getDare Truth or Dare

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Luffy90 11-08-2014 05:36 PM

Since this chapter is fairly short, i'll just post it now instead of tomorrow. I'll still do another one tomorrow though. :)

Chapter 15

Ruby was the second to arrive back at the locker room. The other girl was surprised when she saw Ruby coming in with cum covering her face, she had it everywhere except from the area where she had wore the blindfold.
Ruby went over to the sink to wash herself. She kept scrubbing hard until everything was off, her face slightly red from it all. She took a final check in the mirror to make sure she got everything she could see.

Once everyone had returned they all walked back on the stage, again Ruby walked last while Caitlyn lead on in front. This time there were only two people in the audience. Hopefully she wouldn't be picked this time.

The first guy called out "I'll take the girl to the left." Making Caitlyn the first to do the second round.

The other guy took his time before requesting his own model. "I want the short girl, second from the right." The girl who was standing next to Ruby stepped out leaving the five remaining girls without any other clients left.

The girls just looked at each other, since Caitlyn was the leader, nobody knew exactly what to do.
"So... Do we just go and wait in the locker room? I think she said we would always meet there after every round." One of the girls Ruby didn't know the name of asked.
Again they exchanged looks and they agreed to leave the stage.

Back in the locker room they started to get dressed again while waiting for the two girls who had clients. Nobody said anything as they sat there, several minutes of silent waiting until this one girl broke the silence. "Do you girls want to spend the wait sharing what everyone did? I'm Jessica by the way."

Ruby was the one sitting next to Jessica and she was the first to get eye contact with her after Jessica asked the question, so she took the initiative in answering. "Sure, if everyone is up for it?"
The three remaining girls nodded in silence. Everyone seemed interested in what the others had done.

Luffy90 11-09-2014 09:05 AM

Chapter 16

"I'll go first then." Jessica started. "My client first of all was this really old dude, probably in his sixties. I was slightly creeped out by that as you can probably imagine. At first he asked me to let him fuck me as his request, but in no way could i go through with that. Then the first card i drew told me to give him a blowjob for fifteen minutes and i could not stop unless he told me to. He accepted that, obviously... And down i went. It was weird sucking this guy off who was maybe three times my age and looked like he would die of a heart attack at any second. Surprisingly he held out until almost the end and he was nice enough to tell me to let go so that he could cum on my tits instead of inside my mouth. After he had came he just sat back and relaxed and let me clean myself up. So all in all i guess i was a bit lucky? What about the rest of you?" She looked at Ruby next making her the focus from the others aswell.

"Guess i'm next then." Ruby started. "Hi, i'm Ruby. My client was this shy, chubby guy who was around my age i guess? Never asked him. He seemed pretty nervous starting out. He didn't give me a request so we ended up drawing cards. Declining the first two cards, we had to go with the third one wich was me lying blindfolded on the couch, while he did what he wanted to me. He was not allowed to penetrate me in any way though so i felt relatively safe. To summarize quickly he ended up blowing his load on my face and then he...” Ruby let out a sigh before continuing. ”Then he used his hand to spread his cum across my entire face like it was some sort of facial cream, really weird. That's pretty much all that happened."
The other girls were silent for a few seconds before one of them took the initiative.
  "I'll go next... I'm Erin. My client was a fairly cute guy to be honest, around his early twenties i believe. His request was quite innocent so i accepted it. Not much to tell really but he just wanted me to sit there with him, both of us naked, for thirty minutes while we asked each other questions. Seems like i had the easiest one so far." She looked to the girl next to her once she finished, hinting for her to go next.
"Hey, i'm Allie. My client was this old guy aswell, probably in his fifties or sixties. He didn't have a request, so the card we ended up on was me having to lick cream off his body wherever he put it. It started kinda fun to be honest, but once he got confident he started doing it on his cock and even put some right on his butthole. The thought of throwing up was not far off after that, the mix between eating a lot of cream and eating an old man's butt is not something i'd put on my menu normally.
  The last line gave the group a laugh before the final girl gave her story.
Hi. I'm Katherine. I met this client who was maybe the same age as me. He made no request either, so we ended up with a card that told me to stand up for fifteen minutes while he could touch me however he wanted. He ended up spending most his time fondling my boobs, but he didn't leave my pussy completely out as he slid his fingers across it and gave my clit a short massage, he never stuck a finger in though. It was weird just having to stand there, but he seemed to enjoy himself so i just tried to not think about it and let the time go."
A few minutes later, the girl who was picked last the second round, returned and got herself dressed. There was no time however to ask her for her stories before Caitlyn came back in with everyone's report cards.

