getDare Truth or Dare

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crazyanal 04-29-2012 08:50 AM


Sexdemon 04-29-2012 02:55 PM

What does that mean?

GrrlSpanky 05-29-2012 09:47 PM

My turn
I really needed some rough use tonight and was somewhat disenchanted with spanking (shocking, I know). I've had my eye on this dare for a while and decided to give it a try. Honest I must be - I left out the mouth parts. Not my thing.

My Results:

Lube: 4- 5 mins.

3- Slowly insert the tip and then bring it out, and then repeat. Each time going in a little more until your all the way in.

5- 600 Fast, Shallow.

During this round, I really started to feel the lube run out around 250. I was surprised at how much I wanted that rough friction, how good it felt (tonight at least).

4- Suck for 5 mins then lick for 5 mins. -

Instead I cleaned the toy and lubed it up properly for the next round. Again, ick to that.

2- On your belly.

2- 400 pumps - slow, moderate.

I reallllllllllly enjoyed the long, slow strokes during this round. Again, feeling rough about halfway through but was very into it so didn't mind. Pfft "I didn't mind". I came. LOL

Heads - get fucked again. (reroll last dice roll and skip the coin toss next time)

I cheated and lubed again here. I know, not the point. But it's been awhile damn it!

4- 600 pumps - fast, moderate.

I really powered through this, fast and deep at first. This round buuuurned. The fun was wearing off. I was ready to have it over.

2- Take it out, cum on it then suck it clean.

I figured I cheated so much I wouldn't let myself cum at the end. I got to cum early in anyway.

Thanks for the dare! I bet I use it again.

puppyplay 05-30-2012 01:30 PM

why is there 2 things for how manny times i do it...

Sexdemon 05-30-2012 04:43 PM

Not sure what you mean, can you elaborate?

InterestedAlice 06-02-2012 12:33 AM

So my dice dare for the night turned out to be this one. Never really done much anal so lets see how this goes. Naked, check. Dildo, check. Ok lets do this :p

Roll: (1) 30 seconds
Ok sucking on my dildo for 30 seconds isn't bad at all.

Roll (2) Forcefully ram it in as far as it can go.
Doesn't sound like the best but I guess its over quick. Done it kinda hurt but its not that big so I managed it alright.

Roll: (4) 400 Slow, Moderate.
400 seems like alot but could have been worse. Finished it and it started feeling better but then kinda got dry and started to hurt. But 400 was alot. More lube :D great timing

Roll: (2) Lick it clean and all over, you have 5 mins.
Kinda tasted funny but I managed fine.

Roll: (3) On top humping down on it.
Well that will give my legs a workout I guess.

Roll: (4) 600 pumps - fast, moderate.
600 just a few more then last time :D My legs really stared to hurt basically doing squats over and over quickly. And the fact that a dildo was plungging into my butt didn't help either. 600 was crazy for me. I took like 4 breaks but managed.

Flip: (Tails) continue.
Lucky Me

Roll: (1) Take it out and suck it clean - No cumming.
Well that is annoying that I don't get to cum but whatever. Got it clean without much work, guess I am a clean girl :cool:

Overall a good dare but I'm just not that into anal but I like doing things I don't normally do. Thanks for the dare and I hope you guys like my post.

willingmale 06-02-2012 03:00 PM

Punishment time - I have to do this tomorrow for failing a previous task and have been ordered to post our conversation about it for everyone else's amusement, so here it is (I did not roll/flip, they were assigned to me)

[22:15:44] willingmale: just wanted you to know that after tomorrow, my arse won't be the same for ages

[22:16:13] willingmale: I know a deals a deal but its way more than you did and you said you've not recovered yet

[22:16:22] willingmale: how long ago was yours?

[22:18:04] Submissive9: Oh it was only this morning.

[22:18:13] Submissive9: Thats why I haven't recovered

[22:18:31] willingmale: was your dildo bigger than mine? (the one i'm going to use)

[22:18:51] Submissive9: Way bigger

[22:20:08] Submissive9: So suck it up and do the task

[22:20:13] willingmale: so lets sum up my fate - first set up webcam to video it all

[22:20:19] willingmale: next strip naked

[22:20:50] Submissive9: Yes

[22:21:01] willingmale: then roll a 6 - no lube!

