getDare Truth or Dare

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Vodin30 09-27-2020 10:36 PM

great addition, makes me want to head to the beach

Blue Griffin 08-29-2021 03:55 PM

*Authors note* In four days, it will make the 8th year since I started this story. So much of my life has changed in that time. I finished college, got a job, got a different job. All the while ever so slowly adding updates to this. Over 73,000 view later, I am still amazed at all the comments, thanks, and feedback I've gotten. Through all the grammar errors and plot holes. I especially want to thank Alexis Runes for continuing to ask about my progress on this. I know its never easy to watch and wait for updates that come out in a trickle. I don't know how soon this story will take to be completed, but thank you again to all of you for your patience.

And now back to the story...

With my shirt over my head I the door clicked shut signaling that Laura had made her way outside. Once my field of view returned I saw the girls had turned to me with traces of laughter still on their face. “What was that all about?” I asked eager to chance the subject.

“Miss Ruptlee and I never found the topless girl she was looking for on the beach.” Chole said “So she decided to get the counselors to check back in on their cabins assuming the girl went back to her cabin. It’s still Laura job to look into indecencies and report stuff like that back to her.”

“We were trying to vouch for you, but luckily you had a solid alibi.” Said Victoria glancing over my chest again. “I though you weren’t going to wear a bikini?”

“And I thought you said you were going back to Chole and Allen ” Said Heather

“Well that was kinda my fault.” Said Chole. “I was dragging my feet a bit in the “search” trying to find one of you two and get your attention. When I saw Victoria out of the lake I was just going to say hi to get her to realize Allen was alone, but since I had been dragging my feet so much once I started to talk to Vic Miss Ruptlee asked her to help me search the beach instead to cover more ground while we talked. Since we had already searched behind us both of us had to move forward.”

“Well luckily it was a self imposed idea and cabin two couldn’t take claim for what happened. Although I still don’t like how your weren’t warned by Trish that you were tanning.” Said Heather getting up from her bunk. “Since you two just got in, go shower off and I’ll collect Chole’s bugs to what’s the latest gossip is. With this topless girl rumor, I bet some the camp thinks it a prank, some might think it’s Allen, and some are creating the next camp story to tell the newbies at the fire pit. We can all go over it after dinner once I’m back.”

With that Heather left the cabin and the girls took turns taking showers in between trying to persuade me to wear something to show off my tan lines more. Finally compromising on something a bit more frilly in leu of showing my tanned skin, we were about to all leave to start looking for what was taking Heather so long when she met us at the door. With Chole’s recordings safely hidden, we all went to eat at the mess hall. Just as Heather said gossip was flying as fast as it was created with Chole starting to work her way through the tables.

“I’ll be able to compare what we hear here with what’s on the tapes and figure out if we should beware of any other campers.”

As Victoria grabbed a second plate for Chole, I noticed Trish at her table and gave her a nod hello, only for her to look away from me as her bunkmates sat down next to her. They seemed to all be in good spirits, so I guessed that their payback had paid off, but that didn’t explain why I was ignored. Finished filling my plate, I sat down as Chole came back.

“Wow there a lot of buzz going on. Most of it about cabin eight’s revenge as they kinda quashed swimming today when the other councilors heard there was “a fish that stole my top” in the lake. Not everyone’s happy, but it's starting to get near sundown and there is a limit to how much the councilors can turn a blind eye for the pranks. So that’s mostly took the heat off of your new look Allen.” Chole said with a smile.

“That’s great to hear, but what’s up with Trish? She kinda gave me the cold shoulder when we were in line.”

The others looked over at their table, but all of them were busy eating their food while chatting about something on their phones.

“I don’t know. It’s nothing that the other campers have mentioned. Heather, did you hear anything on the tapes?” Chole said

“There was a lot to listen to, but even skimming most of it I didn’t hear them when they were coming back to their cabin.” Heather said mid bite of a Sloppy Joe, as a large drop slated on her shirt. “Crap, I need to wash this off before the grease sets in. Keep an eye on cabin two’s table for a second.” With that she dashed off to the bathroom a wad of paper in her hands dabbing her shirt.

As we watched her leave, Chole turned back at me “Well it doesn’t matter. All we need to do is focus on Cabin two and make sure they don’t prank us over the last couple of days. We’re ahead of them on points and if we coast on that buffer we can enjoy the last couple of days before the goodbye ceremony.”

“Is that another secret camp tradition that I’m out of the loop from?” I said hearing about this for the first time.

“Not really. It was something that the old owners did. Everyone lines at the main lodge and gets to go in and say goodbye to the councilors before leaving out the back and going to the amphitheater for the last night speech and fireworks. Then everyone goes to bed, packs up in the morning, and gets picked up. It also works two fold as everyone can show off their last tally marks and we can get a final count for all the pranks to see who the winner and losers are. I’m guessing they’ll announce it before Miss Ruptlee comes on and wishes everyone a good bye.” As she took a look across the cafeteria again, Heather came back to table and sat back down, her shirt now wet, but no longer stained.

With a flash of recall I said “Oh yeah! Heather, you never mentioned what the top cabin gets for beating-“

CRACK- - -BOOM! A flash of lightning and crash of thunder flicked the cabin lights and shook the windows eliciting some shrieks and flinches out of some of the girls, other looking at other table as if expecting they were the cause of it. The sudden downpour of rain against the windows.

“I thought it was suppose to be “great weather today.” said Victoria groaned, looking over her salad and an unopened pack of dressing. “I was eating light for all those s’mores at the bonfire tonight. Allen can you toss this while I pick some up ” Pushing aside her salad, she got up and made her way over to the buffet eye’s set on some nachos. Picking up her trash, I offered to take Heather’s plate too with the leftover clumps of beef and slaw. As I moved over to the trash can I was paused as there was another girl leaning next to it from some other cabin.

“I’ll take that for you. Gotta make sure you put everything thing in the right container.” She said with a grin. Doing a quick glance around my surroundings it didn’t seem like any of the girls from cabin two were paying much attention to us.

“I’m sure I can do it myself, but why the offer?” I said cautiously.

“Oh, all my cabin mates are offering it as a free service to everyone, but cabin fourteen tonight.” Glancing around again, I could see three other girls passing by other table offering to take their plates. The three members at cabin fourteen’s table all seemed to be eyeing the girl next to me with anger in their eyes. Offering my plates, she took one opened the lid to the trash and scraped off the remains of it before setting it aside and then dumped salad bits in next. Surprisingly she opened the dressing packet and poured it all in before setting all of the plates and silverware into a separate tray. The muffled groan that came from the trash can reminded me that there should be four campers at table fourteen and I decided it was best to go back. Passing by the three other girls that had been collecting everyones plates, the grins on their face likely had to do with a halfway melted sundae and the remains of some extra cheesy nachos they had collected as they made they way over to their companion.

“So they pick up the phone and the operator says-“

“I think someone’s in one of the trash cans.”

“No, its the call is coming from- Wait did someone actually…” Chole turned at looked at the four girls pouring their spoils into the trash as it seems to be shaking slightly. “Wow haven’t seen that one in a while. Although I don’t see why they need to guard it. Last time it happened, someone tried to get their friend out of it and ended up getting flipped and trapped themselves. You should have seen her butt wiggling about in the air skirt flipped over the can. Didn’t last as long since the lunch ladies broke it up, but I think the two points they got edged them out a win. At least with the rain they’ll get a nice shower before they get back to their cabin.

“If she can avoid the mud puddles” said Heather getting up as Victoria came back with her nachos all packaged up to go. “I swear the ground around the lodge turns more liquid than solid after a heavy rain like this. We better get back before the rain gets any worse.” Braving the rain we leap frogged from overhand to overhang until Chole stopped beside me under one having gotten one of her shoes stuck in the now soft mud. Looking at the steadying increase of rain, she gave me a smile.

“Catcall, I always wanted a handsome prince to bring my shoe back for me. I’ll accept a pretty princess instead. Can you get it while I go to the cabin? I don’t want to get any more wet than I already am.” With a wave of her fingers she took off to catch up with the others. Rolling my eyes, I jogged back into the pouring rain. Taking a second to pull out the semi buried shoes, I stood up and was surprised to see her standing under one of the cabins awnings, dinner in hand.

Glancing around I said “I know no one else is around and I’d love to talk, but it's in the middle of a downpour and neither of us are ducks.

“Well that could easily change knowing this place, but I’ll keep this short.” As she stepped forward, I took a step back glancing around the rain for anyone else. “I just wanted to say that was a really impressive turn about on the stage. I don’t think anyone expected you to pull something off like that so publicly. How about tomorrow we can meet up and talk about it."

"I don't think so. I didn't quite like the last talk we ended up having. Unless you want to come meet my cabin mates right now?" Knowing her likely response I started to turn back to the cabin, but froze with the next four words.

"I dare you to." Lola said with a smile...

SmellyMelly 08-30-2021 03:12 PM

!!! Holy shit! I thought this was well and trully a dead and unfinished project. Good for you coming back to it. Can’t wait to see how it ends!

Blue Griffin 08-30-2021 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by SmellyMelly (Post 4487011)
!!! Holy shit! I thought this was well and trully a dead and unfinished project. Good for you coming back to it. Can’t wait to see how it ends!

😅 Yeah, a year since my last post been quite some time for not having a single update. I have had another thread I’ve been working on, but yeah sorry for making you think it was dead. You should have just asked about it.

Alexis Rune 09-06-2021 08:54 PM

YAY!! I'm so excited :D :D Thank you for the shout out, and thank you even more for another entry. Looking forward to seeing the end. Also hoping you write more stories, this is a fun one :)

Blue Griffin 11-02-2021 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Blue Griffin (Post 4486035)
"I dare you to." Lola said with a smile...

Turning to face her, she kept going “Oh, yes Allen. I’ve heard from a friend of mine that you’re in quite the situation. ” She said advancing on me.

