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Teeks 04-11-2010 06:21 AM

You, alcohol, and hornyness.
I wondered how alcohol affected your system. I mean, I know that I get very, very, very horny and naughty when I'm tipsy, or drunk. And since i'm going to party tonight, I just thought about it.

So, does alcohol get you horny and naughty?

geewilly 04-11-2010 06:22 AM

I'm really bad when im hungover i get so ridiculously horny that i spend my whole day locked in my room having play time!

AlmightyElemental 04-11-2010 06:27 AM

Teeks, should you be admitting that you drink underage? :P

Actually, when I drink, not only do I not get horny, I actually become incredibly tired and boring. Drinking's not fun for me.

norrich77 04-11-2010 06:28 AM

When I'm drunk I'm also very horny like you, hungover.. not so much! just wanna sleep off the horrible feeling haha..

greatsayaman 04-11-2010 06:28 AM

I don't get drunk, so... it doesn't affect me at all.
Granted I've only drunk alcohol around family members, so I can't really comment on my horniness. I never get horny when I drink, but they're all relatives and that just doesn't do it for me. I don't get horny around family even when I'm not drunk, so I don't think it makes any difference to me at all. :P

Sayonara. =3

marthamay 04-11-2010 06:30 AM

OMG i get so horny when i have drink, and the more i drink the naughtier i get!!

CardiffBoy 04-11-2010 06:34 AM

Yes, i do get stupidly horny when im drunk, up to a point, where i become useless, and just want to sleep! When im hungover im not particularly horny, but as the headache wears off im usually very keen to have some action!Its not a good thing that my gfs hangovers tend to last several hours longer than mine!

weewillie 04-11-2010 06:35 AM

I'm always horney but drinking does help

norrich77 04-11-2010 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by weewillie (Post 258499)
I'm always horney but drinking does help

well, of course :P

BettyBoop 04-11-2010 07:26 AM

I don't really get drunk but if I drink I usually just get giggly and hyper.

Oh yeah, not that I drink. Because that's illegal and junk.

sweetsong 04-11-2010 08:03 AM


I've never been drunk but I guess a little tipsy. It makes me happy and relaxed but not horny...

lokelake 04-11-2010 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by AlmightyElemental (Post 258491)
Teeks, should you be admitting that you drink underage? :P

Her country has different laws for drinking alcohol.

As for me, I will never get drunk. Getting drunk is bad. I do drink some beer and wine when my dad has some at supper. But I notice no effects on me, probably because I don't drink a lot.

JustAnotherGuy 04-11-2010 12:05 PM

Strict moral rule i follow.

Nothing sexual if i have been drinking
Nothing sexual if they have been drinking.

So it doesnt matter if i get horny =P

Mr.RainbowBanana 04-11-2010 12:19 PM

Drinking doesnt get me horney, in the fact my family uses drinking as games, competitions and random things making walls of cans on cabinets ect for the fun of it. I suppose for me drinking only manages to relax me, if I am not drinking with the family. With the family the rule is "Party till ya pass out", pretty mad in honesty, haha. But no, no hornyness from booze.

Ninjota 04-11-2010 12:42 PM

Well, considering im irish so its in my blood to drink, no i dont get horny, but i DO become very outgoing, and well, i just love the feeling of getting drunk xD

Everything is so funny and i'm everyones best friend. Im deffinatly not a mean drunk.

Sometimes i WILL drink too much...and as in too much i mean drink untill i pass out xD

The hangovers sometimes are pretty nasty unless you know how to deal with them! As my dear father once passed down to me, when youre so hungover, drink another beer, and it helps take the edge off of it!

In the end though, <3 Alcohol

openinvizion 04-11-2010 12:57 PM

After the occasional glass of wine, or a near bottle, I start to lose control of my actions and start to forget things.:confused:

You want a glass?:D

Nixie 04-11-2010 02:22 PM

I have pretty Much cut out Hard Liquor. Bad results on my stomach. So I only have Beer. And It takes A LOT of that to get me drunk So not much effect here. And I'm usually just pretty laid back then and quiet... Imagine that. But then It depends on who I am with. If I'm with people I don't really chill with I'm quite and reserved. ie not horny... My Sisters... WHOLE different scenario. They bring out the worst in me. So yeah I get horny. But mostly It kinda just kills the effect. So I prefer to be sober for any kind of sexual interaction.

