getDare Truth or Dare

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LitDarkness 05-10-2014 05:21 PM

Brat Acadamy
Prologue:Mr.Varghese always told me he'd fail me. I thought nothing of it since I was an A student. I mean I'm 16 and a senior, I skipped a grade.
Little did I know, a test Mr.Varghese administered and graded determined if I graduated.
After this test, I was sent to Brat Academy, a school for brats.
Chapter 1:Introduction
I'm Madonna Even. I go by Maddie. I have blond hair up to my waist and big grey eyes along with pale white skin.
My eyes are not good at their job though. I have to wear corrective lenses for astigmatism and nearsightedness. My left eye has a prescription of -5.75 and to correct my astigmatism a 180 degree axis. This is the highest correction available.
My right eye has a stronger prescription at -7.50.
I also have strabismus or wandering eye which I was told couldn't be corrected since it was overlooked until 13. My right eye will drift outward all the time so I constantly appear cross eyed.
When I'm tired or daydreaming my left eye or as I like to call it my stupid eye will turn inwards.
Reduced to blurs I feel around for my diamond coated pink glasses and put them on. Then I strip and change into a black nascar tee-shirt and a pink thong along with black bluejeans. Then I put on pink sandals. Then I brush the tangles out of my blond hair. I get my stuff and wait on the bus.
Chapter 2:YOU'RE LATE!!!!
The bus came late. I sat down in the front seat behind the bus driver. I knew I was going to arrive to school late. Mr.Varghese is going to kill me. He hates me enough as it is. I'm going to have to suck it up and face him. I felt nauseous.
We arrived to school at 8:15. Fifteen minutes late. I run to get my breakfast and bring it to Mr.Varghese's room. I try to open the door but it's locked. I knock on the door. Mr.Varghese opened the door.
He practically ingrained his big brown eyes into my soul. He spat, "Why. Are. You. Late?"
I tried to explain, "You see the..."
He interrupted,"I don't care Madonna. You obviously don't care about your grade so why should I listen to your excuses?"
I tried to answer, "I'm not making..."
He interrupted again,"Just sit down. The back seat is free if you can see from there."
I sat in the seat in the back of the room.
He started teaching Calculus and he messed up a positive and negative. I told him,"Sir you got the wrong sign." He switched it and told me,"You're not going to graduate if you don't shut up."

