getDare Truth or Dare

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shavedrachel rocks! 02-04-2012 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by HiI'mPaul (Post 615777)
Tom is the least likeable character both in story and in real life I have ever heard of. I really like the story but at some point I would call the police, Tom could never convince the police that you just made all of that up for no reason. I am just thinking realistically, but anyway, definitely keep writing. It is really good.

if u did that the photos could be given out or hidden for later with out police knowing

nonstopdisco 02-22-2012 04:14 AM

Thanks for all the feedback and sorry for the delay in this one. I think they'd be too embarrassed too involve the police and if they did that there would be comeback later on.

Thanks for reading everyone and I hope you enjoy this part

"Get over here then Baldy!" Tom called to me as he walked towards the back of the car. "We don't wanna be late for school"

I put my house keys in my school bag and went straight over to the back of the car. Tom opened the car boot and gave me a dodgy smile.

"Climb in then baldy" he grinned "and I'll be back for your clothes"

I placed my school bag in the car boot and took off my hoody handing it to Tom. I then climbed in lying down flat.

"Hurry it up" Tom demanded as he slammed the boot shut.

I lay there in the dark, the boot was virtually empty. I thought I'd better hurry up as I didn't wanna annoy Tom any further. I quickly unbuttoned my shirt and pulled it off then I undid my trousers getting them off as fast as possible.

I was just contemplating whether he'd want my boxers when suddenly a bright light filled the boot. I turned and noticed Tom had opened one of the pull down seats in the car that provided access to the boot.

"Hand your clothes over then" Tom ordered "you've got 5 seconds"

I pushed the shirt and trousers through the gap then pulled my boxers off faster than I ever have before then I threw them out into the car.

I was freezing cold again but at least I wasn't getting wet like earlier.

"Nice one Baldy!" Tom said "Now hedgehog boy climb in there"

I saw Zack's bag get pushed through the gap then Zack climbed in the boot and lay down next to me. Zack was still fully dressed and had a cheeky grin on his face.

"Are you ok mate?" I asked as Tom pushed the seat back in place putting us in complete darkness "what are you grinning about?"

"Sorry" Zack whispered "I'm just glad I'm finally dressed and I ended up sticking with you"

"Well, I'm glad your here" I replied matching Zack's whisper "I'm freezing right now though"

Zack started laughing quietly.

"Hey, it's not funny" I whispered slightly annoyed "I could be really ill."

"Sorry" Zack replied reassuringly "You were just reminding me of last night"

"you were cruel last night" I laughed "but I had fun!"

"Yeah, and me" Zack agreed "shame I never got to taste my sandwich, hand made by my naked chef!"

"If we find a way out of this mess maybe we can spend some more time together" I replied

"Yeah I'd like that" Zack whispered "I can't see a way out of this anytime soon though"

"We'll think of something" I reassured him "while he's got those photos of us we'll just have to do as he says though"

"Yeah, and don't answer him back" Zack replied "Look what that cost ya"

Suddenly we heard everyone piling into the car and the engine was started.

"Hey Jim" one of them said "do them clothes fit ya ok?"

"Nah, they're a bit too tight" he replied "Paul! Hurry up and get to my house, dickhead's clothes don't fit"

I felt the car pull forward and Zack was thrown into me. I grabbed hold of him, then we both found some rubber ties to grab onto so we didn't get thrown about too much.

"Tom, are you gonna give that kid his shoes back?" The voice piped up again.

"What's that got to do with you?" Tom replied "You want me to take yours as well?"

"No Tom, I'm sorry mate" the voice replied sounding worried "I was just wondering"

"Well next time you ask me a stupid question like that I will" Tom said sounding annoyed "you've seen what happened to Baldy for asking dumb questions."

"yeah Tom" the voice replied "sorry mate"

"That sounds like Pete again" Zack whispered "I think Tom only keeps him round cause he comes from a rich family"

The car pulled up and we heard some doors slamming.

"Be quick Jim" Tom shouted "We're not gonna be late for school cause you were too busy admiring yourself in the mirror again.

