getDare Truth or Dare

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interesting 10-31-2009 04:42 AM

Saturday is All Right for Something
When I got up on Saturday morning, around nine AM, I woke up to an email from Danielle. I read it naked. I had anxiously been awaiting it: after all, it would confirm if we were to meet that day.

Hiya you :)
I can't wait to see you tomorrow. Sorry if I didn't answer sooner but my time was so hectic, plus I didn't have access to the computer. I apologize also for not sending you a new picture in response to your successful dare. I'll make it up to you as soon as I can, and those pictures did deserve an extra. I still can't believe you actually did it, but I'm sure you'll tell me more when we meet. You didn't mention if you wanted a truth or dare to follow, so think about it and get back to me when we meet tomorrow.
I was thinking we could meet downtown, and go to the coffee place on the corner of King and Wellington, you know the one. I'll drop by there around noon to have lunch anyway. I need to get out of the apartment.
Where do I see myself in the future? Right now, nowhere. I suppose I'll be working somewhere. I don't see kids or a husband in any near future. Truth be told, I'm looking a lot less at the future right now than I am at the past.
Anyway, that's on my end. Truth me again...
Better yet, let's play when we meet. I have the whole afternoon off so we might as well take advantage of it, if you don't have anything planned, of course.
Take care, see you at the café,

I almost jumped from my chair, but then recollected myself and my thoughts. The meeting was on - and she wanted to play live. I wasn't sure what excited me more between the two. I knew I had to get ready, so I hit the showers and scrubbed myself in a way I hadn't done in a long time. This felt like a first date. As I was washing myself, I kept thinking of her, those pictures she had sent me, and then the image of her by the swimming pool. The images stimulated me and I decided not to go out with a loaded gun, so I took care of myself in the shower.

I then chose a nice clean pair of jeans, a red tee with a Superman logo, matching socks and underwear. I was primed and ready, but it was still early. I decided not to have breakfast so I just drank a glass of chocolate milk. And then, I waited. It seemed like forever, watching the minutes go by. I lived three blocks from the coffee shop. Around 11:45 AM, I couldn't stand it any longer. I picked up my jacket (it was late autumn after all) and headed outside.

I got to the coffee shop ten minutes before noon. I entered. She wasn't there. I hovered about the door, with the waitress smiling at me. I wanted to wait for her to know where she would want to sit: near the door, at the end of the room, near the window. I looked outside, trying to signify to the waitress that I was waiting for someone. There was a small counter so I made my way there.

"What'll it be?"
"Nothing yet. I'm waiting for someone."

I stood there, impatient, counting down the minutes. When she entered the place, my smile returned. She immediately noticed me and walked over. There was both happiness and sadness in her face.

I stared at her for a moment. She wore her hair in a pony tail. As she stared back, she unzipped a blue jacket, revealing a blue blouse. She wore a long matching blue skirt as well. She spoke first.


There was a tenderness in her voice which I did not expect.

"Hi back. Where do you wanna sit?"
"Back there."

We made our way to the end of the coffee shop. She sat on the long bench, near the window - I sat facing her, on a chair. For a while, nothing more was said. The waitress came over and took our orders, then left. I managed to break the silence.

"So... it's nice to see you again."
"It is..."

She lowered her head.

"What's... what happened? Do you wanna talk about it?"
"You first. You said you had something to tell me."
"Are you sure? My story's pretty... well, I don't think it's as involved as yours. More light-hearted."
"I could use some light-heartedness right now..."
"Well, I did your dare..."

I lowered my voice, but stopped. The waitress was coming back with our glasses of water and Danielle's iced tea. Before I could speak again, however, Danielle spoke up.

"It's done. I'm done."
"What's done?"
"Stan and me. We're... over."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"Are you really?"

Her tone was accusatory, but then she became soft again.

"I'm sorry. I'm just... a bit overwhelmed. It's not like I was expecting to spend the rest of my life with him, but I've had plenty of time to cry over it."
"What happened? Is it all right if I ask?"
"Yes... basically, he was... cheating on me."

What do you say after such a revelation? I just stared away for a moment.

"I suspected it... frankly, I'm glad it's out in the open."
"So you broke it off?"
"I did. Well, we both did. But now, I still have a lease on the apartment with him, and his... significant other... came by this week. I want to kill that bitch!"

She put her hands to her mouth, as if she had said something wrong, but I could understand what she was feeling.

"When is your lease due?"
"Next July... that's 8 months. I'm thinking of moving out before, though, if he agrees to let me go."
"Yeah. Not sure he's going to. He's... well, he's a jerk. Not like you... oh... that didn't come out right."

She laughed, but it felt hollow.

"It's okay."
"You know what the worst part is? I kinda knew it. It's been going on since... well, at least not before we moved in together. That was last July. I met him at school... he was charming, we hit it off. And then, he suckered me into moving in with him. Even got me to sign the lease with him... I feel like I was... used."

It was hard for me to find words to comfort her. She wasn't crying, so I imagined she had already dealt with the worst of her feelings. She just wanted to chat. I let her continue.

"I did like him. I mean, I knew it wasn't forever, at my age... but, I still... believed we would last longer. I certainly didn't think he'd sleep out on me! I feel so stupid."
"You're not stupid. He's stupid."

Danielle smiled back.

"Thanks... for just being here."
"My pleasure."

She dried her eyes a little, the smile returning more to her face.

"Anywho, I'm here now, I'm with a friend... someone I like a lot..."

She lowered her head. I understood how she felt. Six years ago, our feelings had brought us close but our age difference had kept us apart. We hadn't been able to, in all good conscience, go further with our relationship, and I must admit I had been the one holding it back. But six years was a long time to be apart, and even though those feelings were still there, they were unfamiliar. Plus, she was just getting out of a relationship, and I was personally confused about something else. The circumstances kept us at arm's length.

"I like you too..."

The food came and we started eating slowly, chatting the time away between bites, talking of less intense matters. I finished my plate first, so she told me to tell her about my own adventure, the one I had hinted at in the email. It occured to me that she might construe what had happened as a form of cheating - but really, would it be, since we weren't involved in a clear relationship. My mind pondered that thought as I tried to find the words. I spoke in a low tone, because I didn't want others to hear.

"I went to my friend's place to do the dare... well, I challenged him and he said yes. So, we talked about how we would do it, and his girlfriend... well, his roommate, said we shouldn't just rush into things."

I saw that Danielle noticed my slip of the tongue but I kept going.

"So we played a strip game, to get ourselves comfortable being naked together... she played too 'cause she wanted. So we all ended up naked."

Danielle was smiling. She was probably remembering our time at the pool together.

"Then... hmmm... well, both my friend and I were really stimulated by the fact that we were all naked, and that she was naked with us... so she..."
"Yeah... well, she just gave us... hand..."
"I see."

It was hard for me to tell what Danielle was thinking.

"Did you enjoy it?"
"Well, yes... though it was kind of confusing because up until that point, they hadn't told me they weren't together anymore."

This time, I could tell that Danielle understood the uncertainty in my words.

"That's why... when we hit showers and I started washing up my friend, it didn't seem that extreme... I had a lot on my mind... can I be honest?"
"Sure, of course."
"When she was... blowing me..."
"I was thinking of you."

I couldn't believe I had just said that. Was I trying to justify my infidelity by placing her at the scene, in my mind? Even if was true, why did I feel the need to say it. I felt like I had said something wrong. And Danielle's lack of expression did not help me feel better about myself.

"Well... I'm glad."
"You are?"
"Of course. Frank, I don't own you. Well, not yet..."

She smiled and laughed.


She became serious again.

"Don't ask it. Not yet."
"Because you know the answer. I know it. We just... need some time. Sorry, I'm being all serious here. We're here to have fun. We're here to play, right?"

It was hard not to think of her in those terms, but I would do my best, at least for today.

"I had you do a lot of things... so, I was thinking... I would be... I would do what you want today."
"What I want?"
"You can dare me... and I'll try to comply."
"Anything you don't want to do?"
"Not with you."

Her openness reminded me of how she had taken control of our encounter those years ago. She was still good at pushing my buttons and taking charge, even if by that it meant giving control over to me. It made me laugh.

"What's so funny?"
"You... you're just wonderful. Anything?"
"Well, within reason. I have to be home before five, but other than that, I'm at your disposal for the afternoon."

Her eyes told me that she wanted to play, that she wanted to have fun and forget about her troubles. I could do that. We would have fun. I did not have anything planned yet, but I would come up with something.

"I do have a question first... let's call it a truth."
"Did you want to sleep with me six years ago?"
"I did."
"And do you still want to sleep with me?"

She hesitated.

"I do."

Her words were clear.

"But not today."
"Don't worry. I just... needed to ask. I... want to sleep with you too."
"Well, duh!"

We both laughed. This was going to be a very nice Saturday afternoon.

interesting 11-03-2009 06:17 AM

Afternoon Delights - Bus Ride
We paid our bills and headed outside. It was a bit chilly so we tucked in our coasts as we hit the sidewalk.

"No outside nudity today, okay?"

Her comment made me smile.

"Wasn't at the top of my list."
"So you have a list?"

We both laughed.

"What do you want to do?"

It was a bit after one PM. I wanted to fit as much fun as I could during the afternoon. But I was finding it hard to find anything specific I wanted to do, or have her do. I paused for a moment. Again, she took the initiative.

"Let's take the bus."
"To the Carrefour?"

We headed to the bus stop, about fifty metres down the street and waited for the right bus. While we were waiting, we chatted about school, friends, the weather, anything that came up. As the bus stopped and we climbed in, the talk came back to friends.

"Rita says hi."
"I told her I had seen you again and we were playing. She was jealous."
"I bet she was."
"I forwarded the picture of you you sent me. Is that all right?"
"Sure... oh dang!"
"I forgot my camera."

She smiled and reached into her purse.

"I have mine."

She put it back in. The bus started moving. She had a wicked grin on which made me think of naughty things I could have her do. But one of them came to mind. I kneeled forward.

"Take off your underwear here..."

We were at the back of the bus, alone in that section. I wouldn't have asked her to do so if there had been other people, or if she had been wearing pants, but it seemed easy enough to do with her long skirt. She smiled as she reached under her skirt, wiggling out of her underwear without standing up.

"What do I do with it?"

She was about to pull it from under her skirt. I told her to hand it to me. She did. I shivered at the thought of her panties. I was almost tempted to smell them, but that would have seemed gross. Instead, I unbuttonned my pants, folded the underwear as best I could and slid it into my own, making a slight bulge. I almost laughed while doing it: Danielle also seemed amused.

"So your boxers are going to party with my panties?"
"Something like that..."

I buttonned back my pants.

"How does it feel?"
"Nice... a bit cold, but we'll be inside the mall. To be honest, I'm a little excited right now."

I had handled the panties so I knew what she meant. I avoided any commentary on the matter. We were silent for most of the twenty minutes it took to get from downtown to the mall. As she stood up to get out, I couldn't help but stare at her behind, naked under the skirt cloth.

interesting 11-04-2009 08:50 AM

Afternoon Delights - At The Mall
We entered the mall and stopped near the entrance.

"Where are we going?"
"I don't have a clue."

She smiled.

