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daremaster 1 02-13-2012 02:42 PM

:)You never let us down!

fitsexyguy 02-13-2012 04:00 PM

Such a tease Boop! Really love the way you write this story, it's really fantastic.

BettyBoop 02-13-2012 05:40 PM

I think my stories are only teasing because I've no idea how to write a sexy scene, maybe I'll attempt it this time around. :p

fitsexyguy 02-13-2012 10:38 PM

Well whatever the reason, it works very well for you XD

BettyBoop 02-16-2012 05:07 PM

Chapter 9

“I am so fucking pissed!” Tiffany Burbank raged around her pink room kicking a fluffy cushion at the wall while he friends sat silent on her white and pink beanbags. “Everyone saw and it’s not like they’re going to forget it any time soon. How am I going to be able to show my face again oh my GOD!” her voice became a high pitched scream.

“I don’t even get how it happened and it’s pissing me off because I have no one to fucking blame” her face flushed red and a vein on her forehead pulsed.
“It’s not like you’re not cruel to everyone anyway Tiff” Kate, one of her equally vicious friends, said. Her hair was dark and framed her face in long waves falling from a middle parting. Kate was beautiful... on the outside at least. Her lips were painted red and she smiled with anticipation of cruelty being dished out.

“I suppose I could just pick someone to make myself feel better” Tiffany cheered up at the thought and scooted onto her huge bed piled high with pillows and blankets and cuddly toys, it was clear her favourite colour was pink.

“Well I know how much you dislike Eliza” A petite girl with sandy blonde hair said quietly, her voice was sweet but laced with venom. “I don’t know why you hate her so much but why not her?”
“Because, idiot, then Sebastian would hate me” Tiffany shot back.
“I’m quite sure he already does Tiff...” Kate said raising an eyebrow. Kate and tiny blonde Alexis were two of very few people who weren’t afraid of saying whatever they pleased to Tiffany.

“Fuck you Kate. I can always change his mind; he only thinks I’m a bitch and well, I am. For some reason he chooses to stick with Eliza and that vile Amelia girl. I doubt they are of any benefit to him so I’m assuming he likes them” A look of utter disgust crossed Tiffany’s face.

“Are you honestly bothered who we choose? I just want to destroy someone. Ooh maybe we can make them cry” Alexis’ eyes filled with joy, it was a shame it was for something so awful.

“I agree Tiffy, I’m just ever so bored really” Kate flopped down across the bed next to her and kicked her shoes off.

“Fine, it’ll just have to be the first person to annoy me enough tomorrow” Tiffany smirked to herself. “If I can find someone else to humiliate then maybe people will forget about my little... incident”

Perhaps these girls were once nice... maybe even kind. It’s disturbing to see so much hatred spewing out of girls so young but these three embraced it.

daremaster 1 02-16-2012 05:11 PM

Love your story and your panda bear!

zac 02-17-2012 12:54 PM


ferret604 02-19-2012 02:58 PM

AWESOME!!! please keep going, this has so much potential

shaggy.canada 02-21-2012 06:20 PM

Thanks Great story

Dare-Master 03-07-2012 02:19 PM

please continue this story! I was so into it and then "poof" continuations disappeared! I hope you will continue as it is very unique and unlike any other story on here!

