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CuteyAmy 02-15-2013 08:19 PM

Doctor Who Lovers
Why should every truth be about something sexual? Tell me which reincarnation you like the best and why. I guess i'll go first. I like the tenth most. Its funyn because usually its thr first one you see but the 11th was my first. i loved matt smith to death and he still is a great doctor. but i don't know why but david tennant has just the right mix of goofinnes ( without having too much, a problem that plagues matt smith) and seriousness. so i feel bad about abandoning my first but my favorite is number 10 David Tennant.

**Mandi** 02-15-2013 08:22 PM

Mine is the same as yours!

I was so sad when he left. I started watching on the season with the doctor before him although I wasn't very into it then, I really just watched because my dad did. The year David became the doctor though I got really into it. He is definitely my favorite !

CuteyAmy 02-15-2013 08:31 PM

yeah i acrtually wasnt 100 percent truthful. i saw the first episode of season one and hated it. i dunno i just didnt like the ninth doctor. eventually my brother got me into matt smith's first season and i loved it so much that when i watched all of smith's that have come out i went back to season one and am on season 3 right now

cammark 02-15-2013 08:56 PM

Tom Baker, followed by David Tennant. I used to watch all the old reruns growing up, I was so excited when they brought the show back.

Overall, I think they show has been fantastic since they began making more.

punishmypussy 02-15-2013 09:23 PM

I'll always have a soft spot for 9, I think. I watched the first episode of the new seasons and I hated it, and then I started watching Matt Smith's episodes and I loved them and I went back and watched all of the new episodes, and something about Christopher Eccleston's Doctor just made me fall in love! He was so sassy and lovable!

Cupid Stunts 02-16-2013 07:55 AM

I'm a big Matt Smith fan. I think he's bought a lot to the role, and if just different enough to breath some new life into the series.

David Tennant was very very good though.

doctorwho29 02-16-2013 02:23 PM

10, 11, and 4 are my favorites in that order. Tennant just played such a complex and yet likable Doctor. And he's my first lol

CuteyAmy 02-16-2013 09:54 PM

Haha I can tell your a fan. And ya i need to watch the classic doctor who. i have only seen the new ones ( 9, 10, 11)

scguycola 02-16-2013 10:25 PM

Tennant is a better Doctor, Smith has better stories

Slenderman - Doctor 02-17-2013 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by scguycola (Post 897571)
Tennant is a better Doctor, Smith has better stories

Other way round for me :)

My favourite Doctors are 1, 7, 9 and 11.

myExhibChance 02-17-2013 06:40 PM

Favorite Doctor?!
I have a hard time figuring out my favorite doctor, since I remember thinking some of the first episodes with the 9th doctor stunk, but remember when the 10th doctor came about and was like "Who's this shmuck?! I don't like this guy! gimme the old doctor ::(" And then the same with 10th to the 11th. David Tennant's is probably my favorite though. The episodes seemed soo epic. The 11th is cool too (I love the "bowties are cool" bits), but there was something more about the 10th doctor.

What do we think of the Clara Oswin Oswald bit? I mean her name means something like, clear/bright god's will and power; But, like other Dr Who things, I confused and missing some point now and will wonder how I missed it and thinking it's so cool later...

punishmypussy 02-17-2013 06:51 PM

Bear with me as I nerd out for a minute here:

I love each of the three new doctors fairly equally, although, like I said, 9 is my favorite. The thing to remember, though, is that 9 was born of the Time War, so he's got a lot of darkness in him. And it's difficult to discuss the doctors without discussing their companions too, and Rose was such a big deal for 9 and 10. 9 had a lot of anger and resentment and self-loathing, and Rose brought him out of that and into 10. 10 then had to suffer through losing Rose, which had an important impact on him as he transferred into 11 and dealt with Martha and Donna as companions. The sad thing about 10 is that he lost everyone, which brings him into 11, a much darker and unstable Doctor than 9 or 10 ever were. 11 blames himself for almost everything that happens to him, and if you don't believe me, watch the episode Let's Kill Hitler. He feels guilt over everything that ever happened to any of his companions.