"Screw you!" Jim shouted back.

The car went quiet for a minute when suddenly the boot was opened. I quickly rolled over as my instinct was telling me to hide my dick. My eyes took a few seconds to adjust and I saw Tom, Paul and the other two standing outside staring at us.

"Aw, that's cute" Tom said patronising us "they're lying down together"

The four lads started laughing, making me feel even more humiliated.

"Sit up then!" Tom shouted "you both look far too comfortable down there"

I turned around and sat up, hugging my legs into my stomach to hide my dick. Zack then sat up next to me, kneeling and sitting on his legs.

"Jim will be back in a minute with your clothes" Tom laughed "but being as you two seem to have made yourselves at home in there I'm gonna take hedgehog's clothes for a little bit as well"

"What, you want me naked as well?" Zack asked acting shocked even though he probably expected it.

"Yeah, you'll enjoy that won't ya?" Tom laughed "Anyway on the way to school we'll keep throwing your stuff in to ya but anything your not dressed in by the time we get there we'll burn on our campfire tonight."

"Campfire?" I asked wondering what he meant.

"Yeah Baldy" he replied "we've got plenty planned for tonight, but I'd dress fast if you want something to wear over the weekend"

Zack took his shoes and socks off and handed them to Tom.

"Leave these with your bags" Tom said "you can have them back when we get to school being as you haven't made any dumbass comments like Baldy"

Zack placed them in the corner under his bag. He then took off his hoody and handed it to Tom who smiled evilly and held it in his hand.

Zack then undid his shirt untucking it from his trousers and he pulled it off revealing his beautiful chest yet again.

"Hurry up!" Tom said sounding worried "Just pull em' off in one"

Zack undid his trousers and pulled them off along with his boxers. I began to get excited as Zack was now sitting next to me naked. Although I didn't like the situation one bit, any excuse to catch a glimpse of Zack naked warped my thoughts.

"Quick lie down" Tom whispered loudly as he grabbed up Zack's trousers and boxers and quickly began pushing the boot shut.

"Thomas!" I suddenly heard an older Woman's voice shout "what are you up to?"

"Nothing Mrs Peterson" Tom replied "I was just getting these clothes out to drop off at my mum's for washing."

"You're up to something!" she replied "Why the hell has my Jimmy just come in the house wearing clothes too small for him with you lot parked outside?"

"He had an accident and I had to lend him some clothes but they didn't fit properly" Tom argued "We brought him here to get some of his own"

"No, there's something going on here" she said loudly "open the boot Tom!"

lovaboitoy 02-22-2012 03:43 PM

oh wow very interesting twist....:)

Demon Thief 02-24-2012 12:21 AM

Hopefully they get rescued from this situation.

DirtyDarez 02-26-2012 02:02 PM

Amazing! My favourite story on G.D, upload soon plzzz :D

daremaster 1 02-26-2012 05:10 PM

Very interesting twist. :)


freshmilk 02-27-2012 05:11 AM

!!!! I get so happy when there is an update to this story! Now im all sad again because I'm back waiting for another update! haha

Awesome story, I love it :)

kinkie 03-19-2012 12:51 PM

waiting for more !

nonstopdisco 10-10-2012 03:50 AM

Sorry for the delay, but here's the next part :)

"I think Tom's been rumbled!" Zack whispered to me.

"And Jim's mum's about to see us naked in here together" I finished.

I didn't wanna be seen in here naked with Zack but in a way I was pleased he'd been caught out.

"We'll just have to let her see us" Zack continued whispering "At least it might be a way out."

"Yeah, definitely a better option than what Tom's got planned for us" I replied.

"Thomas!! Open this boot!" the woman continued shouting "I know your hiding something"

"I'm not hiding anything" Tom argued, the worry blatantly showing in his shaky voice "but you can't open it!"

"Well I'm opening it!" she demanded.

Suddenly I heard the catch of the boot click.

"Noooo!" Tom shouted "Please stop!"

