getDare Truth or Dare

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yomoma15 05-20-2009 02:37 PM

keeep going this story is mored adicting than pot!

HeadHunter_t 05-21-2009 02:24 PM

here is the next part hope you enjoy
part 9 wedgie school blues

jenna got to school early even thoe it was a saterday she had to go to school for a cheer leading comp.the cheer leading compation was 6 hours with a 30 miniuts brake in between.Jenna's team was practicing for the first half of the time when the brake came jenna went to the far end of the school to the second story bathroom to compleat her second edge for the day.10 miniuts was allot easier for jenna then fifteen had been.she was releaved no one came in to the bathroom during that time because jenna is not the quietest girl when masturbating and it dident help that she was thinking about her master while masturbating.

jenna then went to compeat in the compation with her team.Jennas team came third place in the compation so she was very happy there where 20 teams in alltogether so third was not that bad.the thing jenna did not enjoy was doing cheerleaders with a bra connection wedgie it hurt her like hell when she was finished she went home.

jenna then did her last eage for the day when she got home.the 15 miniuts felt like forever but she made it without cumming as ordered then jenna started going throe her cuberd to see what cloths she had for the list for her master.jenna sorted her cloths on to piles that where sorted by types of cloths.


monkeysrock 05-21-2009 03:37 PM

Brillaint story!!


If you'd like a hand proofreading, let me know.

HeadHunter_t 05-22-2009 01:55 AM

Thanks for reading this story.
Thanks for the coments from all of you.i am glad people are enjoying it should post more realsoon.
Oh and thanks for the offer monkeysrock but you just want to read early lol.

firenight 05-22-2009 11:11 AM

please go on it is sweet

HeadHunter_t 05-22-2009 02:22 PM

here is the next part hope you enjoy
part 10

jenna just finished emailing the list of cloths to her master when she recived a email asking her to log on to jenna logged on to yahoo and her master was on .jenna opened a chat window and started type.

slaveJ; hello master
MasterX:hello slave how was your day at the comp.
SlaveJ: it was good master we came in third place master.
MasterX: that is good slave and how did your tasks go slave.
SlaveJ: they went well master i completed all of them without a problem except the wedgie dose heart a lot master.
MasterX: it is saposed to hurt a bit slave but you may undue it now slave

jenna felt releaf when she read that she could remove the bra connection wegie.she ameadetly took her cloths off unhooked her bra and undid the wegie.she felt so relived to no longer feel the pain of the wedgie.jenna then started to type to her master again.

SlaveJ: thank you master for allowing your slave to remove her wedgie master
MasterX; it is a pleasure my slut.
SlaveJ; master must i put my cloths back on or should i remain naked master.
MasterX: i think you should remain naked slut.
SlaveJ: yes master
MasterX: ok slave i want you to get the following items if you need to leave your room you may dress but strip as soon as you get back into your room slave.
15 pegs a permant maker and some ice

jenna got up from her pc and got dressed and went in to the kitchen to find the items her master required of her.she when to a draw under the kitchen sink and found the maker pen.then jenna went to the laundry room next to get the pegs.she took 20 peg from the back of the laundry room door just in case she needed a few more.jenna then went to the freezer and got the ice she needed.then jenna went of upstairs towards her room.the minute jenna got in to her room again she closed her door and stripped off her clothes.jenna then went to her pc and started typing to her master.

SlaveJ: i am back master.
MasterX; good my slut now i want you to listen closely and do the following with the items i asked for my slave
SlaveJ: yes master

fire 05-23-2009 01:39 AM

This is a great story, but it would be even better if you spellchecked each segment before posting.
It is a really good story, well done

HeadHunter_t 05-23-2009 01:31 PM

Thanks for the advice fire i do use spell cheak but i do it late at night so i am normaly i am very tired when i cheak and add parts.but i am glad you guys are likeing the story.

BLOEM51 05-23-2009 01:35 PM

Still a very great story to read. You are really doing a great job here. Please post as soon as possible

Beginnerbabe 05-23-2009 02:47 PM

This is amazin but I agree about the spellchecking and even capital letters for names and the starts of sentences would be good. Keep it up though :)

molten man 05-23-2009 04:28 PM

Great story. U are doing a great job!!

