I want total honesty.” Both girls looked at one another scared to answer. “Come on, I don’t have all day.”
Finally Sue plucked up the courage to answer. “Honestly mistress, I appreciate you letting us stay there but it is miserable, it’s cold, uncomfortable. We’ve cleaned it as much as we can but it is far from a home. We don’t even have a shower.”
“That’s a shame. Do you feel the same Tina?”
“Yes mistress, I want nothing more than to feel properly clean, have a fully cooked meal and sleep in a bed.” Tina dropped her head in shame, she felt like she was insulting Alex’s generosity but knew she wanted honesty.
Alex smiled. “What would you do to get these things?”
“I’d do whatever you asked mistress, but it would be up to you whether you would grant us these.” Tina replied calmly. She wanted to please Alex, she was unsure why but knew she’d do whatever it takes to keep her happy, everything else was a bonus.
Good answer Alex thought to herself. She was slightly taken aback by the comment and took a moment to compose herself before continuing.
“It looks like it is your lucky day ladies. As it turns out my deal to buy a flat on the bottom floor of my building has been accepted. It is three bedrooms with a bathroom, kitchen and even TV and lounge area. You will be able to move in there today.” Alex stopped and watched the reaction.
Tina was surprised but elated, finally a shower, and a proper bed. Sue on the other hand was less so.
“What’s the catch mistress? I’d be delighted to have this but it seems strange after everything else that has happened.”
Alex grinned. “Always the clever one Sue. It is simple, rent will still be taken the same out of your salary, and cameras will be set up in all rooms to keep an eye on you. However the main thing is that once a week you will have to earn your stay there.”
“What do you mean by earn it mistress?” Tina asked curiously.
“Simple Tina. Each Sunday and today since it is the first time I am going to give you a task. However unlike all the other things I’m asking of you, these are entirely optional. Each person that completes the task will get to stay in the flat for the week. If you fail to complete the task you will remain in your current living arrangements for that week.”
“But, what are the tasks?” Tina asked still uncertain.
Alex took three steps forward. CRACK. The blow from the Crop to Tina’s face was hard and menacing. Tina fell backwards. “Remember your place Tina.”
“Sorry mistress. I apologise. It won’t happen again mistress.” Tina pleaded. Sue looked up in surprise. The blow had caught her off guard as well but reminded her of the power Alex still had.
“That’s better Tina. These tasks will be different however, they won’t be a simple follow instructions task. They will be a challenge, it may be time limits, money goals, or basic targets to succeed. You will have to meet the success criteria to earn your place in the flat. Ken has pissed me off this week so far so has already lost his rights. You two have a chance to earn a place. Or would you rather stay in the attic?”
“No mistress, we will try to succeed mistress.” Sue replied. She was desperate to leave that place, especially if it meant a few days away from Ken before he had a chance to move in as well. Tina nodded in agreement.
“Excellent, your task today is very simple since it is only for a few days. You have 30 minutes. Within that hour you must each provide me with a picture of yourself naked with another person. That person must have agreed to take the picture with you but does not need to be naked themselves. You need to be back in my office within 1 hour with the picture or you fail. If you are even a second late you fail. Understood.”
“Yes mistress” came the unison response. Tina was scared. She had done a lot for Alex already but this was the first time she’d asked them to include anyone else in the task and she was uncertain. Sue on the other hand was smiling, and Tina couldn’t understand why.
“One more thing. Everything must be visible on the image. Your time starts now.”
Both girls stood up and instantly left the office. Tina went to run off but Sue quickly grabbed her arm. “Where do you think you’re going?”
“You heard her Sue. We only have 30 minutes and need to find someone to help us.” Tina was frantic, panicked, she needed this.
“Tina, think for a moment about what Alex said. What do you need to do?”
“What are you talking about Sue? I need to get a picture of myself naked with another person.”
“Did she say anything about who the other person could be?”
“No, she just said they had to agree.” Tina smiled, finally working out what Sue was implying. “Can we just?” Sue nodded and the girls hugged.

Alex stared at the picture and laughed. Tina and Sue were nervous back kneeling on the office floor, wondering what Alex would think of their idea. Sophia looked over Alex’s shoulder and smiled. The picture was of both girls together, naked, on their own in the toilets. Alex looked up at the two worried girls. “Clever. I love it. Congratulations girls on finding a loophole. I certainly did not specify that the other person couldn’t be the other person. Well done Ladies.”
Both Tina and Sue breathed a massive sigh of relief. They’d both been scared Alex might completely discard their plan as cheating. “Thank you mistress.” Sue replied.
Alex thought and grinned. “One more thing girls, Ken will be joining you at the flat.” Tina sighed and Sue’s face dropped in disappointment. She’d been looking forward to a few days away from the man even if just to get away from his personal hygiene. “However, until Sunday he will be your servant in the flat. Consider it a reward”
The expressions in front of Alex changed instantly, smiles rose upon the two ladies contemplating possibilities. “Thank you Mistress” Tina responded quickly followed by Sue.
“Don’t get carried away though, I said servant, not slave. That means he can do your cooking, cleaning, any household chores. I don’t mind a bit of torment but you cannot treat him like we do. Remember your place. I have CCTV watching the place at all times so we will know what happens. Understand?”
“Yes Mistress.” The unison answer always brought a small smile to Alex’s face. She loved the power.
“I will take you to your new place after work and get you settled in. Now go back to your stations, you probably have a fair bit of work to catch up on.”
Tina and Sue rose to their feet and swiftly exited the room.
Sophia looked at Alex who was grinning. “Why do I have a feeling you wanted this?”
Alex took Sophia in her arms. “You always miss the bigger picture Soph. Yes, this is exactly what I was hoping for.”
“But why? They cheated it, cheated the system.”
“Soph. Do you think I wanted them to leave here and involve someone else in the company?”
“What they have just done is willingly, without being forced taken a picture of the two of them smiling, naked, on my premises during office hours, as the picture shows and handed it straight to me. This will stand up entirely over everything they could possibly accuse us of if things turn sour. Call it an insurance policy, evidence which hasn’t been manipulated and one more thing to scare them with if there’s ever any trouble.”
Sophia smiled. “You really are a manipulative, genius bitch aren’t you?”
“Yes I am my dear.” Alex leaned in and their lips met.

NaughtygirlJ123 11-10-2015 12:30 PM

Loving the story, but I think some chapters dont link to others quite right like chapter 9 and 10 but still its very good im enjoying it :D

subby999uk 11-19-2015 01:15 AM

Chapter 14

"Ken, where the fuck is that coffee I asked for" Tina asked, she was sitting on the couch with her feet on the table in front of her watching TV.
"I'll get it in a minute, I can't do everything at once" Ken seethed with suppressed anger, trying to hide it from his voice.
"What the fuck? I asked for a coffee, now make me one, NOW!" She glared at him, her eyes daring him to object again.
Ken looked up at her, he was kneeling on the floor surrounded by several pairs of Sue's shoes and boots, he was holding a cloth and a tube of shoe polish that he'd been using to shine Sue's impressive collection of footwear. Sue had told him she wanted them all spotless and shining by the time she got back from the shops, which was going to be any minute.
"Yes Tina, I'll make it now" he said through gritted teeth, why can't you get off your ass and make it yourself your little bitch, he thought to himself as he struggled to his feet and made his way to the kitchen.
This was so unfair, he was bound to lose the task, he was nowhere near as fit as the much younger girls, he'd never be able to keep up with them in the gym. That was several days ago, so here he was, at the beck and call of the two girls until the next task at the end of the week which would decide who'd be the house bitch for the following week, he just prayed it wasn't another physical endurance task or he'd be serving them again he was sure.
As he prepared the coffee he listened out for the sound of a key in the door, dreading hearing Sue coming in, he still had a pair of knee length boots and some thigh length lace up boots to polish, Sue wouldn't hesitate to punish him if they weren't done when she got back.
He hurried back with the coffee, he was naked apart from the tight metal restraint that had been mercilessly tormenting his cock since Alex had made him lock it on himself. It jiggled and pulled constantly as he walked, making the spikes scrape against his tender flesh, causing him to wince in pain.
He held the tray at arm’s length and waited for Tina to take the coffee, she was in no hurry though, ignoring him as she continued to watch TV. She was naked apart from a pair of silky white panties, as per Alex's instructions, she was aware of the CCTV cameras that surveyed the room constantly, as were they all, they never knew if Alex or Sophia might be watching them, waiting for them to do anything out of line. It had taken Ken a day to install all the camera's around the apartment, there was at least two in every room, making it virtually impossible to hide from their constant gaze, Alex had supervised their installation to make sure Ken didn't arrange for there to be any blind spots.
Ken couldn't help staring at the fit young body sprawled on the couch in front of him, he knew it only brought him pain, but he couldn't help himself, Tina's hand was resting on one of her nipples, she was rubbing it idly, probably not even aware that she was doing it, the sight tormented Ken though, those firm tits had been parading around in front of him for days, he couldn't keep his eyes off them, he couldn't stop thinking about sucking those nipples into his mouth and flicking them with his tongue. It had been so long since he'd been with a woman, felt a woman in his arms, touched a warm female body, tasted it... He let out a soft groan as the spikes dug in, his arms were starting to shake now with the effort of holding up the tray.
Tina smiled to herself, she was getting used to Ken leering at her naked body now, it had been a few days since they'd moved in to the apartment. At first her enforced nakedness and the constant staring from Ken's hungry eyes had made her uncomfortable, she'd soon relaxed though, the evil device locked on his pathetic twitching cock made her feel safe. She soon started to enjoy the power if gave her over him, he couldn't control his dirty little thoughts, which brought him nothing but pain and she soon found herself provoking him at every opportunity.
"For fuck sake Ken, stop staring at my tits" She feigned annoyance, loving the grimace on his face as he stood there, the urge to reach down to adjust the device to relieve some of the pressure on his cock was intense, but with the tray in his hands he couldn't.
"Sorry" he said through gritted teeth "Well do you want this coffee or not?" he snapped.
"Err, excuse me?" she loved his pathetic attempts at rebellion "I don't think Alex would be very impressed with your attitude, maybe I should give her a ring"
Ken's fingers tightened their grip on the tray as he tried to control his anger, why the fuck was she doing this, she was in the same position as him, it's Alex she should be annoyed with, not him "I'm sorry, please take the coffee" he said, managing to control his temper.
"If you don't like the arrangement you'll just have to try bit harder on the next task, it's only a few more days" Tina's hand was on her sheer white panties now, she could feel her wetness through the thin material, a dark patch was appearing over her pussy, something that hadn't escaped Ken's notice.
"You know there's no way I can keep up with you, it's not fair" he whined, his voice going up an octave, he sounded like a child.
"Oh stop moaning Ken, we're all in the same boat" except some of us are passengers and some of us are paddling, she thought to herself with a smirk.
"I need to get Sue's boots polished, she won't be happy if they aren't done"
"Is that my problem?"
Ken was ready to snap, this little bitch couldn't treat him like this, what was wrong with her "No...but...." he didn't have an answer, for a second he thought about putting the tray down and getting on with it, he knew there would be serious repercussions if he did though.
"Exactly, now if you'd just kept your mouth shut I'd have taken the coffee by now you fucking idiot"
She looked at Ken's trembling lip, he looked like he was about to burst into tears as he shook with impotent rage.
She reached forward and took the coffee "You are fucking pathetic Ken" she said with a giggle "Better get polishing"
Ken went back to pile of shoes and boots, slamming the tray down on the floor loudly as he sat in the middle of them, just as he picked up the cloth and polish again he heard the key in the door, his heart skipped, Fuck!

Sue walked into the apartment and surveyed the scene, the look on Ken's face told her everything she needed to know, he hadn't finished, perfect, she'd hoped he wouldn't be.
She glared at him, fixing his gaze "You'd better have a good reason my boots aren't shining Ken" she said menacingly, she'd being enjoying bossing Ken around from the start, more confident than Tina she fell into the role easily.
Ken turned to Tina, shooting daggers at her, She just raised her eyebrows and smiled, daring him to blame her.
"I...I've done my best, I had other jobs to do as well" He was desperate to deflect the blame on to Tina, but he knew that could never end well, they were both just toying with him he knew.
"Do you think I care about your 'Other jobs'?"
"No Sue, sorry" he muttered under his breath, he realised his fists were clenched and the tube of shoe polish in his hand had squirted out and covered the carpet.
"Oh you'll be sorry. And look at the fucking mess you've made, what do you think Alex will say when she sees you've ruined her new carpet?"
Ken started to shake again, he felt a wave of panic, she was right, he was fucked, he needed to try and clean that up, as he started to stand he said "I need to get some cleaner from the kitchen"
"Errrr, I don't think so Ken, finish your job first, you've got fifteen minutes before I inspect them"
"But....the polish will dry, I'll never get it off the carpet"
"That's your fucking problem Ken, you should have been more careful, now get working"
"Ok" he seethed, but had no choice but to do as he was told, he applied some polish to one of her boots and started to rub furiously, trying to avoid glancing up at Sue as she removed her clothes as was required whenever she entered the apartment.