"I do have a few places I wanted to visit... few things I needed, so, why don't we go about my business... and you can decide yours along the way?"
"Sounds good. Let's go."

We made it past the pet shop and convenience store on the right. She entered the pharmacy. I followed.

"I need pads."

I said nothing. I had always found Danielle to be so forward with me, it made me feel somewhat insecure. I didn't feel I could be as frank as she was. She was more frank than me. That sentence made me smile.

"Something on your mind?"
"Nothing much."
"If you see anything... or want me to do anything special... just say so."

We looked around at feminine protection products. Actually, she looked around: I just followed and looked everywhere, as if I was ashamed of being there. It just felt awkward: I had never been in that section of the pharmacy before. She picked up pads and we moved to a different section.

"Oooh... candy!"

She looked at me pleadingly.

"Would you buy me a lollipop?"

How could I say no? She picked one from the stand. We headed for the counter, paid, and were on our way. She put the lollipop in her handbag. She took the lead; we made it to the central area where the corridor went left and right.

"Want to check the music store?"
"I mean, if you want to do something else. I could go try on a few pieces of clothing for you..."
"That would be nice too."

She seemed upset for a moment. She lowered her tone.

"Frank, please... I want to play. I need to play."
"I'm sorry. Okay... I'll try harder."
"Harder is good."

She made me blush. She laughed.

"Come on, give me something to do."
"Why don't you start by holding my hand?"

She grabbed it without hesitation.

"Where to, boyfriend?"

I froze, and she noticed. She let go of my hand, but I grabbed it back. She spoke first.

"Are you okay? Too early?"
"Maybe... are you sure... I don't want to ask the question..."

I lowered my head.

"Are you here for the right reasons? I mean, with Stan... and..."
"I'm here because I want to have fun, with a friend. Someone whom I really, really care about. Someone who means a lot to me."

I smiled. She came back with a question.

"Why are you so insecure?"
"I'm scared."

She looked to the ceiling for a moment.

"I won't lie to you. I don't know where I'm going with this. I am still confused... but... when I'm with you... when I read your emails... I feel the confusion slip away. I want... to feel that. Don't you?"
"Yes... Yes I do."

I squeezed her hand, then pulled her along as we turned right.

"You're going to try on clothes for me."

We made our way to a large clothing store. As we entered, she asked what kind of clothes I had in mind.

"Anything you like. You don't need to buy anything."
"No shoe shopping, though."

I was stunned, but maybe it was stereotypes playing tricks on me. We made our way to the general clothing section: there were pants, skirts, sweaters, t-shirts and camisoles. We started looking around, she spotted a few she liked, asking for my opinion. Once she had chosen six pieces, we went towards the changing booths. There was a clerk there, so there wasn't that much we could do. It wasn't like I could follow her inside: it would have been strange. She disappeared into the booth. The entrance was covered with a drape that was pulled sideways, so I tried to find an angle in which I would see her if she made herself visible. It wasn't much, but I managed to find a reasonable angle. I waited.

interesting 11-06-2009 07:33 AM

Afternoon Delights - Tripping and Stripping
I looked around the store. It was a busy Saturday afternoon, and everybody went about their business, unmindful of what everyone else was doing. I looked back towards the booth - the drape was still closed over the curtain.

I looked back to the store clerk, smiling at her, and I noticed she turned her head away, almost blushing. It took me a moment to understand what she was blushing about. I remembered I had put Danielle's folded underwear in my boxers, and it had created a slight bulge. I had to prevent myself from both looking and laughing. I must have looked like I was in full erection, and only the pants held it in check. I'd have to look in a mirror a bit later.

I glanced back at the changing booth, and saw the drape had slid open. Danielle was coming out, wearing a tight white camisole with a logo that said: I'm a good girl. She had obviously taken off her bra, because I could make out the shape of her nipples through the cloth. I bit my lower lip.

"What do you think?"
"It's not quite you..."
"I know... but I liked the color. I'll try something else."
"Maybe that top with the matching skirt?"

She disappeared into the changing booth. I saw her looking my way, but I realized she was looking behind me. There was so much traffic, she didn't want to take too many chances with being caught doing our dares. I waited a moment more and she came out, in the same camisole, but this time with a mini-skirt of the same color. The skirt hung low on her hips, exposing her navel and some very nice skin. The skirt barely went past her sex - I knew she had no panties on. I felt a real erection coming on.

"You think?"
"Still not quite you."

She went back in, only this time, she didn't fully close the drape. She left just enough open so I could see part of her undressing and some expose skin. She took everything off - she was naked in the booth, except for her socks. I could very well see her feet. For a moment, my hand wandered towards my crotch and I forgot where I was, but I recomposed myself. The store clerk was looking oddly at me: she was a young woman, no older than myself. I wondered if she knew what was going on. If she did, she said nothing.

Danielle came out in another matching outfit: light blue short shorts and a tight blue t-shirt of the same tint. I could make out each of her features through the fabric. I said nothing as she paraded in front of me.

"Light blue?" she hazarded.

I nodded, as if it wasn't what I had in mind.

"All right..."

She went back in, this time fully closing the drapes. I looked at the store clerk. She was busy with customers, but once in a while she looked my way, and I could where her gaze was aimed. I felt somewhat excited and flattered, even if some of that bulge was artificial. Danielle was taking her time in the changing booth, so when the register was clear, the clerk - whose name was Sandra, according to her name tag - came over to me.

"Can I help you?"
"Nope. Just waiting for my girl..."

For a moment, I was tempted to ask for her number. But somehow, that seemed wrong. Perhaps she had a boyfriend. More likely she wasn't interested. And anyway, there was Danielle in the other room. I was wondering how these thoughts were entering my mind when Danielle came out: this time, she was sporting another mini-skirt, a red one, and a black sports top. She was so hot and beautiful. I was stunned.

"You like?"
"I do."
"Okay, I'll get these..."

I whispered to her, leaning forward.

"You don't have to."
"I want to."

Danielle lowered her gaze towards my crotch.

"Oh my! Did I do that?"
"What do you think?"

She giggled as she returned to the changing room. Again, my mind wandered to the store clerk. I stared at her for a moment. She was very pretty, with long black hair, a simple smile and a gorgeous figure. She turned to me, smiling, and I looked away.

Danielle came out of the booth, dressed in her original clothing. She set the other items aside, but kept the red skirt and black top as she made her way to the register where Sandra was waiting to proceed with the purchase. Danielle and Sandra were courteous as they spoke, commenting on the allure of the skirt. Sandra said she had one just like it but in dark green. Danielle thought it was a nice color. Then, she paid, and we headed out. My mind was still lost in thought, so Danielle interrupted my reverie with a punch to my shoulder.

"Ouch! What?"
"What are you thinking?"
"It's not nothing... please tell me. My turn to impose a truth on you!"

I didn't want to tell her, but I didn't want to disappoint her either, and we were still playing the game. After all, she was also so forward with me: why not be forward with her?

"I was thinking how pretty the clerk - Sandra, I believe - looked. Don't get me wrong, you were hot, but while I was waiting for you to come out, she glanced at my... well..."
"And I had the weidest thought..."
"What thought?"
"Well... I thought - I could ask for her number."

Danielle laughed.

"That's not weird. She was pretty."
"But I'm with you."
"So?... Dare me."
"Dare me to get her number for you."
"Do it..."

I paused for a moment.

"Okay... Danielle, I dare you to get her number for me."
"I'll be right back. Stay here."

She went back into the store. I was somewhat shocked but I waited for about two minutes. Then, I saw Danielle coming back, a smile on her face. She handed me her bill: I looked at it and saw that there was a phone number written on it.

"What? How did you...?"
"Secret. Come on, let's go somewhere else."

Danielle just grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the store.

"She said you could call her as soon as tonight."

I was too stunned to react. Danielle took the lead, and we headed in the opposite direction, my mind still unable to comprehend exactly what had happened.

interesting 11-09-2009 06:48 AM

Afternoon Delights - Something in the way...
We crossed the entire mall, Danielle dragging me by the hand the whole team, until we made it near the food court. Danielle's pleasant teasing had put me in the right mood to play with her. I had tucked the clerk's - Sandra's - number in my pocket, unsure what to do with it. Better to let it rest and reflect on it at a later time.

I bought a drink at the concession stand, and shared it with Danielle as we sat down on a bench.

"I saw so many beautiful things getting here."
"Did you want to stop somewhere?"
"No. Just browsing."

She looked over to the food court. There were a lot of people, and we could make out several couples together. Danielle's gaze went dreamy for a moment, then she turned to me.

"Do you ever wonder what it would be like to live together with someone, married, kids, you know, the whole package?"
"Sure. I mean, I think everyone does."
"I didn't... not for a long while. When I first moved in with Stan, well... I started having those thoughts, I must admit."
"And... that's it. I just... it's funny how things happen in our lives."
"That's true."
"I mean, I've been with Stan for less than six months, and he's already... well, it's already over. And you've never been with someone for very long either."
"I haven't, yeah..."
"Maybe... we aren't meant for long-term..."
"Or maybe we haven't found the right person."

As soon as the words jumped ouf of my mouth, I felt bad. The intent behind them was too obvious, but Danielle didn't chide me for them. Instead, she just ignored them.

"What do you wanna do now?"
"Well... let's see."

I looked over at the food court.

"Are you... disgusted easily?"
"Not really, no."
"I was thinking... you might want to stroll around the food court... and ask for... fries, let's say."
"Yeah. Just find people who have french fries, and ask for one... but don't eat them. Thank them, and walk away."
"And just get as many fries as you can."
"All right."

She seemed puzzled, but she got up. I saw her hesitate for a moment: walking up to total strangers was hard enough, but asking for fries, and then not eating them would definitely be construed as aberrant behaviour. As I watched her make her way towards the table, I went to get a napkin from a concessions stand.

I watched as Danielle made her way across the crowd, asking for french fries. At first, it didn't seem to work that much. I saw her lean in, and kiss a guy on the cheek, and he gave her a french fry. Moving to the next table, she kissed another guy on the cheek, then his girlfriend, and they both gave her a french fry. The process was repeated several times. She was lucky: many of the people here were younger and therefore a bit more willing to participate in whatever stunt was going on.

At some point, I saw Danielle pointing at me, and three guys stared in my direction. I just waved at them, unsure of what was going on.

It took about two minutes, but Danielle came back with roughly twenty french fries.

"Okay... now what?"

I wrapped the french fries into the napkin.

"Come on. Follow me."

We left the food court and headed towards the back parking lot, where there was much left traffic. Danielle zipped her coat as we exited.

"Ever play seagull?" I asked.

I motioned her to move some distance from me, then I took out a french fry and waved it in the air. She understood. I tossed the first french fry: she snatched it out of the air with her mouth, and wolfed it down.

"If they fall on the ground, don't eat them."
"Don't worry, Frank. I wasn't planning to."

I started tossing her the fries. It was either my tossing or her catching ability, but she actually managed to clamp down into half of them. Perhaps it was a combination of both. I had her running left to right, back and forth. A few customers walking by seemed amused by the spectacle. When I had tossed all the fries, she ran back towards me, arms flailing, laughing. She tackled me, wrapping her arms around my waist; instinctively, my arms wrapped above her shoulders. We remained there, hugging, for a long moment, but she pulled away. The embrace had been so sudden it had destabilized her.

