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mhayes2410 11-11-2015 03:02 AM

Chapter 5, Option A: Go ahead and place her underwear in the box
Here's the next chapter!

Leila was in shock. Minutes, no, seconds ago, she was thinking about how she may have actually found what she was looking for, a place to fit in and meet friends, when suddenly Leila found herself reeling; did she hear Emma correctly? Was there some mistake? Why would Emma want her to do this? How will she do this? There were so many questions, and almost no answers.

One thing Leila did know, however, was that if she didn’t comply with Emma’s request, it may very well kill this whole sorority endeavor before it ever left the ground. Emma would be disappointed with Leila if she couldn’t follow through. But did she still really want to impress Emma? Was it really worth it?

Leila looked around the room before she did anything, not even entirely sure of what it was she was looking for. Nevertheless, Leila had to know every last piece of information she could. She walked over to the doorway in her thin leather sandals and peered out into the hall. After looking both directions and seeing no one, Leila stepped back into the room and started pacing. Whatever she was going to do, she had to act quickly, she thought.

Before she could talk herself out of it, Leila reached up underneath her thin, cotton dress and grabbed a hold of her underwear, sliding the tiny garment down her smooth, thin legs. As she reached her ankles, she quietly stepped out of her sandals, leaving her bare feet now on the carpet. While Leila did enjoy the feeling of being barefoot, she knew she couldn’t waste any time, so she finished her task and placed the underwear in the box on the table.

But then Leila realized she wasn’t finished yet; she still had her bra on. So, Leila reached behind her back and found the hook on her bra underneath her dress and began to fiddle with it, trying to get it unlatched. This became much more complicated than she thought it would be, however. Leila tried to wiggle around every which direction, hoping to slither out of her bra without taking the dress off. Whether it was her nerves causing her problems or what, Leila was beginning to grow frustrated. So, again without much hesitation, she peeled the dress off completely, leaving herself wearing nothing but a bra in the middle of the conference room.

Shivering slightly from the sudden increase of air on her body, Leila made quick work of the bra, unhooking it and tossing it into the box. Suddenly, Leila was completely naked; a petite, dark-haired, 19-year-old girl without a stitch of clothing on her young, smooth body. She wasn’t even wearing her sandals. This sent a twinge of excitement coursing through her body. Leila was always proud of her body, and she did what she could to keep it in shape. The result was a stunning, nubile form that would make many boys her age drool. And her she was showing it off to an audience of office furniture.

Realizing that she was actually naked in this strange building, she quickly slipped her dress and sandals back on, and took a seat again. Wearing nothing under her dress made sitting down extremely dangerous, as now she had to be careful to not show off too much. Also, the fact that the dress was really only a very thin, light piece of cotton, made Leila very aware of just how little clothing she had. Leila shifted uncomfortably for several more minutes before Emma returned.

“Oh good!” Emma exclaimed after peeing into the box. “Cute underwear by the way. I’ll make sure you get it back at some point.” Emma smirked at Leila, who was now as uncomfortable as ever.

“Now, here is some quick paperwork that I need you to sign,” Emma said, handing a small packet of papers over to the scantily-clad young girl. “Nothing much, basically just a consent form explaining that anything you do is of your own free will.”

Free will? Did Leila actually have any free will left? Still, though, if Leila really wanted to pledge for Kappa Delta, she’d have to play by the rules. Without much more thought, she quickly signed the agreement, hand trembling, and placed the pen gently on the table.

“Very good, very good,” Emma said, collecting the box and paperwork. “So, shall we begin with your pledging? The next task should be pretty easy, and if you play your cards right, kinda fun, too.”

Leila, for her part, looked terrified. What was Emma going to make her, or rather, encourage her to do? All the girl could muster was a gentle nod.

“Good,” said Emma. “For your next task…”

What is Leila’s next task?

A) Head back out to the rush tables with Emma
B) Explore more of the sorority house with Emma
C) Go shopping at the mall with Emma

NaughtygirlJ123 11-11-2015 11:24 AM

Option A I think

jed5454 11-11-2015 11:51 AM

Go shopping at the mall with Emma

Jack3445 11-11-2015 04:55 PM

C go shopping with emma

Master Sosa 11-11-2015 05:10 PM

Go with option B

Deadpool15 11-11-2015 09:26 PM

I'll go with option c

mhayes2410 11-13-2015 11:59 AM

Chapter 6, Option C: Go shopping at the mall with Emma
Sorry for the delay, but here is the next chapter! And this one has four options at the end, so choose wisely! Enjoy!

“For your next task,” Emma continued, “we’re going to take you shopping!”

Leila sat in the chair, pondering Emma’s statement? Shopping? Well, that certainly couldn’t be that bad, could it? “What are we shopping for?” Leila asked.