"That was fantastic, you're such an expert with that little tongue darling" Alex cradled Sophia in her arm, Sophia's head rested on her shoulder as Alex ran her fingers through her hair.
Sophia's eye's were closed as she enjoyed the tender attention "Thank you, it's such a delicious little hole" she purred.
It was still early but the pair couldn't resist getting into bed to enjoy each other for an hour or two, as they started to doze Alex's thoughts turned to the apartment and their three new playthings, she reached over with her free hand and picked up the remote from the bedside table "Let's see what the toys are up to"
She turned on the TV at the foot of the bed, it was showing four of the many cameras that they could select, Alex smiled, Ken was still there on the floor, just where he'd been when she'd turned it off an hour and a half ago, her smile soon disappeared when she saw a long dark trail across the cream carpet, what the fuck!
She picked up her laptop and brought up Skype, she called Sue, who was now sitting on the couch next to Tina. Sue reached forward to her laptop on the table and answered it.
"I see you're making good use of Ken, what the fuck is that mess on the carpet?" Alex didn't waste any time, she got straight to the point.
"That's shoe polish Mistress, the clumsy idiot wasn't paying attention, he'll be cleaning it up as soon as he's finished with my shoes Mistress" Sue and Tina could see Alex and Sophia cuddling in bed, Alex was still cradling Sophia in her arm and stroking her hair.
"Make sure you do, I'll be dealing with the little shit myself later. Now you two, get naked, now." The pair snapped upright at Alex's commanding tone, it was easy to forget their new position sometimes, once they were away for their two tormentors, but Alex would never let them forget for long.
Quickly they both removed their panties, as they were doing it they heard Alex say "P1, quick as you can"
The both dropped to their knees as soon as they were naked, hands behind their heads, pushing their chests forward and elbows back in an attempt to show their submission. Alex watched them on the TV, good girls, she thought to herself.
They were kneeling a few feet in front of Ken, who was fumbling with the boot he was trying to polish, he was squirming in discomfort and was obviously not able to keep his eyes off the two girls in front of him.
"Sophia has just given me a lovely orgasm, she's so good with her soft little tongue, it's only fair I return the favour, I'm going to go down and bury my face in that silky little pussy. While I do that you're going to entertain her with a little show of your own, it's time you practiced pleasuring other women with your tongues, so you'll show Sophia what you can do. She's going to give each of you a mark out of ten at the end, you really both need to get a good mark"
Sophia giggled, this was the first she'd heard of Alex's little game "You're wicked darling " she said, leaning up to kiss her cheek "Make it good girls, you've got until Alex makes me cum to impress me"
"Oh, and Ken, put that boot down and get into P1, you can watch the show as well, aren't I kind?" Alex's mocked.
"Yes Miss Friend" Ken mumbled as he straightened his back and put his hands behind his head, yeah, so fucking kind, you bitch, he seethed to himself.
Tina and Sue glanced at each other, not wanting to make eye contact though, neither of them could deny the thought of tasting the others pussy wasn't turning them on. Sue could feel her pussy moistening as her eyes wandered down Tina's toned body, she was eager to start but didn't dare move until instructed.
"You can start now, have fun girls, Sophia better be impressed" Alex said as she wriggled down the bed and her head disappeared from view, leaving Sophia's smiling face on the pillow.
Sue turned to the slightly nervous Tina, smiling, she embraced her and pulled her close, they were still on their knees, leaning in she whispered "Lay down sweetie, let me taste that little honey pot"
She made sure it was loud enough for the now sweating and trembling Ken to hear though.
Submissively Tina leaned back and lowered herself to the floor, bringing her ankles up and opening her knees. The scent from the warm damp pussy reached Sue's nostrils and she hurriedly straddled Tina's body, the enticing sight drawing her face lower, she leaned forward and pushed her ass back until it was hovering over Tina's face, hungrily her tongue came out and she made one long licking motion from her clit to the bottom of her pussy, burying her face between her thighs, almost reaching Tina's asshole with her tongue. Tina let out a soft moan and her hands came up to grip Sue's ass cheeks, she pulled her down towards her face, lifting her head slightly her face pressed eagerly against Sue's dripping pussy, her nose disappeared inside her as her tongue searched around for the hard little button of her clit, when she found it the reaction from Sue's hot body was instant, she felt her tense and quiver and the ministrations from her soft tongue became more urgent.
"Come on girls, show me how much you love pussy, Alex is working hard, it's not going to take long" Sophia's breathless voice interrupted the little world they were losing themselves in.
They'd almost forgotten they were being watched, but they were doing this for Sophia's benefit, they needed to put on a show. Sue sat up and planted her ass heavily onto Tina's face, forcing her nose deep into her crack, she started to moan loudly, gyrating her hips and grinding down hard onto Tina "Oh fuck, that's so good, get that tongue inside me you little bitch" Sue moaned theatrically as she brought her hands up and started kneading and stretching her tits, throwing her head back and writhing exaggeratedly, she imagined she was doing a porn film, exaggerating everything for the camera.
Tina's muffled protests were clearly audible, she was pinned down and helpless, how was she supposed to impress Sophia form down here? Sue knew damn well she couldn't, the calculating little bitch.
She brought up her hands and tried to push Sue off, Sue just grabbed her wrists and pinned her arms by her sides though "Keep licking slut, make me cum you little bitch" Sue was getting into her role, pretending that Tina's tongue was sending waves of pleasure through her, all she could feel was Tina's desperate gasps for air but she writhed and gyrated in mock bliss, she could see Sophia's face on the laptop, her body was rocking slightly as she gripped Alex's head and ground herself against her face, she looked like she wasn't far away from cumming.
She was distracted for a moment by an anguished wail from Ken, he was struggling to stay upright as the sight of Sue's hot voluptuous body wriggling around on top of Tina's firm young frame made his cock impale itself mercilessly on the cruel spikes, his hands were almost coming away from the back of his head as the urge to reach down and grab his tortured manhood was becoming irresistible, he somehow just managed to hold position though.
Sue decided to try something else, lifting herself up slightly she leant forward and brought her palm down hard on Tina's pussy, making her hips jump off the floor and brought a muffled yelp "Come on bitch, make me come before Alex does" she shouted, looking at Sophia as she said it.
When she didn't feel Tina's tongue she brought her palm down again "Lick me" SLAP "I fucking mean it" SLAP "I want to cum". This was enough, finally Tina started to flick her tongue over Sue's clit, SLAP "Good girl" she couldn't resist another slap on the soft wet flesh, her palm was covered in Tina's juices now and she brought her hand up to her mouth, making sure Sophia was watching she licked it off slowly, savouring the tangy flavour.
"Oh you like that don't you slut" Sue said as she pushed down a bit, positioning her clit directly over Tina's mouth, she could feel her lips pressed hard against her teeth either side of the now desperately working tongue that was darting inside her and over her clit. Tina's pussy was soaking, she was lost in a hot damp world of aroma's and tastes coming from Sue's pussy and ass, Sue had released her arms now and Tina lowered her hand to her own pussy and started to rub her clit vigorously, bucking and gyrating her hips as she started to bring herself to orgasm.
Every time Tina's tongue slowed down she felt a sharp slap of encouragement on her pussy, she had to try and stay focused on Sue's pleasure while she tried to satisfy her own increasing need for release.
Tina could feel her orgasm building, it was only a few seconds away, judging by the way Sue was now fucking her face, bouncing up and down and grinding her clit hard on her nose, Sue couldn't be far away either. Just as she was about to tip herself over the edge Alex's voice cut through her thoughts "Stop, NOW! that's enough"
"Aaaagh, noooooo" Sue couldn't contain a cry of despair, she was so close.
"Fuck!" Sue heard from underneath her ass.
Sue pushed herself up on shaking legs, she couldn't help smiling at the sight of Tina's red face, covered in her juices and her own saliva, her hair was wet and matted to her head.
Tina pushed herself up on her elbows and looked over at the laptop, Alex had clambered up the bed again and was now laying next to Alex, she looked a bit flushed and dishevelled, probably nowhere near as bad as she was looking right now, she thought to herself.
"It felt like Sophia enjoyed the show, I'm looking forward to playing it back later"
"Oh I did darling, I never realised they were such a pair of lesbians, they looked like they'd been sucking pussy all their lives"
"They deserve a good score then do they?"
"Hmmmmm, well I think Sue deserves eight out of ten, she seemed to have Tina very motivated indeed. But the winner has to be Tina, I'll give her nine, the effect her tongue was having on Sue was amazing, she deserves nothing less" Sophia knew Sue's game, she'd taken control and tried to hog the limelight so Tina didn't get a look-in, that will teach her.
Fuck! Sue wanted to object, fucking Tina hadn't even used her tongue until she'd been forced to, she'd been pretending most of the time, fucking bitch, this hadn't worked out how she'd planned.
Tina bit her lip to suppress a laugh and tried not to look too smug.
"Well I'll deal with you later Sue. Tina, as you're the winner I think you deserve a little reward" Alex guessed what had happened, the look on their faces said it all "Sue get back on the floor and get your face in Tina's pussy, you'll give her an orgasm with that tongue of yours, you must be good at it by now, she looks like she needs one"
"Yes Miss" Sue said, managing not to moan, her cheeks burned with the fresh humiliation of having to pleasure her fiend.
As Sue got between her knees, Tina gave her an evil smirk "Lick me good 'bitch'" she said mockingly, knowing how much Sue wanted to tell her to fuck off right now.
As Sue went to work, Alex turned her attention to Ken, he had tears running down his cheeks, the constant pain from his cock was driving him to distraction as his body betrayed him again and again, why couldn't he control his damn urges and save himself from this torment? "You've been in that flat less than a week and already you've ruined a very expensive carpet Ken, The cost of that will be coming out of your wages, what's left of them; I think it will take you quite a few months to pay that off. I'll decide how I'm going to deal with your carelessness overnight, I want you in my office first thing in the morning, and I’ll deal with you then. Now finish polishing Sue's boots, you've got until Tina has her orgasm to finish or they'll be something else I'll need to punish you for."

sarahsarah 11-28-2015 08:49 AM

Chapter 15

Alex was unusually stressed; her calm exterior was being ripped apart from within. Her biggest client had just finished a phone call with her and it was not good news. Alex had just been told that they had found a cheaper supplier and if Binding Connections was unable to match the offer then the contract would be terminated at the end of the month.
“FUCK!” Alex screamed out to nobody in particular. She lashed out; her paperwork flew across the room in a shower of sheets. The smashing noise of her coffee mug hitting the ground echoed through her ears. A numbing throb formed in her thumb and looking down she saw blood dripping from a cut. “FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!”
Sophia ran into the room, hesitating at the sight before her. Alex was never this angry, never this emotional. “Alex…. What’s wrong?”
Alex slammed her fist down onto the table. “What do you think Sophia? Another one down the bloody drain. I could afford to lose the last couple but this company is too big.” Alex dropped back into her seat. “I can’t match those prices, and if I lose all my best clients my company will go to shit.”
Sophia walked behind Alex and rested her hands on her shoulders. “You’ll find a way. You always do.”
“But how? What can I offer?”
“Whatever they want that you’re able to give them.”
Alex considered but was interrupted by a knock on the door. What now she thought. “Enter.” The door opened. “What do you want Ken?” Alex sighed.
“You asked to see me first thing this morning Miss Friend.” Ken stammered nervously.
Alex rolled her eyes. With everything else that had happened this was the least of her worries. “I take it you didn’t manage to clean that stain.”
“No Miss Friend.” Ken replied holding in his rage. He knew that Alex knew exactly what state the apartment was in and that he had spent the best part of two hours trying to clean it.
“I figured. Did you even bother attempting to?” Ken was about to snap but Alex cut him off. “Don’t answer that. Sophia, darling, I’m too busy right now. Please take Ken up to his old living arrangements where he will spend the next week. Once there punish him however you see fit.”
Ken sighed. He hated the loft space, no shower, no comforts. He’d rather be bossed about by Tina and Sue than go back to that dump. “Please Miss Friend. I’ll sort out the carpet. Give me a chance.”
“Ken.” Alex bluntly replied raising a hand to silence him. “I am not in a good mood right now, so I suggest you follow my lovely assistant out of this office before you make any mistakes.”
“Yes Miss Friend.” Ken glared at the ground, he knew there was no point in arguing so followed Sophia from the room leaving Alex to her thoughts.
Alex waited until the door closed before going back to her considerations. Something Sophia said had struck a chord. She wouldn’t be able to offer the company the better prices but there might be another deal she could make. Alex retrieved the phone she’d knocked to the floor and dialled her client.
“Hello this is Miss Alex Friend from Binding Connections. I’d like to speak to Steve about an urgent matter………….. Tell him that I have an offer I think he is going to accept…………. This is more important than his meeting………….. Yes, I’ll hold……………”

Sophia led Ken towards the old offices with a grin on her face. Sophia picked up an item or two on route out of sight from Ken. “Come on Kenny, we’re going to have some fun.”
Ken didn’t like the sound of that, remembering the pain he’d suffered at the hands of Sophia in the past he was scared for his genitals. He was doing, and wanted to do everything he could to please Sophia just hoping he might get out of this in one piece.
As Sophia opened the door the smell of the office made her recoil. The musky damp aroma that seemed settled in the air was enough to turn almost anyone away but Sophia marched through determined to humiliate her little toy.
Ken followed her in and stopped just behind Sophia as she turned to face him. “Strip, P1.” Sophia spoke firmly.
“Please, Miss Sophia. We don’t need to do this.” Ken pleaded with the girl, but seeing the evil glint in her eye he knew it was hopeless.
“You’re right, we don’t need to. I want to. Now you have ten seconds to get into position or I will kick you in the nuts.” Ken didn’t need to be asked a third time and Sophia laughed as the man who had strangled her, threatened her and terrified her only a short time ago was now in a desperate rush to obey her in total fear.
Ken took position as Sophia walked up to him. Without warning her leg swung in an arc with the toe of her right heeled boot striking firm into Ken’s ball sack. “Aaaaagggghhhhh” Ken screeched out and crumpled to the ground in a heap wheezing and trying to catch his breath.
“You took 14 seconds unfortunately. Now get your worthless ass back in position.” Sophia grinned at the broken mess in front of her.
“Plee…Please…. No more….I can’t take it.” Ken shuffled on the floor.
“Five…..Four….” Ken desperately tried to pull himself on the floor. “Three…….” He got to his knees. “Two…….” He gained his balance. “One……” He reached back to steady himself.
“AAARRRRRRRGGGGHHH” He screamed. Sophia’s boot had taken another swing and connected firmly again causing Ken to collapse in a fit of pain.
“Too slow again, we haven’t even started your punishment yet. Now get in position. Five….”
Ken wasted no time getting up this time, his testicles aching in a dull throbbing pain. Sophia hadn’t even reached two by the time Ken was in position.
“Much better Ken.” Sophia swung her leg back and Ken shrieked in fear. Sophia laughed as the man trembled before her. She walked away from him to retrieve the bag she’d placed on a desk and pulled out the first item. Ken stared in fear. “Do you recognise this Kenny boy?”
Ken nodded. He hated when she called him boy. The little bitch was so much younger than him but treated him like a child. SLAP. Sophia’s hand stung the cheek of Ken. “Answer properly.” She said calmly.
“Yes Miss Sophia, I know what it is.”
“Tell me then.”
“It’s an inflatable butt plug Miss Sophia, the largest in our collection.” Ken trembled at the sight of it, it didn’t look too big at the moment but that nozzle would be able to inflate it as large as anybody would ever want to.
Sophia smiled. “Right you are Kenny. Right you are. Now what do you think I’m going to do with this little beauty.” Sophia tapped it lightly with her fingers as she leaned back against the desk.”
Ken looked terrified. “Please Miss Sophia, please don’t put that thing up my ass. It won’t fit. Please.”
SLAP! Another sharp blow to the face caught Ken off guard. “Not what I asked you Ken and pleading won’t help anything. Now answer the question. What do you think I’m going to do with this little beauty?”
Ken stammered. “I…think….. you’re…. going to ….. put it…. Up my ass.” A tear formed in Ken’s but he didn’t dare move.
“Refer to it by the title I gave it Ken.” Sophia sneered “Now try again.”
Ken forced the words out. “I think you’re going to put that little beauty up my ass.”
Sophia laughed. “Would you like to get it nice and wet Ken? Stick out your tongue” Sophia held the plug in front of Ken’s face and sniggered as Ken slowly ran his tongue across the black toy. “That’s right, treat it like a real cock. Now open wide.” Ken opened his mouth and Sophia forced the plug into the back of Ken’s throat causing him to gag and splutter.
Ken tried to pull away but Sophia caught the back of his head forcing the plug to remain in his mouth. She grabbed hold of the nozzle giving it a slight squeeze causing it to inflate slightly. Ken groaned as he felt the size get slightly bigger.
“Now Ken, I am going to inflate this little beauty into a big beauty. You are going to beg me to stop and when I’m satisfied I will. Understand.”
“Yes Miss Sophia, but please don’t make it any bigger.”
“That’s the spirit.” Sophia squeezed on the bulb again puffing air into the plug.
“Please, it’ll hurt.” Another squeeze. “Pwease, it’s too big.” Sophia pressed again. Ken’s lips now wrapped around the plug.
“Pweee, I carn” Another burst of air shot into the plug now filling his mouth, Ken’s begging now came out as muffled groans. Sophia slowly but surely continued to inflate the plug further.
“Mwggghh, rrmmm.” Ken’s groans were mostly unheard now, his jaw and throat stretched, a tear ran down his stretched cheek.
Sophia pressed three more times stretching the jaw its maximum and filling the entire orifice. Tears ran freely down Ken’s face now. His jaw ached, his throat felt full, he was struggling to breathe fully through his nose. The bulb used to inflate it swung freely in front of him.
Sophia reached out and grasped it. Ken shot her a pleading, terrified look, unable to form noises. “Much better, that seems to have done a good job shutting you up. Just think Ken, that could be up your anus right now.” Ken shook his head emphatically. “It’s a shame Alex has told me to leave your virgin little rosebud alone.”
Ken sighed as well as he could in relief. “Well at least for now.” Sophia walked back over to her bag and pulled out a bag of rice. “Unfortunately I have to go back and help out Alex, even if it is a Sunday. In the meantime, you’re going to pick up every grain of rice up off this floor and put them into the bowl on this counter. You can find me when you’re done and then I’ll consider removing that little beauty.”
Sophia ripped open the bag and started to scatter the contents across the room filling the floor with grains of rice. “If I find a single grain of rice on the floor when you’re done there will be trouble.” With that Sophia placed the empty bag on the counter and left the room, leaving Ken alone, jaw aching, stiff, in pain and surrounded by tiny grains of rice.

Three hours later Sophia’s work was finishing. She had been back to find Ken finishing an hour earlier and was disappointed not to find any rice left on the floor. She had reluctantly removed the plug from the mouth, to Ken’s groans and recommended that he had soup for dinner.
She hated working Sundays but at least it meant she spent more time alone with Alex on frequent breaks. She walked into the office to find Alex on the phone. “Wednesday…… Yes, that would work perfectly…… Should we say 10 o’clock?...... Great…… Talk to you soon Steve.” Alex hung up the line and turned to Sophia.
“Important conversation.” Sophia queried out of curiosity.
Alex smiled. “Very, it appears that we have our contract back, assuming everything goes well on Wednesday.”
“How on earth have you pulled that one off?” Sophia was shocked, Alex was out of control earlier and now seemed to have everything in order.
“Just took a little persuasion.”
The knock on the door took Sophia by surprise, she hadn’t been expecting anyone. Before she could check, Alex spoke up. “Enter.” Sue and Tina nervously walked in bringing a smile from Sophia. ‘Finally some more fun’ she thought. “Excellent. Very punctual. P1.” Both girls instantly dropped to their knees with hands on their heads. It felt natural to them now, as if they’d known no other way. “As the two of you know, it is Sunday, which means it is time for our Sunday challenge.”
Sophia relaxed onto the sofa, admiring the two ladies, curious as to what Alex would have them do. She’d tried a few times to coax it out of her lover but was unsuccessful; Alex always saying she wanted it to be a surprise.
“You may notice Ken is not with you, he has disappointed me too much once again and will be remaining in the office residences until Thursday when he will join you again. The task is a simple one and there will be a clear winner and loser. The winner will be rewarded and the loser will face the consequences. Understood?”
“Yes mistress.” Both girls replied in unison.

“Good. Now the task. You will each receive an envelope. Inside the envelope are two things: A list and $300 in cash. The list has 5 items on it. Your job is simple, you must purchase each item on the list for as cheap as possible. For each item not purchased or not to satisfactory condition, there is a $100 fine on your total. Whoever finds all the items to good condition for the lowest price will be declared the winner. Is all of that understood?”
“Yes mistress.”
“Do not open the envelope until you are off the premises and separated. You have four hours to find the products and return them to the flat. Off you go.”

Tina and Sue walked separate ways in the car park. It now made sense why both girls had to bring their own car. Tina said goodbye to her friend and entered the vehicle. As soon as she was outside the gates she pulled over and opened up the envelope; the $300 fell out onto the passenger seat as she took hold of the piece of paper and read it to herself.
- A personalised collar with a derogatory title of your choice with leash.
- A bowl customised with the same title.
- A large cage
- A dog hood/mask with gag
- A buttplug with a tail
Tina looked at the list and reread it. She sighed, she turned on her sat nav and looked up any local sex stores on her phone and headed off.
Elsewhere Sue was having a similar shocked reaction, and like Tina disappeared off in search of the items.

