getDare Truth or Dare

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girlsockboy 04-03-2018 03:03 PM

I love your detailed reports about how horny you are and how you are always kept desperate. I hope for our sake that you are not allowed to cum for a long time.... possibly never allowed to cum ever again :)

Pet Ra 04-05-2018 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by girlsockboy (Post 3238068)
I love your detailed reports about how horny you are and how you are always kept desperate. I hope for our sake that you are not allowed to cum for a long time.... possibly never allowed to cum ever again :)

Thank you :)

I guess / hope that I'll have orgasms one day again (giving up orgasms for the rest of my life would be to hard for me), but not too soon.

You made me realize that I haven't asked for permission to orgasm since I was in denial and didn't even think about it since I was in chastity. I'm not afraid about Master saying "no", I'm afraid that he will say "yes."

It's a bit weird. Of course I love orgasms and have them taken away was a really big deal first. But now I've come this far and knowing that I've to start all over again scares me off. Plus, I kinda like the constant tension in my lower body :o.

Also, Master thinks that "despite I seem to lack the ability of deep-throating I became quite a good cock-sucker" and Mistress thinks that my toungue-skills have improved too (#proud).

Manarus 04-05-2018 06:10 AM

Wow, really cool storry :)
Maybe you can achieve a whole year without?

Pet Ra 04-05-2018 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by Manarus (Post 3240224)
Wow, really cool storry :)
Maybe you can achieve a whole year without?

Thank you :)

It's all in the hands of Master and, well, 81 days have passed already ;)
I never thought I would come this far, so I'll never say never.

Pet Ra 04-07-2018 06:28 PM

Friday: (Day 82 / 49)
Enema: 01 / 20

Well, the school was closed for holidays this week, so nothing worth reporting happened.

Except for Tuesday when I had a punishment that was still pending - it was for asking for permission to remove the belt on gD, instead of Master and Mistress. The report can be found here.

Because of that, I wasn't allowed to remove my chastity belt too, beside for the 20 minutes per day for maintaining proper hygienics. I didn't even got my weekly tease or the enema :(.

Being in absolute "no touch" now is way harder than I thought and that Mistress still is railed daily while I only have to watch (and clean Master and her afterwards) doesn't make it any easier. I start squirming as soon as I get told to lay between Mistress' legs.

Pet Ra 04-10-2018 11:43 AM

Monday (Day 85 / 52)
Enema 01 / 20

I did it. I really did it.
I went to school wearing my chastity belt.

When Mistress wanted to pick me up I already waited for her downstairs. She seemed very surprised and asked me if I really wanted to do it. I blushed, but nod. I felt so brave.

But at school I doubted my mind.
However, now I was there and it was too late to chicken out. Even I was very nervous the whole time I also was excited. And the best: noboy seem to have noticed how naughty I was :D

When we came home I was so wet but even that wasn't felt embarrassing because it was the prove how much liked it.
Master and Mistress were also really proud of me. Words can't describe how released I felt.

The only flaw on this otherwise perfect day was that I got my "lady issues" in the evening. I'm thankfull that I didn't get much cramps or being in pain during my period. Yet I was a bit annoyed that the pads don't really fit in the belt.
But this is one of the perks of having a small body, even the smallest chastity belt has to be worn at the smallest setting - Master just put it a notch bigger so the pads fit into it. It doesn't feel different to wearing pads in panties and today nobody seemed to noticed again - I'm really proud of myself :)

theswitchyside 04-10-2018 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by Pet Ra (Post 3247601)
Monday (Day 85 / 52)
Enema 01 / 20

I did it. I really did it.
I went to school wearing my chastity belt.

When Mistress wanted to pick me up I already waited for her downstairs. She seemed very surprised and asked me if I really wanted to do it. I blushed, but nod. I felt so brave.

But at school I doubted my mind.
However, now I was there and it was too late to chicken out. Even I was very nervous the whole time I also was excited. And the best: noboy seem to have noticed how naughty I was :D

When we came home I was so wet but even that wasn't felt embarrassing because it was the prove how much liked it.
Master and Mistress were also really proud of me. Words can't describe how released I felt.

