getDare Truth or Dare

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wolf82 11-01-2022 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by generaterox (Post 4919296)
On top of that, I feel that it is appropriate for you to stay clamped whenever you are on getdare as well.

I'll go ahead and second this, for what it's worth

SluttySarah 11-01-2022 07:40 PM

Okk the final agreement is that I will be clamped for 1 hour each day until this punishment ends, and I will also have to be clamped whenever writing on GetDare. This is in exchange for having to be clamped for 6 hours today and for 3 hours each time I change panties.

This is maybe more clamping in the long run, but it is sooo much more manageable

generaterox 11-01-2022 07:45 PM

Hopefully this is more manageable for you Sarah!

By the way, can you update us on your thoughts for the punishment thus far? Do you think you’ll be able to complete the rest of your punishment successfully and how do you feel about everything that you’re going through right now?

SluttySarah 11-01-2022 09:29 PM

Of course! (just attached my nipple clamps as I write this and wow are they painful) It's definitely going to be very very punishing having to wear clover clamps every single time I write on GetDare in the future. It will be a good and unforgettable reminder to not offer up more as punishment than I actually handle. Gosh, they hurt so bad I can barely think straight trying to write this. I only managed to free 5 pairs of panties for 29 days, so I will definitely need to be earning a rewash. I've tried several times now but just trying to stuff two pairs of panties into my asshole is sooo hard, some times there's even a little tail sticking out. I'll just have to train really really hard over my reading week (a week off from school). Alternatively I can also try to complete a massive 40000 sphincter contractions to free 2 more pairs of panties if I absolutely cannot fit 3 pairs into my asshole. That'll probably take an entire weekend filled with nothing but training my sphincter to clench over and over again but two pairs of panties will last me 8 days at most, which is well worth it.

I will be gone on a short vacation with friends for the next 3 days so I don't know if I will be able to keep up with the reports or punishments there... if I can't I will add 3 more days to my punishment. I hope that's understandable.

Having to wear clover clamps writing this hurts, and having to do this whenever I send PM's or write reports or make posts is going to be extra punishing. But I also know I would've gone crazy by now if I had to be clamped for 6 hours today...

generaterox 11-02-2022 06:51 AM

Sounds like having the nipple clamps on while you're on getdare is serving its intended purpose of reminding you to not overestimate your own ability to take punishments Sarah.

I think that extending your punishment for 3 days while you go on vacation with your friends is fair. I will allow you to be exempted from your daily hour of nipple clamping time while you're on vacation as well. However, you are still only allowed to wear panties that you have freed during this period of time.

SluttySarah 11-05-2022 05:30 AM

I'll be back from vacation tonight but I did not continue to wear only panties I freed during the trip :( I'm really sorry I should've just continued wearing them until I received a reply, since there isn't really a good reason I couldn't wear them anyways. What can I do to make up for this? I'll make myself remove my nipple clamps without opening them (just by pulling) for the next 3 days, is that fair? Or every time I have to wear clamps in the next 3 days, I will keep them on for 10 minutes longer.

generaterox 11-05-2022 10:47 AM

What made you think that you are allowed to wear panties that you have not freed during the vacation Sarah?

I think that extending the duration of your nipple clamps by 10min each time you have to put them on sounds fair. You’ll do this for the next 3 days as punishment.

On top of that, since you’ve not been wearing your freed panties for the past 3 days, you’ll extend your punishment by another 3 days on top of the 3 days that you’re given for not being responsive during your vacation. So your total punishment time would be increased by 6 days after your vacation.

SluttySarah 11-12-2022 05:29 PM

Week 1 Report
Hi everyone, sorry for no updates recently. I have been keeping up with an hour of clover clamps each day, and am wearing them as I write. I am currently wearing my third pair of panties (still need to earn my rewash soon!!). I will be kept in panties I have freed until November 5th which is soo long!! I'm really going to have to get on earning a rewash... I am wondering if there is some alternative I can attempt if I simply cannot fit 3 pairs of panties inside me...

Anyways that's all, if anyone has questions or suggestions I would be really glad to hear them!! (my nipples hurt rn!!)

wolf82 11-12-2022 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by SluttySarah18 (Post 4929505)
I will be kept in panties I have freed until November 5th which is soo long!!

Do you mean December?

bluedieblub 11-13-2022 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by SluttySarah18 (Post 4929505)
Hi everyone, sorry for no updates recently. I have been keeping up with an hour of clover clamps each day, and am wearing them as I write. I am currently wearing my third pair of panties (still need to earn my rewash soon!!). I will be kept in panties I have freed until November 5th which is soo long!! I'm really going to have to get on earning a rewash... I am wondering if there is some alternative I can attempt if I simply cannot fit 3 pairs of panties inside me...