It was 9 pm and both Tina and Sue were stripped completely kneeling in front of the sofa where Alex and Sophia sat talking and drinking. The items they had purchased earlier were yet to be checked and were sitting behind them wrapped in bags. Both girls were frightened that they hadn’t been able to get the exact right items.
It had been almost an entire hour since they had been back and Alex and Sophia had just left them uncomfortably kneeling and waiting since then.
“Sue. Tina.” Alex turned to address her slaves
“Yes mistress.”
“Please retrieve your items and left over money.” Alex requested. Sophia smiled, she’d been looking forward to seeing the items they’d been set and still had no idea what they were.
“Yes mistress.” Both hurried behind them and retrieved the bags before retaking positions.
“The first item I asked you for was a customised collar with a derogatory title of your choice and a leash to go with it. Please present these.” Both girls reached into the bags as Sophia burst into laughter.
Tina and Sue placed a collar and leash on the table in front of their mistress. “OK Tina, yours first. I like the choice of collar.” Alex assessed the black collar with studded spiked coating the rim. “A very nice design you have, the name on the other hand lacks imagination. ‘Bitch’ is just a little bit unoriginal but it will do.” Tina smiled, happy enough to meet minimum standards. “I am a fan of the leash as well, plain is good there.”
“The plain black collar is a little dull Sue but I do love your derogatory name. ‘Puppy Slut’ seems appropriate given the items so well done. You both pass. Now I want you to pass over the collars and name you chose to each other.”
Both Tina and Sue frowned as they were handed the other collar and attached it around their necks. “I assume you both have a bowl to match.”
“Yes mistress” both replied and placed relatively plain bowls with names onto the counter.
“Good. I have already seen the cages and both are reasonable size. Again you will be swapping though. A slave never buys their own toys and items.” Both nodded. “Now for the slightly more fun items, please present your hood with gag and your plug.” Sophia laughed again as she heard the last items and watched eagerly as both girls placed their items on the table.
Tina had purchased a full black dog hood covering the entire face leaving just space to breathe through the nose and a zip to access the mouth if desired. Floppy ears flicked out the top of it to add to the affect. She had also acquired a black plug with a black and white fur tail reaching out the base of it. It was reasonably small but would do the job.
Sue on the other hand had bought a leather harness with a mask across the front to cover the majority of the upper face. A bit gag stretched across the front attached to both sides of the mask with ears sticking up from the top. From the sides leather reigns stretched back allowing someone to hold. With it she had a black plug with a plastic black tail; however it did come with a vibrating function.
“Excellent job girls. I really like the thought you put into the items. Both of you have passed on all items. You will be using these during a special session I have planned for Wednesday. Now to see who managed to win. Hand over the remaining money.” Both Tina and sue handed Alex a handful of notes and change which Alex and Sophia quickly counted and double checked.

“The results are in. Tina, you managed to successfully acquire all 5 items for 218 dollars and 56 cents. Sue, you successfully purchased all 5 items for…… 234 dollars and 79 cents making Tina our champion.” A smile grew on Tina’s face as she heard the numbers, whereas Sue’s spirit shrunk. She’s lost by less than 20 dollars and it would cost her. “Congratulations Tina.”
“Thank you Mistress.”
“Now as a reward for winning this task you will have the pleasure of getting Sue as a servant for the first half of the week and Ken for the remainder. In addition you may now make one request of Sue here for something you desire. If I believe it acceptable and reasonable I will allow it, if not, you will receive no reward.” Sue sighed with frustration; she knew she could have won this with more care.
Tina thought, ‘what can I ask for, too big and I get nothing, too small and it feels worthless. What do I want, she is still my friend so it has to be for me.’
“I need an answer Tina.”
“Mistress,” Tina spoke almost in a whisper, “Since I performed it for Sophia I’ve wanted to know how it feels so if it is reasonable, could I request for Sue to give me a rimjob?”
Sophia and Alex laughed in unison as Sue’s face contorted in disgust. Alex calmed herself down. “That seems entirely reasonable to me. Tina, kneel on the sofa. Sue you know what to do.”
Tina jumped up excitedly and kneeled on the edge of the couch spreading her legs and letting her ass hang over the edge.
“Sue, get in there, spread Tina’s sumptuous ass cheeks and get your tongue in there until we’re satisfied.”
“Yes Mistress.” Sue knelt down behind Tina and stared up at the younger girls behind. She reached forward and slowly spread her cheeks out. Sophia reached down and began to play with herself as Alex watched intently. Sue leaned forward but recoiled slightly at the smell of her friend’s arsehole.
“What are you waiting for Sue.”
Reluctantly Sue stuck out her tongue and reached forward resting it against Tina’s rosebud, eliciting a sharp gasp from the teenager. “ooooohhh, yeahhhhh, that’s it Sue, lick my ass, get your tongue in deep. Thank you Mistress.” Alex smiled, even when she was in a world of pleasure, dominating, she was still thanking her for the moment.
Sue stuck her tongue deeper and started to swirl gently around the hole, the taste was disgusting but not nearly as bad as she anticipated. Hoping to get it over with as quick as possible she spread the cheeks further and began a quick furious assault of the hole. “mmmmmmm, oooohhhhhhh, wooooowwww, that’s soooooo gooood.” Tina was in ecstasy, her body shuddered at the sensations.
Sophia was groaning as well, watching the two slaves perform in front of her.
Tina’s moans grew, she approached a point of no return. “Stop now.” Sue instantly pulled away.
“Nooooooooooo, Mistress, Pleassssssseeee.” Alex’s words had felt like a firm strike. Her pleasure and release had been whipped from under her leaving her gasping, panting, needing more.
Alex slapped Tina sharply. “When I say stop, it stops, and you thank me for the experience.”

jklivin 11-28-2015 02:27 PM

Oh my how that chapter made me feel !!!!

subby999uk 12-07-2015 02:04 AM

Chapter 16

Alex's tongue pushed gently past Sophia's warm lips, she could taste her cherry lipstick as they parted and their tongues entwined, looking deeply into each others eyes their arms gripped tighter and they pulled each other close, their hard nipples grinding together.
As they lost themselves in the intimate moment there was a soft muffled moan from below, they both smiled. It was Tina that had let out the involuntary little cry as she struggled to control herself, she was so young and horny, she always seemed to be wet, it had been two hours since Sophia had strapped the butterfly vibe over her clit and she was reaching the end of her tether.
"Awwww, what's up sweetie? keep that tongue working, I'm already one orgasm ahead, one more and you win" Sophia mocked, then she clamped her thighs tighter together, smothering Tina's red flustered face deeper against her throbbing pussy.
Alex and Sophia were laying on there sides, embracing and kissing while the two girls were on the bed with their heads pushed between their legs so they could access the two hungry pussies with their tongues, a nice relaxing way to spend a Monday evening, well for Alex and Sophia anyway.
Sophia had thought up this little game, the two girls would use their tongues to bring them to five orgasms each, the one who did it the fastest would get a nice little treat, the loser would suffer. Sophia had cum four times so far, Alex only three.
To make it a bit more interesting the two girls had butterfly vibes on with Alex and Sophia holding the remotes, they'd started off with the remotes for each others tongue slaves so they could try and distract their opponent. Half way through they'd swapped, now they held the remotes to their own little toys.
Sophia had been toying with the control until Tina felt like her throbbing clit would explode, she wanted to rip the damn torture device off but she knew she'd suffer if she did, all she could do was try to ignore it and focus all her attention on pleasing the pussy that was pressing against her face.
Sue was suffering similarly, Alex kept flicking the vibe to full power until she could feel Sue's rapid breath rushing over her clit and her head starting to squirm between her legs, she could judge when Sue was about to lose control by the amount of wriggling going on and the increase in desperation from the her little tongue that was slurping over her dripping hole, just when Sue couldn't hold back any more the vibe would cut off, leaving her gasping and almost sobbing in frustration. Alex grinned in satisfaction as she felt Sue's hot breath rushing over her wet pussy, it slowed down as Sue regained her composure and her tongue soon went back to its work, only for her to start the cycle again with the vibe, Alex could hold back her orgasms as long as she wanted, she'd already decided Sue wasn't going to win this.
Sue's heart sank, she could feel the bed start to rock and it wasn't Alex doing it, Sophia must be in the throws of her fifth orgasm, Tina had won, bitch. The sound of Sophia's moans cut through her, not only did it mean she'd lost, but the delicious sounds of Sophia's bliss only reminded her of her own torment.
"Keep going, finish me off once more before I make you suffer" Alex flicked the control for the vibe up and down a few times before leaving it on full power, she was feeling particularly cruel tonight, torturing someone was such a good way of relieving stress.
Sophia released Tina's head and rolled onto her back, she opened her legs as she reached over and picked up her phone "Clean me" she ordered Tina, who obediently lowered her head and started running her tongue between Sophia's thighs, searching out the trickles of juice that had run down between her legs. Sophia brought up her knees so Tina could dig deep between her ass cheeks.
Just then there was a wail of anguish and the sound of breaking glass from outside, Sophia grinned and Alex giggled in amusement. They could hear the sharp sound of stiletto's on the marble floor of the hallway, then there was a knock on the door.
"Come in Ken" Sophia called and the door opened, Ken hobbled into the bedroom, the sight brought contemptuous smiles from both of them. Ken was dressed in a tiny and very tight maids outfit made of thick constricting latex, the skirt was so short it did nothing to hide the evil spiked cage on his cock and the electronic ball shocker that was strapped below it. He had stockings and six inch stiletto heels on, not normal shoes though, these were made of steel and painted bright red, they had cuffs that secured them around the ankles, they were very heavy, weighing several pounds, he'd had them on since he arrived three hours ago and his feet were a mass of aches and pains. Some latex gloves and maids cap completed the outfit.
"Care to explain what that noise was Ken?" Sophia asked as she flicked through the options on the app on her phone, they were so lucky to have all this equipment at their disposal. This new ball shocker was fantastic, linked by bluetooth to Ken's phone, she could activate the shocker from anywhere, she could be in another country and still torture him.
"I...I'm sorry Miss, the shock startled me and I dropped a glass" Ken struggled to control his temper, he'd been working for hours, the ridiculous outfit had made every task so much more difficult. The smooth latex gloves made holding the glasses in the soapy water almost impossible. He was sweating profusely under the tight corseted outfit, he was a mass of itches he couldn't scratch.
The sight of the four naked girls on the bed was having the inevitable effect on him, this didn't escape Sophia's notice, the pungent aroma of so many soaking pussies was permeating the room, Ken was soon fidgeting as the spikes started to bite.
"For fuck sake Ken, don't you think about anything else?" with that Sophia pressed a button on the app, she'd set it at level seven out of a possible ten.
Ken let out a cry and almost doubled over as Sophia kept the button pressed "Stand up straight you fucking wimp" she shouted, annoyed at his weakness "And shut the fuck up"
Biting his lip, Ken forced his body upright, Sophia was pressing the button again and again, "Don'" she punctuated each word with a press of the button, each press made his body twitch involuntarily but he managed to stay in position.
The sight of Ken's torture captivated Alex, Sophia was such a little bitch, she loved her so much, it was enough to bring her to her fourth orgasm, grinding herself hard on Sue's face her juices gushed into the waiting mouth as she clamped her thighs and pulled Sue's head up tight, she let out a long satisfied moan that tortured Ken more.
She laid back for the obligatory clean up as she looked over at Ken "You've been locked in that thing for a couple of weeks now Ken, you should have learnt to control yourself, you know it just causes you pain".
"I'm sorry Miss Friend" what do you expect you fucking bitch, I haven't cum for two fucking weeks, he wanted to scream at her, but he bit his tongue.
"Oh I'm going to make you sorry, come here" Ken hobbled around the bed, wincing as the steel shoes rubbed his tender feet and ankles.
She picked up a small water bottle from the side of the bed, it was about half full "Here, drink this" she ordered, holding it out to him.
Ken took the bottle, after unscrewing the cap he hesitated until he saw Alex raise her eyebrows, he wanted to ask why but thought better of it "Yes Miss Friend" he mumbled and drank the water.
"Sue, you really are going to have to improve your oral skills, now I need to punish you, take the vibe off and go and bend over that chair" Alex pointed to a high backed chair near the dressing table.
"Yes Mistress" She groaned, this was so unfair, she'd really tried, it wasn't her fault the bitch held back, even wriggling out of the way of her tongue sometimes.
"It looks like you deserve a treat Tina, judging by Sophia's reactions you must be something of an expert" Alex said as she reached over and brushed Sophia's hair off her face before kissing her.
"Oh she is" Sophia said, looking down at Tina and winking, Tina's face flushed "She must have sucked a lot of pussy to know how to use her tongue like that"
"No I.....Th-Thank you Miss Sophia" she was going to object, but she realised they were just teasing.
"Well take that vibe off, you deserve a couple of orgasms of your own" Alex said "Ken, it's your lucky day, you're finally going to get to taste one of the pussies you've been drooling over for the last few weeks. You're such a horny little fucktard, I know you cant keep your eyes off us, even though it causes you so much pain"
Tina looked over at Ken with distaste "Really Mistress?" she said "Please can I just do it myself"
"That's not very grateful is it? You'll let Ken lick you to two orgasms, and you'll thank me for the privilege, understand?"
"Yes Mistress" Tina replied quietly, head bowed.
"And as for you Ken, it really is your lucky day, not only are you going to get to taste this delicious creature, I'm also going to unlock your cock from that little cage for a while and let that cock free. Before you get too excited though, the cage only comes off after you've given Tina here two orgasms. Oh and just to motivate you to work a bit faster, that water you just drank contained two Viagra's, it's been a few minutes, you might be starting to feel the effects"
Ken groaned loudly, he was, he definitely was, the spikes were digging in like never before, he thought it was the thought of licking Tina's shaved little pussy that was doing it but now he knew he was in for a world of pain, the cage was getting tighter by the second, he started to sweat even more as his body twitched, he stood there squirming on the spot "Miss Friend, please, Please take it off, I can't stand it" he whimpered.
Alex giggled "Not a chance, now get down on your knees and beg young Tina here to shuffle over so you can start licking"
Ken was close to panic, his cock was so tight in the cage it was squeezing out through the gaps between the rings, the spikes were buried deep in his flesh, so far they hadn't drawn blood, but he was sure it wouldn't be long "Please Tina, please come here so I can lick you" he wheezed out the words between sucking in painful breaths.
Tina glanced over at Alex, hoping she'd relent, but her eyes were met with a stern look, reluctantly she slid over and dropped her feet off the side of the bed and spread her legs "Get on with it then Ken" she said with a sigh.
Ken wanted to cry with pain, humiliation and frustration, he looked down at the gorgeous young body in front of him, the aroma from her soaking pussy was filling his nostrils, he'd dreamed of this so many times, but now it was his worst nightmare, With a small sob he lowered his face into the warm wetness and stuck out his tongue.
Alex was already off the bed and had turned her attention to Sue, who'd been draped over the chair with her tight little ass in the air for the last few minutes "Now then, time to deal with you" she said, running her soft palm over the smooth white cheeks, making them quiver in anticipation.
"It's so handy being a supplier of sex toys, there's so many cool things to try out" Alex said as she went to a drawer and returned with a box. She pulled out a couple of dildo's that looked shiny and metallic, then she got out a box with some knobs on the front and a bundle of leads, Sue couldn't see any of this but Sophia could and gave a little squeal of excitement, she'd seen these had just come into the stockroom and was excited as soon as she saw them.
"Now then, open wide" Alex said, pushing Sue's feet apart with her own until Sue was positioned with her pussy and ass exposed and on tiptoe.
Alex squeezed some lube into her palm and gave the larger of the two dildo's a generous coating, the lube was supplied as part of the set and was very conductive. Sue let out a surprised yelp as the cold dildo was pushed forcefully inside her, she couldn't help wriggling to help Alex work it deeper inside her though "Feel good?"
"Uuugh, Yes Mistress, please fuck me"
Alex couldn't help a smile, you horny little slut, she thought "Patience"
Next she lubed up the smaller dildo, this one was pushed against Sue's clenched little asshole, she pushed harder until finally it overcame the resistance and Sue opened up as the slippery dildo slid inside her.
"There, all full up, don't you dare let either of them come out"
"No Mistress" Sue said breathlessly, her juices were flowing freely, she needed to feel that dildo being worked in and out of her hungry pussy, how could being treated like this make her so horny? she wondered to herself.
Alex plugged the leads into the box and connected the other ends to the dildos, then she turned on the power. Sue was slightly confused, she hadn't seen the box, then Alex tweaked the power knob and Sue gasped in surprise, she realised instantly what was going on as her ass and pussy were jolted by the shock, as Alex turned the power down her pussy was left twitching and tingling.
"Awwww, don't worry Sue, I'm not going to torture you with this" Alex said.
"Thank you Mistress" Sue replied, confused again.
"You're going to torture yourself" she said cryptically with an evil little laugh.
"Shhhhhh, wait and see"
Alex took a long flexible cane from the wardrobe, stepping in front of Sue she flexed it menacingly, making Sue shudder and clench her exposed ass cheeks involuntarily. "twenty five strokes I think, that should teach you to try a bit harder when you're supposed to be pleasing me"
"Mistress, please, I beg you, I'll try harder next time, I promise"
"So you admit you weren't trying hard this time then do you?"
"No Mistress.....I....."
Alex just laughed "Stop digging and take your punishment"
"Yes Mistress" Sue sighed, defeated.
Alex then plugged a third lead into the box and brought the other end around so she could place it on the seat of the chair, Sue could see what it was and groaned, it was a microphone, she'd read about this option on the product description, it was on a long stem and was a few inches from her face.
Alex smiled "I think you can guess what's coming can't you?"
"Yes Mistress"
"You'll count each stroke, and thank me, LOUDLY" Sue gave a yelp as Alex emphasised the word, the microphone picking it up and sent a shock through Sue's body, her own yelp did the same, she managed to clamp her mouth tightly shut, letting out just a stifled hiss.
Alex giggled "Now you're getting it, feel free to cry out as much as you like. Oh, and here's a little game we're going to play, Sophia will be applying some of the strokes, and you have to thank the correct person, if you guess wrong then you'll get the stroke again, understand?"
Alex understood only too well, the evil electrics were going to torture her as much as the cane, Alex was going to make sure of that "Yes Mistress" she whispered.
"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that"
"Yes Mistress" she repeated quietly, her pussy tingled with a hot jolt.
Crack, the cane came down hard on her ass "Speak up girl!"
"YES MISTRESS" she wailed, a searing pain surged through her body, but she managed to suppress the urge to cry out.
"Good, lets get started" Alex drew the cane back and brought it down hard.
Sue's ass jumped as she let out a muffled cry, biting her lip to keep quiet "One, thank you Mistress Alex"
"LOUDER" Sue shouted, bringing the cane down again.
"ONE, THANK YOU MISTRESS ALEX" fuuuuuck, the pain burning through her tender body was unbearable, she didn't know how she could endure this, tears trickled down her cheeks.
The cane cut into her flesh again, leaving a bright red welt "TWO, THANK YOU MISTRESS ALEX"
"WRONG, it was me, bitch" Sophia pulled back the cane and did her best to place the second cut on top of her previous one.
Sue let out a cry before she could stop herself "TWO, THANK YOU MISS SOPHIA"
she danced and squirmed on the chair, struggling not to jump off and grab her ass, she knew Alex was just waiting for her to break position.
"That's better, you'd better learn to recognise how each of us uses the cane" Sophia said with a cruel sneer, just as Alex brought the cane down again.
Alex laughed "Stupid Bitch" Crack, the cane came down again.
Sue started to sob with impotent frustration "THREE, THANK YOU MISTRESS ALEX" she'd never felt so helpless, she couldn't ignore the juices that were trickling down her thighs though, making it difficult to keep her pussy clenched on the slippery dildo, she could taste blood she was biting her lip so hard, but she was determined to show these two cruel women she could take anything they could dish out.

