getDare Truth or Dare

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Jason242 01-22-2010 04:09 AM

An Amazing Weekend For 4 Boys.
Hey guys! So I’ve read a few of the stories here and thought I’d try writing my own.
I’ve read some really good ones, but plenty of terrible stories on getdare too. So if it’s no good let me know and I’ll make adjustments, or stop altogether if it’s utterly terrible! Just to let you know the story does start off kinda slow!

The story is part fact, part fiction.
Main characters:
Luke(Me): Short Blonde Hair, Dark Hazel eyes, Wash-board Stomach(Well Fit).(Curious)
Jake :Short Fair Hair, Bright Blue eyes, Well Fit and captain of the water-polo team.(Gay..?)
Cody :Surfer Brown Hair, Dark Green Eyes, Little small, kinda skinny.(Curious?..Gay? unknown)
Dan :Short Brown Hair, Dark Green Eyes , Same size as Cody but fit.(Cody’s twin)(Curious?..Gay? unknown)

Part One

As the bell rang a sigh of relief rang through the class. Mr Doyle’s was the most boring maths class in the world! Anyway it was the weekend and I was excited. As I packed my books in my bag Jake strolled up to me. Jake was my best friend since playschool(Kindergarten )
“Hey Luke! What’s up?”
“Hey, oh not much. Looking forward to the sleep over?” I replied
“Ya! Can’t wait. Jake said. “Should be loads of fun. You think about what I said earlier?”
“ehh…I’m not sure water-polo is really my kinda game. I answered. “What time is practise on again?”
Jake giving me a disappointed look replied. “It’s 5:00 to 6:30, you should really come. It’s good fun!”
I was a little shy, so kind of nervous about going to water-polo practise. I’ve never played it before, and I was well aware of the swimsuits they wore why’ll playin’.
“Emm…ya ok”. I hesitantly replied. “I’ll go then. Only if im not in goals”
“Haha. We already have a goalie. Don’t worry you’ll be mid-field with me. So I’ll see you at 5:00 then!” Said Jake.
“ Ya ok. I’ll see you then. Bye.”
With that I headed home. Looking forward to water-polo practise, and really excited about Jake’s sleepover.

Jason242 01-22-2010 04:31 AM

When I got home it was already 4:30. ‘Oh crap’ I thought to myself. I hastily ran up to my bedroom to get what I needed for water-polo and the sleep over. I quickly dumped in my swimming shorts and a towel for water-polo. Then ran over to my Xbox and grabbed a few games for the sleep over. I went back to my bag and put the games in. ’What else?’ I thought, ’Oh ya, a change of clothes’ I put a pair of basketball shorts in the bag , a T-shirt, a pair of socks and black briefs, and my lucky runners.

I ran downstairs as quick as I could, grabbed a banana for the road, and went out the front door, on my way to my first Practice.
When I reached the pool it had just turned 5:00. I noticed Jake at the door talking to two guys that looked about my age (16). I briskly walked up to the group.
“Hey Jake! What’s up?” I started
“Hey! Luke you made it. I was beginning to think you weren’t gonna come! This is Cody and Dan. They just arrived from California last week! Jake replied.
“Hey what’s up man. Im Cody and this is my bro Dan” Cody said as he pointed to his brother.
“Hi, the names Dan, and yes we are twins haha”
“Hi guys. I said. “I suppose the weather is a bit colder here in England then what your used to in California?”
“Ya man it’s freezing here” answered Dan.
“Do you wanna go in then and get changed guys?” Jake suggested
“Ya sure lets go” Dan, Cody and I said in unison.

I didn’t know my way, so when we got inside I followed the guys to the male changing room.
It was a blue rectangular room with a high ceiling, and a wooden bench running the perimeter along the wall. We all put our bags on the bench beside each other and began to change.
As I lifted up my T-Shirt Jake reached over and gave me a nipple cripple.
“Oww” I yelped
“Haha nice one man” said Dan as Cody and Jake were laughing.
“You know I’m gonna get you back for that Jake”
“Ya, I know but it was worth it” replied Jake with a cheeky grin.
We continued to undress and as I pulled down my jeans I noticed Dan looking at my boxer-briefs. I smiled to myself and kept undressing. I lowered my underwear, sure that Dan was still looking and slowly pulled up my shorts.
“C’mon guys hurry up” I said to the group.
Jake turned, looked me up and down and started to chuckle to himself.
“What’s wrong?” I asked
“Dude you cant wear those for water-polo” Jake said still chuckling to himself.
“Why not? There togs aren’t they?” I said.
“No dude there shorts “ Jake said as he rummaged through his bag. “ And I thought this might happen, so I brought you these”
Jake was now holding up the smallest pair of brief style togs I had ever seen.
“haha I cant wear those Jake. There tiny!” I exclaimed
“I know, they were mine when I was twelve, but there the only spare pair I had, and you cant wear shorts for practise. They’ll get ripped off you! Jake explained.
I looked to Cody and Dan for some back up, but they were already wearing their tiny ‘Speedos’
Seeing no way out of this I reluctantly took the Speedos off Jake and put them on instead of the shorts.
When I had them on I checked myself in the mirror. I didn’t look half bad, and was already getting horny, which was becoming obvious. I looked to Jake, Dan and Cody. They were all looking at my crotch which only made my hornier.
“How big is your dick dude?” Cody asked out of no where!
“eh…like 4” soft. Why?” I replied.
“'Cos it look like your dick is gonna burst through those togs!” Shouted Dan
We all started laughing and with that headed into the pool for water-polo.

