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Slenderman - Doctor 08-14-2010 01:06 PM

No Americans, no girls. We've got companions and River Song (who is practically a female Doctor gone badass).

BettyBoop 08-14-2010 01:09 PM

I hate River Song.

Slenderman - Doctor 08-14-2010 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by BettyBoop (Post 317797)
I hate River Song.

I strongly dislike her too. Sometimes, she's epic. 99% of the time, I want to strangle her and her fucking "spoilers". She's just a female Captain Jack/Doctor wannabe but written badly imo.

Captain Harkness 08-15-2010 03:25 PM

agreed. Captain Jack is immense whilst River Song is slowly pissing me off. Though Captain Jack is Moffats Character so fingers crossed he will return.

Slenderman - Doctor 08-16-2010 05:11 AM


Originally Posted by Captain Harkness (Post 318303)
agreed. Captain Jack is immense whilst River Song is slowly pissing me off. Though Captain Jack is Moffats Character so fingers crossed he will return.

Jack was more RTD's idea than Moffat's, to be fair. RTD wanted him to be bi/all/whatever-sexual and, from then on, RTD took the character and ran with it, then along came Torchwood. I think Moffat created River as a Jack clone but has tweaked and changed the idea so as not to create just a carbon copy. Jack is better than River though.

Captain Harkness 08-17-2010 11:48 AM

JUst realized exactly how bad vampires of venice really is, it's a rip off of Assassins Creed 2. And to make it worse the CGI is terrible.

Slenderman - Doctor 08-17-2010 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by Captain Harkness (Post 319181)
JUst realized exactly how bad vampires of venice really is, it's a rip off of Assassins Creed 2. And to make it worse the CGI is terrible.

To be fair, the show's budget was cut so CGI had to be limited. I don't mind the odd naff CGI when we get epic shots like the spaceships in "The Pandorica Opens"!

But yeah, naff story really. Too simple and plain.

Captain Harkness 08-17-2010 02:53 PM

not really. It was well done mind considering it was mainly lights and sound we saw and heard. few space ships were seen. I don't think the budget was cut you know. Just sent on eveyrhtig else. New logo, New Tardis, new outfits, new desgins for the silurians and the daleks. A lot was unnecessarily wasted.

Slenderman - Doctor 08-17-2010 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Captain Harkness (Post 319261)
not really. It was well done mind considering it was mainly lights and sound we saw and heard. few space ships were seen. I don't think the budget was cut you know. Just sent on eveyrhtig else. New logo, New Tardis, new outfits, new desgins for the silurians and the daleks. A lot was unnecessarily wasted.

Agree to disagree then.

The budget was cut and things were changed that needed refreshing. The only thing I think they wasted out on were the Daleks' redesign.

Captain Harkness 08-17-2010 03:07 PM

agree a revamp was in order but i think the TARDIS was something that could have stayed. The Silurains were a waste as the old costumes were better. Though having watched the original episode it's clear that it was the same story line more or less. Leader good guy, rebels rebel and Doctor saves the day. Plus the old ones looked cooler. Even if they looked like they were in swimsuits it is better than the new ones looking like braille.

Slenderman - Doctor 08-17-2010 03:13 PM

The TARDIS coulda stayed, sure, but they probably wanted something a touch different for HD (even though the last specials went out in HD). Plus, I love the little SJA badge they brought back for the door. A nice nod to the original.

And regarding the Silurians, I agree. But there's only so much you can do with them to be fair. And it's fine coz every Dalek story seems to have the same plot these days too. The Silurians looked awful this time round too. As did Sontarans when the RTD era brought them back. They've annoyed me with some designs.

They won't lay a finger on the Weeping Angel design yet they'll happily change the Daleks into Power Rangers.

Stellz 08-17-2010 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by Doctor (Post 319277)

They won't lay a finger on the Weeping Angels design yet they'll happily change the Daleks into Power Rangers.

You just made my day. Thank you <3

And speaking of the Tardis, I saw this scrawled on one of the pen displays at work xD

There were a few other random Doctor Who related scribbles, but this one was the most prominent.

new2this 08-17-2010 05:33 PM

My first post on this forum, and I manage it to be about doctor who lol...

I have to say, imo, the TARDIS had to change, it always has, with the brief exception of 9 to 10, which in all honesty was one of the many, many mistakes of RTD.

And I definitely disagree about the changes to the Silurians, I think they look infinitely better, infinitely more realistic! However, the new Daleks do look totally naff!

My stance on the Whoniverse is that Matt Smith is currently my favourite doctor, and everything I would want the doctor to be. Eccleston was by far the worst ever doctor, the man had zero interest in the role, as is evident from his acting through the show (not awful, but def some of the worst!). I've seen all of 6 to 11, so now working backwards. (And yes, I do think 9 was worse even than 7!!!)

I have a love/hate relation towards RTD, I love the man for bringing back Who, for creating Torchwood and SJA, and for some of the better episodes, I hate him for the creation of the dreaded creature that was Rose Tyler, for the Slitheen, and for what are definitely some of the worst episodes in Who history, and for such an awful first ever episode of Torchwood (we get it, it's adult, was there really, honestly a need for a SEX ALIEN!?)... But I digress.

I love Captain Jack, his back stories are endless and wonderful, although again, a lot of overplaying of his sexual magnetism.

