getDare Truth or Dare

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dickface 04-28-2013 09:40 PM

This is great, and I am going with B, sounds sexy.

asdzxc 04-30-2013 05:18 PM

B sounds really good.

shynessincarnate 04-30-2013 05:22 PM

Thanks for your votes and continued participation! Keep 'em coming, you still have some time left!


SAMaster 05-01-2013 12:41 PM

I can't make up my mind...... B

shynessincarnate 05-02-2013 03:41 AM

Well guys! The votes are in. I received the tiebreaker by email. In the next part, Zoe will decide to:
Haha, I'm keeping it a surprise, I guess you'll have to wait 'till the next part is posted to find out.

SeeNaked and I are going to start writing when we can and we will try to keep you updated on when you can expect the next post from time to time.



Top_Hat 05-02-2013 05:29 AM

Just read the story from start to end, great work.

SeeNaked 05-02-2013 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by Top_Hat (Post 959565)
Just read the story from start to end, great work.

Thanks! But Remember, it's not over yet! Stick around and vote!

jdubs90 05-02-2013 09:08 AM

keep it up :) its really good and well written

SeeNaked 05-21-2013 08:46 AM

It Started at Camp - Part 14
Hey Guys! Alright, the next portion of the story is written up and you will find it posted below! Thanks for being patient and have fun deciding on the decision that is at the end of this portion.

You'll have until Sunday, May 26th to vote. You can comment after but then we'll be writing the next part!


Zoe gave a nervous laugh. The options Luke had given her were both appealing and nerve-wracking. Looking down upon her freckled arm to where Luke had encircled her wrist during their flight from the camp grounds, Zoe cleared her throat. “You know, you’re right. It wasn’t very nice of me to not give you time enough to cum yesterday. But then again, it wasn’t very nice of you to hide my shorts while I was in the water.” Zoe looked upon Luke’s face as she spoke, studying his traits. She still couldn’t believe what she had gotten herself into. In fact, she couldn’t believe that she was actually enjoying these “extracurricular” activities that Luke was coming up with. After a slight pause, Zoe took a step forward and reached out to place her hands upon the camera. “You know”, she said blushing furiously “perhaps a photo shoot could be nice”.

Zoe was actually not a fan of pictures. Under her seemingly debauched attitude, was a very shy and reserved girl. The truth was, though, that between helping the handsome boy have an orgasm and posing for him, the second option seemed less scary. On the one hand, she figured that no matter which option she chose, some photographs would be taken. Plus, Zoe had no idea what Luke had in mind when he suggested she help him cum. It seemed silly, but Zoe was afraid that Luke would want to have sex. This frightened her because she had had intercourse only once in her life and had found the experience painful and unpleasant for various reasons.

As she tried to forget that moment in her life, a spark of mischievousness arose within the girl. “Of course...” she started before letting go of the camera and taking a step back with a beaming smile “’ll have to catch me if you want some pictures” she giggled as she sprinted away taking advantage of the boy’s surprise to extend the distance between them.

Of course, Luke had known nothing of the way she felt about sex. There was no way he could have known since she hadn’t told him and he hadn’t been directly involved. As ornery and devilish as he could be, he wasn’t a bad kid and he already liked Zoe alot. She was the only girl that had ever begun to play along with his games...true he had nearly made her, but last night she had agreed to do it and continue, so that was something.

He was rather surprised when she said that perhaps the photo shoot wouldn’t be so bad. That made him smile though, and he was about to answer her when she turned and darted away. There she went again. He sighed and shook his head, then laughed to himself. Her parting giggle was rather cute. He followed her with his eyes and took off after her, one of his hands protectively shielding the camera strapped around his neck, the other brushing bushes and branches out of the way. After a few moments, he slowed. She knew full well he couldn’t run that fast with his camera, which was rather expensive, and she might get away. He doubted she really wanted to lose him, just wanted to make this fun, but if she got lost even he might not find her. He was good with directions, but it was still possible to get turned around. If he wanted to catch her without running, he would have to outfox her instead...she was running away, doing her best to put distance between them.