As Sue's torment continued Ken was consumed in his own little world of agony, his fat tongue was rubbing and flicking ineffectually over Tina's pussy, his moans were filling the room, a little reminder to Alex and Sophia that he was still there, they weren't interested in his plight though, he could suffer there all night as far as they were concerned, Sue was a much more entertaining plaything.
If anything, Tina's pussy was dryer than when he'd started, he used his saliva to lubricate her clit as she laid on the bed staring up at the ceiling, her occasional bored sighs made Ken want to slap her, she tried closing her eyes and imagining it was Alex's hot dexterous tongue working on her, but Ken's itchy stubble soon ruined that illusion.
"For fuck sake Ken, have you never licked a pussy before? put some fucking effort into it you twat" she called down to him impatiently.
Ken clenched his fists in rage, he'd tried everything he knew to stimulate her, which wasn't much he had to admit, and she just laid there bored, this isn't how he imagined it at all. The smell and taste was tormenting him beyond endurance though, he feared for his poor cock, it felt like a thousand knives were stabbing it and focusing on anything else was almost impossible.

"NINETEEN, THANK YOU MISTRESS ALEX" please let it be Alex, please, she prayed silently, she'd already had more than thirty strokes, she didn't know how much more she could take.
"You're learning Sue, but that 'thank you' didn't sound quite sincere enough, lets try that one again" Crack.
"NINETEEN, THANK YOU MISTRESS ALEX" Sue was sobbing uncontrollably, Alex had already had to push the dildo back inside her pussy twice, she received an extra stroke for each time, the pain in her cheeks, and deep inside her pussy and ass was more than she imagined possible.
Her resolve to keep in position and take the torture the two women wanted to inflict was stronger than ever though, she couldn't explain the feeling, it was just something she needed to do, there was nothing she wouldn't do to try and please these women, it left her feeling fulfilled when they were pleased with her, their disappointment left her feeling empty, was that normal? what the fuck was wrong with her?
"Wrong! Let's try that again" Crack.
Fuck! she hadn't been concentrating "TWENTY, THANK YOU MISS SOPHIA"
By the time Sophia delivered the twenty fifth stroke Sue was a quivering sweating mass of pain, she'd actually received thirty eight strokes, it felt like she could feel every one of the angry welts burning deep into her cheeks, her pussy was spasming and felt like a quivering jelly, her ass felt like it had a hot poker inside it.
Alex was impressed by Sue's dedication, she thought she might have broken her with this treatment, instead she seemed to have sunk deeper into submission, there wasn't a hint of rebellion, just acceptance and a grim determination to endure. The power she had over this woman now brought a tingle to her own pussy, she almost regretted the cruel treatment she'd just dished out as she looked down into the adoring eyes of the woman looking up at her fearfully, almost.
Alex ran her hand over the ridges that had formed on Sue's tender ass, making her wince and squirm, she kept quite though, the microphone was still turned on "Well done Sue, good girl" she said softly, she pulled out the two dildos "You can get up now"

"What the fuck is wrong with you Ken" Sophia hissed in his ear, she'd already wandered over while Alex was finishing up with Sue "You haven't made her cum once you useless fucking bastard" she was holding his hair, wet with sweat and pulling his head back painfully.
"This is supposed to be Tina's reward for her wonderful performance"
"He's fucking useless Miss Sophia, there's no way that twat will ever make me cum"
"So I can see, well Ken, I guess I'll just have to show you how to do it. Kneel there and watch, don't you dare take you're eyes off me" Sophia used some wet wipes to clean up Ken's saliva and freshen up Tina's pussy that was starting to get wet again already, the thought of Sophia burying her face in there was getting her more excited than she'd care to admit.
Sophia was eager to start, Tina's tight smooth little hole looked so inviting, she plunged her tongue past her tight lips, bringing a little squeal of delight, followed by soft sensual moans. Ken on the other hand was moaning in agony as he trembled, the sight of the young body writhing on the bed as Sophia's expert tongue achieved in seconds what he'd failed to do in nearly half an hour.
It wasn't long before Tina was rocking in the throws of an intense orgasm, she brought her legs up and wrapped them around Sophia's head, gripping her tight, Sophia didn't mind though, she loved the assault on her senses as her face was smothered between Tina's legs, she drank in the mix of tastes and aroma's from her hot sweating body, she was such a delicious creature.

Alex was relaxing on the bed next to Tina as Sophia finally pulled herself away from the hungry pussy and laid next to them, Alex couldn't resist playing with the app for Ken's ball shocker while she giggled at his pathetic whimpering, adding a bit to his pain as she relished the show the two girls were putting on.
When Tina had regained her composure Alex put her phone down "Ok you two, you can get back downstairs, it's getting late, I'm sure you want to get to bed" she said with a sly smile.
Sue and Tina exchanged an awkward glance, the intense erotic situation had left them both feeling incredibly horny, a couple of weeks ago the idea would have been ridiculous, now neither could deny the idea of sharing a bed hadn't occurred to them.
"Yes Mistress"
"Thank you Mistress"
"Behave girls, we might be watching" Sophia said with a wink.
Both girls flushed and left with cheeks burning, Sue with more than one pair of cheeks feeling like they were on fire.
"Now then Ken, what the fuck are we going to do with you?" Alex glared at him, the atmosphere had changed as soon as the two girls were gone. Ken just knelt there, his mouth opened, but no words would come, he was almost delirious with the constant pain and frustration, he couldn't think.
"You can forget about getting that cage off, your effort was pathetic, it's staying on until you can do much better" Alex was off the bed now, she'd got some rope out of the wardrobe and wandered round to where Ken was kneeling.
"Up" she commanded.
Ken got to his feet, his toes slid down into the steel shoes painfully as he tottered in front of the bed, Alex tossed one end of the rope over one of the high beams and caught it as it fell the other side, that's obviously not the first time she'd done that, Sophia thought to herself with a smile.
She tied the rope to a solid brass light fitting on the wall, then she grabbed Ken's wrists and yanked them upwards painfully "Stand there" she said.
Ken leant forward as his arms were pulled up behind him, then Alex expertly tied his wrists and shortened the rope until his shoulders were being pulled back painfully, his head was forced down as he bent at the waist to try and relieve the stain.
"There, a night like that should teach you a lesson" Alex climbed back on the bed and laid next to Sophia, Ken's face was hovering over the bed, he was only a few inches from Alex's firm sexy body.
Sophia slid over and wrapped her arms around Alex "Now you can watch how a pussy should be licked, and don't you dare disturb us, I don't want to hear a peep out of you until the morning"
Ken's legs were already shaking with the strain on his calves, he mumbled something but the two women had already turned there attention to each other, they were kissing passionately, they embraced and rolled over and Alex's ass was pushed up as she ended up on top of Sophia, it nearly brushed Ken's face, he strained desperately to avoid his nose being pushed against her cheeks, he knew she'd be angry if she felt him touch her, he let out a desperate sob, the night was going to be unbearable........

sarahsarah 01-10-2016 05:15 AM

Chapter 17

Sue and Tina entered the flat together; they’d been allowed to put some clothes on at the door, the same ones they’d instantly removed upon entering Alex’s penthouse. The journey down had been in total silence, each girl sharing nervous glances. Both of them were incredibly aroused, even Tina despite the orgasm Sophia had just given her. She wanted nothing more than to join the other girls in bed but knew patience was the best way forward.
As they sat down on the sofas Sue burst into a fit of laughter. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Tina questioned her hysteric friend. “What’s so funny” she jumped on the girl who was struggling to speak through the giggles, “Tell me, why are you laughing?”
“It’s just madness, a month ago I wouldn’t dream of doing anything with a girl, and tonight I just got spanked, fucked, electrocuted, teased, humiliated all simultaneously and I loved it. What the hell is wrong with me you asked, I have no fucking idea is the answer. It’s hilarious, I hate what is happening, I want to be out, but I also don’t want it to stop. I dread every day but I can’t imagine my life without this now.” She burst into another string of chuckles and cackles as Tina just sighed and lay back comfortably on the cushions thinking, she couldn’t imagine her life without this now, everything was different, and she had a feeling things were only going to get better. She looked at her friend again who had settled down exhausted; she wanted to ravish her right here on the sofa.
Tina glanced at the cameras in the room. ‘What would Alex do if she decided to have her way with Sue right now? What could Alex do that Tina didn’t secretly want?’
Deep breathing to her right stirred her from her thoughts. Sue had fallen asleep; Tina leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. There’s always tomorrow she thought.

Ken reached that morning in pure agony; he had been stung up by the bed the whole night. The pain had become dull and draining; he could barely feel his arms anymore. He was aching in every joint on him, unable to get comfortable. He’d listened to the two girls fuck for at least an hour with his cock twitching in the cage. The spikes pierced but felt harmless compared to the strain in his shoulders. He wanted to cry out all night but knew the repercussions were too great.
He’d contemplated much and more in these hours and as the sun rose and glimmers of morning light entered the room signalling the end of the night he never thought would end, those glimmers came with something else: Glimmers of hope, glimmers of desire, a choice.
He heard Sophia stirring on the bed and moments later an alarm pierced the room making him jump sending new waves of agony through his body. Alex reached across and pressed the button on the clock silencing the air. “Morning my love. Time to get ready for work.” Ken wanted to groan, he couldn’t believe he would have to go to work after this night. However he kept silent, not out of fear, but out of a weird respect for this woman, a respect that had formed as he’d hung there at her bed, totally ignored, totally unwanted, totally unnecessary but there. He wanted her to be happy, he didn’t want to disappoint her more, for the first time he wanted to do what she wanted in a bizarre hope of being acknowledged.
The two girls rose out of bed. They were naked, without any care that Ken was there watching on, his cock twitched again but he controlled it, he wasn’t sure how but the pain instantly eased. Alex walked across to her toy, dangling still; she knelt down and flicked the cage. Ken twitched but remained silent. “Are you learning my little bitch?”
“Yes Miss Friend, I don’t want to disappoint you.” Ken forced the words out, any hope of getting let down. Sophia giggled, before making her way towards the bathroom.
“Will you be joining me Alex?” Sophia questioned as she walked into the en-suite.
“In a minute my dear, I want to deal with Ken first.” Alex replied before waiting for the door to close. She turned her attention to the wreck in front of her. “I have to say I’m impressed Ken, you hung there all night, without complaint, without moaning, and without interfering with us at any point.”
“Thank you Miss Friend.” Ken replied as confidently as possible. He was wheezing, the strain and brute physical exertion had taken its toll.
“In fact you have done so well, I am going to let you down. You will then return downstairs to the flat, ensure the girls are ready for work. I then want you to take the morning off and sleep. I am harsh but fair, you have done well so deserve to relax for a while and ease your pains. I expect you in work at 1 pm.” Alex began to undo his restraints.
“Thank you Miss Friend, I am very grateful.” The last restraint was undone and Ken crumpled in a heap on the floor.
“One more thing. Could you ask Tina to meet me in my office at 9, I have some things to discuss with her. Now get out of my sight.”
“Yes Miss Friend.” Ken quickly scampered from the room with a sigh of relief. He stopped at the apartment door to quickly dress before leaving as rapidly as possible before Alex changed her mind. Alex turned to the bathroom and entered, the shower was steamy and Alex opened the door and joined Sophia under the hot water.
“Hey babe, what was that all about?” Sophia questioned.
Alex cuddled up behind her stroking her hands gently across Sophia’s breasts. “I gave Ken the morning off to rest, he deserved it. Something’s changed in him last night. I don’t know what but I’m hoping it’s a good thing.”
Sophia turned to face her lover. “If you think that’s best. I’ve noticed one change over the last few weeks, he is getting fitter. Now can we stop talking about Ken and have some fun.” Alex nodded and Sophia ran her hands down her lover’s body. “I believe it’s your turn.”

Wednesday lunchtime arrived and Alex was rushed at her desk. She’d given her slaves the night off yesterday; it was in her best interest, especially knowing what was planned for tonight. As well as that Sophia was away meeting a client, something essential for the evening. She had left yesterday afternoon for the long trip to help set up arrangements. Alex had asked the three slaves to meet her in the office this lunch time and was just finalising a few reports before they arrived.
The knock on the door came as expected and Alex shouted for them to enter. Ken walked in quickly followed by Sue and Tina. “P1.” All three quickly dropped to their knees hands behind their backs, straight back and looking forward with zero hesitation. Alex smiled.
“I have called the three of you in today because we have some special arrangements for tonight and I want you to be ready and prepared. I assume you have all shaved today?” Alex queried. It was a new rule she had brought in, the slaves would have to shave all pubic hair twice a week on Wednesday and Saturday mornings. All three slaves nodded in confirmation.
“Good, this evening you will be entertaining a special guest. His identity will remain confidential but he is very important. You may have noticed the absence of Sophia; she is currently with him at his offices. He has kindly agreed to do myself a favour provided I can do him a favour in return. This evening Ken, you are going to make yourself scarce, go out to a bar at about 6 and do not return until midnight. Understand?”
“Yes Miss Friend.” Ken was confused, he had done nothing socially since the day Alex had confronted them about the attack. Now she was asking him to disappear for the evening.
“Good, I don’t want any distractions this evening. You are not to drink alcohol however; I don’t want you running your mouth or coming back drunk. You will arrive back at the flat at exactly midnight.”
“Yes Miss Friend.”
“Good. Now, girls, my client has asked for a very specific type of show. The two of you will be performing for the client on a live video feed that will be recorded and relayed to his private residence. He will be watching you perform. During the performance Sophia will be on video call with me to relay any orders or instructions from our client. I will be passing on the messages to you and you will follow these messages. During the performance, Tina will be an acting dominant and Sue submissive so my orders will be relayed to you by text in order to not spoil the illusion. You both will therefore have to keep a constant eye on the screens. It will be clearer when we have set up.”
Alex stopped to check the slaves were still following. Sue seemed nervous unsurprisingly but with little objection so far. Tina seemed totally relaxed though about performing on camera. Ken almost seemed confused why he was still here.
“There is a reward though on offer. If you manage to follow all orders, satisfy my client completely without complaint and maintain character you will each receive 1 hour of ken’s services in any way that you desire within my limits which I will make clear to you after the session if you pass. If you have any questions you feel you must ask now, please do so?”
“Mistress,” Sue spoke up, “Will the recording be kept of the session by the client?”
“A good question Sue, no it will not. That it part of the reason why Sophia is with him, to ensure no evidence is kept of the session. All identities will remain secret to everyone except me and Sophia as well. He will not know who either of you are.”
Sue seemed to relax slightly at Alex’s response but spoke up again. “One last question Mistress, how long will the session last.”
“There is no exact time on it but it will be a maximum of four hours or until the client is satisfied. I will be in your flat at 6:00 to set up and the session will begin at 7:30.”
“Any more questions?” Everybody shook their heads. “You all understand what will be happening?”
“Yes Mistress” came the response.
“Superb, now return to work and be ready for tonight.” Alex dismissed the three of them and they all quickly left the office with a mixture of emotions flowing through their bodies.