LitDarkness 05-11-2014 04:51 AM

Chapter 3:Humiliation
Vale stood up for me,"Maddie just told you you mixed up a sign."
Mr.Varghese sighed,"I know what I'm doing and will not be told how to do my job from a intolerable brat.
Of course he doesn't interrupt him.
Mr.Varghese continued,"There's a test that will determine if you graduate. People with last names A-E will stay here to take the test when the bell rings."
I was devastated. I sat there and thought, "I have to spend more time with this man."
Mr.Varghese clapped his hands, "Madonna! Focus for once in your pathetic life!" I sat up and paid attention.
He smiled,"Can you not look at me straight? Tell that right eye to do its job."
I mumbled,"I can't."
He screamed,"You can't do anything can you? You can't be on time! You can't shut up! You can't even look at people straight! Are you that stupid?"
The class laughed. I started drifting off thinking of a world where Mr.Varghese and I never met.
He clapped his hands,"Madonna." causing me to focus again. Once I focused he joked, "To bad Madonna's left eye will turn inwards when she daydreams or is tired. She can never get away with not paying attention."
I snapped,"You constantly tease me and push me around and you think you're better than anyone else! Let me tell you something, you're a pathetic loser with no life and everyone hates you!"
He frowned,"You'll be the one dealing with me next year cross eyed."
Chapter 4:Test
The bell rung. People with last names after E left. Mr.Varghese moved a seat beside his desk. "Madonna can sit here. Otherwise she would cheat." I sat beside his desk.
Other kids started to come in. They took their seats. Mr.Varghese begun the lecture, "This test determines your future which all but Madonna have,so don't screw it up."
He passed out the test. He gave me my test last then told me,"I won't think of you any different if you leave now." He turned on the timer."You have an hour begin."
I was flying through the test. I knew all these. I even had time to double check my answers.
The timer went off. "Pencils down, that includes you Madonna."
He took up the test, then stated, "If you're not Madonna you can go back to class." Everyone else left.
He got into my face and screamed,"Do not come to my class late ever again! That's disrespectful and rude just like you! And fix that eye. I don't know why you think it's funny to act like you have a problem to keep it straight when you don't!" He sat in his desk.
"Can I leave now?" I asked.
He told me,"No, wait until the bell rings."
Chapter 5:Truth or Dare
The bell rung and I ran to lunch. I sat beside Vale who wiped tears from my face. "Mr.Varghese again?" he asked.
I nodded.
He told me,"You don't need to think about him."
I muttered,"I know but, I don't understand why he picks on me. He always chooses something I have no control over."
Vale told me,"To get your mind off him we're going to play truth or dare."
I nodded in agreement.
He yelled,"Nicholas and Susan come play truth or dare with us."
Nicholas was Mr.Varghese's son. He looked nothing like his dad. He had short blond hair with blue eyes and white skin even though both his parents are dark skinned.
Susan who was holding his hand had pale skin, amber eyes and red hair.
Nicholas looked at Vale and picked up Susan. He ran to our table. He put Susan down and pulled a chair out for her,"Ladies first." Susan sat on the chair and he pushed it in.
"Thank you." Susan chimed.
Nicholas sat down. He said,"I'll go first Vale, truth or dare?"
Vale smiled,"Dare."
Nicholas laughed, "I dare you to do 100 jumping jacks while singing I'm an idiot."
One of these dares changed my life. Nicholas dared me,"Ask my dad for a book."
Nicholas was unaware of his dad's actions towards me. He thought his dad was kind and caring but, he was the opposite. I wasn't going to be the one who broke the news to Nicholas so I sucked it up and opened Mr.Varghese's door to find something disturbing.
Chapter 6:Sabotage
I saw Mr.Varghese erasing my test answers and bubbling the wrong ones. "What are you doing?" I screamed in shock.
He screamed,"Don't you know how to..." He looked up,"Oh it's you."
"Why are you changing my answers?"
"I said you were going to fail and I'm not letting you pass even with a perfect score."
"I'll report you."
He laughed,"Madonna, I made up these tests. I'm the one who grades them. I control everything about them. In order to report someone you have to go to me and your compliant will always be denied." He handed me a brochure.
It was of a school called Brat Academy. The kids were in grey crying. I looked inside and read, "A mentor is assigned to control each brat. There will be no fun and games. You will be punished if you smile."
"Why?" I asked.
"You start tomorrow. Your test scores already indicate you didn't even try and need an attitude adjustment."
"We graduate tomorrow." I wined.
He laughed,"You won't graduate with your class. Now get out and I'm writing you up for disrupting class."
"You don't even have a class right now."
"It's for first period. You'll also be written up for being late."

issabella 05-12-2014 08:24 PM

keep writing i like it!!! :)

