getDare Truth or Dare

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Rachie 03-08-2011 12:10 PM

GetDare Userguide / Manual
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Attachment 2055
getDare Userguide / Manual




















Created by Rachel (March 2011)
Edited and encouraged by Leopard
Supported by Lilangel

Rachie 03-08-2011 12:11 PM


If you have not already done so, here are some key reasons to join getDare / what you get, for becoming a member

• It’s FREE.However donations are much appreciated
• Make hundreds of friends
• Find people who have the same fetish as you
• General chat
• Post new threads in different categories
• Post comments
• Have you own profile page which you can adopt as you feel fit.
• Access the Chat rooms
• General Chat / conversations
• Become a slave or master (over 18s only)
• Make blogs about feelings, facts, what to do, hair style etc (almost anything)
• Paint Pictures and post in chat – NEW NOVEMBER 2010
• Post Pictures / photos off the web, camera etc
• And much more

Rachie 03-08-2011 12:14 PM

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What is an Avatar?
Your Avatar is the image that is portrayed every time you make a post – if you have not uploaded an Avatar getDare uses a blank grey face (see image)

How to make an Avatar
1) Click on “User CP” at the top left of the page
2) Click “Edit Avatar”
3) Enter the URL of the image that you would like to download from another website OR click browse and search your computer for the image
4) REMEMBER to click save

What are the advantages to having an Avatar?
This is displayed at the side of every post that you make, as well as shown in Chat. People find it much easier to remember you if you have a unique Avatar. Strangely you are often more likely to make friends etc with an Avatar as it looks like you are prepared to spend a bit of time and effort on getDare making yourself seen

Does an Avatar need to be a picture of yourself?
No an avatar can be almost anything, from a clothed picture of yourself to a picture of your favourite food, pet, hobby etc There’s almost no limits EXCEPT please do not post revealing photos of yourself / others and remember that anyone can see this and there are 13 year olds on the site.


DancingBear 03-08-2011 12:14 PM

How about a section for the rules?

Rachie 03-08-2011 12:19 PM

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What is a Signature?
Your signature is displayed at the bottom of every post that you makes, and is a very useful way to either tell people who you are, what you like / dislike, links to your threads etc.

How to make a Signature
1) Click on “User CP” at the top left of the page
2) Click “Edit Signature”
3) Enter the URL of the image that you would like to download from another website OR click browse and search your computer for the image, alternatively you can edit something (text) into the box and this will be displayed as your signature
Remember you can also
Change the type of Font, Size, Bold, Underlined, Colour, Centre text etc
4) Recommended to click Preview Signature to check what others will see before saving,
5) REMEMBER to click save

What are the advantages to having a Signature?
A signature is very useful to portray yourself. You may want to say something that people keep asking yourself when you first chat, therefore trying to eliminate common chat eg) name, age, country what looking for. Alternatively you can have links to some of your popular threads. If you are interested in doing dares, it can be a handy place to say what you like, dislike, are your limits etc.

Try to have something unique / unusual so people will remember you – add a bit of colour a small image etc can also be handy



Rachie 03-08-2011 12:24 PM

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If you are serious about making friends, and getting to know others on getDare, it is recommended you fill out your Profile Information.

To do this go to your profile screen

There are several things that you can enter information for, including:

Gender - Very useful for everyone to know
Interested in – What you are looking for on getDare, be it dares, general banter or being a slave
Favorite Dare – exactly what says?
About – Something you would like to say about yourself be it what’s your favourite music, food or what your often feeling
Hobbies and Interests
Occupation -
What’s up -

What are the advantages to filling in your profile information?
You may decide to only fill in part of this information if some are personal, however it can help others find an opening phrase and reason to chat with yourself eg) if you say you are interested in netball, you may find someone else whose got the same interest chats to yourself, if you say you are Interested in being a slave, you may get different offers.

You can view a lot from your / someone else’s user area. If it is your user area you can view / edit your friends, look at your statistics, send a private message, look at / post visitor messages and a lot more. Remember to keep your user profile updated.You can customise / edit back ground colour to make unique (so people remember you) Remember to make it easy for people to read the information eg – don’t write in yellow on white / Dark Blue on Black etc.

Rachie 03-08-2011 12:30 PM

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Rate Threads
It is very useful to rate threads as to how useful – informative etc you have found it- please do not just rate the best and worst threads as this feature is designed to help others find something useful in the future eg: high rated stories, blogs, truths etc.