“Well, I think that sundress is cute and all, but we could find you a better dress for tonight,” Emma said confidently. “Besides, you have nothing to fear, I’m buying it for you.” Emma let this last remark hang in the air for a moment, hoping Leila would take it as a gesture of goodwill, which she did.

“You’re going to buy me a new dress? Why?” Leila questioned.

“Because what girl doesn’t want a new dress for a fancy occasion?” Emma said, gently motioning for Leila to stand. “Now come on, we don’t have all day!”

As the two girls left the room, Leila looked back longingly at the box containing her underwear. She was leaving a part of her modesty behind, and it made her terribly uncomfortable. She had never once considered going out in public like this. Leila was still adequately covered by the dress, and to anyone looking at her, it looked like she was fully clothed. But knowing this dirty secret made Leila’s face burn with embarrassment.

Leila and Emma exited the sorority building and headed toward Emma’s car, which was parked across the parking lot about 200 feet away. As they walked across the lot, a light breeze blew past them, tugging at Leila’s dress slightly. While nothing sensitive was exposed, the rush of air past her bare thighs sent a chill down her spine, and a rush through her nerves. Leila felt so completely exposed, yet knew she was safe. At least, for now.

Once the two girls reached Emma’s car, Leila was taken aback; Emma’s car was stunning! A beautiful, dark red sports car, that clearly was also incredibly expensive. It was clear that Emma came from money, and a lot of it. The car was a four-door, though it was clear the backseat area was condensed slightly to make the car shorter and faster. As Leila opened the door on her side, a rush of new car smell flowed past her. She gingerly stepped inside, paying careful attention to the position of her dress as she did so.

Once inside the car, as both girls buckled their seatbelts, Emma finally spoke up again.

“Okay, so I was thinking we would head to the mall, maybe pick out a couple nice dresses and outfits for you, then maybe grab a bite to eat at the food court,” Emma explained. “Sound like a plan?”

“Uh, yeah, sure,” Leila said, still overwhelmed by everything happening around her. This whole situation was so unexpected, so unplanned for. Though Leila was finally starting to relax a little again as she sat there, watching the landscape go by on their 20-minute drive to the mall. In fact, she started enjoying things so much, that she started having a familiar feeling – was she becoming aroused?

No, that’s impossible. I’m not turned on by this, not at all. I just need to get through this, it’ll be fine.

Before Leila knew it, they had arrived at the mall. Emma parked on the lesser used side of the mall, since finding a space her was easier. Only a handful of cars were scattered about on this side of the building.

Once the pair of girls exited the car, they began walking toward the entrance of the mall. Emma was going on about sorority stuff, things that Leila was having a tough time focusing on, not that she wasn’t trying. But she was fixating on trying to calm herself more than anything, and rein her body in. She attributed everything to her nerves, and tried valiantly to brush it all off and just focus on what was going on around her.

Emma and Leila entered the mall, and found a very deserted wing. Out of the four spaces immediately in front of them, only one was actually occupied by an open store. Two were vacant, and one was closed for remodeling. The only store open in this section was a small thrift store that appeared to sell knockoff, discounted clothing. It looked like they didn’t get much business there.

The girls turned to the left and walked about 50 feet down a hallway that opened up into a courtyard of sorts, with a large fountain in the middle. Here were many more shops, all of them open, in what looked like a more used part of the mall. The first area they passed through was somewhat isolated from the rest of the mall, whereas this section connected directly to everything else.

As Emma led Leila around the mall, Leila wondered what store they would enter first. However, she wouldn’t have to wait long. Before she knew it, she was being led into one of the fanciest (and most expensive) boutiques in the entire mall.

“Emma, you can’t buy me anything from here, it’s too expensive!” Leila exclaimed quietly as they entered the store.

“Leila, don’t be ridiculous, I can buy you whatever I want!” Emma said, beginning to hunt through the various racks of clothes. “What’s your favorite color?”

“Um… blue,” Leila said sheepishly, slightly embarrassed by the fact that Emma was going to buy her such expensive things.

Emma picked through rack after rack of clothes, occasionally holding things up to Leila to see how they looked. Eventually, Emma came across one she liked, and gasped.

“This is perfect, look at how beautiful this one is!” Emma said, holding it up to Leila. “I bet this would fit you perfectly.” The dress was a dark blue color, and went down to about mid-thigh on Leila. It was a little short, but was incredibly sexy. It was simple, yet very cute. Leila also thought it looked perfect.

Leila looked down at the price tag and also gasped. “$300, this is crazy! You can’t buy this for me!” Leila again pleaded.

“Nonsense Leila, this is too perfect to pass on,” Emma explained, walking Leila over to the dressing rooms. Emma pointed at one of them, implying she wanted Leila to enter. “Go on in and we’ll get you to try this on.”