LitDarkness 05-13-2014 04:36 PM

Chapter 7: Office
I went back to lunch forgetting about the book. I sat at the table. Nicholas asked, “Where’s the book?”
“Mr.Varghese was busy.” I lied.
The bell rung and I was on my way to English.
Ms.Keo stopped me in the hallway. She told me, “You’re needed in the office Maddie.”
I saw Mr.Varghese smiling. He wrote me up.
I started walking but, Mr.Varghese grabbed my arm, “We don’t want you to get lost do we?’
“We have a hands off policy.” I muttered.
He let go of me. Then he walked me to the office. “Enjoy.” he laughed.
I walked into the office to find Mrs.Powers waiting on me. I sat in the red loveseat in front of her desk.
“Hello Maddie. You were late to class, disrupting class, and disobeying instructions.”
I sighed, “Well I was late to class because my bus was late.”
She looked disappointed, “Maddie, you know I want to believe you. However, with your track record I can’t. Quit giving Mr.Varghese a hard time. You can write an apology letter to him and a thousand word essay on behaving and serve after school detention.”
“Mr.Varghese runs after school detention!” I screamed.
“Exactly. Maybe you should apologize for making him stay after school today to babysit you.”
She wrote me a slip and I made my way back to English. I hate Mr.Varghese! He’s a bully!
Chapter 8: Detention
After school, I walked to Mr.Varghese’s room. He smiled. “I get to spend time with Madonna.”
“You know this is entirely your fault! You ruined my reputation, graduation, and day!”
“I know that. Sit down and write your essay and apology letter. If it’s done correctly, I’ll frame it. I bet it would be the only piece of work you ever would be proud of.”
I sat in the front desk and started writing the thousand word essay. I gave it to Mr.Varghese.
He smiled, “Terrible handwriting. I’ll make an exception for you though.”
I can’t believe I have to write a apology letter to this man. I started writing,
“I’m sorry for the way I treat you. I know I gave you a hard time this year. I promise I have learned my lesson.”
No one said it had to be long.
I gave it to Mr.Varghese. He ripped it up and threw it in the trash without looking at it. “We both know you don’t mean it.”
I played with my thumbs while he graded papers. After school detention ended.
Chapter 9: Welcome Brats
I entered Brat Academy. To my surprise Mr.Varghese was standing in front of me. “Stand in formation!” he screamed.
I stood in a sideways line along with the others around me.
Mr.Varhese went up to me and screamed,”You all will wera grey uniforms. You will have no free time and will study or face punishments. I’ll assign each of you a mentor. Your mentors will teach you by any means. I suggest you do as you’re told when you’re told!”

issabella 05-13-2014 08:22 PM

good add on but not much went on but will be looking forward to the next part :)

LitDarkness 05-14-2014 04:03 PM

Chapter 10: Mentor
After Mr.Varghese yelling in my face, he assigned mentors. Natalie had Mrs.Keepsake as a mentor.
After everyone else were assigned their mentors, I was the only one left. Mr.Varghese was staring me down.
"I have you, loser." He lifted me up by the underwear. I screamed. "Enjoying the wedgie?" He asked.
"No." I whined, kicking my legs. "Put me down!"
"Time for the crybaby to get a haircut."
He took me to an area full of barbers. He sat me in a chair. The barber had a grey suit on and shaved blond hair.
"What haircut pleases you sir?" He asked.
Mr.Varghese smiled,"A buzz-cut would be nice, wouldn't Maddona?"
"No." I answered shifting my position to at least lighten the wedgie.
"Give her a buzz-cut."
The barber gave me a buzz-cut ruining my perfect blond hair. I looked in the mirror. "Thanks." I said sarcastically.
He hit me in the head causing me to rub my forehead. "Come on."
He took me to the closet. He gave me a grey shirt,grey pants, grey underwear,and a grey bra. "Wear it."
"Were's the bathroom?" I asked.
"Change in here, in front of me. Brats don't get privacy." He answered.
I changed.
"Barefoot." he commanded. I took my shoes off.
He took my other clothes and burned them in the furnace. "Now hygiene."
He dragged me to an tub full of ice. He picked me up and put me in it.
I started to freeze.

issabella 05-14-2014 08:47 PM

its good so far keep it going :) although still not much happened and was really short please try to address next time :)

Rose_Angel 05-19-2014 07:05 PM

I've been coming back every couple days to see if you've posted more, as I'm interested in how your mind plays out the rest of it. The idea of being forced to such a thing alone gets me going on edge. So I hope you continue with the story :)

LitDarkness 05-24-2014 06:23 AM

Chapter 11:Freezing
"I'm cold." I whined.
He mocked,"I'm cold, I'm cold. Stop whining you brat."
"Please." I begged.
He took my shirt off. "That's a punishment. I think there should be more ice."
"No!" I screamed.
He dumped more ice into the bucket. "You can stay in there until the ice melts."
He left. I planned to take advantage of that opportunity. I jumped out of the ice bath.
I ran as fast as I could wanting to get away from this place. Beside the punishment center I felt someone grab the back of my bra.
"I told you to stay in the ice bucket!" was blasted into my ear. It was Mr.Varghese.
He took me in the punishment center. "What's a good punishment?" He paused. "What's 6 times 6?"
"36." I answered.
He smiled. "Ask 36 people in the punishment center for their harshest punishments. I have one in mind for when you're done."
He put me down and kicked my knee, "Now, loser!"