Anyways that's all, if anyone has questions or suggestions I would be really glad to hear them!! (my nipples hurt rn!!)

I wonder what people think of holding the third panty in your mouth for the duration? I'm sure the two in the ass are uncomfortable enough, and that pantygag for hours is not going to be particularly pleasant either, but doable at least.

SluttySarah 11-18-2022 12:10 PM

Hey sorry again for waiting so long to write a report. Quite a lot to say though!
The hour of wearing the clover clamps everyday hurts soo much. My nipples never get a chance to rest fully and so they're always sore the next day when I have to wear the clamps again. Also, having to stay clamped whenever I'm writing is quite painful as well (feeling it rn), especially if someone asks me to have a longer conversation with them in chat! As far as earning a rewash is concerned, I tried a few more times to fit 3 pairs of panties inside me and I've gotten quite close the last time. I wore all three pairs at once to get them sort of stacked in each other like one really thick pair. Then I rubbed in some shampoo so that it would be slippery and easier to fit in, and pushed it in starting with the crotch area. I managed to fit a surprising amount in, but by the time I got the waistband part which had the most fabric (as it was the widest part) I was soo full and I just couldn't fit any more in me. I think I'm quite close, but I'm also scared that the last bit is going to be very very tough to get past since it's just so much fabric bunched together I really need to stretch my sphincter to fit it all in at once. I might try by starting with the waistband, but the crotch area also has thicker fabric (but still definitely less) and I don't know if I can fit in the widest waist part of all 3 panties, even if it is at the start. I think if I can find two other people to agree with bluedieblub's suggestion, it's fair to attempt that instead? Since even if I manage to fit 3 pairs of panties inside me, I really doubt I can keep it in me for 4 entire hours. I hope that is a fair compromise. Can I take out the panties in my mouth occasionally if my mouth is dry or do I need to keep it in for 4 hours without breaks? I'm willing to also wear my clover clamps during that if it means it will make it easier somehow. I just changed into my 5th and last pair of panties, which is bright red, and really do need to earn that rewash soon, over this weekend hopefully.

wolf82 11-18-2022 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by SluttySarah18 (Post 4934347)
I think if I can find two other people to agree with bluedieblub's suggestion, it's fair to attempt that instead? Since even if I manage to fit 3 pairs of panties inside me, I really doubt I can keep it in me for 4 entire hours. I hope that is a fair compromise. Can I take out the panties in my mouth occasionally if my mouth is dry or do I need to keep it in for 4 hours without breaks? I'm willing to also wear my clover clamps during that if it means it will make it easier somehow.

I’ll cast a vote in favor of blue’s suggestion, and will let them decide about temporarily removing your panties for a short break.

generaterox 11-20-2022 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by bluedieblub (Post 4929740)
I wonder what people think of holding the third panty in your mouth for the duration? I'm sure the two in the ass are uncomfortable enough, and that pantygag for hours is not going to be particularly pleasant either, but doable at least.

I’ll vote in favour of blue’s idea as well. I think holding a pair of panties in your mouth while having the other 2 in your ass would be a challenging yet doable task for you to complete.

My suggestion for your mouth getting dry after being gagged for an extended period of time would be for you to drink water while you’re being panty gagged.

SluttySarah 11-22-2022 03:41 PM

Due to PM dares I had to be stuffed with 2 pairs of panties for 3 entire hours. I don't think I can describe just how difficult it was :( I just get the incredibly strong urge to push them out because I feel soo full. During this time I also held a pair of panties inside my mouth to earn the rewash. After 3 hours, I really really didn't want to keep going but I knew if I could just last another hour I would be able to earn my rewash (I gave up on trying to fit 3 pairs of panties and I hope the alternative offered in my punishment thread is ok). My jaw was sooo incredibly sore and I took them out every half hour to drink some water since it just made my mouth so dry (there wasn't any way to drink without taking them out). Like, my jaw was aching sooo bad by the end. At the start, it also just made me want to gag with how much dry stuff was in my mouth. Panties don't exactly taste great. I really really hope this serves to earn a rewash because this is my last day I am allowed to wear my last pair of panties (changed into them on the 18th). I also hope it's okay that I earned my rewash using part of the PM dares. I kind of thought of earning the rewash as a challenge for me to complete, rather than a seperate task. I know I did lots of things to make it easier on myself :(. I hope that's ok!!

bluedieblub 11-29-2022 12:55 AM

That sounds mooore than uncomfortable enough to have earned one (sorry for the late reply). Definitely earned that rewash, and those are sane modifications.

How are you enjoying yourself so far? Are you getting used to being stuck in the same panties?

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