getDare Truth or Dare

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rhl 12-31-2017 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by iSpuds (Post 2627738)
Monkey and I were talking, and we're quite underwhelmed by the lack of embarrassing questions that make up most so-called "humiliating" truth threads. Thus, we have come up with a list of questions that we think most people would really be too embarrassed to answer. Or, at least, they're awkward as hell.

(This questionnaire works best if you answer in detail. ;) )

1. Have you ever peed your pants in school?no, but I was held against the wall while another boy peed on my crotch
2. Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY peed yourself as an adult? no not on accident, I was commanded to.
3. Have you ever been caught naked by your parent(s)/child(ren)?mother
4. Have you ever caught your parent(s) naked?no
5. Have you ever had your sexuality or kink outed to a family member?no
6. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn you were related?no
7. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn they were married?yes
8. Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating by your parent(s)/child(ren)?yes, and it was in the garage
9. Have you ever caught your parent(s)/child(ren) having sex?no
10. Have you ever been caught farting in a public (polite) area?yes, I let out the biggest fart in gym class
11. Have you ever had an upset stomach on a date that ended in diarrhea, gas, or vomiting?yes diarrhea
12. Have you ever been called out for having smelly gas?of course
13. Have you ever had a credit card declined and/or had to endure the "Walk of Shame" not that I rememberwhile returning your items because you can't buy them?
14. Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs in the company of others?probably
15. Have you ever sent an AWFUL drunk text, or drunk-dialed someone?no
16. Have you ever been caught talking behind someone's back, by the person you're talking about?yes
16. Have you ever accidentally sent a scathing text message about someone to the person it's about?no
17. Have you ever accidentally sent a "sext message" to an unintended contact?not accidentally
18. Have you ever clogged a toilet after pooping?yes
19. If you experience periods, have you ever bled through your clothes?wrong sex
20. If you died right now, what would be the most embarrassing thing someone would find in your house?panties, a strap on dick gag, strap on butt plug
21. Are there any unwanted nude photos of you floating around the internet?yes
22. Have you ever fallen prey to an internet scam?no
23. Have you ever made an idiot of yourself in front of a crush?yes, to many times
24. Have you ever argued with an authority figure only to find out you were VERY wrong?yes
25. Have you ever been in jail?yes
26. Have you ever come to the realization that you've been walking around with your pants zipper down, or with a hole in your pants?yes for both
27. Have you ever accidentally walked in on someone in the bathroom?yes and have had walk in on me twice
28. Have you ever accidentally told someone you loved them?no
29. Have you ever accidentally called someone mom or dad?yes
30. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?yes
31. Have you ever had a crush on/fantasized about a cartoon character?no
32. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant only to find out the bill was WAY more than you could pay?yes
33. Have you ever spilled drink or food at a restaurant?yes
34. Have you ever been denied a kiss on a first date?probably
35. Have you ever been caught trying to cheat, scam, or steal?no or not that I remark er
36. Have you ever set off a store alarm while trying to exit?yes but it was cashiers fault
37. Do you get zits in noticeable places?no
38. Have you ever had your pubic hair get snagged by your clothes?yes, I was trying on a pair of tight none stretch jeans.
39. Have you ever gotten a REALLY bad itch on your genitals while in public, so you couldn't scratch it?yes
40. Have you ever finished on the toilet only to find out that there's no more toilet paper, then have to do the "Walk of Shame" to the closet (or, if in a public bathroom, to the next stall) to find some?

yes, and the one next to me was out also

Nelioka 12-31-2017 10:03 AM

Hopefully these questions aren't to embarrassing! ^^;

1. Have you ever peed your pants in school? No I haven't that I can recall. I don't think I did when I was very young either.
2. Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY peed yourself as an adult?Okay this is embarrassing and well, after holding it for awhile cause well middle of a show you dun wanna go yet right? xd umm laughing can make u burst a little.
3. Have you ever been caught naked by your parent(s)/child(ren)?Yah but it wasn't to embarrassing a moment since I was very little, and well also its your parents so.
4. Have you ever caught your parent(s) naked?Sadly yes ;w; something I definitely really want to unsee xd
5. Have you ever had your sexuality or kink outed to a family member?No luckily so because I dunno if my mom or dad thinks i'm a kinky person at all.
6. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn you were related?No but I do imagine if this did happen to someone it would be more surprising than embarrassing.
7. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn they were married? No i've only had one partner so far in my lifetime and they weren't married.
8. Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating by your parent(s)/child(ren)?I'm not sure if siblings count for this but yes my sister caught mne when we were younger ;w;
9. Have you ever caught your parent(s)/child(ren) having sex? Thankfully no I didn't have go through that horror xd
10. Have you ever been caught farting in a public (polite) area?oh gosh this is embarrassing to just answer lol even though I dunno if I have
11. Have you ever had an upset stomach on a date that ended in diarrhea, gas, or vomiting?Yes, but thankfully not till the end, I think I had to stay home from work for a few days too cause I was actually rly sick xd
12. Have you ever been called out for having smelly gas?No I haven't actually nor do I ever want to be now that would be rly embarrassing
13. Have you ever had a credit card declined and/or had to endure the "Walk of Shame" while returning your items because you can't buy them?No, but i've had it declined I just had to use cash instead it was simply because my bank auto transferred money to my savings i tried paying with my chequing account xd
14. Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs in the company of others?Yah when I was young I fell down the stairs at my grandmas at christmas and trust me it hurts
15. Have you ever sent an AWFUL drunk text, or drunk-dialed someone?No thankfully I don't get drunk often cause apparently im a hyper and honest drunk
16. Have you ever been caught talking behind someone's back, by the person you're talking about?No I take a habit to say things to peoples face if I can so
16. Have you ever accidentally sent a scathing text message about someone to the person it's about?I honestly dunno what scathing means so xd
17. Have you ever accidentally sent a "sext message" to an unintended contact?Yes luckily its only been normal things and not rly anything embarrassing
18. Have you ever clogged a toilet after pooping?Ok this one is extremely embarrassing, and umm yes...but it was probably the toilet paper so
19. If you experience periods, have you ever bled through your clothes?again embarrassing but umm no cause I wear pads
20. If you died right now, what would be the most embarrassing thing someone would find in your house?Honestly not much my house is neat and tidy probably my computers browsing history xd
21. Are there any unwanted nude photos of you floating around the internet?I wouldn't say so i've only sent a select few to a few select people and to my knowledge they've kept them private
22. Have you ever fallen prey to an internet scam?I have yah but i ended up getting my money back thanks to my bank
23. Have you ever made an idiot of yourself in front of a crush?no luckily since all my crushes have liked every part of me which i also consider lucky
24. Have you ever argued with an authority figure only to find out you were VERY wrong?Honestly yes and it is a horrible feeling especially for someone like me with a lot of pride
25. Have you ever been in jail? I haven't my criminal record is completely clean!
26. Have you ever come to the realization that you've been walking around with your pants zipper down, or with a hole in your pants?Yes I have and when I do its like total panic mode lol, my first thought is did anyone see?
27. Have you ever accidentally walked in on someone in the bathroom?Yah but luckily its only been family so its a little embarrassing but its also like oh sorry my bad and u forget about it
28. Have you ever accidentally told someone you loved them?yes but it was intended for someone else so luckily they spared my embarrassment and were very understanding
29. Have you ever accidentally called someone mom or dad?Honestly yah lol my grade 7 teacher. He was like what? xd
30. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Mhmm my gym teacher was rly hot in high school I think it was grade 10? xd
31. Have you ever had a crush on/fantasized about a cartoon character?Not that I can think of, I find them cute but not rly like attractive I guess
32. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant only to find out the bill was WAY more than you could pay?Nope i'm usually rly good with my money so I don't have to worry about that checking ahead of time etc.
33. Have you ever spilled drink or food at a restaurant?Actually now that I think about it despite being a major klutz no not really
34. Have you ever been denied a kiss on a first date?Ah no because i'm kind of introverted and very submissive i'm not usually the one who makes the first move so
35. Have you ever been caught trying to cheat, scam, or steal?The only time i've ever attempted to cheat was in video games and it was always a joke xd the others no as well
36. Have you ever set off a store alarm while trying to exit? Yah and trust me its rly embarrassing when everyone looks at you but i've been innocent everytime!
37. Do you get zits in noticeable places?No I got a few when i was younger but I don't think I have any anymore
38. Have you ever had your pubic hair get snagged by your clothes?Ah this one will be embarrassing to answer but no cause umm I shave so
39. Have you ever gotten a REALLY bad itch on your genitals while in public, so you couldn't scratch it?Yes I have once but thats what public bathrooms are for so
40. Have you ever finished on the toilet only to find out that there's no more toilet paper, then have to do the "Walk of Shame" to the closet (or, if in a public bathroom, to the next stall) to find some? No but if this ever did happen I would definitely pull up my pants and such first xd

switchman10 12-31-2017 02:18 PM

1. Have you ever peed your pants in school?
No, I have not.

2. Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY peed yourself as an adult?
Once I almost did, laughing to hard at a joke my friend told. I might have peed a little, but if so it wasn't enough that I could feel it.