As I backed away from her under one of the overhangs and out of the rain, I tried to sputter out a response. “I-“

“I dare you to shut up and listen!” While knowing that I could ignore her dare as its just the two of us and with no one would be the wiser, I had just gotten to not be an outcast in the camp and breaking this might not only hurt my credit, but hurt the girls credit too. Shutting my mouth, I crossed my arms and waited.

“Good boy. That’s going to be a very useful trick. Since I don’t want your girlfriends to get worried about you, go back to your cabin, but you will meet me tomorrow were we can discuss in more detail. Got it?” I slowly nodded as she backed up from my face and turned to head to her cabin. “Oh, and I dare you not to tell or inform your cabin mates about our little conversation or our meetup tomorrow.” She said over her shoulder right before running back into the rain.

Taking a breath and hearing the roll of thunder, I also took off towards our cabin. Climbing the front steps and opening the front door, I ran right into Victoria chest as she was coming out with Chole and Heather right behind her. 

“There you are Catcall. Chole said you were grabbing her shoe, but we were getting a little worried about you.” Victoria said backup up to let me in. Both of the other girls had striped out of their wet clothing and switched to drying clothes with Victoria still in her damp clothes. The smell of her dinner open on her bunk informing me why.

“I would have felt so bad if my prince had become a mud monster thanks to me.” Chole said with traces of tears forming at the corner of her eyes.

“I told you, he probably was just having trouble with the mud with his noodle arms.” Heather said with a laugh squeezing my bicep as I passed her by.

I gave a chuckle. “Yeah mother nature really wanted to hold on to that one. Must be because you have such good taste Chole.” At this she brightened a bit with a slight smile.

“Well too bad mother nature. You can kiss my ass before you take any of my shoes.” She said with a snap in the air. The group laughed, but it was cut short with the crash of lightening and then the sudden flickering of power before the room went complete dark.

“I don’t think she appreciated that Chole.” Heather looked out the window and across the camp. Looks like most of the power’s out with the backup generators on at the main buildings. Likely Laura will be by soon to check up on us, so I guess we’re going low tech tonight until the power kicks back on.” She said with a shrug.

“That’s fine. I’ve heard eating in the dark makes you enjoy the meal more and I need to save these nachos from soggyville. Maybe we can tell some spooky stories later or something. Catcall you know any good ones?”

“The tale of woe about the girl who was in the middle of curling her hair when the power goes out?” A gasp came from Chole. “I’ll let you girls start while I change into something drier though.” I flicked on one of the flashlight we had around the cabin wanting to save what power I had on my phone, grabbed a random set of clothes from the drawers and entered the bathroom hearing Chole said “That WOULD be a horror story. You just can’t…” as the door swung shut.

Thinking back to the conversation as I washed my hair, "a friend of her" had told Lola about my dare and the more I thought, the more I thought back on Trish acting so cold to me…

Blue Griffin 11-28-2021 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by Blue Griffin (Post 4561381)

Thinking back to the conversation as I washed my hair, "a friend of her" had told Lola about my dare and the more I thought, the more I thought back on Trish acting so cold to me…

After an uneventful night of gossip and listening to what Chloe’s recordings had picked up, the girls and I braved the mud field that was now the campgrounds and had a quick breakfast, splitting up afterwards. With only a few days left at camp, most cabins knew they weren’t in their standings for the top spot and were trying to make the most of the activities. Some were trying to make the final push to get past their opponent's cabin. With what the girls had gotten before they had clued me into the competition and the extra help I had given them we were pretty secure, but the humiliation of what the other cabin might have in store made sure we kept aware of our surroundings.

Not sure when exactly I was supposed to meet Lola, I had noticed Trish has still given us the cold shoulder this morning too. Seeing her walk over to the field next to the main hall where some of the girls play some of the scheduled sports, I thought this was as good of a time as any to confront her. She had stopped to lean against the rail of the steps that lead into the main hall looking over the field and towards the meeting area with the amphitheater. Hearing my squelching of my shoes, she turned and perked up seeing it was me.

“Oh, hey Allen! I was hoping to get a chance to talk to you. I-

“How could you?!?” I snapped, cutting her off. “What did we do to you to betray us? Betray me?”

“Betray? So you know-“

“Oh, yeah I know all about you spilling the beans about my little “I dare you" requirement to Lola. After I helped you out at the beach this is how you repay me? Do you know how hard it’s been trying to keep it a secret, flinching everyone says those words, trying to keep my cabin mates safe so it wouldn’t blow back on them?” My emotions were kinda getting the better of me as I continued to chew her our, but I couldn’t see any one else that would have told. None of the girls would, nor would Laura, and…and why would the mystery girl…? Taking a breath, I looked up having started to pace while talking and froze. Trish’s face wasn’t one of coldness, or betraying sneer, but tears.

“You…you…” She said in a quiet voice, the tears that had been welling in her eyes starting to trickle down her cheeks. “PIG! You utter arrogant pig.” The anger breaking through her sobs. “Yeah I realized you had something to do with following dares, but did you really think… God, and I actually kinda like you, you prick.” She stood torn between running off in tears and the anger I could be so stupid keeping to chew me out. As she glanced aside to wipe her eyes clear of her tears, she saw the muddy field and turned back, the anger winning out.

“Fine, if you’re so smart you can figure out your own problems on your own and since you’re such a pigheaded idiot I dare you to spend an hour wallowing in the mud field.” she spat at me pointing to the field.

“But, -“

“I dare you to only talk in oinks while you’re mud covered.” Taking a handful and throwing it at my face. “Get crawling now you jerk. And don’t worry I won’t take ownership of this as a prank. So you don’t need to worry about two cabins against you.” She said storming off, tears still covering her cheeks. Feeling the mud slide down my face and looking at the field, I glanced down at my outfit. Pink leggings with a pair of red panties underneath, a striped bubble skirt over the leggings. A matching red bra (A girl can’t mismatch was rule number one from Chloe although much didn’t from what was in the lost and found.) and simple tee shirt with the words princess in glitter font. I sighed as I would have liked to wear something else, but got down on all fours and started to crawl through the mud.

Luckily there was a clock on the outside of the main hall so I could keep track of the time, but after 15 minutes boredom was quickly setting in even trying to make the least amount of noise to not attract any attention. Back and forth, making a circuit of the field, more and more mud stuck to my clothes, hair, and face. By the 45 minute mark more than a girls had come by and stopped to watch. Most were looking around to see who had claimed the prank or figure out who was under all the mud, some guessing I was looking for a key or the like to be free before leaving. Some even called out to me with a question, but I'd just respond in an oink trying not to give them any clue at who I was. By the hour's end I could feel some mud drying in my hair, but mostly it was still wet on my skin. Standing and going towards the lake feeling it would do a better job of cleaning me off than tracking it through the cabin, my heart dropped as I saw Lola standing in the path with her cabin mates behind her, one carrying what looked like a backpack of supplies.

“I told you I saw him crawling around the mud.” Hailey said. “No one has taken claim for pranking him, so I’m guessing its just like you said and someone else knows about daring hi-“

“Shhh” said Lola glancing around at the few other campers that were out and about. “Let’s take this somewhere more private. Come on Allen, we still need to have a chat. She started to walk towards the forest with Hailey, the other two girls following behind me as I trudged on wondering where the girls were at.

Blue Griffin 12-05-2021 10:41 PM

Lola and the others marched me out to an area in the woods where I remember one of the girls had been waiting to prank Kelly a while back. Even though the place still plenty of tree coverage, the dirt paths hadn’t been spared of turning into mud. As I was told to sit next to a tree, Lola nodded to one of the girls who started to unpacking the backpack.

“So, it’s time for our little talk. You’ve got a lot of explaining to do about how you got out of our little trap. Plus we’re very curious about your little rule to follow so before we get some payback I dare you to tell us about who helped you in the trap.”

Feel helpless as they stood over me, I opened my mouth in resignation as a splatter of mud fell from my hair and landed next to my muddy clothes. I paused for a second as I thought and then started to talk.

“Oink oink oink oink oink.” The blank look of surprise gave me a little satisfaction as they quickly scowled again.

“What’s with the pig noise? We dared you to tell us something.” Lola demanded.

“Oink oink, oink oink oink oink.”

“I think this was something he was dared to do Lola.” Hailey said.

“Oink” I said nodding not wanting to draw this out.

“And you’re not going to talk until it's done?’ Lola said with annoyance. Again I nodded with another oink of agreement.

“Fine. Cheryl it looks like our little piglet wants its punishment ahead of time. You ready?” Cheryl, who had been unpacking the backpack, turned and grinned.

“Oh, more than ready for a little payback.” She held up a bundle of rope and a rope of tape. “Come on little piggy, I dare you to follow my instructions until you’re ready for show. Up on your feet.” Getting up I saw the other girl had grabbed a mini shovel from the backpack and had been going about digging up the mud making a wet pile of it next to the tree. Cheryl bent to my ankles and started by taping leggings shut before grabbing the front open. “Go ahead Samantha.” With the go ahead Samantha started shoveling the mud into my leggings the other making sure it slid all the way down to the bottom repeating the same treatment down the back of my leggings so I had what could only be described as thick thighs with an extra c. Filling up the front of the leggings to the top, but leaving some space over my butt clear, the shovel was set aside next to a still significant pile of mud. Satisfied with their work as I squirmed feeling the cool mud slide over my legs and panties, the tape was brought out again.

“Wait!” Lola said, grabbing something from the backpack. “We don’t want our prize pig to be lopsided.” In her hands was a pink full cup bra, easily the bigger one I’ve seen. A she bent down and scooped each bra cup to the brim of mud I got a glance of the tag listing it as a G cup and I didn’t have to wait long to know where it was going as the other girls had lifted up my shirt and were undoing the one I had on. After being strapped into the bra I heard the hiss of the tape as a could of layers were applied to the clasp.