Luffy90 11-11-2014 02:41 PM

Chapter 17

Ruby opened the envelope to look at her review:

"Name: Chris
Age: 21
Review: My model was a sweet girl who handled her task as well as i could hope for. She helped me relax as i was quite nervous at the beginning. In the end i came out of it satisfied, making the trip here well worth it.
Rating: 5/5"

Perfect score... She said to herself in her head. At least something good came out of having my face filled with his cum.

The second work day was over and Ruby headed back to her cell to relax for a bit. She laid down in her bed and she must have been more tired than she thought because her eyes closed shut and she fell asleep. While sleeping she had a dream.
She was half awake, lying in a bed with machines beeping next to her. She looked at her arm and she had a long cable that was connected to it. This had to be a hospital.
  The door to her room was half open and she could hear the faint sound of voices coming from outside. She couldn't catch all the words but some stuck out.
  "Third time i have had to come here... She keeps going... I cant keep doing this." Came from a womans voice, clearly frustrated as she spoke. Was it her mom?
  Then a man's voice talked back to her, a bit easier to hear. "If she ends up here one more time, she might not make it the next time. The stress on her body has been way too much at such a young age.”
  "I just... What to do... Anything you... Her." It was still hard to hear what the woman was saying.
  "There is a program we have here for cases like this. You might have to send her away for a while, but it is surely better than her ending up in a coma or worse, killing herself. Here take this, you can read about it here and think it over. Call me if you are interested." The man said.
  The woman just started crying after that and that was the last she got from her dream before she was woken up from her sleep.
Kate had returned from her work and wanted to bring Ruby with her for dinner. She was standing next to her bed poking at her. “Hey get up sleepyhead, dinner time!”

Was it a dream. Ruby wondered. It felt more like a memory. And how did i end up in a hospital?

She decided not to tell Kate about the dream or memory or whatever it was yet. Suddenly feeling the hunger biting at her stomach she got up and headed out with Kate.

The two of them headed down to get some dinner before the cafeteria closed for the day. She kept going over the dream time and time again in her head. What did it all mean?

Luffy90 11-14-2014 06:06 PM

Chapter 18

It was Wednesday morning and Ruby was picked up by another girl she hadn't seen before for todays job. A tiny, short haired brunette came sprinting up the stairs towards her.
  "Hey... Ruby right?" She asked short of breath as she came up to her.
  "Yes, and you?"
  "I'm Penny. Just follow me quickly, we need to get started." She said and started sprinting back down, not looking back to see if Ruby was following or not.
  Ruby took up the chase after her and managed to catch up with her at the exit of the cell block. They ended up in the middle of the grassy area in the courtyard and there were two boys there aswell. This was the first time she had seen any of them up close. Up until now, it had only been from a distance through a window. Their uniforms were strangely similar. They wore white boxers and a shirt without sleeves and a pair of shoes.
"Alright everyone, listen up." Penny started, the three others turned their attention to her. "We’re doing clean up duty here at the prison. Just like today we are usually two girls and two boys doing this. Today's area is the grassy area here. We need to pick everything that is not a straw of grass out of it. That means any kind of flowers, weeds or garbage and so on. It's boring and it’s gonna take a while, so lets just get started."
This is gonna be a nice change of pace. Ruby thought as she got started in one of the corners of the park, the three others each picked their own corner. It didn’t take long however for her back to start hurting from crouching around picking up things.
A few hours later, Penny called them back to her again. "That should be all for now. Good work. Now get yourself some well earned dinner and rest. Our job today was important, at least from what i've been told from the guards. The warden is apparently giving a big announcement tomorrow morning here, so it had to look good.

Tired and hurting with a sore back, Ruby dragged herself back to the cell were Kate was waiting.
  "You look as lively as ever." Kate said, laughing as she saw Ruby slowly crawl into her bed to lie down and relax her back.
  "Screw you." Ruby replied back in a sarcastic voice.
  "Well, we gotta get ourself some dinner before nighttime, so you better get up again."
  "Just... Give me five minutes."
Once they were back up in their cell again after dinner they each climbed into their own bed to relax. Ruby then decided to confront Kate about her dream the night before.