sm_limb 03-09-2012 05:08 AM

Bettyboop will you please continue this story is great

BettyBoop 03-13-2012 04:56 PM

Chapter 10

“DIY never leads anywhere good Alexis, you know that. No, I’ll have to get one of my loyal little minions to do it for me. That way I stay an angel in the eyes of the school and my parents of course. If I step out of line my Dad will stop giving me money and then how will I survive?” Tiffany was a bitch but she wasn’t stupid.
“Well I’m not doing it. Daddy still has my car from the unfortunate weed incident.” Kate rolled her eyes “Apparently working away for the weekend means a different thing to the both of us and I wasn’t expecting him home”
“Kate, sweetie, you’re not my minion. You’re one of my best friends.” Tiffany showed a few seconds of sincerity as a smile spread across her pretty face, one without any evil behind it.
“Ah, the ice queen has a heart” Kate blew a kiss at her.
“This is adorable but I have to go...” Alexis began
“And meet Kyle” Tiffany and Kate finished her sentence for her simultaneously.
Alexis rolled her eyes and Kate added “and fuck his brains out? You two are at it like rabbits.”
“ugh, bye.” Alexis rolled her eyes yet again and hurried out the room ignoring her friends and their fit of giggles.
__________________________________________________ ______________
Eliza stayed hidden under the quilt until she was sure Sebastian had made it into the bathroom. She waited until she was certain and then gave it another few minutes until she popped out of her cocoon. She ran her hands through her hair, feeling a number of tangles and a lot of frizz her hair was anything but cooperative especially in the morning. Eliza groaned inwardly, jumping over the back of the sofa she sprinted up the stairs trying to make as little noise as possible. From all the times Amelia had persuaded her to sneak out she’d memorised the noisy steps and now she skipped over them without even thinking.
Creeping into her room she ran over to a mirror to see how bad she really looked and she was pleasantly surprised. Other than her hair looking a little out of sorts she looked okay, she remembered she hadn’t bothered to wear make up the day before so luckily she had no panda eyes this morning. She ran a brush through her hair and began getting things ready for her shower, she liked to be organised. She grabbed a folded towel and a matching set of underwear which she shoved inside it rather than leaving it on top.
She imagined Amelia would have left her underwear on show on purpose but Eliza couldn’t bring herself to do that, in fact, Amelia was likely to leave out the sexiest underwear with the least amount of fabric just to get a reaction.
Eliza began searching through the mass of clothes in her wardrobe dismissing every outfit that came to mind, just as she decided to give up and just pull out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt she heard the door to the bathroom unlock.
The next few moments passed in slow motion in Eliza’s mind. She turned and noticed Sebastian’s bag thrown on her bed next to the clothes he’d been wearing, she took a moment to think about him naked in her room until it dawned on her that his clothes were in here and he was not. She knew she couldn’t get out of her room and disappear before he made it here; the bathroom was just across the hall. She grabbed her towel with her underwear stuffed inside it and began to walk to the door trying to seem causal; she hoped Sebastian wouldn’t think she’d planned to walk in on him in only a towel.
The door swung open and Sebastian stood in the doorway, at the sight of Eliza he smirked and tipped his head to the side, his hair flicked water and hung over his eyes.
“Hey Liza” his tone was teasing and he leant up against the door.
He had one of Eliza’s deep red towels loosely slung around his body hanging very low at his hips making Eliza just a little nervous. She wished he’d hold it up or something. She tried to keep her eyes on anything but his wet naked torso but that seemed to be impossible. His physique was perfectly chiselled and her eyes traced the v shape that trailed below the towel, she imagined tracing it with her tongue and then squeezed her eyes shut, weakly attempting to throw herself back into reality.
“HeySorryIThoughYouWeren’tInHere.” Her sentence exploded out of her mouth quickly.
“Well Liza, technically I wasn’t. I was in the bathroom but um, don’t worry about it” his smirk turned into a grin and he clearly noticed Eliza’s face warming up.
“Okay I’m going to go take a shower” Eliza still didn’t give any eye contact to Sebastian; she simply tried to squeeze out of her bedroom door gripping her towel to her chest.
In her haste she failed to realise trying to squeeze through the doorway Sebastian was standing half naked in was not the best way to get away from being close to him. As she walked through he turned to let her pass, her arm brushed his firm stomach and her brain forgot how to function for a few seconds. She stumbled into the bathroom, shutting the door and letting out the breath she’d been holding.

“Fuck” she murmured. “Fuck fuck fuck.”

slutjuice 03-14-2012 07:09 PM

Aww this is sweet!
Great job!

Rascal. 04-21-2012 12:49 PM


Great stroy, really enjoying it.

Keep up the good work!


BettyBoop 04-28-2012 04:56 AM

Chapter 11

Eliza leant against the bathroom door still gripping her towel, she felt her heart beating quickly and she imagined she could almost hear it. Eliza felt an odd, warm, tingling sensation in her stomach like the fluttering of butterflies and another sensation that travelled much further down. This was entirely new for Eliza, I mean, she knew Sebastian had a nice body she could tell that much from looking at him but she’s never seen him so undressed and the experience had quite literally taken her breath away. She told herself to focus. Focus on getting showered and dressed as quickly as possible; she didn’t enjoy the idea of Sebastian being alone in her room. All the things she had hidden in their popped into her mind each more scandalous than the last. Soon though her mind fluttered back to Sebastian standing wet and perfect in her doorway and how she’d merely muttered at him before running away.

“Damn it I’m a coward” Eliza cursed herself, she wanted to go back but she wasn’t brave enough. What would he say if she went back? What would she say? All these thoughts rushed about in her head and she tried to push away the one that persistently stood out for her.
She could always go in there without him talking to her or even seeing her.

She knew it was wrong she thought about what how awful it was to steal his privacy without him even knowing but she’d begun to think with a part of her brain she wasn’t proud of. She finally put down her towel and turned to the door, she stopped to think about it again but not for long enough to change her mind, closing her eyes and taken a deep breath. She felt time stop, she couldn’t explain what she felt when it did, it was different every time but she hoped it would become easier over time.

She found herself holding her breath and she tiptoed across the hall, it was silly really, time was frozen and she could be as loud as she wanted.
She reached her hand out toward her bedroom door and paused, she asked herself if she really wanted to do this but decided not to answer. She took a deep breath and turned the handle.

“Hey! Eliza! What the hell” Sebastian screamed out at Eliza, cupping his privates as he stumbled backwards. He had his boxers tangled around one ankle and a look of such shock on his face Eliza may have giggled if she wasn’t so baffled herself.

“Oh my God” Eliza couldn’t find any words to fix this situation. She was too sure that time had stopped she didn’t even check or listen out for Seb and now the regret was crushing her. Sebastian was stark naked and very much the opposite of frozen. She wanted to turn and run away, lock herself in the bathroom and never come out but she couldn’t move.

Sebastian stared at her incredulously “…Liza. Um I’m kinda underdressed here. I’m not one for asking someone to leave their own room but this is getting more awkward by the second” He stared at Eliza who was unmoving with frozen stunned look plastered over her face.

“Hey Liza, you’re breathing right?” Sebastian asked trying not to smile.
Eliza didn’t say a thing but as soon as the feeling slowly returned to her legs and her brain started functioning again she turned and ran.

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