Nerdwedgie 05-24-2014 03:46 PM

This is a great story you should do more

LitDarkness 05-29-2014 05:16 PM

Chapter 12: Tickle Torture
I went in the punishment center to find Mrs.Keepsake. I asked her, “Can you punish me in a way I’ll never forget?”
She laughed. “I got an idea. Do you have to use the restroom?”
I answered, “No.”
She laughed, “You will by the end of this.”
She got out rope from the cabinet and pushed me on a black wooden chair that had loose wood that was making me squirm. She tied me to it. She got out a feather and started tickling me with it. At first I was enjoying it but then I was out of breath and begging for it to stop. I started crying and after three hours I had to pee.
I told Mrs.Keepsake, “I have to use the restroom.”
“Good” she commented.
She started tickling me in the stomach as I begged my bladder to stay strong but to no avail.
I peed my pants and she stopped tickling me. She left and I heard the announcement, “Madonna peed her pants. Go to the punishment center to see.”
After five minutes the punishment center was filled up with kids who were laughing at my bladder mishap.
I even earned the nickname’ “Pee pee Maddie.”
Mr.Varghese showed up and told the kids, “Go to your classes’ losers before you suffer a worse fate.” They left.
He saw me and laughed, “One down 35 to go. I know you can’t do math pee pee Maddie but that’s not including mine. There’s a class going on if you decide to show up but I see your being forced to skip. Another future punishment and year here.”
“You could untie me.”
He left laughing. Is this place even a real school?

Nerdwedgie 06-02-2014 09:48 PM

Please keep posting more this is really good

issabella 06-03-2014 09:10 AM

I like it keep it going xD

LitDarkness 06-07-2014 08:19 PM

Chapter 13: Class

Naomi came in and saw me. "Nice punishment." He untied me then asked, "Mr.Varghese?"
I answered,"Yes, sadly."
He told me,"He did the same to my brother. Rumor has it he gets paid to send people here."
I could believe that, "I'd love to chat but with him as a mentor I better not be late." I ran to class but I still ended up being late.
Guess who the teacher was. Yes, Mr.Varghese. "Madonna, you're late!" he screamed.
"Sorry." I mumbled.
"Sit in the back on the needles. They need testing for pain capacity."
I sat on the needles and screamed.
He told me,"Don't you dare move."

Nerdwedgie 06-08-2014 02:09 PM

It is really good but try to post longer sections

LitDarkness 08-08-2014 12:08 PM

Chapter 14:No Time to Potty Train
He looked at me, "Madonna, you're such a loser. There's something wrong with you. Peeing your pants. I guess I need to potty train you. Anyway, class dismissed, go to your mentors."
The class left.
He looked at me, "Underwear off."
My eyes widened, "You'll see-"
"I know. Don't even try the sexual harassment card. Here, it doesn't matter."
I took my pants and underwear off."
He got out a pack of diapers.
I squinted, "Why would you have that?"
He smirked, "Wow, you're stupid. We need to be able to handle brats."
He threw me a diaper, "Put it on. Since, apparently, you're not potty trained."
I put the diaper on.
He smiled, "For now on you pee in the diaper. And I change you when I feel like it. You will not ask me to change you. I'm not going to change your diaper unless I'm in a really good mood, so enjoy. Can you tell, I don't like you?"
I nodded. "So, what are you going to do now? Escort me to the punishment center?"
Chapter 15:Bondage
He picked up a piece of paper, "No, people made a list. I'm picking the 35 worst punishments. Here's a good one, "Go get two pairs of handcuffs, loser."
I thought, "What's he going to do with handcuffs?" I brought him two pairs of handcuffs. He put one end of them around my wrists. He cuffed the other end to the pull up bar. He tied my legs together. He took his sock off and forced it into my mouth. He taped my mouth shut. "Maybe you can practice pull ups. It's time for lunch. Too bad we're having spinach. Your favorite. There's no eating for 24 hours on the list. I'll make that a punishment. I'd hydrate you, to keep you alive, but, I hate you so try not to die. Two punishments in one, 33 to go."
He left. I thought, "I guess I'm stuck here for 24 hours. At least I have a diaper, that he'll never change." I hate that man.