Which brings me to Clara, whom I am very excited about, because in both of her episodes thus far she had sought out the Doctor and pursued him rather than the other way around. It'll be interesting to see 11, who is this angry, scared man, interact with her.

scguycola 02-17-2013 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by punishmypussy (Post 898452)
Bear with me as I nerd out for a minute here:

I love each of the three new doctors fairly equally, although, like I said, 9 is my favorite. The thing to remember, though, is that 9 was born of the Time War, so he's got a lot of darkness in him. And it's difficult to discuss the doctors without discussing their companions too, and Rose was such a big deal for 9 and 10. 9 had a lot of anger and resentment and self-loathing, and Rose brought him out of that and into 10. 10 then had to suffer through losing Rose, which had an important impact on him as he transferred into 11 and dealt with Martha and Donna as companions. The sad thing about 10 is that he lost everyone, which brings him into 11, a much darker and unstable Doctor than 9 or 10 ever were. 11 blames himself for almost everything that happens to him, and if you don't believe me, watch the episode Let's Kill Hitler. He feels guilt over everything that ever happened to any of his companions.

Which brings me to Clara, whom I am very excited about, because in both of her episodes thus far she had sought out the Doctor and pursued him rather than the other way around. It'll be interesting to see 11, who is this angry, scared man, interact with her.

holy crap, an actual thought provoking and accurate post on an internet forum..... I've got to right down the date

milkpaw 02-18-2013 08:42 AM

I really liked 10, because he was just so... he wasn't flamboyant but he still had a lot of fun, but sometimes he would have the saddness of his 900 years, and it gave his character so much depth. <3 and tennant was hot.

sharpest49 02-18-2013 08:56 AM

I really loved Petwee, he was quirky, Tennant was great, Tom Baker was fun, they all had something to offfer which was right for when the shows were made.

bjboy4321 04-01-2013 10:12 PM

I have only seen the newer doctors (9,10,11) and I love all of them. Although if I had to choose 1 I would say that 11 is my favorite. Sometimes he seems so lonely and isolated that I can't help but feeling for him, and I get the impression that maybe he needs people more than people need him if that makes any sense.

randyguyuk 04-02-2013 01:25 AM

All the new Doctor's have been good in there way. The 9th also had to explain who he is through various episodes so a new generation could understand and know who is The Doctor.

The 9th as already been said had come through the time war... the 10th was a more brighter and happier self thanks to Rose. 11th is very good (abit child like at times) however there has been some very good story lines like the Doctor's wife episode.
The new companion Clara, who knows yet who she is... with the new series of Doctor Who there is always a story over-arch so keep your eyes peeled for the clues.


If you don't want to read the breaking news look away now!

David Tennant and Matt Smith have done a read through of the 50th Anniversary episode.

There is also an added rumour so take this with a pinch of salt,

Smith maybe leaving at Xmas.
Tennant is said to be involved in the Xmas episode.

Rumour has it Smith is forced to regenerate but something doesn't go right.. he regenerates back into the 10th Doctor.

Stevo25 04-02-2013 02:38 AM

I would have to say David Tennant but Matt Smith is doing a pretty dam good job with that bow tie of his.

Slenderman - Doctor 04-02-2013 09:58 AM

Classic series monsters, Zygons are returning alongside David's Tenth Doctor. Filming started today (on location, anyway) and it would appear that Matt and Jenna have been spotted with him as well. Maybe Billie too, but photos aren't conclusive enough yet. Hope we get a David-in-costume photo before long.

inflamio 04-02-2013 10:19 AM

David Tennant followed by Tom Baker

I think that if it wasn't for Amy and Rory I wouldn't have liked matt smith

Let's see about Clara she seems nice ;)

bjboy4321 04-02-2013 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by randyguyuk (Post 934003)
David Tennant and Matt Smith have done a read through of the 50th Anniversary episode.

There is also an added rumour so take this with a pinch of salt,

Smith maybe leaving at Xmas.
Tennant is said to be involved in the Xmas episode.

Rumour has it Smith is forced to regenerate but something doesn't go right.. he regenerates back into the 10th Doctor.