He stroked his chin and then turned a few degrees off course from where she was running. He remembered from some trail walks that he had taken in this camp a few years ago, that there was a trail probably not too far away that ran along the top of a rise. It was likely she would hit that and turn down it. He was anticipating that she would head away from the camp, since they weren’t wanting to get caught out here.

He jogged along a bit slower, still holding the camera, but stuffing his hand in his pocket and feeling the two cubes he had there, wondering what he could use the dice for out here. He pulled his hand back out, and went back to brushing things out of the way, starting to speed up a bit and try to get ahead of her.

Zoe slowed down the pace a bit, though she was rather svelte, she wasn’t in the best of shape. Besides, her intention wasn’t to lose Luke entirely. As she jogged her way down a slight slope, the brunette vaguely wondered where her photographer was. She kept thinking about what had happened the previous night and about how lucky she was that he seemed interested in her. After all, she’d had a crush on him for ages but was always too shy to take the first steps. Zoe was amazed at how he seemed to be in control all the time. Even when she decided to be unpredictable, he always seemed to be one step ahead of her. She had no doubt that even though she hadn’t heard any footsteps behind her, that she would end up face to face with Luke quickly enough.

Having slowed down to a walk, Zoe tried to imagine what exactly her “tormentor” had planned for her during the rest of their stay. She was deeply lost in thought when she heard the telltale click of his camera. Zoe smiled when she saw Luke and walked calmly up to him. Again, he had proved that he was always one step ahead of her. As she came up to him, her emerald eyes locked gazes with his deep blue eyes. Her pulse quickened a bit when she saw his smirk and the mischievous glint in his eyes. In a manner of seconds, Luke had grabbed both her wrists and pinned her against the tree that was behind him. “Stay” he growled in an amused yet slightly menacing manner.

His right eyebrow was raised slightly as he held her back to the tree, her arms pinned next to her head against the rough bark. “Funny seeing you here...I thought I had lost you.” he smirked, his teeth flashing for a moment, “Good for me you didn’t...there might be bears out here.” His tongue ran over his lips and his eyes locked on hers, then drifted down to her mouth and along the fine, smooth lines of her chin and jaw. They flicked lower to her neck, across her throat and toward her bosom, pressing the shirt out as it was.

“Or you might have got lost...” His eyes came back up to her face and he pressed a bit closer. His camera was around his arm and neck off to the side, so this succeeded in pressing his body closer to her than he had been.

Despite the heat, Zoe’s body broke into a million goosebumps when Luke came in close to her. For a moment, she thought he was about to kiss her, but he didn’t. Her whole body was reacting to him. Zoe could feel her nipples harden and press against the fabric of her bra. Had she not been wearing one, they would be clearly visible through the flimsy fabric of her top. She did not have to look down to know that, much like her nipples, his hard sex was also pressing against the fabric containing it. His odor was intoxicating, and Zoe had trouble identifying the particular elements that made up his scent. She could identify a slightly sweet smell mixed in with a spicier note. ‘Much like his personality’, she thought.

Gathering up her courage, the pretty girl was about to plant a kiss on Luke’s lips, but just as she was puckering up her lips, she felt him step away from her. Feeling slightly lightheaded from the emotions brought up by his proximity to her, Zoe relaxed. ‘Perhaps that was his intention, she thought, to help her unwind for the photos he wanted to take’. Whether it was indeed his intention or not, it had worked. Zoe felt as though the mysterious boy could have made her do anything. Remaining in the same position - he had, after all, commanded her to stay - Zoe felt strangely relaxed when she heard the first of what would be a series of camera clicks. Wanting nothing more than to please him, in that precise moment, Zoe turned her head to grant a timid look right at the camera. How far would she go to please him, she wondered?

He certainly would have found it easy to kiss her there and then, but he decided to wait, and though he held her still for several moments, he soon stepped back and began to snap pictures of her. He took two or three of her leaning back against the tree the way she was, and when she turned to look at the camera he smiled behind the lens, “You do know that you’re excellent model.” he licked his lips and peeked over the top of the camera, “I’ve always had an interest in photography.” he took another, moving around to catch her other side, and then her profile.