I heard some commotion and suddenly the boot sprang open. Me and Zack were sitting in front of a young woman, probably in her late 30s, fully naked covering our dicks with our legs. I had never felt so embarrassed, even after all the stunts Tom had pulled on me.*

The woman was quite slim, had dark hair and was wearing a smart outfit which looked as though she was dressed for work. The woman looked shocked and Tom was standing behind her trying to grab the boot lid with a look of horror on his face. The woman stood there shocked looking at us for a moment then she burst out laughing.

*"What is this?" she said barely able to contain her laughter.

Tom looked terrified! He stepped back and argued.

"They lost a bet!" he stated "it was only for a laugh cause they lost at football"

"So my Jim's wearing one of these lads clothes?" she asked still laughing.

"Well, yeah" Tom replied now calmly "they were going spare and Jim's were soaked through"

"So why is Jim the only one with soaked clothes?" She cleverly asked "Surely these lads must've played as well."

Tom looked blank for a moment.

"That's because they went home to get changed first" Tom lied "Then they had to pay up on the bet anyway so Jim took some of their clothes till we got here."

"Is he actually telling the truth?" the lady asked turning to me and Zack still giggling.

We both looked at each other wondering what to say. I wasn't expecting a reaction quite like this and I noticed Tom behind her making gestures as if to say he'd get us back if we didn't go along with his lies.

I began thinking of a response when suddenly Zack spoke.

"Yes" he said quietly "the bet was my idea, I really thought we'd win this time. I guess I just got caught up in the spur of the moment"

I stupidly decided to agree thinking it would be good to please Tom and I simply nodded when the woman's head turned to me.

"Ok" she said laughing again "lads are lads I guess so I'll let you off this one time."

"I don't think they'll make the mistake of betting against me again" Tom said with a cheeky grin "I never lose"

"Hey, I don't wanna hear about any more of these silly bets" she said sternly "and Thomas, give these lads their clothes back because I think they've been embarrassed enough now"

"Ok," Tom replied as he handed Zack his clothes "can you send Jim out with the rest?"

"Here he is now" she said "It looks like he's bringing them over"

"Mum, It wasn't me" Jim shouted sounding worried as he ran towards the car "they put me up to it"

"Don't worry son" she said "they've told me all about your games. It's totally irresponsible and I don't want you getting involved in any more bets ok?"

"Sure mum" Jim said sounding confused.

"Good" she said "now give that lad his clothes back and hurry up before you're late to school"

"Ok mum" he said as he passed me my clothes that he took earlier.

"Have a good day son" she said as she walked off smiling to herself.

"You too mum" Jim said still sounding confused.

I felt both annoyed and relieved at the same time. Annoyed that we didn't say anything to Jim's mum but relieved that she had left and we weren't being laughed at by an irresponsible parent anymore.

"Right" Tom said with a smile "Being as you both kept your mouths shut, I'll let you both get dressed now"

"Thanks" Me and Zack said in unison as we started putting our clothes on.

Very quickly we were both *
fully dressed but I was still missing my shoes and socks.

"Are you after these?" Tom said with a cheeky grin as he pulled my shoes out of his bag.

"Yeah, please Tom" I replied calmly "Can I have them back now?"

"Hell no!" Tom replied mockingly "I still haven't forgiven you for talking back to me earlier"

The other lads joined Tom in his laughter. I suddenly had a sinking feeling and my bare feet made me feel vulnerable and exposed again. I began trying to work out why we protected Tom when Jim's mum caught us out.

"Oh and if I catch you wearing anything on your feet Baldy" Tom said as he put my shoes back in his bag "I'll put both your's and hedgehog's shoes into the school's incinerator"*

Lui-Kyi 10-10-2012 09:41 AM

Great to see it continued! Are you going to be updating more regularly again? :3

Demon Thief 10-11-2012 12:10 AM

Aw man, I was hoping Tom would get in trouble.

