getDare Truth or Dare

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TorD180 07-31-2020 01:14 PM

Chapters 14 and 15
Chapter 14: Chicken or Go Part 2

Wednesday 4:52, Jess

I could feel Anna’s hand sliding up my leg, were we really going to do this? Did I even want to do this? I love her, but like that? But this isn’t like that, it would be just messing around, right? A thousand other thoughts went through my head as her voice snapped me back to the moment at hand.
“Chicken or go?” Her hand was now resting on my thigh, her thumb brushing over the fabric of my shorts.

“G- go.” My voice cracked a little. I lifted my eyes from Anna’s hand up to her face, a smile that I could only describe as a bit devious started to form. She got up from the couch and stood in front of me, bending over enough so that she could reach my legs. Her hand took the same place on my right thigh and didn’t move but I could feel something else on my other leg. Anna’s hands were now resting on both of my thighs, her face just a foot from mine as she looked into my eyes.

“Chicken or go?”

“Go” I was able to say much more confidently this time. Her left hand proceeded to move up my body until her fingers slipped under the bottom of my shirt, her fingertips touching the side of my ribs. Her right hand did the same, but came to rest on my stomach, her whole hand under my shirt. She was still bent over and I couldn’t help but glance down from her face, her shirt was being pulled away from her allowing an ever so slight glimpse of her bra and the tan skin that lay beneath them.

“Chicken or go?”

Without taking my eyes off the hint of her small breasts my mind answered automatically for me. “Go.” The angle she was at was must have been a bit awkward for her because she getting down in front of me, kneeling on the ground between my legs putting her face where her chest was a moment before, but her eyes weren’t looking at mine. Instead she seemed very focused on her hands and the task they were doing. They moved quickly towards my back and I felt them pull me towards her, forcing me to sit on the edge of the couch. Leaving one hand on my back she moved the other around my side, slipping in between my breast and resting on my sternum. Her hand on my back started to fidget and I realized she had a hold of the clasp of my bra.

“Go.” She didn’t even have to ask the question before I gave my answer. After a few more seconds of fidgeting I heard a click and felt a small weight life front my front as the cups separated themselves ever so slightly from my skin; Anna’s hand pressing the middle against my chest being the only thing to keep it from falling away. That is, until she moved her hand away and felt it move further away form me, giving anyone who might be looking down my shirt a view worth remembering. I felt both hands leave my body as they left the confines of my clothing and immediately missed their warmth.

“Take it off” My arms started moving before I could fully even acknowledge what she had said. I pulled my arms into my shirt and slipped my bra off of me and through my neckline. As I started moving my arms back through I noticed Anna shaking her head at me. It was then I realized she had a hold of the bottom my shirt, she intended to take it off! With a quizzitive look she looked into my eyes, asking the question without asking it once again, and this time I only answered with a slight nod. I could feel the material start to rise up my body as I shook with excitement. It was raised just passed my navel when a sharp click drew both of our attentions to the door. Somebody was home! And was getting ready to open the door. Quickly I scrambled to get my arms and shirt back to a normal position as Anna grabbed my bra and slid it under the couch, jumping onto the couch next to me but at a considerable distance. We had barely settled and turned the tv on when the door closed and footsteps were heard in the hallway.

“Hey girls, what are y’all up to?”

Chapter 15: The Confrontation Part 2

Wednesday, 5:50 P.M., Tony

“Alrighty, what’s up little bro?” I barely got the words as I set my bag on the ground, when looking up a fist caught me right below the eye. “What the fuck Adam?!?!”

“You know what!! Don’t play games with me too.”

“No I don’t! Can you explain it to me before I throw you on the ground and kick your ass.”

There was a short pause as I looked furiously at my brother. The anger in his body to fade and I could see a hint of water in his eyes. “How could you do that to Anna?” It came out barely more than a whisper; I could tell he was doing everything in his power to hold back his tears.

“Oh. That.”

“What do you mean ‘Oh, that?’ Of course that! You cheated on my friend and now she’s absolutely devasted and you don’t even seem to care at all!”

“No! Of course I care, It’s just-”

“You could have fooled me”

“It’s just that things weren’t really… weren’t working out for Anna and I”

“So you decided to screw some slut instead?”

“Hey! She’s not a slut. And we haven’t actually had sex yet, okay?!”

“I see, so after you screwed Anna you just decide to move on to the next target, screw her and lose her if you will!!”

“It’s not like that at all! Look, it just wasn’t working out. We’re two completely different people with hardly anything to talk about. And at least this girl isn’t afraid of my dick! Anna and I have been dating for 6 months and I’ve barely gotten to second base with her. Heck, I haven’t even seen her tits!” As soon as I said this a look of what I could only describe as relief came over him.

“Oh. I thought you two were… you know”

“I know, and trust me, it wasn’t without trying on my part haha.” I could still feel a bit of anger coming from him and that joke definitely didn’t help. “If it makes you feel any better, I tried to break up with her last week before anything happened with the other girl and I was for sure going to that night when she showed up at the house. I lost track of time, and well, things didn’t turn out the way I’d hoped.”

“No crap”

“I know I can never undo the hurt I did to Anna, but that’s why she has you as a friend, to cheer her up for me” Another glare told me all I needed to know about how that joke landed. “Okay, still not time to joke yet, that’s cool. Even though I can never make it up to her, Id love it if you tell her sorry for me, she won’t return any of my texts or calls, and if there’s anything I can do short of letting her cut my dick off, would you let me know?” Silence…

“I think I could do that” Was that a hint of a smile I saw? “But I still hate you”

“Yeah yeah, what’s new? Just be mad at me while you go bag up some ice from the freezer, this is definitely going to bruise.”

“You deserve more than that, but I guess I do owe you” He turned around and started to walk away and then stopped suddenly and turned around. “Just curious, who was that girl by the way?”

“I think it would be best for all of us right now if you didn’t know that.”

TorD180 08-01-2020 08:11 PM

Chapter 16: We Need To Talk
Chapter 16: We Need To Talk

Wednesday, 9:30 P.M, Adam

Hey guys, I think the three of us need to talk. I stared at my phone, dismayed at the words I was reading from Jess. She had sent it in our group chat several minutes ago and I still didn’t know how to respond or even what to think about it. Was she mad at me for how I treated Anna? Was she mad at Anna for what she did to me? Did Anna even tell her; is this about something else? About Tony? How does Anna feel about it? Shit, I bet she hates me now too, probably thinks I’m just as bad as Tony. No, that’s crazy, I didn’t do anything wrong. She’s probably just embarrassed about everything and Jess just senses something is wrong, especially with the way I left so quickly. That must be what this was about… but was it? Flip, I don’t know.

I know both of you have already read this twenty minutes ago and are probably just ignoring it so I’ll just go ahead put it out there. A lot has happened since last night that I think we need to clear up, not to mention all the plans for Friday night that we still need to decide on so I have an idea. Let’s all skip school tomorrow and go have some fun! God knows we need a bit of that right now. I think we should go on a hike, there’s nothing like being in nature to clear the mind. I’ll pack a picnic for all of us and we can just hide out from the world for a few hours. It’ll be fun, trust me.

At least she doesn’t sound mad. After another minute of thinking I decided to respond. I agree, sounds like fun. I wondered if Anna would be up for this also and what she would say when I saw another message pop up. Okay was all it said.

Perfect! I thought we could meet at like 9 at the place we went to last summer with the waterfall and those comfy benches nearby that I read at for a little while.

A little while?! Anna and I were left to entertain ourselves for hours while Jess finished her book that she couldn’t put down because “there was only, like, fifteen minutes tops left.” It was a pretty nice hike though and the place was beautiful, not to mention swimming in the pool under the waterfall and the fact the hike was long enough that there were only two or three groups that came the whole time we were there. With it getting pretty late into fall it would be too cold to swim but that would also mean nobody would be on that trail, especially on a weekday.

Ill be there, as long as you don’t make us watch you read till they have to send a search party for us like last time

Oh please, it was not that long, stop being such a baby

I was hoping Anna would chime in and back me up but it seemed she wasn’t planning on joining in the conversation. Whatever you say, just don’t bring a book this time lol

No promises, you no how much I hate being without one! Plus I may need it to knock some sense into you two

Knock some sense into me? What did I do wrong? Whatever, I’m sure I'll get full lecture about it tomorrow. Make sure you bring a paperback then

How does War and Peace sound?

I noticed Anna had still not responded after her one word okay, she probably doesn’t want to be getting messages from me right now, right? I decided to go to just texting Jess off the group chat so not to bother her. After a few more back and forth quips between us I started to drift off so I figured I’d tell her goodnight.

Hey Adam, just thought I’d let you know so you didn’t stay up worrying all night You reacted completely reasonably and Anna’s upset but I know she’ll get over it, she just needs some time after everything with Tony.

Thanks for that, all I’ve been doing all evening is worrying. Well, besides punching Tony that is lol

You punched Tony!!! What happened?!?!

Don’t worry, Ill tell you all about it tomorrow. I’m sure that’s a story Anna would want to hear too

You’re right, can’t wait! Goodnight Adam :)

Night :)

TorD180 08-02-2020 11:15 AM

Chapter 17: Into the Woods
Chapter 17: Into the Woods

Thursday, 8:52 A.M.

