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firenight 01-04-2012 08:29 PM

can't wait for more to come

Madame_paradox 02-02-2012 10:26 AM

Come on....write more please! I can't wait anymore... :p

daremaster 1 02-02-2012 04:10 PM

Nice joob Betty Boop, really nice chapter.

slutjuice 02-02-2012 05:09 PM

Oh I like this! Nice idea, and I like Seb :). great writing, thanks!

BettyBoop 02-08-2012 04:17 PM

Chapter 6

“How was everyone’s day?” Eliza asked attempting to make conversation and dig for gossip
“Someone accidentally started a fire in the lab today and Mr Allen decided it was his time to shine and he went into superhero mode. It was literally the smallest fire I’ve ever seen and I could have put it out without all the theatrics... It was embarrassing.” Amelia chuckled at the memory.
“Is he the one you said you wanted to ‘shag’? Or however it was you so delightfully put it...” Eliza said scrunching her nose at the word.
“UGH GOD NO!” Amelia turned around to give Eliza a look of disgust and shock. “ That’s the Biology assistant Mr Ryder and boy would I ride him”
“Watch the road” Seb prodded Amelia in the head to get her to turn back around and Eliza stifled a giggle knowing how much that would annoy her.
“Oh it’s funny when I poke her but you can’t stand being tickled” Seb smirked at Eliza and her smile vanished.
“Don’t do it. I will jump out of this moving vehicle Sebastian.” She pushed herself away from him and into the corner of her seat failing at seeming stern all curled up in a ball.
“I won’t! I won’t” he said it with all the sincerity in the world but it didn’t help now Eliza was on edge.
His hand shot out and he tickled her side, she squirmed into her seat his touch sending electric shocks through her.
“You liar” she wailed. Eliza hated being tickled but it was more feeling the warmth of him against her that she didn’t think she could stand.
“Okay seriously, cross my heart I’m not going to do it. I promise” He held his hands up in surrender.
“You two are such children” Amelia said back to them
“Watch the road” Eliza mocked, poking Amelia in the side of the head.
They all laughed at that, even Amelia. Eliza realised they were getting closer to her house and she found herself not wanting to leave the car and the laughter of her friends. As if he could read her mind Sebastian piped up
“Liza, I was wondering if you could help me with that English essay? I am completely lost and if anyone can help me it’s you” He shot her his winning smile and she knew she’d write him a thousand essays if he wanted her to, not that he’d ever let her he’d say he was taking advantage. Eliza briefly thought about how Seb could get a fantastic grade on an essay without even trying. Her mind wanted to question his asking for help but she pushed the thought away as excitement bubbled inside her. Her thoughts ran wild thinking of all the many different ways she could lure Seb into her bedroom to help him with his “essay”.

Amelia turned the car radio up and began singing loudly and dancing in her seat making the most of not having to drive for a moment. Eliza noticed her grumpy elderly neighbour’s curtains twitching and she thought she should really hurry to get going.
“Um sure, we could go to the library tomorrow after school or...” She started
“Are you busy now?” He said. Seb’s voice faltered as if he regretted his question even as he said it. He sounded almost nervous but Eliza was, as usual, completely unaware of anything but her pounding heart. She thought about her probably empty house and how quiet and dark it got as her parents spent the majority of their time working and when they got home they’d probably still be working. She knew she’d have to go in and sit alone, cook her own food and be by herself as the evening got darker and she hated it. She made a decision or more of a promise to herself that she’d stop being such a coward.

“Not at all, I’m free as a bird I have absolutely no plans and nothing to do” Eliza burst out a little too quickly. She cringed inwardly wishing she’d just said a simple no.
“Great...Um... Okay. Amy I guess I’ll see you tomorrow” He scooped his bag up off the floor of the car and hopped out yet again ignoring the existence of the car door.
Eliza got out of the car but used the door; jumping out of cars wasn’t something she planned on doing in a skirt.
“See you tomorrow Amelia” she hugged her redheaded friend
“See ya Liza. Make him wear a condom okay?” She grinned at her
“Shut up” Eliza laughed walking away from Amelia and towards her front door. She was used to ignoring her best friend’s constant jokes about her and Seb and sometimes wishing, just a little, that they weren’t jokes.