"Let's go back in. My legs are cold."

We headed back inside the mall.

"That was fun... I didn't know I was that good."
"I didn't either."

As we returned to the main area of the mall, she smiled at me.

"My pleasure."

We still had plenty of time in front of us for playfulness, but I didn't want to plan ahead too much. After all, it was better to make it up as we went along.

interesting 11-12-2009 12:24 PM

Afternoon Delights - Game Lovers
We made our way back slowly towards the main area. I checked my watch. It was a little after two.

"What do we do now?"

I pondered the question.

"I'd like to stop at the gaming shop."

We made our way into the store and browsed a little for the titles. A friend of mine was working the counter, Cedric.

"Hi Frank! What's up?"
"Shopping around..."
"This your friend?"

I introduced them. They shook hands.

"Looking for anything in particular?"

With Cedric's help, I browsed around the store. I was looking for another role-playing game for my PS2. He gave me several suggestions, but I ended up buying nothing. Meanwhile, I watched what Danielle was doing. She was picking up games. I walked over to her.

"Do you play videogames?"
"Not by myself."
"What have you played?"
"Stuff like Mortal Kombat, Dead or Alive... Stan played a lot so I ended up going against him, but I always lost. We had a party once, lot of friends came over and we took turns. It was okay."

We made our way out of the store, waving to Cedric as we left. We started walking, but I was fresh out of things to have Danielle do. Danielle must have sensed it because she took the initiative.

"Let's play a game."
"I thought we were already playing a game."
"I mean, a specific game."
"Okay... what do you have in mind?"

Danielle seemed to be pondering the details so I let her think. Quickly, she came back.

"Let's do a virtual strip game."
"Virtual strip game?"
"Sure... we don't really strip, since we're in public... but we say we lose an item when the condition arises."
"Okay... what's the condition?"
"Haven't figured that one out yet?"

I laughed. I figured I should at least come up with something, but what could we play upon in a mall? The question lingered in the air for another long moment.

"How about... we just sit in the main area and watch people go by?"
"And... you take the left, I take the right, and we count people holding hands?"
"Yeah... that's something."

Danielle didn't seem that satisfied with my suggestion, but she didn't have any better idea. As we sat down on a bench to watch the passers-by, she spoke up.

"Maybe we can play more than one game?"
"Well... two-out-of-three?"
"And if we come up with a new rule, we change between games?"

She smiled at me. She grabbed my own hand. I looked to the right side of the mall - she peered left. The game was on.

interesting 12-20-2009 07:51 PM

Afternoon Delights - It Was A Dumb Idea
[Early Christmas present to all my readers. Enjoy!]

I had already stripped completely twice. Virtually, that was.

It was a nice idea for a game, but practically, it sucked. Danielle had felt it too, because after the second game, she turned to me and smiled, being polite.

"Well, that was nice... but I'd rather play the real thing."
"Me too."

We both laughed. Our game had lasted a little under thirty minutes, so it was now 2:30, and we still had time to spare, but we were fresh out of ideas on what to do. Danielle lowered her head.

"Maybe I should just go home?"
"Well, I like this, but it's not what I expected."

I was down, but her smile brought me back up.

"Hey, smile back. I'm having a wonderful time."
"But... well, this place is too crowded. Let's go somewhere."

So we did. We returned to the bus stop and headed back downtown. I asked her if she wanted to go back to my place, but she declined.

"I don't think it would be right..."

She lowered her head towards me.

"I don't think I could keep myself off you..."

She shied away, surprised at what she had just said.

"I think I'll go back home."
"If you want to..."
"That's not what I really want, but I want to hold out a little... a little more... is that all right?"
"If it's all right with you, then yes... I don't want to pressure you."
"I do have a dare for you, though. Was it my turn?"

I had completely forgotten whose turn it was.

"Let's just start over."
"Deal. Now, my dare..."
"I dare you to call her tonight."
"Call who?"

The clerk from the store? I had gotten her number.

"I want you to call her, and ask her on a date. And have fun on that date..."

Danielle smiled.

"You're shocked?"
"A little... I mean... what if...?"
"If it happens... go for it."
"But you..."
"I can manage on my own, and I do... want you to... well, it's hard to explain, but I don't want to... be jealous or anything, and we're not really an item anyway."
"If you say so..."
"Are you sure you're up for it?"
"I can be... Yes, I am, I think."

Danielle hugged me.

"I wish you a wonderful time... you write me back and tell me how your date went. Every single detail. Understood?"
"Understood... you're so puzzling, Danielle."
"Thank you... I... I'll see you soon."

She hugged me one more time and then made her way back to the bus stop. I watched her leave, and only when she went out-of-view did I turn back.

Calling Sandra. The clerk from the store. What had I gotten myself into?

[Expect another update tomorrow.]

interesting 12-21-2009 02:12 PM

Ready for the Night
When I got home, I went directly to the bathroom. And that's when I realized that Danielle's panties were still in my underwear.

I laughed. She had gone home without any panties. We had both completely forgotten about that one. For a moment, I wondered what to do with it. I tossed it aside while I went about my business in the bathroom, then I took it to my bedroom and laid it on my bed. It wasn't the most erotic piece of underwear I had seen, but it belonged to Danielle. I thought about hanging it on the wall, but I decided to leave it there for the moment.

I was horny. The activities of the afternoon had taken their toll, and I needed my release. But I didn't want to just sit down in front of some pornography and masturbate. I stared at Danielle's panties, and several ideas came to mind. I decided to ignore them: it didn't feel right using them in any fashion, at least not without her prior consent.

I moved to my computer and decided to think of something else. I checked my facebook page and my email. Nothing immediately caught my eye, but I scrolled down the page and noticed Laurie's updated status from thirty minutes ago: SO BORED!... someone put me out of my misery. I checked and she was online, so I typed something in the chat box, hoping she would answer.

Frank: Bang!

She answered almost immediately.

Laurie: Come again?
Frank: I shot you. You're no longer miserable.
Laurie: lol

There was a pause.

Frank: What's going on? Why so bored?
Laurie: Nothing on TV... don't want to play games...
Frank: Want to hang?
Laurie: Mebbe? U?
Frank: Mebbe...

For some reason, I really needed to open up to someone about my afternoon. I also remembered that I had promised to call Sandra up. Talking to Laurie and getting her to do something was not the smartest move ever. Unless I could play it both ways.

Frank: I need backup.
Laurie: Backup? Going commando style?
Frank: Nope. Date.
Laurie: You got a date and you need backup?
Frank: I got maybe a date.
Laurie: ?????
Frank: Got to call her first.
Laurie: Call her, not me (duh!)
Frank: But I'd rather double...
Laurie: Double date?
Frank: Is Jacob available?

I didn't know if my last question was appropriate, given their current relationship.

Laurie: I'll ask him... but YOU call HER NOW!
Frank: Yes ma'am!

I picked up the phone and retrieved the paper where Sandra's number was written. Wait... wouldn't she still be at work at this time? Damned. I couldn't call her... or had she given me her cellphone? I decided to call, and I would leave a message if necessary.

The phone rang twice, and a female voice answered, live. For a moment, I didn't answer, taken by a sudden shyness.

"Hello?... Hello?"
"Hi... It's Frank... Hi!"
"We... met at the store... I was..."

I was with my the girl I want to become my girlfriend and I'm asking you out. What kind of a lame idea was that?

"Well, the girl I was with... Danielle... she got your number for me, because..."
"Oh, that guy. Frank, you say?"
"Yeah. You're Sandra."
"Yes I am. Says so on my shirt. Well, name tag."

She laughed over the phone and it lightened the mood. I noticed that the icon was flashing on the screen to tell me that Laurie had replied to my last message, but I kept focused on Sandra.

"I'm sorry to call you at work..."
"No bother... I can't talk long though. What if I call you later?"
"After your shift?"
"Okay, well... huh... are you doing anything tonight?"
"Well, if I read you right, spending the evening with you?"

I almost choked on her words, but I managed to keep my composure; I was glad she couldn't see my astonishment over the phone.

"Yeah... well, sure. I mean, call me when you're done."
"Great. We'll get a bite to eat first. Your treat, of course."
"Of course..."
"All right then. I'll call you around five. Bye!"

She hung up. I kept the phone to my ear for a moment, before hanging it up and turning back towards my computer. I checked Laurie's answer.

Laurie: He's up for it.
Frank: Are you?
Laurie: Sure. Could be fun. What do you have in mind?
Frank: Not sure. She'll call me back when she gets off work. Five.
Laurie: Call us then.
Frank: Okay.

Her status went idle, meaning she was away from the computer. I was somewhat stunned at the turn of events. I hoped I could integrate Laurie and Jacob into whatever Sandra had planned for us tonight. She seemed to have all the answers, given I'd only talked to her once at the store and once now, over the phone. I was still wondering how Danielle had managed to get her number. Could she have known her? It didn't seem so. Sandra was more my age, so they wouldn't have been in school together, technically.

The mystery lingered for a moment. I moved back to my bedroom, stripped naked, and decided that I was due for some serious release now. When I sat back down, I noticed I had a new email. It was from Danielle. She must have gotten home in the meantime. I quickly opened it, seeing there were attachments to it. I decided to read the content first; the attachments seemed to be pictures.

My wonderful little soldier,

I had a great time this afternoon. I know we got bored a little, but I guess not everything can always be at the top. By the way, you can keep the panties. Souvenir, for now. It was pretty cold for my bum getting back; I had to keep my skirt down so the wind wouldn't lift it up. It was fun.

Since I already gave you a dare today, out-of-turn (I checked our correspondance), you can dare me back, this once. I'll do anything short of illegal and painful.

Also include a truth, since that's what I initially asked for.

I spoke to Rita again. I forgot to mention it. Expect some email from her very soon. She would definitely like to see you again, and her boyfriend also seems eager to meet you. She spoke highly of you - even though she only met you once. And even if she's pregnant, she would still be up for some fun and games. And so would Jacques. Who knows? As I told you, we usually hang out around the holidays, I could try to convince them to pay me a visit here?

As for tonight... I'm serious when I tell you to go for it, and have fun. From what I understood from Sandra, you've got a fairly good chance of sex tonight. I want you to take it. I want you to, if you have the opportunity, fuck her like you would fuck me. I'm sincere. That's part of your dare.

When I got home, I took the liberty of snapping three shots... the continued saga of me undressing. Enjoy!

Have a wonderful time, and I'll see you soon. I love you.

There, I wrote it. And didn't erase it.


I reread the part where she was telling me to fuck Sandra like I would fuck her; and then the part where she said she loved me. I was harder than I had been in a long time, and I still hadn't checked the pictures. I wondered again if Danielle knew what I had planned to do while watching the pictures, but it didn't matter.

These were pictures three to five. It only seemed fitting that I watch them in sequence again, so I saved them all. She had entitled them Danielle 1 thru 5. I opened my image browser to the first image she had sent me.

She was santing some distance from the webcam, in a beautiful green dress, her upper body wrapped in a white short-sleeved blouse. Her hair was tied behind her heard. She stood defiant but smiling.