As I pulled into the parking lot at the trailhead I noticed there was only one other car there, a baby blue Honda Civic, Jessica’s car. Of course she’s here already, she hates being late almost as much as she loves books and about as much as _____. I was greatly relieved Anna wasn’t here yet and I would have a few moments to collect myself and try to get a feeling for the situation from Jess. She was watching me as I pulled up beside her car, sitting in the driver’s seat with a cup of coffee in one hand and a book in the other. She waved the book at me and gave me a smile as I parked beside her. Waving and smiling back I opened the door and stepped out into the chilly air.

It was a warm day for fall but cool enough that I was glad I had decided to bring along some sweatpants. I leaned over to grab them off the passenger’s seat and was ready get back out when the sound of a car door made me look up. Jess had gotten out of her car with her back towards me. She had on a pair of body-hugging, light blue faded jeans and a fuzzy, soft sweater. She lifted the coffee cup up to her mouth to take one last swig before bending over to put it in her car. Bending over left her small, tight butt pointing straight at me a mere few feet from my face. It stretched the material of her jeans showing off the small curves of her firm cheeks and I couldn’t bring myself to look away. The sudden motion of her standing up made my body react quickly looking down at the seat “looking” for my pants. Backing out of my car I started to slip my sweatpants over my athletic shorts as Jess made her way over to me.

“Hey Jess!”

“Wow, you’re actually early.”

“Why does that surprise you? I know how much you hate people being late”

“That’s never stopped you before.” She said with a smirk. Its true, I was often late, though not nearly as bad as Anna, but I figured today was the worst day to get on the bad side of either of the girls. I was slipping my second leg into the pants when I lost my balance and started to fall. Luckily a hand on my back and one on my arm caught me enough in order to steady myself. Turning my head I came face to face with Jess as she looked up at me, her smirk had been replaced by a grin and a loud laugh could be heard in the silent parking lot.

“Here, let me help you.” She moved around to be in front of me, either hand on my sides just above my waist holding me while I was able to pull the sweatpants the rest of the way up. She was only a bit shorter than me, to top of her head was slightly below my nose. I couldn’t help but breathe in the scent of her hair which was far more intoxicating than the fresh fall forest. “Thanks for your help.”

She looked back up at me with a shy “No problem.” She said smile but held her hands where they were for a few more moments. The sound of a car pulling into the parking lot finally caused her to release me and back up. I followed her gaze towards the new car and sure enough it was Anna as she zipped into a spot several spaces down from our cars. We watched as she got out, a coffee cup also in her hand and a pair of sunglasses on even though it was an overcast day. As she walked over towards us I noticed she was wearing her black skintight leggings and a loose cream colored cardigan with a light blue crop top underneath. She didn’t even look up at us or say hello but started with a simple “Can we just walk in silence for a bit? I don’t want to talk about things quite yet.”

“Sure,” Jess and I both replied in unison. Without hesitation Anna turned and started to make her way towards the trail entered the shade of the tress without looking back to see if we were following. Jess and I gave each other a concerned look before turning to follow her. “Can you grab that bag in front of your car, it has the food in it.”

“Of course!” I grabbed the backpack and slid my arms through it while keeping pace with Jessica about 30 feet or so behind Anna. Walking behind her I couldn’t help but note that her cardigan came down and rested just above her butt. Unlike Jess, Anna had a much more pronounced butt while it was still small and muscular, the curves of her athletic cheeks were visible without the need of bending over like Jess. I was still taking in the view when I felt s small sting on my shoulder. Instinctively I raised my hand to rub it and snapped my head over to see what it was. All I saw was Jess giving me a warning glare. Giving her an apologetic look I turned my head, making sure to make a show of looking up and around at all the trees that we passed.
After a several minutes of hiking in silence Anna had put even more separation between her and us, clearly not wanting to deal with things yet.

“I don’t blame you, her butt really is looking on point today.” Confused I glanced over at Jess who was looking straight ahead, and after following her gaze, realized she too was checking out Anna. “Is it as good looking as mine was by the car this morning?”

She was now looking at me with a mischievous smile. Had she caught me? Did she know? “I didn’t… I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Please, I’ve seen you checking us out all the time. This morning wasn’t the first time you couldn’t’ take your eyes off of me bending over for something.” I tried to think of an apology but all that came out was a garbled mess of stammering words. Luckily she let out a laugh, at least letting me know I wasn’t in complete trouble. “Relax, It’s fine. Anna and I joke about you checking us out all the time, we actually enjoy it.”

“Wait, really? And you’re both okay with this?”

“Well, to be honest the first time I saw you checking out Anna I was a bit freaked out. It was in 7th grade when we went to the pool one time during the summer. We had just gotten out and she was drying herself off and you were staring at her with blank expression on your face like you had forgotten something. I asked you a question and it wasn’t till the third time asking when you finally responded. Later that night I told Anna and we were both a little disgusted at first but then we joked about it and after a while we found it funny, even turned it into a game.”

“A game?”

“Yeah, we realized we actually liked you checking us out and we turned it into a sort of competition at times to see which one of us you could check out more on a given day or what outfits got your attention the most. We gave up on that after a short time but we still enjoyed getting to tease you and having you check us out then get worried you were about to get caught. Today wasn’t the first time I bent over in front of you on purpose.”

Was that a wink I saw? “Wait, you did that on purpose??”

“Of course it was on purpose, why else do you think Anna and I like you to sleep between us whenever you stay over or cuddle up next to on the couch during a movie? We both enjoy getting you turned out and seeing your reaction. Her grabbing your dick yesterday wasn’t out of the blue, she’s wanted to do that for a long time, in fact both of us had, we simply couldn’t bring ourselves to do it. Don’t act so shocked, I’m not surprised she did it, only a tad upset she did it yesterday after what we talked about.”

Wow, this was a lot for a guy to take in. Does that mean that they liked me or was this merely all in fun? There was too much to process and my brain started to shut down. This silence can’t be good though, she’s going to take it the wrong way, I have to think of something to say. “What did you talk about with her that would make you upset?”

“It’s actually one of the things I wanted the three of us to discuss today, so don’t worry, you’ll find out soon.” With that she went off at a much quicker pace, gaining ground on Anna. I stood still for a few seconds trying to understand what Jess said, but it felt like I was in a dream. It has to be a dream right? There’s no way the last eighteen hours was real. Well dream or not I had to find out how it was going to end so I began to jog in order to catch up with the girls.
__________________________________________________ ___________

I hope everyone is enjoying the story, I swear I actually plan on finishing it this time!! I was planning on finishing this story right before the party started on Friday night and maybe writing a second story that takes place solely at the party. Would this be something you all would be interested in or not? And if I do write it is there any feedback you might have on this story. Any critique would be greatly appreciated but I was also curious about the chapter length, this way of building up suspense rather than just jumping into the sex (though I do promise volume 2 will have a lot more sex) and the overall believe ability of the situations and conversations

redtiger 08-02-2020 07:56 PM

Your plan to end on Friday then address the aftermath of the party as a separate volume is sound. I encourage you to follow through.

One suggestion, have someone read your posts before actually posting them. You have a substantial number of little errors (e.g. missing words, wrong tense, improper homonyms, scrambled syntax, etc.) in the text. You do really well at avoiding big mistakes but the little reduce readability. Having a second set of eyes review the text will eliminate the vast majority of these problems.

TorD180 08-04-2020 02:19 PM

Chapters 18 and 19
Thanks redtiger for your feedback! I spent an extra long time proofreading and editing these two chapters so hopefully there are less mistakes. I also spent extra close attention to sticking with a single tense but I'm sure a few slipped past me. If there are any glaring mistakes please keep letting me know!

Chapter 18: Hiking Along

Thursday, 11:04 A.M., Anna

We had been hiking for about two hours now and nearly that entire time had been spent in silence. Adam and Jess would occasionally make some trivial comment, but I had mainly kept quiet besides a reflexive one-word response to a question posed by one of them towards me. My eyes had barely left the ground for most of the hike since every time I lifted them up to look around, they would inadvertently make contact with one of them and a flood of shame would heat up my body and force me to jerk my head away. The sound of the waterfall could be heard through the peacefulness of the forest, though it was still a ways off.

“This is getting ridiculous! Anna, the longer we go without talking, the harder it’s going to be.”

She was right. I knew she was right but I still had this constricting feeling in my stomach that threatened to make me throw up if I verbally acknowledged what happened yesterday. I turned to look at her, afraid I would see anger in her eyes but all I saw was a look of sympathy mixed with a hint of sadness. I was at a loss for words.

“Well, since it was my bright idea that brought us here, it’s only fair that I start. Seeing as both of y’all seem too awkward about everything I’ll just get it all out into the open. Yesterday, after you left Adam, we had a sort of… experience together and if I’m being honest I… I kinda enjoyed it. No, I really enjoyed it.” My eyes opened wide in disbelief. Did she say she enjoyed it? Was she not mad then? “It was a physical moment similar to the one that you two shared. She told me that she made a move on you and ended up touching your penis. How do you feel about all of this?”