He paused and lowered the camera, coming closer to say, “Lean sideways on the tree, look off into the woods...” He picked up the camera again and took another shot, “My Uncle is a photographer, he bought me this camera for my birthday...” He tilted the camera a bit and it clicked once more. As he moved to look at various angles, he thought about how the photographer’s model was much like a doll to pose and move about, though he didn’t think that Zoe was nothing but a doll. His tongue was captured between his lips while he thought about the best way to pose her, “ok, now look at me slowly and smile... then kneel down like you’re looking at something, pretend to be interested in it, and then look up at me again, giving your hair a little toss over your shoulder.”

Zoe was actually having fun posing for Luke and she blushed deeply when he told her she was photogenic - no one had ever complimented her on that before. Of course, she very seldom allowed anyone to photograph her. She listened as he babbled on about his love of photography and was happy that he was doing all of the talking; she was pretty certain that she would have been unable to string two words together. Zoe complied when the dark haired boy instructed her to get on her knees.

When she looked back up at the boy, she noticed how concentrated he was on his task. Spontaneously, not knowing why exactly, she decided to kneel up and clasp her hands behind her back. His demeanor changed immediately when he noticed the change in her position and he paused for a few seconds before snapping another photograph. Luke slowly let his camera hang around his neck again and his right hand immediately went to his pocket. Feeling slightly uncomfortable, Zoe shifted positions and sat cross-legged on the cool grass. Luke seemed lost in thought, looking at her without really seeing her, it was as though he was trying to make up his mind about something.

It was a few more moments still before he came back out of whatever little world he had drifted off into. His eyes focused on her again and a bit of a smirk curled his lips. Her sudden change in position, going into what he could only describe as a bit of a submissive, and even flirty, sort of a pose, had thrown him off a bit. He hadn’t expected it from her, but he took it as a sign that she might be willing to move on now.

His fingers twisted in his pocket and he withdrew his fist a moment later, though he didn’t open it. “Ok, I think it’s time to move forward with this...I still say you’re an awesome model, but I’ve always wanted to try a bit of risque or nude photography.” He grinned, almost wickedly, “So here’s the deal. I’ve got two dice in my hand. One is standard, the other is a twelve sided dice. You must choose which dice you want to be employed first. Both will be used in either case, but which dice you choose will determine what happens next, but you can’t know the rules until you’ve chosen.”

Which should she choose:
1. The Standard, 6-sided dice?
2. The 12-Sided dice?

kmacroxs 05-21-2013 09:51 AM

I'll go with the 6-sided die, just to go against myself. I am so glad you two continued this story. You write so well. I love this story.

em52388 05-21-2013 03:22 PM

I vote for the 12 sided die. It just speaks to the gamer in me. lol

dickface 05-21-2013 08:42 PM

classic 6 sided die, 12 sideds are hard to see what number theyre on

em52388 05-22-2013 04:32 AM


Originally Posted by dickface (Post 977806)
classic 6 sided die, 12 sideds are hard to see what number theyre on

Actually the only one that is hard to read is a D4, until you realize that the same number is all around the corners of the pyramid and the number on top is what you rolled. Dice don't get hard to read again until around 50 sides because at that point it's basicly a ball. While the surfaces are stil flat it's just as easy to read as a standard D6.

Not trying to sway any votes, just pointing out that the logic here is flawed.

shynessincarnate 05-22-2013 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by kmacroxs (Post 977286)
I'll go with the 6-sided die, just to go against myself. I am so glad you two continued this story. You write so well. I love this story.

I'm very happy you're enjoying it!

Komodo Jones 05-22-2013 08:02 AM

I'll have to vote for the 12-sided die on this one. As always there's some logic behind my decision, but also as always I never tell what it is on this site. Best of luck to SeeNaked and Shy in continuing this story.

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