“Aw, don’t pout piglet.” Lola said, grabbing my cheeks between her fingers making me pucker my lips. “Just think of all the girls you’re going to make jealous. Of course it’s a shame we didn’t match it with your panties.” She said reaching down the back of my leggings and with a yank pulling my panties into a wedgie as mud coated what was my relatively clean butt.

Satisfied at my new “big girl” status my shirt was tucked into my skirt and then had the taped applied around the sleeves of the shirt and the waistband of the skirt making sure to leave the panties exposed. The process repeated again as I found my shirt being held open and filled with mud to the brim and taped shut. Even with the extra bulk, the bra bumps could still clearly be seen. Now packed full there wasn’t any way I could escape as out running them would have been laughable at best if I didn’t get exhausted first.

“Now it’s time to get you where you belong, piglet. On your knees.” Cheryl said, grabbing a bundle of rope. Making my way to my knees, I almost fell over as the shift of weight took me by surprise. Pushed on to my elbows next, I felt through all the mud the slow binding of rope around my ankle and thigh making it so I couldn’t unfold my legs. The same technique was used on my arms. The girl stood back looking over their trussed up prize with glee.

“Well our little piglet certainly got into prize winning shape. Of course it’s so dirty you can’t even tell its a pig. No pig would be ready for show in that much mud so let’s help. The girls picked up two large cans as I struggled trying to avoid what was coming next. The smell of paint came wafting up as two full can of pink pant were poured over me. Armed with gloves they made sure to spread it all over my body and especially my hair and face cleaning it of its mud pack first.

“Great, now it’s time to show you off.” Samantha said, holding up another length of rope. Rolling my eyes I waited for a makeshift collar to be tied to me as I hoped they at least had some cart to put me on as I wasn’t excited at crawling my way back on my elbows and knees. At least once the girls saw me in camp the could save me. Sam reached down, but instead of going for my neck she reached under my belly making a double harness with one line under my bust and one over it. Bringing it together as a single rope, tightening it I could feel the pressure of dig in, but the layer of mud supported it from restricting my breathing although it still made my breast stick out prominently. Then I felt a second rope being fiddled with, but couldn’t make out where on my body it was going.

Standing up and moving behind me, I heard her messing with the rope more. “That should do it. I’ve made sure to trip knot it, so if we are ever interrupted they’ll spend more time getting him untied and to make sure he doesn’t drop.”

“OINK!?! “ I said, my meaning getting through pretty easily.

“Oh, you didn’t think we’d be taking you back piglet? Lola said from behind me, glee dripping from her voice. “Why ever would we do that? You think we’d waste this opportunity to get one measly prank point. No, we’re going to do piglet is milk this for…EVERY… LITTLE…POINT! With a grunt from the girls I saw them walk back into my vision holding the rope as I let out a squeal like a pig. My panties were yanked up attached to the rope along with the harness rope pulling me by the chest sending me into the air as a pulley system had ben made with a sturdy branch of the tree being the pivot point. After a short disorienting trip up and some spinning, I finally got my bearings to tell I was uncomfortably a little above chest height to the girls as they tied off the rope and made their way over to me.

“There! The prefect way to show you off. In fact I think you’re ready for show. Judges?” Said Lola turning to the others.

“Well, it doesn't have a tail, but we can fix that.” Hailey said grabbing two clumps of hair, she added two pigtails in the front of my hair. “10.”

“Hmm, it’s supposed to be the prettiest pig right?” Said Cheryl. She took out a tube of bright red lipstick and squeezed my lips applying a couple thick sloppy coatings. “Well it still looks like a pig, but I’ll give it a 10.”

“Well pigs usually stink, but I think judges would want it to smell better.” Unscrewing a bottle of perfume, Samantha unceremoniously upended the bottle over my head and body leaving a cloud to overtake the smell of still wet paint. “Oh we’re the judges, so I like that so much better. 10!”

“You hear that piglet. A perfect 30! First prize goes to you. I think that deserves a celebration.” Reaching into the backpack she pulled out one last item. A bag full of pink shredded crepe paper and confetti. Opening it up, she dumped it over my body, instantly sticking to the wet paint. Making sure to cover my body, the girls took out a mirror and let me see their handy work. Now hanging suspended in midair, what should have looked like a boy in girls clothing now looked like a stuffed pig shaped piñata with a semi human head dripping from the bottom.

“That’s right Allen. This isn’t just a one and done. We’re going to show you off to each cabin one by one and have them give out piñata a few smacks. Pulling out a jockey’s crop from the bag with a grin and flipped up my skirt exposing my leggings covered butt. Or maybe treat or pig to a couple mud pies. Since we’ve set it up they won’t be breaking any rules about pranking your cabin just like that girl last night trapped in the trash can in the mess hall. We’re going to rack up so many points with this. Don’t worry though. We’ll likely be done by lunch and can tell your cabin mates where you are after leaving a few traps for them to find on their way there.”

“I’ll go find the first cabin to bring. It shouldn’t take too much to convince them to come see a prank. Most wouldn’t expect another cabin to prank any other cabin and their curiosity will get the better of them.” Cheryl said packing up the trash from their prank into the backpack and heading towards the cabins.

“Just make sure not to get his cabin’s attention. They might have heard about him in the sports field by now or will be looking near the lake. We’ll tell each cabin not to mention it either, but I’m sure they don’t want to spoil our fun.” Lola said a glint in her eye as she turned towards me. “I think I’m going to give our piñata its first couple of smacks on its pork butt.”

The next hour was painful, both from the pain of embarrassment as each new group of girls would come with a mix of confusion at what they were seeing first, then a wave of laughter upon realization, followed by the explanation and offering, then the pain from the swats of the crop. At least keeping their aim to only my cheeks and none really smacking hard enough to bruise I could still feel them slowly heat up likely matching the pink of my body under the leggings before getting a chance to cool as my face was cleared of the mud before the next cabin was found and directed to me leaving me only to dangle in air and occasionally squeal in response to a smack all the while Lola and her crew were marking up tally marks for each retelling, acceptance of mud pie, and swat. A couple did have the kindness to ask if I was ok or needed anything, but all I could do was oink as Cheryl would speak for me instead.

I was still not looking forward to the last hour as we had gotten half way through the cabins when my attention focused to the girls coming down the trail. Cheryl was leading cabin eight the repetitiveness of walking back and forth to get each group not making a dent in her excitement to show me off. As I hung there and listened about how they had found me and what had happened to me yet again, I could tell that three of the other girls weren’t even listening, the daggers of anger in their eyes directly pointing at me as the other girl’s face, now tear free and composed, was slowly becoming more and more regretful. Trish could only mouth “I’m sorry” before my vision and hearing went dark from a mud pie as the other’s didn’t need to be asked twice to give a little payback to the boy who had just made their friend the crying mess they had found in their cabin and spent a good time consoling. Then I felt my skirt flip up and all I could do was oink as the crop went to work.

The mud was so thick on my face I didn’t even hear or see them leave, not that I would have focused on that with my rear stinging more than it had before.

“Not sure what was bugging them, but most of that cabin really seemed to have it out for you.” Hailey said, clearing the mud from my ears and eyes. “Maybe it’s just their first time with a piñata and they were excited, but we almost ran out of mud pies they were using them so fast.” Lola was using the shovel to scoop up the mud from the remains and form them back into pie shaped disks for the next group to use. It wasn’t long until cabin nine was taking their turn, then ten, but during the middle of their presentation Samantha who had been leaning on a tree next the trail during each show let out a quick loud whistle and started to run towards the others. Apparently whatever this meant had been told to cabin ten as they quickly started to run down the other trail along with Hailey, Cheryl, and Lola each who looked unhappy as a kid getting their toy taken away grabbing a backpack Cheryl had brought with her with the first cabin. Cheryl looked quickly at the contents inside as if considering something, but Samantha quickly grabbed her saying “there isn’t time” and running off with her spilling some of the bags contents.

The sound of muddy feet started to squelch away a little before picking up again this time from the other trail. Rounding the corner came Victoria and Heather with a slightly winded Chloe farther behind not batting an eye about the mud the other two were kicking up at her. All of them were focused on chasing down the other cabins given the noise they were making until the dangling object in the tree took over their attention and they slowed to a walk coming towards me.

“Oh no…” came a soft cry out of Chloe as all three of them inspected the damage. There was a rush of apologies and a flurry of activity as Heather started to work on the knots to get me down while Chloe and Victoria started to try and clear off the mess.

“I can’t believe this. Even with what we’ve done there’s no way they should have had something like this prepared for one of us. Now it makes sense why we didn’t see them at all today. We had heard someone had been rolling in the mud near the main hall, but passed it off as another cabin’s prank.”

“Oink.” I replied as I felt the weight of the ropes shift, slowly getting lowered to the ground, the wedgie finally subsiding.

“Oh right you still can’t talk can you?” Victoria said. “When cabin eight came back from the show, Trish apparently went to come find us after failing to convince her cabin mates. She mentioned her dare to you, even though she said to ask you why, but was really torn up about this.” she said waving her hand over my body. We stopped by the cabin to grab some water and clothes given what she told us and rushed over as soon as we could.” She glanced at the way they had all left and spotted the stuff of the ground that had fallen out of the backpack. “I’m guessing they had plans for us too if we hadn’t caught them somewhat off guard.” Picking up the bottle of cooking oil and coil of rope.

Heather nodded at the items. “Looks like stuff for false lines and bucket traps. We untie the wrong one and one or more of use get coated. I have to say they really did a number on you Catcall.” Heather said as she started to untie the ropes of my makeshift harness. “This is close to what only the top pranking cabins do and they-“

No, No, No, No, No! Those psychos!” A tone of rising anger came from Chloe as she had started to undo the pig tails and was in the process of wiping down my face with a wet washcloth.

“What is it? Said Victoria walking back to the clearly upset Chloe.