I watched Adam and was waiting tensely for his response when I felt my foot catch on something and I lost my balance. I should have known better than to try to walk backwards in the woods. My body twisted around and my arms extended themselves in preparation of impact but that impact never came. A pair of arms extended themselves around me and caught me. I was pulled backwards till a figure was pressed up against my back. Once I had recovered my balance I spun in those arms and found myself looking up into Adam’s face. We stared at each other as he started to give his answer that I had been dreaded for so long.

“To be honest, I was really freaked out. That’s why bolted out of there, I had no idea how to react. But I’ve had some time now to think about it and I would be lying if I said I didn’t like it and regretted leaving as quickly as I did. Any guy would be lucky to be with you and have happen to them what happened to me.”

My eyes had begun to well up and the first of several tears started down my cheek. I threw my arms around Adam’s waist and buried my face into his chest. His arms pulled me tighter against him and he planted a kiss on top of my head. “You don’t know how relieved I am to hear you two say those things. I thought for sure you would be mad at me. I was just so confused and overwhelmed after seeing Tony with that girl and I let my emotions and stupid insecurities jeopardize our friendship.”

“Nothing could Jeopardize our friendship.” A soft voice spoke beside me and another arm wrapped around my back and we stood there for what seemed a whole afternoon.

“Now what’s this about you two sharing a physical moment?”

I let out a single chuckle. The gentle, continuous laughter of Jess vibrated through my body.

“Oh, just a game we need to show you. Which reminds me, you still owe me something. I get one wish, remember?”

I looked at her with confusion. “What are you talking about? That’s only if I lose.”

“I don’t remember ever saying chicken.”

She can’t be serious. “That doesn’t count, my mom came in and-“

“And you stopped cause you chickened out, rules are rules!”

I glared at her while she responded back with a innocent yet devilish grin. I sought some help from Adam but got only a shrug of his shoulders in return. “Fine, but on one condition.”

“What’s that?”

“You have to play the game with Adam.” I figured this would get her to stop but I was surprised when her grin became even wider.

“I think that’s fair. As long as you play with him too.”

Play with Adam? My legs trembled with nervousness and my heart raced with excitement. I tried to collect myself as not to allow my shaky voice to give away how much I wanted to. “Fine, you have yourself a deal.” Jess jumped and quickly clapped three times. This was all accompanied by a squeal.

“Do I get a say in any of this?”

“No!” We both shouted in unison.

“So, what’s this wish of yours you want me to fulfill.”

“I dare you to just into the pool under the waterfall.”

My mouth fell open. “But the water will be freezing! And my clothes will be soaked the whole way back! It’ll be miserable and I’ll catch pneumonia.”
“Since when do you swim in clothes?” She gave me a wink before she started walking again towards the waterfall.

Chapter 19: Waterfall Fun

Thursday, 12:40 P.M., Anna, Adam, and Jess


Goosebumps started to spread over my skin as I dipped by foot into the water. We had just finished eating and it was time to answer for my mom’s interruption. “I can’t believe you’re making me do this, the water is freezing!”

“Maybe next time don’t be a chicken! And it’s not freezing. The water is just really, really cold.”

I glared at her not for the first time today then turned my attention back to the water. This wouldn’t be the first time I got in water this cold on a dare, but it would be the first time Adam would see me in my underwear. Luckily, this place was deserted this time of day and year so he should be the only one. The worst part of the whole thing is I am going to have to hike the whole way back without them or else be miserable. My bra won’t be so bad as I often don’t wear one since my boobs are so small. But these leggings, let’s just say, I know I should have worn more roomy clothes for this hike. Well, it’s now or never. I pulled my cardigan off, throwing it at Jessica’s head and grabbed the bottom of my t-shirt.

I was sitting at the picnic table watching. She had been pleading with Jess for about ten minutes to get out of having to jump in the water but Jess wouldn’t budge. It was getting to the point where it seemed nothing was going to happen when a cardigan went flying through the air and hit Jess square in the face. I let out a small laugh but my focus was immediately drawn back to Anna. She had pulled her shirt up her torso, her back was towards me, and the straps of her black sports bra were now visible against her muscular, tan skin. Her arms reached over her head completely removing the shirt from her body, her long hair fell messily back down over her shoulders. She tossed that to Jess as well for safe keeping and hooker her thumbs into the waistband of her leggings. Slowly the skin-tight pants made their way down her legs as she bent over to match their progress. The material of her light blue panties stretched tight over her athletic butt that was presenting itself in its fullness. Completely bent over and with her pants around her ankles she attempted to remove them fully but for a second time today lost her balance. Unlike last time, I wasn’t there to catch her.

A moment before she hit the water her brain must have registered what was going on because she let out a shrill scream that was instantly replaced with a loud Splash! Anna flailed her arms for a second before gaining composure. She sat in the knee-deep water facing us, her pants were still wrapped around her ankles. Instinctively I jumped up and ran to the water’s edge but by the time I was there both girls were cackling loudly which set me at ease.

Gasp! It’s so cold!”

“It’s about to get colder, it doesn’t count unless you’re all the way in!”

Anna acted quickly and flipped over. Her little butt poked out of the water as she pushed herself out further into the pool. The water was up to her neck and I could tell she was wading as well as she could will her hindrance in mobility. Click, clack, click, clack. The sound of chattering teeth filled the air.

“Is. This. Good. Enough?” Her words came in between gasps of air.

“Yeah, you’re good, come on out!”

She swam back towards the edge of the pool and crawled out onto the ground. Jess pulled two towels out of her bag and wrapped one of them around Anna. Why did she have towels with her? She couldn’t have planned this, could she? Nah, I shook my head. She was probably just over prepared like usual.

In front of me stood Anna who held the towel tightly against her and shivered. Jess used the other towel to dry off her legs and exposed, toned stomach.

“Go have a seat on the bench, we’ll get those pants off of you and finish drying you up.” Like a duck following its mother Anna waddled over to the picnic table and sat down. Jess took the towel off of her and used it to dry her shoulders and back. “Help her take those pants off, will you Adam?”

It took a moment to register that she was talking to me and another for what was being asked. I slowly approached them and knelt down. I pulled her feel towards and me using one hand on her calf to steady her leg while my other hand slipped her feet through the ends. Her calf was hard and muscular in my hand and her skin still cold to the touch. My eyes couldn’t help themselves, they drifted up to her bare legs, her soft skin glistening from the water. After regaining my concentration, I was able to free her legs from their constraint. No longer restricted they naturally separated from each other, stretched outwards in relief. During this process something colorful caught my eye, a few feet in front of me in nearly full view was her sweet womanhood. The water had made her panties translucent which allowed me to see the trimmed hairs underneath. They clung extra tight to her skin, giving her a camel toe and showing me the outline of swollen lips. I glanced up at her, afraid I was going to be caught, but I saw that her attention was on Jess. Even though I knew better, I took this rare opportunity to take in more of this heavenly sight.

“I asked you to take off her pants, not get into her panties.”

I jumped up, nearly falling over myself in the process. Apologetically I looked at Anna, hoping for forgiveness. Her face had turned beet red, but with embarrassment instead of anger. She immediately closed her legs, her hands covered the spot that before had my undivided attention. “I’m so sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking, I-“

“Don’t worry, I guess I owed you that. Are we even now?” She gave me a tiny smile through that embarrassed look.
“Even.” I smiled back.


“Do I need to go and give you two a few minutes of alone time?” I couldn’t help but snicker. They both looked so embarrassed and ashamed. And people say I’m the innocent one! “You should probably get your clothes on before you get any colder, you’re pretty much dry.”

“What am I going to do about my pants? They’re soaked now too.”

I reached into my bag and rooted around. It should be in here somewhere. “Aha!” I grabbed my spare pair of sweatpants and pulled them out. “Here you go.”

“Wow, you really came prepared. Thanks!”

She reached for the pants but I pulled them back at the last second. “On one condition.” She let out a disgruntled mumble. “You and Adam have to play the game, right now.”

“Right now?! But I’m nearly naked and about to die of hypothermia!”

“You can put these and your other clothes on first, but you have to play before we start hiking back.”

“I still don’t know what game you girls are talking about.”

I ignored him. “Do we have a deal?” She stared at the pants for half a minute.

“Okay, whatever.”

Cooldude123 08-04-2020 02:41 PM

I’ve enjoyed your story a lot! The different points of view make the story a little unique compared to the others, which is a good thing. Overall, I think the storyline is very believable and could actually happen. Splitting the story into two volumes like you proposed sounds like a good idea! I’m looking forward to the next chapter!

TorD180 08-05-2020 02:31 PM

Chapter 20: The Second Game
Thanks Cooldude123! I greatly appreciate the encouragement, it makes getting motivated to write a whole lot easier

Chapter 20: The Second Game

Thursday, 1:00 P.M., Anna

“Neither of you better turn around.” Adam and Jess were standing with their backs towards me while I got ready to change.

“No promises.” Jess said with a giggle. She reached over and placed her hand on the back of Adam’s head. Don’t worry, I got him. We both know how much his eyes tend to wander.”

