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knorke 03-18-2018 01:23 AM

Hello there!

- What are things you go out of your way to do for eachother to brighten each other's day a little?
- What is your favorite memory of time spent together?

Butterfly 03-18-2018 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by knorke (Post 3214796)
Hello there!

- What are things you go out of your way to do for eachother to brighten each other's day a little?
Mr. Devious will leave little notes for me sometimes. Sometimes he will pick up flowers for me on his way home from work, or he will buy me a treat while he is out. He sends me cute gifs or messages even when he is really busy at work, just so that I know he is thinking about me. He will do things like go and get me gas in my car so that I don't have to stand out in the cold, or he has even cleared my car off in the winter. When we are just lounging around the house, he will walk up to me randomly and kiss me on the cheek or if we are driving he will find my hand and give it a squeeze. I am sure there are a lot more, but I can't think of any at this moment.
Butterfly leaves me nice little notes around the house, she always calls me and asks if I want a coffee, or she will just buy me one to surprise me. She sends me sweet little messages all the time, either on kik, or even on my visitor wall on getDare, she writes me cute blogs. She gives me back scratchies at bedtime. She comes home with treats or gifts for me frequently (a new t shirt, or a snack she knows I like). She also randomly tells me that she loves me all the time.

- What is your favorite memory of time spent together?

Just one? That's hard! Probably our wedding day.
I actually thought he was going to say something different, but I agree. Our wedding day was truly magical. It is honestly the best day of my life and I got to spend it with Mr. Devious. Although, to be honest, it felt like we only got to spend a few hours together that day. Everything went so fast.

Pariahterror 03-19-2018 10:05 AM

Just some funny questions I hope.

For Butterfly:

When was the first time you found about Eeyore?

Since when did Eeyore become a hero to you?

How many Eeyore related items do you have?

I heard you were small, have had any problems with that?

What is the funniest thing Mr. Devious did today ( if he didn't, he should do something about that)?

For Mr. Devious

What is the loveliest thing Butterfly said the last week?

What was the most recent naughty thing Butterfly did?

Did you let Butterfly typ these answers?

Well, that was it for now.

littlemissslave 03-19-2018 10:24 AM

Mr Devious:
What is your favourite thing about butterfly?

How do you take your coffee?

When are our waffles arriving?

What is your favourite film?

What is your favourite thing about Mr devious?

How are you so lovely, even in a bad mood yourself?

What is your favourite Disney film?

How are the orgasms going?

How are the two of You such s cute couple?

How did you become so brave with being public with kink?

What is your favourite non sexual thing to do together?

What is your favourite sexual thing to Do?

Butterfly 03-19-2018 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by Pariahterror (Post 3216454)
Just some funny questions I hope.

For Butterfly:

When was the first time you found about Eeyore?
My mom loved Winnie the Pooh, so growing up we read the stories all the time. I have known about Eeyore my whole life.

Since when did Eeyore become a hero to you?
I wouldn't consider Eeyore a hero, but I have loved him the most for as long as I can remember.

How many Eeyore related items do you have?
I have about 6 eeyore mugs, eeyore pj pants, a couple eeyore shirts, eeyore slippers, 8 or 9 eeyore stuffies, eeyore cups, eeyore key chain, eeyore glass statues, eeyore santa hat, eeyore christmas ornaments, eeyore pillow, eeyore tsum tsums, eeyore license plate ...
hmm I can't think of anything else, but I am sure there might be other things as well.

I heard you were small, have had any problems with that?
I am short. Usually the biggest problem is reaching things.
I can't read the top of the shelves at the grocery story, or top of our pantry or cupboards at home. I also have had issues with reaching inside washing machines before if they are top loading ones.

What is the funniest thing Mr. Devious did today ( if he didn't, he should do something about that)?
It is still pretty early in the day .. I don't think he has done anything too funny other than walking out of the bathroom and saying "Success!"

For Mr. Devious

What is the loveliest thing Butterfly said the last week?
She says lots of lovely things all the time so it is hard to remember something specific but I will just go with "I love you" because she says it to me all the time and it is always lovely.