LitDarkness 08-09-2014 09:55 AM

Chapter 16: Baby
The next day he came in with a 24pack of bottled water, a tank top, and a skirt. “Don’t you love me?” He uncuffed and untied me.
He laughed, “I love torturing your butt.” He took my clothes off. “I still don’t feel like changing you.” He put the tank top and skirt on me. He pulled the tape off my mouth. He put out his hand, “Spit.” I spat his dirty sock out of my mouth. I’d never get my mouth clean enough.
He handed me the 24pack. “Drink, so we can go to the park. It’s a beautiful weekend.” I chugged the 24pack.
“You’re not going to make me stay in this diaper?”
He smiled, “Of course I am.” That man had selective hearing.
He walked me to a stroller. “Perfect.” I sat in the stroller. He shoved a pacifier into my mouth. “Keep it there loser.”
He walked me to the park. People pointed at me laughing. Mr. Varghese yelled, “This girl is 16 and still acts like a baby, so I’m treating her like one. One dollar to take a picture!”
People got in line paying him to take pictures of me.

LitDarkness 10-14-2014 08:40 AM

Chapter 17: Full of Shit
After an hour Mr.Varghese decided he was bored with people taking pictures of me. He took me to the park bathroom. “Pee, Madonna.”
I looked at his dull eyes. He nodded, grinning.
I peed in my already nearly full diaper; some shit chose to come out too.
Mr.Varghese held his nose, “I said pee, not take a dump. You will learn to follow orders!” His voice wasn’t as intimidating as usual due to its unusual squeakiness. He ordered, “Remove your diaper, you smelly slut.”
I dropped my diaper to the floor. He smiled, “Plenty of shit.” He let go of his nose and picked up my diaper. He held his breath and shoved it in my face. He rubbed it around causing my very own feces and piss to be all over my face. I cried as he pulled the diaper from my face. He laughed, “You deserve to cry. You are NOTHING!” He threw the diaper in the trashcan.
He smiled, “I will let you wash your face though.” He put his finger to his chin, “What’s your favorite number?”
I answered, “13.”
He opened the toilet lid, “Thirteen swirlies, it is then.” He looked in the toilet, “Looks like you got a clean one.” At least, there was nothing in the toilet. He forced my head in the toilet and flushed. He repeatedly did this 13 times giving me a 10 second break between dunks.
After the swirlies he shoved me to the ground. “I don’t think you should be hanging around all those boys, Madonna; boys are morons and will hurt you; trust me I know, I was a 16 year old boy.”
“You sure act like a sixteen year old boy.” Crap, did I say that out loud?
He frowned, “Keep your mouth shut! I had something in mind to make you forget about those boys.” He pulled a vibrator out of his pocket, “But, now it’s personal.” He handed me the vibrator, “Stick it in your pussy.” I turned it on and struggled to get it in my pussy. He reached in his bag and got out a butt plug. “Your ass will learn one day.” I grabbed the butt plug and inserted it into my virgin ass.
“Don’t remove those without my permission and resist the urge to cum. Brats don’t deserve to cum.”

qt31415926 10-15-2014 07:10 PM

Wow, is this something we can look forward too? Keep writing!

LitDarkness 10-15-2014 07:11 PM

Chapter 18:Room

He took me back to school. In the hallway he looked at me,"We never showed you, you're dorm.
I looked at his evil grin, "No you haven't." I twiddled my thumbs.
He put his arm around me,"It's okay, Madonna, I'm not going to hurt you, not yet, anyways."
He lead me to an isolated room. The wooden door was covered in cobwebs. Mr.Varghese got out a key and rubbed the cobwebs off the door and put yes yellow key in the lock. He opened the door to reveal a bare, dark, black room. The walls were covered in cobwebs while spiders roamed the floor. I stepped into the room to hear a squeak.
I looked at Mr.Varghese with tear filled eyes.
He hugged me which made me jump. What was he up to?
"Don't jump, Maddie."
I backed away from him, were there chemicals in this room?
He smiled,"This is unacceptable behavior. Rooms should remain spotless. I expect this room to be clean in an hour!" He examined me. "Your ass could take a spanking." He took off his belt and stood behind me, "Bend over and touch your feet."
I did as he said. He spanked each ass cheek 1000 times with the belt increasing the force with every spank.
"Don't move." echoed across the room.
I heard him leave but somehow knew he was coming back.
He entered the room and yelled,"Stand up straight."

