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archie21 07-14-2010 11:27 AM

Damn was refering to post about razors but as usual my connection collapsed during sending.

verbena 07-14-2010 01:18 PM

Stretch marks:

I tried the shark oil a while back but it grossed me out too much... and it's so sticky! I don't doubt that it would have worked if I'd kept it up... but I couldn't do it.

I had terrible stretch marks on my hips and thighs (had to apply concealer on them when I was modelling, to make myself feel better even though I knew no one minded!) but they're nearly gone now - I applied Bio Oil (a thick oil but not fishy) two or three times a day for six months, and since then have moisturised twice a day with Palmer's Cocoa Butter.

I've heard that olive oil works well too - the trick is keeping the skin supple so it has the chance to heal, so whatever you choose, it has to be every day for best effect.

nellybell 07-14-2010 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by Nixie (Post 303326)
mmmmm I lovers Coffee It makes a Happy Nixie!

Hahaha I can only imagine how hyper you could get off of that :p
verbena, that sounds MUCH better than smelling like a fish :p

Nixie 07-18-2010 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by verbena (Post 303379)
Stretch marks:

I tried the shark oil a while back but it grossed me out too much... and it's so sticky! I don't doubt that it would have worked if I'd kept it up... but I couldn't do it.

I had terrible stretch marks on my hips and thighs (had to apply concealer on them when I was modelling, to make myself feel better even though I knew no one minded!) but they're nearly gone now - I applied Bio Oil (a thick oil but not fishy) two or three times a day for six months, and since then have moisturised twice a day with Palmer's Cocoa Butter.

I've heard that olive oil works well too - the trick is keeping the skin supple so it has the chance to heal, so whatever you choose, it has to be every day for best effect.

OHHH Thanks for this!!!!!!!! I'm gonna need to buy some
With the shark oil I suffered through it... Eliminate them?? NO it did not. I'd love for you to tell me if the Bio oil gets "rid" of them. I realize it really isn't possible to make a scar disappear. BUT I'd love to. THEY DRIVE ME CRAZY I hate wearing a bikini and feel hopeless with them at times.


Hahaha I can only imagine how hyper you could get off of that
verbena, that sounds MUCH better than smelling like a fish
HAHAHAHAH I do get rather hyper.

*Goes to buy Bio Oil*

nellybell 07-18-2010 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Nixie (Post 304694)
HAHAHAHAH I do get rather hyper.

*Goes to buy Bio Oil*

Hahahah oh goodness we should get hyper together :p (and for some reason that doesn't sound right to me :p)
*goes off to but too*

verbena 07-18-2010 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Nixie (Post 304694)
. I'd love for you to tell me if the Bio oil gets "rid" of them. I realize it really isn't possible to make a scar disappear.

No, I don't think they'll ever disappear completely... it took a few months for the redness to fade, then they went white, then slowly faded and shrank to thin, pale, silvery lines. The ones on my hips go pink again for a while if I put on any weight (because that's where it gathers on me..) but the small, faint ones on the sides of my boobs have faded to just thin impressions in the skin.

I've been told that once the marks have faded a bit they can be tattooed over (I assume with a design or pattern, rather than block colour)... so that's always an option if they're really getting you down...

SlaveThomas 07-18-2010 07:01 PM

I have at least 10 that run for most of the width of my back. They were purple at first, then pink, and now they are just white, and look kinda like scars, the ones I have a fairl nasty, but I got used to them after a while, and I think people think I got stabbed, so they don't ask about them.

Nixie 07-18-2010 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by verbena (Post 304706)
I've been told that once the marks have faded a bit they can be tattooed over (I assume with a design or pattern, rather than block colour)... so that's always an option if they're really getting you down...

LOL this was my solution!!! I did tattoo over a bunch on my hip. And it was weird the ink too fine and I didn't "feel" any thing it was very strange to be honest.

The ones I have on my bells are horrid. I need to figure a way to get the skin to tighten up. Just haven't figured it out yet. I WILL THO. Believe me I will. :D

ewitch 07-18-2010 11:16 PM

How do you get the skin on your back looking nice, I find it is covered in small marks.

verbena 07-19-2010 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by Nixie (Post 304728)
I need to figure a way to get the skin to tighten up. Just haven't figured it out yet. I WILL THO. Believe me I will. :D

You could try one of those "firming" moisturisers, I think Dove make one that's supposed to be good.


Originally Posted by ewitch (Post 304761)
How do you get the skin on your back looking nice, I find it is covered in small marks.

What sort of marks?

For stretch marks, moisturise like crazy...

For small spots/blemishes, exfoliate gently, every couple of days, with a gritty shower scrub or a long-handled brush.

Nixie 07-19-2010 06:55 AM

I agree with above. There are "loufa's" you can buy that are wicked. But feel AWESOME!

MasterPain 07-19-2010 07:24 AM

ok im a guy ovously but im intrested in knowing if you know anything good to eliminate razor burn and ingrown hairs, because if i even look at a razor to shave my face my face breaks out.

and then after i get massave infections as hairs ingrow, then as i pull hairs to pop the infection out of my skin i end up ripping a small wound on my face.

any womenly tips to help this man?

verbena 07-19-2010 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by MasterPain (Post 304856)
ok im a guy ovously but im intrested in knowing if you know anything good to eliminate razor burn and ingrown hairs, because if i even look at a razor to shave my face my face breaks out.

Oh I know, ingrown hairs are bastards - I get them along my bikini line because the hairs seem to grow sideways for some reason...

The trick is prevention - use hot water beforehand to open the pores, and after shaving apply Witch Hazel solution (about £2 from any pharmacy) to clean and tighten them again (then a light moisturiser). When you next wash your face (e.g. if you shaved in the morning, this might be in the evening) you need to exfoliate to stop dead skin and dirt collecting and blocking the hairs - for this you can use a face scrub, or just a couple of teaspoons of sugar mixed with a little of whatever you usually use to wash your face, and massage it in circles. Exfoliate every day, or every other day, but not too soon after shaving, and don't scrub too hard if there's already some broken skin there from previous ingrowers. After exfoliating, apply Witch Hazel again, then a tiny thin bit of moisturiser.

If they get really bad, I tend to just let them grow out for a week or so and then shave again when the blemishes have healed.

CollaredBlondie 07-19-2010 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by verbena (Post 303379)
Palmer's Cocoa Butter.

Yeah, that stuff does semi-wonders. Personally, I think stretch marks (on other people) are beautiful. Can't stand my own, although I think the idea of your skin ripped and sewing itself back together (which, basically is what a stretch mark is) is fasinating. Folks, love your stretch marks, especially after you've had a baby (girls). They prove that growing up/creating a new life isn't easy.

Anyway. Love you for this thread Nixie <3

verbena 07-19-2010 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by CollaredBlondie (Post 304899)
Personally, I think stretch marks (on other people) are beautiful.

Me too! Sometimes they can look like flames.
When I model for art classes, everyone loves to draw them in as part of their quest to capture form and solidity (along with any creases or folds of fat when I'm bending or twisting, which always get emphasised!), and I'm sure I would too in their position... but it still doesn't make me like them :)

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