Thank Threads
When you thank a thread others can see that you have done so. This is useful to tell others that you persoanlly would like to say thank you. This often makes you seem like a gentleman / lady. However don’t thank any old thread as this is supposed to be special and if you’ve thanked a thread no one else likes – poor spelling grammer etc it can often do just the oposite to your reputation

The Thank button is at the bottom of the first Post

Rachie 03-08-2011 12:43 PM

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What is a thread?
A thread is a new topic page eg –Truths, Dares, Stories, Lounge Game etc,

What should I do before making a new thread?
Before making a new thread it is always suggested you search (search tool) to check there is not already the same or very similar thread – in this case do NOT duplicate

Check which forum your new thread is best to be placed inside – eg if story will it have EXTREME mature content place in rated 18 Mature Stories if not place in Tuth or Dare story section. If you are unsure either read a few stories in different categories to see what others are like, or ask someone for advice – moderators are recommended but any MATURE ADULT that has been a member for a while with multiple posts is better than no one.

A lot of people post truth questions in the truth forum however ONLY truths that would be considered embarrassing or exciting to answer are supposed to be in here eg questions regarding fetish, sexuality etc. If your thread is something like Favorite Food – this should be placed in the Lounge Forum.

Remember when posting anything on getDare you are agreeing that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.

How to create?
One of the easiest ways to create a new thread is to click on “QUICK LINKS” at the top of any page, here you can see what the new posts have been: Scroll down to the bottom of the page to where it says “Forum Jump” click on the arrow next to it, and select your chosen forum. You can then view other threads or create a new one. When you are creating a new thread remember to check all punctuality and grammer to the best of your ability (understand not everyones best subject – but can still try) Do not use slang user proper spelling and grammer – DO NOT chat like “dood r u my m8“

getDare Posting rules by Depp can be found by following this link:

Please read “What are the different forums” to understand where to post your new thread - Later in the guide / manual

Rachie 03-08-2011 01:02 PM

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There are currently 4 different chat rooms all designed for a different purpose. Please check which you are in and keep to the correct room for the type of chat messages you are sending eg:
The Lounge Room: - One of the most popular rooms – this is where general chat takes place,
Truth or Dare Room: The place for Truth or Dare
The Dare Slave: The place for Master / Mistress and Slaves
The Scene: The place for BDSM

How to navigate to rooms
Click on Rooms at the top left of the chat box

How to draw pictures?
To draw a picture click on the paint / note pad symbol shown in the above example, this is at the bottom left of the page. You will then get a blank box to paint your picture. Click on the PLUS and MINUS symbols to select a larger or smaller paint brush. Click one of the 26 different colours and away you go. When you have finished painting click Submit and everyone can view your master piece.

Edit text – colour font italic etc
Click on the different symbols at the bottom left corner of chat to select if you wish your text to be in BOLD, ITALIC and what COLOUR you wish to be using. It can sometimes be recommended to use the same type of font / colour boldness etc every time you are in chat as people get used to looking out for certain colours to see if you are around. However try not to choose the same as so many others as can make chat look rather complicated.

Send a Whisper
A whisper is a message sent to a single recipient that no-one else is aware of; This is done by selecting the user from the list of names in the column on the right. If you now type a message and press enter in the small white box under the user’s details, the message you send is sent privately to that single person.

Send a private chat request?
You can send a private chat request and chat to someone in your own private room. The advantage of this is that other people’s conversations will not be portrayed. To do this click on your chosen partners name to show there details. At the bottom of this click on PRIVATE CHAT. This then sends them a personal private chat asking if they want to chat with yourself.

I would recommend that before you ask to chat in private you at least acknowledge the person first in chat, as not doing this can upset some people and if they are painting interrupts there activity (deletes it.)

Identify the user you are talking to
If you click on the users name in the general large chat box before you send a message. The message will start something similar to: example: ‹@Leopard› Hello– this makes it a lot easier for your recipient to understand you are chatting with them.

Need assistance from Moderator (Mod)
If you need the assistance from a moderator you can often tell if one is in the room at the present time by looking at the symbol before the users name – if there is one that appears as a green man), this is a mod (moderator) If you want to know if someone is a moderator you can click on the person’s name to get there details. If the top line says getDare Staff you know you have found a moderator.

