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Demon Thief 01-13-2010 11:23 PM

How about...two weeks from now?

Nah, I'm kidding. I'll post it now. :D

Part 12

Mark woke up the following morning in a daze. At first he thought he was at home, with nothing to do but goof off all day. Then as he looked around, he realized that he was still babysitting, although now he was a slave to two younger boys. He got out of bed and listened for any sounds coming from the other room.
Mark looked around for Steven, and found him wrapped in a pair of blankets on the floor. Evidently, he had decided he would risk a punishment from Alex rather than do something he didn't want to do. The kid has guts, Mark thought, but how will this help me?
Mark sat back down on the bed and thought about what he could do. After a few minutes he had come up with a brilliant plan, but he would need Steven's help at several critical stages of the plan. This first part, however, Mark could do alone.
Mark silently slipped out of Steven's room and carefully tiptoed down the hall toward Alex's room. The first part of Mark's plan was quite simple: Get Alex's phone and delete all the embarrassing photos he had of him. He was also going to try and search Alex's room for any information that Mark could use for his revenge.
Mark carefully opened the bedroom door and took a look inside. Alex was sleeping on his bed and Zack was also asleep on an air mattress near the door. The clothes that they had been wearing yesterday were scattered all over the room.
Mark entered the room and headed silently toward the pair of pants that Alex had worn. He felt through the pockets and found Alex's cell phone. Mark turned it on and went to the photos. He immeadiantly saw the one that Alex had taken of him while he was naked, and deleted it. Then he scrolled through the rest of the photos to see if he could find anything else. Soon he came across a bunch of photos of Steven, who was weraing no clothes in all of the pictures. Mark quickly deleted these too. He then shut off the phone and put it back where he found it.
Mark turned to leave, when something caught his eye. One of Alex's dresser drawers was ajar. Mark crept over to it and opened it a little wider. He saw a bunches of socks and boxers, and a small black notebook. Mark grabbed the notebook and shut the drawer almost all the way. Having no pockets, he stuffed the notebook into the waistband of his pajama pants.
Mark started to leave, but a noise behind him caused him to freeze in his tracks. He looked behind him and saw Alex starting to wake up.

William 01-14-2010 04:16 AM

Keep going this story is so great wen will b the next time u will post. I hope it's soon

MasterOmega 01-14-2010 04:52 AM

Nice update. I hope that you can continue this story at such a high level. I also hope that when this story ends you can think of a sequel. Not that this story will end for quote a while (it better not!).

jambalaya 01-14-2010 06:07 AM

I agree...

Originally Posted by MasterOmega (Post 223455)
Nice update. I hope that you can continue this story at such a high level. I also hope that when this story ends you can think of a sequel. Not that this story will end for quote a while (it better not!).

I agree to the highest degree. Sooner or later this story will be in its milestone. Kudos to the story. And Kudos to its brilliant writter :clap: :pirashoot:

Demon Thief 01-14-2010 10:58 AM

Aw, thank you all so much. I'll post an update later tonight. I'd do it now, but I have a few things I gotta do. :confused:

And the idea of a potential sequel has been stirring in my head. Hopefully when I finish this one, I'll be able to write it.

Mr. Green 01-14-2010 05:38 PM

Great post
My favorite story yet

Demon Thief 01-14-2010 08:32 PM

Part 13

As Alex sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Mark ran out of the room. He darted down the wall and back into Steven's room as the door to Alex's room closed. He heard Alex moving around the house, but in the direction of the bathroom. Knowing he had a minute or two, Mark opened the notebook he found.
After a few minutes of scanning the pages, Mark thought he had found the perfect blackmail. But unfortunately, there was no way he could exploit it without any further information. He would have to use a computer to even access what he had found, and he was sure he wouldn't be allowed any computer time.
After deleting the photos, Mark was still going to have to do what Alex wanted, even though Alex no longer had anything on him. He didn't want Alex to discover that the photos were gone before the appropriate time. Mark hid the notebook under Steven's dresser as he heard Alex coming back down the hall.

Sorry it's short. I'm leaving for this weekend and I've been doing errands all day. The next update will be on Sunday night. :D

MasterOmega 01-14-2010 09:24 PM

Great update, although it is a bit short. Nevermind, it just makes me more anxious for the next part. Can't wait till sunday.

