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uklad1991 06-03-2011 12:38 PM

The Sock Dare (for Guys)
Hey everybody, this is my first time posting a dare on here :D

What You'll Need
  • Yourself
  • Your Penis
  • A Sock (Trainer socks work well, but any will do)

The Dare

This is an overnight dare (while you're sleeping). You must not deliberately orgasm (wet dreams may occur) throughout the entirety of the dare (added bonus if you haven't cum in a while or have been edging). When you are ready to go to bed, take off all your clothes and get yourself erect (anyway you want, but remember, don't cum!). Once you are hard, take the sock and slide it over your cock and balls, so that everything is covered. If the sock feels loose, tied it on with some string or a shoelace around your balls (it must not fall off when your dick goes soft). You are now ready to choose a level of difficulty:

  • You must leave the sock in this position overnight while you sleep
  • You may wear other clothes to bed (e.g. underwear or pyjamas over the sock)
  • You may use your usual bed covers

  • You must leave the sock in this position overnight while you sleep
Then either:
  • You may wear other clothes (as above) but must sleep WITHOUT covers
  • You may use your usual bed covers but wear nothing other than the sock

Really Daring
  • You must leave the sock in this position overnight while you sleep
  • You MAY NOT wear any other clothes, only the sock
  • You MAY NOT use any bed covers

For all difficulty levels, the sock must stay in place all night. If you wake during the night and the sock has fallen off, you must replace it. If you leave your bed during the night (i.e to use the bathroom), you must go as you are - if you have chose a difficulty which involves no clothes, you may not get dressed.

You may choose how daring to be in relation to being caught, i.e leaving bedroom doors unlocked or open.

When you wake in the morning, you must leave the sock in place while you dress. Once you are fully clothed you can reach in and pull out the sock. This completes the dare.

If you do decide to complete this dare, please report back with how it went. Some things you may like to consider telling us include (but are not limited to): How old you are, how big your dick is, which difficulty you chose, how you felt throughout the dare, any precum or wet dreams, do you share a room, how private were you about the dare, were you caught? and anything else you'd like to tell us :)

Thank you for your time. Would love to hear back from some people.

Aethi 06-03-2011 01:22 PM

Ooo. Oooooo. I like it! I'm going to try this tonight, edit my post (because I hate people who reply again... sorry, hate's a strong word. I get -mad- at.) after I do it, and report back! I'm not allowed to cum anyway, and it's been a few days. I think I'm going to do the hard difficulty. It's soo hot here.

All right. This one is going to be interesting. I might have to lower the difficulty. My friend is staying over for the night. Eek.

daremaster 1 06-03-2011 01:38 PM

I love it and will try it tonight! I love it so much and don't know why!!

ShadowInTheDarkness 06-03-2011 03:03 PM

All right, I'll give this a go. I haven't cummed in a while, so this'll be interesting. I'll go with easy difficulty though XD I'm still a newbie~

I'll report back in the morning.

sis 06-03-2011 03:57 PM

Sounds interesting, and I have just the sock for it, i'll give it a go. Medium

GilbertsHamster 06-04-2011 06:21 AM

Definately doing this tonight :L I fancy Medium with Covers :P

ShadowInTheDarkness 06-04-2011 08:25 AM

Ok I've done it!

I did it with my door unlocked too (I don't have a choice, no lock on my bedroom XD), with clothes over it, and with covers mostly on, but it was so hot last night...

So basically, here's how it went:

3am, decided I'm well over due for bed, so I stripped down, and grabbed one of my sports socks. I got myself mostly hard, but I was tired so decided that'd do, and started pulling the sock on. I got it over my cock easy, but there was just no way to get it over my balls. So I changed to a stretcher sock, and pulled it on. I was having to pull quite hard to stretch the sock over my balls, but in the end I managed it. At this point the fabric had been rubbing me the whole time, so I was pretty much on edge! It was a very snug fit actually, and the sock didn't feel like it was about to come off, but I had an elastic band ready, so I decided to put that on as well, to keep it extra secure. I gotta say, it felt really quite good! I pulled on my normal clothes, which are boxers and PJs on top of that. I didn't put a top on though cos it was so damn hot. After that I climbed in bed and most things were normal, just the fabric kept me fairly erect from the occasional rubbing =P.