The second picture I had already masturbated to once. Still facing the webcam, she had undone all the buttons of her blouse, revealing the bare skin and no bra, suggesting an easy access to her breasts. Her right hand was facing forward, palm first, and she had written I love you in graphics, with a heart in place of the word love.

I clicked on the third image. She was facing away from the camera, and the blouse was lowered so it would expose her shoulders. Her hair was still tied in a bow, and she had gently perked up her behind to give it more emphasis. The bottom of the shirt was also rolled so I could see the skin on her lower back. Her head was also tilted sideways, looking absently to her left.

The fourth image got me even hotter. She was facing front again, the blouse was gone, and her hands were cupping her breasts. Her smile was artifically shy, hinting at the bad girl that hid behind those innocent looking eyes. I noticed that she had lowered her dress as much as she could, exposing the better part of her stomach.

One last image. It blew me away. She was naked. The naughty parts were covered; her right arm across her breasts and her left hand over her sex, but she was for all intents and purposes naked.

I was already stroking myself like crazy, and without realizing it, without being able to prevent it, I came - all across my keyboard!


I quickly tried to pick up the mess, laughing all the way. Her naked picture seemed to be laughing with me.

The release brought me peace, and I decided that I needed to lie down for a moment, so I did just that. I expected a call around five. But I was in no rush. I was content, satisfied, and turned on. I didn't even bother removing the image from my screen: I was alone in my apartment after all. And I wanted to come back to the image of a naked Danielle waiting for me.

interesting 01-04-2010 08:29 AM

An Evening of Momentum - Starting the Party Off
I had fallen asleep.

The sound of the phone woke me up, but as I answered, I was still groggy.

"Hello... is this Frank?"
"HI again. Sandra."

Sandra? Sandra!

"Hi! Wow... you called."
"Of course I did, stupid. I told you I would."

I hurriedly rose to my feet, still naked. Her sexy voice had pumped me full of energy.

"Now then, what's the plan for the night?"
"uh... hang on a minute."

I moved back to the other room, to my computer, and sat down, staring at the naked image of Danielle covering herself. My mind replaced Danielle's head with Sandra's.

"uh... you wanted to have dinner, right?"
"Yeap. You pay for the food, I pay for the entertainment."
"Sounds good. Where do you want to go?"

She pondered the question for a moment.

"Something asian. Sushi. I want sushi."
"Okay... done. There's this place downtown, we can meet there."
"Nope. I'm coming over."
"Coming over?"
"Sure... I mean, I live across town, the other end... if I take time to go to my place, it will be an hour and a half, and then I have to get back. So I'll drop by your place. Where do you live?"

I gave her my address.

"Great. I know where that is. It's right beside the gaming shop, right?"
"Right. You can't miss it. Take the elevator."
"Done. I'll see you in about thirty..."
"I hope you got other stuff planned too. I want to have fun tonight, and I'm up for... pretty much anything."
"I'll think of something."
"You better. Bye!"

She hung up before I could squeeze in another word. I paused for a moment, then dialed a number. It rang twice and Laurie answered.

"Hello Frank."
"Laurie, hi... I just got a call from... Sandra."
"Your date."
"Yes... anyway, she's coming over here, we'll..."
"Coming over? My.... that is serious."
"Anyway, we're getting sushi."
"Too expensive for me."
"Yeah, well... I was thinking that... she'll be here around five thirty, we'll be going out around six but we should be back around seven. Maybe you and Jacob could meet us here around then?"
"For what?"
"I... haven't got a clue."
"Yes you do. You just don't want to say it. This girl, is it serious?"

I didn't really know what to answer.

"It is... but... I mean, it's... let's just say if I play my cards right, I'm probably going to... get some."

I heard Laurie laugh.

"Ooh... that kind of a date. And you really want us around?"
"I don't know. I've never had that kind of a date."
"Well, okay then. We'll drop by your place around seven. But Frank, you gotta be sure that's what you want, because when we get started, we ain't stopping. Is she pretty?"
"Of course she is. Prettier than me?"
"Now that's not fair."
"I'm just kidding... we'll see you later."
"Okay. Thanks."
"No prob. See you later."

We both hung up at the same time.

I looked around the room, and noticed the mess. It had been a while since I had entertained guests. I looked at the naked picture of Danielle on my computer.

"I'm sorry Danielle... I have to get ready."

I closed the image file, and then went about cleaning my apartment. It didn't take too long. The mess was pretty much localized. I set the dishes to rest in the sink, I put my clothes in the clothes bin, I cleaned the dining room table and the bathroom. My own room was still somewhat of a mess, but I decided to leave it as is. The way to the bed was clear... boy! I really expected to get laid tonight!

For a moment, I had a strong hesitation, the same as before. What was I thinking, preparing to have sex with a girl I had just met. Condoms. I needed condoms. But where would I get one? It was already five minutes to thirty, I didn't have time to run out and get some. And I was doing this for Danielle. Was I? She had told me to do it, but did that make it right? Danielle was the girl I really wanted; but why was I going through with this.

Before I could gather my thoughts further, I heard the buzz of someone at the front entrance. Sandra was here, and I was still naked, and unwashed. She would be up the elevator in less than two minutes. What to do now?

interesting 01-05-2010 09:32 AM

An Evening of Momentum - She is Here
I have always been quick on my feet. When I was younger, I did a lot of improvisation and theater, and I indulged in a lot of role-playing, so I decided my best option was not to rush into anything and simply go along. I went to my room, wrapped my bathrobe around myself, and waited for her knock on the door. I walked over and opened it. She was wearing a long coat over her job uniform, smiling.

"Hello... ooh... I'm early."
"A little. No biggie. Come on in."

I had so many things left undone that it was better to simply not mention them to her. She might not even notice.

"This your place, then?"
"Do you live alone?"
"I do."
"Must be nice. I live with my parents still. But I'm definitely moving out next year."

She removed her long coat, revealing the uniform she wore that afternoon. A soft blue shirt, with a matched darker blue jacket, and a knee-high skirt. She pulled her boots off, revealing matching knee socks (which I hadn't seen earlier).

"Do you have anything for my feet?"

She wiggled her toes through the socks as she spoke. I went to get my slippers and handed them to her. She removed her socks and put them on.

"Thank you."
"I was about to take a shower, you don't mind?"
"Not at all. I should take one too, but I have nothing else to put on, so I'll just do it later."
"Maybe you want to freshen up?"
"Sure, that would be nice, but you go first."
"There's milk and juice in the fridge, you can turn on the television."
"I'm good. Thanks."

I hurried into the bathroom. I closed the door but decided not to lock it. Why not tempt fate a little?

"I won't take long."

I shouted through the door. She didn't answer. I stepped into the shower, got a steady stream of water going and hurriedly splashed it across my body. I washed my face, my underarms, my groin and my feet with soap, leaving the rest to the water only. The process took me less than ten minutes, and I was out. I was somewhat disappointed that she hadn't taken advantage of the unlocked door, but it seemed more logical. I dried myself quickly, wrapped a towel around my waist, then put my bathrobe back on but didn't tie it up. I went back into the kitchen but didn't see her.

"In here!"

She was in my computer office. My heart raced as I made my way in to join her. Her gaze turned to me as I came into the room, still somewhat wet, towel wrapped, bathrobe undone. I could tell my appearance had an impact on her.

"Nice place."
"This is your friend."

She was looking at the picture of Danielle on the wall, the first picture she had sent me, the one that was not too revealing.

"Yes... her name is Danielle."
"She your girlfriend?"
"No. No, she isn't..."

I wondered if she could tell my hesitation. She came back with me into the kitchen.

"Bathroom is all yours, if you want to freshen up."
"Thanks... why don't you get dressed. I'm famished, and if we don't eat soon, I'll have to improvise something..."

There was so much innuendo in that sentence that I blushed. She hurried into the bathroom, and I heard the door close, and then lock. I sighed, but went into my bedroom, closing the door to get dressed. I chose long comfortable pants along with the sexiest underwear, tight boxers, I had. I put on a classy t-shirt. I covered it all with a comfortable long-sleeved sweater; it was cold outside after all.

When I came back into the room, I could hear the water running in the bathroom fosset. I waited a few minutes, then the water turned off. I heard the door unlock, open, and Sandra came back into the kitchen, visibly refreshed, her hair untied as she ran her fingers through it.

"Ooh... so much better. Thank you very much."
"You're welcome. Anything to drink before we go on our way."
"No. Just famished."

We picked up our boots, coats and headed out. In the elevator, she turned to me.

"It's nice you had the guts to call me."
"It's nice you answered in the positive."
"I take it you haven't had much luck in that department."
"That obvious?"
"Yeah, but... don't worry about it. You're cute when you're shy."

That just made me shy away even more.

"I have to ask... my friend... she got your number."
"Why did you give it to her?"
"Can I keep that a secret?"
"Sure. I mean, I was just... wondering."

The elevator reached the ground floor.

"I'll tell you what, Frank. If you're honest with me, and sincere about everything, I'll tell you what she told me."
"But not now. Hungry!"

I laughed. We headed out the door and to the restaurant, a few blocks away. It had been a while since I had enjoyed sushi; it had been longer since I had been on a 'date' with a beautiful girl. Or actually, this was my second in the day. Had I already forgotten about Danielle?

As we ordered and sat down in the shop, Sandra asked me what I had planned for our evening.

"Well... I invited some friends over."
"Yeah... well for starters. We can always kick them out later."
"You're so defensive. Will you relax? Friends are cool. I like people."
"Good to know. Sandra, I don't really know you yet."
"What's to know? Ask."
"Where do you live?"
"Fleurimont. Way back there, past the Arena."
"And you work at the Carrefour?"
"I know. Bitch, right?"
"That's gotta be an hour of transit everyday."
"Forty-five minutes going; sixty-five minutes coming. If I'm lucky."
"Do you study?"
"Sure. Finishing my college in Human sciences... planning to do something in public relations at university next year."
"College? How old are you?"
"Twenty-one. You?"
"Yeah... finishing up a bachelor's in literature."
"Nice. What do you wanna do after that?"
"Teach maybe."

We sat there, talking about each other, eating the sushi. Time flew until it was almost seven. I had already paid for the food, so I stretched and got up.

"My friends will be at my place around seven. We should get going."
"We should... in a moment. Sit down."

I sat back down. She stared intently at me.

"Why am I here?"
"I... what?"
"Answer the question."
"To... have a good time?"
"Good answer. Not the one I was looking for."
"Why are you here?"
"Isn't it obvious?"
"No... no it's not."

Sandra looked away as she spoke.

"Your friend, Danielle... she told me a few things about you."
"Okay... What did she tell you?"
"What did she tell you about me?"
"Not much... just that... she got your number, that she wanted me to call you..."
"And nothing else?"

I was wondering how candid I could be about the dare?

"You see, Sandra, me and Danielle, we have a... complicated relationship."
"You're not together?"
"Were you in the past?"
"Do you want to be?"
"Maybe... look this is really confusing."
"What about the dares?"

Oh! Danielle had told her.

