getDare Truth or Dare

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Powerstrip 11-21-2011 08:25 PM

It's only taken 4 years.....

However, the magic of the internet and stories, story people do not age!

I hope you like it. Not sure how an 18 year old and 22 year old me's story writing techniques match up and if the thought train is similar enough to work.

Please disregard admireu4ever's post. That will not be the continuation of the story.
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An hour after I'd started the work I hadn't got very far. It was stuff that was 3 years ahead of me and while there were some things I could work through (slowly) there was a lot that I just didn't know how to start.

She came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. She was still wet and her skin glistened in the light.

"How're you getting on?" She asked, leaning over the desk to have a look. I could feel her breasts leaning against my back and on my shoulder, which led to the inevitable penis throbbing.

"Is that all? You've had an hour and you've only done 4 questions of maths? There's biology and physics to go too!"

"I can't do it though! I've never learned half of this stuff. I'm 3 years younger than you, you know lots more about this stuff Mistress. If you can't do it,then I definitely can't!"

She glared at me, clearly unimpressed.
"Alright, well I know you can do that maths, you're doing OK on that. So you'll finish the other 11 questions for me. The rest I will have to do because my bad slave won't"
As an indication of how I wasn't going to get any special privileges for these remarks, she went back to the bathroom and came back out soon after, fully clothed and dry.

Having felt her breasts against me though, I was still fairly hard. She came back to see I'd only written out the next question, I'd been too distracted to do much extra.

"You're being a bad slave for me!" She angrily said, "Let's keep your mind on the job, shall we?"
She pulled open a drawer and took a bulldog clip, and clamped it onto the end of my penis.

It pinched tightly at my cock and the pain brought my focus away from fantasies of her breasts.

I did my best to work hard, slowly working out the equations, checking my working and slowly, but surely getting through the questions.

Occasionally she came over to look at how I was doing. The first time she came over she attached a clip to my right nipple. I'd only just finished that same equation.

The second time she came over I'd managed to do two whole questions and was far into the third, I was clearly getting the hang of this. She pulled the clip off my penis. It stretched my cock out far and I felt like it was almost tearing the skin. She pulled slowly and gently, stretching the foreskin out further and further. Eventually the clip lost grip and began to slide over the skin until there was a faint click of the jaws of the clip coming back together and a smack of skin on skin as my penis slapped down again.

I got a short smack across the head for the "oww" I'd uttered during this whole scenario and she wandered back over to her bed as I was left to carry on with the questions.

Over the next hour I had pegs added and removed to my nipples, mouth, ear and penis.

Finally I finished the questions. I put the pen down and stood up, moving in front of the bed I announced the news to her:
"I've finished mistress."

She glanced over the top of the magazine she was reading.
"Really? All of them?"
"Yes Mistress"
"Let's have a look" she dropped the magazine and held out a hand for the exercise book. I fetched it over to her and stood impatiently, keeping my hands behind my back so that I would grab at the clip on my left nipple and scrotum.

She took her time going through the questions, following what I'd done and seeing if she agreed with the answers. It felt like half an hour that I just stood in mild pain waiting for her.

"Hmmm....I think you've got the last one wrong" she said, a half smile on her face. I moved forward and took the exercise book from her, looking again at what I'd written. I followed the maths through, checking I'd rearranged correctly and not made a silly error.

Suddenly she sat up and I looked up, but too late realised what happened.
I'd heard a click and a sharp pain in my scrotum. She'd yanked that clip off of me.

"Ahhhh" I said, sinking down and holding them in pain.
"Oh no you don't" she said, she placed her hand under my chin and pulled me up, with the other hand slapping my hands away from my crotch.

I stood tall looking at her, but my face was contorted in pain and I could feel tears at the edge of my eyes. She lowered her hand from my chin and again I was unprepared as she yanked the clip off of my nipple.

I looked down to see a very red and sore looking nipple.

"Hehe, sorry, but I spent the whole time thinking how best to do this. I think you've done well, they look OK. But we will see when I get the marks back, won't we! Because of you being a good boy at this, you get a treat. But because you didn't do my other homework, you don't get as good a treat as it could have been" She said, with a wink.

"But Miss, I can't do that other homework. Maths I can do OK, but the other things I just haven't learnt!" I protested.

"Hush, you'll get what you're given and be happy" was her curt reply. I stood waiting and she went into the bathroom.
"Now I thought you could have these" she called as she came out the bathroom. She held up a pair of panties that were curled up. "I was wearing them today you see".

I didn't really understand why a pair of her used panties would be so exciting, but it did. I reached out for them but before I could take them, she swung them back behind her towards the dirty clothes pile.
"But who wants used panties?" She smiled at me as if the thought was crazy, making me feel just a little foolish for my clear excitement that my face had betrayed.

"But I do have these that you can have, as long as you wear them everytime you come over and when you sleep" She lifted out of her pocked a very small and flowery pair of pants. They were little girl pants. "They're my sisters, so do keep good care of them. Slip them on" she said pushing them into my hands.

I took them and slipped them on. They were extremely tight and very feminine. Not sexy, woman feminine. Little girly feminine.
"Aww, you look so adorable!" she giggled. "OK, I think it's bed time for the little girl. Off you go!"

I moved towards my clothes in the corner and went to put them on.
"Oh come on, I want to sleep now. You're only popping next door and going to bed, you don't need to wear them"

I picked them up instead and went to the door. She followed to lock it. In the door way I stopped and turned to face her.
"Thank you for my new underwear mistress" I said.
"Your welcome little.....Amy. You will now be my slave Amy." She giggled.
"Good Night Mistress" I replied, feeling myself blushing
"Good Night Amy" she said and locked the door.

I climbed back into my house and shut the window and settled myself into bed. Why were used panties so hot to me? And why did these, although very tight panties, make me feel

The gentle throbbing of pain from my nipples and cock were subsiding and this allowed me to fall into a relatively turned on, but deep sleep.

Silvercola 11-21-2011 09:17 PM

I love it please more.

daremaster 1 11-22-2011 05:25 PM

I'm starting to really love this story!

Aliciai<3u 11-23-2011 02:34 PM

Aboslutly love it

post more

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