“Remember that first night the girls snuck into our cabin and they used dye in their paint?”

“Yeah, but what’s the harm here? A little extra pink on his skin won’t stand out.” Victoria said.

“Holy crap.” Came from Heather still working away at the harness.

Chloe nodded as Heather had discovered what she had. “It’s worse than dye. Those idiots used enamel paint on him.” She pointed to the two pigtails Hailey had given me now tie free, but still standing still perfectly in place. “Not only was that dangerous for his skin, but it means out simple washcloths aren’t going to do much against this.” She ran a hand over the outer coating of paper decorating me.

“They also got it over the ropes too, making it so getting ahold of the knots will be a real chore.” Heather said “We can try and chip it away over his clothes, but that’s likely soaked it up too and stiffened a bunch. He’ll be walking back in his underwear top and bottoms, and I don’t think it's a good idea to send one of us back to grab some clothes for him.

“We can’t even get him walking and have him jump in the lake as we’ll be realizing all that paper bits into it. Plus his hair…” Chloe said a note of pain in her voice, clearly understanding more than I could see.

Realizing how much I had been messed with, there was a growing anger over the next half hour as the chipped ropes clear enough to where Heather could undo them helping me stand on shaky legs.The cracking of the paint only around my knees kept my legs coated as a similar treatment working my arms. Finding a weak point near my ankles the girls made enough progress to remove the tape around it and a rush of mud came flowing out. As Heather predicted, I still retained my pig shape with the paint having soaked in. If we were to try and break it back to flat, the force would have likely broken the clothes to pieces rather than into moveable fabric.

Sighing I emptied out the other legs as we saw no other way, but to walk back to the cabin where I could wash and change properly. Victoria had grabbed the rope and oil along with whatever trash was left behind as Chloe was still fawning over my hair. As we were about to leave Heather took one last look at the area and paused.

“Catcall, what are all these?” Heather said, pointing to the lines of red streaks down the bark of the tree. As the girls had been focused on me they hadn’t bothered to look at the surroundings. I glumly made the gesture of raising my arm and miming a tally mark on my arm, signifying a prank point. The girl's eyes went wide as they took in the total that easily eclipsed our lead over them and then some.

“They got all those?!?” Victoria said eyes going back and forth between me and the tree. I nodded and held up a finger and then three and four signifying each cabin that had came by.

“But... But we had so much of a lead over them.” Chloe said her bubbly energy leaving her like a deflating balloon.

“And each cabin will verify the marks since they were here.” Heather said annoyance in her voice. As we all walked back the way we came the girls kept watch for any traps the other might have set up while they were working on me, but it seems like that wasn’t their intention as we had arrive just in time for lunch to get out allowing the full camp to get one last laugh at me as we made our walk of shame to our cabin where I spent most of the afternoon under the shower.

Blue Griffin 12-12-2021 10:22 PM

“Hold still Catcall. I'm almost done.” It was past dinner and after a lengthy time in the shower I was now sitting on Chloe’s bunk with her tilting my head back into position as she continued her work with a pair of scissors.

“I’m trying my best. It's just that my face is so itchy.” I said trying to scratch my nose again only succeeding in getting my hand slapped back down.

“I told you, after all that time with that paint on your skin we need to let your pores open up again and hydrate it. That face mask will do both. Just give it a couple more minutes and we can peel it off. Now tilt your head up a little more. I just about done on your hair too.“ Sighing I closed my eyes and let her work. While I was able to get the paint off my skin after a couple cycles of soaping and scrubbing, the same wasn’t as easy to say for my hair. The pink color was washed out, but the two clumps that had been the pigtails stood unruly and split while the rest wasn’t as bad, just worse for the wear. Chloe had volunteered to save it as the other two didn’t have any experience. Heather suggested they could buzz cut it, but Victoria had brought up having a near bald “girl” in camp might be too easy to spot at the goodbye celebration even if we only had a day left before we left camp.

The door squeaked open signifying the pair of them returning from the main hall with dinner. Once I had gotten cleaned and dressed, it had taken a while for me to recap what had happened that day. They weren’t glad to hear about my dare secret being discovered and even less glad about me snapping at Trish (with Chloe giving my hair an especially tight yank), but thought the pig dare would have been punishment enough had not cabin two gotten to me. It had even turned out in our favor as the girls worried about some of the secrets that I could have told cabin two. Given all the work that still needed to be done on my hair and it was our last night together it was decided that eating in our cabin would be best and so the pair of them left to get food for us. Strangely, behind them was Laura.

“Hi Allen, Chloe. Usually the counselors make sure that their campers are good during dinner and to check in. Since Victoria and Heather said you planned on eating in your cabin I thought I’d come along to do my check in.” A pained look flashed across her face as Chloe snipped the last few hairs and brushed out my hair before putting her supplies away. “Also I had heard about what had happened and wanted to apologize. Usually things don’t go this far here. I can talk to the girls counselor about it, but I can’t say we could do much before they leave.

I sighed. “No at this point it would just look petty and wouldn’t get much done. I’m not hurt, besides maybe my pride and its not like I could take them or the camp to court given how I’m not supposed to be her in the first place. By the way how does my hair look?” I gave it a shake side to side getting use to the feeling.

Victoria looked up front unpacking dinner and walked over, a questioning look crossing her face. “You gave him bangs?” she said, turning to Chloe.

“Hey, I tried my best. It’s not like I have any experience giving boys haircuts. If I had tried to even it out any more I’d have to make him be the first girl in camp with a receding hairline.” she said defensively, crossing her arms. At this point I had walked over to Victoria’s bed and grabbed a mirror. The bangs looked passable, but definitely more girly than I would have preferred.

“Well it's better than I could do so thanks Chloe.” I said nodding as Heather called us to eat.

“We got everyone’s favorite. Oh and here.” She slid a pile of candy into the center of the table. “This was covering our cabin’s table. Guessing you can figure out who this is from. Not really enough for a prank, just more rubbing it in.

“Don’t worry about it being tainted with X-Lax or such either. We’ve had a ban on pranks like that once we had an incident years ago.” Laura said, grabbing a piece herself and then turning to me. “Well since you’re all accounted for, I think I’ll check you off and head back to the main hall. Make sure you are packed for tomorrow. Allen I’ve been told that your suitcase and clothes will suddenly show up again tomorrow.” She looked over at the three smirking girls. “I don’t think we want to explain to your parents why you are getting picked up in a dress. If any other parents ask why you are there, just say you’re there to pick up your sister and she’s in the main office with your parents.” I nodded, a mouth full of food, preventing me form speaking. “ Have a good night and I’ll see you guys at the counselors goodbyes before the award ceremony.” As she stepped out of the door, she paused just for a second and turned back. “It really is a shame what happened today, girls. You looked to be top finishers otherwise. To make up the difference now, you’d need a massive run of points overnight or something like the Owner’s Crest. I was really rooting for you.” With that she stepped out and closed the door.

“What’s the Owner’s Crest?” I said, swallowing my mouthful of food as the three of them turned back to me.

The three girls glanced at each other before turning back to me. “The Owner’s Crest… is kinda tricky.” Heather said slowly.

“Back when the old owners were running the camp, they knew about the prank wars. One day one of the campers had mentioned how far behind they were in points, so the owner offered to be pranked. By pranking the owner, that had to be worth more than enough to get in the lead.

“Of course no one would dare prank them.” Chloe said “It would be like pranking your grandmother.”

“So they made the “Owner’s Crest”. An object with their initials on it that if taken from their house is worth a boatload of prank points. No buckets of slime, no injured owners, no campers hating you.”

“It can’t be taken by other cabins, so it's not like everyone grabbing for a loose football, but it could be given away to someone I guess.” Said Heather thinking as she took a bite of her dinner.

“Of course no one ever took them up on the offer. To this day the trinket has been touched.” Victoria said.

“So what are we waiting for? Let’s go get it!” I said

“Hold your horses, Catcall. That’s easier said than done. We all thought once Miss Ruptlee took over that it was no longer in play given how you’d have to sneak into her cabin to get it. With her not being aware of the prank wars if you got caught you’d be in some serious trouble.” Chloe said with the other two nodding in agreement. “I guess Laura must know its still up there or else she wouldn’t have mentioned it, but its near sunset and we have no idea where it is.

“But,“ I sputtered, “If we could get it..”

“Look as much fun as it would be to show those smug cabin two girls the crest, it's our last night. We have to pack up our stuff, Chloe needs to organize and pack her mics from around camp, and after tomorrow we won’t have to think of cabin two again, so let's just have a good last night together.” Heather said. A voice of agreement echoed from the other two and out voted we settled down for a movie, eating the last of the snacks we had brought, me listening to girl chat occasionally chiming in or participating in one last fashion show for the girls. Washing up we all got settle into bed, wishing each other a good night as we drifted off…

At least the other girls did. I stayed awake listening to the girls sleep. Thinking over my time here, the fun we’ve had, the mystery of the unknown girl helping me, past conversations I had with all the girls on camp. Remembering the disappointment in their voices when they realized how many points cabin two had gotten, I knew there was only one thing I could do. “I dare you to get the Owner’s Crest.” I whispered to myself more in motivation than as an order.

Slipping out of my bed, I had purposely chosen my last fashion show outfit for this purpose. Claiming to be too tired to change, the girls had no issue letting me sleep in the black tee with a kitten on it and sweats as a “relaxed bedtime look”. Grabbing a hoodie, some other supplies, and a pair of shoes that I had set next to the door, I eased open the door and silently crept out, closing the door behind me. Putting on the hoodie and heading towards the cabin, I couldn’t see another set of eyes had opened and were watching me head to the owner cabin.

Leathergloves 12-20-2021 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by Memories for Life (Post 1071166)
This story isn't fiction, it's inconceivable fantasy!

"Fiction" is a story based on real world activity using imaginary characters.

"Fantasy" is a story based on imaginary actions occurring in the real world.