Don't forget that there is still a half human version of the tenth doctor living with Rose.
My guess would be that Tennant is more likely to be playing this role rather than the role of the next doctor

Slenderman - Doctor 04-03-2013 03:08 AM

Tennant will be playing the Tenth Doctor in the 50th anniversary special. He won't be around at Christmas.

Slenderman - Doctor 04-03-2013 04:39 AM

If anyone's interested... over the past year I've been putting together an epic celebratory Doctor Who book, covering every single story since 1963. It's all fan-written, and we'll be publishing later this year in time for the 50th anniversary.

We're currently open for Series 7B submissions. More details if you click on our book cover:

Hunterman36 04-03-2013 04:50 AM

I don't get why everyone hates on christopher eccleston. I by chance in 2005 was flipping around on TV and caught the new series first episode and was instantly addicted. Since then I have only seen a few of the old classic doctor who episodes. I know I like David Tennant (10) Matt Smith (11) Christopher Eccleston (9) and Tom Baker (4) in that order. Other than that I haven't seen enough of the classics to judge. I thought christopher eccleston did a fantastic job (re)introducing the doctor to new audiences. I just wish people would give him more credit and not just write him off.

Slenderman - Doctor 04-03-2013 04:53 AM


Originally Posted by Hunterman36 (Post 935130)
I don't get why everyone hates on christopher eccleston. I by chance in 2005 was flipping around on TV and caught the new series first episode and was instantly addicted. Since then I have only seen a few of the old classic doctor who episodes. I know I like David Tennant (10) Matt Smith (11) Christopher Eccleston (9) and Tom Baker (4) in that order. Other than that I haven't seen enough of the classics to judge. I thought christopher eccleston did a fantastic job (re)introducing the doctor to new audiences. I just wish people would give him more credit and no just write him off.

I fully agree with you. He's a fantastic actor and a great Doctor - and we definitely wouldn't have the series as it is now without him (and the rest of the Series 1 team, of course).

I also think, because of his short stint, that he's one of the better Doctors. There's just one solid story / character arc. There's never time for him to go off the rails (as, in my opinion, Tennant and Tom did - and Matt is borderline doing). He did the right amount of episodes for his Doctor, and brought the show back with some style. He's brilliant. Fantastic :)

Biatchslapmyass 04-03-2013 04:20 PM

I love them all, when I first discovered Doctor Who, the first two seasons were already available online. I sat for a week watching and doing nothing else. No other TV program has ever had me that captivated. I can't even tell you my favorite episodes, how could I choose between Don't Blink, the Pandorica, and Demons Run? And that's just off the top of my head. I wish American TV was this creative, well written, and had this kind of production value.

Slenderman - Doctor 04-07-2013 11:37 AM

I made a quick quiz for y'all, just for fun. Most questions are linked to Series 7...

1. In 'Akhaten', the Doctor mentions he visited once before with his granddaughter. But what was she called?

2. The Doctor, more recently, has also had a daughter (of sorts). What was her name?

3. In 'Saint John', we see the reappearance of the Great Intelligence. Can you name the other three stories it's appeared in?

4. Who wrote 'The Power of Three'?

5. In 'Mercy', the Doctor rode a horse. What was the horse called?

6. In 'Asylum', we saw some more of the Paradigm Daleks, but in which episode were they first introduced?

7. 'The Snowmen' features Silurian Vastra and her wife. What is the name of her wife, and which episode did they first appear in?

8. Which building does the Doctor drive up in 'Saint John'?

9. We first meet Brian Williams in 'The Power of Three' - true or false?

10. Complete this quote: "I always wanted to see the Statue of Liberty - I guess *** *** *********!"

1. His granddaughter was called Susan Foreman.

2. The Tenth Doctor's daughter was called Jenny.

3. 'The Abominable Snowmen', 'The Web of Fear' and 'The Snowmen'.

4. Chris Chibnall.

5. Susan.

6. 'Victory of the Daleks'.

7. Vastra's wife is called Jenny, and they first appeared in 'A Good Man Goes to War'.

8. The Shard.

9. False - we first meet him in 'Dinosaurs on a Spaceship'.

10. "...I guess she got impatient!"