jambalaya 01-15-2010 07:11 AM

Take your time
Yeah, sure.. A good story shouldn't be rushed.. Though I am really excited for the update. :D

jambalaya 01-18-2010 07:55 PM

Please continue :D

Demon Thief 01-19-2010 08:21 PM

Part 14

Alex opened the door to Steven's room as Mark sat down on the bed after stashing the notebook he had found. Alex was about to say something, but then the phone rang.
"I've got it," Alex said.
"No, I'll get it; I'm in charge," Mark replied, pushing past Alex and heading downstairs to where the phone was. He picked it up and said, "Hello?"
"Mark, is that you?" Linda's voice answered.
"Yeah, it's me. What's going on?" Mark asked.
"Oh, I just wanted to know what was going on and how you all were doing."
Mark turned around and saw Alex halfway down the stairs, watching Mark talk on the phone. Mark turned away from him and said, "Everything is fine. And I have a question. Did you give Alex permission to invite a friend over?"
"Actually I didn't. Why, did he say I gave him permission?" Linda asked.
"Yes, he did," Mark answered.
"Can you put him on?"
"No problem," Mark answered.
He held out the phone to Alex, who came down and took it. Mark walked into another room and saw the thing he needed: a computer.
He looked around and saw no one in sight, so he turned it on and accessed the Internet. He went on a few sites and checked a few things. When he was done, he turned off the computer and walked back into the room where Alex was still talking on the phone.
"Bye, Mom," Alex said and hung up the phone.
"What'd she say?" Mark asked.
"Well, thanks to you, I'm grounded for the rest of the weekend, and Zack has to go home as soon as possible. Just you wait, I'll get back at you for this," he vowed.
"What do you mean?" Mark asked, playing dumb.
"I still have a photo of you flashing your privates, remember? But I won't send it to other people if you convince my mom that Zack went home when she said to instead of staying here another night."
"Yeah, fine," Mark answered. He had to keep Alex from noticing that the photos were gone as long as possible. His only option was to continue playing along with the whole servitude thing.

Funny pie 01-20-2010 06:36 PM

Awesome! Keep going please!!

jambalaya 01-21-2010 05:31 AM

Thanks for the update. If I may suggest something, can you if it is not against your will, make your updates longer. Well, just a suggestion. Thank you.

asicsboi 01-25-2010 03:26 AM

Yar Continue continue !!! hahah

Demon Thief 01-26-2010 11:56 PM

Sorry it's been awhile, but I've been deciding how to write this next part.

Part 15

Alex looked at Mark and was about to say something, but then Steven and Zack came downstairs. Zach had changed into fresh clothes, but Steven was still in his pajamas. They both made their way to the kitchen, most likekly to have breakfast.
"Mark, before you eat, change into your regular clothes, but leave the underwear I gave you on for now," Alex said.
"Fine," Mark said, as he headed upstairs. He changed into his clothes and left the pj's on the bathroom floor. As he came downstairs, he saw Alex hang up the phone.
"Who was on the phone?" Mark asked.
"Oh, you'll find out," Alex replied.
They went into the kitchen to find Steven and Zach eating cereal. Alex pointed out where everything was to Mark before getting his own breakfast ready. Mark was about to fix his own when the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it," Mark said, when no one else said a thing.
He opened the door to find a boy standing in front of him that looked around Alex's age. He was a little chubby and had dark hair. Behind him stood a girl around Mark's age. She had dark blonde hair and a perfect body for a girl her age.
"Who are you?" Mark finally asked.
"I'm Christina, and this is my younger brother Greg. He's one of Alex's friends. Are you the babysitter?" she asked.
"Yeah, I am," Mark replied.
"Well that's good. I don't want to leave Greg at someone else's home without anyone in charge."
"I have everything under control here. Don't worry," Mark said.
"Good. And if you want to hang out sometime, here's my number," Christina said, as she gave Mark a folded piece of paper. She then turned around and left.
Greg went inside as Mark turned around and shut the door behind him. Now he had four boys to look after. He was also pretty sure that Linda had not allowed any more of Alex's friends over, but Mark didn't want to say anything... yet.

After everyone had breakfast, Steven went into the living room and turned on the TV. Alex, Zack, and Greg went upstairs, and Alex beckoned to Mark, indicating that he should go with them. Mark followed, certain that what was coming couldn't be good.
Once they were all in Alex's room, Alex announced what they were going to do: "Since we have four people, and no one has to leave until later tonight, I say we play some Truth or Dare."
"Again?" Mark asked, remembering all too well the previous noght.
"Yes, but this time there'll be no blackmail. In fact, I'll give you all of mine and Zack's cameras and other things like that." Alex said.
"Alright then," Mark said.
Alex and Zack gave their cell phones to Mark, who went downstairs to where Steven was. He said, "Hide these for me, please. And don't tell anyone else where they are when you do."
"Okay," Steven said. Mark wnet back upstairs to Alex's room.
"No one can get them back until the game is over," Mark stated.
"So here's how we're going to play. It's going to be me and Zack against Mark and Greg. If you refuse to do a dare, you're out. First team with both people out loses. However, if your partner is out, but you're still in, you can agree to the other team's terms to allow him back in, but ytou can only do this once. Is everthing clear?"
Mark, Zack, and Greg nodded their heads.
"Then let the game begin!" Alex said.

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