I stood up. He gave me a box, "I want all spiders in here. They're your dinner." I nearly vomited in my mouth. Seriously, he wants me to eat bugs. "I'm not."
He covered my my mouth, "You will, you have no say."
He let go of my mouth while giving me a glare. I instantly knew to shut up.
He gave me a lace thong. On backwards."
I put the thong on. I hated the backwards thong. It was in my vagina and killing me. Mr.Varghese laughed, "I can make it worse."
I attempted to get on my knees which caused the thong to go farer inside me, causing me to take a deep breath.
Mr.Varhese got in front of me and pulled the thong up. I screamed as it got unbearable. He lifted me off the ground causing me to be at his mercy.
He had no problem expressing he knew it,"You know I'm in charge, Madonna, live with it." He put me down.
"Cobwebs go in what would be the front of your thong so back for you.
"I already have a vibrator,butt plug and wedgie in, isn't that enough?"
He laughed,"No. Now start cleaning." He looked at me when he got to the door,"Madonna I will check and make sure spiders,cobwebs are where I told you to put them so don't try any funny games."
I gulped as he left.

issabella 10-15-2014 07:19 PM

nice editiion i like it and honestly wish this could happen to me!! :) :/

qt31415926 10-15-2014 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by greenmist13 (Post 1526815)
nice editiion i like it and honestly wish this could happen to me!! :) :/

I agree. :-)

Spiders are creepy though. I'm afraid of brown recluse spiders. They can ruin your life.

LitDarkness 10-15-2014 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by greenmist13 (Post 1526815)
nice editiion i like it and honestly wish this could happen to me!! :) :/

This is attchually based on one of my fantasies. Although if all this happened to me in real life I'm running. I must agree to be in your control before I'm in your control. I want the option to say no.
That's where we differ. Thanks for complimenting my story.

LitDarkness 10-15-2014 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by qt31415926 (Post 1526823)
I agree. :-)

Spiders are creepy though. I'm afraid of brown recluse spiders. They can ruin your life.

They are creepy. They're usually harmless though. :)

qt31415926 10-15-2014 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by TheKidWithSkills (Post 1526840)
They are creepy. They're usually harmless though. :)

The different settings are nice. Having varied fears or worries is good as well. People relate to different thing in different ways.

Some fantasies should stay fantasies. There is a lot of trust needed when giving up control.

LitDarkness 10-15-2014 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by qt31415926 (Post 1526851)
The different settings are nice. Having varied fears or worries is good as well. People relate to different thing in different ways.

Some fantasies should stay fantasies. There is a lot of trust needed when giving up control.

Well said, agree with you, completely.