Luffy90 11-15-2014 03:50 AM

Chapter 19

"Is it okay if i ask you something?" Ruby said looking up at the bed above her where Kate was.
  "Sure. What is it?"
  "Have you ever had a dream or something about your past after you arrived here?"
  "Uh, no. Not that i know of. I mean, its not like i'd remember it to be my past anyway since they wiped my memory."
Ruby was silent for a minute trying to think of how to proceed. "Well, last night i had this dream. And it seemed pretty real to me."
  "What was it about?" Kate asked, poking her head down from her bed.
  "I was in a hospital i believe, and there was this woman, who i guess was my mom talking to a man, most likely a doctor. It was hard to hear what the woman was saying, but in the end the doctor suggested something."
  "Suggested what?"
  "Well, he said something to the woman about sending me away for a while, like it was some form of rehabilitation or something. I mean, that sounds a lot like it could be this place don't you think?"
  Kate pulled her head back up and was silent for a few seconds. "Hmm, you sure it's not just some crazy dream? I mean... This is a prison, but i don't think we are being rehabilitated or anything like that. Everyone i've talked to since i arrived here, none of them have ever had any dreams or flashbacks or anything like that. Why would you, who just arrived here, have a memory of your past all of a sudden.
  "I dunno. But it just felt so real..."
They both laid silent for a few minutes until Kate spoke again. "Well, make sure to tell me if you have any more of these dreams of yours, ok?"
  "Sure thing." Ruby said before changing the topic. "So, do you know anything about tomorrow morning? Apparently the warden is having some kind of announcement."
  "All i know is that i haven't received a list of people to take to my work station, which usually means that we have a gathering outside the next morning. But no, i don't know what it's about."
  "I see." Ruby said just as the lights went off. The night had come sooner than she would have thought so they had to end their conversation there. Next morning they would find out what it was all about anyway.
Ruby spent a long time falling asleep that night, still thinking about her dream, hoping she would have another one. Sleep came eventually, but no dreams.

Luffy90 11-15-2014 04:07 AM

Chapter 20

It was Thursday morning and they had just finished breakfast. Ruby, Kate and the rest of the prisoners, both the girls and the boys, started to line up outside in their white jumpsuits for this special occasion. The warden had not arrived yet, but the guards were hard at work making sure everyone had lined up in a nice formation.

The line up took around thirty minutes until the guards were happy and they placed themself to both sides of the prisoners. Then the warden walked up next to them, heading for the front of the group. She wore the same outfit as she did on the arrival day, except she also had a long dark coat on her now.

She cleared her voice before addressing everyone. "Good morning inmates."
  "Good morning warden Amy!" Everyone replied in unison.
  "Today is the start of something big for this prison of ours. As some of you know, on Monday we start the twenty fifth 'Path to Freedom' tournament. And to celebrate this anniversary, we want to make it a special one in hopes of breaking records."

The warden took a small break and received a note from one of the guards behind her before continuing. "We are changing a few rules to make it more interesting. Firstly, you will now work in teams of two, made out of cellmates. This means that both have to sign up to be able to participate. This will of course change the amount of winners, meaning two girls will be winners from the girls tournament, and the same with two boys from their tournament." Again she took a short break to let it sink in with everyone.

"Now, to encourage more of you to sign up, we will not have any additional time added to your sentence if you lose this time. Today we will be giving you all some time off to relax and discuss with your cell mates if you want to participate or not, and then tomorrow you can sign up.” She put away the note and then proceeded finish her speech.
  "Now, since we need to get ready for this special edition of the tournament, we have had to shut down all other buildings than the cell blocks to make them ready for the show. Therefore you will be confined to your cellblocks from today until Monday morning when the tournament begins. This time we have had a record amount of volunteers signing up to help us make this tournament special. So to all of you, consider joining this time to make it an eventful tournament where both you and your cellmate have a chance to win your freedom. That is all, good day." The warden said ending her speech and walked off.
Once she was out of sight the guards sent everyone back to their cells.

Luffy90 12-07-2014 02:44 PM

Again, sorry for the long break. As things are more stable now i've been wanting to get back into it again. Thanks for the nice comments you left after my last post, i do really appreciate it!