The only flaw on this otherwise perfect day was that I got my "lady issues" in the evening. I'm thankfull that I didn't get much cramps or being in pain during my period. Yet I was a bit annoyed that the pads don't really fit in the belt.
But this is one of the perks of having a small body, even the smallest chastity belt has to be worn at the smallest setting - Master just put it a notch bigger so the pads fit into it. It doesn't feel different to wearing pads in panties and today nobody seemed to noticed again - I'm really proud of myself :)

Wow! Really glad you did it! Hope you continue doing it ;)

Pet Ra 04-20-2018 01:47 PM

Friday (Day 96 / 63)
Enema 02 / 20

Well, I'm in strict chastity for ten days now and the first days I was very nervous to wear it to school. But now it's somehow just like regular underwear for me, a piece of unyielding and embarrassing underwear. Okay, and since it's made of metal and silicone it gets a bit sweaty / annoying the last days because it was so warm. But beside that it feels quite normal. Strange how easy you can adapt to something like this :o

Because I behaved so well the last weeks Master let me chose today if I wanted one human privilege back for one week or wanted to get teased the rest of the day.
I thought that it would be nice to walk instead of crawl or using the toilet again, and not the piss bucket, but I have to admit: I kinda like it. Or the humiliation by this.
Of course I was ashamed when I got told that I have to pee in a bucked the first time, but now it wasn't that bad any more. I'm still a bit ashamed by doing so. But now it's because of how arousing it feels :o

Also I couldn't help myself, it has been more than two weeks since the belt was off for more than 15 minutes. My cunt was not like "Would you be so kind and touch me, please", it was more like "GRAB ME AND SHOW WHAT YOU GOT!!!"

So, even I knew that I would regret it I chose "tease".
I knew that it was just tease, not even an edge but I was so needy (and hoped I would get an edge "accidentally"), I just wanted to have someone / something / anything touching my cunt.

Little did I knew.

The belt stayed on. All. The. Time.
So nothing touched my cunt. Or asshole. Or nether region in general.

I was placed on the bed with some towels under me and my owners started to tease me.
The first 30 minutes felt really nice, Master massaged my feet and legs while Mistress rubbed the coconut oil all over my body, but sparing my "hot spots".
They were taken care of much, much later. And almost more than I could handle.

I could feel Masters hand sliding over my thighs to the edge of the belt and circling it then, while Mistress finger tips gently caressing my belly or drawing circles around my breast and nipples. I got really heated up and soon I start shivering in anticipation.

Then I learned what it means when people say the nipples are connected to the genitals. Master and Mistress started with slow rubs and light twists before sucking and biting them. And my cunt got furious.
In between I got tickled softly till I had the feeling my body was covered in ants and I began to squirm. Nevertheless the teasing continued, but as I start kicking my legs I got bound, for our all safety.

As the teasing continued I start begging and because it had no use I got, well, not mad but bratty and demanding. So Master decided to gag me before my legs got untied and Mistress hold them up. Master took the paddle and spanked me hard, because that is what brats deserve.
After my punishment I got tied again and the teasing continued, now focusing on my nipples only.
My mind started to wander somewhere else till I got something else, something bestial. I was groaning and snarling through my gag and bucking in the rope. In my mind I my legs weren't spread because of the ropes, I spread them because I was begging him to mount me and made me his...

When I came back to mind Master ordered me to the bathroom where I got my second of the twenty enemas I have got as punishment from SoloM35. He filled my ass with 1,5 litre and showed me the anal plug for the belt before cramming me with it. While I had to press my ass against the wall (to get a taste of what it will feel) Mistress attached the second shield on my belt, covering the hole in the back. Master told me that he will attach the plug to the belt next time I behave bratty. But for now I can't touch me there and have to ask Mistress to remove it every time I need to poop - it's humiliating.

If I behave well next week I may ask to remove it.

Pet Ra 04-21-2018 01:14 AM

Befor you ask:
Mistress still helps Master to empty his baals daily. Rght now.
I sit hier on my blanket whil directly next to me my boyfriend fucks my BFF.

I don't know whats worse: their moans echoing throgh the room or the squischy noise Master cock makes with mIstress pussy.

My cunt twitches like crazy ,I'm panting und leaking thrugh my belt.
I can hardly concentrate , so nneedy. I Idserve this.

ltakltak 04-21-2018 02:28 PM

Great reports as always; a pleasure to read; I am utterly surprised you managed and dared to keep using the belt at school! That must become more complicated when the weather gets better and clothing gets a bit more skinny!