I got to sleep eventually, though I think it was the heat in my room that kept me awake more than anything. I got up in the morning, took all my clothes off as you said, and then put all my new clothes on over the sock. Then reached in and pulled off the sock ^^.

Nice dare, right up my street, I'll definitely be doing this again, probably tonight XD, more like this yes please!

uklad1991 06-04-2011 09:55 AM

I'm glad people have took such an interest in my dare. Big thanks to ShadowInTheDarkness for completing and keeping us informed. Please let us know how it goes if you do this again :D Also looking forward to hearing from everyone else who posted, and anyone else out there reading this :D

I'm in the middle of an important time at university at the moment, so I don't want to complete this myself just yet (being horny and lack of sleep might not help my concentration), but I'll definitely try this next week, and post my own results.

ShadowInTheDarkness 06-04-2011 10:55 AM

No problem!

I am now looking for ways to improve this dare... I still wanna keep things under wraps so no one will know... but if anyone can think of ways to make this dare slightly more interesting, lemme know! If I like it, I'll do it tonight =^_^=

uklad1991 06-04-2011 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by ShadowInTheDarkness (Post 470065)
No problem!

I am now looking for ways to improve this dare... I still wanna keep things under wraps so no one will know... but if anyone can think of ways to make this dare slightly more interesting, lemme know! If I like it, I'll do it tonight =^_^=

I was trying to think of some extensions to this myself. One in particular I thought of was leaving the sock on throughout the day while you go to work/school whatever you do. The stimulation would probably result in unwanted erections, possibly in some awkward places. Would also make things like public toilets more entertaining (for example, you may only remove the sock once you are standing at a urinal, and must replace it before you leave, especially daring if there are others near you). If you wanted to be really daring you could go somewhere like a gym and leave the sock on as you change in the locker room. The good thing about this as an extension is, as with the previous dare, you can choose a 'difficulty level' and be as private or exposed as you would like to be.

That went on a little longer than thought when I first started typing this :P

omega10 06-04-2011 01:07 PM

did this dare last night for fun...

I got one of my girl's socks (I am male) and put it on after getting hard..I was doing the hard difficulty so i was naked and had no covers. Everything went pretty smoothly..I had to door unlocked but no one usually comes in and I survived the night w/o getting caught...

ShadowInTheDarkness 06-04-2011 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by uklad1991 (Post 470112)
I was trying to think of some extensions to this myself. One in particular I thought of was leaving the sock on throughout the day while you go to work/school whatever you do. The stimulation would probably result in unwanted erections, possibly in some awkward places. Would also make things like public toilets more entertaining (for example, you may only remove the sock once you are standing at a urinal, and must replace it before you leave, especially daring if there are others near you). If you wanted to be really daring you could go somewhere like a gym and leave the sock on as you change in the locker room. The good thing about this as an extension is, as with the previous dare, you can choose a 'difficulty level' and be as private or exposed as you would like to be.

That went on a little longer than thought when I first started typing this :P

I'll be going out a lot tomorrow and Monday, but I'll be a bit more alone after that, and I'll try this ^_^.

WineRozze 06-05-2011 03:54 PM

It sounds interesting!

As I understand that sock keep your cock hard all night?
How to better wear long sock?

ShadowInTheDarkness 06-05-2011 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by WineRozze (Post 470950)
It sounds interesting!

As I understand that sock keep your cock hard all night?
How to better wear long sock?

Well it kept me hard for about for about 30 minutes, but once you settle and don't move much, you hardly notice it really. It's quite tough to get the sock round your balls, but that's the most fun part :D!

daremaster 1 06-05-2011 06:02 PM

It was fun but nothing interesting happened.:(

uklad1991 06-06-2011 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by ShadowInTheDarkness (Post 470956)
Well it kept me hard for about for about 30 minutes, but once you settle and don't move much, you hardly notice it really. It's quite tough to get the sock round your balls, but that's the most fun part :D!