Leila entered the small cubicle and closed the door. There was about a foot and a half gap between the bottom of the door and the floor, and a mirror on the wall behind her that went all the way to the floor. The space was slightly cramped, but would do just fine. It was then, however, that Leila realized she didn’t have the dress.

“Um, could you pass me the dress, Emma?” Leila asked quietly. “I forgot to bring it in with me.”

What happens next?

A) Emma makes Leila trade her dress for the new one
B) Emma makes Leila hand over her dress, then takes it while she continues shopping
C) Emma hands her a different, much more risqué dress
D) Emma enters the dressing room and makes Leila try on the new dress with her watching

NaughtygirlJ123 11-13-2015 12:13 PM

A or B im not sure which one though

7Clubs 11-13-2015 12:28 PM

B and C
Emma leaves Leala naked as she goes off to find the risqué dress.

Deadpool15 11-13-2015 03:02 PM

I'm gonna go with option c

Jack3445 11-13-2015 04:25 PM

Sexy story in want Emma to leave lilamnaked in thehop but I'll go with C

NoTact 11-13-2015 04:25 PM

A for me please!!! :D:D:D

jed5454 11-13-2015 09:36 PM

C) Emma hands her a different, much more risqué dress

arklord 11-13-2015 11:35 PM

B sounds like it would be the most fun

mhayes2410 11-15-2015 02:02 AM

Chapter 7, Option C: Emma hands her a different, much more risqué dress
Okay, so this chapter is a little short, sorry. Also, I have a family emergency to handle tomorrow, so the next part will be a day or so late. But please, keep the votes and comments coming!

“Um, could you pass me the dress, Emma?” Leila asked quietly. “I forgot to bring it in with me.”

“Sure, hang on just a sec,” Emma said in a tone that sounded as though she were distracted.

What was she doing out there? Did she just get distracted with shopping? Leila waited patiently for Emma to return. She was really only gone about 30 seconds, but between the nerves and now Leila’s boredom, it seemed like forever.

“Here you go, tell me what you think,” Emma said, handing Leila a garment.

Leila unruffled the blue material, only to find that this was an entirely different dress! In fact, some might make the case that this was no dress at all. Leila was taken aback.

“I can’t wear this, Emma,” Leila said with panic in her voice. “This isn’t the dress we picked out!”

“Just try it at least, please?” Emma asked. “I think you’ll quite enjoy it. Besides, can you really say no?”

Leila sighed. Emma was right. If she said no now, Emma would make sure to humiliate her., telling everyone that she didn’t have the guts for it, that she couldn’t handle being a pledge for Kappa Delta. She’d look like a total failure. Begrudgingly, Leila slipped her yellow sundress over her head and laid it down on the bench, then slipped the new dress on.

This new dress was the same shade of blue as the old one, but that was where the similarities ended. It was much, much shorter in length, falling to just about an inch below the bottom of Leila’s bare butt. Bending over even just slightly would show off her womanhood to everyone around. And forget sitting down in this thing, unless she wanted her pussy on display to the world. In addition to its shorter length, it was also backless, with a loop around Leila’s neck holding up the front. It was obvious that Leila had no bra on, and a good portion of the side of her boobs could be seen if looking from the side at the right angle.

She was dangerously close to showing so much, yet covering just enough. It was terrifying, making Leila shake slightly, but it also electrified her. She had a growing feeling that she had never had before, and it confused her. Leila wondered what kind of person it made her, feeling things like she was while showing off so much skin.

“Come on, I want to see it!” Emma exclaimed, trying to rush Leila along.

Leila was panicking; she had no idea what to do. Should she open the door and show Emma the dress? Should she put her old dress back on and just back out of pledging altogether? Maybe try to convince Emma to reason with her?

None of the options seemed particularly appealing, but Leila knew she had to decide fast. With that, Leila slowly opened the door.

Emma’s eyes grew wide. “Well don’t you look hot?” she asked.

“Um, I don’t know, I mean…” Leila stammered, unsure of what to say. “Can I please have the other dress instead? This one is too small, I can’t bend over in it.”

“How do you know you can’t bend over? Did you try?” Emma asked.

“Well… no, but…” Leila replied.

Emma silently conveyed to Leila that she should do just that. Leila shot Emma a brief look of discontent, but decided to comply, albeit quickly. Still somewhat covered by the safety of the dressing room, Leila turned around and bent down, putting her hand on the bench in front of her. The result was exactly what she expected. Immediately, the bottom hem of the dress rode up Leila’s smooth butt, and exposed everything very, very clearly.

Emma grinned, enjoying Leila’s show. Quickly, Leila stood up. “Can I put my old dress on?” she asked.

“Not yet, honey,” Emma said. “First we have to…”

What do they do next?

A) Continue shopping for other outfits in this store
B) Buy the dress Leila is currently wearing and move to a different store

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