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jed5454 11-06-2015 12:43 PM

Go with Emma Go with Emma

Deadpool15 11-06-2015 03:12 PM

A: go with Emma.

Galtee 11-07-2015 04:36 PM

I say Go with Emma

mhayes2410 11-09-2015 01:59 AM

Chapter 3, Option A: Go with Emma
Sorry this post is late, but here it is. Enjoy!

“Um, well…” Leila thought, trailing off as she contemplated her options. Both Emma and Britney watched on, waiting for Leila’s response. “Sure, yeah, I guess I’ll go with you,” Leila said, in a voice barely louder than a field mouse. She shifted uncomfortably again, becoming more and more demure with every passing moment. Emma smiled slyly, knowing she could use this to her advantage, if she played her cards right.

“I think you’ll love the place, we have one of the best sorority houses on campus,” said Emma, gently pulling Leila in her direction by the arm. Emma turned toward Britney as they walked away. “I’ll text you when we are all finished with the tour.” Britney nodded, smiling at Leila.

Leila was suddenly being pulled away, quite literally, from the one person she knew and trusted on the entire campus. Not only that, but she was headed right into one of the most prestigious sororities in the entire school, by someone who she met just five minutes prior. It was becoming too much for the poor young girl to handle.

A cool breeze blew past Leila, making her light sundress sway slightly, and sending a shiver down her spine. Leila was on edge, and not in a good way. She hadn’t felt this nervous in forever. Leila knew, though, that if she was going to get the most out of her college experience, she’d have to take leaps like this one. She just hoped that she could trust Emma…

As the girls walked along, Leila was growing more and more unfamiliar with where they were. She had yet to explore this side of the campus, so everything seemed almost foreign to her. Emma aimlessly chatted about her life to Leila, before turning her attention to the shy freshman.

“So, how do you like OCU so far?” Emma asked.

“Oh, I love it so far,” Leila said, relaxing ever so slightly. “Such a pretty campus.”

“Hopefully it’ll get to see more of you soon,” Emma replied, smirking slightly.

Emma’s phrasing was odd to Leila, but ultimately Leila paid no attention to it, as now they had arrived at what appeared to be their destination. Leila looked up to see a beautiful brick building with the words Booker Hall engraved into the façade. To the left were the symbols ΚΔ in bold, black type. The building was large, three stories tall, and looked to house at least 100 students.

“Welcome to Booker Hall, home of Kappa Delta,” Emma said as she opened the main door. “The building is empty right now since all of the sisters are down at rush.”

The two girls made their way into the entryway. Leila was stunned by the beauty of the building. It looked more like a mansion than a sorority house. The floors were made of a tan-colored marble, with large white pillars extruding from it up to the ceiling around the edges of the room. Directly ahead of them was a large staircase, flanked by two doors that led into a corridor of rooms on the first floor.

“What do you think?” Emma asked, smiling.

Leila was too stunned to speak at first. She was struggling to take it all in. “It’s beautiful,” she said, once she could finally speak again.

“Come on, I’ll take you around a little,” Emma replied, again leading the shy Leila on through the building.

The two girls walked through the halls on the first floor, first looking at some of the rooms for the other girls in the sorority. More spacious and luxurious than her own dorm room, Leila thought, but nothing overly spectacular. Leila was more impressed, though, when they came across the common room.

The common room sat at the center of the building, and extended through all three stories, with railings wrapping around the upper two floors so people could look down to the first floor below. Up on the ceiling was a gigantic skylight that shined light down onto what appeared to be a circular stage of some kind on the bottom floor.

“This is where we hold some of our events during the school year,” Emma explained, making the room sound much duller than it looked. Leila was in awe of the beauty of the architecture, which was well above that of the plain, boring dorm she currently called home.

Emma continued to show Leila around the other parts of the building, including the upper floors, which were essentially identical to each other. Eventually they made their way back to the common room, where Emma suggested they both take a break.

“So, what do you think? Pretty nice place, huh?” Emma asked, trying to sell the building as much as she could to young Leila.

“It’s incredible,” Leila said, looking up into the upper reaches of the common room in awe.

“Could you see yourself living here?” Emma asked, diving right in to her pitch to get Leila to pledge.

“I… I don’t know,” Leila said, laughing nervously. “I don’t know if the Greek life if really my thing.”

“Well, like I said before, our normal pledge process is tough, most girls never make it,” Emma said. “But… I really like you, so I could maybe make you an offer. Of course, you’d have to keep this quiet, we almost never do this.”

Leila paused for a moment. “Do what?” she asked quietly.

“Well, I could give you a sort of… personalized pledge process,” Emma said, deliberately taking her time so Leila could process all the information. “Basically, instead of pledging for the entire sorority, you would just pledge for me. Then, if I feel you’re up to it, I could then decide whether or not to accept you as a sister.”

Leila was slightly taken aback by this development. A personalized pledge process? Why was she being offered this? What did she have that made Emma believe she was sorority material? Emma, watching Leila interpret her comments, stepped in.