3. Have you ever been caught naked by your parent(s)/child(ren)?
Yes, I was caught masturbating my my mother twice. Once I was just jerking off, and the other time I was humping a pillow. I noticed she was a bit more careful about knocking afterwards.

4. Have you ever caught your parent(s) naked?
Once when I was very young. I don't remember anything about it, just that it happened.

5. Have you ever had your sexuality or kink outed to a family member?
No, I have not. I'm sure they would take it well, my family is pretty accepting, but at the same time I'm glad that that has never happened.

6. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn you were related?

7. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn they were married?

8. Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating by your parent(s)/child(ren)?
See the answer to #3.

9. Have you ever caught your parent(s)/child(ren) having sex?
No, I have not, and I am very, very glad.

10. Have you ever been caught farting in a public (polite) area?
Once or twice, but I did say "excuse me" and had the decency to look a bit embarrassed.

11. Have you ever had an upset stomach on a date that ended in diarrhea, gas, or vomiting?

12. Have you ever been called out for having smelly gas?

13. Have you ever had a credit card declined and/or had to endure the "Walk of Shame" while returning your items because you can't buy them?

14. Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs in the company of others?
Once when I was 2 or 3 I fell down the stairs with my parents there. I have a small, barely visible scar on my chin from that fall.

15. Have you ever sent an AWFUL drunk text, or drunk-dialed someone?
No, I don't drink alcohol. I prefer my judgement to be non-impared.

16. Have you ever been caught talking behind someone's back, by the person you're talking about?
Not that I can recall. Perhaps in elementary school, but if so it didn't make an impression.

16. Have you ever accidentally sent a scathing text message about someone to the person it's about?
No. The only scathing text I sent was when a pair of drunk sorority girls followed on campus for over a block, barking loudly.

17. Have you ever accidentally sent a "sext message" to an unintended contact?
Once, on Skype, I sent a message to the wrong person. It wasn't sexting, but it was from a conversation with someone else that did end up being sexting, and she probably wondered what the heck I was talking about.

18. Have you ever clogged a toilet after pooping?
Clogged, not quite. Overflowed, yes, because the float valve in the toilet had just been replaced and wasn't set correctly.

19. If you experience periods, have you ever bled through your clothes?

20. If you died right now, what would be the most embarrassing thing someone would find in your house?
Hmm, if they dug deep into the files on my computer, the would find a rather intimate Skype log, and a couple photos. There's also a flash drive with a couple saved stories and a couple games (Trials In Tainted Space, Corruption of Champions) that I had tried.

21. Are there any unwanted nude photos of you floating around the internet?
None to my knowledge, and I'd like to keep it that way.

22. Have you ever fallen prey to an internet scam?

23. Have you ever made an idiot of yourself in front of a crush?
Hmm, yes. I sent her a long e-mail over break about my feelings for her, only to find out that I had misread her actions and that she wasn't interested in being anything more than friends.

24. Have you ever argued with an authority figure only to find out you were VERY wrong?
No, I've been fortunate and haven't.

25. Have you ever been in jail?

26. Have you ever come to the realization that you've been walking around with your pants zipper down, or with a hole in your pants?
Yes. I forgot to zip up twice, and had holes in two different pairs of jeans. One hole was because I was leaning against some cabinets and when I stood up to walk away, the handle caught the seam of my jeans and ripped a small hole, so everyone could see my underwear. I got changed immediately afterwards. That one was right on my butt. I also had a 1/2" hole in a pair of jeans halfway up my right thigh. I didn't realize that was there until halfway through the day. That hole was from what I think was 0.5 molar HCl that had dripped on my pants during a chemistry lab. The acid must have weakened the fibers, because the hole only appeared after I ran those jeans through the wash.

27. Have you ever accidentally walked in on someone in the bathroom?
Yes, my Mom because she had only almost closed the bedroom door, and the bathroom door didn't latch properly. I did not need to see her on the toilet.

28. Have you ever accidentally told someone you loved them?

29. Have you ever accidentally called someone mom or dad?

30. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
No, that was homeschooled. That would have been beyond weird.

31. Have you ever had a crush on/fantasized about a cartoon character?
Yeah. I've got a bit of primal tendencies, pred, and after seeing Zootopia, well... Yeah, cute bunny. Didn't last long, though.

32. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant only to find out the bill was WAY more than you could pay?

33. Have you ever spilled drink or food at a restaurant?
I knocked over a glass of water once. It wasn't a big deal, the waitress went and got more napkins and helped me soak it up off the table.

34. Have you ever been denied a kiss on a first date?
Technically, no. Further data collection is required.

35. Have you ever been caught trying to cheat, scam, or steal?

36. Have you ever set off a store alarm while trying to exit?
Once, because the cashier didn't properly deactivate the anti-theft RFID tag.

37. Do you get zits in noticeable places?
It depends. Some weeks I'll have almost perfectly clear skin, other weeks I'll have a few small pimples on my face and upper arms.

38. Have you ever had your pubic hair get snagged by your clothes?
Ouch, yes. I caught my pubic hair in the zipper of my jeans once.

39. Have you ever gotten a REALLY bad itch on your genitals while in public, so you couldn't scratch it?
Small itches, yes. Really bad itches, never.

40. Have you ever finished on the toilet only to find out that there's no more toilet paper, then have to do the "Walk of Shame" to the closet (or, if in a public bathroom, to the next stall) to find some?
No, I've been fortunate. I also keep an extra spare roll of toilet paper under the sink in every bathroom.

lill 12-31-2017 03:21 PM

1. Have you ever peed your pants in school? no, i was home schooled
2. Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY peed yourself as an adult?yes, about 2 months ago i accidently peed myself on my walk home, i had to walk for 10 min with pee all over my pants
3. Have you ever been caught naked by your parent(s)/child(ren)? no but they have walking while i was masterbating and i had to hide
4. Have you ever caught your parent(s) naked? no thank goodness
5. Have you ever had your sexuality or kink outed to a family member? not foceably my sister and i are very open with eachother.
6. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn you were related? no but i got really close once, i was flirting with a girl in my class and she used to be very physical(boobs in face, and cuddleing up) then we relized we were cusins
7. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn they were married?no
8. Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating by your parent(s)/child(ren)?yes but i hid
9. Have you ever caught your parent(s)/child(ren) having sex? no never done it in my house
10. Have you ever been caught farting in a public (polite) area? once but it was no big deal
11. Have you ever had an upset stomach on a date that ended in diarrhea, gas, or vomiting?no
12. Have you ever been called out for having smelly gas? i have guy friends of course i have
13. Have you ever had a credit card declined and/or had to endure the "Walk of Shame" while returning your items because you can't buy them? yes beacuse amazon drained my account
14. Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs in the company of others? yes i have
15. Have you ever sent an AWFUL drunk text, or drunk-dialed someone? oh yeah i decided to text a girl i liked when i was messed up, needless to say i never got a message back
16. Have you ever been caught talking behind someone's back, by the person you're talking about? nope i dont talk bad behind peoples backs
16. Have you ever accidentally sent a scathing text message about someone to the person it's about? no
17. Have you ever accidentally sent a "sext message" to an unintended contact? yeah i once told my best friend i was gonna be very dirty when she got here. meaning to send it to a girlfriend. thankfully he just told me "get some"
18. Have you ever clogged a toilet after pooping? one time i held it for 4 days and ended up taking 20 min uncloging it
19. If you experience periods, have you ever bled through your clothes? i dont experiance them
20. If you died right now, what would be the most embarrassing thing someone would find in your house? a huge box of dildos/misc toys.
21. Are there any unwanted nude photos of you floating around the internet? not unwanted photos but yes
22. Have you ever fallen prey to an internet scam? girls selling panties, twice
23. Have you ever made an idiot of yourself in front of a crush? who hasent
24. Have you ever argued with an authority figure only to find out you were VERY wrong? not that i remember
25. Have you ever been in jail? no
26. Have you ever come to the realization that you've been walking around with your pants zipper down, or with a hole in your pants? yup after i wnt to the salon and got my hair done i relized i had a huge hole in the back of my pants, im pretty sure the girls saw my butt clearly
27. Have you ever accidentally walked in on someone in the bathroom? yeah a random girl in the gender nuetral room
28. Have you ever accidentally told someone you loved them? yes i tald one of my friends in school that when we were parting ways
29. Have you ever accidentally called someone mom or dad? yes my uncle one time
30. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? no the majority of my school years was with my grandma, or with older men teachers
31. Have you ever had a crush on/fantasized about a cartoon character? okay yes quite a few
32. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant only to find out the bill was WAY more than you could pay? no
33. Have you ever spilled drink or food at a restaurant? a drink yes
34. Have you ever been denied a kiss on a first date? no i have never asked on the first date
35. Have you ever been caught trying to cheat, scam, or steal? no i have never done any
36. Have you ever set off a store alarm while trying to exit? yes only beacuse an item dident scan right
37. Do you get zits in noticeable places? not anymore
38. Have you ever had your pubic hair get snagged by your clothes? yes but the worse was getting my forskin coucght in a sipper
39. Have you ever gotten a REALLY bad itch on your genitals while in public, so you couldn't scratch it? of course
40. Have you ever finished on the toilet only to find out that there's no more toilet paper, then have to do the "Walk of Shame" to the closet (or, if in a public bathroom, to the next stall) to find some? who hasent