If you don't mind me asking, how big are you in the trouser department. I'm around 7" in length and just over 5" in girth (when erect), and my trainer sock was quite a snug fit when I wore it around my cock and balls.


Originally Posted by daremaster 1 (Post 471048)
It was fun but nothing interesting happened.:(

Thank you for trying it out and letting us know how it went. Would love to hear from more people. If anyone is trying this out, let me know!


Originally Posted by ShadowInTheDarkness (Post 470065)
if anyone can think of ways to make this dare slightly more interesting, lemme know!

Not quite making this dare more interesting, but I have came up with a brand new dare, in a similar vein as this one. You can find it here if you fancied giving it a look. Let me know what you think (over there).

Id. 06-06-2011 09:02 AM

This is another dare that is simple and feasible for almost everyone (males anyway, in this case). So often dares are too complicated, too time consuming, beyond the limits of most people, or even blatantly unsafe. But yours is just right. This site needs more dares like this one. Thanks for posting!

kleid223 06-09-2011 08:11 AM

cant wait for tonight ;)

daremaster 1 06-09-2011 08:06 PM

I have tried it agian and still nothing happened again.

WineRozze 07-10-2011 01:16 PM

It was fun one night, when my cock get soft the sock tickled and it made me hard again, but I couldn't sleep.

When I tried to do it another night nothing happened.
I tried to wear sock in different position, but nothing happened.

Maybe some can tell how to wear sock right, I want try this task again!
(When my cock is hard my foreskin is tight)

P.S.I recommend to try this dare it is interesting!

OnlineSlaveYah 07-10-2011 02:09 PM

simple and daring, adds a thrill to the usual "go to the loo, get changed, go to bed" :) i like it.

Billyboy 07-10-2011 02:48 PM

I second WineRozze's comment, 'Maybe some can tell how to wear sock right'. Is there a 'right' way?

Timi--1234 07-10-2011 04:07 PM

how to better
you have to wear the sock in the morning like a normal sock and u even have to wear it if u had a wet dream in it extreme no mastabating for a month and you have to do sock dare for a month you probably will have a wet dream but if u do u gonna have to wear that sock in the morning lol :)

uklad1991 07-13-2011 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by WineRozze (Post 492362)
Maybe some can tell how to wear sock right, I want try this task again!

I guess everyone is different, but when I do this, I wear a short trainer sock, as a longer sock seems to go baggy, and doesn't tease the tip of my dick as much as I like. I generally get erect first, and put the sock on so my ball sit in the heel of the sock. This way the natural position of the sock is angled sightly upwards (generally in line with my hard cock) and when I start to go soft, I go against the line of the sock, which starts to rub and gets me hard again.

Would love to hear how other people do it, and thanks to everyone who has already replied.

tarheel boy 07-13-2011 07:36 PM

i'll do medium (without covers) tonight

AzerFox 07-15-2011 06:52 PM

I chose to do a small variation of this dare. I slept without clothes, but I used covers because I cannot sleep without my blankets. I enjoyed the dare though.

I'm 21.
7 inch dick
I was really horny the entire time.
No precum, no wet dreams.
No shared room.
I got up in the middle of the night to get some water, but that was it. no one saw.

spotts93 07-17-2011 03:24 AM

it hurt
did this last night, hadn't cum in 3 days. AGONY!!! especially since i filled the sock with toothpaste. Awesome dare :)

uklad1991 12-24-2011 02:25 PM

This dare seemed to have a good response in its time. Hasn't had a message since July, so I thought I'd bring it back so that members new and old could give it a go ;)

12356416514a 12-26-2011 07:29 AM

I don't get this. What's the point of sleeping with a sock over your dick? Is this supposed to be erotic?

Piggboyg 12-26-2011 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by 12356416514a (Post 594658)
I don't get this. What's the point of sleeping with a sock over your dick? Is this supposed to be erotic?

I think the idea is that the texture on the inside of the sock will repeatedly rub against the head throughout the night, getting you aroused and maybe even waking you up.