"Yeah, we do dares."
"Okay. And you dared her to get my phone number, and she dared you to call me. And you did."
"I did."
"So you called me because you were dared?"
"Yes... no... I mean... I was in the store, with her... we were playing dress-up... I can't believe I'm telling you this."
"Go on. Be honest."
"She was trying on clothes for my benefit... and I started looking at you, I though you were pretty, I thought about asking for your number, but I'd never done it before, so..."
"So you didn't, but you told her, and she did get my number."
"Why did you give her your number in the first place?"

Sandra smiled, the first time since she had started this line of questioning.

"Two reasons. One, you're cute. I like cute. Two, she said you were in need of some... maturing."
"She meant it in the nicest way possible. She didn't have to insist much. She asked if I found you cute. I said yes. She said you were too shy to ask for my number, so I gave it to her. I did ask about you two, and she told me you were into daring each other to do stuff. I found that cool. That's why I'm here. I'm here... because I think what you're doing is cool. Because I think you're cute."

There was silence for a moment, then she spoke again.

"Your friends, coming over. They're into daring too?"
"Yes... I mean, yes, they are."
"That's good."

I wanted to be as honest as I felt Sandra had been, but I was still reluctant to share one vital piece of information with her. We got up and went outside, back towards my place. I stopped a few houses short of it and decided to be direct.

"Danielle... also told me that... I had a very good chance of... sleeping with you. She said that."
"She did?"
"I don't know if she was reading too much into it, or if you told her, or..."
"Well... you want to get into my skirt."

I did not know what the revelation heralded for Sandra, but it was out there, so I waited for her to react.

"And she said that?"
"In fact... she dared me to... have sex with you."
"She did. Wow. You two ARE intense."

Sandra seemed to ponder the situation. Her lack of immediate answer seemed to bode well, but I couldn't be sure.

"Don't... expect it."
"It may or may not come to that..."
"I'm not against the idea, but... it has to occur naturally. I don't want to force it. I don't... usually sleep with guys on the first date. Let's call this a date."
"But... I'm... game. For games. So... who knows? I'm not saying yes, but I'm not saying no."

We started walking back, but I could see the wheels inside her mind turning, and this made mine work as well. What kind of surprises were in stock for me, now that we had opened up, now that we had laid our cards on the table? Onle time and the rest of the night would tell.

interesting 01-07-2010 02:42 PM

An Evening of Momentum - Four Isn't A Crowd (Take Two)
We got home before Laurie and Jacob, which was convenient for me. We put our coats away and sat at the dinner table. We hadn't said much since coming in from the cold; I was still pondering Sandra's last words, and I couldn't tell what was going on through her mind. I offered her something to drink and she asked for tea.

As I was preparing it, there was a knock on my door. Jacob and Laurie came in, and we all exchanged proper greetings. Laurie, as usual, was quick to attack.

"So... this is her?"
"Sandra, Laurie."

They kissed each other's cheeks, then Jacob shook her hand.

"She is pretty, just like you said."

Laurie wanted to make me blush. I just kept on staring at the slowly boiling teacup.

"Where did you two meet?"

Why was Laurie so inquisitive? I didn't want her to give Sandra the third degree, I just wanted Jacob and her around for part of the evening. Laurie's tone almost seemed protective of me, which I found rather puzzling. Yet, to my surprise, or perhaps I should have expected it, given her earlier candor, Sandra did not seem fazed at all by the question.

"Well, I was skiing in the himalayas... and I accidentally fell off a cliff. Hanging on by a thread, I was rescued by... tada! (she pointed to me) this gentleman here, who kindly offered me a ride back to the country on his massive jetliner. So naturally, I accepted, but we got sidetracked going back through China, getting some local tea. How's it coming along, Frank?"
"Just nicely."

It was Laurie's turn to be puzzled. Sandra's story - a complete fabrication if I had ever heard one - had completely taken Laurie off her game, if only for a moment. Sandra laughed.

"Oh! you want the real story? Shall I or shall you?"

I laughed, and decided to take the floor.

"Remember that daring game I have going with my other friend. Well, basically, she set this up. Sort of."
"Sort of?"

Laurie became intrigued again.

"She got her number for me, and dared me to call her. And I did. A dare's a dare."

Jacob nodded.

"So true."
"And you two?"

Sandra had taken the initiative again.

"Us two?"
"When did you two get together?"
"Oh... we're not..."

Laurie interrupted Jacob.

"We've been together for... three years now. Almost three. But it's a... well, special relationship."
"Yeah. I mean, we decided... can I say it?"

Laurie gave Jacob permission to be forward.

"We decided a while ago not to be exclusive."
"Ooh. A modern couple. I like."
"You do?"
"Sure. I mean, I get it. There's just so many fish in the sea... I just have one question."
"Go ahead."
"When you are with other people... are you always together, or is it, to each his own?"

Jacob didn't answer, so Laurie picked that one up.

"To be honest, we haven't been with anyone else... well..."

She looked at me.

"So far, it's always been the two of us with someone else. It hasn't gone really far, though. I mean, as a far as I'm concerned."
"Same here. It's a question of opportunity, I would say. I'm not looking, but if something comes along, I might go for it... even if she's not there."

We sat down around the kitchen table and I poured tea from everyone.

"From China, you say?" Laurie jokingly said.

We all laughed.

"So... what's the plan for the evening?" inquired Jacob.

All eyes turned to me. I had theoretically set this up. I suppose that gave me some kind of power over the evening, but I hadn't really thought about it.

"Maybe... we should get to know each other better."
"And how do you propose we do that?" Sandra asked.

Again, some pondering on my part.

"Let's play a game. A truth game. We'll each come up with a question for the others to answer... and ourselves. Question is in the open. Then we'll each answer all questions.... all four. But we'll disguise the answers. And we have to match the answers with the person. How does that sound?"
"Okay I guess..."
"I like it."
"Let's play."

Since everyone was in agreement, I got up, gathered pen and paper and spread them around. Everyone started thinking of a question. The first one to think of one was Laurie, and she spoke up.

1. Where do you fancy yourself five years from now?

Jacob immediately sprang up with a second question.

2. How involved have you gotten, in terms of sex, with anyone? Or what is the most complicated sexual activity you have done?

"Pervert!" Laurie laughed.

I was the third to come up with a question.

3. If you could change one physical thing about yourself, what would it be?

It was up to Sandra to come up with a final question, but she seemed to have difficulty, so we inquired.

"I just think of sexual things?"
"Then ask a sexual question."

She pondered for a moment more, before settling on her query.

4. Tell us about your masturbation habits?

We set the questions on one sheet of paper, then we took our pens and produced the answers on different strips of paper, which we then split into each question. It was agreed that I would read whatever the person wrote, and everyone would try to guess who had written that answer. We would also do the questions in order.

I waited until everyone was done. I realized, as I was doing so, that this had all the makings of becoming a more involved game of truth or dare in the long run. I was somewhat saddened by the fact that Danielle was not present. Still, I would make the most of it. It was her wish, and her dare for me, after all.

interesting 01-08-2010 07:23 AM

An Evening of Momentum - Four Questions
I ran through the list of questions again.

1. Where do you fancy yourself five years from now?

2. How involved have you gotten, in terms of sex, with anyone? Or what is the most complicated sexual activity you have done?

3. If you could change one physical thing about yourself, what would it be?

4. Tell us about your masturbation habits?

Everyone had provided answers on strips of paper, and I planned to read them aloud. There would be sixteen answers in all; we would have to match the answer with the question and the person who had written it, either Laurie, Jacob, Sandra or myself, Frank.

I read the first answer aloud:

"I have had sex with two partners at once twice. One time, with two men; the other with a man and a woman."

Who could have done that? I imagined, given the 'two men' part, it would be Laurie or Sandra. And because Laurie had been, up until recently, committed to Jacob, it had to be Sandra. Laurie and Jacob agreed, so she confessed. Immediately, Jacob was inquisitive.

"How did it feel?"
"Which one?"
"Well... both."
"With the two men... so hot. They took turns. We didn't go all three at a time."
"What was the occasion?"
"No occasion really. It was a party at a friend's house. We were all so drunk."
"And the other time, with the couple?"
"Oh... they weren't together. I had invited the girl over for study. Except instead we went out to a bar, got really drunk, and this guy approached us both. We started making out - all three of us - and I took them both home. We all slept together afterwards. It was really weird, first time with a girl. Only time too."
"Did you enjoy it?"
"It was okay... but I'm not a lesbian. I might do it again... if I was really drunk. Which I was!"

She laughed and signaled me to move on to another answer.

"I fucked my girlfriend in a public place, while there were people around - and no one noticed."

We all looked at Jacob.

"Too obvious?"
"Juicy details," inquired Sandra.

Jacob looked at Laurie, who gave him permission to tell the story.

"It was a concert. Crowd was packed. I was pressed against Laurie here for most of the concert. She had worn a mini-skirt. I got hard, simple as that. I rubbed myself against her, next thing I know, she's lifting up her skirt, spreading her legs a little. I pull her panties aside, unzip my pants and just slide it in. And we fuck, standing up. God! I came hard!"
"It was quite a mess. But so hot..."

Jacob and Laurie both laughed, as I went for another answer. Mine. And still about sex. Three in a row.

"I got a blowjob from my friend's girlfriend."

Laurie seemed surprised.

"Really? That was it?"

Sandra jumped up.

"Oh! You... did him?"
"I only gave him some head... or he gave some, I forgot how it goes."
"And is he?..."
"Oh yeah. He's..."

The girls laughed. I blushed and hurriedly moved on to a fourth question, hoping it wouldn't still be about sex.

"The only thing I would change about myself is my hair. I hate it."

Who didn't like their hair? It had to be a girl. Sandra? Laurie? I couldn't tell, I thought their hair looked nice. But Laurie confessed.

"It's me. I hate my hair... it's all wavy and unmanageable."

I was surprised. The girls started talking hair care, but Jacob brought them back to the subject at hand as I reached for another answer strip.

"Five years from now, I want to have a job, a house and maybe one kid - or near to having one. I want to be set and secure."

Knowing Jacob and Laurie as I did, I hazarded that this was Sandra's answer, and she concurred.

"Yeah, I know it's silly. But I guess I'm a traditionalist. I want the job, the house and the family."
"There's nothing wrong with that."
"That's what I think."

She talked a little about her studies, possible opportunities in public relations, then we moved on to the next answer.

"I have no clue what I'll be doing, but it will be awesome!"

I laughed as I took Jacob's tone to answer. He laughed along, explaining that his idea of the future was blurry at best. He knew he wanted to work, but where he hadn't decided, and he knew he wanted to keep on partying and having fun. Beyond that, it didn't really matter.

I drew my own answer to the same question next.

"I would like to be in stable relationship, in a steady job. No kids, and nothing too fancy. I just want to be happy with who I am."
"You're so obvious, Frank," Laurie said.
"Am I?"

She smiled at me, a smile that was full of empathy. I looked at Sandra. I could tell she was wondering if my dreams and hers could be compatible in the long run - or at least, that's what I imagined she was thinking. I moved on to the next answer.

"I want to be in better shape. More muscles, more energy."

We all thought that Jacob had written that one, and we were right. It didn't need much explanation, really. We quickly moved on.

"Right now, I wouldn't change one thing about me.