I trusted them enough so I stuck my thumbs in the side of my panties and slid the soaking wet underwear off. I put on the pair of black sweatpants Jess lent me, finally clothing my goosebump covered legs.

“So, are either of you ever going to explain what this game of yours is?”

“It’s Anna’s game, why don’t you tell him?”

I looked for the string to tighten the sweatpants once I had them on but there was none to be found. The pants were way too large for me and I could already feel them sliding down. “Well, one person starts by doing something to make the other feel either uncomfortable, embarrassed or whatever else they want and then asks ‘chicken or go?’ If the second person wants the first to stop at any time they say ‘chicken’ thereby losing the game. If they want to continue, they say ‘go’ and the game goes on until either of the players chicken out.” I reached behind me to unsnap my sports bra. The wet material stuck to my skin and I had to peel it off. Between the cool air and the cold water my nipples were hard as stone and had begun to ache. I reached up and took both nipples, which stuck out like a peak from a small mountain, between my fingers and simultaneously gave them a soft pinch and pull. A shiver not attributed to the cold ran through my body. It took a great amount of willpower to make myself stop, something I would not have done if I had been alone.

“Sounds simple enough. What did you two try to do to win yesterday?”

Before I had a chance to respond Jess answered “that’s a story for another time.” I struggled to pull my t-shirt over my still damp skin, the cloth clung to me and every inch was a battle. Unfortunately, I noticed the shirt did nothing to hide my erect nipples, two small pointy nubs threatened to poke holes through it. Together they announced to the world the state of my bra lessness.

“Fair enough. Is there any way though, since I have no idea what I’m doing, that you can be the one to try to make me chicken out?”

“This is your first time playing so why not? I’m okay with that.” I wrapped my cardigan snugly against me and reveled in its warmth. “You two can turn around now.”

“Don’t forget, whichever one of you loses has to do one thing, anything, that the other wishes.”

I glared at her for what felt like the 20th time today. “Thanks Jess.” I was unable to hide the sarcasm that coated those words, mainly because I didn’t try to. It took a few moments to gain the courage to start but finally I faced Adam. “You ready?”

‘Ready as I’ll ever be.”

I strode up to him and stood on my tiptoes till our faces were an inch apart. The tips of our noses were touching each other and our foreheads were pressed together. “Chicken or go?”


I reached down without moving my head and slowly untied the knot of his sweatpants’ string. The back of my hand rubbed against something protruding from underneath and I made sure to press against the firm appendage. The knot was easy enough to untie but I made a show of not being able to get the last bit undone. “Uhoh, I think this is going to take more than just my hands.” Once my knees touch the ground, I bit the last part of the knot. I stared up into his eyes as I brought my head backwards, the string coming completely untied. As soon as they were untied, I gripped the sides of his pants, making sure to grip the shorts underneath, and yanked them down. Before he knew what had happened they were both around his ankles. His eyes were wide with shock, but his mouth remained closed and no word of stopping came from them.

From there I placed a single kiss on his bare leg, right above his knee. Several more kisses were placed incrementally up his thigh and continued past the bottom of his boxers to the front. They were the kind that had one button over the fly to keep it closed. My mouth placed one a kiss right on the button. I had chosen the leg that I did because what looked like a roll of quarters had been trapped against him on the other side. Now that roll of quarters had grown considerably more and was no longer trapped against his skin and created a tent a family of four could camp in. Without thinking I placed one last kiss right on the end of the tent, the tip of his penis pressed against my lips with just a thin layer of cloth in between. A moan from above me encouraged me to press my lips a little harder and the rod holding up the tent twitched underneath. My head pulled back and looked up at Adam again, hunger emanating from every inch of him. I grabbed his hands and placed them on either side of my head, his fingers naturally curled and gripped my hair lightly. My attention turned back downwards as my fingers found the button. It popped open and my fingers infiltrated the opening. Soft hair rubbed against my fingertips but I kept reaching.

“Chicken!” Adam yelled and backed away from me.

Thursday 08-05-2020 03:16 PM

Nooooo, why would he do that?
I really though this is it!

TheMaskedMaster 08-05-2020 05:48 PM

Why?? I need to know??

Loving the story but a love hate relationship with these cliffhangers.

TorD180 08-06-2020 10:39 AM

Chapters 21 and 22
Sorry for all the teasers and cliffhangers MaskedMaster and Thursday! I promise it will all be worth it in the end.

Chapter 21: Embarrassment All Around

Thursday, 1:08 P.M., Jess

For the past several minutes all I could do was stand there with my mouth gaped open. My best friend was on her knees in front of my other best friend and had unfastened his boxers. A stream of various emotions overwhelmed me to the point of confusion. On one hand I was extremely jealous of Anna, that should be me in front of Adam! I was filled with rage over her experiencing what I had desired for so long. What took me beyond angry to furious was that not too long ago I told her that I was starting to develop feelings for Adam and then she goes ahead and grabs his dick while we try to watch a movie! On the other hand to balance out my anger, my underwear was nearly as soaked as Anna’s had been though I never got in water. This whole time I uncontrollably rubbed the outside of my jeans. My hand put more and more pressure against my crotch as my fingers sought to break the barrier of cloth between them and my pussy.

There was a yet a third hand that existed, my logical side. What unfolded in front of me was just another step in the plan I conceived last night after leaving Anna’s house. So far everything had gone according to plan, in fact, had gone even better than expected. It was a risk pushing them together like this but I wanted to bring our friendship to a different level I had to take risks. A loud shout shook me from my train of thought. Adam was backing away from Adam and, unless I was mistaken, I had heard him shout ‘chicken’.

“Looks like I won!” Anna beamed gleefully.

After a second to recompose myself I ran over and hugged her, nearly tackling her to the ground. I helped her up off her knees we faced Adam. He looked embarrassed now, both hands covered up the tent that was burned into my memory. “You okay?” I smiled at him.

“Yeah, I’m okay.” He smiled back. “I just didn’t realize what exactly this game entailed.”

“Did you not have fun?”

“Oh, trust me, he had fun, it was quite evident.” Anna chuckled after she said that.

“I mean, yeah, I had fun. I’m a tad freaked out again I guess.”

“I seem to have that effect on you.” She winked at Adam.

Knowing Anna and how much we had enjoyed teasing Adam the last few years I knew for a fact that she was delighted in his discomfort. It was her turn to experience some of that embarrassment. That was when I decided it was time for another part of my plan. It was originally meant for later, but this day seemed to be progressing much faster than anticipated. “Hey Anna, you’ve got some dirt on your knees.”

“What? Oh, thanks.” She bent over to brush them off. I looked over at Adam to make sure he was paying attention and of course his focus was already on the pert butt in front of him. She had faced me and I faced Adam so I stepped to her side and swiftly pulled her sweatpants down right under her round cheeks without her noticing. They were so loose that it wasn’t until the cool air on her skin registered that she realized what happened. In the meantime, Adam and I both watched Anna, bent over, completely bottomless with her pussy lips clearly on display. As soon as she realized she grabbed them, threw them back up, and turned to face us. She was clearly angry and about to yell at us when something distracted her in the middle of opening her mouth. I followed her gaze until I saw that in the commotion, Adam had forgotten about his problem. His boxers that were still unbuttoned let out a second set of genitals into the open air. This was the first penis I had ever seen in person and it was tantalizing. Several inches stuck out of the fly with presumably a couple more underneath, it was a tube of toothpaste and curved considerably to the right. Unlike Anna it took him much longer to comprehend what was going on, which allowed my eyes to drink in and memorize the object of many of my fantasies.

“You shouldn’t have chickened out. I would have as soon as I saw that thing and you would have won.” Anna’s words confused him at first but then there was a mad scramble to get his penis back into its home.
“Need help?” My question only seemed to make the situation worse since he fumbled the attempt, making the process last much longer. Finally, the beast was back in its cage, but it had awoken another beast inside mine. I hadn’t realized it but one again I started to stroke myself, only this time my hand slipped under my jeans and over my underwear. My fingers ran between my lips and pushed into the opening slightly. A couple more strokes caused me to let out a soft moan which resulted in both of them staring at me. It was now my turn to be embarrassed and reluctantly removed my hand from my jeans. My mind reeled for a way to shift their focus. “Is it time to talk about the plans for the party?”

Chapter 22: Classroom Antics

Thursday, 7:58 A.M., Lexi

A part, if not most of me was dreading coming to school today. The only thing that made me come was the fact that it would look awfully suspicious to Anna if I didn’t. So far it seemed that she was unaware of my involvement in the incident two nights ago. Yesterday she had greeted me normally enough during school and even texted afterwards inviting me to a party they were having this weekend. Yet with all that I couldn’t help but feel paranoid that everyone who so much as glanced at me knew. My guilt was magnified by the fact that Anna and I were actually pretty good friends, all the way to the early days of elementary school, and the fact that I still had the taste of Tony’s cum in my mouth from this morning. I really did feel terrible but he picked me up to bring me in and I had to reward him. Plus, I didn’t have breakfast before I left.