The only problem is that it doesn't work too well for those of us who aren't quite as well endowed (like myself), as the sock won't fit snuggly enough to have the effect.

cupbunny 12-30-2011 07:02 AM

I tried this last night, medium difficulty with covers and nothing but the sock. I found it really comfy because the sock fits perfectly and the heal is just the right size to cup my balls. I finished the task as instructed by getting dressed as normal before removing the sock but then I decided to put it back on for the rest of the day.

I should add that I am uncircumcised so the sock doesn't cause any unwanted stimulation. I will try the dare again with my foreskin pulled back all night to see how different it is.

eccomiqui2008 12-30-2011 11:43 AM

I've tried at medium difficulty, wearing nothing but with covers. When i woke up there was a bit of cum inside the socks! It has been very exiting and fun!

Overitalready 05-01-2013 07:46 AM

I tried this with medium difficulty (clothes no covers) and it was great. At first, I had a little trouble fitting my cock in the sock. The sock cupped my balls nicely, but since I'm a little thicker in girth, the sock was tight. I don't masturbate, and I hadn't cum in 3 months, so I went to sleep hard and woke up with a sock full of warm load. I always wondered what my cum tastes like, so I tried a little. I didn't really like the taste. Sleeping with a sock on my dick felt good, but it was weird when I got up this morning to pee. Overall, I think it was a success.

SirMax 05-01-2013 05:07 PM

at the request of my master, we search the dares to do to us, we start with this dare everyone, and we'll tell you how it is pass

slave552 05-02-2013 05:48 AM

Well I took the read colored: Middling

You must leave the sock in this position overnight while you sleep

Then either:

You may wear other clothes (as above) but must sleep WITHOUT covers


You may use your usual bed covers but wear nothing other than the sock

I put the sock on while I had a boner as told and then I waited until it was small again an made a knot so that my cock wouldnīt get big again but this didnīt help. Although I cumed befor puting the sock on I was hornx and eged (poorly Iīm bad ad edging and cumed in my sock which I now still wear).
I would have loved to do the hard one but with out covers it is to cold.

Well and there I thing I discovered a new fetish of mine. I just had to cum in my underware a few mins ago.

A question: Why was it important to put the sock on while beeing hard?
And it didnīt feel so good the fucking sock was to big. Did I do something wrong?

gayboy123 06-26-2013 01:36 PM

Doing this tonight

sachaboris 06-27-2013 12:46 AM

possible improvement
I would like to try this dare but as other user said, it seems not very exciting. I thought that a possible improvent can be to fill the sock with some small objects to stimulate erections. I thought to some small rubber bands around the cock (they must be a bit large for the cock size because they have only to tickle not to tighten the cock). another rubber band can be used to tie the sock to keep it in position all the night. What do you think about this?

BadWolf1 06-29-2013 12:01 PM

I am going to try this! :)

Crookedcow 07-01-2013 05:52 PM

Trying now easy mode

uklad1991 07-03-2013 09:07 AM

Wow. Glad to see this dare has gotten popular again, thought it had died out. Love hearing peoples stories about how the dare went, how turned on they were, and even the few people who ejaculated.


Originally Posted by slave552 (Post 959574)
A question: Why was it important to put the sock on while beeing hard?

When I did this to test out the dare before posting, I pulled the sock over my hard dick, and the sensation got me really horny. Also, as my dick started to go flaccid, the sensation of moving around in the sock got me pretty hard, meaning I was hard or semi until I fell asleep.


Originally Posted by sachaboris (Post 1009375)
I would like to try this dare but as other user said, it seems not very exciting. I thought that a possible improvent can be to fill the sock with some small objects to stimulate erections. I thought to some small rubber bands around the cock (they must be a bit large for the cock size because they have only to tickle not to tighten the cock). another rubber band can be used to tie the sock to keep it in position all the night. What do you think about this?

An added bit of simulation is a great idea, I'm sure people can come up with some great stuff to really tease their cocks in the sock. Just be careful with rubber bands, you don't want any injury from restricted bloodflow!

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