LitDarkness 10-16-2014 07:47 AM

Chapter 19: Dread
I started cleaning my room knowing this would probably be the only time I’m ever in it. I bent down and started picking up spiders. I don’t know what was worse the thong that decided I haven’t had enough yet as it went up my pussy, or the fact I was going to eat these spiders in the future.
I felt bad for the spiders. They are living creatures and I’m going to eat them. They could be someone’s mommy. I wished they just crawl all over Mr. Varghese’s face. He deserves it. All he does is torment me, he even messed up my graduation. I put the last spider in the box.
I slowly stood up to avoid the thong pulling even more. It didn’t work though, as the thong yanked up my already throbbing pussy.
I quickly cleaned the cobwebs putting them in what would be the front of my thong. They felt sticky but not too bad.
Mr. Varghese barged in, “I’m glad you can follow instructions.” He said, as he examined the room. He came behind me and pulled my underwear back, “Good Madonna.” I tensed as he was still holding on to my underwear. He laughed, “This’ll be fun.” He yanked what would be the front of my thong up my back causing my ass and pussy to throb in pain. I squirmed and kicked, which made it worse, begging for mercy to no avail. He didn’t stop until the front of the thong was over my head.
He took the box from my hand, “Come on, it’s lunch time. Everyone else is having ice cream.” He waved the box in front of my face. “You’re having spiders. Every. Single. One.”
Chapter 20: Lunch
He lead me to the cafeteria. T was the only nice thing about this school. It was big and had close knit seats along with motivating décor. You immediately felt happy when you walked in.
Mr. Varghese made me sit in an empty seat away from a table facing the corner. “I don’t think you have any friends.” He snipped. I wondered if he had any friends.
He handed me the box of spiders. “Eat them all, slowly, savor it. Make sure to chew.”
He watched as I slowly picked up the first spider. I put it in my mouth. It was crawling on my tongue. I chewed slowly looking at him.
He smiled ignoring my silent plead.
I felt spider blood gushing in my mouth. I wondered if I could get away with not smiling. I knew I had nothing to spit it in and I wasn't even good with hiding gum. I swallowed. I picked up another spider dreading doing this again. I repeated this disgusting task with 45 spiders.
I looked at Mr. Varghese, “I’m done.”
He patted my back with full force, “I see that.” He smiled, “But, it was an odd number and your last name is Even. We don’t want to insult your family name.” He stepped on a spider at his foot. He handed it to me, “Already dead, all you have to do is swallow.”
I snatched the spider out of his hand and quickly swallowed.
“I bet you want to wash it down.” I nodded.
He pulled a bag of green mixture out of his pocket. “It’s juiced grass. Drink it or you can vomit in the toilet and drink that, you’re choice.”
I took the juiced grass and chugged it.
He smiled, “I thought so.”

LitDarkness 10-16-2014 08:33 PM

Chapter 21: Degraded
"Stand up." I stood up. He grabbed the front of my underwear and pulled me into the restroom. He looked at a stall, "Stay." He went in the stall. I heard a plop along followed with dripping.
He came out and pulled me to the stall by my underwear. Their were poop and pee in the toilet. He forced my head in it. "You are pathetic."
He lifted my face out of the toilet. I took a deep breath.
He smiled,"Don't wash your face. And take your thong off."
Relieved I slowly pulled the thong out of my cracks to avoid further pain.
I pulled it down. "Stuff it inside you." I forced the thong inside my pussy.
He laughed,"Strip."
I took my clothes off. He threw them out the window. "You don't deserve privacy. Enjoy being naked. He took a rope out of his pocket and tied my wrists to the toilet, then proceeded tying my ankles together. He smiled,"To bad anyone can come in here at any moment. He spanked my ass and left me tied all alone.

LitDarkness 10-17-2014 09:26 PM

Chapter 22:What a Slut

I heard a conversation, "Mr.Varghese told me she'd be in here."
"He did say she is a slut."
I heard the stall door open. Someone rubbed my back. I tensed up and screamed.
The door slammed open. I heard Mr.Varghese's voice, "OUT!" was yelled loud enough that it echoed.
I heard running. Mr.Varghese untied my hands. "Leave a girl tied to a toilet for one second."
He kicked my pussy knocking me to the ground. "How about you get that thong out of your pussy and put it in your mouth.
I did as he said knowing if I didn't, he'd retrieve the thong and put it in my mouth. He took off his shirt revealing his six pack. He tied it around my mouth.
"Come with me.) He pulled me to my room. I was surprised that it was no longer empty.
Chapter 23:Bound
It had a bed. Mr.Varghese commanded, "Lay in the bed." I laid in my new bed, it was soft and comfortable.He took out four sets of chains and chained each of my feet to a bed post along with my hands. I was in spread eagle position. He put nipple clamps on me and scratched my stomach until it bled before he left.