It was almost quarter to seven and Alex was working her way through technical preparations with a friend who produced videos. They had chosen a bedroom and Simon didn’t ask many questions. A main camera had been set up with a full wide shot of the double bed, an autocue was set up just to the side of it linked to a laptop which would allow Alex to send instructions without vocals. A secondary camera was placed at the side of the bed, just out of view of the main camera, to allow close up shots of the action. Microphones were hidden along the base of the bed to pick up all sounds. The cameras were connected to a direct internet feed to the client in his home residence. A Skype video to Sophia was set up next to the autocue laptop to relay instructions. Sophia’s voice was undetectable on the recording though.
Alex had spent the last 45 minutes ensuring all of this worked perfectly. “It’s all set Alex; I wish you could tell me what this was for though.”
Alex smiled. “You know I have my secrets. I promise to do you a favour at some point. Thanks again for helping to set all of this up for me.” Alex gave him a quick hug.
“You know I’m here for you any time.” With that note he left and Alex began the second stage of the set up, props and preparation. She called Sue and Tina into the room. Sue gasped as she saw the setup; it looked so professional, like an actual film set. She’d expected to be performing on something similar to a fancy webcam. Tina seemed calmer; she looked across the equipment nodding in approval at the sight. She was a little nervous but felt secure somehow.
“P1 ladies.” Alex waited for them to drop to their knees before continuing. “You are both about to participate in a video session with a secret client. It will involve a heavy amount of role play which I am about to explain to you. The session will be mostly spontaneous so reactions are natural, believable and to allow for adjustment at the clients complete whim.” The two girls were nodding as Alex continued to drill them.
“I will begin the session with you to help start the scene and ensure a story with sense. I assume you remember that shopping trip I asked you to go on?”
“Yes Mistress.” Both replied in unison.
“Well it was primarily to prepare for this moment. You see, our client has a bit of a fetish for puppy play, not an easy desire to satisfy. The two of you will take the role of pets to begin with but he wants to ensure you understand the distinction. You are humans being treated as pets, you are not playing actual animals, so when commanded you can speak, walk and do anything you can normally do. For the start of the scene you will also talk normally and not bark. Are you following me so far?”
“Yes Mistress”
“Good, now at the start of the scene you will be in your cages either side of the bed. You will be in your masks with tails in place. I want your dishes placed at the end of the bed and collars on. The leashes will remain off camera. It isn’t customary but you will be using the collars you bought. Sue, you will be referred to as puppy slut. Tina, you will be alpha bitch. You will also use the hoods you have bought. Tina’s yours has far more room to control from and Sue’s will have the bit gag and reins. Your tails will be the ones the other person bought. I am now going to call Sophia and ensure everything is going smoothly at her end. I want you both in the cages completely ready by 20 past 7. Is everything understood?”
“Yes Mistress.”
“Any questions before I leave?” Both girls didn’t move. “Just a few more little things girls: You must never remove the masks, you may remove the gag if desired, same for the tail but your identities must be protected. Always look at the autocue to check for updates. I will interfere if I deem necessary, otherwise once I’m off camera, Tina is in control of the situation. Now get ready and bring the cages.”
Both Tina and Sue hurried from the room to fulfill their last jobs.
Alex rang Sophia on the laptop and was quickly greeted by her lovers face. “Hey babe.”
“Hi Soph. Everything sorted on your end?”
“Yeah, he is getting comfortable in front of the widescreen; he seems to be able to flick between the two cameras like you said he would. I’m set up on the desk near to him so he can give me things to tell you.”
“Superb, can you ask him to turn the TV off for now, I don’t want him watching the set up and ruining the illusion.” Sophia nodded then turned her attention to the side and shouted the instructions across. Alex heard a murmured reply before Sophia looked back to her.
“All sorted, still go for 7:30?”
“Yeah, everything should be ready, I need to quickly change though as I’m introducing the scene. I think both girls are committed and game though. Hopefully there will be no objections later on. He remembers the limits.”
“Yep, all agreed.”
“Good, talk to you soon hun.” Alex ended the call and disappeared to get changed.

She entered the room at 7:25 to find Sue and Tina in their cages, she quickly locked them before returning to the screens. She called Sophia again and was greeted by a smile. “You’re looking hot babe.” Alex smiled. Tell him we’re ready when he is. Sophia relayed the message then gave Alex the thumbs up. Alex held up both hands before lowering a finger to indicate 9…8. She dimmed the lights slightly to add to the mood.
Alex counted down the time in her head before walking to the foot of the bed. She was wearing a black latex corset lace vest top. The suspenders jet black to match as well; the black mask was simple but covered her face well. She swished the riding crop around in an arc letting it slap hard against her palm. “Evening my little pets. Come to your doors.” Sue and Tina shuffled towards the bars on hands and knees. Alex unlocked the cage containing Tina and pulled her out by the collar.
Alex sat on the foot of the bed and patted to the side of her indicating for Tina to get up and lay next to her. The girl was almost unrecognisable with the full black hood on but she could never mistake the beautiful breast hanging freely below. “Have you been a good Alpha bitch?”
“Yes mistress, I have.” Alex patted the girl on the head, playing with the ears as she did so. She ran her hand down the girls back giving her a gentle swat on the rear.
Alex raised Tina’s head to look at her. “You know I like to reward my Alpha bitch when she has behaved don’t you?”
Tina nodded. “Yes mistress.” She attempted to wag her tail in excitement causing Alex to smile and try not to laugh.
“Good, now, we have a hierarchy in my property. A dog has to earn the right of alpha and I believe you have done that well. Once a week though I allow my alpha the total control of the pet who needs punishing the most. This week that is puppy slut. Would you like to punish puppy slut, alpha?”
“Yes Mistress. I would be honoured.” Tina wagged harder trying to seem as excited as possible. “You know the rules Alpha. I’ll be watching.” Alex gave Tina a parting spank and unlocked Sue’s cage.
“Puppy Slut, on the bed, you will obey Alpha’s commands until I decide you have been punished sufficiently.”
“Yes Mistress.”
Tina patted the bed just as Alex had for her; this is where it became harder. Tina was playing acting dominant as well as a pet. Alex just hoped the client would love it enough. She sat back behind the laptops to find a beaming Sophia who gave her a double thumbs up. She angled the camera to show the client completely absorbed in the screen.
Alex looked at her slaves, her pets. ‘Do me proud’ she thought.

MrCharcol 01-15-2016 10:41 AM

I love the fact that two of the best writers on GD have teamed up

sarahsarah 01-23-2016 05:49 PM

I have some bad news to bring to you all.

Subby999uk has decided to discontinue his involvement with this story. The decision was not made lightly and I completely respect the decision that he has made. It takes a great deal of time and commitment to write like this and at the moment he does not feel he is able to commit fully.

However I will be continuing the story individually and do hope that you all continue to read and enjoy. I appreciate all of the time and effort that Subby put into this story and in developing the characters. I couldn't have asked for a better co writer.

jordaz20 01-24-2016 04:05 AM

I'll definatly continue reading the story hope it continues soon

sarahsarah 01-27-2016 06:23 PM

Chapter 18

Sue's mouth was dry and her heart was pounding, with nerves and excitement she crawled up onto the bed, she inhaled sharply as she felt Tina's soft fingers running through her hair as she stroked her.
"Good puppy slut" Tina said with a smirk.
Sue thought it best not to speak, just nuzzling against Tina's firm body as she enjoyed the attention, despite cringing with the humiliation of the situation.
Tina picked up a dildo from the bed, one of a large collection of toys that Alex had prepared for the event, glancing at the camera she held it up above her head "Beg puppy, beg for your toy" she relished the sight of Sue's cheeks glowing bright red.
Sue lifted herself up, sitting on her heels she tilted her head back, stretching upwards with her hands positioned just under her chin. She started to pant enthusiastically straining to reach the large rubber dildo that Tina was dangling above her.
Tina lowered it until it was a couple of inches from Sue's mouth, her tongue came out and she tried to lick it "Come on puppy, you can beg better than that"
Sue's efforts became more theatrical, she panted and jiggled up and down desperately, doing her best to act like an excited little puppy begging for a treat, the cool controlled look in Tina's eyes and her look of distain just made Sue's pussy tingle, she could feel the moisture trickling between her legs onto the back of her calves as she bounced.
Finally Tina lowered the tip of the dildo until Sue could reach it, she slurped and licked the tip eagerly "You like that don't you puppy, you like it when alpha gives you a treat" she smiled as she fixed Sue's gaze, she could tell the situation was turning Sue on more than she'd ever like to admit.
"Now fetch" she said as she quickly whipped the dildo out of Sue's mouth and tossed it across the room.
Sue instantly dropped on to all fours, then dropped off the bed and scampered across the room to where the dildo had landed. Alex was caught by surprise but she quickly grabbed the camera on it's tripod and tracked Sue as she excitedly scuttled across the floor, wiggling her ass as she went, making her long tail swish from side to side.
She bent down and tried to wrap her lips around the dildo half way along its length, it was too big to get between her teeth and she soon dropped it. Next she pushed her face to the floor and tried to suck the end of the dildo into her mouth, using her dexterous tongue to manoeuvre it until she was able to lift the tip off the floor, then she lowered her head, pushing the dildo into her mouth.
As soon as it was secure she hurried back to kneel at Tina's feet, she dropped the dildo between them, then sat up on her heels and assumed the begging position, tongue lolling out comically as she panted and waited for approval.
Tina couldn't suppress a giggle as she patted her head "Good doggy, you like playing fetch don't you" she said as she gave the dildo a sharp kick, sending it flying across the room and hitting the wall "Go on puppy slut, fetch" she said, she gave Sue's wiggling ass a quick slap as she scurried off to retrieve her toy again.

Alex was keeping one eye on her computer, waiting for the client to give her some instructions; it wasn't long before a message appeared. The client wanted to see them both playing at being puppies, he wanted to see them playing together.
Alex relayed this to the pair of them via the autocue "Get on the floor Tina, show us how you like to say hello to each other" was all she said.
Tina waited until Sue got back with the dildo, this was the fourth time she'd crawled around the room to retrieve it, the rough carpet was starting to make her knees sore.
Sue read the message too once she'd dropped the dildo.
Tina dropped onto her knees now, deliberately avoiding making eye contact with Sue, her cheeks burning with embarrassment she crawled behind Sue and nuzzled her nose under the furry tail that was firmly embedded in her ass, the smell of Sue's dripping pussy was pungent, she couldn't suppress a smile when she realised how turned on she was, she buried her face between her cheeks for a few seconds before she felt Sue crawling around to approach her from behind. Sue was soon reciprocating, pushing her nose under the tail to search out Tina's tight little pussy. Soon the two girls were circling each other, chasing each other’s tails to try and push their faces into the others ass. Alex couldn't suppress her laughter at the sight, like two puppies meeting for the first time they continued to circle round and round each other.
Eventually the two girls stopped, they both turned to Alex, sitting back on their heels they brought their hands up under their chins, tongues lolling out they begged for approval. Alex typed a quick message “Good girls. Return to dominant Tina.”
The next client demands were simple and Alex relayed the message. Tina saw the autocue flash and smiled wickedly. Sue glanced across and cringed. “Well puppy slut. You must be thirsty, would you like Alpha to give you a drink?” Sue nodded eagerly and as enthusiastically as possible.
“Yes Alpha.” Tina smiled before pulling out the bowl that read ‘Puppy Slut’. As Sue watched she lowered herself towards the bowl and let out a quick gush of urine. The initial smell was acrid and the first stream ricocheted onto the floor before Tina controlled the flow and directed it. Sue couldn’t believe what was to be expected of her but knew better than to complain.
As the flow finally finished she stared helplessly at the bowl now half filled with yellow fluid. “There you go puppy slut, a nice refreshing drink just for you.”
Sue nodded. “Thank you Alpha” she forced out as positively as possible causing Tina to grin. Sue crawled to the bowl, the smell becoming stronger, and lowered her face about to drink piss for the first time.

Out in town Ken walked into his usual bar and took a seat at the bar itself. The last time he’d been in here was the night out with Sue and Tina. He had stormed out in complete rage when he saw Sophia. An endless string of events followed smashing that glass; he had actually contemplated ending everything that night, bringing a stop to the spiralling nightmare of his life. His wife had left him taking everything, he’d developed a drinking problem, debt was building up and his aspirations were nothing.
Since then he’d threatened his co worker, spied on her addictions, been blackmailed to slavery, been kicked in the nuts, and moved into a hell hole then a flat with two girls who wanted to abuse him. He’d been beaten, bruised, humiliated and more. He’d hated every moment of being a slave, or had he. That night lasted an eternity, Ken thought, being painfully tied to the end of Alex’s bed whilst the two girls went at it. But he compared it to the last night he was in this bar.
Could he have thought he would be witness and involved in sexual acts with four of the hottest girls he could imagine. He felt the chastity device which was driving him crazy. ‘Did I honestly prefer things before this?’ he questioned himself.
Sure, the pain and humiliation was horrible at times but he had a purpose, and watching two hot girls fuck was definitely a bonus.
“The usual Ken?” Jane asked raising Ken from his thoughts. She was always so friendly, he knew she didn’t like his presence before but she’d chat anyway and be polite. In truth he knew very little about her other than that she owned this place.
“Just a lemonade please Jane.” Ken replied. “I’ve quit drinking completely.”
“Good for you Ken. I don’t think it’s the only change you’ve made is it.” Jane looked up and down his body and Ken thought about it. He had definitely lost a considerable amount of weight under Alex. He barely got out of breath, his hygiene had improved and he was developing muscle. He was probably in the best shape in years.
“Yeah, I’ve been going to the gym a lot. Thought I’d try and make a change for the better.” He smiled. It had been a long time since anyone had complimented his appearance.
Jane eyed him up. “Well, it definitely shows. Trying to impress somebody?” Jane poured the drink and handed it to him.
“In a way I guess. Can you put it on my tab?”
“Did Alex not tell you? She paid your tab in full last week plus more. I have no idea what you did to get into her good books.” Ken smiled, it wasn’t often he got to do that.
He took a swig of the lemonade which felt so refreshing. “She didn’t mention it. Let’s just say I’ve been doing quite a bit more at the office.” Maybe things were finally on the up. “Jane, I have a quick question. Is a life excitement worth the pain that might come with it?”
Jane contemplated. “I’m not entirely certain what you mean, but in my opinion life needs excitement and adventure. And no matter how hard it is, it’s better than a life of nothing. Take the guy who has just moved in, Frank. He’s spent the last twenty years as a butler, living a life routine. He said he suffered a fair bit in his work but he came into some money. He’s just decided to take a trip to South America. Life needs adventure.”
Ken nodded. “Thanks Jane. I think maybe, just maybe, things are looking up for me.” He took a swig of the lemonade, and smiled.

‘HARDER’ Tina glanced at the one word statement on the autocue and looked at the squirming body kneeled on all fours in front of her. The aroma of pussy was sweeping over her and Sue was doing nothing to hide how turned on she was. Obeying the command with a smile Tina rammed the strapon full force into her friend’s cocksheathe and felt the girl squeal into the bit gag. She reached forward taking the reins in her left hand pulling back as she forcefully drove the strapon deeper and harder into her snatch.
The nib on the inside pressed and rubbed against her clit and Tina could feel her own orgasm nearing. She brought her right hand down across the ass of her friend causing her to jump and then caught her ramming forward again driving the full length deep inside causing both girls to moan in joy. “That’s right slut, take my cock and love it like the whore you are.”
Tina thought of all the things she’d been able to do to Sue over the last few hours. She’d spanked her raw, got a great rimjob, had her friend kneeling and begging to taste her cunt whilst she teased her mercilessly. She’d loved every single minute of it. She looked over to the blank autocue and saw Alex smiling and leaning on the monitor, watching them enjoying every second of what she’d planned. Tina returned the smile and turned her attention back to Sue who was now bucking back onto the strapon.
“Don’t you dare cum slut or hell will be to pay. Not until you get the command.” Tina could feel her own body pushing nearer and each thrust into the eager pussy brought her closer. Alex watched as Tina approached her imminent orgasm and typed the words relayed to her. ‘Cum together, count down from 5 Tina.”
Tina read the message and smiled, she wouldn’t have been able to handle much more anyway. “Cum on the count my puppy slut. 5…….4………….3…………….2…………..1…………….NOW!” As Tina thrust hard one last time both girls erupted in pleasure as the waves of an orgasm rushed through both their bodies. Sue collapsed forward and Tina on top of her, strapon still buried to the hilt. She leaned forward stroking the girls head. “Rest now my slut, you did well.”
“Thank you Alpha.” Sue was exhausted.
Alex cut the cameras and looked to find Sophia’s smiling face and big thumbs up meaning the client must have cum his final load right on cue as well. Ended the call and turned to her slaves.

Sophia turned to face Steve. The man had cum for the 5th time as Tina had shouted now; he was now lying on the Sofa exhausted facing the wide screen TV that had just gone black. “Thank you Sophia, and tell your boss thank you as well. I don’t know how you did it, but that was one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen. So real, so obedient and in my control.”
Sophia laughed. “I take it you enjoyed it then and will be continuing the orders with binding connections.” Sophia took a seat next to him.
Steve stared at her. “Of course, I’m almost scared not to. She has unknown power does that girl, in a far different way to her father. In fact, I’ll have to come over and thank her in person when I get the choice, and discuss an increase to my order.” Sophia grinned devilishly.
“That’s just what I wanted to hear Steve. I’ll let you get back to whatever you want to get back to. Someone will be over in the morning to clear up our electronics.” Sophia stood up, picked up the laptop and walked out the door. She’d ensured no evidence of the film had been left in the flat. Her car was parked in the driveway and she quickly got in placing the laptop in the passenger seat.
Everything had gone perfectly she thought, Steve had loved it, Tina and Sue had been excellent, Alex had controlled the whole thing from start to finish and Steve even said he was going to set up an increased order. She couldn’t wait to take Alex back in her arms again, she almost always felt safer with her. She couldn’t wait to put as much distance between herself and the man as possible, he seemed fine but strange men turned on always scared her a bit.
She quickly checked her phone to see no new messages before turning her attention to the long journey back to her lover.

Alex walked up to the two girls. “Well done my darlings. Now remove those masks and outfits so I can talk to you properly.” Tina and Sue stripped quickly, and in no time were stood before her completely naked. It almost felt unusual after such a long time to remove the masks. The butt plugs removed left both girls feeling surprisingly empty.
“Much better. Firstly, congratulations, both of you managed to follow all orders perfectly and I am proud of you both.” Tina and Sue smiled; Alex’s praise always sent a tingle through her body that she wasn’t able to explain. “As I said, you will receive Ken’s services for 1 hour in any way that you desire. You can either choose to do this together or separately. It will not happen tonight as I feel we’ve all had too much excitement and could do with a long rest, especially you Sue, I would like you to go immediately.”
“Thank you Mistress.” Sue replied, she wanted nothing more than to curl up in bed and go to sleep right now. She turned and walked from the room leaving Alex alone with Tina.
Tina slowly approached Alex as Alex moved towards her. When both were within touching distance, Tina wrapped her arms around Alex and locked lips with the woman. Alex’s tongue probed into the young girl’s mouth and they embraced tightly. The kiss sent a shiver through both their bodies, an electric pulse of energy. Tina was first to break the kiss and stare up into Alex’s eyes.
“I take it you enjoyed the evening then?” Alex asked jokingly.
Tina smirked. “I most certainly did, maybe we should do it again sometime…. Mistress.”
“Maybe we will, but now I think we both need some sleep. Wouldn’t you agree” Tina nodded, turned and walked away.
Alex grinned, she eyed up the young girl and her naked form as it walked away from her. The perfect ass swaying with every step, teasing her, she wanted to call the girl back in and go at it. She instead turned to the large bed where the scene had played out. ‘What a night’ she thought before leaving for her own flat.

jessie_XXXJONES 01-28-2016 08:15 AM

Mmmmm yes this story makes me so wet

sarahsarah 03-27-2016 02:00 PM

Chapter 19

Sophia’s long journey was coming to an end. She was pulling into the car pack for Alex’s building and couldn’t wait to see her partner again. Although the trip for the filming had only been a few days it had felt like an absolute eternity. Just seeing the building again was turning her on, ready to fall into her lover’s arms.
Quickly she entered the lift and hit the button for the top floor. The lift took an age in her mind as she waited for it to reach its destination. Sophia opened the door and saw Alex in the kitchen with her back to her. Sophia slowly snuck up behind her careful not to make a noise, slow music echoing in the background of the room. Sophia ran her fingers through her own hair looking at the sexy form of her lover from behind.