The first sentences confused the hell out of me. "As he waved his parents good bye, I knew that this was going to be an awesome camp. I had to beg his parents to go, but after a quick sign here, an envelope, a stamp, and letter of acceptance I was in."

The rest of the first paragraph didn't clear my mind at all. "The camp looked amazing. This place had everything. A well stocked kitchen, clean sleeping areas with T.V., and a DVD player, and staff that was rumored to be lenient about the rules." Either the main character looked over the entire camp BEFORE checking in or Allen would be looking at a brochure or website which described these amenities. Either way, it would be impossible to not know this was a "Girl's Only" camp! If the story was meant to be a "fantasy" of a male intentionally falsifying an application to attend this gender specific camp, the story could be reasonably believable.

As this fantastical story continues, the absence of any administrative authority at the camp indicates Laura runs the entire facility! Even if she accepts the male camper to stay, its impossible to conceive he would be berthed with any females. A dinner of "pizza and milkshakes" furthers the fantastical nature of this story.

"What would you like to her to be holding?"

In keeping with the "fantasy" theme of this story, I'd like Chloe to be holding a set of "invisible" clothes!

As an academic at the university in the arts, I can say that this distinction between fiction and fantasy is entirely unfounded.

Blue Griffin 12-29-2021 11:06 PM

*Author's note, down to the last couple of sections. Hope everyone is ready for the ending soon.*

The walk to the cabin was cool as there was a dampness in the air from all the rain. With a fog starting to creep in from the lake, the owner's cabin looked more intimidating in the early morning. A rectangle front with a chimney sticking out you could see the garden off to the left and a trellis leading up to a window on the second floor. With only a few lights on in the window, I suspected anyone inside would be asleep. Easing open the wooden fence and making my way to the front door, I pulled out a packet of salad dressing from my pockets. While I hadn't seen any locks on the cabins around the camp I knew from experience that some were very creaky. Luckily Heather had grabbed too many packets of dressing when she brought our food that night and the oil based sauce should help grease them. Someone might notice the smell in the morning, but even then it shouldn't draw enough attention to investigate further.

Taking a few minutes to cover the hinges, giving them a test, and repeating the process on the few spots that whined, I slowly eased open the door. I slipped off my muddy shoes making sure I wasn't going to leave a trail, leaving them on the porch. Stepping into the main living area, I could tell that some expense had been use to design it. Couches with blankets on their backs sat in a circle surrounding a large tv and plush rug with a fireplace off to the right designed to provide warmth to the nearby seats. The camp logo sat framed above it. A hallway to the right leads down to what seemed to be a kitchen and dining room. A grand set of stairs lead to an overlooking balcony that went around the corners and what I expected were the bedrooms. Not knowing if any of the floorboards were creaky, I slowly slid my feet across the floor and rug over to the staircase. I touched the wooden rail and leaning my weight on the railing as best I could carefully climbed up the stairs.

Upstairs there were a few pictures on the wall of the old owners. Some of them were hanging out with campers in their camp shirts, others of just her and her husband, one in the garden with another girl, a grin on both of their faces. Seeing none of them had initials on them and going left, I turned the corner, seeing a few open doors glancing in to see what was inside of them. A game room with a pool table, an empty bedroom with cardboard boxes, a duffle bag, and clothes in it, a library. None seems to be the right room. Not wanting to risk opening multiple squeaky doors and not having enough time or dressing to check them all, I started to realize I had no idea about where the crest was and only with what the girls told me that it may be in the previous owner's room. I suddenly felt less confident as my time was running out. I was so focused on how to find the crest I didn't notice the light coming from under one of the doors until it started to open. Freezing as I had no place to hide, I watched as another girl walked out and stopped upon seeing me.

"What are you doing here?" We both said in a whisper at each other.

A tense moment passed as neither of us answered. I didn't know the girl's name or what cabin she was from, at least sure she wasn't from the cabins that had seen me tied up though. With short black hair in a pixie cut, she was also dressed in black clothes holding something in her hand. Given she hadn't screamed upon seeing me, I guessed she knew who I was, but that wasn't surprising as I was more of a notable camper than most.

"I'm here trying to get the Owner's Crest." I said in a hushed whisper looking around to make sure no one else was coming. "I messed up with the prank war yesterday and my cabin-"

"I heard about that." she said, looking me over. "I didn't think you'd be so dumb to try and get it though."

"Says the girl that's also her for it." I quipped back.

"I'm n-" she started and then paused for a second, a thought flashing across her face. "Fine I am, but I wouldn't be in near as much trouble as you if I got caught. Right now you need to get out before anyone sees you. I'll keep looking and will give it to you if I find it. After what happened to you, you kinda earned it."

"How do I know you won't just keep it for yourself?" I said.

She let out a soft sigh. "You don't, but it seems like you don't have any idea what you're doing either and I've been looking longer than you ." A bit of urgency creeped into her voice. "Deal?" she said, holding out her hand.

I looked at her hand and the hints of light starting to peek through the windows. "Ok, deal." I reached out and shook her hand.


The spark that jumped from me to her stung as both of us quickly let go and were flexing our fingers, a faint tingle left in them. Apparently I had built up quite a charge of static electricity shuffling across the rug while sneaking around. The girl gave me an angered look as I weakly shrugged. Our looks quickly turned to alarm as another voice came from somewhere in the cabin.

"What was that? Is everything alright?" called Mrs Ruptlee along with creaks of wood as footsteps echoed closer.

After learning my lesson about freezing like a deer in the headlights, I bolted down the hallway towards the stairs, only to get yanked back as the girl's hand grabbed my collar.

"Not that way, you won't be able to get down the stairs before she catches you." She pulled me down the hallway towards the dead end of the hallway. Turning into one of the last rooms she rushed over to the window and yanked it up not caring to keep any subtlety or quiet. Next to the window was the trellis leading down to the ground. "This is how I got in so it's safe to climb. Go!" she said, almost shoving me out.

"But the crest." I said as I climbed on, knowing that neither of us would get a second chance to look for it after we escaped.

"Take it. Just go." she said, shoving whatever she was holding into my hands as I started my descent. A second later I heard her swear and then the window snapped shut. Climbing down as fast I safely could, I jumped the last couple of feet landing with a splash of mud. Running around to the front porch, grabbed my shoes, and ran to the gate. Taking a brief glance back I could make out the shape of a body at the window before it moved inwards into the house. Once I was out of sight of the cabin and near the camper ones, I stopped bending over and gasping for breath. With my heart starting to beat at a lower pace, I finally looked at the item the girl had shoved into my hand. It was a toothbrush. On the handle was a printing of the camp logo, along with the set of initials: U B R. After a few seconds my gasping became laugher as I held up the prize in my hand. I had done it. The Owner's Crest and it couldn't dared away from me. I quickly walked towards our cabin, but paused as I heard cabin's two door open.

Turning to see all of Lola and her crew behind them, I could tell that they had been waiting the sleep from just waking up nowhere in their eyes.

“Hey there girlfriend” Lola said, her words dripping with sarcasm through a fake smile. “What’cha got there?”

“Oh just a nick nack to remember the camp by. I was hoping to show the girls and maybe our counselor too.”

“So you actually found it?” Said Samantha “That dumb crest in the owner’s house?”

I looked at them, a little surprised, but also given the direction I had come, not an impossible guess. Nodding, I reached into the bag sticking the trinket inside and feeling around for something else. While I knew they couldn’t officially take it, seeing how it was just the five of us and no one else I wasn’t going to take any chances.

“Yeah, I found the Owner’s Crest. I was told you can’t take it and even by daring me to give it to you I’d say that would count as taking it.” I said ready to run back to our cabin if they moved.

“Oh we know, so we just have to find someone else to give it to us.” Cheryl said with a growing grin. Not quite understanding, I heard the squishing of footsteps and a voice behind me spoke.

“I dare you to give me the Owner’s Crest Catcall.”

Alexis Rune 01-06-2022 10:48 AM

Just got a chance to catch up! Looking forward to the last couple, you've done a great job, Blue Griffin! Thank you for finishing it up!

Blue Griffin 01-06-2022 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by Blue Griffin (Post 4617042)

“I dare you to give me the Owner’s Crest Catcall.”

I turned around to see Heather standing behind me, hand out waiting for the crest.

“You got the crest right? That’s why you snuck out of the cabin?”

“Yeah, but- “

“Then you’re allowed to give it to your cabin-mates and I’ve dared you.” She said a hint of annoyance on the edge of her voice.

“Sure, but why are you up-“

“Allen. I. Dare. You.” She snapped, the niceness dropping from her voice. Hesitantly I raised my hand and held it up for her to see almost missing her snatch it away in a blur. Smiling at the toothbrush in her fist, she then pushed past me and walked over to Lola. “I am giving this to your cabin. I am not being forced and this is a gesture of my own free will.” She said smugly, handing it over as I stood with my mouth open. “Oh, come on Allen. Are you truly that much of a bimbo that you didn’t figure it out?”

“I don’t think he has a clue.” Samantha said, the delight obvious in her voice.

“Heather has been working for us. Not the whole time, but enough to help us catch up. You see, I'm not coming back to camp next year, so Heather decided to hedge her bets. Get us the lead and we’d share the prize with her since I wouldn’t need it. After she helped us by telling us where the bugs were we thought it would be easy enough to blindside all of you." Hailey said

“That is until you joined in.” Cheryl said with a hint of annoyance remembering my first prank I pulled.

“They were going to get you back for that while I would have conveniently left you in the woods the next day, but with the girl from cabin 12 watching I didn’t think I’d be able to get away with it.” Said Heather. “The plan was to take you back the next day, but instead I decided to take advantage of storming off to the woods. Making sure both Chloe and Victoria saw me, I ran ahead as they followed, told cabin two that you were all alone and even doubled back with them and left a note in our cabin to make sure the girls wouldn’t ask questions about where you were. Then I ran back into the woods to bump into Vic and Chloe who just thought I’d been running off my anger in the woods.