BettyBoop 02-08-2012 05:24 PM

Chapter 7.

She’d never had Seb over at her house before without Amy or any of their other mutual friends and without her parents or even a pet around in the house she felt a little awkward. He sat on the sofa in the lounge and Eliza became a perfect host bringing them both snacks and drinks.
She asked him about his essay and quickly realised it was one she’d already completed, it didn’t take her long to get him to understand what it was he had to do. Eliza suspected it was because he already knew but she didn’t want to think it because she’d go on to question why he’d want to lie to spend time with her. She knew her mind could run off into its own little fantasy world and she’d often think something amazing could happen and then it wouldn’t, leaving her disappointed.

She helped him write the first half of his essay which took no longer than half an hour, it was pretty clear he already had some form a rough draft in his mind. Sebastian paused and thanked Eliza for helping him but told her he’d finish the rest at home, she assumed it was at this point where he’d leave and it would turn out he really just needed her help. But yet again Eliza was mistaken.
“Got any good movies?” He perked up
“Uh” Eliza was a little stunned; her mind had already wandered off, thinking about what she’d do with her evening now she had assumed Seb was leaving.
“It’s okay if you don’t have time or whatever” He shoved his books into his bag carelessly.

“No! I would love to. Not sure if I have anything good though” Eliza smiled at him, the way any girl would at her one of her best friends but inside she was squealing and dancing and bouncing off the walls. “You can look if you want. I need to clear this up anyway” She pointed him towards a cabinet of DVDs and took away the empty snack packets to replace them with popcorn and refilled drinks.
Eliza left the tray of food in the kitchen and quickly snuck upstairs to her bedroom. She threw her blazer on her bed and the rest of her clothes followed. She didn’t know why but she wanted to change but then she thought Seb might question it, well, he definitely would. She took off her plain grey sports bra and switched it with a lacy black one, she didn’t know why that would matter but once the thought popped into her mind she wanted to follow it through. She swapped her pink girl boxers for a matching lace black thong and felt pleased with her reflection in the mirror.

She pulled her uniform back on, minus the blazer. She tugged up her knee length socks and rolled up her skirt way over her knees and a bit further up her thighs. She wasn’t sure if he’d notice the change or that she’d mind if he did. She left a few of her shirt’s buttons undone but kept her cardigan on. Popping to the mirror she quickly ran a brush through her hair and checked her eye makeup hadn’t got too messed up throughout the day.

BettyBoop 02-08-2012 05:25 PM

Sorry I've taken so long to update and sorry the chapters are so short. I've been pretty busy but I do like writing this one so I'll try to stick to it.

Leopard 02-08-2012 05:39 PM

Yay! So glad you're continuing this story!

daremaster 1 02-08-2012 06:44 PM

Nice few chapters, they are great!

tarheel boy 02-08-2012 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by Leopard (Post 621846)
Yay! So glad you're continuing this story!

Me too. This is one of the best stories on GD.

EctoJohn 02-08-2012 11:01 PM

Glad to see this story up and running again.

owlart 02-09-2012 01:12 AM

Thanks Boop, nice writing, glad you're continuing it.

Demonking 02-09-2012 07:31 PM

Great story I'm really glad you're continuing it and they are well written

BettyBoop 02-13-2012 07:24 AM

Chapter 8

Sebastian ran his fingers over the DVDs not really paying much attention to what was what. He kept peering over his shoulder waiting for Eliza to emerge from the kitchen... In nothing but an apron... No!
“She’s your best friend, idiot” he muttered to himself. And she thinks you’re a joke, he added silently.

