getDare Truth or Dare

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BettyBoop 12-25-2010 08:16 PM

★ Camp getDare.
I have absolutely no plan when it comes to where this story is going so I'll just apologise in advance. I'm probably going to make some characters up to, to keep from insulting anyone.

Chapter One.

I danced around my bedroom randomly pulling clothes from my wardrobe and throwing them on my bed; hangers flew out and hit my fluffy rug bouncing about my feet. I skipped around the obstacles I’d produced until my iPod shuffle brought up a song from The Rocky Horror Glee Show.
“Toucha toucha toucha touch me, I wanna be dirty. Thrill me chill me fulfil me. Creature of the night.” I sang as loudly as I could until I heard my brother shout a few very rude words in my direction, I turned back to the mess I’d made. I hated packing, but I figured at some point at camp I’d need clothes and I liked those. I rifled through the pile of clothes on my bed digging out a few pairs of jeans, I flung them at the general area where my suitcase sat. I also flung some socks, t-shirts and skirts.
I turned around, hoping to see it perfectly packed. Instead I saw my lonely red suitcase surrounded by clothes and with one of my little brothers socks in it.
“Ugh” I sighed. “I hate packing”.
I decided to take a break from all of the ‘hard work’ I was convincing myself I’d done. I opened up my laptop, and tapped my fingers on the desk impatiently as it loaded doing the can-can with my fingers. I hummed the tune until my laptop finally decided to cooperate. Google Chrome: opened. I clicked the first box under my most visited sites,, I didn’t forget the /bbs. It always made me think of boobs.
“Knock knock” Liam, my brilliant boyfriend popped his head around my door. He was dressed incredibly casual compared to his usual fashion, it reminded me of the long journey we were about to take.
I grinned and gave him a big hug, well it was big for me; but seeing as he is both bigger and taller than me it wasn’t too big. He leaned in to kiss me but then looked over my head before I could touch my lips with his.
“You haven’t packed” he said in that tone of voice, raising his eyebrows and making me feel like a child who'd been caught breaking the rules at school.
“I’m getting there, I’ve been working hard” I looked down, hiding my lies.
He kissed me but only for seconds before slipping off, folding the jeans I’d chucked on the floor and placing then neatly in my open suitcase.

He helped me pack my suitcase and get rid of unnecessary items such as the 7 bikinis in various colours and patterns I’d tried to stuff in.
“Thanks” I said as I sat on my suitcase to keep it down as Liam zipped in shut.
“You may have over-packed” He eyed my suitcase which looked just about ready to burst.
“Better to over-pack than under-pack” I patted him on the arm while dashing to my sofa. I jumped into the squishy pile of un-matching cushions.
Liam slid behind me, his movement and my many pillows almost caused me to fall, face first onto the floor.
“Oh sorry, I underestimated the overwhelming power of my thrust” He pulled me back up by my elbow.
“Stop” I laughed and put my hand over his mouth. I pulled it away before he licked my palm or tried some other generally gross thing. I rolled away from him to check my laptop I’d forgotten about. Logging on to the orangey forum and saw a few notifications. I decided I’d check them at some point and I clicked to see the blogs.
Audio Blogs seemed to be a hot topic recently, I didn’t mind one bit I myself enjoyed putting voices to usernames just as much as putting faces to them. I pressed play on LilAngel’s AUDIOBLOG TWO and went to make sure I had my phone and iPod safely tucked in the bag I was carrying on my journey. I slipped my phone into my pocket and then froze as I heard odd moaning, panting noises coming from my laptop and some whispered words about a bra.
I launched myself at my laptop and muted whatever that was before one of my nosey family members casually strolled past my bedroom door for the fourth time in five minutes.
“Just an audio blog on getDare” I giggled a little at Liam who had moved to stand behind me at my desk chair.
“That website sounds less normal every time I hear about it” He grinned.
On some level I agreed, but there’s nothing much wrong with abnormal in some cases. I tried to think of other good abnormal things, my forehead creasing.
“You like it though so it can’t be bad. Hmmm, we better go” He grabbed my bags and we dashed downstairs.

The car pulled up the bumpiest path I’d ever been on. I jiggled around until I felt like my insides were twisted. We passed a large wooden sign with Camp getDare painted across it in big orange letters. I wondered if I was dreaming, again... I decided whether I was or not I no longer cared. Dream or not, this looked like fun.

zac 12-25-2010 08:57 PM

Hi great start :) lovely Christmas present ;D good luck with the rest I look forward to it XD !!