Consensus 12-31-2017 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by iSpuds (Post 2627738)
Monkey and I were talking, and we're quite underwhelmed by the lack of embarrassing questions that make up most so-called "humiliating" truth threads. Thus, we have come up with a list of questions that we think most people would really be too embarrassed to answer. Or, at least, they're awkward as hell.

Looking forward to it.

1. Have you ever peed your pants in school?
Nope, never.

2. Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY peed yourself as an adult?
Once, I was just waking up, and I let a bit of pee out in my pyjamas. No one knew or cared.

3. Have you ever been caught naked by your parent(s)/child(ren)?
Quite a lot, is this not normal with both? My parents would walk into my room without knocking and we didn't lock the bathroom unless we were on the loo, so plenty of shower/bath incidents. As an adult,
my children regularly blunder in when I'm having a bath or getting dressed,
so lots really. Is this embarrassing? Who to?

4. Have you ever caught your parent(s) naked?
The aforementioned bathing and showering stuff,
so yes.

5. Have you ever had your sexuality or kink outed to a family member?
By me, yes. I have told both parents that I am a cross-dresser. I am not sure either actually took on board what that meant but they know. And my wife knows too.

6. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn you were related?
Nope, only had sex with one person.

7. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn they were married?
Nope, only had sex with one person.

8. Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating by your parent(s)/child(ren)?

9. Have you ever caught your parent(s)/child(ren) having sex?

10. Have you ever been caught farting in a public (polite) area?
Doesn't everybody do this? In which case: yes.
A lot.

11. Have you ever had an upset stomach on a date that ended in diarrhea, gas, or vomiting?

12. Have you ever been called out for having smelly gas?
Yes, regularly.

13. Have you ever had a credit card declined and/or had to endure the "Walk of Shame" while returning your items because you can't buy them?

14. Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs in the company of others?

15. Have you ever sent an AWFUL drunk text, or drunk-dialed someone?

16. Have you ever been caught talking behind someone's back, by the person you're talking about?
Nope. I... uh... don't.

16. Have you ever accidentally sent a scathing text message about someone to the person it's about?
Again, I don't. So, no.

17. Have you ever accidentally sent a "sext message" to an unintended contact?
I have never sexted.

18. Have you ever clogged a toilet after pooping?
Yes. A few times. Curries and lack of water tend to do this to me. I tend to battle it with a toilet brush.

19. If you experience periods, have you ever bled through your clothes?
I don't.

20. If you died right now, what would be the most embarrassing thing someone would find in your house?
My diaries written between the ages of 12 and 14.
Bloody hell but they're irritating. If someone could invent time travel so I could go back and punch my younger self until they bled that would be amazing. Useless embarrassing wanky twat that my younger self was would need a damn' good thrashing. Useless waste of fucking space.

21. Are there any unwanted nude photos of you floating around the internet?
No. Nor anywhere else. Ain't no one gonna find naked me remotely worthy of record.

22. Have you ever fallen prey to an internet scam?

23. Have you ever made an idiot of yourself in front of a crush?
All. The. Time.

24. Have you ever argued with an authority figure only to find out you were VERY wrong?
A few times. Especially at school as the aforementioned little arrogant twat.

25. Have you ever been in jail?
Not a functioning one.

26. Have you ever come to the realization that you've been walking around with your pants zipper down, or with a hole in your pants?
A few times, no one seemed to care.

27. Have you ever accidentally walked in on someone in the bathroom?
Once or twice, is this embarrassing?

28. Have you ever accidentally told someone you loved them?

29. Have you ever accidentally called someone mom or dad?
Once, at school. No one but me noticed.

30. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?

31. Have you ever had a crush on/fantasized about a cartoon character?
Penny from Inspector Gadget. Penelope Pitstop from Wacky Races. The daughter of the Phantom in Defenders of the Earth.

32. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant only to find out the bill was WAY more than you could pay?
Nope. I read menus.

33. Have you ever spilled drink or food at a restaurant?
Yes, hasn't everyone?

34. Have you ever been denied a kiss on a first date?
Nope. Only ever had three first dates though,
so don't read too much into that. Only kissed on one of them.

35. Have you ever been caught trying to cheat, scam, or steal?

36. Have you ever set off a store alarm while trying to exit?
A few times, it happens.

37. Do you get zits in noticeable places?
Yes, face and nose.

38. Have you ever had your pubic hair get snagged by your clothes?
Yes, it bloody hurts.

39. Have you ever gotten a REALLY bad itch on your genitals while in public, so you couldn't scratch it?
I... uh... scratch it.

40. Have you ever finished on the toilet only to find out that there's no more toilet paper, then have to do the "Walk of Shame" to the closet (or, if in a public bathroom, to the next stall) to find some?
Yup. Not embarrassing, just bloody annoying.


Toms123s 12-31-2017 08:53 PM

1. Have you ever peed your pants in school? Idk probably as a child
2. Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY peed yourself as an adult? No
3. Have you ever been caught naked by your parent(s)/child(ren)? I think my mom once caught me masturbating. Not sure
4. Have you ever caught your parent(s) naked? Yes. I see my dad naked all the time
5. Have you ever had your sexuality or kink outed to a family member? No
6. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn you were related? No
7. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn they were married? No
8. Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating by your parent(s)/child(ren)? Yes i think so
9. Have you ever caught your parent(s)/child(ren) having sex? No
10. Have you ever been caught farting in a public (polite) area? Yes
11. Have you ever had an upset stomach on a date that ended in diarrhea, gas, or vomiting? No
12. Have you ever been called out for having smelly gas? Yes
13. Have you ever had a credit card declined and/or had to endure the "Walk of Shame" while returning your items because you can't buy them? Yes
14. Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs in the company of others? No
15. Have you ever sent an AWFUL drunk text, or drunk-dialed someone? Yes
16. Have you ever been caught talking behind someone's back, by the person you're talking about? No
16. Have you ever accidentally sent a scathing text message about someone to the person it's about? No
17. Have you ever accidentally sent a "sext message" to an unintended contact?
18. Have you ever clogged a toilet after pooping? No
19. If you experience periods, have you ever bled through your clothes? I done have periods
20. If you died right now, what would be the most embarrassing thing someone would find in your house? My browser history :p
21. Are there any unwanted nude photos of you floating around the internet? There probably are some floating around
22. Have you ever fallen prey to an internet scam? No
23. Have you ever made an idiot of yourself in front of a crush? no
24. Have you ever argued with an authority figure only to find out you were VERY wrong? no
25. Have you ever been in jail? No
26. Have you ever come to the realization that you've been walking around with your pants zipper down, or with a hole in your pants? Yes
27. Have you ever accidentally walked in on someone in the bathroom? Yes
28. Have you ever accidentally told someone you loved them? no[/I]
29. Have you ever accidentally called someone mom or dad? No
30. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? no[/I]
31. Have you ever had a crush on/fantasized about a cartoon character? No
32. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant only to find out the bill was WAY more than you could pay? No
33. Have you ever spilled drink or food at a restaurant? No
34. Have you ever been denied a kiss on a first date? No
35. Have you ever been caught trying to cheat, scam, or steal? No
36. Have you ever set off a store alarm while trying to exit? Yes
37. Do you get zits in noticeable places? Sometimes
38. Have you ever had your pubic hair get snagged by your clothes? No
39. Have you ever gotten a REALLY bad itch on your genitals while in public, so you couldn't scratch it? Yes
40. Have you ever finished on the toilet only to find out that there's no more toilet paper, then have to do the "Walk of Shame" to the closet (or, if in a public bathroom, to the next stall) to find some? Yes

DualCore 12-31-2017 09:10 PM

1. Have you ever peed your pants in school?

Maybe? If I have, I dont remember.

2. Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY peed yourself as an adult?

I've had a few times where I've woken up peeing, but I've been able to make it without too much mess

3. Have you ever been caught naked by your parent(s)/child(ren)?


4. Have you ever caught your parent(s) naked?


5. Have you ever had your sexuality or kink outed to a family member?


6. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn you were related?


7. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn they were married?


8. Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating by your parent(s)/child(ren)?


9. Have you ever caught your parent(s)/child(ren) having sex?


10. Have you ever been caught farting in a public (polite) area?


11. Have you ever had an upset stomach on a date that ended in diarrhea, gas, or vomiting?


12. Have you ever been called out for having smelly gas?


13. Have you ever had a credit card declined and/or had to endure the "Walk of Shame" while returning your items because you can't buy them?


14. Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs in the company of others?

Not down stairts

15. Have you ever sent an AWFUL drunk text, or drunk-dialed someone?

A few texts I regret, but they weren't bad at all

16. Have you ever been caught talking behind someone's back, by the person you're talking about?


16. Have you ever accidentally sent a scathing text message about someone to the person it's about?

Nope. Huge fear, though

17. Have you ever accidentally sent a "sext message" to an unintended contact?


18. Have you ever clogged a toilet after pooping?


19. If you experience periods, have you ever bled through your clothes?


20. If you died right now, what would be the most embarrassing thing someone would find in your house?

Sex toys/bondage gear/women's clothes

21. Are there any unwanted nude photos of you floating around the internet?

Probably not

22. Have you ever fallen prey to an internet scam?


23. Have you ever made an idiot of yourself in front of a crush?

Probably not really, but I was pretty bad with girls when I was younger

24. Have you ever argued with an authority figure only to find out you were VERY wrong?


25. Have you ever been in jail?


26. Have you ever come to the realization that you've been walking around with your pants zipper down, or with a hole in your pants?

Maybe once or twice

27. Have you ever accidentally walked in on someone in the bathroom?


28. Have you ever accidentally told someone you loved them?


29. Have you ever accidentally called someone mom or dad?

Yes, maybe once or twice

30. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?


31. Have you ever had a crush on/fantasized about a cartoon character?


32. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant only to find out the bill was WAY more than you could pay?


33. Have you ever spilled drink or food at a restaurant?

I don't think so

34. Have you ever been denied a kiss on a first date?

Never tried, so never denies

35. Have you ever been caught trying to cheat, scam, or steal?


36. Have you ever set off a store alarm while trying to exit?

Maybe, but it wasn't my fault

37. Do you get zits in noticeable places?


38. Have you ever had your pubic hair get snagged by your clothes?

Yeah, sometimes gets snagged in my belt somehow

39. Have you ever gotten a REALLY bad itch on your genitals while in public, so you couldn't scratch it?


40. Have you ever finished on the toilet only to find out that there's no more toilet paper, then have to do the "Walk of Shame" to the closet (or, if in a public bathroom, to the next stall) to find some?


shiloh 01-01-2018 10:16 AM

1. Have you ever peed your pants in school?
I don't think so, maybe when I was really little but maybe not even then

2. Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY peed yourself as an adult?
Yes, once when I had a uti.

3. Have you ever been caught naked by your parent(s)/child?
I have been caught masturbating once by my mom. She closed the door really fast and never said anything about it

4. Have you ever caught your parent(s) naked?
Once when I was really little I walked in on my mom in the bath. I don't really remember it, but she tells it as a funny story bc I came in to show her a caterpillar I had caught and she was yelling at me not to bring it closer

5. Have you ever had your sexuality or kink outed to a family member?
I came out to my mom when I was sixteen (mistake) but never been outed by another

6. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn you were related?

7. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn they were married?

8. Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating by your parent(s)/child(ren)?
See above

9. Have you ever caught your parent(s)/child(ren) having sex?

10. Have you ever been caught farting in a public (polite) area?
Not really

11. Have you ever had an upset stomach on a date that ended in diarrhea, gas, or vomiting?
Hasn't everyone?

12. Have you ever been called out for having smelly gas?
No but once for stinking up the bathroom after food poisoning by my dad

13. Have you ever had a credit card declined and/or had to endure the "Walk of Shame" while returning your items because you can't buy them?
Yes 😫 I bought like $10 worth of stuff, too. College life

14. Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs in the company of others?
I once tripped going up the stairs and hit my nose on the corner of the next step and it started bleeding. It hurt like hell and I was sobbing. That was senior year of highschool walking with my friend to class. everyone was kind of nice and concerned for me though, we laughed about it later tho

15. Have you ever sent an AWFUL drunk text, or drunk-dialed someone?
Never been drunk

16. Have you ever been caught talking behind someone's back, by the person you're talking about?

16. Have you ever accidentally sent a scathing text message about someone to the person it's about?

17. Have you ever accidentally sent a "sext message" to an unintended contact?
Yeees sent a sext to a male friend while sexting with my girlfriend sometime in highschool. He replied something snarky about how what I said I wanted to do was impossible bc he didn't have a vagina, but was cool about it besides that, never told anyone afaik

18. Have you ever clogged a toilet after pooping?
Yes as a kid when I used way too much toilet paper

19. If you experience periods, have you ever bled through your clothes?
Yes, before I started birth control my periods were extremely heavy and I often didn't have time to change pads as often as I needed to. My periods have also always been irregular so sometimes I would start without knowing it and bleed through.

20. If you died right now, what would be the most embarrassing thing someone would find in your house?
My account on here

21. Are there any unwanted nude photos of you floating around the internet?
Just bad tagged photos on fb, nothing dirty

22. Have you ever fallen prey to an internet scam?

23. Have you ever made an idiot of yourself in front of a crush?
Yes. I once pulled a tampon out of my purse bc I thought it was pen. It sat ony desk for a good fifteen minutes before I tried to take notes and realize. Was talking to a very cute boy before class and I'm still not sure if he noticed

24. Have you ever argued with an authority figure only to find out you were VERY wrong?

25. Have you ever been in jail?

26. Have you ever come to the realization that you've been walking around with your pants zipper down, or with a hole in your pants?
Once had my thighs rub a hole in the crotch of my jeans and didn't notice until mg friend told me. I tied my jacket around my waist and I don't think anyone noticed a after that

27. Have you ever accidentally walked in on someone in the bathroom?

28. Have you ever accidentally told someone you loved them?

29. Have you ever accidentally called someone mom or dad?
Yes, teachers.

30. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?

31. Have you ever had a crush on/fantasized about a cartoon character?
Link from Zelda

32. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant only to find out the bill was WAY more than you could pay?
Nope. I always check online

33. Have you ever spilled drink or food at a restaurant?
As a kid

34. Have you ever been denied a kiss on a first date?
No, but have denied them bc I was worried my breath stank

35. Have you ever been caught trying to cheat, scam, or steal?

36. Have you ever set off a store alarm while trying to exit?
Yes, recently I bought a phone charger at rite aid and the alarm went off when I walked out, but the cashier just looked at me and shrugged and I just left bc I hadn't stolen anything

37. Do you get zits in noticeable places?
I tend to get one right on the end of my nose :(

38. Have you ever had your pubic hair get snagged by your clothes?
No, I try to keep it shaven

39. Have you ever gotten a REALLY bad itch on your genitals while in public, so you couldn't scratch it?
Yes. I tried to scratch it discreetly through my pocket while in class but it didn't really work. It eventually went away

40. Have you ever finished on the toilet only to find out that there's no more toilet paper, then have to do the "Walk of Shame" to the closet (or, if in a public bathroom, to the next stall) to find some?
Yes at home, never in public, suppose I'm lucky

TestingLimits 03-12-2018 11:25 PM

1. Have you ever peed your pants in school?
To the best extent that I can recall, I have not. I have definitely vomited in a school bathroom (and sadly it was in front of the toilet, not in the toilet, because I was like 5 and thought that my tummy problems were due to diarrhea or something), and I vomited on myself somewhere in middle school (I only remember having vomit on my shirt, not where it happened or any other details preceding that), but I did not pee myself.

2. Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY peed yourself as an adult?
Not in public, thankfully, but I've had some close calls. I used to ride the city bus, and I rode for about an hour each way for college. If I didn't go at school, I had a long holding period afterward. One day, I either didn't realize I needed to pee or overestimated how well I could hold it, and it's the one time I legitimately worried I was going to pee on the bus. (By the by, I would switch buses at the transfer station, and it had a bathroom, but it was disgusting, only had one toilet, and you had to ask for the key, and I'm usually too socially anxious to ask for a bathroom key. It might have also been in use the whole time I was there.) I sat through the half-hour or so on the second bus, somehow didn't have any sort of bladder leak, but it was aching. I pretty much sprinted home, which was a good 10 minute walk, usually. I'm sure I made record time. I threw down my backpack, ran to the bathroom... and started peeing as I was undoing my belt. I think I still pulled down my pants and emptied as much as I could normally, but it's the first time I remember wetting myself. I may have had some inkling of pleasure even then, but that was before I tried wetting for fun, and I definitely felt more shame and disappointment than anything.

I almost had another incident at work on Saturday, which was pretty much the same except I had been using the bathroom every break, I just had been chugging so much tea and water to counter my dry throat that my bladder was straining to keep up. Thankfully, I ended up right next to the bathroom, and I ran in really quick to avoid the embarrassment.

Intentional wetting at home can be fun, but unplanned ones in public, especially at work? I would just wanna die.

3. Have you ever been caught naked by your parent(s)/child(ren)?
I can't recall ever being seen naked, though when I slept naked for a while, my mom nearly walked in my room either right after I woke up or specifically to wake me up. I had to kind of awkwardly tell her to hold on and slip on clothes, and she probably put two and two together anyway. I just saved her the unwanted image.

4. Have you ever caught your parent(s) naked?
The only times I remember seeing my parents naked all revolve around showers. It was just bad timing or bad manners (i.e., not knocking).

5. Have you ever had your sexuality or kink outed to a family member?
Thankfully, no, though I have had sort of roundabout discussions about sexuality. There wasn't much that would cause a scandal in terms of sexual interest or sexual behavior until I moved out, and I just don't tell my parents what I'm up to since then. XD

6. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn you were related?
You can't have that horrifying realization if you haven't had sex. *finger guns*

7. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn they were married?
I haven't had sex, but seeing as we've all been fairly young at the time, everyone I've had a sexual interaction with has most likely not been married. I have had sexually explicit roleplays with married women, but that was part of a story, and it was understood that that didn't extend out of character. It's probably weird, but so are most things once sex is involved.

8. Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating by your parent(s)/child(ren)?
I don't think I have, though my old mattress would squeak at basically any movement, so... maybe? I think it's the same situation as when I even thought I heard my parents' bed rocking. They probably just tried to ignore any thoughts about the squeaking.

9. Have you ever caught your parent(s)/child(ren) having sex?
Similar situation to getting caught naked, actually. I only remember one time where I probably interrupted that, and not only did I knock, but they remembered to lock the door as well. Funnily enough, I don't remember why I even bothered them, only the awkward pause and the realization of what I had probably done. If I had to guess, I probably asked for permission for something, and they probably hastily agreed.

10. Have you ever been caught farting in a public (polite) area?
I dunno how you could not. I think my farts are usually the ones you would hear anyway, so it's not like I could hide it. They're fairly harmless. What usually embarrasses me more, for whatever reason, is when I have a loud stomach growl either a bit before or a bit after a meal. Naturally, it's unpleasant, but it seems like it's always louder and somehow sounds nastier than an actual fart.

11. Have you ever had an upset stomach on a date that ended in diarrhea, gas, or vomiting?
Ha, you think I've been dating!

... *sigh*

For the record, nothing comes to mind specifically about any of the above, though I've definitely had moments with each in school. There just wasn't anything that lasted beyond a moment of unpleasantness. Diarrhea, thankfully, has never caused a mess I couldn't flush away.

(Oh, and I've only dated online, so my dates have been unofficial ones, really. That happens to make this easier to avoid, though.)

12. Have you ever been called out for having smelly gas?
Only with family. XD I probably have had a handful of bad moments, but as noted, my farts usually get attention more for their noise.

13. Have you ever had a credit card declined and/or had to endure the "Walk of Shame" while returning your items because you can't buy them?
I've only had that once, and thankfully, it was on maybe five items. I was picking up something before visiting my family, and I added on a few other things I needed. I didn't realize my checking account was so low, and I was too in a hurry to visit my bank's branch in the store, but I had just enough cash for the one thing I needed for our dinner. I might have actually been able to buy the rest of it anyway, though I rarely carry enough cash for even a few items.

14. Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs in the company of others?
I don't remember falling down a flight of stairs, but for some reason, this question makes my head hurt and gives me the feeling of tumbling over and over...

Nah, just kidding. I have definitely stumbled on stairs, and I've probably had five-ish stair falls, but if I have had falls that I didn't almost immediately get up from, well... maybe I did hit my head as a result.

15. Have you ever sent an AWFUL drunk text, or drunk-dialed someone?
I am never on my phone on the increasingly rare occasion that I drink. However, I have gotten drunk while talking to someone online, which usually was innocent, but ended in me stepping away to puke up my guts because I just somehow always go over my limit. I think I drink too fast, because it always seems to hit all at once.

16. Have you ever been caught talking behind someone's back, by the person you're talking about?
Sheesh. If I ever have, we're going back a long way. The closest I can recall is getting irritated with my friend's brother because I thought he was my friend that I carpooled with. Naturally, the conversation got back to my actual friend, who was less than thrilled.

16 1/2. Have you ever accidentally sent a scathing text message about someone to the person it's about?
I don't really text people that often, and if I do, it's someone I like, but I have definitely unloaded on people in forums and group chats. It was not accidental, but it was definitely awkward for people to watch. It's usually something I do to people I run into a lot, because it takes a buildup of grievances that are too small to individually be worth causing problems over, but that repeat several times in a small window. Or if they start it and play the victim over my taking issue with them constantly provoking me. (This is less of a recurring thing and more of a specific person causing enough problems for the room to actually get involved, though it's still something I'd probably do again in a similar situation. I'm stubborn and petty enough to stand my ground over a perceived intentional slight, and definitely over one that's blatantly stated.)

17. Have you ever accidentally sent a "sext message" to an unintended contact?
Accidental? No. Ill-advised? Yes. *sighs* I was a stupid teenager. I mean, I still am kinda stupid. I just don't send sext messages outside of relationships.

18. Have you ever clogged a toilet after pooping?
Only after peeing, as far as I can recall. It's just a matter of how bad it is at that point, though. The toilet paper still gets soaked and sticks to the plunger and breaks apart, and pee can still reek if left long enough or if it's strong enough. And then there's the possible spillage...

19. If you experience periods, have you ever bled through your clothes?
I do not experience periods, at least not of the menstrual variety. I've heard that men experience similar hormonal fluctuations, though.

20. If you died right now, what would be the most embarrassing thing someone would find in your house?
Maybe the drawings and writing from when I was little. I don't really keep embarrassing items unless the sentimental value is greater than the embarrassment.

21. Are there any unwanted nude photos of you floating around the internet?
Possibly. Again, stupid teen. I am probably protected at least to some extent by the fact that most of those would be very, very illegal in America. (I guess they'd probably be fine in Europe, though. I was probably over 16, but I was definitely under 18 for most of them.)

22. Have you ever fallen prey to an internet scam?
Not one with major consequences, at least. I've been duped, but it's been the kind of stuff that's low-stakes, like finding out some user I never heard of who died of cancer faked the whole thing. (Yup, that's happened. I guess attention is that important?)

23. Have you ever made an idiot of yourself in front of a crush?
Oh, if I have any romantic interest, I'm probably an idiot all the time. :P Actually, scratch that. I'm usually an idiot whether I have romantic interest or not. XD

24. Have you ever argued with an authority figure only to find out you were VERY wrong?
Yes, but there are too many to be mentioned, and most of them happened too long ago to be relevant. It usually comes down to missing a detail, so I wasn't wrong enough to really be embarrassed by it.