[22:21:11] Submissive9: Yes

[22:22:14] willingmale: then a 2 - Forcefully ram it in as far as it can go - that's really going to hurt given its size and no lube

[22:23:21] willingmale: next roll is a 1 - so i need to fuck my arse slowly and deeply 200 times

[22:23:36] Submissive9: Yes

[22:25:09] willingmale: lube's running dry now, time to roll again, and its a 6 - still no lube allowed

[22:25:37] Submissive9: Correct

[22:26:24] willingmale: Now its time for the real fucking to begin, lets roll to see which positions I'm going to be fucked in

[22:27:45] Submissive9: Yes

[22:28:36] willingmale: its a 6 again! that means I am going to be fucked On my back legs in the air AND On my belly AND On top humping down on it AND On my side in the foetal position AND On my hands and knees

[22:29:10] Submissive9: Yes

[22:29:20] willingmale: Jesus, lets hope I don't have to do it much, time to roll again

[22:30:09] Submissive9: Yes

[22:30:51] willingmale: 3 this time, so for each position I need 600 moderately deep, moderately fast pumps - damn

[22:31:48] willingmale: That's 3000 pumps, and I've already done 200 - this will take quite some time to recover from

[22:32:43] Submissive9: Yes I can't wait to see this. It will be excruciating in the moment but it won't take as long as you think to recover

[22:32:45] willingmale: but when its over, it'll be time to toss a coin

[22:33:37] willingmale: and lets see what it is .... its..... Heads

[22:33:46] Submissive9: Haha yes

[22:35:23] willingmale: that means get fucked again! So I roll for the position I roll a 1 - On my back legs in the air

[22:36:38] Submissive9: You will be in so much pain. By the way I think I forgot a number. If I did it will be a one ok?

[22:39:40] willingmale: looks like I misread it! after flipping heads, I only re-roll the previous dice for the number of additional fuckings, not for the position

[22:40:22] Submissive9: Yes that's correct. Continue

[22:41:41] willingmale: that means the 1 I rolled means 400 fast deep pumps in every one of the five different positions. I'm now up to a total of 5200 pumps - will my arse ever be the same again/

[22:42:46] willingmale: and now to the finish - I roll a 6 which means...

[22:43:16] willingmale: ...keep it in for another hour, then roll again

[22:43:33] willingmale: Will this heinous task ever finish?

[22:43:55] Submissive9: Yes it will end soon

[22:45:18] willingmale: an hour later I roll again and get a 4 - I have to keep it in for a min, then take it out and suck it clean, then return it to my ass for 5 more mins of fucking, then bring it out and cum on it, and suck it clean again

[22:45:31] willingmale: and then I can relax!

[22:45:51] Submissive9: I told you yesterday before you failed a task that the punishment would be far worse. Well I wasn't lying was I?

[22:46:56] willingmale: no you certainly weren't - shall I add this conversation to Sexdemon's Anal Hell thread for other people's amusement

[22:48:00] Submissive9: Yes do that now

Wish me luck people...

storm 06-02-2012 09:39 PM

This is one of my favorite dares!!! I do this at least 3 times a week, sometimes more. I cum so hard to this one, its unbelievable!!! :D

willingmale 06-04-2012 02:27 AM

Did my dare (and sent the video to the relevant parties as proof), and it took ages

I felt amazingly sore and ruined afterwards, and lay on my bed with tears streaming down my face

One day on and my butt is still very sore but is recovering quicker than I thought it would

I think this is a great dare, but not one to be taken lightly. I was assigned it as a punishment and believe me it was punishing

Thanks Sexdemon, I think

HotPinkToes017 06-06-2012 03:09 PM

That was a great dare. Did this yesterday. My ass is still feeling it :D

alesub79 08-09-2012 10:12 AM

Great dare, ill do it again :)

1-30 sec
6-all in
1-200 slow deep
2-lick clean 5min
6-all above
3-600 moderate moderate
4-600 fast moderate
2-cum and suck

nas 08-11-2012 06:44 PM

2-4(2)-1-4-5-1- heads-2-2

18 m slave aus 08-15-2012 06:17 AM

can someone please roll for me(command from a master) me what numbers i have to do, will post results here afterwards

FrenchPlayer 08-15-2012 11:11 AM

Here you are:

You're not really a lucky personn, are you ? :)

jazmataz 08-15-2012 11:32 AM

I will let one other person roll the dice for me to decide my fate each time let me know what it is

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