Chat rules can be found here: (getDare Chat rules by Leopard)

Lil Angels Chat Guide and Tips

Rachie 03-08-2011 01:07 PM

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Visitor messages are a great way to get yourself seen and noticed by others; they are also a nice way to welcome someone new and can be a good friendly way of introduction

When creating a visitors message it is wise to Preview your message before sending especially if you have an image attached, as some times images can be larger than you expect or have errors and can’t be installed.

Everyone is able to see your visitor message, so if you want it to be private you are best to send as a Private Message

Rachie 03-08-2011 01:11 PM

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After you have grown close to someone or have made friends you can ask if want to be your online friend. To do this click on their profile followed by selecting User List and adding them as a friend.

The other advantage to doing this is that off your profile you can find there details much easier allowing you to send private messages

You then have to wait for them to accept or decline your friendship request. You can also befriend someone at any point from your user profile area.

Rachie 03-08-2011 01:13 PM


What is a Blog?
A blog is a different kind of forum where people can again post comments on the chosen subject. Blogs are your personal space to talk about whatever you want – as opposed to the forums, which should be topics everyone can participate in. The best way to see if your chosen thread / blog should be put up as a blog or thread is simply by reading a few others first.

How to create?
To create a new blog go to your profile page and click blog. You can now follow a similar sequence to creating a new thread.

Rachie 03-08-2011 01:17 PM

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How to Make?
To create a new Photo Album Go to Community on the top tool bar, next go down to Pictures and Albums, enter a name for your chosen new photo album and follow the rest of the instructions.

Do NOT post naked photos on this site in any area – don’t forget that people as young as 13 are able to join this site and please respect this.

Please remember you only have so much download space, so be careful what you decide to download

Rachie 03-08-2011 01:24 PM

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If you see something in chat thats needs to be brought to someones attention – or a thread that needs the attention of a moderator please report it. However remember there are often certain measures you can take first depending on what your incident involves e.g. using the IGNORE feature if someone is pestering you

Remember that moderators do everything out of the kindness of their hearts and are NOT paid. Please show them respect and respect they will show you.

Please do not abuse the report feature

Here is a list of all the getDare staff:

Rachie 03-08-2011 01:30 PM

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Quoting someone else’s message or using the multiple quote feature can be very useful to tell others what you are referring to. Some threads you will find this used more than others as it helps in different ways. e.g.) A continuing list.

When you have quoted someone it is portrayed as a grey box, your message is usually underneath this and out of the box.

If you use a multiple quote - both previous messages will be inside DIFFERENT grey boxes, to easily define what each previous message was.

Rachie 03-08-2011 01:37 PM

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The ban list is there for mod reference, not for you guys (no offence) so there's not all the information on there. (Quote from Leopard)

However by using the ban list you can see every user that has been banned, the date this took place and a brief description why

How to Access
Go to “Quick Links” on the top tool bar and go down to Ban List (Simple as that)

Viewing the Ban List can be helpful to view what NOT to do. Learn from others mistakes

Who’s Online
You can view who is online at any one time by clicking on “Quick Links off the tool bar” Similar to viewing the ban list – however this time click on Who’s online – this will then bring a page up telling you all users that are online when they was last active and what they are currently viewing.

Rachie 03-08-2011 01:45 PM

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How do you open a message when recieved
When you have received a private message,click on Private Messages on the top right of the screen. Here you can view all of your private messages.At first all messages shown are the ones in your inbox. If any message title is in bold, the message has NOT already been opened (new message) Click on the message title to open / view. If you would like to go to the sender’s profile page, click on their name, that’s underneath the message title.

How to delete or move to folder
If you would like to delete or move the message to a designated folder, click in the small square box. You will then find a tick in the box and the message will be highlighted. You can now if wish; select other message in the same way by ticking the relevant box. Click again if you wish to unselect a message.

After you have selected the relevant message, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the drop down arrow. Here you can now select Move to Folder, Delete etc. Click on your choice, the last thing you have to do is click the GO button to confirm your choice.

Remember when its gone, its gone

Rachie 03-08-2011 02:08 PM


The main listing of all the forums can be found here

A brief description about each forum

This is the only place where truth questions and answers should be, If you have more than 1 truth keep them on the same thread.