Never before had I betrayed a friend like that, I really did feel terrible, but Tony was Tony and I’m, well, me. There was just something about Tony that I simply could not resist. Out of the 20 or so cocks I had swallowed a load from, Tony’s was by far the best in every way: perfect size that molded to my hand and filled my mouth, delicious cum that I could drink every day, well manscaped pubes and it was attached to one of the hottest bodies in this town. It was a model cock that had a hold over me that was unbreakable. It took all my strength to resist him from taking my virginity these two weeks I had been sucking his cock.

Riiiinnnnggg! It was time for my first class, a class where Anna sat a mere three seats from me. Its okay, just act normal, everything will be okay. Looks like she’s not here yet. I sat down and opened my book, prepared to look busy for when she came in. A few minutes later the teacher started taking role call but Anna still hadn’t showed up. As a matter of fact, it looked like Jess was also missing. With any luck they decided to skip. A wave of relief rushed over me and for the first time since I got out of Tony’s car, I realized just how tense I was.

Bzzz, bzzz. It was nearing the end of class when I got a message from Tony.

It’s already hard for you again. Attached was a picture of his hard, majestic dick. Normally I love getting a dick pick, of any dick, but Tony’s was always an extra shot of adrenaline that made blood boil. I figured I would give him an incentive to keep his hard erection ready for me after school. I slid my skirt up to mid-thigh, spread my legs a little, and pointed the camera towards me. The picture showed my pale, plump legs creating a path to my delicious honey pot covered with a pair of dark green silk panties. Save that bad boy for me;). With Anna and Jess gone there was just me and another boy, Andrew, in the back row and Mr. Anderson being the oblivious man he is, I felt comfortable I had gotten away with it. A few seconds later my phone buzzed again, but this time it wasn’t from Tony, it was from Andrew.

Can I get a copy of that too? ;) I turned towards him and gave him a seductive look. I always liked Andrew. He was a nice boy: funny and sweet, fun to hang out with, and even though his cock was on the smaller size his cum was the second tastiest I have ever swallowed and he produced enough to paint a kitchen. This past summer I sucked his cock several times with many favorable and memorable results. I decided the picture wasn’t good enough, he deserved the real thing. I grabbed my phone and typed him a new message.

I want your cum to be snuggled up against my pussy all day. Will you pretty please cum in my panties? He shot me a look of disbelief after reading the message before his gaze drifted down to between my legs. I checked the front of the class, Mr. Anderson sat behind his computer, the students all working on the new assignment. Emboldened by my horniness for Tony I felt confidant enough to turn my body towards Andrew and slide my skirt up even further. The material was stuck between me and the chair so I lifted my ass off it enough so I could finish sliding it up which left my bottom half entirely uncovered except for my panties. Those came off quickly enough and I held them outwards. He reached to grab them but I pulled them back, shook my head, then nodded downwards towards his lap. The message was clear, a second later Andrew’s cock was sticking out and his hand was already stroking it. I gave him a seductive smile and tossed him my silk panties.

His hand was a blur as it glided up and down his shaft, the juices from my underwear now lubricated his hard cock. He stared intensely at my closed legs; his mind appeared to be trying to telepathically open them. I twirled my thick, black pubic hair while I watched him pleasure himself. Only a minute later he got that familiar look he always got right before he came which was the sign I had been waiting for. I opened up my legs and used two fingers spread the lips of my pussy. Almost immediately a stream of semen shot upwards landing all over the front of his shirt. He was able to cover the head with my panties in time to catch the second rope and unloaded his sperm into my underwear. After a few thrusts and a few more strokes he removed the panties from his cock and handed them back to me. It was only once they were back on grasped how much cum there was. What felt like a cup and a half of melted butter was pressed up against my pussy, sloshing around inside my panties while I stood and fixed my skirt. I could already feel a few drops leaking out and running down my thigh.

I had just finished getting my clothes situated when the bell rang. Andrew had taken off the shirt he was wearing, revealing a plain t-shirt underneath. We stood there and smiled at each other both knowing that his sperm was currently plastered to my skin and would be all through the school day. He leaned in gave my cheek a kiss, then whispered ‘thank you’ into my ear. I put my arms around his waist and hugged him. After we released, I felt a hand cup my ass and give it a soft squeeze. With that he left me standing there, the horniest I had ever been in my life.

TheMaskedMaster 08-06-2020 04:53 PM

Another amazing instalment can’t wait for tomorrow’s!!

TorD180 08-07-2020 08:10 PM

Chapter 23: Hiking Back
Chapter 23: Hiking Back

Thursday, 2:20 P.M., Adam

It only took half of the hike back to work out all the details for the party. Well, more of a small get together of friends. Jack and Andrew were both cool with changing our plans for Friday night and were excited to come. Another guy from our soccer team, __, would also be joining as well as four of the girls’ friends. I knew them well and spent plenty of time hanging out with them in the past. We all got along well, one of them, Emily, even had a huge crush on me. She was normally shy around most guys so I didn’t think anything of it, but not too long ago she had confided in Jess. Unfortunately, since I too was shy, nothing had come about it although I also had a small crush for her for the past year or so. Not as big of a crush as I had on Jess and Anna of course, but it was rather close.

Other, more boring, details were also made about what each of us should bring and what not, but those were relatively inconsequential. What was much more important was what he talked about regarding the three of us. In our much more jovial mood, compared to the hike to the falls, we discussed our newfound friendship and what all it entailed. It was decided that a little exploring wouldn’t hurt anyone, but if for any reason we felt our friendship was in jeopardy of being hurt that we would all stop immediately and go back to the way things were.

“I think we should have a safe word.”

“A safe word?”

“Yeah, something to signal the other person in a moment of fun so nobody gets too uncomfortable. That way we can learn each other’s boundaries and not push them too far.” Jess seemed to be full of good ideas today.

“I like it. What should it be?”

“Me too.” I agreed. Another thing that we talked about on our hike back was just how inexperienced we all were with this whole sex thing. Not only were we all three virgins, but the events an hour ago were by far the furthest any of us had gone. I thought about Anna’s question. No words came to my mind because it kept drifting back to what happened by the waterfall. The waterfall. “How about ‘waterfall’?” Both girls scrunched their faces in contemplation.

“That word sounds more like a fun word than a stop word.” Anna did have a point.

“Why don’t we have two words? One for if were too uncomfortable and a second to let the others know that were interested in being a little more than friends that moment. That way we can still hang out like old times without any pressure of what might happen.” Another good idea of Jessica’s. We walked for a minute in silence while we thought.

“How about chicken?” Anna’s suggestion seemed like the obvious answer, and neither of us could think of a better one, so it was settled. We gave each other a knowing smile and nodded in agreement. The three of us were now officially friends with benefits. With this newfound relationship we hiked on cheerfully and enjoyed the peacefulness of the forest.

Suddenly Anna jumped in front of us, stopped, and turned. “Waterfall.”

My head spun around and looked for one. “Where?” Then it hit me. “Wait, right now? Already?”

“Well, I did win the game earlier and still haven’t gotten to use my one wish yet. It’s time for you to pay up.”

“Okay, but I’m not running back to the waterfall to jump in the pool.”

“Don’t worry, I have an even better idea. You know my underwear that I was wearing earlier?”

Those panties and what they hinted at below would be the last memory I held onto even after dementia made me forget the faces of my children. “Of course, I remember.”

“I dare you to put them on.”

“But they’re still soaked! It will be miserable walking back.”

“You don’t have to walk back in them. You just have to put them, and only them, on.”

What little skin they would have covered before, which still wasn’t much, wouldn’t be able to hide under the still see thru material. I gulped at the prospect. My eyes roamed the forest and trail for any passersby though we still had yet to see another person today. “Fine, whatever.” I reached into the bag to grab them but was stopped by a hand.

‘One more thing. I get to put them on you.”

TorD180 08-11-2020 10:30 AM

Chapter 24: Adam's Dare
Chapter 24: Adam’s Dare

Thursday, 2:33 P.M., Jess

Here he stood before me again in only his boxers, with an erection that threatened to tear them apart. If it took Adam any longer to take them off, it would be me threatening to tear them.

“Can I please put my shirt back on at least? My arms are chilly.”

“Please, this is nothing compared to what I did. Either you take everything off or we run away with your clothes and you have to walk back in your underwear.”

“Fine. Can we hurry up then at least?”

“Hey, we’re not the ones holding things up here. I can’t do anything until those boxers come off.” Anna nodded her head downwards. His hands hesitantly gripped the fabric, my breath trapped in my lungs to the point of bursting as they began to slide down. Brown, trimmed hair poked out of the waistband, then the base of his staff came into view. His penis was pulled down along with the boxers as more of his shaft was revealed. His erection strained against its prison until it reached a critical point and it sprung free. All several inches shot upwards, then continued to bounce several times. My eyes never left the spring until it came to a rest with one final, large twitch. Only a few feet from it I was transfixed and the next thing I knew my fingers had wrapped themselves around a pole. The pole was warm and soft to the touch, but a gentle squeeze revealed it was solid as a rock underneath. Ahem. I glanced at the culprit of the noise; Adam gazed at me with a bewildered stare. Instead of releasing their captive, my fingers continued their hold on as it dawned on me what I had done.

“Is this okay?”