Jason242 01-22-2010 05:16 AM

Hey guys Please comment on the story so far.
I wanna know whats good and whats bad.Is it moving to slow/to fast(hardly :P)

Jason242 01-22-2010 05:56 AM

Part Three

When practice was over we all went back to the changing room. We dried off and began to get changed.
“ Oh ya. I forgot to tell ya Luke. Cody And Dan are coming back to my place for the sleep over as well” Jake told me.
“ Cool. I’m Pretty excited about it.” I replied.
“ Ya should be good fun” Cody said as he pulled up his green briefs.
“ Hey! You guys every play Truth or Dare?” Dan asked while standing in his jockstrap.
“Em..ya we have” I answered for Jake and I. “…Dan what are you wearing!” I asked in total surprise.
Dan smiled at me and answered, “ it’s a jockstrap, I played baseball in Cali and you had to wear one for practice. I got a few of ‘em in my bag if you want one” His gaze lingered on me until he finally looked away with a wink.
All four of us finished getting dressed and started our walk towards Jake’s house.
“Hey! Did I tell you that my parents are away for the weekend? We got the whole house to ourselves!” Jake explained. After very little deliberation we all agreed that this would be the best weekend ever!

Jason242 01-22-2010 05:58 AM

Part Four

After twenty minutes of walking we reached Jake’s house. I’d been to his house countless times before. Somehow it looked so much better this time. Knowing that there’d be no parents around defiantly made it better. So much better.
The four of us walked in the front door. We were greeted with a cream tiled floor and a huge marble staircase, and hanging from the 30ft ceiling a magnificent crystal chandelier.
“ Wow, dude your house is AMAZING” exclaimed Dan.
After 11 years of coming to Jake’s house I’d forgotten just how “AMAZING” his house was.
To the right of the central staircase was a large living room with the biggest T.V every. While to the left of the stairs was the kitchen which led on to another smaller living room and conservatory. Jake’s bedroom was upstairs, the first door on the right. Inside he had a king sized four poster bed which pointed towards Jake’s huge T.V, where he kept his Xbox and all his games. To the left of his T.V was his massive walk in closet. Inside he had the largest variety of clothes I’d ever seen.
“So what do you guys wanna do? It’s only 7:15!” Said Jake.
“Wanna play some Xbox?” I asked.
“Ya ok” Cody and Dan both replied.
We all walked upstairs to Jakes bedroom, left our bags on the bedroom floor and sat on the ground ready to play some ’Modern Warfare 2’
After about and hour the four of us got kinda bored so we decided to stop.
“ So, what now?” Cody asked.
We all looked at each other thinking of things to do when Dan spoke up.
“How about we play what I mentioned at the pool? Truth or Dare?
At the sound of the suggestion I got excited. I’d only played TorD once before with Jake but we did have loads of fun. We’d never got naked playing it, but being in nothing but your briefs in front of your friend was pretty exciting.
“Ya that would be deadly” I Shouted.
“Ya I’m up for it as well” Jake answered.
“Sure bro. But what are the rules?” asked Cody.
Dan thought for a second and then listed out the rules.
“Ok rules are:
1.Must stay in the house.
2.Only two backouts for dares.
3.If you don’t do a dare after using your backouts you get punished”. Dan said this last word with a wide evil grin across his face.
4. “and last rule..anything we do in the house stays in the house….no pictures”