Lovesfundares 05-23-2009 07:00 PM


HeadHunter_t 05-30-2009 02:27 PM

here is the next part hope you enjoy
part 11

MasterX: Good slut i want you to rub the ice over your nipples slave. Then take the 6 pegs and put two on your erect nipples 2 on your bottom pussy lip and two on your top pussy lip.
SlaveJ: Yes master
MasterX: Now slave i want you to take the permanat maker and wright the following.
SlaveJ:Yes master
MasterX:you will wright owned by master across your chest.You will wright masters cunt above your pussy.Then you will place the maker up your ass my slave.
SlaveJ: Yes master

Jenna sat there with pegs on her erect nipples on her pussy lips. While she was carfully wrighting the words her master told her to wright on diffrent parts of her body.Then Jenna shoved the maker up her ass as she was told to.Jenna then decided to saprize her master so she got her camra.Jenna took a photo of her tits with the peg on each nipple.Then she did the same with the pegs on her pussy,each bit of wrighting and finaly the permant maker up her ass.Jenna logged on to her email then atached the pictures and sent them to her masters email.Jenna then began to type to her master.

SlaveJ: Master there is a saprize wating for you in your email inbox from your slave master.Your slave hopes you are pleased with it master.

Somewhere else in London at the same time a 19 year old boy named Jake sat at his computer with a broad smile on his face.Jake quickly opened the email from his slave to find photos of exactly what he had told her to do.from the pegs to the writing right up to the maker.Jake thought to him self he did not even ask for these photos but she sent them.Jake then started to type in yahoo chat again because his slave had said something to him.

SlaveJ: Well master do you like the saprize from your slave master
MasterX:Yes Slave your master is pleased with the photos.
MasterX:ok Slave you may log off for now and do as you wish for a while as long as you don't brake any rules.Ah yes slave you also have your masters permission to cum once as a reward for the photos.

molten man 05-30-2009 05:34 PM

Nice writing!! Keep it going..

HeadHunter_t 06-07-2009 11:43 AM

hey guys sorry for the long wait here is the next part
part 12 the reward

Jenna was very happy that her master was pleased with the photos that she had sent him.After Jenna logged off of yahoo chat she decided to watch some tv with the time here master had given her. jenna went down stairs to the lounge to watch .t.v..She watched mortle combat1 on .t.v. for about two hours then decided to go upstairs and rest for a while. jenna dosed off to sleep very quickly.

Meanwhile somewhere else in London Jake sat in his room doing some homework that was due for the Monday.Jake was finding it hard to concentrate on the homework at the moment thoe.He had found a slave girl that looked like she was really willing to please him.this happened after many failed attempts of finding a slave girl that would suit him.Jake was very glad he had found SlaveJ.Jake new he would not get much time to play with his slave on the Sunday because he had to visit his twin sister for the day.

jenna slept for the rest of the night without waking up at all when she woke up on the Sunday she logged on to yahoo.jenna found a off line message from her master it said the following.

MasterX: ok slave i will not be online today and i have decided you may have the day off.but you must log on to chat at 8; 00 this eavning slave enjoy your day.

Jake got to his parents house round about 8:00 and then knocked on the door. Even thoe he was the same age as his sister he went to a boarding school across town .Jakes sister opened the door and told him to come in and that there parents where out for the day.Jake went in and they both sat down in the lounge and had some tee and bisects.Jakes sister noticed Jake stairing into the distance for a second with a huge smile on his face then they continued to chat for the day.

meanwhile jenna sat at home thinking about her master and decided to use her masters reward that was given to her.jenna decided to play with her self and thinking of her master it was not very long before she came harder the she ever had before.Jenna then spent the rest of the day reading one of her books that she had not finished yet.jenna also thought while she was reading that she must remember to ask her master if she could spend next weekend at Kristy's house while her parents where away.Jenna did not know what her master would say about this but she would find out soon since it was 7:30 already.
At presicely 8:00 jenna's master logged on they started to type at the exzact same time.

MasterX: hello slave
SlaveJ: hello master
SlaveJ: master your slave has something she wishes to ask you
MasterX: what is it slave
SlaveJ: master my best freand Kristy has asked me to her place next weekend due to the fact her parents are away for the next week master may your slave go.

Jenna sat and waited for what felt like forever for a reply from her master but it was rellay only miniuts.
Jake smiled and started typing back to his slave with a reply.

MasterX: that means you will not be online that whole weekend correct slave.
SlaveJ: yes master that is right
MasterX: you may go to your freands house for the weekend but i will give you the cloths you are to wear and pack for the weekend slave is that understood
SlaveJ: yes master and thank you master

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