“Of course, it goes without saying, that you’d have to do everything I tell you too, no exceptions,” Emma explained. “I can’t make you pledge, but if you start and don’t finish, I’ll be very disappointed. And I don’t think either of us really wants that.” Emma smirked again slightly at her last comment.

“What would I have to do?” Leila asked.

“I can’t tell you unless you decide to go for it,” Emma said. “Basically, you can take my offer, or pledge like everyone else. Or, I suppose you could just leave and forget about it all together, but that would be such a shame, such a waste of someone who has so much potential.”

What does Leila decide to do?

A) Take Emma’s deal and pledge for her
B) Pledge like everyone else
C) Turn down both offers and walk back home

ForeverAlways 11-09-2015 01:51 PM

This story is interesting; good idea, and great writing! I don't think I've seen anything like it before. Curious as to what'll happen! :)

I choose option A.

Deadpool15 11-09-2015 03:32 PM

I think I'll go with option A again

jed5454 11-09-2015 10:12 PM

What does Leila decide to do?

A) Take Emma’s deal and pledge for her

playfulgurl 11-09-2015 10:14 PM

C! She should be smart! LOL

iceman713 11-09-2015 10:56 PM

I say take Emma's pledge. I am enjoying this story very much.

Some of these types of stories die out quick because they don't get many responses, but I'm happy to see that you are getting some.

mhayes2410 11-10-2015 01:20 AM

Chapter 4, Option A: Take Emma’s deal and pledge for her
Thank you all for the comments and votes! I have a ton of ideas for this story, so your thanks and participation mean a lot, and will help me keep this story going for a long time!

Leila was petrified and excited all at once. Ultimately, her goal was to be accepted into some group at school so she could make new friends, and have the best experience possible while she was in college. But a sorority? Was this really the solution? Emma had told her that ‘only the best make it.’ Could Leila really handle whatever that entailed? And if she couldn’t, could she handle the rejection and humiliation that that would bring?

Yet at the same time, Leila was growing more and more interested by the idea. Here she was, having a one-on-one meeting with a leader in one of the most prestigious sororities on campus, and said leader was offering her a special deal if she wants to pledge. That had to be a good sign, right? Clearly she had made a great impression, Leila thought. She knew deep down that she’d never get this chance again.

After mulling it over for a moment or two, with Emma looking on intently, Leila finally made up her mind.

“Okay, I’ll do it,” Leila said, shaking slightly from her nerves. “I really just want to fit in and make friends, so I guess I have to start somewhere, right?”

“Oh, this is great!” Emma exclaimed, jumping from her seat to give Leila a hug. “And yes, it’ll be the perfect opportunity to meet people!”

Leila smiled at that comment, becoming slightly more confident she had made the right decision. Emma again gently guided Leila down a hall, this time to a small room tucked away around a corner. The room appeared to be a meeting room of some kind, with a conference table made from a large slab of dark, cherry wood. There were at least a dozen chairs neatly arranged around the table, with what appeared to be a large projector screen on the wall at the far end. Other than that, and a few small decorations on the walls, the room was devoid of any other furnishings.

Emma had Leila take a seat on one side of the table. Leila smoothed out her yellow sundress as she sat, crossing her smooth, thin legs in front of her. Leila dangled one of her sandals from her foot underneath the table as she listened intently to her guide.

“So, there are a few things we have to go over first, before you can become an official pledge,” Emma said, a edge of happiness apparent in her voice. “I need to go down and get you a packet with paperwork to sign, but it won’t take me long. It’ll give you a chance to do your first task with a little… privacy.”

Leila was confused by this statement. What did she need privacy for? Leila watched as Emma reached down and grabbed a box that had been sitting against the wall. Emma placed the box on top of the table in front of Leila. “What is my task?” she asked.

“I want you to take off your underwear and put it in this box,” Emma said flatly, struggling with all of her might to keep her expression cool. “Bra too. Just place them both in the box, you’ll get them back later.”

“You want me to WHAT?” Leila exclaimed, pausing for a moment before walking toward the door. “No, no, I can’t do this.”

Emma stepped in front of her. “Relax, Leila, everything will be fine, just trust me,” she said, trying to calm the teenager in front of her. “I had to do this too, when I pledged. And look at me now, it all worked out, didn’t it?”

Leila thought it over, still very skeptical of the entire idea. Emma, sensing her skepticism, spoke up again.

“Like I said, I can’t force you to do anything, Leila,” Emma said, putting a hand on Leila’s shoulder reassuringly. “But, if I’m right about you, you’ll make a fantastic addition to Kappa Delta. You just have to trust me.” Emma smiled wide, hugged the petite Leila, and rushed out of the room.

What does Leila decide to do?

A) Go ahead and place her underwear in the box
B) Head out the door and leave
C) Don’t remove her underwear, but instead wait for Emma to return so she can plead with her

SluttyPenguin 11-10-2015 08:31 AM

Put the panties in the box!

slaveboy 95 11-10-2015 11:28 AM

c i pick cccccccc

Deadpool15 11-10-2015 02:55 PM

Option A all the way

jed5454 11-10-2015 09:36 PM

place her underwear in the box

RainbowDasher18 11-11-2015 12:07 AM

If A leads to being Emma's baby, A

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