Xrider 12-26-2010 12:49 AM

Interesting concept. I'm sure you'll come up with some great ideas !

BettyBoop 12-26-2010 04:26 AM

Thanks zac, I hope I can continue with something of some value.
And Xrider, I may come up with some good ideas, it might just take a while :p

Xrider 12-26-2010 07:25 AM

Good work takes time true. And i guess you must be enjoying it to write since this isn't your first story. So given your previous works I have faith in you.
Just try not to keep us waiting for too long ;)

Stix 12-26-2010 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by BettyBoop (Post 372863)

If it is causing you that much trouble, then please, don't read it. You don't want to be getting all infuriated..
However I have elaborated.

I was going to say something similar, but it's your story, I didn't want to speak on behalf of you :P

Anyway...I look forward to hearing the rest of this :)

Keep it up :D

mark1986nl 12-28-2010 06:33 AM

great!!! hope the next part wil follow soon:D

zac 12-29-2010 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by BettyBoop (Post 374929)

All I'm saying is, if people have a problem with this, I'm not forcing them to read it...

REALLY!? thanx for that I thought it was compulsory ;D So I'll just stop reading now...yh...??? :P

Star Shadows 12-29-2010 11:23 AM

Despite the stick about the "that kind of look" (which i understood exactly without the added description) I loved the story It should be awesome. Let grumblers grumble while we continue to get "that kind of look" :p. My exbf didn't know that look when he gave it so maybe its something you have to see to know.

Blegh doesn't need that much of a paragraph for 4 words. I loved it- looking forward to more. YOU ROCK BELLA!

**Mandi** 12-29-2010 02:03 PM

I am looking forward to the rest (:

And I like that you just wrote "that tone of voice" because I think it makes it unique and cute (:

Anyway, I love it !

Camille 12-29-2010 06:40 PM

Sweet story. It's creative and original :]

soldar15 12-29-2010 07:45 PM

kinky just started reading and love it already..... heres why..."The Rocky Horror Glee Show.
“Toucha toucha toucha touch me, I wanna be dirty. Thrill me chill me fulfil me. Creature of the night"

BettyBoop 12-30-2010 10:27 AM

Chapter Two.

We pulled our suitcases out of the boot and waved at Liam’s mum as she turned her car around and drove off.
“I love your Mum. My Mum would be out here, demanding to know everything about the camp. Where is Bella sleeping? What are you feeding her? SHE’S ALLERGIC TO TOMATOES!” I rolled my eyes even thought I felt like I’d miss her soon enough.

“You don’t have to live with her Bells. You don’t know the torture I have to endure” He said dramatically with his hand on his heart.
“She cuts the crusts off your sandwiches, that is hardly torture Liam. Now can we please find somewhere to put these bags!” I slumped a little exaggerating my exhaustion.
We wondered towards an odd shaped tan stone building which reminded me of Spain. A sign carved into a log had been somewhat placed over the door though it looked a little precarious. The word ‘Welcome’ was quite badly dug out in the poor wood.

We started up the steps into the welcome building just as a dark haired man pulled the door wide open and grinned.
“Hey, welcome. I’m depp, you must be...” He signalled for us to complete his sentence.
“Betty Boop” I waved and smiled feeling awkward instantly in the presence of someone I’d spoke to but never met.
“And I’m Liam.. onyx” Liam said as if he’d forgotten his user name for a few seconds.
It was weird, all the usernames and online people becoming real life faces in my reality. I was more than a little scared, anxious and a whole lot of other feelings which made my head spin.
“Ah, one of my own mods” He smiled and I struggled to keep eye contact. I had a feeling these people were going to be surprised by my unexpected shyness.

The Welcome sign created an awful creaking, crackling noise before the left side of it detached from the building. It swung loose, narrowly missing the top of Liam’s head.
“I’ve been meaning to fix that... This way” depp dipped under the broken sign, hurried down the stairs, around the building and onto a wooden panelled path that led to a large log cabin. I was surprised to see a log cabin, I’d never been to a camp before, but this building looked a little grand for what I had in mind.
Dragging my suitcase become even more difficult on the wood, the wheels dipped into the gaps between the wooden slats making my suitcase jam in the floor every so often. I tugged at the handle and tried to speed up so I didn’t get left behind.