Star Shadows 04-11-2010 02:52 PM

Aparently I get horny and sociable but I am sure I have never actually been drunk. Could still walk in a line, could remember the hole night and didnt have a hangover the main things I see as constituting as drunk. ... not that i drink *sips coke with additives :p*

Captain Harkness 04-11-2010 03:20 PM

not sure. supposedly nothing other than been ill. though i blame chocolate for that as there was no hangover

Star Shadows 04-11-2010 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by Finland4ever (Post 258819)
not sure. supposedly nothing other than been ill. though i blame chocolate for that as there was no hangover

I heard you drunk finland and there is no way that you are claiming nothing happens

heishere 04-13-2010 05:35 PM

When I drink I get more inhibited and less horny. Have fun.

The Laughing Fish 04-13-2010 07:01 PM

I don't drink alcohol.

Fauchi 04-23-2010 02:43 AM

I never get drunk but a little tipsy. It's not making me horny but kinda relax me and makes me care less about things. So alcohol sometimes makes me do things I wouldn't do without it.

Merlin 04-23-2010 02:51 AM

alcohol only decreases inhibitions... basically showing your "hidden" you. people that are violent get more violent, people that are calm get more calm and people that are hidden horny get more horny...

personalty i tend to get calm but the last time i was drunk must be 2 years ago at least

Brockport2013 04-23-2010 04:57 AM

When I drink, it's not so much that I get crazy horney, it is just more like I go crazy! lol I'll do almost anything with anyone that looks good. Of course, if I overdrink, the crazy and the horney go away and it is replaced by aggression and vomit.

144394 04-23-2010 01:02 PM

Drunk = very horny, very naughty
Hungover = don't even know what those words mean!

meagen 04-24-2010 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by 144394 (Post 264742)
Drunk = very horny, very naughty
Hungover = don't even know what those words mean!

same !!! .

user1 04-24-2010 01:58 AM

I'm always horny when drunk!

Sometimes when hungover - like today! ;)

Felice<3 04-27-2010 05:22 AM

I hate being drunk or being hung over and I'm never horny or naughty when I got drunk. In fact, I get tamed down and become very very quiet when I get drunk.

rhode64 04-27-2010 10:40 AM

When I drink I just get braver and if people dare me while drunk I do really stupied things because it just makes me so horney I wont say no

Hircine 04-28-2010 09:23 PM

I always end up getting horny when drunk, but the feeling is decreased. With cannabis on the otherhand its increased by aloooooooot.

Takjest 12-26-2011 06:35 AM

I usually don't get hornier by drinking. But if I'm having a drink too much, the next day I'm usually horny like hell.. :)

KatieK 12-26-2011 07:38 AM

Sometimes alcohol makes me horny, but sometimes it just makes me tired lazy

aliciabi 12-27-2011 01:50 AM

Yup, very much so. Tequila in particular.

Viking_Guy 12-27-2011 04:31 AM

Alcohol is food. Food doesn't make me horny :P

FrenchPlayer 12-27-2011 09:44 AM

Yep, when I'm getting drunk, I'm verryyyyy flirty, with any girl who kinda fit the physical requirement of drunk me ..

The "Uuuh, sorry, but I was drunk yesterday" talk is something I know ...

Dice7 03-15-2012 08:39 AM

No it has the opposite effect for me, it just makes me lazy and not up for sex at all! Kind of a good security mechanism my body has I guess!

iluvXTRMcbt 03-15-2012 08:47 AM

I dont usually get hornier from drinking however i doo loosen up and am able to make more advances on the opposit sex and sometime same sex

spacegal24 03-15-2012 11:45 AM

I used to drink a lot with my ex while playing video games or watching movies, and I would always get uncontrollably horny and he knew that, so he would tease me relentlessly. The release was amazing though.

Local404 03-15-2012 11:06 PM

I disagree. I always get horny when I've been drinking. But it varies sometimes I want to be extremely dominate or other times im submissive. No matter what I want to cum.

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