25. Have you ever been in jail?
I have not. I don't even know where the local prisons are.

26. Have you ever come to the realization that you've been walking around with your pants zipper down, or with a hole in your pants?
I have on a few rare instances, mostly as a child. The hole in the pants thing was all the time. I swear they just spontaneously formed sometimes. I've gone a while without having my zipper down, but it's still something I worry about often, especially if it seems like there's a breeze in the front of my pants.

27. Have you ever accidentally walked in on someone in the bathroom?
Family, but that's no big deal. It was forgotten about by all parties in maybe five minutes. It technically happens a lot in public bathrooms, but if anything, that's more embarrassing for them. I'm just focused on peeing.

28. Have you ever accidentally told someone you loved them?
I might have at my old job. I answered a lot of phones. But I don't recall ever doing so. I intentionally say it a lot, though. :3

29. Have you ever accidentally called someone mom or dad?
Just teachers or whatever. It was a funny Freudian slip, and we usually all laughed it off. I don't tend to do anything like that unless somebody trips me up by interrupting me while I'm talking, in which case I'll sometimes say a word they said instead of the word I meant. It's a weird quirk in how my brain processes conversation, and I don't know if it's normal or not.

30. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
I did when I was younger, just one of those innocent elementary school crushes. I never got seriously attracted. It's just really easy to get attached to and idealize someone you look up to like that. It helps a lot that I liked almost all of my teachers up to and including college, and the only exceptions to that rule were teachers that lost my respect first by either being incompetent (think "I know more about this after reading the textbook than you seem to know) or seemingly being against me.

31. Have you ever had a crush on/fantasized about a cartoon character?
I think crush is too strong of a word. I've masturbated to porn of cartoon characters, but I've never treated them like real people.

32. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant only to find out the bill was WAY more than you could pay?
Nah. I always look at the prices, even (especially) when someone else is paying. (Side note: if I'm between two or more items on an order someone else is paying for, I'll either order the cheaper one or order the one that's the best value if two items are the same price.) I have found out that it was more than I was expecting, though.

33. Have you ever spilled drink or food at a restaurant?
I've spilled a drink for sure. When a drink spills, mine or not, I'm likely to grab napkins and immediately start trying to clean it. I know it's easier for the employees to clean up, since they have access to a mop, but I don't like making people work harder than they have to, especially in entry-level jobs. Those jobs are thankless and demeaning enough.

34. Have you ever been denied a kiss on a first date?
Can't be denied if you never date in-person!

*single teardrop*

35. Have you ever been caught trying to cheat, scam, or steal?
I got caught cheating on a test by a classmate in sixth grade, but he didn't do anything about it. He didn't have proof, and I think I just said something about it and he called it cheating. I don't even remember what I did. It was ultimately without consequence to my educational path.

36. Have you ever set off a store alarm while trying to exit?
I probably have, but I don't remember doing so. It was never a big deal. It probably just happened on one of those items that has barcode security. I've worked retail. I know those don't always deactivate, even if you do everything right.

37. Do you get zits in noticeable places?
Just my face. There are occasional minor ones on my torso, but even I don't usually notice. No one else would, since they're hidden by my shirt.

38. Have you ever had your pubic hair get snagged by your clothes?
Not in any major way, though it has momentarily happened with my boxers. Somehow a hair winds up between the threads, and I just have to wait it out when I want to grab my pants and boxers and adjust them.

39. Have you ever gotten a REALLY bad itch on your genitals while in public, so you couldn't scratch it?
Short answer: No. Long answer: No, I haven't, actually. (I had nothing to say about this one, but I didn't want to leave a one-word answer. :P)

40. Have you ever finished on the toilet only to find out that there's no more toilet paper, then have to do the "Walk of Shame" to the closet (or, if in a public bathroom, to the next stall) to find some?
Oh, at home, for sure, but that's not such a big deal as long as the toilet paper is in the bathroom. I make sure that's always the case.

dinesh 03-13-2018 01:58 AM

1. Have you ever peed your pants in school?
no I have not
2. Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY peed yourself as an adult?
yes I often peed my bed by accident, uptill I was about 25 years
3. Have you ever been caught naked by your parent(s)/child(ren)?
yes, I often slept nude when it was hot, and got caught by my parents, managed to get out over the situuation by claiming I probably did it in my sleep
4. Have you ever caught your parent(s) naked?
5. Have you ever had your sexuality or kink outed to a family member?
I tried to come out as gay but my parents wouldnt listen, for them it was a "phase that would pass"
6. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn you were related?
7. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn they were married?
8. Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating by your parent(s)/child(ren)?
was caught masturbating by my father, got a long lecture how that was work of the devil
9. Have you ever caught your parent(s)/child(ren) having sex?
10. Have you ever been caught farting in a public (polite) area?
yes, once I couldnt hold it and farted in a resturant, the next table cleared very quickly :D
11. Have you ever had an upset stomach on a date that ended in diarrhea, gas, or vomiting?
12. Have you ever been called out for having smelly gas?
13. Have you ever had a credit card declined and/or had to endure the "Walk of Shame" while returning your items because you can't buy them?
No, I usually use cash for purchase
14. Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs in the company of others?
15. Have you ever sent an AWFUL drunk text, or drunk-dialed someone?
16. Have you ever been caught talking behind someone's back, by the person you're talking about?
yes, I was caught by my friend talking behind his back, he was quite angry, then I told him the same and more to his face, I think he didnt know what to say then
16. Have you ever accidentally sent a scathing text message about someone to the person it's about?
no not accidentally, but meaningfully yes
17. Have you ever accidentally sent a "sext message" to an unintended contact?
18. Have you ever clogged a toilet after pooping?
Almost, at one time I thought it would overflow, but at the last moment the flush managed to push it down
19. If you experience periods, have you ever bled through your clothes?
20. If you died right now, what would be the most embarrassing thing someone would find in your house?
apart from some pictures on my laptop (if they can get in it) nothing
21. Are there any unwanted nude photos of you floating around the internet?
there are nude photos yes, but since I put them there myself, I dont know if they count as unwanted
22. Have you ever fallen prey to an internet scam?
23. Have you ever made an idiot of yourself in front of a crush?
24. Have you ever argued with an authority figure only to find out you were VERY wrong?
25. Have you ever been in jail?
yes for a week while they tried to figure out if they wanted to give me bail
26. Have you ever come to the realization that you've been walking around with your pants zipper down, or with a hole in your pants?
27. Have you ever accidentally walked in on someone in the bathroom?
28. Have you ever accidentally told someone you loved them?
29. Have you ever accidentally called someone mom or dad?
30. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
31. Have you ever had a crush on/fantasized about a cartoon character?
yes there was one character, but I cant really recall it now
32. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant only to find out the bill was WAY more than you could pay?
33. Have you ever spilled drink or food at a restaurant?
No, dropped a glass but it was empty
34. Have you ever been denied a kiss on a first date?
35. Have you ever been caught trying to cheat, scam, or steal?
yes, I was first caught trying to steal in primary school, then trying to cheat in an exam in high school
36. Have you ever set off a store alarm while trying to exit?
yes I dont like escalators, so I saw I set of stairs while I was on second floor of the store, they didnt look too used,, I took them down, at the end was a door I pushed it and got out, and the fire alarm started (it was a fire escape)
37. Do you get zits in noticeable places?
38. Have you ever had your pubic hair get snagged by your clothes?
yes got caught in the zipper few times
39. Have you ever gotten a REALLY bad itch on your genitals while in public, so you couldn't scratch it?
I have gotten itches in genetial in public and I did scratch it, I dont care what anyone thinks, if I got an itch I will scratch it.
40. Have you ever finished on the toilet only to find out that there's no more toilet paper, then have to do the "Walk of Shame" to the closet (or, if in a public bathroom, to the next stall) to find some?
yes I finished on the toilet to find no toilet paper and walked to closet to get some