He pulled out a random horror film, the crappy gory kind that made you jump but had a terrible storyline. It never really mattered. While he waited he decided to tidy the mess he’d managed to create, he stuffed his bag, jacket and blazer into one corner and self consciously eyed himself in the large mirror above the fireplace. He ran his fingers through his hair trying to fix a particular strand that wouldn’t cooperate. Soon enough he heard Eliza coming back and he threw himself back to where he was trying to make it seem like he hadn’t moved at all.

“I found a movie... Um” he looked at the case properly for the first time “Sexy Ghost Zombies? Really? Why do you own this?” He turned around to look at her.
“I’ve never seen it before in my life, honest.” She walked around the sofa with a tray full of snacks which she slid onto the coffee table.
Sebastian looked at her quizzically noticing a change before he knew what it actually was. Her skirt was shorter; that much was clear. Being someone who spent an awful lot of time staring at her legs that was something he wouldn’t miss. Sometimes he wished he didn’t spend so much time acting like a cocky bastard and then maybe she’d look at him seriously. He was confident enough, or good at behaving as such, but he’d suddenly run out of words.

He continued to stare as she leaned over the table and poured M&Ms into a blue plastic bowl. Another thing he didn’t fail to notice were the few buttons on her shirt that had somehow came undone. He noticed a lot but what he hadn’t was how much more than a little cleavage she was hiding under her neatly worn school uniform. He craned his neck as if that would somehow help him see through the fabric.

It didn’t.

They both sat curled up on the sofa wrapping themselves in a huge red duvet covered in a pattern of roses. Seb felt a little girly with it pulled up to his chin but he was hardly going to complain with Eliza squished up next to him. The movie was the same as most horror films, fake blood, sudden loud noises to make you jump and a hell of a lot of nudity. Sebastian tried his hardest not to jump when something sudden popped up though, he felt like he had to retain at least a little of his charm and that couldn’t be done if he was hopping about like a little girl.

A sexy ghost zombie jumped out screaming from the darkness and Eliza gasped reaching toward Seb out of fear. She dug her nails into his leg, her body tensed up.
“Ow” Sebastian whispered and she loosened her grip but her hand stayed on his thigh, resting a little higher up she probably realised in the dark. Sebastian tried to ignore her touch by focusing on a vase of flowers that were slowly dying without water by the window, by biting his lip, by looking at the mangled bodies and rotting faces of the zombies. Ah, that did it. He cringed and Eliza jumped again moving her hands up to cover her face and he relaxed a little.

It seemed he relaxed a little too much because it felt like only a moment later when he opened his eyes to the sound of birds tweeting and a pain in his neck. Lazily lifting his arm he checked the time his watch, 5:00am.

“Ugh” he grumbled to himself rubbing the back of his neck that ached from the terrible position he’d been curled up in for hours. He rolled his head around as if it would help and spotted Eliza curled up next to him, only the top of her head visible above the flowery duvet. He couldn’t help but smile.

He got up and stretched every which way he could, it only helped a little with the ache in his muscles. The blinds were partly open and he finished the job filling the room with morning sunlight. Eliza groaned and dipped further under the duvet and into the darkness. She mumbled something unintelligible as she fidgeted about sticking her leg out from under the duvet as if she were dipping her toe in the pool.
“Good Morning!” Seb said loudly and over enthusiastically. He was not a morning person but Eliza was even less of one, especially when it was so early.
“Seb?” her voice was muffled “Oh.. oh wait. Did we fall asleep? Both of us on this tiny sofa?” She sat up and stretched out her arms. “It’s weird I was actually really comfortable”
“Lucky Liza” Seb smiled at her “Mind if I use your bathroom?”
“Yeah, sure” Eliza ducked down under the duvet again realising she probably looked all awful and morning-ey.
Sebastian jogged up the stairs thinking the same thing.

Viking_Guy 02-13-2012 02:38 PM

I like your style of writing, it makes want to read more of the story.

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