We came to a large oak double door with two beautiful decorative glass windows with various shades of blue, pink and orange which formed a circle at the centre of the two doors.
A key was turned in the lock and the doors opened wide.
I gasped slightly as I took in my surroundings. I’d never seen such a large cabin; the stairs in here were made from a gorgeous wood as well as most of the furnishings. The stairs curved to the upper floor, the landing was on a balcony with a fence draped in fairy lights. To the right of the stairway I saw a huge kitchen, one of the things I loved to see in a home, and more surprisingly it looks pretty modern compared to rest of the room. It even had an adorable little breakfast bar.
The bottom floor was very open other than the few doors I saw which led to rooms I hadn’t yet seen. The lounge area to the left of the stairway held huge comfy chairs and a long sofa smothered with various cushions and blankets. There were a few beanbags scattered across the lush carpet and the magnificent fireplace which sat nearby a pile of neatly chopped logs for firewood.

“Wow, so pretty” I wheeled my suitcase to the bottom of the stair way.
“Pretty nice for a camp” Liam muttered while looking up at the large cabin chandelier hanging from the ceiling.
“Everyone else should be here by the end of the night so for now just make yourselves at home” depp slipped out of the door and disappeared as quickly as he arrived.

WedgieDareGirl 12-30-2010 11:34 AM

Keep it coming..
Great story so far Boop!
I think this has a lot if potentiol, keep it up! ;) xx

moxie 12-30-2010 11:49 AM

Very well written, I love the details.

Stix 12-30-2010 12:02 PM

I love it :D

Can't wait to hear the rest of it :)

Younger Buck 12-30-2010 12:29 PM

Sounds good so far :D!

BettyBoop 12-30-2010 12:31 PM

Thanks for all the replies, and if anyone has any ideas that they think would work well for this story as you are all getDarians yourselves, please don't hesitate to PM me (:

Stix 12-30-2010 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by BettyBoop (Post 375854)
Thanks for all the replies, and if anyone has any ideas that they think would work well for this story as you are all getDarians yourselves, please don't hesitate to PM me (:

As a matter of fact, I do!

When I get round to it, I'll PM you :)

zac 12-30-2010 06:40 PM


ljfairy 01-01-2011 01:04 PM

Awesome so far.... I wanna go to camp getDare!

BettyBoop 08-11-2011 07:01 AM

I want to continue with this but I just worry about writing people in a way they don't want to be written, or not writing certain people in because I don't know them and then having people be mad at me or something. Maybe it's just not meant to be aw

Komodo Jones 08-11-2011 07:35 AM

Betty, I can honestly say I wouldn't stop writing this story. I don't get to say this about a lot of stories on here but I seriously do not see any flaws. Mechanics are good, spelling is flawless, content is smooth, you're not rushing things, idea is original, details are short it's a great story. If you're worried about how to write certain people, pm them or contact them some way and shoot ideas with them. This is a story that I, as well as many others, don't want you to give up on. I hope you continue on it.

thefunman 08-11-2011 07:44 AM

You have written another amazing story, keep up the good work BettyBoop. Love your stries.

zac 08-11-2011 10:40 AM

I LOVE THIS STORY...and as for characters you can make them up completely...but some people (for example me) would love to be in the story and I wouldn't mind if I'm portrayed inaccurately/a bad character or wrongly due to the story line or from you not knowing much about me, because after all it is a fictional story it would just be great to be in it! :D xxxx

slutjuice 08-11-2011 03:49 PM

great story! really good idea! if you didn't want to make people up, you could ask them if it would be all right.

daremaster 1 08-11-2011 05:56 PM

Wow! I was shocked about how good this story was! I also didn't know you write, you should do it more often.

BettyBoop 08-12-2011 03:36 AM


Originally Posted by daremaster 1 (Post 515082)
Wow! I was shocked about how good this story was! I also didn't know you write, you should do it more often.

Yeah, I think I have three stories on here and only one is completed. I'm a littlr rubbish with updating.
I'm contemplating just making people up with different names that are based on people here and then maybe people can guess if it's them or something.

thefunman 08-12-2011 06:41 AM

That would be cool, you write the most amazing stories on here.

Lyn 08-12-2011 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by BettyBoop (Post 515372)

Yeah, I think I have three stories on here and only one is completed. I'm a littlr rubbish with updating.
I'm contemplating just making people up with different names that are based on people here and then maybe people can guess if it's them or something.