Sandra smiled, giving herself away. Since it was either me or her, it wasn't much of a challenge. Laurie became inquisitive again.

"Nothing at all?"
"No. I like what I look like. I mean, I'm very pretty."

She chortled as she said those words, then continued.

"I just think I'm... good the way I am."
"That's rare!" Jacob spoke up.
"All the same..."
"I get where you're coming from. You're really hot."
"Ha-ha! Thanks."

Sandra was actually blushing from Jacob's comment. Laurie and I agreed with a nod of the head as I went for the next answer.

"Five years from now - I am at home, taking care of my home business of pet training.

We all looked at Laurie.

"I do. I have this vision of a... home school for puppies... misbehaving animals. I'd really like to work on that... from home. I'm not into clinics or..."
"It's cool."
"You don't have any pets!" I inquired.
"Well, our apartment won't let us have any. But I'd have a... truckload, personally!"
"Yeah, she would!"

Laurie and Jacob kissed, and for a moment, I forgot about their separation. Why had they broken up anyway? Failure to see each other together in the long run? They still had great chemistry, and I could still picture them fucking the brains out of each other.

One question was out, and one - Sandra's - hadn't even been touched.

"I had sex with four guys at once."

I stared at Laurie in shock, and even Sandra was stunned. Laurie felt the need to elaborate; at least I could tell that Jacob seemed to know about the occasion because he didn't even flinch.

"Two words: cheerleader initiation."

Sandra's curiosity was really piqued.

"I was a cheerleader and that never happened to me."
"But you got initiated?"
"Sure... but... I mean... were you forced?"
"Well, not really. A little, but I didn't really mind. I mean, I was a... ooh... slut in high school."
"Well, what happened?"
"It was the initiation for all the new girls... we were three, so the other cheerleaders had us strip naked, in the rain, and do our cheers in front of some of the players. There was other stuff too, but that's what lead to the... orgy, I guess."
"Were the other girls present?"
"Actually no. I sort of... took the hit for the others. But it's cool. Want more?"
"Well, when we got back to the lockers, four of the guys came in as we were changing. It was me and another girl left. I was naked, but I didn't mind - but I could she was shy. So I got their attention on me... I got up on a bench, and started dancing. The girl hurriedly left, and, next thing I knew, I was hunched over the bench, being taken from behind, while I sucked on another guy's dick. They... all came inside me. It was... special. I'm not sure I'd do it again, but I felt so... full... and dirty. It was a high school thing."

Her story had clearly done its effect on the group. I was litteraly panting, almost visualizing myself as one of the football players; Jacob seemed to be doing the same, but I suspected Sandra was taking the role of Laurie.


I decided to draw another answer to lighten the atmosphere.

"I usually start by relaxing in the bath, or in my bed. I let my mind wander - nowhere in particular, and i go slowly, teasing myself very gently. It usually doesn't take much. If I'm particularly horny and need something inside, I have a toy for it."

We all stated at a blushing Sandra. Laurie was the first to speak.

"Does it have a name, your toy?"
"No. But I name my breasts."
"What are their names?"
"Lucky and Charm."

I couldn't help but stare at Sandra's chest and imagine her breasts. She was well endowed, nothing too much, just enough to draw attention to them. Jacob spoke next.

"So that's how you masturbate?"
"Mostly. I do the shower head thing too."
"Shower head thing?"

Laurie intervened.

"You saw me, in the shower, Jacob."
"Oh! right!"

I didn't know exactly what they were talking about and it must have showed on my face. Laurie spoke up.

"Once you see it, you get it."

She laughed. They weren't to give me the specifics. I didn't insist and just moved on to the next question.

"I have a porn DVD that I put on that my brother gave to me one Christmas. I just put it on and go about my business.

"Your brother bought you porn?"
"I think he got it for free and thought it would be funny."
"What kind of video is it?"
"It's some old eighties porn. It's fucking hilarious, but the chicks are really hot. There's this one guy, and he bangs them all in sequence, and at the end they're all together in the same bed, all eight of them. It's a fake western, called Seven Brides for One Brother."

I could stand to lose a few pounds and have more energy.

My resolution, my desire to change something about myself. There really was nothing more to add. There were two answers left. Mine, to Sandra's question, came up first.

I masturbate roughly three to five times per week. I usually go on the internet, find some lesbian porn, or at least more than one girl, and I masturbate to that.

It felt funny to read my answer aloud, because Sandra and Laurie were both looking at me. I didn't feel judged.

"Is that a fantasy of yours?" Sandra asked.
"Which one?"
"Two girls on you?"
"I suppose. Yeah. Or just watching them. Girls are... well, so much hotter than guys."

It was difficult to hear myself justifying my porn and masturbation habits. It didn't feel natural. Luckily, I didn't feel judged.

Laurie reached in, grabbed the last strip of paper - hers - and read it aloud.

"When I masturbate, I close my eyes and visualize someone I want to be with, and I just let it come naturally. I don't use toys."

Her tone was such that we didn't feel the need to ask any questions. We picked up the strips of paper, put them into the recycling. I poured another round of tea to everyone.

"That was interesting," Sandra said, taking the lead.
"Yeah, I enjoyed that."
"So... now what?"

I checked the time. It was about seven forty five in the evening. We still had plenty of time to kill, and I didn't want to get hot and bothered too fast. I wanted to pace myself.

"We could rent a movie?" Jacob suggested.
"Not feeling it..."
"It's too early to go out," Laurie uttered.
"You're right..."

Sandra provided the answer.

"You've all played truth or dare, right? I mean, from what I gather."

We confirmed the fact again.

"Let's play that..."
"We already did sort of a round of truths" Jacob protested
"Then how about we do a round of dares?"

Sandra's comment hung in mid-air, but it was clear she was on to something here. And it was clear no one wanted to pass up the opportunity to play, since everyone seemed to be inclined to play.

interesting 01-08-2010 12:04 PM

An Evening of Momentum - Four Temptations, part I
"So... how do we play?"

Laurie's question hung in the air for a moment. She continued

"It's been a while since I played that specifically. Which version?"

Version? She probably meant which rules and limitations were to be in place. She kept up her interrogation.

"Do we take turns daring each other? Who dares whom? What kind?"
"Hang on..."

Jacob took charge.

"Let's do something like we just did. Let's... all of us come up with a dare... or a few. Put them in a pot, and just act them out."
"That way we can get the dare we wrote in," Sandra commented.
"Yeah... what do you think?"

It made sense, so we all agreed, but I pitched in.

"Proposition. Nothing indecent, illegal or overtly sexual..."

I saw Jacob sign, but it was more of a joke.

"I guess kissing, touching might be okay..."

Everybody seemed to agree again.

"It has to be something that can physically be done here, in the apartment. Nothing outside, no public..."
"What about nudity?" Laurie asked.

Sandra picked up that one.

"Not right now. I don't mind showing my bra, but no full stripping."

I looked at everyone as I said it. Everyone seemed in agreement. I added something.

"If it's messy, you clean it up."

Everyone laughed. This was my apartment, after all.

"Nothing that could mess up my clothes or my hair," said Sandra.
"I totally agree."

Laurie's tone was both serious and playful. She looked at Sandra and they both giggled. The ambiance was relaxed, it felt good. Mostly, it didn't feel weird. This was very important. I didn't want to get into a game where one of the participants would be either going in with reservations or backing out. I believed that, as adults, we could be sensible to each other's needs while still enjoying ourselves.

We sat down, grabbing pen and paper again, putting down our dares on paper. It wasn't easy, since we wanted to make them a little more challenging, more intricate or just more interesting than traditional dares. But what?

[To my readers: are there any dares that you would enjoy seeing these characters perform (within the limits specified)? You can PM me with your ideas, if you have any. If not, I'll eventually come up with my own (I do have a few ideas) but I thought it might be interesting to offer you the chance to come up with some ideas to integrate into the story!]

interesting 02-05-2010 10:03 AM

An Evening of Momentum - Four Temptations, part II
[Thank you all for your patience. Here is an hopefully long installment to tide you over until I can finalize everything with my Masters degree.)

Once all the dares were set down, we put them in a basket and set them in the middle of the room. The atmosphere was playful. My eyes kept wandering to both Laurie and Sandra, and I could tell Jacob's were doing the same. What is this fascination that women have over us?

"Let's determine randomly who goes first, and then we'll do it like that every turn, until there are no more dares."

Everyone agreed with Laurie's suggestion. I took out a ten-sided dice, and we rolled; whoever got lowest would go first. I rolled a 7; Jacob rolled next, with a 8; Laurie followed with 3; then finally Sandra, who got an 8 as well. Laurie would go first and I would go second; Sandra and Jacob rolled again for their pecking order; Sandra got a 1 versus a 9, so she would be third and Jacob would go fourth.

"Some of the dares might be with someone else..."

I reached for a six-sided dice.

"Wouldn't it be better with an eight or four-sided dice?"
"No, Jacob. There are only three other players."
"Oh yeah, that's right... but how?"
"Well, we sit in order of who's play... 1 and 2 is next player, 3 to 4 is next next, etc..."
"Sounds good."

Laurie was excited, so she hurriedly picked one up, read it for herself, then showed it to us.

"Stick one of your hands in a toilet for 15 seconds."

"uh... gross... That's gotta be Jacob's."
"Guilty. Come in, it's not like someone just took a..."
"Don't say it!"

Laurie got up. We followed her to the bathroom. She looked into the bowl. It was relatively clean; I hadn't washed it in about a week and a half, so some grime had accumulated in it. Meanwhile, Jacob was poking fun at his 'girlfriend'.

"Come on, Laurie, don't chicken out."
"Let me do this at my own rhythm."

It was easy to tell how Laurie felt; when she did actually plunge her hand into the water, I looked away, and saw Sandra doing the same, but laughing. Jacob started to count out loud.

"1... 2... 3... 4..."
"You're couting awfully slow..."

Laurie perservered, and quickly took it out when it reached fifteen.

"I have to wash my hand."
"Well, the dare didn't specify, so go ahead."

We moved back to the living room, hearing Laurie moan with disgust as she proceeded to wash her hand. She shivered again as she returned to us.

"Let's never do that again!"

She rolled the piece of paper with the dare written into a ball and tossed it in Jacob's face. Jacob was laughing.

It was my turn, so I picked up one.

Take your tops off and hug another player.

"Oooh... this sounds fun!" Sandra commented.

I rolled randomly to determine who I was going to hug (and therefore who else was going to remove their shirt). I didn't mind if it was Jacob, but I definetely wanted it to be one of the girls. I rolled a 2, designating Sandra. I shivered as she removed her top without hesitation in one movement, while I took my time. She wore a nice lacy bra, which seemed very comfortable.

"Come and get your hug, lucky boy!"

I moved towards her, wrapped my arms around her and pressed her chest against mine. It had been a while since I had felt that sensation, and I instantly felt a reaction in my pants. But I held on to her for a while longer, her exposed naked skin making mine tremble. When I let go, I noticed she was shivering too, but maybe it was the cold in my apartment.

Sandra hurriedly put on her shirt back, while I put mine, and drew her own dare.

Kiss a member of the opposite sex.

"Nice..." We all heard Jacob say.