Jason242 01-22-2010 06:02 AM

Part Five

After the rules were read out Jake asked who would go first? Dan said we would go alphabetically.
So Cody started the game off.
“Truth…..or Dare?” Cody asked Jake, trying to sound dramatic.
“I’ll go with truth first, just to be safe” Jake answered.
“Coward” I called over, giving Jake a small wink.
“Ok. How far have you gotten with a girl?”
Jake smiled at the question obviously delighted to brag.
“I fingered a girl once”
“You did not you big liar” I answered back “Who was she then?”
Jake had gone bright red at this stage, and looked away trying to think of an answer.
“ah ah just one question is all you can ask” Jake finally replied.
“OK guys my go” said Dan. “ Luke, Truth or Dare?”
“Truth “ I answered.
“OK..em…when was the last time you jacked off, and what was it over?”
“Haha…last night, and over your mom!”
The answer wasn’t totally true. But I wasn’t about to tell them that I was actually thinking about a guy in the room! Everyone seemed to be satisfied with the joke and we moved on to the next go.
“Ok Dan..Truth or Dare?” Jake asked with a smile on his face.
“Well I’m not a pussy like you guys so I’ll go with dare” Dan answered sitting up a little taller.
“Ok. I dare you to hump the bed in just your underwear for 3 minutes” Jake asked now with a big grin on his face.
Dan had turned a light shade of red, but replied with confidence.
“Just 3 minutes? Easy”
As Dan Began to undress I looked over at Jake. I noticed he had a small tent growing in his shorts. He was obviously excited about what was about to happen.
“Hey Luke! You enjoying the show?” Cody asked me, pointing to a very large tent forming in my own shorts. I smiled back then turned my attention to Dan. He had already taken off his T-Shirt and was now untying his shoes. When he had his shoes and white socks off he looked up at us.
“You guys Ready?…oh I guess you are” he finished as he noticed the three tents in our shorts.
“C’mon and get those shorts off” I coaxed
Dan smiled and with a wink slowly began to pull down his shorts .
First he grabbed the waistband . Pulled it out from his skin and lowered it just below the waistband of his jockstrap. Then with a slight pause he continued on slowly pulling his shorts lower and lower. You could now see the thin white fabric in front of his crotch and the muscular skin on his thighs. Dan gave one last look at the three of us, then let his shorts drop to his ankles.
“Well you took long enough” Cody Chuckled.
“Ok ok.” Dan said.
Dan turned around to face the bed, showing his firm bubble butt between the two straps from his jock. He climbed up onto the bed and with his face down and ass up he slowly began dry humping Jakes bed.
Jake, Cody and me watched on in delight as Dan’s visible butt cheeks slowly clenched and relaxed. When the three minutes were up Dan jumped off the bed and standing before us with a massive boner visible through his jock said.
“Well that was fun”
We all started laughing until I shouted out.
“My go”.

xava 01-22-2010 07:12 AM

hey i thought id let you know that im really liking the story :) its not too fast like alot of other stories on here so it seems alot more personal and real.

i hope you keep posting :) x

zach139 01-22-2010 02:59 PM

good job
please keep going good story

maxim 01-22-2010 03:42 PM

This has pontential although I am not going to rate it because many storys stop as soon as they get good. Well see how things go. Il aslo vote in your poll

will9022 01-22-2010 04:14 PM

this story is really good! its moving at a good speed so it sounds realistic, and not fake. I like the details, and i like the lengths of the posts. Please Continue

Hunanic 01-22-2010 04:38 PM

I love this story, please please please keep it going, and please make it reallllly long. also, if you would please PM me when the next part comes out, ty:D:D

Jason242 01-23-2010 05:12 AM

Part Six

“ So Cody, Truth or Dare?” I asked.
“Dare! Give me your best shot!”
“ Ok….I dare you to…” I thought to myself for a second. I didn’t want to make the game move too fast but then I didn’t wanna give Cody an easy dare either. In the end I settled for a medium dare.
“…strip to your underwear, and stay like that for the rest of the night” I said smiling and making no effort to hide my obvious tent.
“Ok. Thought I’d get a harder dare!”
Before Cody finished speaking he was already standing up and taking off his T-shirt. He grabbed his shorts and in one swift movement pulled his shorts down to his ankles. Cody looked up at me and with a smile kicked his shorts in my face.
The tension in the room suddenly grew. Cody was now in nothing but his tight green briefs. A massive bulge between his legs, and Dan was still in his jockstrap after deciding not to get dressed.
“Well that was a fun first round!” Said Jake
“Ya, but I was the only one that got a hard dare! Pussy’s haha” Dan replied as he eyed me up from across the room.
“Hey Luke is that heater on behind you ? It’s freezing over here” Dan finished.
“Ya..You should come over it’s really warm” I replied tapping the floor beside me.
Dan gave me a cheeky smile and made his way over to me. He sat down beside me crossing his legs and leaning back on his two hands lifting his crotch as he did so.
“Anyone want a drink?” Jake asked.
“Ya sure. Can I have a coke?” I answered.
“Ya me too”
“Me Three”
As Jake left the room to get our drinks Cody and Dan leaned closer to me. A menacing look in their faces.
“Hey Luke. I got a proposition for you” Dan said. Placing a hand on my thigh.
“Em…ok. What is it?”
“Well” Cody started. “We wanna make this game a bit more fun!”
“This isn’t fun enough for you guys” I asked in surprise.
“It is, but we want to turn the game in our favour!” Dan said.
“Ok. How are we gonna do that?”
“Well. We want you to team up with us and force Jake to use up all his backouts so he has to get punished!” Said Cody biting on his nail. Wondering if he made the right decision, involving me in his plan.
“Haha you guys are evil!” I said smiling. “What would his punishment be?”
“Well we thought about it” Cody said delighted that I had agreed to his plan. “And were gonna’ make Jake our slave for the weekend”
I stared back at the two grinning twins. I thought their idea was great. But, it did have one flaw. After all, I didn’t want to SHARE a slave.

Jason242 01-23-2010 05:15 AM

Ok guys i have two alternative PART SEVENS.
So do you guys want me to go down the slave, possible slave(s) :D route...OR do you want me to stick to Truth or Dare that could become abit more...exciting. :D
What do you think? i need some feedback on this as it will dictate the rest of the story!!

evilmime13 01-23-2010 06:19 AM

I think it would be good if you stayed on the truth or dare

Demon Thief 01-23-2010 07:50 AM

This story is excellent. I hope you continue writing it.

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