What was the most recent naughty thing Butterfly did?
If we are meaning naughty as in something that Butterfly did that was bad, it would probably be using naughty words on little days. If we are talking about being naughty as in something sexy, then it would be zapping my balls with our electric wand while she laughed at me.

Did you let Butterfly typ these answers?
Yes, of course.

Well, that was it for now.

Thank you for your questions.

Butterfly 03-19-2018 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by littlemissslave (Post 3216476)
Mr Devious:
What is your favourite thing about butterfly?
That she loves me with every little teeny bit of her heart.

How do you take your coffee?
With hazelnut creamer.

When are our waffles arriving?
As soon as you get out of bed and make them.

What is your favourite film?
I don't have one specific favorite but I like the Marvel movies.

What is your favourite thing about Mr devious?
That he is willing to do anything to make me happy.

How are you so lovely, even in a bad mood yourself?
I really don't feel like I am.

What is your favourite Disney film?
Top three would be Tangled, Lion King and Frozen

How are the orgasms going?
I am a little bit behind this month so far because of everything going on, but when I have them, I am trying to have multiples to catch up. I had 30 in January, and 29 in February, so that evens out to one a day on average. I am hoping to end March above average if possible.

How are the two of You such a cute couple?
It is all Mr. Devious, he makes me appear cute.
How can such a lovely butterfly NOT be cute. In all honestly, this is just who we are, cute or not.

How did you become so brave with being public with kink?
Honestly, I am not that brave. I get super anxious and blushy everytime we do something that is even semi public. I am also very self concious about how I look. However, I have spent a lot of time trying to become more comfortable with myself and who I am, and it has helped motivate me to push through. I also am not super scared about sharing this part of who I am. It helps that my best friends are very open and accepting and one of them has even attended an event with us. Which really helps.

I am actually very nervous and anxious about it too.
But the more we do, the more comfortable it gets and I look forward to doing it more.

What is your favourite non sexual thing to do together?
Cuddle in bed together, or going out to the movies together.
Bowling! But because of my injuries we haven't done that in a long time. So my favorite things to do together these days? When we play games. I like being able to be bratty and have friendly banter while we compete.

What is your favourite sexual thing to Do?

Give butterfly orgasms!
I will have to agree with that statement. However, I will go a little further and say that I love when we do really challenging or long scenes.
I love being dominated and not feeling in control. I love having to overcome an obstacle or challenge or endure something that is really hard in order to get the reward at the end.

knorke 03-22-2018 01:34 PM

What's your favorite snacks?
Why isn't it lemons?
What would you do with lemons, given that life gave you some?
What's the most surprising surprise you've ever woken up to?
What's your favorite thing to do as little? Least favorite?
Likewise, for Mr. Devious: favorite thing you have her do when little?

Butterfly 03-24-2018 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by knorke (Post 3219921)
What's your favorite snacks?
Chips & Salsa, Salt & Vinegar Chips, Nuts, Popcorn
Popcorn with extra butter, Chocolate, Candy, Ice Cream,
Cookies ... so much junk food!!!

Why isn't it lemons?
Because lemons are nasty
Cause bleh

What would you do with lemons, given that life gave you some?
Make lemonade of course
Throw them at people.

What's the most surprising surprise you've ever woken up to?
I can't think of a good surprise but I remember waking up once while camping and the tent was flooded. That was definitely a surprise.
Breakfast in bed made by mom and brother. It was really sweet and totally unexpected.

What's your favorite thing to do as little? Least favorite?
There are so many things that I love. It would be a tie between bedtime (story, snuggles, bottle of milk and then pacifier) or playing games with my daddy. My least favorite is not being allowed to say naughty words.
Likewise, for Mr. Devious: favorite thing you have her do when little?

I like when she drinks from her bottle because it makes her super blushy. Or also having her color.

Pariahterror 03-24-2018 11:37 AM

Some more questions for you:

What are your favourite drinks?

What is your favourite fruit?

What is the most fun way to tease eachother?

What nicknames do you have for eachother?

What is best, iceream during Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall? And why?

Which sports do you enjoy watching the most?

How sweet are your cats?

What jumps in your mind when I say the word

Do you have any special unimportant talents?