“It would have been perfect.” Hailey said “We’d get back at you and Heather even loosened the knots on your little flagpole pranks for us.”

“But you got out of that.” Lola said the anger rising in her voice. “And made us all look like fools. Luckily it didn’t go off in the new owner's face too.”

“So that put me in a bad spot with the girls for not warning them about your escape prank.” Heather said “After getting rid of my note when I tossed out the cookie wrapper, I had to really make it up to them. At the lake I saw Victoria and Chloe with Miss Ruptlee and made an excuse to get food, I informed them you were alone. The other cabin got there first and pranked Trish though.”

“Then you sold me out and warned him about me trying to push him into the lake. Samantha said, shooting daggers at Heather.

“Hey, I had to keep up the act in front of the other girls.” Heather said defensively.

“Fat lot of good it did.” Lola said. “Once you came back without any food and lied about seeing your cabin mates, it didn’t take long for them to put two and two together.”

This revelation brought all of the dirty looks Trish had thrown at our table into clarity and what she was talking about when I had confronted her. It must have shown on my face

“Getting the picture now aren’t you? After all that fallout, I had to finally tell them about your little dare clause to keep me on their good side. I also was able to delete any recordings of the girls talking about me betraying you. That’s why I went to collect the bugs later that night.”

“Right and what a helpful tidbit that would have been to know much earlier.” Cheryl said, rolling her eyes. “We could have had so much more fun with him.”

“Now girls we got plenty of fun out of him in the forest. If Heather told us where he had been seen and kept his cabin mates away from the woods, we wouldn’t have nearly enough time to get all those points or payback.” Lola lifted up the toothbrush in her hand. “And since she gave us a heads up after hearing Allen go get the Crest, there’s no way they can’t beat us. The Owner’s Crest is… what the hell is this Heather?” Fire flashed in her eyes as the shoved the toothbrush into her face. “U B R? Who’s initials are those? Because it certainly isn’t the past camp owner’s. It’s not even Miss Ruptlee’s” A confused look passed over all the girls' faces as they all leaned over to see the initials and then quickly snapped to me.

“I thought I said I dared you Allen to hand over the Crest.” Heather said coldly.

“And I thought I did. That’s what was given to me and how was I supposed to know the last owner’s initials?”

“Given to you?” Samantha said.

“Yeah. Someone else was there too. She and I woke up Miss Ruptlee and she shoved that into my hand right before getting caught. I was lucky enough to escape and thought it was right item.” There was some quick muttering as the sound of a cabin door opening broke the silence of the morning.

“Fine, since it looks like another one of the cabin’s got it and likely got caught stealing it we’ll stick with the original plan of banking on our points to win.” Lola said. “Heather, take him back to your cabin and make sure he doesn’t spoil it.” She nodded and squished her over to me, grabbing me by the arm.

“I dare you not to tell any of this or what happened at the owner’s cabin to Victoria and Chloe.” She said to my face before dragging me towards our cabin. I opened and closed my mouth like a fish out of water, anger taking over my exhaustion from running back to camp, but failing to voice it as my hands were tied. “Hey girls. Have a good sleep?” Heather said, her coldness vanishing as the others were busy getting their bags packed.

“Oh there you two are. We were wondering where you had gone so early in the morning.” Victoria said, zipping up a duffle bag.

“I told her that you must have gone to the Owner’s cabin.” Laughed Chloe, her hair a little damp from her shower.

“Ha, as if. Catcall wouldn’t know the first thing about getting in there.” Said Heather cutting me off before I could talk. “We both went for a sunrise jog around the camp before leaving. Right Catcall?” She turned and stared at me, almost mentally daring me to say otherwise.

“Right. I even packed some snacks for us.” I said, setting down the bag I had brought along to carry the crest as the foot of one of the beds.

“Oh that sounds fun.” Chloe said with some excitement. “Well, the sunrise breakfast part, not the running.

“By the way Allen, we finally found your duffle bag while packing up the cabin. You can change back to your normal clothes.’ Victoria pointed to a bag lying on top of my bunk. There was a hint of a laugh in her voice, as if it was a surprise that they had magically found it. I eagerly walked over to the bag on my bed. Inside was all of my clothes I had brought with me. Just a few quick minutes and I’d be back to my normally dressed self. Done with this embarrassing time at camp. I picked up a pair of jeans, the rough texture almost foreign to my fingers after the two weeks without them. A second bag lay next to it, also filled to the brim.

“Thanks Victoria. I think I need to take care of one thing before we all leave though. ” Grabbing a bag, I slide past Heather, her eyes cautiously watching me. “Can I meet you at the breakfast hall before the send off?”

“Uh sure, but that’s not-“

“Thanks, I’ll see you. Oh Chloe, can you empty that bag please?” I pointed to the one I had set down next to one of the beds, leaving before she could respond. I thought I heard Heather starting to say something about following me for protection before the door closed, but didn’t care as I headed to the bathroom to quickly change.

Blue Griffin 01-09-2022 10:49 PM

Walking up the step to the cabin door I straightened out my clothes and knocked on it. Hearing some shuffling it took a second before a girl opened the door.

“Yeah, just set my bag next to yours and we can grab them later.” She said taking a drink from a bottle of orange juice. “Hey what can we- pfffft. *Cough* *Cough*.” The girl taken by surprise had turned and coughed up her drink as she turned back at him.

“*Cough* What… What are you doing here? *Cough*” her eyes slightly narrowing at me as she regained her breath.

“Is Trish still here? I need to talk to her.” I said try to keep a straight face at her coughing fit.

“*Ahem* And what makes you think she wants to talk to her? She said moving her body to take up more space in the doorframe.

“Hey, what got you all choked out here. The girls heard-“ Trish’s voice cut off as she saw me. I had changed into a full princess dress, complete with the petticoats, one of the few items I had elected not to wear that the girls had “found” in the lost and found though I assumed there was one more empty hanger in the amphitheater’s costume rack. Even with the AC in the cabins I still felt like it would be too much to wear.

“Trish I ask for the honor of talking with you. We- I need to clear the air before we leave.” I tried to do my best curtsy on the steps, wobbling as there wasn’t much room. Trish gave me a look over again before nodding and shooing her friend away.

“I’ll be fine. You go help the girls finish cleaning out the pantry and fridge. They’re eyeing the last of your fruit snacks.” She said, causing the other girl to leave quickly, having decided that I was less important than fruit snacks. Trish crossed her arms and waited for her footsteps to reach the other room as I still was holding my pose head bowed. “Well, is this one last dare before you leave?”

“No!” Desperately shouted, flinching at sharpness in my voice. “No…” I said in a softer voice, lifting my head to look up at her. “I came here on my own and to apologize.” I said picking at my dress. “I thought what better why to show how sorry I was than a princess humbling herself.”

“Humbling herself to the common folk?” Trish said a small grin on her face.

“No, not that you’re lower than me, or that I’m better than… Look, I know I messed up. I just found out about Heather. You guys realized what was going on and I was an ass and you rightly had every reason to be angry and I don’t blame you even after all that you still helped find tell my cabin mates about me and…” At this point I realized I was rambling and wasn’t sure what to say next, but “I’m sorry.” Trish had gotten up from leaning against the door frame once I had mentioned Heather, her face now more alert processing what I had said.

She sighed. “Apology accepted. You’re right. I was angry at you, but I realized afterwards that you were just trying to protect yourself and your cabin. Once we realized that Heather was lying and possibly working against you I should have said something. I just didn’t want to get our cabin dragged into it, so we just watched and I glared doing nothing. How’d you find out though? Did you overhear her or something?”

“More like a direct conversation, but that’s a story for another time. Don’t worry about the others either. The should find out soon enough too.”

“Well… you could come in and tell me about it, but I can’t say we have anything to eat as we are kinda throwing out all or leftovers. We were just going to keep it simple and eat at the mess hall, before we all said our goodbyes and awards for the prank wars. We should probably be leaving soon if we have to slop through all the mud out there.” She said, looking at the ground outside..

I paused as something came into my mind. Keeping it simple, leftovers, the goodbye ceremony. “That sound great, but first I need to ask a favor.” Excitement creeped in my voice as my idea started to take shape. “I’m not going to let Heater or cabin two win. She’s likely going to follow me to make sure I don’t mess anything up. I need your help to keep her busy while I take care of something. Think you can help that chicken fearing traitor a peg or two while I try to make it up for my cabin?”

She paused again as I felt her eyes look me over. Her hands reached down, grasping mine and lifting me to my feet. “Arise my princess, for what would she be without her court to assist her?” She said, a smile on her face. She turned towards the doorway where the other girls had gone. “Hey ladies, did we toss out what we had for the breakfast surprise for cabin fourteen? A clattering came from the doorway and all three girls fell on the floor, each flushed in the face as became clear that they had all been listening to our conversation,

“Ah no. No, not yet. None of us really wanted to do it.” one said, picking herself off the ground.

“Well, most of it could go back to the kitchen, just not the you know.” another said.

“Good, get it ready. We might have a use for it afterwards.” Trish said, turning back to me.

“I’m going to loop back to our cabin, but take the long way. I need to make sure she doesn’t bother me as I set something up. Just stall her and then go get breakfast. I’ll meet you at the goodbye ceremony.” I said picking up the dress and turning down the stairs and taking off, feet squelching in the mud as the four girls watched.

“So,” said one of the girls to Trish as the other two quickly ran into the kitchen to grab their stuff. “Still think he looks cute? Even in a dress?”

“Shut up!” Trish said, giving her a punch in the shoulder before they both followed into the kitchen.