fyk 03-14-2018 02:53 AM

1. Have you ever peed your pants in school? no
2. Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY peed yourself as an adult? no
3. Have you ever been caught naked by your parent(s)/child(ren)? yes
4. Have you ever caught your parent(s) naked? yes
5. Have you ever had your sexuality or kink outed to a family member? yes
6. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn you were related? no
7. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn they were married? no
8. Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating by your parent(s)/child(ren)? no
9. Have you ever caught your parent(s)/child(ren) having sex? no
10. Have you ever been caught farting in a public (polite) area? yes
11. Have you ever had an upset stomach on a date that ended in diarrhea, gas, or vomiting? yes
12. Have you ever been called out for having smelly gas? yes
13. Have you ever had a credit card declined and/or had to endure the "Walk of Shame" while returning your items because you can't buy them? yes
14. Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs in the company of others? no
15. Have you ever sent an AWFUL drunk text, or drunk-dialed someone? yes
16. Have you ever been caught talking behind someone's back, by the person you're talking about? yes
16. Have you ever accidentally sent a scathing text message about someone to the person it's about? no
17. Have you ever accidentally sent a "sext message" to an unintended contact? no
18. Have you ever clogged a toilet after pooping? yes
19. If you experience periods, have you ever bled through your clothes?
20. If you died right now, what would be the most embarrassing thing someone would find in your house? sex toys
21. Are there any unwanted nude photos of you floating around the internet? yes
22. Have you ever fallen prey to an internet scam? no
23. Have you ever made an idiot of yourself in front of a crush? yes
24. Have you ever argued with an authority figure only to find out you were VERY wrong? yes
25. Have you ever been in jail? no
26. Have you ever come to the realization that you've been walking around with your pants zipper down, or with a hole in your pants? yes
27. Have you ever accidentally walked in on someone in the bathroom? yes
28. Have you ever accidentally told someone you loved them? yes
29. Have you ever accidentally called someone mom or dad? yes
30. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? no
31. Have you ever had a crush on/fantasized about a cartoon character? no
32. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant only to find out the bill was WAY more than you could pay? no
33. Have you ever spilled drink or food at a restaurant? yes
34. Have you ever been denied a kiss on a first date? yes
35. Have you ever been caught trying to cheat, scam, or steal? yes
36. Have you ever set off a store alarm while trying to exit? yes
37. Do you get zits in noticeable places? yes
38. Have you ever had your pubic hair get snagged by your clothes? yes
39. Have you ever gotten a REALLY bad itch on your genitals while in public, so you couldn't scratch it? yes
40. Have you ever finished on the toilet only to find out that there's no more toilet paper, then have to do the "Walk of Shame" to the closet (or, if in a public bathroom, to the next stall) to find some? yes

areyousure 03-15-2018 08:32 AM

1. Have you ever peed your pants in school?
2. Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY peed yourself as an adult?
Yes, was dared to hold it and couldn't hold it anymore. It sure was rmbarrassing walk from parkinglot to home in broad daylight.
3. Have you ever been caught naked by your parent(s)/child(ren)?
Yes, if being on sauna counts.
4. Have you ever caught your parent(s) naked?
Yes, if being on sauna counts.
5. Have you ever had your sexuality or kink outed to a family member?
6. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn you were related?
7. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn they were married?
8. Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating by your parent(s)/child(ren)?
No, but one time my mom almost caught me.
9. Have you ever caught your parent(s)/child(ren) having sex?
10. Have you ever been caught farting in a public (polite) area?
No, atleast I think so.
11. Have you ever had an upset stomach on a date that ended in diarrhea, gas, or vomiting?
12. Have you ever been called out for having smelly gas?
13. Have you ever had a credit card declined and/or had to endure the "Walk of Shame" while returning your items because you can't buy them?
Yes, 24h spending limit once stopped me to buy some things.
14. Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs in the company of others?
15. Have you ever sent an AWFUL drunk text, or drunk-dialed someone?
16. Have you ever been caught talking behind someone's back, by the person you're talking about?
16. Have you ever accidentally sent a scathing text message about someone to the person it's about?
17. Have you ever accidentally sent a "sext message" to an unintended contact?
18. Have you ever clogged a toilet after pooping?
19. If you experience periods, have you ever bled through your clothes?
I'm male.
20. If you died right now, what would be the most embarrassing thing someone would find in your house?
Probably my buttplug.
21. Are there any unwanted nude photos of you floating around the internet?
22. Have you ever fallen prey to an internet scam?
23. Have you ever made an idiot of yourself in front of a crush?
Maybe not.
24. Have you ever argued with an authority figure only to find out you were VERY wrong?
25. Have you ever been in jail?
26. Have you ever come to the realization that you've been walking around with your pants zipper down, or with a hole in your pants?
Yes, in school one time one my female friend told me.
27. Have you ever accidentally walked in on someone in the bathroom?
Couple times on home.
28. Have you ever accidentally told someone you loved them?
29. Have you ever accidentally called someone mom or dad?
30. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
Yes, in high school.
31. Have you ever had a crush on/fantasized about a cartoon character?
Can't remember now.
32. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant only to find out the bill was WAY more than you could pay?
33. Have you ever spilled drink or food at a restaurant?
Yes, spilled my drink once.
34. Have you ever been denied a kiss on a first date?
35. Have you ever been caught trying to cheat, scam, or steal?
36. Have you ever set off a store alarm while trying to exit?
One time, it was an accident, salesman forgot to take off the alarm device.
37. Do you get zits in noticeable places?
Kinda not.
38. Have you ever had your pubic hair get snagged by your clothes?
One time it caught in zipper.
39. Have you ever gotten a REALLY bad itch on your genitals while in public, so you couldn't scratch it?
Yes, in a really crowded store.
40. Have you ever finished on the toilet only to find out that there's no more toilet paper, then have to do the "Walk of Shame" to the closet (or, if in a public bathroom, to the next stall) to find some?
No, I trie to always check if there is toilet paper before starting shitting

Golden_Throw 03-17-2018 11:47 PM

1. Have you ever peed your pants in school?
Yes, pants were to tight to take off.

2. Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY peed yourself as an adult?

3. Have you ever been caught naked by your parent(s)/child(ren)?
Yes, mom caught me when I was younger.

4. Have you ever caught your parent(s) naked?
See above

5. Have you ever had your sexuality or kink outed to a family member?
Yes, though my seach history. I use incognito now.

6. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn you were related?

7. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn they were married?

8. Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating by your parent(s)/child(ren)?
Yep, mom caught me.

9. Have you ever caught your parent(s)/child(ren) having sex?

10. Have you ever been caught farting in a public (polite) area?
Of course

11. Have you ever had an upset stomach on a date that ended in diarrhea, gas, or vomiting?
Unless you count a play date with my cousin when I was 9, no.

12. Have you ever been called out for having smelly gas?
Of course

13. Have you ever had a credit card declined and/or had to endure the "Walk of Shame" while returning your items because you can't buy them?
No, thankfully

14. Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs in the company of others?

15. Have you ever sent an AWFUL drunk text, or drunk-dialed someone?

16. Have you ever been caught talking behind someone's back, by the person you're talking about?

16. Have you ever accidentally sent a scathing text message about someone to the person it's about?

17. Have you ever accidentally sent a "sext message" to an unintended contact?

18. Have you ever clogged a toilet after pooping?
So many times, mom used to get mad at me for it.

19. If you experience periods, have you ever bled through your clothes?

20. If you died right now, what would be the most embarrassing thing someone would find in your house?
Used condoms and a broken DIY dildo.

21. Are there any unwanted nude photos of you floating around the internet?

22. Have you ever fallen prey to an internet scam?

23. Have you ever made an idiot of yourself in front of a crush?

24. Have you ever argued with an authority figure only to find out you were VERY wrong?
Not to my memory. But probably yes.

25. Have you ever been in jail?
No, but I'm expecting that to change.

26. Have you ever come to the realization that you've been walking around with your pants zipper down, or with a hole in your pants?
Of course

27. Have you ever accidentally walked in on someone in the bathroom?
Yes, in kindergarten we had a bathroom inside the classroom. However, it didn't have a lock. We used a little magnet to indicate if someone was inside. Problem was, everyone forgot to take it off. I developed a habit of ignoring it entirely, and walked in on a girl peeing.

28. Have you ever accidentally told someone you loved them?

29. Have you ever accidentally called someone mom or dad?
Don't think so.

30. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?

31. Have you ever had a crush on/fantasized about a cartoon character?

32. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant only to find out the bill was WAY more than you could pay?

33. Have you ever spilled drink or food at a restaurant?

34. Have you ever been denied a kiss on a first date?

35. Have you ever been caught trying to cheat, scam, or steal?
No, but I have gotten close a couple of times.

36. Have you ever set off a store alarm while trying to exit?
Yes, but they forgot to remove tags.

37. Do you get zits in noticeable places?
Far to many. They didn't go away with puberty.

38. Have you ever had your pubic hair get snagged by your clothes?
Only once.

39. Have you ever gotten a REALLY bad itch on your genitals while in public, so you couldn't scratch it?
I scratch anyways.

40. Have you ever finished on the toilet only to find out that there's no more toilet paper, then have to do the "Walk of Shame" to the closet (or, if in a public bathroom, to the next stall) to find some?

