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BadWolf1 11-29-2013 05:03 PM

My favourite Doctor is as everyone's: David TENnant!
I was so sad when he died, and I almost cried... :(:(:(
however, when I heard about the 50 anniversary coming up I was SO happy because I knew tennant will be back, and I was missing him so bad...
and ofcourse Steven Moffat broke my heart once again when David left (again) with his "I don't want to go"... and how dared Matt smith laugh at him!!!!! I almst cried again...

shadew21 11-29-2013 05:08 PM

I am definitely not the biggest Dr. Who fan as I stopped watching after Tennant, but I still enjoy the series and am interested again after the 50th anniversary. So my choice for a doctor reincarnation would be the Tenth. All majorly because I think he was the coolest and funniest. Plus he had rose who was an awesome partner.

andrewrk 11-29-2013 05:10 PM

Realizing this thread may be dead, but...
... I'm far and away too nerdy not to post about Doctor Who. Huge fan of the show.

I can't really pick a favorite Doctor. I've seen all 11 (12?) and they all have aspects that I really enjoy. Tom Baker was technically my first, but I only started watching it religiously when the series relaunched in 2005. Since then I got really into the classic episodes. I really enjoyed Colin Baker's short tenure, I think the Sixth Doctor got a bad rap he didn't deserve. Paul McGann was extremely talented, and it's a shame that he didn't get more time in the role (but man... the Night of the Doctor short was awesome). Patrick Troughton is probably one of my most loved classic Doctors though.

I loved David Tennant. Plain and simple. Matt Smith too. Smith brought this deep anger to the character that nobody did before. Tennant could definitely do righteous anger, but Smith was the first actor to make the Doctor cold. He had this icy place he went when he was hurt, or the people he cared about were hurt, that I found really pretty frightening at times. He really emphasized the alien-ness of the Doctor.

Currently, I'm going nuts about the Christmas special. Moffat says the Doctor has used all his regenerations, so.... what the hell? I have theories, but won't post them cause they might be spoilers if you haven't seen Day of the Doctor (but if you're a fan and you haven't seen it... shame on you). I'm just hoping whatever answer we get, it isn't too Moffat-y.

Ok. Done nerding.

annabell 11-29-2013 05:10 PM

i really love Smith version of Doctor Who its amazing he is like true doctor .... i loved ecclestone and tennat but now i cant imagine better actor for this role than Smith , firstly he look like alian and this is hot secondly his behave is just perfect and so natural that you really can forget that he is just an actor playing Doctors role. So i just wait till next season and i will try to get loved new version of doctor. so my fav is last Smith version

slavesissyboy 11-29-2013 11:27 PM

Okay my favorite is one only true doctor who fans will know william hartnell if you know him please pm me so i know how cool you are <3

quizmaster 11-30-2013 12:19 AM

I am older than most people on this site, and have watched Doctor Who since the William Hartnell era, and in my opinion David Tennant is the best Doctor there has ever been, by far. His magic is the complexity of emotion he shows - he is a fantastic actor, and his portrayal of the Doctor has Shakespearean depth. What's more, I remember hearing that there was a poll of Doctor Who fans, conducted by Doctor Who Magazine, on which Doctor was the best - and Tennant emerged as the victor. The key thing here, surely, is that the readers of this magazine would have an informed opinion, and know the history of the show, they wouldn't be overly influenced by the recent actors who have occupied the role.

I also think that the greatest single Doctor Who story is Blink, which of course was in Tennant's era, though I would also rank the 50th anniversary episode very highly indeed.

However, there is one caveat I would like to make: we now know that John Hurt is a canonical Doctor, and I think he could give Tennant a run for his money. I would like to see Hurt make more appearances as the Doctor, and then the poll should be held again. Paul McGann also should be brought back. His recent appearance in The Night of the Doctor shows his great potential.

Strangely enough, a couple of years ago, I communicated with a woman on this site, who was a big Doctor Who fan, and she accepted my dare to take part in a strip quiz on webcam, with questions about Doctor Who, with the forfeit that she would lose an item of clothing for every question she failed to answer correctly. However, she chickened out, and the quiz never happened, alas.

Artemis91 11-30-2013 02:47 PM

The greatest doctor was undoubtedly Peter Cushing.

It's just a fact.

aff587 11-30-2013 05:24 PM

10, he is probably my favorite character in any fandom. I could be lenghty, but the only thing that is really worthwhile to say is that i really don't like the writing for 11. MS is a great Doc with good companions, but honestly, if it weren't for the amazing one liners, and the otherwise rarely seen genuine moments of emotion on television, i would have dropped dr who ny now.

quizmaster 12-01-2013 02:03 AM

Reading this thread made me decide to watch The Day of the Doctor again. I have already said that I think that Tennant is the greatest Doctor, and I still think that, but Matt Smith does have some good moments too. I love the expression on his face when he sees Tom Baker. But what I really want to say is that the writing of The Day of the Doctor is superb. One of the most wonderful bits is when John Hurt refers to the childishness of saying "timey-wimey", and adds that "It is as though you are ashamed to be an adult". Put in the context of the slaughter of billions of Gallifreyan children, it adds extraordinary depth to the characterisation.

But I think that such writing is rare on Doctor Who these days. Overall, the show has gone downhill since Russell T. Davies left. Moffat is obviously capable of extraordinary things, when he puts in the effort, as in The Day of the Doctor and Blink, but I think too often the show just drifts, and even gets rather boring. Moffat should give up all other work and devote himself wholeheartedly to Doctor Who.

And I knew someone would mention Peter Cushing! I enjoyed those movies when I was a kid, but of course they are non-canonical, and Cushing really just plays a dotty old grandfather, without the depth and mystery of William Hartnell. He isn't even an alien, but simply a man whose real name is Who. I remember hearing, incidentally, that someone had done a novelisation of Cushing's Doctor. If an actor could be found who resembled Cushing, it would be interesting for a meeting to take place between the real Doctor and the Cushing-Doctor, perhaps in some parallel world. Now there's an idea for a script, Mr Moffat!

Misa 12-01-2013 03:18 AM

Cant decide between David and Matt.

treeman 04-01-2015 12:54 AM

D Dennant and T Baker......

Patrick Bateman 04-01-2015 01:00 AM

Peter Davison is my favorite Doctor of all time, but my favorite New Who Doctor is David Tennant. Peter Capaldi is quickly rising up the ranks though.

Siren 04-01-2015 02:50 AM

I haven't ever watched any Classic Who, so for me it's out of Nine, Ten, Eleven and Twelve. I quite like Peter Capaldi's Doctor, but the writing at the moment is pretty dire, so the stories he's been given have let him down a bit. I recently rewatched Nine's series, and most of Ten's run, and I found Ten to be a bit of an arrogant dick this time around. Haven't watched any of Eleven's episodes recently, but I still think Nine would be my favourite. He has so much flair and I can't help but love a sarcastic northerner :p

HornyLindsey 04-01-2015 02:27 PM

Matt Smith was my first and favorite. He's cute and fun and I loved Moffat's writing in his seasons :)

Kelthrai 04-01-2015 02:52 PM

I grew up with David Tennant, he's quite obviously the best of the modern ones (although Peter Capaldi is pretty awesome).

Going old-school, Tom Baker and Jon Pertwee (4 and 3 respectively) are pretty much equal.

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