Oh well, maybe he'll get his some other time. Nice update, and I'm glad you're still doing this. :D

retart 10-11-2012 08:13 AM

I'm kinda glad Tom didn't get in trouble or it may of got a bit boring. Hope he controls them for longer and all that. Great story glad your continuing!!

nonstopdisco 10-11-2012 02:50 PM

Thanks :D Yeah I'm gonna keep this going till it finishes. Had way too many awesome comments not to :) I'll try and make the next post a bit quicker next time though.

Thanks again for all the epic comments though!

lovaboitoy 10-12-2012 12:47 PM

love it!!!!!
awsome man so glad to see you back to writing this hot story....;)

LadyDiamond2012 10-15-2012 01:00 PM

This story is really awesome, one of my favs. Zack is a sweetie and damn Tom! Wanted him to get caught. DX I'm new to getdare and just found this story yesterday. Really awesome and read the whole thing while doing homework haha

nonstopdisco 09-06-2017 11:40 AM

Wow, 5 years since I updated this 😱 I kinda had it written a few sections ahead and all like planned out roughly in my notes but I lost the iPod it was all saved on and that kinda made me give up. A few weeks ago I found the iPod when I was moving house at the back of a cupboard. I've charged it up and found this. I'll post the next section and see if I can get this finished. I'm a sorry for the record breaking delay. I'm gonna have to re-read what I've done and see if I can get back in writing mode to finish this off. It's a good thing we have cloud storage now 😂

Tom closed the boot down on us forcing Zack to lie on top of me. I then heard the car fill up and the engine started, within seconds we sped off and Zack gripped me tight.

"What are you gonna do about your shoes?" Zack whispered "people are going to notice"

"I really don't know" I replied "I just hope he gives them back before my first lesson, I won't get away with it"

"We'll work something out" Zack whispered reassuringly "I just hope we made the right decision bailing Tom out back there"

"I don't think telling on him is going to get us out of this" I whispered back "even if Jim's mum believed us there's not a lot she could've done"

"She could've told Tom's parents or even called the police" Zack argued "but I went along with him because of the blackmail photos"

"Yeah, we need to destroy all his photos then get help" I agreed "Till then it looks like we're doing exactly as he says"

After a short journey I felt the car come to a stop and park, presumably in the school's car park. The doors of the car opened and I heard everyone climb out. The boot was flung open and after my eyes readjusted I saw Tom staring in.

"Right, grab your stuff and go" Tom said in a stern tone "We've got about 2 minutes to first lesson"

Me and Zack climbed out of the boot and grabbed our bags. I could feel the cold gravel beneath my feet and the floor was still damp from earlier.

"Baldy, if you want your shoes and socks back I'll give you a chance to earn them at first break." Tom said as he looked at my feet with a grin "Meet us by the bike sheds and bring hedgehog with you."

Neither of us said anything and we grabbed our bags and started walking into the school. I managed to rearrange my trousers so it wasn't too obvious that I was barefoot.

"I'm sorry mate" Zack said "I thought he'd give them back"

"It's cool" I replied "I'll just sneak in the back of class and hopefully no-one will notice, I reckon I can get away with it till first break."

"It's a good thing your trousers kinda cover your feet" Zack said "it gives ya a chance to dodge the teachers"

"yeah I'll give it a go" I replied "he'd better give them back at break"

"yeah, I guess he will" Zack said reassuringly "he said he's giving you a chance"

We arrived at the school entrance and headed into the school. We were both in a different class for first lesson.

"Well I guess I'll see ya later" I said to Zack as we had to part ways.

"yeah mate" Zack replied "wanna meet here before break?"

"Sure" I said back with a smile "see ya in a bit"

Zack headed up the stairs and I continued along the corridor. The floor was so cold on my feet but luckily I didn't have far to go. The corridor was nearly deserted as most people had already made it to lesson. I thought myself lucky no one had noticed my feet yet.

I arrived at the door to my Maths lesson and sneaked in at the back taking a seat at the rear of the room. The class hadn't started yet as the teacher was still setting up her projector and she didn't notice me come in.