Rose_Angel 10-17-2014 11:11 PM

Thank you for posting several new chapters in a relatively short amount of time :) I smiled when I saw a new post today, not realizing you had posted more in the last few days! *subscribes to thread*

issabella 10-17-2014 11:40 PM

great addition keep going!! lol

LitDarkness 10-18-2014 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by RoseBrat89 (Post 1528846)
Thank you for posting several new chapters in a relatively short amount of time :) I smiled when I saw a new post today, not realizing you had posted more in the last few days! *subscribes to thread*

You're welcome, I been busy since the beginning of this so it got buried; figured several chapters could make up for it but, beware the boring middle is where were at. Thanks for subscribing. I guess this is more popular than I thought.

issabella 10-18-2014 02:00 PM

please keep it going!!

chocolatedispenser 10-18-2014 02:02 PM

It is a really good story

LitDarkness 10-18-2014 06:03 PM

Chapter 24:Needles

He came in an hour later with a cup full of cum. I couldn't stand not knowing what that man was up to. He sat beside me, "I have a girl and a cup of cum, what to do." He smiled,"I know."
He laughed as he poured half the cum on my bleeding stomach. I was worried if it was going to cause an infection. He rubbed it on my stomach.
He removed the shirt from my mouth, then removed the thong. "I think you should drink my cum."
I looked at him, "Have you been checked for STDs?"
He shook his head,"No." This made me feel uneasy since I knew he had sex with a lot of people. He has a very high possibility of sexually transmitted diseases. "Please check." I let my voice come out in a whine to convince him.
He laughed,"If I do and you get them I'll pat myself on the back." He shook the cup, "Now drink before I force it down your throat."
I held my mouth open dreading drinking that mans cum. He poured the cum into my open mouth as I made sure to swallow it all even though i gagged a few times. It was watery and slimy.
He smiled, "You're a slut. Do you know that?"
I shook my head, "I'm not a slut, if anyone's the slut, you are. You had sex with a million girls."
He paced around, "It was 10 and I was a stupid 16 year old. I stay committed now. And I'm a gentlemen, so it doesn't matter."
I couldn't believe this man, that was a double standard.
He started punching my forehead. I screamed in pain. I begged him to stop. After my face was covered in bruises, he stopped. He took my saliva covered thong and put it over my forehead resting the string rested on my nose. I couldn't stand this.
He looked in hid bag and got out needles. "Please!" I screamed.
He pushed the needles inside my body until my whole body except my face was covered with needles. He laughed, "You're a pathetic loser. You're pain is my joy." He flogged my already sore face with a belt.
After he left I wondered if I have any STDs and how I would explain to my parents if I did. I know Mr.Varghese and he's a mulipitive man. I thought about this until I finally feel asleep to avoid the pain.

silkysatin 10-18-2014 06:09 PM

This is great!!! Please keep writing!!!

issabella 10-18-2014 08:33 PM

good but i dont want her abused that badly at all please if possible keep her from getting abused like that again

LitDarkness 10-19-2014 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by greenmist13 (Post 1529893)
good but i dont want her abused that badly at all please if possible keep her from getting abused like that again

She does get abused a lot, part of the story. I'm sorry.

If you decide to stop reading because of that I won't get offended, can't please everybody.
If you still read it, I'm glad to have you as a reader. (Well I'm glad either way :D)

issabella 10-19-2014 10:09 AM

No I mean like I get the corporal punishment but I think that last part might have been overdoing it I just prefer to not have to much blood being drawn and stuff just please don't over do it I really enjoy the cum play and diapers and wedgies and spanks and public humiliation and all that stuff to I'm sure I'll keep reading your a good writer :)

LitDarkness 10-19-2014 09:32 PM

Chapter 25: Dirty Girl

I woke up in pain. I stared at the needles. So much went through my mind, "Why is he doing this to me? What did I do to deserve this?" My thoughts were interrupted by Mr.Varghese entering, "Good morning, sunshine."
I looked at him. He plucked the needles, one by one. When he was done he took the chains off. "Wear should the thong go?" He smiled,"Put it in your mouth."
I put the thong in my mouth.
He reached in his bag and got ducttape. He put it over my mouth then put my hands in front of me in order to cover them and bind them together with ducttape.
He took me to the cafeteria. I felt humilated walking in front of other students naked even though I knew other students go through this too. I kept telling myself, "Mr.Varghese just wants to psych you out." but I couldn't help but wonder what people thought of me.
He sat me on a chair in the middle of the cafeteria. "Hey students, Madonna will be your personal trashcan today." I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking.

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