Sophia couldn’t wait to get started. Alex finally turned around and jumped as she saw Sophia. “Soph! What are you doing here?” she asked surprised. Sophia didn’t answer but just approached the sexy woman, resting her hands softly on the girl’s hips and pulling her close.
“You look beautiful, it’s been too long, each second felt like a lifetime,” Sophia whispered seductively. “I enjoyed the show earlier tonight; I hope it got you fired up as much as me.”
For once Alex felt out of control, as Sophia grew over her, taking charge of the situation. “Yes, I guess, the two of them did a great job.”

“Is that so?” asked Sophia smugly as she eyed her partner glancing over the sexy outfit she was still wearing from earlier. “Well it was a pleasure to watch, but hopefully the pleasure will be mutual later on.” Alex felt a jolt of electricity; she was getting turned on, the shock turning into desire, wanting to feel her assistant’s body pressed up against her own. Alex licked her lips and as Sophia saw this, she moved closer in, pulling Alex’s hair slightly bringing a whimper from the usually dominant woman. Sophia leaned in and started to kiss her and Alex met them with equal desire. Sophia put her arm around Alex’s neck pulling her in closer as they continued.

Sophia pulled her lover towards the bedroom as they momentarily broke the kiss. Once inside Alex pulled Sophia back into her body and began to kiss again. Their tongues began to dance in each other’s mouths, Sophia slowly moving her hands over Alex’s body, eliciting moans and whimpers as the kiss continued before Sophia finally broke it. “I believe we are a little overdressed my dear, could we get a little more comfortable?” she asked.

Alex immediately sat on the bed and began to unzip her latex boots, never withdrawing eye contact from Sophia. The younger girl removed her shoes and strapless top in seconds causing Alex’s mouth to water as the familiar sight of Sophia’s breasts came into view. The skirt quickly followed and Alex was surprised to see that Sophia was not wearing underwear. Alex finished stripping her own outfit and once she was completely undressed moved towards Sophia.

“No panties, someone is feeling like a naughty girl,” Alex said with a smile.
“You know me babe, I like to go commando when I’m looking for a nice sweet juicy pussy; it provides easier access,” Sophia replied leaning back in to continue the kiss. They embraced with passion as their tits rubbed against each other. The contact was making Alex’s nipples hard and she began to moan into Sophia’s mouth as the two tongues battled each other. Sophia moved her hands around on Alex’s back, gently exploring whilst moving them down towards her ass. When there she grabbed firmly and began to massage each cheek while they continued the kiss.

Sophia really wanted to bend Alex over and start playing with her pussy, but knew it was better to get her hot and wet before the real fun began. She teased Alex, hoping to get her so wet that Alex begged her to lick her pussy. Sophia broke the kiss and moved behind Alex, grabbing her tit with one hand while the other slowly began to manoeuvre towards Alex’s pussy. Alex began to whimper and shudder, loving this element of control that Sophia was taking, waiting for the girl to reach her pussy and begin to play with her. But Sophia had other plans.

She would inch closer and closer to Alex’s pussy and then deny her, teasing her by groping her breast and pinching the erect nipple. Alex was getting wetter by the second. “I love your body,” hissed Sophia, “such soft skin, such supple tits.”
“Please Sophia, stop with the teasing,” Alex whimpered.
“Am I teasing you babe?” asked Sophia.
“Hell yes!” Alex cried out.
“Interesting, do you like being teased?” Sophia questioned. Alex just gulped in response, confused by the new persona that her partner was taking on. “Would you like me to play with your pussy?” Sophia asked.
“Yes! Please!” Alex replied
“Please what?” teased Sophia.
“Please, play with my pussy!” Alex whimpered softly.

Sophia shifted a little behind Alex and slowly inched her hand over her hot pussy and began to massage it. Alex began to moan as Sophia’s hot breath blew against her ear. “You like that?”
“Yes!” Alex replied, breathing heavily as her orgasm was growing. Immediately Sophia stopped rubbing leaving Alex flustered and confused at being denied. Grabbing Alex, Sophia spun her around and pushed her against one of the closets in the room. Squeezing her tits with one hand she moved the other over her body. Sophia licked her lips. “My god, you are so hot!”

Alex’s breathing was still heavy, taking deep breaths as the teasing carried on. Sophia then bent down and sat on her knees bringing her face inches from Alex’s pussy. She began to blow on her clit, causing her to shudder and making Alex’s pussy tingle. Seeing this reaction, Sophia moved in and gave her pussy a slow, long lick.
“Fuck!” cried Alex. Smiling wickedly at the reaction, Sophia put her hands around the girl’s hips and once again gave a long, slow lick concentrating on the clit. “Stop fucking teasing me and eat my god damn pussy!” Alex shouted out in passion.
This was all that Sophia was waiting for; as soon as she heard the words escape, she latched onto Alex’s pussy making her gasp louder. Sophia began to tongue her pussy, alternating every now and then between the lips and clit.

Sophia was now rubbing her clit and licking her labia. Alex began to move her hips with the sensations that Sophia was bringing to her body. Her orgasm inched closer and closer, creeping up on her. Electricity flew through her body with every lick; making her feel as good as ever before. Alex began to grind her hips bringing even more contact. “Oh god, oh fuck! Oh fuck! I’m getting close!” screamed Alex
“That’s right babe, you like my tongue on your pussy, eating your gorgeous pink cunt!” Sophia teased.
“Yes, I love it, lick my pussy… make me cum! Please make me cum!” Alex couldn’t believe the words coming from her mouth, that she was pleading. Sophia doubled her efforts, pushing two fingers into Alex’s gushing slit. “Fuck!” screamed Alex

Sophia moved her fingers quicker bringing Alex to the cusp tasting every bit of the sweet juices flowing from her pussy. The world went blank and silent around Alex as the orgasm hit. The electricity coursed through her body turning her legs to jelly, barely able to stand; Sophia having to grab her legs to keep the girl’s balance as she lapped up all of the juices. Alex screamed in pleasure and almost collapsed over Sophia as the last waver of the orgasm ran through her body. Sophia held a firm grip on the girl as she stood up and held her in her arms.

“That was so fucking good! I haven’t cum like that in a while,” Alex whispered catching her breath.
“You want to lie down on the bed?” Sophia asked.
“Yes, please,” Alex replied. Sophia helped her onto the bed and lay down next to her, running her hands across Alex’s face to move her hair behind her ear. Alex closed her eyes as she felt the soft touch of Sophia’s hands. She moved her face and kissed the palm of Sophia’s hand.
Sophia felt different with Alex in bed. She’d been with other women in the past, knowing from a teen that she was a lesbian but with Alex it was different. She felt almost safe with her, protected, loved and comfortable.

Sophia looked into Alex’s eyes, giving her a loving smile before they both moved in and kissed. Alex moved her body and got Sophia on her back, moving on top of her as they sustained the kiss. Alex began to grind into Sophia’s body as they continued to make out, the kiss no longer tender but animalistic. Alex bit Sophia’s top lip as they broke apart. “It’s my turn now,” Alex said and Sophia just nodded silently.

Alex bent over and kissed Sophia’s neck before making her way down her torso, her left tit, running her tongue along thee areola whilst grabbing the other breast. She moved over her belly and ran her tongue the whole way leaving a trail of saliva. She moved lower onto her mound and then sat up straight, repaying the teasing from earlier. She grabbed hold of Sophia’s right leg and tenderly licked her toes, licking around and moving her free hand to her own pussy, rubbing it. Alex stopped rubbing and put Sophia’s foot down to allow her to bring her hand coated in her juices to her own mouth to lick it clean. Alex then bent Sophia over and placed her cum coated fingers over Sophia’s lips.
Sophia licked the sticky fluid coated fingers before giving Alex a kiss. Alex began to move lower again running her tongue all over until she reached the target. She approached Sophia’s pussy giving it a few licks before slowly licking the clit, giving it a faint nibble.

“Jesus!” Sophia cried out causing Alex to chuckle. ‘Whatever you can do I can do better babe’ she thought as she began to lick her clit faster, darting her tongue out like a snake flicking the engorged clit. Sophia began to thrash around on the bed, her pussy on fire. Alex began to lick in earnest as she felt Sophia react to each movement. Sophia arched her back, lifting her ass into the air to help grind her pussy on Alex’s face, her orgasm beginning to rise. Alex continued the assault on the dripping pussy as Sophia continued to move wildly.
“Fuck I’m about to cum!” Sophia cried out.

Unlike Sophia, Alex didn’t want to tease, she went in for the kill and continued to pleasure as Sophia’s orgasm reach its peak and was unleashed.
“Fuck! I’m coming!” Sophia screamed.
Alex remained latched onto the pussy, like a vampire feeding on its prey, taking every bit of the girl’s cum into her eager mouth. Tory’s orgasm fired out as her body exploded in pleasure. As Sophia finally came down from the high, Alex licked her lips as Sophia gave her a smile. Sophia pulled Alex on top of her and gave her a kiss, a kiss mixed with saliva and pussy juices. The girls embraced together as one.

The next morning in the office Alex couldn’t help but to walk around with a smile, no matter who she was talking to, she was in completely high spirits. With the distractions of Sophia and the late morning she was yet to find out what had happened with Sue, Tina and Ken. Last night when Ken had got back she had ordered them to complete the hour of Ken’s slavery. She knew she had a meeting with Ken and Sophia in a short while so would get the juicy details then, maybe watch the video back with Sophia later that night.

She bumped into Tina whilst doing her usual walk of the premises to check in on everything. The young girl had a sadistic grin on her face that Alex was unable to ignore. “Something to smile about Tina,” she asked as the girl turned to see her.
“I could say the same about you Miss Friend,” Tina replied noticing a few other people around the office, being careful not to say anything that might get them into trouble.
“Was it a productive evening then?” Alex asked.
“Very Miss Friend,” Tina replied with a cheeky wink, “I got everything that I possibly could have hoped for.”
Alex smiled. “That’s excellent news; we have a meeting at the start of lunch so maybe you could tell me all about it then.”
“Will we be alone Miss Friend?” Tina questioned.
“I will make certain of it. I have a meeting now with a few other employees but after that we will be free to… talk.” Alex smiled again before leaving towards her office to meet Ken and Sophia.

Ken was stood waiting outside for her when she arrived. “Morning Ken.”
“Morning Miss Friend” Ken replied, but not in the glum forced way he usually did. It caught Alex completely off guard but she shrugged it off quickly. They both entered the reception area where Sophia was sat at work. “My office now Sophia, we have some things to discuss.”
Sophia looked up and grinned when she saw Ken following Alex into the room. She quickly stood up, opening Alex’s door before holding it open for the three of them to walk through. Once inside she quickly closed it behind her and locked it.

Alex sat on her desk and Sophia took her usual seat on the sofa at the side of the room. “You know the drill Ken; we’re alone now with a locked door.” Ken nodded and quickly disposed of all his clothes into a pile next to the door. Alex smirked as she saw the chastity cage still trapping the pathetic cock. “P1.”
Ken quickly dropped to his knees placing his hands behind his back. He knew not to hesitate now and looking down at his cock trapped in the cage knew there was no point. “Good,” Alex said bluntly. “Now I know there are a few things you want to talk to me about but I want to ask you about last night first. I am yet to watch the video so what happened with Tina and Sue. Be quick though, I will be watching it later. Tell me what they had you do and be completely honest.” Alex cared little about what had happened but wanted to ensure nothing had gotten out of hand.

Ken nodded. “Yes Miss Friend. When I got back to the flat and you left us for the hour of slavery we first started the timer. I had stripped before then as was the rules for being inside the flat. We were in the lounge so they ordered me onto my knees and I obeyed. They spent about five minutes verbally humiliating me, calling me a slut, pathetic, saying I could never get a woman, and that I’d be lucky to even get out of my cage again.

“It actually made me a bit turned on. I waited patiently and they then told me to get on hands and knees facing away from them, saying I didn’t deserve to look at their bodies. I felt them place their feet on me, kicking and pushing but not forcefully, sticking their shoes in my face, the stiletto high heels. Sue ordered me to lick them and they placed them in front of me one at a time and I did what they said. They kept whispering to each other but I couldn’t hear properly. I think they were kissing each other at this time but they had told me to keep looking forward and not turn around. Tina ordered me to suck on her heel and I again obeyed.

“A minute or so later after talking down to me, calling me a foot licking slut she removed her feet and I felt her place the heel at my anus. I panicked momentarily as even you hadn’t yet put anything proper in my ass. It also felt sharp and pointy. Tina told me I had to obey so I tried to relax myself after the initial panic and got back into position.”
“You disobeyed at first?” Alex questioned.

“Only momentarily, but I got back into position and I felt the heel pushing against my anus again as both girls seemed to be laughing. I was scared but with force I suddenly felt the heel breach my resistance and I screamed. They laughed more and Tina kept pushing until the sole of her feet was against my ass. The then roughly fucked her with her foot and it hurt quite a lot. I found it really uncomfortable but mostly because it was pointy; it felt like it was cutting my anus. I don’t know but I think they were doing something else at this point as I couldn’t hear them; I just had the continuous thrusting of her heel into my ass. Eventually she withdrew it and approached the front of me where she ordered me to suck it clean.

“It tasted foul Miss Friend but I did it. As I did it Sue had taken one of my belts and began to whip my ass with it. I think she did about fifty in total but I struggled to count them. It hurt quite a bit. After that they had me lie face down on the floor in front of the sofa. They rested their feet on me, kicking a bit but I think they were focused on each other. They stuck a marker pen into my ass but it hurt like nothing compared to the stiletto heel that had just fucked me. They shouted more degrading terms at me but other than that I just lay there for the rest of the time.”

Alex nodded as Ken finished his tale. It hadn’t surprised her that the two girls had wanted to focus mainly on themselves, especially Tina and she knew she would likely have taken the lead of the two girls. She felt a little disappointed they had taken Ken’s ass as she had wanted to do it, but she knew she hadn’t expressly told them not to do it and the stiletto heel was quite creative. “Sounds like a fun night Ken. Now you said that you had something to say.”

“Yes Miss Friend. Last night whilst you were doing your video I went to the bar where Jane works, I didn’t drink as was instructed. To be honest I don’t miss her. You know that I’ve really struggled to adapt to these changes, to obey you but I’m not so sure anymore. Despite the pain and humiliation a lot of things in my life could be described as better. I’m not worried about debt and finances anymore; I’m in the best shape I’ve been since I was at college thanks to the gym sessions and the incentive to get fitter. I’ve quit alcohol and been completely clean since then. Also how many people like me can say they get to spend so much of their time around four of the hottest women there are, even if I get to do little with you and you only humiliate me.

“I was in a bad place before this started and at first I thought I’d gone into an impossibly worse place. Now I’m not so sure; I think life changes can be for the better and I want you to know that I will do me all to impress you two women. I feel like I have a new purpose. I know it will be tough, there will be parts I hate as I don’t naturally like these things but I think it’s worth doing and could be fun at times. So I will be doing all I can without complaint from now on, or at least as best as I can. I’m sorry about what happened with Sophia, I truly am. I am ready to make up for it in any way,” Ken finished his speech. He had rehearsed it to himself and hoped it sounded sincere. His talk with Jane really had changed his views.

Alex considered everything she had just been told. The man on his knees in front of her sounded sincere enough and it had almost touched Alex. She enjoyed humiliating him and was quite glad it wasn’t a complete horrific experience for him as well. She had never been outright cruel for the sake of it; a bit sadistic at times maybe but not for absolutely no reason. This man had been broken but not destroyed and that pleased her. She had noticed it a few nights earlier but it was more hopeful than knowing. She now knew that all he wanted was to please them, his primary purpose.

“That’s good news Ken; I will be putting it to the test soon enough. After all I will have to punish you for disobeying Tina last night for a start.” They were interrupted by a knock at the door. Ken looked like he was about to panic as Alex went to open it. She unlocked the door and let Tina into the room. “Hi Tina, we’re just about finished. Ken, go and get dressed and get back to work.”
Ken quickly scrambled to get his clothes relieved that it was only Tina that had walked in on him. “Unfortunately Sophia, I’m going to have to ask you to leave as well. I need to talk to Tina in private,” Alex said. Sophia looked like she’d been slapped in the face but didn’t argue. She quickly moved from the room, closing the door after her to leave the two girls on their own.

sarahsarah 04-07-2016 03:18 PM

I just wanted to know if people are actually interested in me finishing this story?

I've received little feedback from people on this piece of writing and despite it being only a few more chapters I'm not going to continue if nobody cares.

If people want me to finish it then let me know and I will motivate myself to do so in the next few weeks. If not I will put it on the back burners.