The desks all faced the front of the room and seated in twos. I ended up sitting next to a guy called Phil I'd spoken to occasionally but I didn't really know too well. I put my bag by my feet to hide my situation but I still felt totally uncomfortable.

The class began pretty quickly and it wasn't long before I began to feel sleepy as the teacher droned on. I began to feel my eyelids become heavy and my mind began to wander.

"John!" I suddenly heard the teacher shout knocking me out of my dreamy state "wake up and come to the front of the class"

Everyone in the class turned to look at me, I was terrified.

Demon Thief 09-07-2017 05:20 AM

So glad you're able to continue this. I'm looking forward to reading more.

nonstopdisco 09-09-2017 04:42 AM

Thanks Demon Thief, I had a lot of fun writing this. Hope everyone's enjoying reading it, here's some more.

"Please don't make me" I said quietly completely embarrassed by the situation "I wasn't sleeping"

"What was that?" the teacher said sternly "repeat what I just said before I woke you up and I'll let you off"

"Errm, I can't remember" I replied feeling defeated "can I just stand here and do it?"

My heart was beating, I was terrified that the class might find out I was barefoot.

"No!" she demanded "You'll come to the front like I asked"

I was shaking all over and I curled my toes on the carpet tiles in a futile attempt to cover my shame. My mind began swimming for a way to explain myself.

"Well hurry up then!" she shouted "you're holding the class up!"

Suddenly Phil kicked his shoes off and knocked them to me under the table making sure no one noticed.

"Here, borrow these" he whispered obviously realising my situation "I noticed you were barefoot when you were sat down"

I put my feet in the shoes, which were slightly big on my feet and leaped up from my chair. I quickly walked to the front of the class. I suddenly heard murmurings and whispering. I stood behind the teachers desk while she stood at the window near the back.

"Right John, run on the spot" she ordered "and tell me that you won't fall asleep in my class again"

I started jogging, being careful not to let Phil's shoes fly off.

"I won't fall asleep in your class again miss" I said as I carried on jogging. The class erupted with laughter.

"What was that?" the teacher said with a grin "I couldn't hear!"

"I won't fall asleep in your class again miss!" I said a lot louder this time.

"good, now go back to your seat" she said with a smile.

I felt totally humiliated, the class were still laughing at me but didn't say anything as the teacher was present.

"Right turn to page 34 and complete the exercises at the top of the page" the teacher said "I'll be back shortly"

The teacher stood up and left the room.

"Thanks for that" I said as I kicked Phil his shoes back.

"What happened to your shoes?" Phil whispered almost as soon as she left the room.

"I lost a bet with my mate, that's all" I whispered back "he's gonna give them back at break time"

"Thats hilarious mate, seriously that's made my day on top of that little bit of jogging you just did" he said with a grin "what kind of bet was it?"

"it was on a game of football" I said sticking to the story from earlier "I got big headed and thought I'd win"

"that's funny mate" he chuckled as he pat me on the back "bad luck!"

I was surprised at how he'd reacted to my story but I started to work through the maths problems and played along.

"yeah, but I'll get him back" I joked "he was just lucky earlier"

"I like it" he smiled "do you make many bets like this?"

"not really" I replied, wondering why he was asking me this "how about you?"

"A few times" he grinned "but i've never been quite as unlucky as you"

"what's the worst thing you've had to do then?" I asked now taking an interest.

"That'd be when I had to put my brother's socks in my mouth" he whispered back. "what about you?"

"Sitting barefoot in class right now" I replied, keeping all of yesterday's activities hidden "That's gross though, how did you end up losing to your brother like that?"

"We were playing playstation and I really thought I was gonna win" he replied "I think he set the whole thing up to be fair"

"Well, it could've been worse" I joked "I can't wait to get my shoes back"

"haha, I'm impressed you've gone through with that though buddy" he said with a proud smile "I reckon I'd probably have chickened out"

"I never chicken out of a dare!" I exclaimed with confidence "I'm just careful what bets I make"

"you daredevil!" he laughed.