I'm a huge River Song fan, I think she's one of the most intriguing characters to come along in the past 5 years.

And Stephen Moffat is my hero, the man has an understanding of Who like no other, with the skill to write to match. The majority of my favourite episodes and characters come from his genius, and there's nothing like a talented, dedicated fan being in control of his favourite childhood show to bring out it's true magic. He's not shy on bringing the more adult aspects to the show, dealing with real issues, unlike RTD who basically dumbed it all down as much as he could.

Phew. :)

Slenderman - Doctor 08-18-2010 04:24 AM


Originally Posted by Stellz (Post 319298)
You just made my day. Thank you <3

And speaking of the Tardis, I saw this scrawled on one of the pen displays at work xD

There were a few other random Doctor Who related scribbles, but this one was the most prominent.

That's awesome!

Back in 2006, all my friends started writing BAD WOLF everywhere after the S1 finale :D

Slenderman - Doctor 08-18-2010 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by new2this (Post 319323)
My first post on this forum, and I manage it to be about doctor who lol...

I have to say, imo, the TARDIS had to change, it always has, with the brief exception of 9 to 10, which in all honesty was one of the many, many mistakes of RTD.

And I definitely disagree about the changes to the Silurians, I think they look infinitely better, infinitely more realistic! However, the new Daleks do look totally naff!

My stance on the Whoniverse is that Matt Smith is currently my favourite doctor, and everything I would want the doctor to be. Eccleston was by far the worst ever doctor, the man had zero interest in the role, as is evident from his acting through the show (not awful, but def some of the worst!). I've seen all of 6 to 11, so now working backwards. (And yes, I do think 9 was worse even than 7!!!)

I have a love/hate relation towards RTD, I love the man for bringing back Who, for creating Torchwood and SJA, and for some of the better episodes, I hate him for the creation of the dreaded creature that was Rose Tyler, for the Slitheen, and for what are definitely some of the worst episodes in Who history, and for such an awful first ever episode of Torchwood (we get it, it's adult, was there really, honestly a need for a SEX ALIEN!?)... But I digress.

I love Captain Jack, his back stories are endless and wonderful, although again, a lot of overplaying of his sexual magnetism.

I'm a huge River Song fan, I think she's one of the most intriguing characters to come along in the past 5 years.

And Stephen Moffat is my hero, the man has an understanding of Who like no other, with the skill to write to match. The majority of my favourite episodes and characters come from his genius, and there's nothing like a talented, dedicated fan being in control of his favourite childhood show to bring out it's true magic. He's not shy on bringing the more adult aspects to the show, dealing with real issues, unlike RTD who basically dumbed it all down as much as he could.


Great first post! Welcome to the site too :)

The TARDIS changed from 9 to 10? I figure you mean the interior and the lighting etc? If you do, I agree. The lighting was often weird and varied from director to director in each story. If you mean the general coral theme, I now also agree. At the time, I liked it. These days, I don't. But I prefer it to Matt's playhouse of randomness.

The thing with the Silurians that has annoyed many fans is this... these days, they make the aliens fit human faces so they can convey emotion. The classic series was happy to use rubber masks and actors had to use their voice and other body parts. And I, along with many others, prefer that. Suddenly, every alien is humanoid and every alien has a human-like face. Bannakaffalatta, the Vinvocci, the Cat Nuns, heck even the Sontarans. The Sontarans having teeth also irritated me. And the major niggles I have with the Silurians are - the breasts (:facepalm:) and the lack of a third eye. Sure, they are a new batch of the race, but they should have the third eye. And it's irritating to see earlier designs the production team made which actually featured the third eye.

Yes, the Daleks suck :D

Woah, 9 was the worst ever? I have to disagree. Eccleston brought an edge to the Doctor and, out with the quirks, in with the post-Time War badass. Not every Doctor has to be this eccentric buffoon. We have to remember 9 had just done the whole Time War, killed his own race, battled millions of Daleks, possibly blown up a few planets, etc etc. So I love him and I'd do anything to have a second series with Eccleston.

I do agree, however, on Matt. He's suitably eccentric and naturally so, bringing charm and delight to the role. He's an old man in a young body, as Moffat said, and he's just brilliant in everything. He even saves some of the shit plots just because he's there being awesome.

7 is not awful. If you think he is, we need words. :p

RTD started out great but ran tired. The same with Rose Tyler. She was pitch-perfect with Eccleston but far too smug with Tennant and then she became this horrible warrior Torchwood girl which didn't work. Imagine seeing her in "The End of Time" without her in Series 4. How brilliant would that have been? Also, she never gave Martha or Donna room to breathe and I'll always dislike her post-S1 for that.

The Slitheen are for the kids. Interestingly, I like the concept. However, they are the same as the Zygons (who are infinitely better) and they could've done without the farting. But, as I said, this is a show for 5/6 year olds too. So we've gotta have a balance. And RTD got that so right. For every farting monster, we got a "Midnight" shit-scary beast.

I disagree RTD dumbed the show down but I agree Moffat is a lot more skilled in his stories. I have to massively praise RTD for his work though. Have you read "The Writer's Tale"? If not, do so. Seriously. One of the best non-fiction books ever. It details his work, his ideas, his concepts, and you'll end up feeling sorry for him because of the amount of work and effort. He is quite legendary and, as you said, without RTD, we'd have no new show.

And we wouldn't be discussing this now.

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