Let me know as I only write so others can enjoy it, and if people aren't, it makes my writing pointless. I only write to please the readers

With Love


MrCharcol 04-07-2016 10:23 PM


As I hardly ever log on to GD these days but occasionally lurk. Your stories are the reason I still come back. As I have told you before it was strap on contest with consequences that got me in to GD and your stories that keep me here.

Please continue

Mr Charcol

jessie_XXXJONES 04-08-2016 03:39 AM

Pls don't stop every story deserves an ending especially good ones like urs

spankme554 04-14-2016 06:12 PM

I've been waiting to see what happens next and am really looking forward to it. I hope you do continue!

thewilds 04-15-2016 04:24 AM

You've got your hands full with two great unfinished stories. Take the time you need to finish them, but please keep this one going too!

sarahsarah 04-18-2016 03:15 PM

Chapter 20

“Are you sure you need to leave Alex?” Sophia asked her lover. The two girls were in the office sorting out the details for the upcoming meeting.
“I’m afraid so my dear, but I should be back later today so it won’t be too bad. I’m trusting you babe; I know you can do it,” Alex replied endearingly. Alex was about to leave on an important business trip, meeting with a client potentially worth millions for the company. She knew that she had to meet him in person and that meant leaving the organisation of the weekly task to Sophia.
“I don’t know Alex. I’m still kind of new to this. What if something happens? What will I even do?” Sophia nervously debated.
Alex rested her hand on Sophia’s chin and looked into her eyes. “I believe in you and this is your chance to prove yourself. What could happen really?”
“I don’t know. I want to do something exciting, something different.”
Alex smiled. “Do what you believe is best darling and I look forward to finding out later.” Sophia nodded and Alex left the room, ready for her meeting.
She walked out into the main floor where only three people were still working. She caught Tina’s eyes on the way out; the girl looked annoyed. Alex raised her eyebrows as she watched her expression and Tina begrudgingly moved back to her work. Alex left, hoping that everything would go smoothly.

Sophia finished off the filing in the office before taking hold of the PA system. “Tina, Sue, Ken, could you all make your way up to Alex’s office now,” she announced loudly before waiting. Alex trusted in her; she knew that more than anything and she knew that she didn’t want to let her down. She also wanted some excitement, wanted to do something different and at least for her, fun. She waited patiently for the knock on the door, considering her plan carefully. ‘It would work’ she told herself, trying to calm her nerves and build up her courage.
The knock came and Sophia quickly told them to enter. ‘Did that sound commanding’ she thought, considering her authoritative position. The three entered quickly and stood waiting. “You know the drill, strip,” Sophia ordered.

Tina, Sue and Ken all began to remove their clothes. It seemed so natural now to be naked in front of each other. Ken watched the other two girls and felt his cock stiffening against the spikes. “Attention on me Ken. Stop being a pervert,” Sophia commanded snapping her fingers. Ken quickly redirected his attention away from the two perfect naked specimens and onto the woman he still despised. He still partially blamed her for all this happening.
“Yes Miss Sophia, I’m sorry,” Ken said trying to sound sincere. Sophia took a step forward and landed a sharp slap to his face causing him to fall backwards. Ken tried to regain his balance. SLAP. Another blow, this time to the other cheek, knocked him back to the floor.
“You better be bitch. Don’t forget, I own you,” Sophia stated sharply.
“Well, actually Alex owns me,” Ken murmured under his breath but Sophia heard him. She took a step forward before swinger her leg in an arc, finishing with her boot finding the tender flesh of his testicles. Ken buckled and screamed. Tears formed in his eyed as he collapsed, gasping for breath on the floor.
“What the fuck did you just say to me?” Sophia asked.
“I’m sorry Miss Sophia, it just slipped out,” Ken pleaded.
Sophia smirked. “Remember your place bitch,” She said peering down at the helpless form before landing a second and then a third blow to Ken’s balls. He screamed each time in agony as Sophia laughed.

Tina and Sue watched on as Ken squirmed on the floor. Tina couldn’t help but think how over the top Sophia was being, how she seemed to be trying to assert her position with excessive violence. It wasn’t the nature of a true dominant. A true dominant had total control of a situation to begin with; Ken would never dream of speaking out against Alex now. “Miss Sophia,” Tina interjected hoping to spare Ken more punishment. She despised the man but this seemed ridiculous. “Why did you call us in here?”

Sophia turned her attention back to the girls and stepped away from Ken, grinning once more at the man writhing in agony on the floor. She certainly loved punishing him. “Thank you for reminding me Tina. We are about to complete this week’s challenge. The loser will be expected to complete all household chores for the next week and the winner will be rewarded. Now I want you to follow me. Leave your clothes.” Sue led the way out the door with Sue and Tina following. Ken scrambled to his feet and still aching left the room behind the other three.

Sophia led them down through the building and towards the parking lot, the place it all began. Waiting there was her new company car that Alex had treated her to after the incident. “Get in,” she ordered, unlocking the car. “Everybody in the back seat,” she pointed and opened the door to the driver’s side and got in. Tina and Sue climbed in with Ken last leaving Sue in the middle. The flowery perfume of ken smelt really strongly in the confined space. Sophia set off with the three naked people on the back seat.

The drive lasted twenty minutes. Tina, Sue and Ken were doing all they could to try and keep low. It wasn’t late and cars were still on the road. Sophia laughed to herself, seeing the fear in the people in the back. Everything seemed to be going to perfection. A few turns later and the car came to a stop down a side alley. Sophia turned to look at the slaves in the back. “Get out now. Your task is to make it back to the flat by midnight. It is about 3 miles north of here and you will be walking the whole way. The first one back wins and the last person back will lose so working together is not to your advantage. If you make it back together, you all lose and will be punished. It’s up to you how careful you want to be but you must make it back. Have fun.”

The slaves were shocked; looking to one another, wondering if this was serious. Ken thought back to his earlier punishment for disobeying and opened the door to the deserted street. He stepped out into the cool air, feeling nerves ring through his body. Tina and Sue slowly followed him from the car, closing the door behind them. As soon as it slammed close, the car set off leaving them abandoned, naked, in the alley with nothing they could do about it.

“Oh my god, what a bitch!” Tina stated, watching the car disappear around the corner. They were trapped and scared. Sue started to cry.
“What can we do,” she whimpered, “I can’t go that far, naked.”
“We do the only thing we can do; we split up and try to get back. However, I believe we should stay here for a couple of hours until nightfall, until it is a bit quieter. Then at least we might get back unseen. All I can say is that it is going to be a tough night,” Tina tried to reason. She hoped to try and will herself through this. Ken slumped down against the wall in silence. He was shaking; this was beyond anything they had done before. This wasn’t pain, it wasn’t humiliation, and it wasn’t degradation. It was public indecency and it was forbidden.
“OK” Sue cried, “I can do this.” She was mainly talking to herself, willing some courage into her body.

Three hours later and Tina was on her own. They had split up earlier. Ken had left first hoping to sneak through the back streets away from any attention. The two girls had split up half a mile from the starting point. Tina wanted to take the more direct route home and Sue wanted to stay away from the main roads. She was now closing in on the block of flats; it was only a mile away and she’d only seen two people so far. The first was an old woman who simply huffed in disapproval. The second had wolf whistled but ignored her as she ran off into the distance.

With each step, more confidence flowed into her body. She had renewed faith that she could actually do this. She hated what Sophia had made her do, this idea was insane. What if someone chose to attack her; she had no protection, no way to call for help. She just had to hope that maybe there was a way through this without getting too much attention.

Tina was desperately trying to stick to the back paths, hoping this way she might at least be able to avoid the majority of people. It was dark now and the flats were in a quiet area of town so there was at least a chance she might get through it safely. Butterflies were rising throughout every moment, every time she turned a corner, every time she saw a light flick on in a window, every time she heard a car passing by, every time she heard any noise, saw any movement or even just a breeze blowing past. She was scared but she tried to channel all her emotions towards anger towards Sophia; it was focusing her efforts.

She peered around a corner and saw nothing but a few parked cars. She took another deep breath and walked out; staying close to the wall hoping if anyone appeared she might be able to duck down and hide. The road was long but she knew that the flats weren’t far from here. Tina forced herself to keep moving, slowly but surely towards her goal. Each step brought her nearer and the tenseness decreased ever so slightly.

There was no sign of movement; the houses seemed silent and asleep. There was nothing left to worry about she thought. She had no idea what time it was but that was irrelevant; Tina couldn’t care less about the midnight deadline she had been set. She just wanted to be back in the building and away from public eyes. Then it happened. The noise echoed around the street and froze Tina completely in her tracks. The whole place was filled by light, illuminating the world to her current predicament. The car to her left had come to life in a way she should have expected. She hadn’t been paying attention and the sirens had started up.

Alex was walking from her car to the flats when her phone went off. She looked at the number and didn’t recognise the landline it was coming from but she answered anyway. It might be a client she told herself, despite how late at night it was. She couldn’t think who else might be calling her at this time of the day, especially not from the flats or office.
“Hello,” Alex answered, “Yes, it’s Alex……….. Tina is that you……….. You sound shaken………… Calm down and explain it to me………… What do you mean, you’ve been arrested. Why? ………… Sophia made you do what? ………… I understand, I’ll be there to pick you up soon………… No problem. I’ll talk to you shortly”
Alex hung up the phone in a fit of rage. She couldn’t believe what she had just heard, especially after putting her trust in Sophia. Tina had been arrested for public indecency; it could have ruined everything, all that she had worked so hard towards. She opened the car again and slammed her stuff in the passenger seat before making her way towards the local police station.

Sophia was waiting in the flat drinking a glass of wine and smiling. The task was going superbly in her opinion. Sue had made it back first, shaken but clearly relieved and Sophia had welcomed her in and congratulated her. The task seemed to have had the desired effect; Sue looked scared about what she had done but happy to have won and very pleased to be back with her mistresses. She wanted to be back here; at least that’s what Sophia took as the important message.
Ken had followed her only fifteen minutes later. He also looked intimidated, tired but relieved to see he wasn’t last. As far as he was aware, nobody had seen him and he had managed to navigate his way back completely safely. He kneeled in Sophia’s presence and now watched and waited alongside Sue. He was starting to worry about Tina; it was nearing midnight and there was still no sign of her. He was too scared to raise the issue with Sophia though, despite it being nearly an hour since he had made it back, as well as Tina being unlikely to get lost. He was scared she might have run into trouble. What if she got attacked? A young girl was naked, alone and seemingly helpless walking the streets in blind hope.

Sophia seemed relaxed though and Ken didn’t want to bring her rage down on him. If it was Alex he might ask her for reassurance but he knew now that Sophia could snap in a second. He knew that the girl despised him and would use any excuse to punish him painfully. As much as he was concerned for his colleague, he was far more terrified of Sophia. He thought Alex was professional, knew what she was doing and where to stop. He didn’t trust Sophia to do the same, didn’t dare question something that she had organised and thought was such a brilliant idea. Ken was relieved he had managed to make it back in one piece and now just prayed that the door would open soon and Tina would walk in out of harm's way.

“Sue, Ken, crawl over to me,” Sophia ordered. The two slaves approached Sophia cautiously, hoping not to bring anything down on them. “I just wanted to say congratulations again. The two of you followed orders and made it back. This task was a lesson to you; no matter how bad you think things are, I can just dump you on a corner and leave you. Do not give us a reason to make your lives a misery, because we can.”
‘That’s the lesson’ Ken thought. This woman was mad with power. She’d never had it before and wanted to abuse it as much as possible. He held his tongue though, knowing his place in the hierarchy. With Sophia in this mood, saying anything would most likely end up with him being kicked in the balls.

Sophia patted the two slaves on the head and went to the kitchen to fill her drink. Sue looked over to Ken, wondering if he was sharing the same worries as her. Sue had grown closer to Tina over the last few weeks, to the point where she almost thought she loved the young girl. She was now scared for her. Why hadn’t she made it back yet?

The door slammed open with a bang. Sophia, Sue and Ken all jumped in surprise. Sophia dropped the glass she was holding and it shattered on the kitchen floor. A naked Tina stormed into the room followed closely by a surprisingly calm looking Alex.
Tina saw Ken and Sue kneeling naked on the floor. “Where the fuck is she?” Tina demanded. She saw Ken glance reactively towards the kitchen and she was off. Tina was on a mission. Followed again by Alex she marched towards the kitchen and then saw Sophia walking out of it.
“What’s going on?” Sophia queried, shocked by the sight of the two girls.
Tina charged at Sophia. “You fucking bitch!” Tina screamed out before ramming into Sophia. The girl fell backwards landing in a heap on the floor.
“Jesus! What the fuck Tina!” Sophia shouted, “Alex, are you just going to let her do that?” Tina didn’t wait. She dived onto the girl on the floor, pinning her down before slapping her repeatedly in the face. Alex didn’t move.

“You are a stupid fucking woman. You left us out there, no clothes, no way of contacting someone, no protection. Because of your stupidity I got fucking arrested,” Tina continued to land sharp blows to Sophia.
“I am your mistress,” Sophia called out panicked. “Alex, help me.” Again Alex didn’t move but just stood motionless and watched.
“You are no mistress. A mistress has respect and values the safety of her slave, even when they are being used or humiliated. You have no idea what you are doing and risked us all out there!” Tina shouted in rage. Sue and Ken watched on shocked as Tina brought her hands to the throat of Sophia.
“Tina, No!” Alex shouted finally intervening, “Not like that.” She hastily pulled Tina from Sophia. “Sue, Ken, hold her back for a minute,” Alex ordered. The two slaves quickly obliged taking hold of the flailing, naked girl’s arms and pulling her towards a sofa. They pinned her on the sofa. Sophia got to her feet and charged at Tina in pure anger. In one fluid motion Alex intercepted her and sent her crashing into an arm chair.

“What the fuck Alex,” Sophia questioned looking annoyed that her lover had just stopped her. “Are you just going to let her get away with what she just did?”
“You deserved it Soph and you deserve a hell of a lot more, just not in the way that Tina was administrating it,” Alex explained. Tina had settled down causing Sue and Ken to release the grip of her arms.
“I apologise for my bluntness,” Tina stated before settling on the sofa.
“No problem,” Alex replied, “I understand your frustration. But we do not retaliate in that kind of way. Do you understand what you have done wrong Sophia?”
“What I did wrong?!” Sophia shouted, “That bitch just attacked me!”
Alex sighed but remained calm. “She had just reason to. Her comments about being a mistress were completely true. You clearly don’t understand what it takes. You risked all three of these people tonight and clearly you have no remorse. It doesn’t matter how much you don’t like them, we do things in a controlled manner. The challenge could have worked, but you needed to keep them together and keep an eye on them the whole way through it. You abandoned them; who knows what could have happened. Being arrested isn’t nearly the worst thing that could have been. Fortunately for Tina, we have got her out with just a warning and a fine.”

“We are still in charge though,” Sophia stated through gritted teeth.
“That may be so but there are restrictions on both sides. Your behaviour tonight was unacceptable and could have destroyed everything we have built towards. It was stupid and as so, if you want to remain involved in the slavery of these people, you will have to face a punishment.”
“A punishment! Are you fucking serious!” Sophia shouted.
“I’m deadly serious. For these slaves to have any respect for you going forward, you need to show them that you can accept that you have made mistakes and face the consequences. If not, you are not mature enough to be a mistress and I will stop any involvement that you have with these three.”

A wide grin spread across Tina’s face as she heard Alex’s decision. Ken and Sue still locked on with complete shock, unable to believe what they were hearing. “So what will it be?” Alex asked.
“Fine I’ll do it,” Sophia replied with a defeated but angry look. “What do I have to do?”
“The first thing you need to do is apologise to these three,” Alex said pointing at the sofa with Ken, Sue and Tina on, “especially Tina. Explain why you are sorry as well.”
Sophia nodded and then with acid forming in her turned her attention to Ken, Sue and Tina. “I’m very sorry for what I put you all through, especially you Tina. I should have had more respect for you and ensured that you were all safe during what was happening. I put you all at risk and that was not right of me.”
Sue and Ken nodded in appreciation but Tina remained stern faced and angry. “Good,” said Alex, “Now for the punishment.” Alex led Sophia towards the table to the side of the lounge and bent her over it.

“Please Alex, don’t make me do this,” Sophia pleaded, “I’ve learnt my lesson.”
“You’ve learnt nothing yet Sophia,” Alex responded before pulling out two cuffs and cuffing Sophia’s arms to the legs on the far side of the table. Sophia was now bent at the waist, her skirt hiked up, exposing her ass to the room. “But you will.”
“Do the others have to watch?” Sophia asked.
“Of course, Sue and Ken must bear witness to how fair I am as a mistress and that we acknowledge our errors. Tina will be administering the punishment,” Alex said before pulling Sophia’s skirt up higher so her full ass was on display except for the small covering of her panties. Alex swiftly pulled these down exposing her completely to the slaves.

“Tina, please come forward,” Alex ordered. Tina stepped up behind Sophia before Alex brought out a long PVC cane. It was coated in plastic with a leather wrist strap to provide a good grip. It was tough and slightly weighty to give a good swing. She passed it across to Tina. “Build up, and let loose as you feel free. I will tell you when she has had enough.”
“Thank you mistress,” Tina said before in one quick swing she brought it forward before stopping inches from Sophia. The girl jumped madly despite no impact.
“Look forward,” Tina stated and Sophia did as instructed, resting her body on the table.
“Please Alex, please no,” Sophia begged. Alex nodded to Tina.