Laurie picked up the dice.

"There are only two guys, so 1-3 is Jacob, 4 to 6 Frank."

She rolled a 5. Me. She was going to kiss me. After just hugging me in nothing but her bra. She moved towards me.

"Are you okay?"

My nervousness must have shown, so I tried to calm myself down.

"Have you EVER kissed a girl?"
"Sure I have... just... never mind. I'm good."

Sandra leaned over and her lips touched mine. She remained stuck to me for several seconds; I felt my heart beating, and other parts of me still reacting to the stimulation. When she moved away, I felt like fainting.

"Hmm... tastes good."

I blushed even more. Jacob was laughing as he reached for his own dare, somewhat oblivious to my reaction.

Kiss every other player in the room.

"Woo-hoo! Smooch fest."
"Don't be too fast about it. You have to kiss Frank too!" Laurie said.
"I'm sure Frank's a good kisser..."

I burst out laughing.

"I do it in turn, then?"

Jacob leaned towards Laurie and gave her a passionate kiss; the kind of kiss I had seen them give each other many times before. I was next, and I wondered how he would go about this.

"If you're bothered, just close your eyes."

I did. I felt his lips against mine. Knowing it was Jacob did not make it any easier, nor did it affect negatively the outcome. It was just his lips pressing against mine. He pulled away and I opened my eyes.

"All right, now Sandra can compare both of us?"

Jacob leaned in to her and planted a wet one on her; although she did give it back to him, she pulled away much earlier than Laurie had.

"Well... who's the better kisser?" Jacob inquired.
"I don't know about better, but you're definitely too agressive for my tastes!"

Sandra's comment made me smile.

"I can try again."
"Let's just move on," said Laurie, picking up her next dare.

"Drink water while upside down."

"I can do that."

I got up and hurriedly went to get a full glass of water. Laurie put herself in position, resting herself against my couch for stability.

"It's hard to be fully upside down. Someone hold my feet?"

Sandra volunteered. I gave Laurie the glass of water. Surprisingly, she was really good at the dare. She did spill some on her shirt, but all-in-all, she performed it very expertly.

"You're very agile, Laurie."
"You don't know the half of it," she sneered at me.

Jacob laughed, and his eyes rolled in the back of his head. As Laurie returned into position, I picked out my next dare.

"Have a random player brush your teeth."

"That's new. I'Ve never done that one," Jacob commented. I reached for the randomizer dice and rolled. A 5 meant Laurie.

"uhmm... how?"
"Come on."

We moved to my bathroom again, and I retrieved my toothbrush.

"I'll stand sideways, and you brush my teeth."
"Maybe it would be better if you sat down."
"Okay. I'll sit on the bowl."

With an audience of two, Laurie proceeded to put toothpaste onto my brush, and then started brushing my teeth. The situation was hilarious, and it was hard not to laugh, which made Laurie's task that much harder.

"You know, this is supposed to be a dare for you, not for me!"

Jacob and Sandra were laughing it off. After a short while, I thanked Laurie, washed my mouth with water and we returned to the living room.

"That was awkward."

Sandra took her turn.

Perform an upside down kiss with a random player.

"À la Spiderman?"

We nodded.

"Well, I've already kissed both you and Jacob, so why don't we say Laurie?"

She got no argument from us. Sandra got on her back, and Laurie moved so their faces would be opposite each other. Laurie smiled as she leaned in; their kiss was tender and passionate, full of promise in our perverse little minds. Sandra bit her lower lip as Laurie moved away; remaining on her back, Sandra spoke.

"It's so weird... I'm not a lesbian, or anything, but I think girls kiss better than boys."
"I think the boys agree!" Laurie sneered.

Sandra laughed as she got up. Jacob was overexcited as he drew his next dare.

Tongue kiss a member of the same sex as you.

"Aw man! I wanted a girl to get that one."
"You just had your prize. Come on. Kiss the fresh breath guy!"

French kissing Jacob? It seemed a bit extreme; then again, hadn't I already been in the shower naked with him a few days back?

"Well, okay, then. Come here, you lucky boy!"

Sandra burst out laughing at the paraphrase. I moved towards Jacob. I let him take the lead. At first, our lips met, then he slowly slid his tongue inside my mouth. I did not think about it; I just went with it and it ended before it got weird for me. The girls seemed impressed.

"Wow. That was really something."

Now, I blushed. Laurie picked up her own dare to change the mood.

Do 50 sit ups.

"Fifty? Well okay."

She got on her back.

"Can I do it in two sets?"
"It doesn't say, so yes?"
"All right."

She got into position and did the exercises. She paced herself as she did so. It was over after a while. It helped lull some of the past dare experience, as it broke the rhythm.

I was next, so I drew.

"Switch outward clothes with another player. Stay that way for the remainder of the game."

Now this could be strange. I picked up the random dice and rolled a 2. Sandra.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think that's going to work," she said. "You're bigger than me, you'll never fit in my shirt..."
"That's the dare!" Jacob said.

I, however, completely understood why Sandra was reluctant for me to damage her clothing. But I had an idea; it took me a moment to gather my thoughts.

"Well, I could put it on but not snap it."

She agreed with the idea and got up.

"Only outer wear, right?"

She unbuttoned and removed her shirt again, as I pulled my t-shirt above my head. She tossed the shirt to me, then went to work on her skirt. She slid it down to the ground, revealing cute little athletic panties, molding quite deliciously the curves of her ass. I stared for a moment before pulling my own pants down. I had managed to become less aroused, but the feelings came back. I blushed a little as we exchanged clothing. I pulled the knee-high skirt up and tried to put on the shirt; it fit barely. My clothes, however, seemed to work on Sandra, loosely fitting on her. I remained like that, with the shirt open.

"Is this the first time you've worn a dress?"
"Believe it or not, no. I once had to play a scotsman in a live-action thing... and once for halloween, several years ago. Are you comfortable?"
"Yeah... your shirt is warm."

It was Sandra's turn again, in my clothes this time.

Lick another player's face.

And the lucky random player turned out to be Jacob. She didn't hesitate as she walked over to him, and started licking him up and down across his face. He squirmed from the sensation.


Jacob drew.

Kiss another player's ass.

"Kiss my ass!" Laurie said.
"Random! Random!" Jacob replied, as he rolled the dice. It designated Laurie.
"Told you!"

Laurie got up, pulled her pants down so she exposed her white butt cheeks, and slapped herself once.

"Right here. Plant a big wet one!"

Jacob leaned in, planting his lips firmly on her butt cheek. After a few moments, he started chomping on it.

"Hey! No biting!"

Laurie pulled away and pulled her pants back up.

"Naughty boy!"
"Your dare, my queen."

Do a dance in your underwear.

"I can do that."

Laurie got up, removed her top and bottom quickly; she wore a thong and a very sexy push-up bra. She climbed on top of my couch and started erotically dancing for us, bending over every which way. She hazarded a comment:

"This brings back memories..."

She kept dancing as she continued. I was mesmerized both by her gorgeous body swaying and the words, almost hypnotic, flowing from her mouth.

"I was a slut in high school...really was, and not ashamed to admit it... I used to do stuff like that... dancing... for the guys at the parties... got laid almost every night I wanted.... no, every night I wanted, and even a few I didn't!"

She finished her dance tugging at her bra straps, then sat back down in the middle of the room, not bothering to dress herself up.

"Do you mind?"
"Not at all!" Jacob said.
"I could turn up the heat, if you want."
"That would be nice, Frank. Sandra, you're sure you don't mind I stay like this?"
"If you're comfortable, I'm good. Besides, you're really hot."
"Thanks. You're hot too. Want to make out?"

I had gotten up to raise the temperature, but my attention drifted back to the living room. Sandra was as stunned as I was.

"uh... maybe later?"

There was such an innocence in Laurie's voice that you could not hold her comments against her. I returned to my place, the temperature set at a higher degree. I pulled my dare among the three remaining.

Give another player a back rub (one minute).

And the random player was Sandra. She pulled my t-shirt off, revealing her bra again (third time this evening - I was keeping score) and lay down on her front. I moved towards her.

"Don't be shy. Just work it smooth..."

I touched her soft skin and shivered; I made her shiver just as much as I gently worked her muscles, working my way down across the length of her backside. I slid my fingers under the bra straps; she moaned lightly. My massage was tender, almost loving. Maybe I was anticipating things for later and setting the mood. I didn't really know. I just knew how good touching her exposed skin made me feel.

Laurie told us when the minute was over; both Sandra and myself were disappointed. As Sandra returned upright, she did as Laurie, as I had anticipated: she didn't put my top back on and remained in her bra. That could only bode well for later, I hoped.

Sandra herself took few moments to recover from my massage, smiling all the while, before drawing her final dare.

Hop on one foot until the next person finishes their dare.

"All right, Jacob. That means it's your turn."

Sandra stood up and started hopping. I tried to be polite about it, but I stared at her boobs, going up and down as she did. Her bra provided much support, but it could not prevent gravity from working its magic. Jacob pulled the final dare from the basket.

Slap another's player's ass (fifteen times).

"So long as it's not me, I'm hopping!"

We agreed with Sandra and decided that it would be either Laurie or myself. The dice rolled a 2; Laurie got designated. Since she was already in her underwear, she just bent over the couch and exposed her behind to us. The ideas that popped into my mind I kept for myself. As Jacob moved to slap Laurie's behind, i looked at Sandra, still hopping; she started hopping at the rhythm of the slaps; it made a strange visual effect, as if the slap was being given to her and made her hop. Jacob's slaps weren't hard, but they made a lot of noise. Laurie, somewhat exagerrating, moaned with each one of them.

Instinctively, my hand moved to my crotch; then I remembered I was wearing a skirt and it made me blush. I also saw that Sandra had seen, so I blushed even more. But Sandra said nothing, and Jacob was too involved with Laurie's butt slapping to notice (Laurie herself was facing away from us). I kept control of my idle hand, as Jacob finished his dare. Sandra stopped hopping.

Laurie burst out a comment which shook us.

"Oh! God! I'm so horny right now!"

It left us, even Jacob, somewhat uncertain of what to do next. How far could this game be taken? How far should this game be taken? Was it better to call it a night right here before things went too far?

interesting 02-10-2010 10:24 AM

An Evening of Momentum - Four Temptations, part III
I was turned on. Seeing Laurie in her underwear (despite the fact that I had seen her naked a few days earlier) was incentive enough to keep the game going, not to mention the fact that Sandra, right beside me at this point, had also removed her top, exposing a very sexy bra.

I could also tell that the situation was not making the others indifferent. Laurie had managed to recompose herself after blurting out her horniness, but this had brought some tension to the room. Jacob tried to lighten the mood.

"That was fun... wanna do another round, or something?"

It was clear that he was trying to break through the awkwardness which Laurie's comment had created. I didn't know what to answer. Sandra finally spoke up: my heart raced as I saw her lips move and wondered what she was going to say.

"Not another round, but... something else, maybe?"
"Like what?" Jacob inquired.

Sandra looked at Laurie for a a moment, then at me, then the spoke.

"Let's do team stuff. Boys versus girls?"
"Yeah... okay!" I managed to blurt out.

Laurie was the first to speak.