Blue Griffin 02-02-2022 10:37 PM

(Author's note, realized I made a continuity error on when the goodbye ceremony was, but its not the first error. Something I'll have to fix later. For now this is the penultimate, second to last, post of the story)

Taking my time to walk back to our cabin I made sure that Heather could follow me at a distance. I was pretty sure she had seen me at Trish's cabin, but I knew she hadn’t stayed close enough to hear what I had talked about. As I did the final turn to our cabin, I heard a muffled yelp and figured that was the best cue to get going. Rushing into our cabin I saw that the girls had left. Striping off the dress and changing into my own clothes. Glad to see that the rope and oil Victoria had brought back from the pig prank were still there, I collected them and headed to the mess hall.

After finishing my preparations I opened the door and was glad to see both Victoria and Chloe eating breakfast, a grim look on Chloe’s face while Victoria was angrily stabbing her food with their fork.

“Hi guys.” I said sitting down, having grabbed some fruit to eat.

Chloe left out a gasp seeing me, wrapping her arms around me in a hug. “Allen, I’m so sorry. We had no idea that Heather was working with cabin two. After you left Heather said she’d go follow you for your protection. Vic had said that it wasn’t really needed as mostly everyone has stopped pranking. She didn’t listen though and took off as I started to go through that bag you’d left.”

“When she found one of her bugs in there we didn’t think anything of it, but Chloe being Chloe just had to listen to what the two of you were gossiping about when she realized that it had been recorded. We didn’t expect to hear cabin two on it as you talked about the crest. Then we heard Heather and everything she said.”

I nodded, grateful I had grabbed it when I left. “I didn’t expect to need it. I knew that if I ran into trouble I wanted to make sure that I had proof that I had the Crest and it wasn’t stolen from me.”

“Both of us immediately chased after where we thought you went. Partly angered at Heather, partly making sure you were safe. We thought you had finished whatever you were doing and went back to the mess hall.”

“When we didn’t see you we were going to go back out, but the counselors want to keep everyone here for the goodbye ceremony afterwards.” Chloe said with a pout glaring towards cabin two’s table. “Still surprised Heather hasn’t shown up and sat with them that two timing backstabbing bi-.”

“Hi campers, finish up your meals and we’ll dismiss you one cabin at a time for our goodbyes and then have our last meet at the amphitheater.”

Hearing this I get up. “I have to do one last thing. Let me talk to Laura and I'll meet you guys at the amphitheater.” The girls started to raise their objections, but given how it was just a quick walk over they watched me walk over to her and whisper something into her ear. Her face looks like she's considering something, then she nods and follows me out the backdoor exit. A minute or two passed as I heard some muffled goodbyes from the first cabin. Then the door opened and the four girls from cabin one all stepped out. The first one ankle caught the rope I had set up. Her stumble made her reach out and grab the others. The chain reaction was beautiful as they all collapsed on the cooking oil covered ramp and slid downwards like a rocket down into the still muddy ground at the bottom with a splash. Looking at Laura, she nodded as I raised my wrist and marked the prank points I had just earned. Over the next couple of minutes this process repeated as each cabin said their goodbyes to their cabin counselors and then walked out into my prank ending up mud covered at the bottom of the ramp. I especially enjoyed it as cabin two realized I had used their prank supplies they had left at the tree to prank them. The girls at cabin eight weren't as happy to be pranked after helping me, but Trish laughed it off saying they all deserved it after what I had been subjected too in the woods, tossing a few globs at mud at the others teasingly. She gave me a slight nod as I raised a questioning eyebrow at her, silently asking about Heather.

As the final mud covered group got up and walked to join the others at the amphitheater, Laura and I took the stairs and walked back into the mess hall where Chloe and Victoria were still waiting, having not been called by Laura to say goodbye. Their eyes grew wide as they both got up and saw the numerous tally marks on my arms being shown to the other counselors and Laura confirming the points. They were still sputtering questions when Laura interrupted.

"He'll show you what happened in just a second. Let's get our goodbyes out of the way and not keep the others waiting. By the way, where's Heather?" She said looking around.

"She'll be meeting us at the amphitheater. She got a bit tied up with cabin eight." I said earning more questioning looks from the three of them.

"Ok. If you say so." Laura said with a shrug. "Just make sure she shows up. We need a full head count." With that she gave a heartfelt goodbye to Chloe and Victoria before turning to me.

"Well Allen for someone who wasn't supposed to be here, you've certainly turned native and I hope the girls weren't too hard on you. It's a shame we can't have you back next year, but I'm sure they'll have the website sorted next year and the application system properly working. It's been fun to have you around though. I hope you have a fun rest of the summer." With a smile she gives us each a hug and a little shove to the door. Walking through the door, I stopped as the girls looked at simple setup and the mud covered girls all waiting in their seats.

"Allen, you set this up?" Victoria said, awe creeping in her voice. "Against all the other cabins?"

I bashfully rubbed the back of my head, blush rising up on my cheeks. "Well, I know you all had worked hard at getting those points and while I wasn't able to find the owner's crest, I kept it simple with this one. Not enough time to have them get us back and Laura said it was still technically legal since it was before the winner's ceremony, though I feel like it will be changed next year. As I stepped to the side towards the stairs, a slight grin crossed my face.

"What to see how it works? It would be a shame if you missed out on the experience." I said good-naturedly, giving them a little shove from behind.

"Wha- wait Allen, no!" Said Chloe as the two of them lost their balance and toppled over sliding into the mud where the rest had before. Getting up on her knees, Chloe cleared her eyes, slinging mud to the ground and giving a little huff, as Victoria call out "Aw, Allen." The awe was replaced with annoyance as she patted Chloe shoulder muttering something comforting to her. I walked down the steps and showing there was no hard feeling helped them get up getting some mud on my arms. Taking our seats and now that everyone was out of the mess hall, the counselors made their way to the stage. The lead one who reported to Miss Ruptlee stepped up to the microphone and looked disapprovingly at the state of all the muddy girls. With a sigh she launched into her speech.

"Welcome girls to the goodbye ceremony and of course our prank leaders award. Normally we'd have the owner give the award, but given the change of ownership we were going to have her give the "best campers" award instead. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately in this case" she said looking around at the girls again "she's sent a note that she's been held up with some personal business that happened at her cabin this morning."

I realized that I hadn't seen the girl I had run into the owner's cabin during the parade of girls getting pranked. Assuming she was still being disciplined by some of the other staff for breaking in, I shook the thought out of my head as the counselor on the mic was just about to hand out the award when Heather finally arrived. I'll admit the girls had done a good job on such short notice. The breakfast surprise they had in the works was apparently a bunch of pancake batter mix and syrup creating a white gooey slime. They had maneuvered her elbows out of her shirt sleeves to form wings along with pantsing her to force her to take smaller steps, her panties barely distinguishable under the muck. Coating, dressed, and gagged with might have been a second pair of yellow panties donated by one of the girls sticking out of her mouth, she looked very chicken-like. The audience erupted in laughter as she made her way down the center aisle desperately looking for help. Seeing the three of us, Heather tried to quickly get to us thinking that Victoria or Chloe would help only to catch her legs in shorts and flail wildly before falling backwards on her butt.

Seeing this as more than proof, all the girls of cabin eight stood up to raise their arms and add a mark. Trish looking towards me, signaled for me to stand up too. I hesitated at first, seeing as it was their prank, but seeing her mouth the words "I dare you.", I reluctantly stood and also added a mark. Next to me I heard Victoria swear just loud enough to be heard over the dying laughter. As the announcer tried to get everything back under control a smell started to permeate through the crowd. As more and more girls started to smell it, everyone started to realize the rotten smell was coming from Heather. I recalled the girls from cabin eight said they could return everything to the kitchen except one thing... Rotten eggs! They must have stuffed them all into her panties and they had cracked once she fell on her butt. The complaining from the girls nearest to her was starting to pick up as the smell finally reached the stage. With a crinkling of her nose at the first whiff, the counselor covered up her nose and spoke quickly on the mic.

"Alright, everyone immediately go to your cabins and wash up. We can't have your parents picking you up covered in mud or smelling. Let's go now. Move!"

Some girls didn't need to be told twice as they had been trying to get as much mud off them since they had fallen into it as others ran away from the smell of rotten eggs. No one tried to help the still struggling Heather rolling on the ground trying to right herself. Chloe had tried to tell her off, but even holding her nose couldn't get more than a few words out. I couldn't imagine what it was like for Heather who had to breathe through her nose. The girls from cabin two only turned up their nose at her, not caring about someone who had failed to help them some much.

Getting back to our cabin, the two girls quickly cleaned off, not having as much mud to deal with given coatings the other had on them, and I spent some time making sure I had everything packed.

"So what about the prank award?" I said as Victoria stood by the door looking out the window, Chloe touching up her makeup next to her bags.

"I don't know, but it's likely all up in the air with what you pulled off. They'll be making changes so this doesn't happen again. I'm guessing whatever happened with Heather and cabin eight had to do with you leaving with the girls clothes?"

"Yeah, we kinda made up since we were both in the wrong. Well me more than her. Speaking of Heather, where is she? I don't see her bags."

"Oh I tossed them next to the front stairs. She hobbled her way to the stairs wanting to be let in trying to say something through the gag. I simply played the bug with her confession and tossed her bags down to her. I'm sure cabin two won't let her in either. Likely some of the staff will help her out and spray her down with the hose." Chloe said with a coolness in her voice, as she finished filing her nails.

"HA." Victoria barked as she looked down towards the stairs. "In the state her clothes are, she'll probably have to wear something from the lost and found before coming to pick her bags up. This gave me a smile thinking back to all the embarrassment those pieces of clothing had brought me over the last weeks as we all grabbed out bags and headed to the camp entrance.

"Well I can say its certainly been an interesting time at camp Catcall. I honestly thought we'd have to be walking on eggshells about the prank wars. Turns out you were a real asset. I hope there's no hard feeling about your clothes by the way." Victoria said, walking beside me.

"Yeah, you really did look cute though Catcall." Chloe said, giving me a quick peck on the cheek. "We'll miss you next year, but keep in contact O.K .?"

