getDare Truth or Dare

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lotusdriver81 12-10-2016 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Samishere (Post 2557069)
Have you done or have you got anything exciting this weekend?

I have nothing exciting planned this weekend. It's been pretty boring so far.

Have you done all your Christmas shopping yet?

I have. I am all done, wrapped and ready to go.

If money was no object, what gift would you buy and for who?

I would get my friends (who have had a horrible year for various reasons) a lovely holiday that they would love and deserve.

Sam~ 12-10-2016 04:02 PM

What are you wearing today?

What is your favourite outfit?

If you had a long coat, would you go shopping just in a corset panties and coat?

lotusdriver81 12-10-2016 04:06 PM

What are you wearing today?

Today I'm wearing a black skirt, blue top, black satin thong, stockings and heels

What is your favourite outfit?

Definitely my maid outfit at the moment

If you had a long coat, would you go shopping just in a corset panties and coat?

Difficult one to answer. I'd like to say yes if I weren't anywhere near where I lived and probably wouldn't go on my own though. I need shoes as well though lol

Matt: 12-11-2016 11:59 AM

What's the best gift you have ever received?

What's the best gift you have ever given?

What's the worst gift you have ever received?

Anything you are really hoping you get for Christmas?

lotusdriver81 12-11-2016 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Matt: (Post 2558529)
What's the best gift you have ever received?
I was given a brand new car once. (Company car) technically not a christmas present but hey I think it counts.

What's the best gift you have ever given?
I gave someone christmas day off once so they could be with their family and I worked in their place.

What's the worst gift you have ever received?
Never really received a bad gift. To me all gifts are great it is the thought that counts.

Anything you are really hoping you get for Christmas?

Hopefully will get some more clothes this year but I'm not really fussed.

Great questions btw :)

Matt: 12-11-2016 03:38 PM

If you could meet anyone in history, who would it be? why? and what would you ask them?

Is there anything in your life you'd go back and change if you could?

lotusdriver81 12-11-2016 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by Matt: (Post 2558850)
If you could meet anyone in history, who would it be? why? and what would you ask them?

Hmm, good question. I think I'd like to meet Neil Armstrong. I think He'd be fascinating to talk to about landing on the moon. I'd definitely ask him what that first step was like.

Is there anything in your life you'd go back and change if you could?

I don't have any regrets. I try not to dwell on the past. lol

Matt: 12-13-2016 07:49 AM

If you could do any job/career in the world, what would it be? (or what would your dream job be?)

If you could live as someone else for 1 month (could be anyone in the world) who would it be and why? (assuming there's no consequences)

lotusdriver81 12-13-2016 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by Matt: (Post 2561341)
If you could do any job/career in the world, what would it be? (or what would your dream job be?)

I think being CEO of Apple would be a great job. I would be able to fix some of their errors with their new products!

If you could live as someone else for 1 month (could be anyone in the world) who would it be and why? (assuming there's no consequences)

I wouldn't mind being Anna Kendrick for a month. For obvious reasons but not limited to seeing what being a female was like.

Matt: 12-16-2016 12:26 AM

Are you superstitious at all?

What's the best event of any kind you have ever been to?

Do you have a bucket list? If so what's on it? (or if not, what would be on it?)

lotusdriver81 12-16-2016 03:35 AM


Originally Posted by Matt: (Post 2565098)
Are you superstitious at all?

Not at all.

What's the best event of any kind you have ever been to?

Once went to a car launch for the company I work for in London. Amazing to see everyones reactions to the new car.

Do you have a bucket list? If so what's on it? (or if not, what would be on it?)

I don't really. I would like to try out a couple of fantasies but as far as other things, I don't really have any other goals at the moment. I should perhaps come up with a bucket list.

lotusdriver81 01-14-2017 01:58 PM

Anymore questions from anyone?

Matt: 01-19-2017 02:29 PM

do you have any phobia's or anything your scared of?

lotusdriver81 01-20-2017 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Matt: (Post 2625951)
do you have any phobia's or anything your scared of?

I'm quite glad to say I'm not. I have no phobias or anything that I'm particularly scared of.

Sain 01-24-2017 05:05 AM

Favorite books and authors?

You like to ask what 3 wishes people would make, what would yours be?

Are you older or younger than me?

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