TIP – try not to list too many truths as it CAN put some people off answering an excessive amount in one go.

Truths must be questions that you would use in a game of Truth or Dare. They should reveal something secretive, embarrassing etc about the person answering them, if not post in the Lounge

Asking "What is your favourite ice-cream flavour?" is not a Truth for this category. Generally, any questions asking for simple opinions on things are not Truths. However, some, such as "What is your favourite sex position", may be.

Threads posted here that we do not consider being Truths, but rather questions, will be moved to the Lounge. (Quoted from Hampers 02-04-2009)

The place to post dares you want others to do. A great way to find exciting dares for all kinds of fetishes, please remember that you are NOT FORCED to fully participate in any dares you see and can adopt a dare to suit yourself, however don’t post new dares for others to do in this category if have already been written

This is NOT the place to ask for dares, please go to “TorD online” to do this

Truth or Dare Stories
The place for all sorts of fantastic stories, related to T/D (Truth Dare) D/S most stories are in this category and any age viewer can view them if they so wish. Make sure your story should not be posted in the R18 Section

R18 Mature Stories
The place for adult stories – these contain Mature Adult themes / Content such as rape, blackmail, taboo, incest, or information / content that may be found offensive. – Only people 18 years of age or older can read these. Just because a story has an adult theme doesn’t mean it belongs in here

The Authors Café
A place where Authors and other members can ask questions related to different stories, portray their feelings and tell each other what they are planning. Eg) how they prefer to write: fiction, nonfiction, what tense to write in: past present or future, images in stories, how long to write, ask questions about what has already been written etc.

Important – Definitions

Non Fiction = Fact or True Events
Fiction = NOT True – Made Up

Slave/Master Area:
You MUST be at least 18 years of age to post an Advert in this section,
This is the place over 18s can make an advert or brows for a chosen slave. Also its very useful to get ideas of how to punish your darling slave if he/she has done anything you have forbidden.

There are quite a few rules (in stickies) recommended to check before posting in this area

A place for general lounging around, truth questions that would not be asked in a t or d game etc – eg) what’s your favourite colour.

Lounge Games
This is a place to go to participate in a lounge game – often a fun quick place to have some fun, see / read some unusual stuff etc –

All posts you make in the Lounge Games area do not tally in your total posts bar off your profile screen

Post pictures containing nudity or porn in ANY area of the site
Post rants about feelings etc – make a blog to portray these, if they are so important you can even add a link into your signature and change it whenever you like

Tord Online
This is where you can ask for dares – THE ONLY PLACE ON GETDARE FOR THIS
You can also ask for punishment ideas, recommended that you leave your sex, age, likes limits and anything else you desire. People often portray some of this in their signature however please NOTE: if you later change your signature it changes all post signatures you have previously left, therefore if you are thinking of changing it is recommended you leave also on the thread. Remember layout and presentation. The better it is portrayed the more likely you are for a response.

Elite Member Area:

You have to be a member to enter here; Most people in this area are over the age of 18. You must also have been a member for 6 months or more, and have shown you have contributed to the well being of getDare

Like everywhere else on getDare there are rules in the Elite Members area but you will have to wait to see what these are?
This is the section where you can report a problem you have with getDare – if something is not working as it should, You can also be a gentleman /lady and try answering someone else’s questions.

Suggestion Zone
Place to post any suggestions you can think of to improve getDare (if there is any). Also where you can view others suggestions and help them out if it is already available.

Best of the Forums
This area is where all of the cool stuff gets kept for years. Only the absolute best is portrayed here. Not very often updated but if you find a superb thread feel free to pm a mod and it will be CONSIDERED.

Cant say anything better than Lil Angels already mentioned: The funniest section to read, the hardest section to post in, and the worst place to have a post end up. Yep, it stinks. (Quote Lil Angel 06-23-2009) A great place to view what NOT to write, and how you can improve yourself

Completed Stories
A Section for all completed stories. Do you ever get fed up reading a story to find it has never been finished, fear not in this section? If you read a completed story that is not in here please pm Leopard with details.

Rachie 03-08-2011 02:14 PM


This is strictly for over 18s.

It is recommended that if you are wishing to be a master / mistress / slave you browse a few adverts before making any choices. Don’t necessarily chose the first person that offers you to be there’s. Chat to them first find out there interests, likes etc and see if they meet yours.