I wonder if you will ask to remove the ass-shield, or wether the shield will just become a new part of your humiliating routine... If I am judging the situation correctly you will be moving in another position: by also restraining your nipples from contact and touch in a month or so (using a strongly padded bra, or a chastity bra). Let's see if I am right ;-)

Pet Ra 04-21-2018 03:43 PM

Thank you :-)

Well, because of that Master ordered a hip and not a waist belt. So I can hide it under my jeans - at least I hope that it's still hidden in summer. But because I always wear jeans I'm not worried.

The ass-shield isn't as bad as I feared. I still need to inform my owners that "I need to poop" and then it got removed. Yet I hope that it won't become routine. Even I don't feel it at my body I feel it on my mind. It somehow has a punishing character.

Master had the same idea with the chastity bra and we talked about this, but I would "refuse" (it's a too strong word, but I can't think of a better one) to wear it. I guess what I fear is that people will notice when I suddenly grow a pair of tits ;)
So he didn't order one. But after the experience with the belt I would never say never.

But Master said that this won't become an issue before I learned to edge from my nipples only, on a regular basis. Mistress asked if I couldn't just lie and don't say when I reach the edge, but I never lied to Master and he knows that. So we will think about a solution when I'm ready.

Saturday (Day 97 / 64)
Enema 02 / 20

As you can see on post #54; well, that is what happens if I write directly at gD and not in "OpenOffice" with auto-correct while being very, very horny. My brain just stops working properly - that's what I wanted to show you :o
People say that men have their brain between their legs - guess were mine was this morning.

Would someone of the native english speakers be so nice and count / mark the typos and other errors (I counted twelve so far), please? So I can get my well deserved punishment for it. Thank you :)

When Master was finished with Mistress (this time I was not allowed to clean them :() we ate lunch and in the afternoon we went shopping. After we bought some groceries we went to a garden-centre and got some flowers for the roof garden. Now it looks more nicely when we sit on the roof terrace. But we have to wait for the Ice Saints till we can make everything nice again.

While Mistress and me planted everything we bought Master checked the Hot Tub - Summer can come :-)

ltakltak 04-22-2018 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Pet Ra (Post 3258247)
Before you ask:
Mistress still helps Master to empty his baals daily. Rght now.
I sit hier on my blanket whil directly next to me my boyfriend fucks my BFF.

I don't know whats worse: their moans echoing throgh the room or the squischy noise Master's cock makes with mIstress's pussy.

My cunt twitches like crazy ,I'm panting und leaking thrugh my belt.
I can hardly concentrate , so nneedy [missing verb here]. I Idserve this.

Well, I counted 19 (and I am not a native speaker)

ltakltak 04-22-2018 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Pet Ra (Post 3258891)
Thank you :-)

Master had the same idea with the chastity bra and we talked about this, but I would "refuse" (it's a too strong word, but I can't think of a better one) to wear it. I guess what I fear is that people will notice when I suddenly grow a pair of tits ;)
So he didn't order one. But after the experience with the belt I would never say never.

That's good to hear. My ideas were less extreme. Just a way to prevent you from touching your tits, or having accidental rubbing against the fabric.... I found this
, which is for sissies etc, but may come in handy for you as well ;-)...

Pet Ra 04-23-2018 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by ltakltak (Post 3259976)
That's good to hear. My ideas were less extreme. Just a way to prevent you from touching your tits, or having accidental rubbing against the fabric.... I found this
, which is for sissies etc, but may come in handy for you as well ;-)...

Oh. My. God :eek:

What a wonderful, yet evil, idea.
Master loves it.

Pet Ra 04-24-2018 01:16 PM

Tuesday (Day 100 / 67)
Enemas 02 / 20
Spanked 0100 / 1250


Originally Posted by ltakltak (Post 3259826)
Well, I counted 19 (and I am not a native speaker)

The user "adini" send me a PM because he found 6 more - which make 25 so far. According to my rules I get 50 spanks with the paddle for each mistake. So it's 1250 spanks (till now) in total :eek:. My poor ass :(

Today was my 100th day in denial so we had a little celebration - Master even got a cake with a 100 on top. Before I blew out the candles the sung to me (to the melody of "Happy Birthday"): "No orgasm for you, no orgasm for you, no orgasm for this pet, no orgasm for you." It was really funny, humiliating but fun. I even was allowed to sit at the table :)

After the celebration it was time for my spankings: I got 50 from Master and 50 from Mistress. The made sure my whole ass got bright red and it stings till now. Also my ass shield won't be removed till I got all the spanks to make sure that I learn my lesson.

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