Chapter 21

"I know what you're going to say." Kate said, turning towards Ruby as they entered their cell again. "But... I don't want to enter the tournament again."
  "Shouldn't you take the chance now that you won't get added time to your sentence if we lose?" Ruby asked back, trying to convince her.
  "Look, Ruby... The added punishment is not the main reason i don't want to do it again. The stuff you have to do there can be way worse than the jobs we do, and the chance of winning is really, really small. Specially considering how many that is probably entering this time because of these special sets of rules. And no offense, but you're not exactly experienced in this type of stuff yet. You've done what. Two days of this kind of work?"
Ruby was silent for a bit trying to come up with counter arguments. "I know that, but you'll never get out of here if you don't try. And do you really not want your memories back?"
  "Of course i do, but i don't think you know what it is you're signing up for." Kate said back.
  "No, i don't. But that doesn't change my opinion. I believe you and me can win this, and working as a team, we can support each other through it. Won't it be better doing this together and not alone like you did last time? At least think about it."
  "Fine... I'll think about it, no promises though."
They decided to relax until dinner as they were locked in anyway, they got out of their jumpsuits and climbed back into bed. Having slept badly the night before Ruby took the chance to catch up on some much needed sleep. Another dream came to her this time.

She was laying in bed again, eyes closed. She was however still aware and awake even though she could not open her eyes.
  Was she in a coma? Or was she just in some weird state of sleep?
  The same man from her last dream spoke, she could hear him clearly with his dark and firm voice, as if he was right next to her.
  "So... Your mom has agreed for us to take you in. What neither she or you know however is that it's not a normal rehabilitation place. Oh how i wish i could see your face when you find out." He paused for a second as he was getting something from the table next to her.
  "With this needle, i'm gonna make all of your memories fade away. But first i'm gonna enjoy your last moment here before i send you away. You're too cute for me to give up to them for free."
  Ruby still could not see him, but she felt him. His hand was gliding across her stomach down towards to her panties. He pulled them down to her knees and slid his finger slowly inside of her. Her body didn't react at all, she was completely paralyzed. But she could still feel him inside of her as she was in her sleep state. A second finger entered and then left again soon after.
  "This ain't gonna cut it." The man said in a more angry voice this time. "I want to try you myself before i give you away."
  She could hear him undo a belt and then a zipper. But before he got any further, she woke up. Tears had started forming in her eyes. She had to tell Kate.
"Kate?" Ruby asked looking up at the bed above her. "Kate?!"
  "What is it now?" She asked back in a tired voice.
  "We need to talk. I had another dream."

Luffy90 12-08-2014 01:21 PM

Chapter 22

Kate climbed down from her bed and noticed Ruby sitting there with a sad look on her face. "What? What happened?"

Ruby explained the dream to Kate.
"So... What you're saying is that we are all here because these people wanted us here?" Kate said with a confused look on her face. "Did we not even do anything bad to get here?"
  "Well. I can't know for sure about everyone. But the doctor in my dream or whatever he was sent me here, he even lied to my mom about what this place is. Told her it was a place for me to get better." Ruby started. "And don't you find it strange that none of us in here know what crimes we did, because of the memory loss? The last thing i can remember was some judge saying i was guilty and then i was sent off. It probably wasn’t even a real judge!"
  Kate let out a sigh. "Of course i do find it strange. I bet everybody in here is finding the memory loss strange. But what can we do about it?"
Ruby gathered her thoughts for a minute before continuing. "Kate, i don't think they will let us out of here even if we finish our sentence."
  "Where did you get that from?"
  "I don't know, but why would they? If they go through all the trouble bringing us here, why would they give us up after just a few years?"
  "Because we make them money by doing the work we do here?" Kate said in a tone that made it seem like she was stating the obvious.
  "So why would they let us stop?" Ruby kept pushing.
  "I don't know Ruby. I really don’t." Kate said, letting out another sigh. "So, what you want from me by having this chat is to... Enter the tournament with you. Win it, and then become free? Because... They would never let me go otherwise? Is that it?"
  "Basically yes. I mean do you honestly think they will just send you away after serving your sentence? Can't they just wipe your memories and have you do it all over again? I bet the five year deal is just to not make it feel endless, so that you actually have something to look forward too in the not so distant future."
  Kate placed her hands to the sides of her head in frustration. "Ruby, just stop creating new scenarios for a second here... You are the one having the dreams, not me! So if you keep throwing all these theories at me, i'm gonna go crazy."
  "Sorry." Ruby apologized.
  "And just so you know Ruby, your theory already have a flaw in it. Even if we win the tournament, can't they just wipe our memories after that aswell and send us back in?"
  "Well, i haven't been here for a tournament yet, but have you seen any of the winners back in here?" Ruby asked.
  "No... But what if they send them to another prison? And then make them go through all of it again?” Kate replied before continuing. “See. What i’m saying is, we can’t just keep making new theories about the things we don’t know. We might get freed after five years and we might not. The truth is, we simply just don’t know.”
Both of them just sat down thinking for a few minutes before Kate ended the silence. "Fine."
  "Fine what?" Ruby asked back.
  "I'll do it. I'll join the stupid tournament with you and try to get out of here. If we can get our memories back. Maybe we can end all of this."
  "You sure Kate?" Ruby said, now with a big smile on her face.
  "Don't try to convince me otherwise now, not after spending all this time getting me in on it."
  "I won't. Thanks Kate."
  Kate now had her serious face back. "But again. This won't be easy. Just... Be prepared to do things you might not want to do. If you really want us to win this. We need to give it our all, no second thoughts once it's started. Now, let's get some sleep, all this thinking is driving me nuts."