“Yeah.” It came out in a weak exhale as though he had no breath to say a word. I gave it another squeeze and felt a rhythmic pulse against my palm. Heat radiated through my hand as I stood there, frozen like a child watching their favorite television show.

“At this rate we’re never going to get this done.” Her sudden voice shocked me and I released the firm rod. I stepped back with my face to the ground to hide my face flushed with desire. “Now lift your foot.” Anna slipped one leg then the other through the holes of her panties and pulled them up Adam. By the time they reached his thighs they stretched considerably and appeared ready to rip. It made me wonder how she was ever going to fit his genitals in them. My question was soon answered as she grabbed the stiff, uncooperative member and stuffed it in aggressively; the answer was no. The head of his penis plus another inch poked out the top. “Now spin around.” He glared at her but seemed to decide the quickest way to end this was to simply listen and obey.

The still wet, translucent material clung to his skin and hid very little from our sight. Adam’s back was tan and muscular, his arms slender yet defined. Six distinct bumps protruded from his abdomen. The only imperfect part of him was his butt. It was flat like a pancake and as pale as a snowman. He could do with some full body tanning, an activity I would love to partake in with him.

“Impressive.” Anna whispered into my ear. Her eyes were glued to his body with the same intensity that someone examines a juicy hamburger. “It really is.” I whispered back.

“Umm, can I put my clothes back on now?” He had already spun around several times; Anna did not seem eager for him to stop.

“Not quite yet. Do some jumping jacks.” With a begrudging grown he lifted his hands in the air and spread his legs. The sudden movements created by his jumping caused his penis to fly out of its container. He continued on as it whipped around, smacking into his legs and stomach. Despite my state of extreme arousal, I let out an unrestrained laugh at the silly display. By the ninth jump with testicles had also escaped to join their brother in his little dance. Anna was cracking up as well and we leaned together, clutching each other to keep from falling over. Adam did not appear pleased with our amusement and turned his back towards us. Over the sound of our laughter a large smack could be heard as Anna slapped him hard on his ass. The jumping immediately ceased as he looked over his shoulder at us with disdain. The cheek Anna slapped was starting to turn red, matching both of the flushed cheeks on his face. I couldn’t resist the idea of all four matching and smacked him hard on the butt. Like the rest of his body, his butt, while flat, was very firm.

“Now can I have my clothes back?”

It took a few more moments before our laughter died down. “Sure, you can get dressed. Once I get a turn like Jess did.”

“A turn for what?” Adam was barely able to get the words out before Anna’s hand shot out and grasped his penis. Like me, she stood frozen and held it tightly. Unlike me, after a few seconds she slid her hand towards the base and placed her second one on it. There was enough of his meat stick to give both hands something to hold onto with just the hint of his head sticking out the end. I could see her fingers tighten their grip and his hips thrusted slightly forward in response. Eventually she let go of it, giving in two soft strokes as she did, and leaving it to twitch freely in the air. The two of us watched it bob up and down for nearly a minute.

“Now you can get dressed.”


Thursday, 3:30 P.M., Adam

Our cards came into view as we hiked up the last slope and exited the forest. The friendship we shared when we entered had drastically changed in those few short hours. A new era of exploration was in front of us akin to Europe discovering the new world.

“I can honestly say that was the most fun I have ever had on a hike.”

“Agreed.” Both girls replied in unison. I made my way over to Jess’ car to put her bag in the back seat. They stood behind me and greeted me with a hug once I had turned around. I put my arms around their back and pulled them into me. We held each other for a few moments with my head resting on theirs. We eventually broke apart, smiling at each other as we made our ways to our respective cars.

“When are you two going to play your game.”

“Jess and I looked at each other and shrugged. “How about tomorrow while we’re hanging out before the party?” I suggested. My suggestion was met with two beaming smiles.

“I can’t wait.”

TorD180 08-12-2020 06:17 PM

Chapter 25: Back to the Prologue
Just one more chapter after this one! Hopefully I will have it edited and posted in a day or two. Also I had to change a few details from chapters 3-5 which appear in this story so sorry for the discrepancies

Chapter 25: Back to the Prologue

Friday, 4:11 P.M., Adam

I’m going to be a little late, tell Anna sorry for me. We had agreed to meet at Anna’s house a little after four so we’d be able to hang out for a bit before getting ready. I was currently driving there myself, only a few minutes away when I received the text from Jess.

No worries, we’ll get everything ready so we can hang out when you get here.

Thanks, I’ll make it up to you :)

That same text two days ago would have been the most innocent thing in the world, but now all I could think about was the hidden message behind it. What did she mean by make it up to me? She could have completely pure intentions, but my thoughts drifted back to yesterday and hoped she had something along those lines in mind.

I pulled into Anna’s driveway, left my stuff to grab later, and rushed toward the door. The whole way there my bladder felt like it was going to burst to I hoped she would answer the door quickly. Knock-knock-knock. I waited a few moments but no answer. I thought she was supposed to be home by now? I tried knocking again, but still, no answer. No message or call from her on my phone, I wondered what could have happened. I checked the door and found it unlocked. This wouldn’t be the first time I let myself in so I opened it and walked into the empty house.

My bladder felt like it was at the point of bursting so I scurried along to the bathroom and opened the door in a hurry with my foot while simultaneously unzipping my jeans. I hurried into the bathroom with my cock fished out of my open fly. That’s when I saw her. She stood in the middle of the bathroom, covered only in a pair of white, cotton panties that clung skin tight to her perfect butt and a matching white bra. Her underwear delectably contrasted with the darkness of her tanned skin. Both of her hands were on top of her head taking out a scrunchy that was holding her hair up in a ponytail. With her back to me she shook her head around, her long hair whipped around before falling down her back. Her soft, straight hair hung there, some draped over her bare shoulders, the rest against her back barely reaching the clasp of her bra.

The door slammed against the wall causing her to spin around. Now she faced me, her hands in her hair. My eyes scanned her body, taking in the gorgeous sight before me. Her long slender legs, flat toned stomach, small firm breasts that were barely covered by the tiny bra, her tan skin, and her beautiful eyes that looked like a green meadow in the summer. I closed my eyes quickly, turned my head and stammered out an apology.

“No worries, it’s nothing you’ve never seen before. Besides, I’m not the only one on display right now.”

Oh crap, I had forgotten about my own state. I had been standing there for some time, my dick hanging out in the open. To my surprise my once flaccid penis had grown considerably and was now sticking straight out. My hands flew to cover myself as I turned my whole body away from her.

“I am so sorry! I didn’t know you were home and I just had to pee really bad.”

“Relax, don’t worry. It was an accident. Plus, I think I saw more than you did.” She let out a little giggle. “Now get out of here, I’m going to take a shower. I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

“Of course, definitely.” I started to leave.

“Adam, wait. Didn’t you come in here to pee?”

“Yeah, but I can just go in the other bathroom.”

“You can’t, its broken.”

“I’ll just wait till you’re done then.”

“No, don’t do that! I’d feel bad making you wait. Tell you what, how about you wait outside for a minute while I get in the shower and then you can come into pee?”

“Sounds okay to me.” I headed towards the door and heard the shower turn on behind me. My hand was on the knob ready to close the door behind me when I head

“On second thought, why wait a minute. If you gotta pee then go ahead and make a waterfall, I’d hate to make you suffer.” I turned my head back to look at her. She had her hands on her hips and was facing me. Her fingers pointed towards a trimmed, brown bush that was hidden before by her panties which were resting on the ground.

“Thanks, my bladder would appreciate it.”

“Sounds good.” She turned her back to me. “And since you’re in here, do you mind helping me out? My bra can be kind of tricky to get off sometimes, could you unfasten it for me?”

“Uhh, sure, I guess.” I approached her cautiously and reached out to grasp the strap laying against her back. My fingers fumbled with the clasp, unable to get it undone.

“You have to push them together before pulling them apart.”

The embarrassment did not help the situation and my hands became even more clumsy. To add to my problem, my erection had continued to get worse and I felt it make contact with something warm and soft. My dick was now poking Anna’s naked butt! This realization made matters even worse as my penis became stiff as a board and pointed straight up in the air. I willed myself to focus back on the task, hoping she didn’t feel me poke her. With her advice, and after several more attempts, I finally felt the clasps separate and the straps fell away from her back. Her hands were holding the cups against her chest to keep her breasts hidden. “Thanks.” She said as she stuck her butt backwards, pushing her flesh up against the underside of my shaft. My body tried to reflexively pull back, but I resisted the urge and left my dick resting on her backside.

“Anytime.” Her hips pressed backwards, firmly pushing against my erection, before stepping forward and into the shower. She reached behind her and dropped her bra on the floor, gazing at my groin for a moment before closing the curtain. I stood there in silence for a minute, forgetting about my earlier need to pee.

“What’s taking so long then? You nervous?” She said with a giggle.

“I um, I haven’t even started yet.” I turned towards the toilet and tried to aim my uncooperative penis at the bowl.

“Why not?”

“It’s just that, well, it’s kinda hard to pee when you, ya know...”

“What are you talking about?”

Is she really going to make me say it? Whatever, here it goes. “It’s hard to pee when you have an erection.” I could hear quite a bit more giggling over the sound of the shower.