"Same here. We'll have to pick your brain next year for ideas for when Chloe and I come back." Victoria said, giving me a shoulder hug.

There was a bunch of milling about as groups of girls chatted, hugged, and traded contact information to keep in touch while we waited for the first sign of parents and buses coming to pick them up. As I took a seat on a beach and unwrapped a snack bar, the girls waved goodbye and waded into the crowd quickly picking up conversations with other girls they wanted to chat with before they left. I smiled and closed my eyes enjoying the warm breeze as the sun soaked into my skin. A few minutes later I noticed a shadow blocking the sun. Comfortable where I was, I knew that there was no reason for any of the other girls to bother me as the prank wars were done and none of them really had any materials to use on me anyway. With the person standing in front of me not moving, they must have realized that I wasn't going to open my eyes either.

"Ahem." Came an older voice edged with authority. One I had only heard a couple of times over the course of the two weeks. It was then I noticed a lot of the girls had stopped chatting. I opened my eyes to see Miss Ruptlee staring down at me. "Hello. What are you doing here? Last time I checked, I had made this a girls only camp."

Blue Griffin 02-03-2022 10:15 PM

Final chapter and closing word.
I gulped as I straightened up, mind racing at what to do. "Uh, I'm waiting for my parents and sister. They must have walked into the office to take care of something." I saw her eyes glance over to my bags next to me on the bench. "These are her's. I'm just keeping them safe." I said hoping she wouldn't notice the tag with the name Allen written on it.

"With your eye's closed? she said skeptically. Then she glanced towards the pickup lot which was still empty of any cars. "And did your parents walk here or did they fly an invisible jet Allen?" Feeling like my options were closing fast, I looked around to see if anyone was going to help me out, now the center of attention of most of the girls. Then I noticed the girl next to Miss Ruptlee. The same girl that I had met in Miss Ruptlee's cabin and hadn't see this morning. Seeing my eyes finally acknowledge the girl next to me, Miss Ruptlee spoke up again.

"Ah, yes. The two of you have met haven't you? This is Ursula. I caught her trying to sneak out of my cabin this morning. Apparently she had been using the side window to leave the house quite often these past weeks. Upon catching her and seeing another girl dressed in black running away from my cabin, I thought it was time to have a heart to heart with her and find out what had been going on in my own camp. You see, Ursula is my daughter. Running a summer camp doesn't leave much time for family, so I decided to bring her along to spend time with her. Of course she wanted to spend time with all the other girls, but she had plenty of time during the school to hang out with her friends and was hoping for more one-on-one time. Imagine my surprise when I found out she had been sneaking out of the house to visit the campers."

At this point an embarrassed blush rose on Ursula's cheeks, clearly not wanting to be the center of attention as her mom continued to talk. A ways behind her I saw Laura rushing towards us, panic on her face likely from hearing I had been found by Miss Ruptlee.

"Not only that, but she told me all about the thing I had been missing out on since I had left."

"Left?" Laura and I said in unison.

Miss Ruptlee sighed and turned to see Laura. "Yes, left." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a picture showing it to both of us. It was one I had seen on the wall in her house. The picture of the past owner grinning with a girl in the garden. "The past owner of the camp was my mother. She use to bring her here during the summer as a kid. Of course once I grew up I got into my rebellious phase and wanted nothing to do with this place as I was "too cool" for it. She kept running it and I grew up, got an education, made a decent amount of money, got married, had a kid and then split up."

Whispers rippled through the crowd of girls as this revaluation confirmed and refuted some of the rumors about her.

"So your last name-" Laura said, taking the picture and looking from it to her and back.

"-Is my mother's maiden name, not her husbands name. But that's not the point." she said, turning her focus back to me. "My daughter told me all about that prank war, something her grandmother told her all about, and even more interesting how she had met a boy in camp. Something that wasn't brought to my attention." She glanced at Laura who now had a guilty look on her face. "I assume that's who my daughter kept looking for through her binoculars while we were walking the forest trail next to the lake, and the "topless girl" I saw that day."

A nod from Laura and the reddening of Ursula's cheeks confirmed this for her. Turning back towards me, I tried to shrink under her gaze not knowing where this was going for me. "So this morning I almost found a boy sneaking around my cabin as my daughter catches me up about my own camp and begs me not to press any charges. Apparently she had been keeping an eye on him for a while and he had been a bit of a friend to her."

It finally clicked as I realized that the mystery girl had been Ursula this time. A girl that didn't need to check in with the counselors, could sneak out, and wouldn't be seen with any other cabin as no one went to the owner's cabin. Looking at her, she seemed to have read the realization in my face and gave me a slight embarrassed wave."

"Hearing about how they had been blending in not to cause any ruckus with the other girls." At this there were a few quick giggles from the crowd. "I was going to meet you at the goodbye ceremony and discuss it with you in private only to find it had concluded prematurely. After talking to counselors I think this is yours.." She reached into her pocket again and pulled out a second piece of paper. Folded into thirds, I opened it up to reveal a certificate for free admission to the camp. Confused, I looked up at Miss Ruptlee.

"According to the counselors, the winning cabin gets a reduced admission fee for next year. However it seems you've decided to prank all of your cabinmates too making you a solo operative rather than part of their team. So instead of a quarter discount for each of you, I've decided to give you a full reduction." I looked around trying to process this. I could see Victoria off to the side, arms crossed, seemingly expecting something like this was going to happen. I turned my gaze back to Miss Ruptlee

"I appreciate the gesture, but as you said this is a girls only camp. Unless you are going to change it back to a co-ed camp next year, I think my friends would better use that than I would."

"No. I don't plan on that, but given how none of the girls seems to have had an issue with you or would be willing to risk the camp getting sued or shut down due by telling their parents that there was a boy here." She said making sure that all the campers heard her. "I'm sure we can have you back. Of course you'd still have to dress like one just in case we get a surprise inspection." she said with a smirk. This drew another round of giggles from the crowd.

"No disrespect Miss Ruptlee, but as much fun as I had here I think I'll pass." Thinking of another two weeks of summer in dresses and other girly clothes next year wasn't the most enjoyable even if the camp was amazing. I could always find another camp to go to next year.

"Well if that's how you feel I guess that's that. For now let's have you wait in the main office while the parents start to arrive. When your parents arrive we can have you come out and make it seem more believable that you were in there the whole time." She turned towards the offices as Laura and Ursula helped grab my bags before following her when she paused. "On second thought Allen, my daughter will really miss having one of her best friends at camp though and I do hate to disappoint her. So maybe you should come back to camp next year." Glancing over her shoulder with a knowing smirk and then said something I never expected to hear from her. "In fact I dare you to."

Not a sound was heard as each girl processed this. At this point no one wasn’t aware of my dare rule, but no one expected that the camp owner would dare me before I left camp. I felt a twinge of dread, but understood that I really wasn't in a position to bargain my way out of this. Seeing me nod to her, she broke out into a grin and started to walk away. "Oh I'm glad you've changed your mind. I'm sure you'll have plenty of fun next year, that is if all the girls you pranked at the goodbye ceremony don't hold a grudge against you. But who would do that?"

All around me predatory gleams started to fill the girls eyes as the wheels started turning in their heads and plans started to form. Even Victoria and Chloe had eager grins likely thinking of some of the clothes I'd have to wear. Still a bit dazed, I followed Miss Ruptlee and felt a hand grab mine as Ursula settled in step next to me.

Leaning in she whispered "Hi Allen, or should I say Catcall? It's good that we finally got a proper introduction. You can call me Rhonda though. I've grown attached to that nickname after our time backstage." Glancing forward towards her Mom, she grinned slightly. "Also I hope you don't mind that I told my mom about you. After you almost got caught, I had to come clean to her. Don't mind her too much though. She's really just having some fun after being away from the camp for so long. I am surprised she used your dare clause though." Then pausing long enough to take in all the eyes on us she continued "Don’t worry though, I'm going to be a girl of my word. I'll help you find the Owner's Crest next year. My mom will have a proper one ready next year and it looks like you'll need it. Just maybe I can get my toothbrush back?" She continued to talk as we walked into the office to wait for my parents, the eyes of the girls still following me. One set of eyes was looking at Ursula though, her hand in mine. Those eyes didn't gleam with revenge, but rather burned in green eyed jealousy as Trish watched the door closed behind me, Ursula whispering in my ear.


And that is where our story ends.

Whew. What did you think? I'm assuming if you made it this far, you've at least enjoyed it, but I'd love to hear back from any readers. I know it took much (much) longer than I'd hope and I really appreciate all the people who have stuck around through the long droughts of posting and all the errors throughout the story. I'll look into possibly posting a polished version of this before asking it to be move to completed. (I'll let it hang around here for a while though so people who have been reading this don't wonder where it went.)

As of this moment while I did leave it open for another adventure next summer, have no current plans for sequel. Thank you for all of your comments and for the almost 80K views over the 9 years I've been working on this.

Demon Thief 02-04-2022 02:07 AM

I remember when you started this. It's been an interesting ride.

Alexis Rune 02-05-2022 05:25 PM

Blue Griffin:
This has been my favorite story here on getDare. I know the adolescent pranks aren't everybody’s cup of tea, but I suspect the ‘Dare’ theme of this entire site attracts a lot of people like me, hence your 80,000 views! (Though 500 of those are probably me LOL!) Admittedly, there are some things I’d change (generally girls being meaner to poor catcall, and more pranks done in people asleep!)

You should be proud of completing this work, even if it did take you longer than you expected. I, for one, greatly appreciated all of the work that you put into it.

I do hope to read another story of yours in the near future, but you certainly deserve a bit of a break for now! If you decide to write a follow up, I’d love to consult on ideas if you’d like ;)

SmellyMelly 02-05-2022 08:28 PM

Definitely agree with Alexis. Awesome story one of my favourites. You’re unmatched griffin

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