SMACK! The first blow came as a massive surprise to Sophia. She jumped and screamed out in pain. “Aahhhh!” SMACK. The second blow landed almost immediately after the first and Sophia jumped again. As Tina withdrew the cane, she caressed Sophia’s ass. Two thin red stripes appeared.
“I am going to make your ass so red,” Tina taunted.
“I will get you back for this. Mark my word.”
SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! The flurry of blows caused Tina to scream to the heavens in pain as Tina laughed lightly. Alex watched on in Silence.
Tina brought her arm back far and in a swift motion brought the cane cracking down hard again on Sophia’s ass. “AAAAAHHHHHH! Please, stop, no more, I beg” Sophia pleaded.

Tina looked to Alex for a reaction. Alex stood motionless before muttering two words, “keep going.”
Sophia whimpered with tears forming as she looked forward ready to face the next assault.
SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! The blows landed continuously with no pause for rest. Sophia cried out as each one connected the pain just as fierce with each hit. “Pleeeeeeaasssseeee,” she begged, “please stop.” Her head went low as tears streamed down her face. Again Tina looked to Alex for indication.
“Keep going,” she stated sternly. Sophia sobbed and braced herself. Tina brought the cane back again.

Thank you to those who got in touch regarding this story. Many probably don't realise how much a small comment or feedback is such a lift and motivator for writing. Just knowing someone is enjoying it is great encouragement so thank you for those replies over the last week or two.

sarahsarah 05-29-2016 04:08 PM

Chapter 21

Sophia woke up alone. She had cried herself to sleep the previous night; her ass still felt sore. However, that wasn’t the source of her tears. She couldn’t believe Alex, her lover and best friend, had done that to her. Then, even when it was all said and done, when Tina had brought the cane down for the last time, when Sophia had needed someone to cradle her, when she needed someone to care for her, to sooth her pain, Alex had abandoned her. She had untied her, sent her into their bed and then disappeared not to return.

Sophia looked at the clock; it was nine in the morning and Alex was yet to return and get ready. Sophia wondered what she’d be up to now, whether Alex was missing her as well, or whether the two of them were finished for good. ‘That fucking bitch’ she thought but not about Alex. It was a rage for Tina, the one who had beaten her, turned Alex against her and maybe ruined their relationship.

Thinking back though, the anger went towards Ken. If it wasn’t for him and his stupid attack, none of this mess would even have started. Alex had convinced her on the slavery but now she only wished to return to how they were before any of this had begun. A stray tear ran down her face; what had happened to her? Where was Alex? All Sophia knew is that she missed her lover and wanted nothing more than to find her in her arms once more.

Meanwhile only a few floors downstairs Alex did not wake up alone. She woke up next to the sleeping, naked form of Tina. They had spent the night sleeping in the master bedroom of the slaves flat. Alex smiled as she looked over the young girl’s naked form. Her eyes shifted to the end of the bed where all the technical equipment was still located. Tina thought it would be fun to record the first scene and watch it back together and Alex had to admit that she was right. It was even more arousing to then make love while the TV played the previous scene.

As her thoughts moved forwards, Alex let out a long, low sigh. She knew that she would have to make her way upstairs and talk to Sophia eventually; she was only delaying the inevitable fight. She knew there was still a love that she felt for her assistant, but it was now hiding behind a veil of disappointment, blurring it from vision. Sophia hadn’t been ready; she had pushed the girl too far and too early into this world. They had flown too close to the sun and got burnt as a result.

“What’s up?” Tina asked, sitting up in the bed and looking over the glum face. “Was there a problem last night?” Alex thought about what had happened when they had entered the room. There weren’t any problems with it. In fact, it was one of the best sessions of sex she’d ever been a part of.
“No problems. It’s Sophia,” Alex replied, “I just don’t know what to do about it. I feel this world isn’t for everybody, and maybe she isn’t ready to be part of it.” Tina nodded
“Look Alex. I may be new to this, but for the first time in my life I feel like I’m in the right place. Looking at you, I think you feel the same way. You need to talk to her and sort it for good, one way or another.” Tina stroked her hand over Alex’s thigh and smiled at her.
“You’re right. I need to make sure this doesn’t get out of hand. Thanks,” Alex said.
“No problem. Go and find her. You can fill me in on the details later… Mistress,” Tina stated. Alex laughed as Tina resumed her role as slave.
“You should be at work, it’s after nine. I’ll see you in the office soon. Oh, and tell Ken that I want him to take the day off to clean the two flats,” Alex ordered. She quickly got dressed and left the room.

Sophia had just finished her shower when the flat door opened. A stream of tears reformed down her face; she wasn’t ready to face Alex yet and certainly wasn’t ready to face whatever consequences it might bring. She quickly tried to brush away the drops from her face. She needed to look strong, appear as if she understood the previous night, and not show all her anger. However, the moment that Alex opened the bedroom door, Sophia broke down.

“Are you still crying? What do you want me to do? Cradle you and apologise. You know that you deserved what happened right,” Alex started upon seeing the upset Sophia. She hated seeing the girl so sad, but also felt that it was a massive overreaction.
“Damn it Alex, do you not realise what you’ve done? You made me feel worthless, like a piece of meat. Then when I needed you most, you disappeared to god knows where,” Sophia responded, her voice shaken and growing louder.

“I did what was necessary and you know it. You need to accept what happened and move on now, or you will never be ready to command a slave.” Tears streamed freely from Sophia now with Alex’s stern words.

“You don’t understand. I don’t want to have a slave; I don’t care about Ken, Tina or Sue. I just want to have you back in my life properly. I want us to be happy again and go back to how we were before this whole thing started, before Ken stupidly assaulted me. I thought I would enjoy having the three to boss around, and you persuaded me towards it. I wanted revenge on Ken and wanted to feel strong again and you gave me that.

“But now what are we doing it for. I’ve had sufficient revenge and I feel strong when it comes to that. I don’t need a slave anymore and I don’t need someone to boss around. What I need is my partner by my side, to hold me when I’m sad, to live our lives together and to love one another. All of this is too much for me I think and I want it to end. Do you honestly care more about them than you do about me?”

Alex stared at the emotional girl for a while in silence. What she said made sense and rang true, but it also wasn’t what was going to happen. “Sophia, you’re right. You aren’t quite ready for this world yet, but this is the world that I live in. I’ve always lived in this world and almost certainly always will. I care about you more than anything, but this isn’t going to end now,” Alex stated.
“But why can’t it?” Sophia asked pleadingly
Alex sighed. “Maybe one day you will understand and maybe one day you will be ready to embrace who I am entirely. Perhaps this life will grow on you, but until that moment I believe you should avoid it. For your own good.”

“What do you mean? All I want is to love you. All I want is for you to love me. Can’t this relationship be for two people and not five? We can leave it behind and be happy,” Sophia shakily said.
“I can’t leave it behind Soph, it’s who I am. However, it isn’t who you are. At least it’s not yet. I brought you into this too quickly and too steeply. For now, I think you need to take a break from this life. I think we need to take a break from us,” Alex stated, looking down at her feet.
“NO!” Sophia screamed, “Look at me!” Alex raised her eyes to meet Sophia’s and saw the swollen eyes and botched face. “We don’t need to, we can work it out. I can accept you and I’ll take a back seat in this stuff.”
“It isn’t that simple. I don’t want you around the slavery right now. I’m worried it will end up in more hurt and pain, and I really don’t want that to happen. I’m not saying that we’re finished and you know that I care for you. I’m saying that you need time away from this side of my life, and I need you away from it,” Alex explained.

“What if I don’t want to be away from it?” Sophia asked.
“That isn’t a choice I’m leaving in your hands, and I know what is best now,” Alex stated. “There are things you don’t understand. It’s not you it’s me.” Sophia stood up from the bed and with a crack she slapped Alex across the face.
“Everything you fucking put me through last night. Every fucking thing I thought about when I slept. I went through all of it for you, and you dare to throw lines like that at me. You fucking bitch Alex Friend,” Sophia shouted, spitting acid, her sadness turning to anger. Alex brought her hand up to feel the warmth of where the slap had stung. She knew better than to retaliate and watched as Sophia turned in anger from her.
“I’m going to the office. You can speak to me when you’ve calmed down. Stay here as long as you need for now,” Alex told her assistant before spinning around and storming from the room.

The minute that Alex had disappeared from the room Sophia screamed. She flung herself back down on the bed and pounded her fists into the covers. All she could think was how avoidable all of this was, how those three cunts of employees had just ruined her life. Sophia grabbed the pillows off the bed and launched them around the room. One collided with the dresser and sent the products everywhere. A mirror fell off the side table and cracked on the floor. In the chaos, she eventually collapsed on the bed, letting her tears run freely and falling into an intermittent sleep.

The door to the flat opened and Sophia sat up with a flash. “Alex?” She questioned quietly, praying that she might have had a change of heart and returned to her. When the bedroom door didn’t open Sophia became curious. She cautiously rose from the bed and made her way towards the living room. After opening the door quietly, she became surprised by what she saw. Ken was wandering around the room with his back to her, picking up rubbish and placing it into a bin bag he was carrying.

‘What the fuck is he doing here?’ Sophia thought to herself. She quietly approached him from behind, careful not to make a sound, and when she was within touching distance she grabbed him by the throat. Ken jumped and almost instinctively swung his fist in surprise. He sharply turned his head to see a distraught looking Sophia stood behind him. Her grip was tight but not strangling so he breathed and tried to calm himself.

“Why are you in the fucking flat bitch?” Sophia shouted at him.
“I’m sorry Miss Sophia, I didn’t realise you were still here. Miss Friend left me instructions to clean the two flats today and I was only obeying,” Ken replied, stammering and hoping to not upset this girl.
“Is that so? And did Miss Friend say anything about me?” Sophia sniped. Ken was scared. Sophia looked on the brink and something had clearly upset her. He didn’t want to say anything that might push her further.
“No Miss Sophia, I was just told the instructions by Tina,” Ken stammered.

At just the mention of Tina’s name, Sophia’s scowl grew further. So Alex hadn’t told Ken about their fight, hadn’t told him about Alex’s feelings towards her and her treatment of the slaves. Now this bitch that had ruined her relationship, that had tormented her and the disgusting prick that had been a pain at work for so long was stood before her. “Well, Kenny boy, it looks like you’ve got some new fucking orders now. Get your clothes off and get down on your hands and fucking knees.”

Ken glared into the dark eyes of Sophia. “But Miss Sophia, I’ve been given orders for the flat to be clean by the time Miss Friend returns,” Ken stated.
“Are you fucking questioning me bitch? Alex isn’t here and I am. Remember your role,” Sophia shouted. The aggression in Sophia’s voice scared Ken. She seemed out of control and the last thing he wanted was to face her wrath now.
“No Miss Sophia, but…” Ken started before being hit with a sharp slap to the face. He stumbled back in shock at being cut off so abruptly.
“No fucking buts, Kenny boy. Strip and hand and knees now or I’ll destroy you,” Sophia sternly ordered.

Ken didn’t want to risk pushing this girl any further. He thought it would be best to face whatever she wanted now and worry about it later. Right now though, he didn’t dare to disobey the fragile figure in front of him. He quickly discarded his clothes and dropped to the floor. Meanwhile Sophia turned to a table at the side of the room and took hold of a long PVC cane. She turned and held it in front of Ken’s face. “Recognise this?”
Ken nodded. “Yes Miss Sophia,” he replied.
“Where do you recognise it from Ken?” Sophia questioned.
“Tina used it to spank you last night Miss Sophia,” Ken answered.

“That’s right bitch, and now I’m going to show you how it felt,” Sophia stated. She made her way behind Ken and set herself. Ken was visibly shaking in fear as Sophia lined up her swing and pulled back hard.
SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! The blows rained down upon Ken sharply and hard with no mercy. The strikes connected randomly to his ass with no pattern. Sophia was swinging without thought and just trying to inflict pain to the man in front of her. “AAAAHHHHHH” Ken screamed as the cane repeatedly came down on his flesh. The blows stung hard and the impacts nearly knocked him to the floor. It took all his strength to remain in position as Sophia continued her assault.
“That’s what I want Kenny. Scream for me bitch!” Sophia shouted. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! The blows seemed endless and Ken started to realise that Sophia was starting to try and center her swings, attempting to target his balls swinging between his legs. The misses seemed to be frustrating her further and Ken knew it was only a matter of time before one of the blows firmly struck his hanging basket.

“Please Miss Sophia, please don’t hit my balls. It’ll hurt so much with that thing,” Ken begged hoping his pleading might make her a bit happier. Sophia stared at his shaking body but only anger made its way through.
“Don’t you fucking dare tell me what to do,” Sophia shouted at him, “In fact, I want you to take hold of your ballsack and hold your nuts out behind your ass. Make them an easy target for me bitch.”
Ken sent a pleading look back at Sophia but saw no hint of remorse. He dropped his head low to hide the fear and the water in his eyes, before reaching back, taking hold of his delicate testicles and holding them tentatively behind his body.

Sophia laughed at the predicament and seeing Ken forming his own fate. She brought back the cane again and swung low. CRACK! “AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH” Ken shrieked and crumbled to the floor. The cane had landed square on his two balls and stung beyond anything he could imagine. Sophia laughed again.
“You have 5 seconds to get back in position Kenny boy,” Sophia taunted. “5…” Ken shook himself to life, “…4…” Ken brought himself forcefully back to his knees. “…3…” He brought himself to all fours. “…2…” Ken gripped his aching sack and pulled it back behind him. CRACK! The second blow sent him screaming back to the floor. “AAAHHHH, FUCK!” Ken shouted out unable to hold it in. He felt as if Sophia had just ripped open his testicle.
Sophia giggled mercilessly at the flailing body. She brought the cane sharply down over the squirming man, beating his ass, back and thighs. Ken screams and shouts trying to squirm away as Sophia repeatedly brought the long cane down. She laughed with anger as each blow left a deep red line. Welts were forming across his ass where multiple blows had struck firmly.
“Pleasssseeeee Miss Sophia, I beg, I beg” Ken stammered as the assault continued. Sophia didn’t reply but only laughed. She paused leaving the teary Ken lying on the floor. She left to the kitchen to find what she needed.

When Sophia returned with a long piece of string Ken was still lying in the same crying state. She glared at his worthless body and felt no remorse, only more anger. He had caused this and brought this on himself. “Get back on your hands and knees bitch!” she ordered and Ken, scared about bringing more misery by disobeying, instantly responded by following her command.
Sophia reached forward, gripping his balls in her hand and pulling them back between his legs. She squeezed tightly causing Ken to groan in pain and discomfort. This only caused Sophia to giggle at the ease she could inflict misery on this pathetic excuse of a man. She took one end of the string and quickly proceeded to tie it tightly around the hanging testicles. She pulled the end of it back to her to where the office chair was located by the desk.

Sophia sat down in the chair and tied the other end of the string to the wheeled chair linking Ken’s testicles and her seat. “Now, my little bitch, I want you to pull me to the bedroom, chop chop,” Sophia commanded. Ken started to crawl towards the bedroom on the other side of the room and felt his balls tighten as they were pulled back by the string. He paused as the pain became intense, pulling his testicles hard back behind him. SMACK! Sophia brought the cane back down on his ass.
“Aahhhh!” Ken squealed as the sharp sting returned to his swollen ass. This bitch was mental; he couldn’t drag her all that way by his testicles. They’d rip off in the process, she was nuts. SMACK! SMACK!
“Come on bitch, we don’t have all day. Well we do, but I’d rather not take that long.”

The repeated blows of the cane made Ken try again. He pulled forward bringing agony to his sensitive items and eventually felt the chair begin to move slightly forward with the tight string. Ken knew he had to keep the chair’s momentum going to ease the pressure but on the carpet floor it was incredibly difficult. Sophia now had her full weight on the chair making it all the more troubling for the slave to do what was expected. As she felt the chair start to move it made her smile, seeing Ken put himself through that pain for something so pointless. “Faster bitch!” Sophia commanded, bringing the cane down again on his tender ass.

“Aahhhh,” Ken squealed again and pulled harder on the chair causing it to move more freely. In the process it pulled his balls back further and harder and he couldn’t help but cry in pain. The journey was only 15 feet but it felt like a marathon. His balls were going slightly purple as he pulled with all his effort to get this devil into the bedroom. He glanced back over his shoulder and saw Sophia revelling in his pain, laughing at every movement. Finally with one huge gasp and cry, with tears flowing down his cheek and putting all his effort into not screaming aloud, Ken pulled the bitch into the bedroom.

Once inside Sophia halted him, looking on with delight at the effect it had created on the man’s testicles. They had gone a deep purple with the restrictions on them and Ken had inflicted the majority of it on himself. “Well, that was fun, but maybe not the quickest travel method. I certainly feel that the driver should be punished as a result,” Sophia stated as she sat on the edge of the bed.

Ken’s eyes turned to instant fear. She’d just said punished; hadn’t he been punished enough now, wouldn’t he be allowed some rest, or at least to go back to his chores. He watched on as Sophia placed a small table by the edge of the bed before reaching into the bedside cabinet. Ken groaned as he saw what was in her hands, a pair of handcuffs. He knew he wasn’t out of the woods quite yet.

“P1 bitch,” Sophia ordered. Ken forced himself up onto his knees and placed his hands on top of his head. Sophia approached him and pulled his arms down behind his back. She quickly cuffed them in place before returning to face him. In her eyes was a mixture of excitement, anger and malice; she was completely ready to destroy the man in front of her.

jessie_XXXJONES 05-30-2016 06:18 AM

Damn kind of feel sorry for Sophia even though she did that to them but oh well love the story pls continue

sarahsarah 02-01-2018 02:41 PM

Hello all

I've been very busy for the last 6 months and as such have done little to nothing in terms of writing. I am considering a return to it however if I get some spare time in the coming months.

I wanted to know if there is any interest in me finishing this story or whether people would prefer for me to focus on one of my other stories or even to start a new story.

All the best

Sarah x

LilMonki 02-02-2018 06:48 AM

I'd love it if you continued this! I cant wait to see Alex's reaction to the last chapter.

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