“Okay then. Take all the time you need. I’ll be a little while in here.”

I continued to stand at the toilet and tried to get my erection to go down enough to start. Finally, a stream of urine flowed from my dick as I sighed in relief.
“Hey could you get me my razor? It’s on the sink.” She had stuck her head out of the shower curtain and was watching me with great interest. I turned my head towards her and saw her long, wet hair clinging to her shoulders.

“Sure, I can do that.” I grabbed the razor off the counter with the hand that wasn’t holding my dick and gave it to her. “Here you go.” As she went to grab it, her hand inadvertently grabbed mine as well. I felt her warm fingers lightly wrap around mine, her wet fingertips grazing my hand as she took the razor away.

“Thanks. You can go back focusing on peeing now, you’re getting it everywhere.” Sure enough the stream of urine was hitting the rim of the toilet and splashing out, getting the floor all wet.

“Shit.” I immediately pointed back into the middle and finished up. After getting my pants back in order I grabbed a towel from under the sink and bent over to clean up the mess. “I’m done, so I’ll go ahead and leave you alone now.”

“Wait! Before you go I have a question.”

“Ask away.”

“Do you um… do you find it hotter when a girl shaves her pussy or leaves a little bit of hair there?”

“Oh, uhhh, to be honest I don’t really know. I’ve only ever seen yours and only in its current state. I guess it just depends on the girl and how much hair there is.”

“What about on me?”

“I um, I don’t know. It definitely looked hot yesterday but I have no way of knowing what it would look like otherwise.”

“What if I shaved and had you compare?”

My erection was back in full force as it pushed against the front of my pants. “I guess that would work.” She gave me a mischievous smile before closing the curtain. “Ill be out in a while, can you and Jess go ahead and get everything set up?”

“Sure thing. Oh, I almost forgot, Jess said she’d be a little late.”

After bringing everything in from my car I stood in Anna’s kitchen and placed all the soda I brought in the refrigerator. My body worked absentmindedly while my brain meditated on the encounter in the shower. Was she really going to shave her pussy? Was I going to get to see it to compare it to yesterday? These thoughts along with all the events of yesterday swirled around in my mind like they had been ever since the hike finished. After I got home from the hike, I jerked off two times before dinner and twice more before I was able to get to sleep. Then today I walked around school the entire time trying to hid a hard-on. The past twenty-four hours I was as horny as I could ever remember being and having my dick rub against Anna’s butt in the bathroom did not help that fact.

I finished up in the kitchen and headed back to the living room when I ran into Anna, literally. She had on a pair of black athletic shorts and a baggy t-shirt. Her wet hair draped over her shoulders while she brushed it.

“Hey, watch where you’re going.” She gave me a playful shove.

“Me? You watch where you’re going, you nearly poked my eye out with that hairbrush.” I gave her a playful shove back on her shoulder, but was met with a firmer push against my chest.

“And you almost poked my eye out in the bathroom with that dick of yours so I’d say we’re even.” She went to maneuver around me but her body ended up rubbing along mine even though there was plenty of room. Her wet hair brushed against my face and her butt grazed along my groin. I decided to meet her antics with her least favorite thing in the world, a good tickling. I reached around her with one arm and pulled her back into me. My other hand found her side under her armpit and began tickling.

“Ssta, ssta, stoppp!” She cried out but I continued the torture. Her body squirmed against my hold but I held on tight. We struggled for several more seconds, her firm butt rubbing against my groin the entire time. She gasped for breath as I kept tickling her. During one of her wilder attempts to free herself I lost my balance and fell to the floor. Now she had the upper hand being on top of me. She returned the torture I had just given her as I now gasped for breath and laughed hysterically against my will. It was here that I found myself in the position where the story began.

There she was, one of my best friends, straddling my waist as I lie on my back against the ground. She was leaning over me, her long brunette hair dangling down, lightly brushing against my face. My hands, attempting to push her off me, just happened to press against the mounds of her tight t-shirt the second her crotch made contact with mine. My penis, straining against my jeans yearning to be free, had formed a large bulge that was now forced against her. We both froze for what seemed like an hour, unable to move any parts of our body. Never before had the two of us been in a situation like this with each other. What had been so innocent a second before had suddenly turned forbidden.

Our eyes met and we continued to sit there, motionless. My mind kept screaming at me to remove my hands. I knew it was what I should do, but yet couldn’t bring myself to remove them. This was a moment I had been fantasizing about for years and I wanted to experience and enjoy it; I wanted it to go farther. The smell of her silky hair as it grazed my face was enough to give me the courage I needed. I knew I shouldn’t have, but my urges got the best of me. I gave in and squeezed my hands together, feeling her B breasts fill my fists through her t-shirt. This was the first moment I realized she wasn’t wearing a bra. I could clearly feel her erect nipples poking into my palm.

The moment only lasted a couple of seconds because she sat up quickly. Her hands were now resting on my chest and my cock was snuggled up against her butt. Her face had a look of horror and I knew I had just ruined our friendship. I started to stammer out an apology, but before I could get a word out a mischievous grin took over her mouth. That was when she moved her hips back and forth twice, grinding her butt against my penis.

It was at this moment that the door burst open and in stepped Jess. Our bodies instantly stopped their motion as all three of us stared at each other.

“The one time I’m late and I miss all the fun.”

TheMaskedMaster 08-12-2020 09:24 PM

Another great instalment!! All good with a little change here and there to keep the story moving along in a great direction. Can not wait for the last chapter.

TorD180 08-14-2020 11:03 AM

Chapter 26: The Final Game
Chapter 26: The Final Game

Friday, 4:45 P.M., Jess

I stared at the scene in front of me trying to take it in. Adam was laying on his back in the middle of the floor while Anna straddled his waist. Both of his hands were cupping her breasts over her baggy shirt as it scrunched up, revealing a strip of tan flesh above her shorts.

“It’s not too late to join.” Her hips moved back and forward twice grinding her crotch in his, eliciting a moan from Adam. “In fact, I was just getting him ready for you.” She hopped off of him and helped him up. Even with jeans on, the outline of his erection could be clearly seen. “I don’t know about you two, but I can’t wait to watch you play your game.”

The game. It’s all I could think about on the ride over, I missed who knows what at school fantasizing about it, and it was the middle of the night before I finally fell asleep. The reason I was so late was it took forever to finally decide what to wear which was very out of the ordinary for me, nothing seemed perfect enough. My bra and panties were the easiest decision, they were the cutest pair I owned, accentuating what little cleavage and curves to my butt that I had. The yellow sundress I wore was my special occasion dress. Whenever I wore it Adam was unable to take his eyes off my bare shoulders and back and I had caught him many of times trying to catch glimpses up it, unsatisfied with my pale, creamy thighs that it showed off naturally so well when I didn’t wear my leggings underneath. I decided to go against wearing leggings this time as modesty was the last thing on my mind and we wouldn’t be out in the cold at all. Plus, I thought that it would give him easy access for whatever direction this game took. And trust me, every direction had already been imagined as I fingered myself for hours last night.

“So, which one of us starts?”

“I want you to touch me.” I blurted it out before I could stop myself. “Wait, I mean, oh shoot, you know what I meant. You go.” My excitement was already getting the best of me. My face was flushed and my heart was racing. Every part of my body was pent up with energy and beyond anxious to release it. I tried unsuccessfully to calmly make my way over to the couch to sit down and take off my shoes. The whole time he stood in front of me and stared at me with an expression I had only ever seen in a nature documentary right before a cheetah runs down a gazelle. Once they were removed I got up and staggered over to him. “Ready whenever you are.” My voice caught in my throat and once again I betrayed my nervousness. I closed my eyes, my arms hung limply by my side, and waited as patiently as I could while my entire body teemed with anticipation. What was probably only a few seconds lasted as eternity.

A hand brushed a few stray hairs from my face before two hands were placed on my hips. I could feel his warm breath on my face. Something soft and moist touched my lips, it took a moment before I realized they were Adam’s lips. I opened my mouth slightly and pressed it firmly against his. His hands pulled me into him, our bodies molded together as we tasted each other. It was the first kiss I had experienced since the one we had shared way back in kindergarten.

I was greatly disappointed when his lips left mine, although I don’t think I would have been satisfied if the kiss had lasted a year. I was about to open my eyes when the same soft, moist lips touched the side of my neck. They kissed my skin gently again and again, making a journey downwards towards my shoulder. A kiss was placed over the thin strap of my sundress, then another against my skin where the strap had just been. The strap now hung loosely off my arm and the other soon joined it. With a single hard tug my dress fell away and crumpled in a pile around my feet. My skin tingled at being exposed to the open air and shivered as he placed one last kiss above my left breast. I heard him walk around behind me which gave me enough courage to finally open my eyes. Anna was sitting in a chair directly in front of me, her eyes were glued to my heaving chest. Her hands were not idle, one was over her shirt massaging her left breast and the other was between her legs rubbing against her shorts.