You have got to continue this one!!! :D I was hooked from the first post!! :) Also, I want to go to camp, too ;)

Slenderman - Doctor 08-14-2011 11:00 AM

For me, if you don't know enough about me, don't include me. A suggestion for the members you don't know a lot about but want to include... maybe instead of having them as characters, just have little nods. So if you can't include me due to lack of knowledge about me, just have someone mention 'Doctor' (or whichever member it happened to be) :)

BettyBoop 08-19-2011 07:28 AM

Chapter Three.

I skipped up the stairs excitedly, stumbling twice. I wanted to see all the rooms before anyone else had the chance. I didn’t even need to speed as Liam had wandered off to the kitchen to eat, well, everything probably. The landing was huge, a lot larger than it looked downstairs. There was a giant bay window straight ahead that filled the entire wall and out of it I could see for miles.
I climbed on to the window seat and stared out; I could see a few more log cabins and other buildings I wasn’t sure what were used for. From here I could see the round lake, the sun had begun to come out and the water sparkled. I could see the lake beach and a white pier that sat over the water and made me think of a giant diving board. I squinted out trying to take in all the details until I realised my nose was very literally pressed against the rather cold glass. I pulled my head back and looked about me. There was an array of hand embroidered cushions on the seat here, I liked them all they reminded me of my own bed at home. To the left there stood a towering book shelf full of books, some fiction, some otherwise. I ran my fingers along the books, reading the titles

• A Beginners Guide to Bondage
• The Wedgie Warrior
• You put how much ice? WHERE?

I giggled to myself, deciding to return to read something off this shelf later. I looked down the hallways on either side of me, I was about to go left when my leg vibrated. I slid my phone out of my pocket. 4 missed calls, 2 messages, and 1 answer phone message. Oops. I didn’t even hear it ring.
I rang up to check whatever message I was left and was greeted by Charlotte talking faster than most people could understand
"Bella. BELLA. Bella my Mum is getting us lost and I forgot to pack pyjamas. Bella I'm hungry. Bella I'M HUNGRY I-." The phone cut off just as Charlotte's voice became painfully high pitched and panicky. I didn't worry even for a second, I was too used to Charlotte being a tad dramatic and I guessed she wasn't even the tiny bit lost.
I put the phone back in my pocket ignoring the missed calls as they'd only lead to actually having to call people which I wasn't great with.
The sudden realisation I was actually going to meet people I'd spoken to for so long hit me like a brick, I sighed and closed my eyes, feeling a mixture of worry and excitement that made my head spin.
At least I had my friends here too, that was something if not everything that was keeping me calm.
I noticed the corridor to the left had "No Girls Allowed" painted over the arched doorway and to the right "No Boys Allowed". So, there was to be no unisex room sharing I found that I really didn't care too much at least this way my room could stay tidy, neat and smelling lovely.
I did a quick, sprinting room check until I found one that was perfect for me and Lottie to share.
I ran all the way back downstairs just to drag my first suitcase all the way back up and into the room. I had other bags but just pulling up the one was enough for now. I opened it up and searched for pyjamas for Lottie to wear, if she'd wear any at all, she had an odd hatred for wearing pyjamas or any clothes really.
Sitting on the bed I had to stop myself from squealing over how comfy it was, I abandoned the search for PJs and dived into the fluffy pillows. Curling into a ball I closed my eyes and smiled, wondering what was to come of this rather unique camping experience.

Rachie 08-19-2011 07:42 AM

Nice to see a continuation. Hope you are enjoying writing.

Doctors idea, would work brilliantly, however it continues, sure to be a masterpiece like your previous story

Love Rachie
x x x x

zac 08-19-2011 12:11 PM

YES! :D I'm soooo glad you restarted :D xx

Abby9 08-19-2011 12:24 PM

I honestly think this will be an AMAZING story keep it up BettyBoop! :D

BettyBoop 08-20-2011 03:09 PM

I haven't yet actually introduced anyone properly who I don't actually know (apart from depp, very briefly) so I'm unsure if it'll go terribly downhill when I do but I'm glad you like it for now. Thanks for the comments.

Embii 08-22-2011 05:40 AM

You're an amazing writer! If I were you, I might rename people who you include as main characters and maybe mention others by their actual username, but not go into detail. Just an idea.
Anyway, great story, can't wait to

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