"Right class, I'll give you five more minutes then we'll check the answers" the teacher suddenly shouted as she stepped back into the room a moment "I don't want anyone getting any more than two wrong"

"heats on" I joked to Phil "better get scribbling"

"hey, wanna make a bet?" Phil whispered back "you do owe me for saving your ass back then."

Demon Thief 09-09-2017 11:25 PM

Ooh, sudden new character. Hopefully he can do stuff with John and Zack, you know, assuming they get out of their current situation.

nonstopdisco 09-24-2017 01:28 AM

Haha, yeah Demon have to wait and see :P

I was completely shocked by this and I wasn't really interested in making bets with someone I'd barely spoken to previously. I decided to hear him out then refuse.

"what ya got in mind then?" I asked sounding interested "I haven't got any socks for you to put in your mouth"

"haha good cause I'm definitely not doing that again" he laughed "how about whoever does worst at these questions has to do a dare?"

"Ok" I replied hesitantly "What do you have in mind?"

"Give me a dare first" he said with a smile

I stopped to think for a moment and this bet didn't actually sound like a bad idea because I thought I could get Phil to be barefoot with me and I wouldn't be singled out.

"Ok, how about this" I replied with a big grin "If you lose you have to go barefoot like me till we get outside for break"

"Ok!" Phil replied not looking too worried "but if you lose you've gotta put my socks in your mouth till we get outside for break"

I thought about it, having Phil's socks in my mouth seemed kinda fair to what he would have to do and I did owe him so I finally decided to agree to go with it.

"Ok, you're on!" I said sure of myself and I reached out and shook Phil's hand.

"awesome! let's get cracking then" Phil said with a smile and he quickly picked up his book and got to work.

I carried on working through the questions we'd been asked to do. I was trying my best to focus but I kept being distracted by Phil and the bet we had just made.

"We'll that's me finished" Phil said with a smile as he put down his pen. "looks like most of the class are done as well"

Everyone in the class was talking amongst themselves and did look like they had finished.

"last question" I told Phil "I'll whoop your ass!"

"you better finish it then" Phil replied "that's the longest one"

I carried on working on the question and finished it just as the teacher walked back in the room.

"Pens down" the teacher shouted "swap books with the person sitting next to you so they can mark your work"

I swapped books with Phil and he had a big grin on his face.

"You do know the answers are in the back of the book don't ya?" Phil said looking smug with himself. "I've already checked and I've got 10/10"

I suddenly had a sinking feeling and sure enough the teacher asked us to use the answers in the back of the text book to mark the work and Phil had 10/10.

"What did I get?" I asked sheepishly already knowing what was coming now I'd seen the answers "8/10, not bad but I beat ya man!"

"Shit, I can't believe you tricked me like that" I said feeling defeated "I'll get you back"

"Well, good luck with that" Phil smiled "Right now it's pay up time and I wanna make the most of the 20 minutes before break"

Phil kicked off his shoes and pulled off each of his socks before slipping his shoes back on.

"Here ya go!" he grinned as he passed me his sweaty black school socks under the table "I've been wearing these all week, so enjoy!"

I didn't say anything and I took the socks, which felt warm and damp with sweat, rolled them into a ball and quickly popped them in my mouth when no-one was looking.

The taste was revolting, but for some reason it didn't seem so bad. I think I was getting used to the humiliation.

"You're cool!" Phil said with a smile "we should hang out sometime"

Demon Thief 09-28-2017 07:05 PM

I was really hoping that John would win one for once, but still a nice chapter!

Also, 100th reply!

Joshthefag 10-16-2017 06:31 AM

Please continue this is so good

Cheeseofballs 10-27-2017 02:37 PM

Please continue the story. It's really good

lovaboitoy 10-28-2017 02:27 PM

Awesome so glad you continued with the story. I’m excited with how things are going can’t wait for more 👍🏻

Cheeseofballs 12-10-2017 02:54 AM

Please continue writing.

Joshthefag 03-12-2018 10:30 AM

Please continue the story it is really good

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