Butterfly 03-24-2018 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by Pariahterror (Post 3222814)
Some more questions for you:

What are your favourite drinks?
Coor Light, Water, Coffee (not necessarily in that order)
Water and milk. Sometimes lemonade (sour lemonade)

What is your favourite fruit?

What is the most fun way to tease eachother?
With the wand, making her do lots of edges before she is allowed to cum.
I like to tease him verbally through messages. I also like to lay down beside him while he is hard and gently squeeze the head of his cock and watch it bounce.

What nicknames do you have for eachother?
I don't really have any nicknames. I call him honey or my love or my prince ...

She is my Butterfly, sweetie, princess, sweetness

What is best, iceream during Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall? And why?
Summer because it is hot outside the and the ice cream is cold.
All the time because ice cream is yum!

Which sports do you enjoy watching the most?
Golf and hockey
BORING!!!! I like watching figure skating and bobsled which is why I love the winter olympics.

How sweet are your cats?
They are so BAD!!!!! Fettucine eats all the food and steals my socks. And Spaghetti gives me hives on purpose and jumps on me all the time.
They are snuggly and cute, but they are also trouble.

What jumps in your mind when I say the word

♫Imagine all the people .... ♫

Do you have any special unimportant talents?

I can roll my tongue.
My fingers bend at the top knuckles. I can cum in under 3 minutes. Mr. Devious' special talent is that he can drive me crazy with only a few words.

knorke 03-25-2018 12:38 AM

Just for Butterfly:

Why are you hating on lemons and want to throw them at people when you actually like lemonade?!
Have you ever made lemonade yourself?

Butterfly 03-25-2018 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by knorke (Post 3223765)
Just for Butterfly:

Why are you hating on lemons and want to throw them at people when you actually like lemonade?!
I actually love the smell of lemons so maybe if I throw them they will burst open and smell good? Plus it would make me feel better to throw them.

Have you ever made lemonade yourself?

I have. I actually make a roasted lemonade in the summer that is pretty yummy.

knorke 04-22-2018 10:31 PM

For both,

What are your three favorite blog posts?
What's the most you've edged in recent memory?
What's your favorite type of ice cream?

what is your opinion on mustaches?
For Mr D., do you currently have a mustache?
For Butterfly: Would you want him to (not) have one?

Analslut12 04-23-2018 03:38 PM

love you two!
for the mrs.

what kind of bathing suits would you wear to the beach?

if the mr put you in a diaper, would you rather have to pee and poop in it, or have him dump a bottle of hotsauce down the front

whats the longest youve ever been in denial

whats the longest you would let him put you in denial

for the mr.

what kind of bathing suits do you want to put the mrs in

would you rather put hotsauce in her diaper, or make her pee and poop in it multiple times

whats the longest you would ever put the mrs in denial

Butterfly 04-23-2018 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by knorke (Post 3260224)
For both,

What are your three favorite blog posts?
My top 3 are:
10 Reasons I love my Butterfly by Mr. Devious
Why crawling naked through glass while a hippo is chasing me is a limit by Jaroface
Villainous Dom/mes by Naughtylittlegirl
Also, if I get to choose some of my own, I really loved my interrogation series report!

Mine are:
10+ reasons I love Asslvr even when he is a butthead by Butterfly
Butterflies Interrogation Series (this is really 4 blogs, all linked in the original blog)
Honeymoon by Butterfly

What's the most you've edged in recent memory?
150 approximately in about 5 hours, during my tease and denial session. I wrote a blog about it called Holding my Orgasm Hostage if you are interested in reading it.
I am a Dom, I don't edge.
Liar! There was that one time not too long ago that you were fucking me and for some reason you just couldn't cum so you kept getting to the edge. It happened probably 5 or 6 times.

What's your favorite type of ice cream?
Chocolate peanut butter

what is your opinion on mustaches?
Unless you are a porn star from the 80's you don't need one.
I am not a fan either. Some people can pull them off, but most can't.

For Mr D., do you currently have a mustache?
For Butterfly: Would you want him to (not) have one?

I would rather he not. Unless it is just attached to his beard.

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