Aethi 03-18-2018 12:06 AM


1. Have you ever peed your pants in school?
Yes? I think, at least.

2. Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY peed yourself as an adult?
Going with no. Not 100% confident, though.

3. Have you ever been caught naked by your parent(s)/child(ren)?
Yes. Not a super big deal, just something that happens.

4. Have you ever caught your parent(s) naked?
Yes, but again, it's not a huge deal.

5. Have you ever had your sexuality or kink outed to a family member?

6. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn you were related?
7. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn they were married?
Nope, I'm a virgin.

8. Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating by your parent(s)/child(ren)?
Sort of? It's complicated. I've been caught on gD, where there was an ad for something showing tits. It was ironic because I'm gay, but I was also here for wanking reasons.

9. Have you ever caught your parent(s)/child(ren) having sex?
No, thank god.

10. Have you ever been caught farting in a public (polite) area?

11. Have you ever had an upset stomach on a date that ended in diarrhea, gas, or vomiting?

12. Have you ever been called out for having smelly gas?
By family? Definitely. Elsewhere, no.

13. Have you ever had a credit card declined and/or had to endure the "Walk of Shame" while returning your items because you can't buy them?
Not with a credit card, but I've had that happen when I forget my wallet. Like. I'm 45min away from home forget my wallet.

14. Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs in the company of others?

15. Have you ever sent an AWFUL drunk text, or drunk-dialed someone?
Nope, I've never been drunk.

16. Have you ever been caught talking behind someone's back, by the person you're talking about?
Yes. Needless to say, it was awkward as hell.

16. Have you ever accidentally sent a scathing text message about someone to the person it's about?
Not a text message, but I once was playing a game of league with two friends of mine. I meant to whisper my (closer) friend about how terrible the other friend was, but instead I said it in all chat.

17. Have you ever accidentally sent a "sext message" to an unintended contact?
Yes, but thankfully again with a game instead of text messages. It's much less embarrassing online.

18. Have you ever clogged a toilet after pooping?
Yes. In public. I was much younger and, being the good Samaritan I was, I informed the staff about it. Definitely one of my more cringe-worthy moments.

19. If you experience periods, have you ever bled through your clothes?

20. If you died right now, what would be the most embarrassing thing someone would find in your house?
My sex toy collection.

21. Are there any unwanted nude photos of you floating around the internet?
Not to my knowledge.

22. Have you ever fallen prey to an internet scam?
Yes. To be fair, I was like ten years old.

23. Have you ever made an idiot of yourself in front of a crush?
Wait, has anyone ever not made an idiot of themselves in front of a crush?

24. Have you ever argued with an authority figure only to find out you were VERY wrong?
Yep. As an extremely argumentative individual, I've totally been there.

25. Have you ever been in jail?

26. Have you ever come to the realization that you've been walking around with your pants zipper down, or with a hole in your pants?
Yes. Although, usually, people tell me first. The only time I can remember it happening where I discovered it was when I was working at Starbucks. Thankfully, the aprons prevent any such mishaps from being obvious.

27. Have you ever accidentally walked in on someone in the bathroom?

28. Have you ever accidentally told someone you loved them?
No, thank fucking god. Last time I had real crushes on people was in high school, and let's just say I prefer the stereotypical straight fuckboys. Would not have ended well.

29. Have you ever accidentally called someone mom or dad?
Yes. Wanted to die afterward.

30. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
No. Age gaps are extremely gross to me.

31. Have you ever had a crush on/fantasized about a cartoon character?
As a residential weeaboo fucklord, yes.

32. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant only to find out the bill was WAY more than you could pay?
No, thankfully. However, my mother did once realize that she only barely had enough to pay at a Chinese restaurant. The waitress, not being very fluent in English, kept asking, "No tip?" I felt terrible. Next time I went there and got her as a waitress, I tipped double.

33. Have you ever spilled drink or food at a restaurant?
Not even including my years as a child, yes. I am super clumsy.

34. Have you ever been denied a kiss on a first date?
Never had a first date.

35. Have you ever been caught trying to cheat, scam, or steal?
Not that I'm aware of. I have been wrongly accused, but I tend to avoid these types of things.

36. Have you ever set off a store alarm while trying to exit?
Yes. I fucking hate this one the most.

37. Do you get zits in noticeable places?

38. Have you ever had your pubic hair get snagged by your clothes?
Oh, yeah. That's about when I started trimming my pubes.

39. Have you ever gotten a REALLY bad itch on your genitals while in public, so you couldn't scratch it?
...I'm the type of person who will find a corner and give 'em a good scratch.

40. Have you ever finished on the toilet only to find out that there's no more toilet paper, then have to do the "Walk of Shame" to the closet (or, if in a public bathroom, to the next stall) to find some?
Yep. When I was home alone, so it wasn't quite so terrible. Still pretty awful.

lilith_ 04-23-2018 03:17 AM

1. Have you ever peed your pants in school? No, but I've been pretty close. Stupid teachers not allowing us to use the toilet!
2. Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY peed yourself as an adult? Yes... I was drunk and waiting at a line outside a nightclub's toilet. Awkward.
3. Have you ever been caught naked by your parent(s)/child(ren)? No
4. Have you ever caught your parent(s) naked? Yes
5. Have you ever had your sexuality or kink outed to a family member? My brother
6. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn you were related? No :o
7. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn they were married? Yes, but soon to be divorced
8. Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating by your parent(s)/child(ren)? Yes.....
9. Have you ever caught your parent(s)/child(ren) having sex? Yes
10. Have you ever been caught farting in a public (polite) area? Lol just blame someone else
11. Have you ever had an upset stomach on a date that ended in diarrhea, gas, or vomiting?Vomiting, yes
12. Have you ever been called out for having smelly gas?I fart roses, idk what you're talking about
13. Have you ever had a credit card declined and/or had to endure the "Walk of Shame" while returning your items because you can't buy them? It's happened but with cash and I didn't have a credit card.
14. Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs in the company of others?Yes
15. Have you ever sent an AWFUL drunk text, or drunk-dialed someone?Way too often
16. Have you ever been caught talking behind someone's back, by the person you're talking about?LOL YES
16. Have you ever accidentally sent a scathing text message about someone to the person it's about?I've sent a screenshot of our messages to that person when I was supposed to send it to a friend.
17. Have you ever accidentally sent a "sext message" to an unintended contact? tsk tsk tsk I'm a good girl, I don't do these things......
18. Have you ever clogged a toilet after pooping?looooool no
19. If you experience periods, have you ever bled through your clothes?obviously?
20. If you died right now, what would be the most embarrassing thing someone would find in your house?my diary
21. Are there any unwanted nude photos of you floating around the internet?hopefully not
22. Have you ever fallen prey to an internet scam?I've falling prey to real life scam :D
23. Have you ever made an idiot of yourself in front of a crush?who hasn't?
24. Have you ever argued with an authority figure only to find out you were VERY wrong?Daily with Sir
25. Have you ever been in jail?Just for a few hours
26. Have you ever come to the realization that you've been walking around with your pants zipper down, or with a hole in your pants?Way too many times. My favorite jean's zipper keeps unzipping.
27. Have you ever accidentally walked in on someone in the bathroom?LOL I've walked into a friend's brother having diarhea so there's that......
28. Have you ever accidentally told someone you loved them? No
29. Have you ever accidentally called someone mom or dad?"accidentally"
30. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?Ah..... You just described my whole teenage years....
31. Have you ever had a crush on/fantasized about a cartoon character?Ash Ketchum....
32. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant only to find out the bill was WAY more than you could pay?It was a bar, not a restaurant
33. Have you ever spilled drink or food at a restaurant?Yes, and not only that but I've done this multiple times while working at one. But that
s normal, right?

34. Have you ever been denied a kiss on a first date?Yes
35. Have you ever been caught trying to cheat, scam, or steal?Yes, on a exam in high school.
36. Have you ever set off a store alarm while trying to exit?Yes but I hadn't stolen anything
37. Do you get zits in noticeable places?Periods do that, you know
38. Have you ever had your pubic hair get snagged by your clothes?I keep it shaven so nope
39. Have you ever gotten a REALLY bad itch on your genitals while in public, so you couldn't scratch it?Who says I didn't scratch it? Just put a jacket over your lets and you're ready to scratch
40. Have you ever finished on the toilet only to find out that there's no more toilet paper, then have to do the "Walk of Shame" to the closet (or, if in a public bathroom, to the next stall) to find some?That happens way too often at home

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