Huuuh! I inhaled suddenly. A hand smacked my right butt cheek which sent a shock wave through my body. A second, much gentler smack was given to my other one as two hands proceeded to kneed my nearly bare flesh. I continued to watch Anna as she rubbed harder and began pulling at her nipple that was poking through her shirt, her eyes never leaving my milky white cleavage. After a lengthy time my left cheek was left alone and the hand that left it placed itself over my pelvis. It snaked its way down and tried to go between my legs but they were closed tight.

“Spread your legs.”

These were the first words spoken since we started. Every fiber of my being acted to meet his command as they automatically shifted apart. His hand was now wedged between my thighs, his palm pressed against my panties. His fingers glided across the material as they outlined my pussy lips. One finger found its way in between my lips and slid along my slit, the soft material pushing up inside me slightly. My bodied quivered and I gasped for breath as he continued to tease my slit. He removed his other hand from my butt and placed it on my stomach pulling me back into him. I could feel his hips thrusting against me as I grinded against his large bulge. My hand grabbed the back of his head, gripping his hair roughly, and forced him to bury his face in my neck. Our bodies melded together as we dry humped in the middle of the living room while his fingers and mouth sent me towards ecstasy.

“Take off your jeans, they’re too rough.” I was under the impression that I had only thought those words, but as the absence of the heat of his body left me cold and lonely I realized I had spoken them aloud. By the time I had turned around his shirt was already lying on the floor and his belt was in his hands. Hesitantly I stepped towards him, my arms out in front of me, and took the button of his pants in my fingers. I looked up into his dark blue eyes as I unfastened them. My fingers had just pulled down his zipper when he cupped my face with his hand as he tilted his head and leaned down. Our lips met in a gentle, loving kiss. He pulled back and looked me in the eyes as we shared a knowing gaze with each other. In this moment I knew that my ultimate fantasy was about to come true, but for the first time today I considered stopping. There was nothing I wanted more but I was unsure if this was how I wanted it to happen. I looked over at Anna for reassurance. Her shorts and panties were around her ankles and her hand was under her shirt. The motion of her hands stopped as she looked at me reading the question I asked her wordlessly, her head gave an approving nod.

I brought my attention back to Adam who now stood in front of me wearing only a pair of boxers with that familiar tent which contained the one thing I most desired. Our mouths found each other again as we shared a passionate kiss, much more intense than the first two. Our hands roamed each other’s bodies, the sweaty skin of our torso stuck together. His hand gripped my ass and pulled me forcefully to him. A hard rod pressed against my stomach and our tongues danced together.

I’m not sure how it happened but we found ourselves lying on the couch, him on top of me with my knees clutching his sides. His body rocked against mine as our groins humped each other through our underwear. Out of breath I separated my face from his and panted for air. “Take my panties off.” He looked at me with a mix of hunger and confusion, not fully grasping what I had asked. “Please, take my panties off.”

Like before his mouth left mine and found itself on my neck. Once again it worked its way down to my shoulder, but this time it didn’t stop there. His mouth kissed my chest at the base of my neck then moved down to the crevasse between my breasts. He buried his face in my small breasts, his mouth practically eating the band holding the cups together. My hands pushed the back of his head hard into them, his hips thrusted quicker against me. I eventually released him and his mouth made a trail of saliva down to my belly button. It continued to drift lower and lower until I felt my short bush being pressed into my pelvis, my panties were in his mouth. He tugged on them and I felt them slowly slide down my thigh, the cool air of the room making my pussy tingle. He pulled them down to my knees with his mouth before using his hands to slide them off and throw them across the room. He crawled back between my legs and I felt a firm kiss planted on my pussy lips. His mouth continued to tease me, kissing every centimeter of my lips until I felt the tip of his tongue penetrate my folds. My hips bucked wildly as he licked my slit forcing his nose to press into it. His tongue licked and his mouth kissed my pussy like it was a soft served ice cream cone.

A squeal from the other side of the room drew my eyes. Her hips humped furiously against her hands as a finger twirled around her clit in a circle. Her body spasmed and shuddered as she cried out again. Her motions got slower as her panting got quieter. Between Anna’s orgasm and Adam’s magical mouth, I felt like I was at the tipping point and then his tongue flicked against my engorged clit. I simply couldn’t take it anymore and wrapped my legs around his neck, pulling him further into me. My eyes closed shut and my hands covered them as Adam earnestly flicked my clit with his tongue. I felt a finger penetrate my opening over and over again as he continued to flick. I threw my head back and the thrusting got faster. A familiar feeling I have only ever experienced by myself started to rise up. My voice moaned and panted as my head jerked around wildly. Then finally I felt it coming. My hands gripped his hair and pulled his face as hard as I could into me as my body was overtaken with spasms, my groin bucked against him with each one. After a few more moments and spasms I brought his face to mine then released my grip of his hair and lied there, my breathing erratic and his body on top of mine. We kissed tenderly while I enjoyed the aftermath of the most intense orgasm I ever felt.

My bare pussy felt a cloth covered, hard rod pressing into it. Even with his boxers on his cock threatened to penetrate my opening. I broke away from his kiss, looked deep into his soul, and whispered “I want you to fuck me.” His bewildered expression was quickly replaced by one of eagerness.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure.”

“Do you really want our first time to be during a game of chicken? I mean, I truly want to have sex with you more than anything in the world, but if this isn’t the right time I can wait. I wouldn’t want you to regret anything that we did.”

“Adam, please fuck me.” That was all the encouragement he needed. A split second later his boxers flew across the room and he was back in the same position: over top of me, my legs on either side of him, and his cock pointing at my virginity. A loud moan distracted us from what we were doing. Anna was in the chair, her legs spread wide open with one hand thrusting two fingers inside of her and the other rubbing clit violently. Her head was thrown back over the headrest as she screamed out another orgasm. The feeling of his warm cock resting against my pussy brought back to my own gratification.

The tip of his cock separated the folds of my pussy and poked against my opening. He looked at me with a question of consent, my head nodded in approval. His head pierced me and I whimpered with anticipation. His cock continued to push further into me until a couple inches occupied my canal. It was hallway inside of me when I let out a large gasp making him hesitate.

“Are you okay? Am I hurting you?”

I tried to catch my breath to give him a response. “Not at all, it feels good. Keep going.”

He pulled back an inch or two before gently pushing into me till half of his length reentered my channel. He slowly thrusted back and forth six times like this, testing the waters while we both lost our virginity together. On the seventh thrust he pushed further inside of me, several inches of his cock entered my warmth. I groaned loudly as his pace got quicker with this increased insertion.

“I’m not going to last much longer.”

“That’s. Okay. I want. You. To cum. In me.” His pace increased even more, the entire length of his cock penetrated me over and over. After just a few more thrusts he buried his cock as deep as he could inside and grunted. I could feel his cock spasm and a flow of warm liquid entered me. His cock continued to spasm as my vaginal walls acted on their own to help him fill me up with his sperm. He pulled his hips back and pushed into me gently three times, each time another spurt of warm liquid was released. His body collapsed onto mine and we held each other closely. I could feel his chest rising against me with each quick breath.

As Adam’s penis deflated inside of me I looked over at Anna. Her legs were still spread and her fingers slowly caressed her pussy. A large puddle eon the chair was evidence of her earlier orgasms. A wave of my hand beckoned her over to us and she laid down beside us. I leaned over and our lips met. We shared our first kiss, a loving, gentle one. He removed his now limp penis from inside me and we rolled over on our sides. The three of us cuddled together on the couch, Adam’s limp, wet cock rested between my cheeks. His arm reached over me and around Anna, his hand holding her bare butt. My arms wrapped around her in a hug as we continued to occasionally taste each other. We laid like this for who knows how long while we all reveled in the aftermath of our shared orgasms.

“Should we get ready for the party?”

TheMaskedMaster 09-09-2020 12:06 AM

Just wondering if you were planning to finish this story still?

Love it and I hope you do!!

TorD180 09-10-2020 10:10 AM

Update on part 2
Don't worry TheMaskedMaster, I am planning on finishing this story!! I've just gotten a bit busy and might have bitten of a little more than I can chew in terms of projects. To give you an update:

1) I am rewriting the first half of part 1 (i wrote it a long time ago and in my mind isn't nearly as good as the second half). I have the rough draft done and just need to edit it all and should have it posted in a week or two.

2) The outline and a rough draft of the first 2 of 19 planned chapters are written for part 2. I want to write the whole thing first though before starting to post it so I don't run into similar problems that I did with part 1. It may still be a while and I am sorry for that, but I promise I will get it done eventually!! (hopefully by the end of October)

3) I am also writing another unrelated story and have about 5,000 words so far (not much so far and I have no idea when I'll start posting it).

TheMaskedMaster 11-26-2020 09:46 AM

Any updates on the next stories?

TheMaskedMaster 12-26-2020 10:55 PM

I know I probably the one of the only people that keeps rereading this story because of how good it is and can not wait for it to be finished hopefully. Any update on if that will happen anytime soon?

justaboy 09-06-2023 05:14 AM

Would love to read more
This story was (and still is) so awesome. Loved reading every bit. Is there any chance this will get more parts added to the story?
If the original author is unable to do so, maybe they can give permission for someone else to continue this great story?
Anyway, thanks for all the parts written ❤

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