Reece 04-08-2013 08:08 AM

Matt Smith is my favourite as he is fits into the role of the doctor perfectly with the weirdness of him and he does the serious points just as well as Tennant did

flutterpie123 04-08-2013 08:12 AM

10th david tennant
Christoper eccleston 9th was my first but as soon as he regenerated to tennant I absolutly loved it and he will always be my favorite because everything about him is just the doctor I can't see anyone else being him which is why I stopped watching since matt smith became the doctor :'( sorry matt but david will always be the true doctor

Picola 04-08-2013 08:14 AM

Matt Smith is my favourite Doctor. I've only seen a handful of the 'classic' episodes, so my second favorite would be Christopher Eccleston.

Slenderman - Doctor 04-08-2013 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by flutterpie123 (Post 939722)
10th david tennant
Christoper eccleston 9th was my first but as soon as he regenerated to tennant I absolutly loved it and he will always be my favorite because everything about him is just the doctor I can't see anyone else being him which is why I stopped watching since matt smith became the doctor :'( sorry matt but david will always be the true doctor

I'm not here to 'hate' on you or anything, but I genuinely don't understand this view point. You're not a Doctor Who fan, in my opinion - you're a David Tennant fan. David's the 10th actor to take on this iconic character role, so it was never just his and there's no "true Doctor".

Tennant's back for the 50th - will you be watching that episode, even though it has Smith in it?

Slenderman - Doctor 04-08-2013 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by Picola (Post 939724)
Matt Smith is my favourite Doctor. I've only seen a handful of the 'classic' episodes, so my second favorite would be Christopher Eccleston.

Which classic episodes have you seen? :)

I'm so glad to see the Eccleston love here - he's often forgotten / underrated.

Femalesaskmetodareu 04-08-2013 10:15 AM

. In 'Akhaten', the Doctor mentions he visited once before with his granddaughter. But what was she called? SUSAN

2. The Doctor, more recently, has also had a daughter (of sorts). What was her name? JENNY

3. In 'Saint John', we see the reappearance of the Great Intelligence. Can you name the other three stories it's appeared in? damn you got me - i am a huge fan but forgot the ones he was in apart from THE SNOWMEN

4. Who wrote 'The Power of Three'? STEVEN MOFFAT?

5. In 'Mercy', the Doctor rode a horse. What was the horse called? AHHHHHHHHHH FORGOT

6. In 'Asylum', we saw some more of the Paradigm Daleks, but in which episode were they first introduced? VICTIR OF THE DALEKS.. I know that is wrong!!

7. 'The Snowmen' features Silurian Vastra and her wife. What is the name of her wife, and which episode did they first appear in? The Cold Earth?

8. Which building does the Doctor drive up in 'Saint John'? The SHARD

9. We first meet Brian Williams in 'The Power of Three' - true or false? fALSE

10. Complete this quote: "I always wanted to see the Statue of Liberty - I guess *** *** *********!" sHE GOT IMPATIENT

Slenderman - Doctor 04-08-2013 10:16 AM

Femalesaskmetodareu, the answers are with my questions in the spoiler tag :) :p

Femalesaskmetodareu 04-08-2013 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Stevo25 (Post 934030)
I would have to say David Tennant but Matt Smith is doing a pretty dam good job with that bow tie of his.

Interestingly he is now wearing Patrick Troughtons bow tie.

Femalesaskmetodareu 04-08-2013 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by Doctor (Post 939822)
Femalesaskmetodareu, the answers are with my questions in the spoiler tag :) :p

Oh yes i didnt see that lol

Didnt do to bad

Femalesaskmetodareu 04-08-2013 10:20 AM

What about another question.

WHo was the first 'companionion' the Doctor kissed?

Femalesaskmetodareu 04-08-2013 10:22 AM

I was so hoping that Paul McGann would be used in the 50th but i gues not

Slenderman - Doctor 04-08-2013 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Femalesaskmetodareu (Post 939829)
What about another question.

WHo was the first 'companionion' the Doctor kissed?


Grace Holloway :)

Slenderman - Doctor 04-08-2013 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Femalesaskmetodareu (Post 939831)
I was so hoping that Paul McGann would be used in the 50th but i gues not

There's still time / hope! :)

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