If you would like to be a slave, making an advert (thread) in the Slave/Master Area can be a great way to get yourself seen. Remember to include all of the information that is likely to be asked, Prioritise the most important information first eg) name, male/female, age likes – limits, what qualities your master / mistress must / preferably have, time zone, long or short term, what you are looking for etc. Afterwards you can describe other information like what you do most days, what you usually wear, favourite TV, food, music etc. All of these can be found useful allow people to chat to you BEFORE you commit yourself to becoming their slave – (Vice Versa)

Remember to lay your advert out well, and make easy to read think of it like a Job Interview / CV, there are many people wanting to become a slave just like yourself and only one can be the person’s choice.

Remember you can often not be certain who you are chatting too, remember to take caution on what information you give them, you cannot be certain what they may later do with this information – Recommended YOU DON’T give telephone numbers, address, revealing photos of yourself even via private message – you can never be certain who you are chatting to.

Remember when posting anything on getDare you are agreeing that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.

Some key rules: (S/M Area specific rules by Hampers

Rachie 03-08-2011 02:23 PM


Useful links on getDare

Here is a list of all the getDare staff:

Some key rules: (S/M Area specific rules by Hampers

Chat rules can be found here: (getDare Chat rules by Leopard)

getDare Posting rules by Depp can be found by following this link:

Protecting yourself: how – why etc by Lil Angel

Does it really mater facts by Lil Angel including information about Post Count, User Rank, How long have you been registered and Moderators

Avoid be genuinely annoying


All Information to the best of my knowledge


Leopard 03-08-2011 03:00 PM

Awesome work, Rachie.

mystery girl 03-09-2011 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by Leopard (Post 414746)
Awesome work, Rachie.

agree, how long did this take you?

depp 03-09-2011 11:32 PM

Brilliant job on this! You covered every tricky corner of the site too. :)

+10 dare points :D

Kisune Karnon 03-11-2011 02:03 PM

Wow, hard work pays off everytime.

Mika1369 03-27-2011 02:16 PM

Wow just wow Im gonna read This more closely tommorow when i her on my computer ( on my iPhone right now) and i Think Im gonna dedicate a sig to ure story and get meself an avatar thank u so much for making it so easy for ud ned members and for making the Best story on get dare

daremaster 1 05-17-2011 09:03 AM

Thank you Rachie you did a great job on this! It will help a lot of new people on getdare !

smokeyeager 05-25-2011 08:48 PM

Very informative. I would suggest going back to the first post and editing it so a person can click and go to the page like this:

Why Join GetDare?

I realize it would take a while but it would make it easier for a person to hop right to what they are looking for. Still a great write up.

OnlineSlaveYah 07-26-2011 04:51 PM

The pictures help make it very clear :) and thanks rachie, much appreciated.

Kewai 08-28-2011 02:42 PM

Thanks rachie
Wow, Thank you Rachie Your commitment for this site is unreal. You are a role model for anybody who wants to be nice or succeed on the site.:D

rbrgeek 12-31-2012 04:05 PM

Fantastic guide! I'm only 1/2 way through and am sad that I didn't see this on the front page when I joined. Marvelous!

bleonav06 09-28-2016 12:03 PM

Why is this not stickied?

MessyWedgie98 10-08-2018 06:42 AM

Help Please!

Originally Posted by Rachie (Post 414681)

Rate Threads
It is very useful to rate threads as to how useful – informative etc you have found it- please do not just rate the best and worst threads as this feature is designed to help others find something useful in the future eg: high rated stories, blogs, truths etc.

Thank Threads
When you thank a thread others can see that you have done so. This is useful to tell others that you persoanlly would like to say thank you. This often makes you seem like a gentleman / lady. However don’t thank any old thread as this is supposed to be special and if you’ve thanked a thread no one else likes – poor spelling grammer etc it can often do just the oposite to your reputation

The Thank button is at the bottom of the first Post

I can't thank people because the thank button isn't showing up on my screen. Am I doing anything wrong? edit: Never Mind It's there now :)

alex_carter 04-06-2022 02:36 PM

Is there a limit on how many times/how often you can "thank" posts (like 5 per hour, etc)? If so, would there be a way to add a thumbs up/down feature to use for posts you like or don't like without having to actually use "thank" for posts you like?

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