"How about we put some clothes back on first?"

I didn't know if the girls could tell the disappointment on my face, but I could tell it on Jacob's face. Still, we said nothing and allowed the girls to redress. They moved away from us as they did, and I heard them whispering to each other. I moved towards Jacob and did the same.

"You good?"
"Me, fine... Laurie's into it, and so is Sandra."
"Yeah... welll... maybe it's best if we keep this civil... you know... above the waist..."
"I'm pretty sure that's not what Laurie wants... don't know about Sandra."
"And me?"
"Come on, man, you're a dude. You want to go below the waist. Imagine Sandra's lips wrapping around your..."

I had imagined it.

"It's not always about sex. It's about... fun..."
"Poor Franky... always in denial. You want to have sex with her!"
"Well, maybe I do, but that doesn't mean I'm going to. If she says no, if it doesn't get to that, well, that's fine too."
"Bullshit... you're as horny as Laurie was. You wanna fuck Laurie?"
"Will you stop that? First of all, I'm not ready for a foursome, or a couples exchange, or anything like that... don't get me wrong. I am turned on... but... too much, too fast... too weird."
"You're weird!... but I get it."

Jacob put his hand on my shoulder. The girls returned.

"Do you have a deck of cards?" Laurie asked.
"Of course..."
"Get it please."

I obliged and handed it to Laurie. Once we were all seated back comfortably, she explained what she had in mind.

"I had a bit of chat with Sandra, and she said that so far, she's cool with all that's happened."
"I am."
"And I asked her how far she was willing to go... and she said..."
"All the way..."

I was stunned, but Sandra continued.

"All the way we want to go. If there's ever any malaise, we'll just stop, and that will be it. That goes for you guys too."
"Sounds fair," Jacob answered for us.
"Now, we'll be splitting into teams... girls versus boys."

Laurie shuffled the deck as she spoke.

"Simple game really. Sandra and I will be drawing cards, one each; you'll get one for the both of you. You have to pick one of us; if you get higher, we do a dare for you - something involving the both of us or just one of us, your discretion - if you get lower or equal, you do something for us. Get it?"

Both Jacob and I nodded.

"Let's start playing."
"What kind of limitations do we have this time?" I inquired.
"Here's what I thought," Laurie continued. "Anything you're willing to do, we're willing to do - and vice versa?"
"So what if you don't believe we're willing to do it?"
"Well, two options. We trust you, and bait you the next time you get the dare. Or, we ask for a proof, in which case... we have to take off one item of clothing."
"Why not both?" Sandra said.
"Let's make it both. Let's play..."

Laurie was in charge of card distribution. She gave us boys one, then one to each of them, keeping them hidden.

"Choose wisely!"

We drew a 10. We then chose Sandra. She had a 2. Jacob was quick to the draw with his choice.


Sandra and Laurie leaned in, not bothering to verify if we were daring enough to do it first. It was as erotic as before, seeing them kiss. Sandra, pulling back, smiled at me - it made me shiver.

We next drew a 4. I decided to go with Laurie this time, and managed to convince Jacob. Bad move, since she got an 8.

"Why don't you two kiss?" she said.

Jacob was a little too eager to kiss me for my tastes; our lips connected for the second time that night. It was okay until he tried to slip me some tongue. I pulled away grinning: he was a bad kisser! The girls were laughing hysterically.

"I hope you did that on purpose!" I said.
"For you, my dear, anything..."

We all laughed as the next cards were drawn. A 3 probably wouldn't get us a win, but we tried Sandra anyway. Her 4 made us sweat.

"Why don't you two take off your tops... I want to see those nice chests!"

We both obliged. I wasn't such as sight to look at, but Jacob kept in shape, and even I could appreciate his well-toned physique, not too large, just the right amount of muscle, flesh and bone. He drew more eyes than I did, of course, but Laurie and Sandra both hazarded a look towards me; I wasn't that bad looking after all.

The Ace we got next made us confident, so we called out to Laurie again. Her 5 brought us a win. Sandra revealed her Joker - we were pleased not to have chosen her.

"Take off your bras but without taking off your tops!"

Jacob's suggestion was interesting, and both girls obliged, putting their hands down their shirts, unsnapping the bras and pulling them over the shoulders and out the sleeves. They tossed us the bras. Jacob took his time smelling them.

"Boobie smell... ummm..."

I was a little more shy, but I did gently caress the inner cup of Sandra's bra. She smiled and bit her lower lip watching me do so.

The next draw got us a Joker, so we called out Sandra. Her Jack didn't compare. Jacob left me this one.

"Moon us both."

The girls got up on my couch, raised their behinds towards us and lowered their pants for several seconds. Jacob wooed them as I smiled. The whitness of their cheeks contrasted with the background. They returned to their previous position and Laurie drew cards again. A 10 seemed a safe bet as we called for Laurie; it beat her 4.

"Guys are winning..." Sandra said, jokingly.
"I got this one. Ladies, I want you to lick each other's boobs... but! you're going to do it in turn, and at an angle we can't really see."

Sandra seemed puzzled.

"Make it suggestive. Raise your tops above your boobs, facing away from us so we can see your back. Then one of you hide the other as you lean in and lick her boobs... understand?"
"I think so..."

Laurie took charge. Both girls faced away from us, pulling their tops above their breasts, exposing their naked backs to us. Sandra moved about to face us, while covering her breasts and having Laurie cover the angle so we could barely make out the round flesh. Laurie then bent over Sandra and licked the skin off her boobs.

Sandra's eyes literally rolled in the back of her head as Laurie performed on her. I could sense Sandra was holding back vocalizations, and this was the most intense turn-on of the night. The girls then switched places; Laurie was somewhat less expressive but it was sexy just the same. They ended the dare with a kiss. I looked to Jacob and noticed he was quietly stroking his hand about his crotch as he was watching.

They lowered their tops back in place and returned to their standard position facing us.

"How was that?"
"So hot... wish I had a camera..."
"Well... Frank, do you have a camera?"
"I have... yeah, but..."
"Okay. Well, we'll see about photos..." Laurie said, getting consent from Sandra as she spoke.

New cards were drawn. Our 6 didn't much hope; we called out Sandra, who beat us with an Ace.

"Take those pants off! I want underwear!"

We obliged her. It was clear from the bulge in our clothing what this was doing to us. The girls did not seem to mind. We didn't linger and moved to the next round: our 2 was a certain defeat, so we chose Sandra again, with an 8.

"Massage our feet."
"Ooh... good one Sandra."

Again, we obliged. I pulled Sandra'S socks off, with her permission and began to massage her feet, while Jacob did the same with Laurie. It was obvious, at least to me, that if anything was to happen and lead to sex, I would be spending my time with Sandra. But of course, I couldn't what the others were thinking at this point.

The girls thanked us for the foot rub and we played on. A Queen almost insured a victory, and Laurie became the target: we easily beat her 5. Jacob let me pick the dare for this one. I had a fantasy in mind, but it seemed too early so I let it slide for the moment.

"Bottoms off?"

The girls complied with alacrity, and we were all pretty soon back in our underwear. Sandra's legs were simply amazing; long and slim, yet tough and well-defined. I just wanted to massage and kiss them.

An 8 brought us indecision; we went with the other girl, Sandra, and were beaten by a 9. I wondered if Sandra had read my mind when she told us to massage their legs. We moved in closer to them, getting on our knees in front of them as we started to work our way up. Jacob, of course, knew Laurie's legs intimately from their years together. I, on the other hand, was entering new territory. Sandra's legs were soft and smooth, and touching them made me feel sensations I had not experienced in a long time. We moved up from the ankle to the knee, the up the inner and outer thigh - and we stopped there.

"They got good hands, don't you agree?"
"I do... maybe we can switch next time?"

Our next card, a 4, seemed doomed to fail. We still selected Sandra, but her 6 beat us. To rub it in, LAurie showed us she had a 3.

"Let's keep the massage going. Shoulders."

We moved behind the couch, and began massaging their shoulders; this time, as they had suggested, I worked on Laurie and Jacob worked on Sandra. They both gently moaned from the release of tension we were providing.

"Why don't we just skip the game and get a full body massage?" Laurie said jokingly.

Her comment slipped by, even if everyone was pretty much in agreement with her. We moved back to our places for the next draw: a 3 for us, and for our designated girl, Laurie, a 7.

"Back rub?"

LAurie moved to the couch on our side while I moved to Sandra's side. They lay down face first and allowed us to massage their backs. I let my hands slide along Sandra's back curves, as I kneaded the flesh with my hands, fingers and palms. I could tell how relaxed she was getting. I even allowed my fingers to slide under her bra straps.

Laurie chimed in at some point.

"We better stop or Sandra's gonna fall asleep on us."
"I'm sorry... it's just soooo good."

I took the compliment for what it was, and we moved back to our respective places. Jacob spoke up as we did.

"Next time we win, I see boob!"

The girls laughed and Laurie set down the cards again. An Ace made Jacob smile and shout: "Boobies!" We chose Laurie, whose 3 could not defeat us.

"Are you game?" Laurie asked Sandra.
"At this point, I am."

And without much ceremony, they both stood up, undid their bra clasps, and slid the bras off, revealing gorgeous breasts. I couldn't look away; Laurie took a moment to grab hers and knead them a little.

"Heaven!!!" Jacob sang.
"Heaven comes later. This is just the pearly gates!"

I laughed. It was my way of coping with my nervousness. I looked at Sandra - how beautiful she was. How she reminded me of Danielle... Danielle! Was I cheating on her?... no we... but...

My confusion must have seemed obvious, because everyone stopped what they were doing to ask me if It was all right. It took me a moment to answer.

"I just need a moment, if you'll excuse me."

I got up and went into the bathroom. It didn't take long for Jacob to join me.

"What's up?"
"I'm fine."
"You don't look fine. Did you eat well?"
"Yeah... why?"
"You look pale... well paler than usual. Can I help?"
"I don't know. I think I... maybe having second thoughts."
"It's about that girl, right?"
"No, the other one."
"Yeah, whatever. You got the hots for this girl, Danielle, and you're wondering about Sandra... and maybe Laurie, I couldn't blame you... or even my handsome self!..."
"Stop joking!"
"I'm just saying... you got this girl really deep under your skin, and that's not always the best place for a girl to be. You gotta be inside HER skin, if you get what I mean."
"I'm okay... I'm just..."
"Give her a call?"
"Let's call her up. This girl you like... call her up, tell her you got a topless potential for a girlfriend here, maybe two in fact, eheheh... and ask her if she loves you enough to come over and prevent you from... you know?"
"Look... either she likes or she don't."
"Whatever. My point: stop pining away for a girl that's not here. Sandra's ripe. Man, you could get the fuck of a lifetime here... I was eager to doing her myself, but man, she's here for you. And I always got Laurie... even if Laurie is here for you too!"
"You're weird."
"Well, yeah, weird works for me. So? What do you want to do? Do we call this girl or what?"

What to do? I was horny, and I did want to have sex. I did want to keep playing, but Danielle's presence in the back of my mind seemed to be holding me back. Should I indulge in my need? Should I follow Jacob's advice? Could I bother Danielle with this, when she had specifically told me to go with it if the moment arose.

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