Luffy90 12-10-2014 01:05 PM

Double chapters today.

Chapter 23

Ruby woke up to Kate poking at her. "Hey, sleepy head. We gotta go sign up for the tourney."
It was Friday. The day to sign up for the tournament. They headed downstairs in the cell block and walked over to the door to the cafeteria. A box was placed there and it had sign-up papers lying next to it. They filled them in and then headed for breakfast.

"So... Kate?" Ruby said as they sat down to eat.
  "Yeah?" Kate replied.
  "Now that we've signed up. Can you share some more info about the tournament to me?"
  Kate looked around before answering. "Let's talk in the cell after."
  "Why?" Ruby asked, confused by her reaction.
  Kate let out a sigh. "For someone who managed to convince me to do this shit again you're not very smart are you?" Kate leaned in closer to Ruby before continuing in a whisper. "Because our competitors are sitting all around us. I don't wanna give away any advantage we might have. Even if it's just a tiny one. If some of them come in to the tournament unaware of what they can face, they might be going out faster, which again give us an advantage."
  “Okay, sorry.” Ruby apologized. “We’ll talk in the cell then.

Back in their cell, Kate sat back down in Ruby's bed facing her. "Okay Ruby, what do you want to know?"
  "Well... I just want to know what to expect. Like what kind of stuff did you have to do?"
  "I didn't do much really, i only participated in two rounds last time before i lost. But if you want us to win we have to be prepared to do everything. What they have planned can be anything you can think of and more. We might have to do stuff like different sexual acts with 'civilian volunteers' who are here to assist in the tournament. We might have to do stuff that will be very humiliating. I mean there is nothing you can exclude. And this is just the stuff i know."
  "I see... So it can pretty much be anything..." Ruby said as she just stared off into the air.
  "You okay Ruby?" Kate asked.
  "Yeah, sorry. I was just trying to picture it in my head. We will win this Kate, i promise!”
  "I'll hold you to that!" Kate said and put her fist out to Ruby.
  Ruby took a second to realize what she was doing before accepting the fist bump "Good, now the wait for Monday begins!"

Luffy90 12-10-2014 01:20 PM

Chapter 24

Ruby woke up early that Monday, it was still dark outside so she just relaxed in bed waiting for the sun to come up. She felt the nerves as the tournament grew closer and closer for every passing minute.
  Are we really doing this? She thought to herself. Then she heard Kate waking up from the bed above her. "Morning Kate."
  Kate let out a few sounds as she stretched out her arms. "Morning..." She replied back in a sleepy voice.
After eating breakfast, Ruby and Kate headed to the exit of the cell block where a guard met them and then guided them to the place where the tournament was going to be held.

Ruby noticed they walked up to the same floor that she was with Kate on her first day. They stopped outside the locker room and the guard turned to face them.
  "Get in there and remove everything you have on. Then come straight back out here." The guard said with a strict tone in her voice.
  They did as the guard told them, Kate had already explained to Ruby that they probably had to be naked in the tournament, as she had been herself the last time she was in it. Once they were back in the hallway the guard took them to one of the rooms.
  "The two of you are team number ten." The guard said. "Now get in there and wait for further instruction over the speakers in your room."
Once inside they could hear the guard lock the door behind them. The room was dark as the lights was off, but they could still see what was in it. In the center of the room they had placed a bathtub, and above it hanging from the ceiling there was several cameras pointing down on it.

"Looks like they wanna bathe us." Ruby said to Kate with a smile. "That can't be so bad?"
  "Don't get your hopes up Ruby. If i know anything about this tournament, it's that it's never as easy as it looks.
  "So... Do we just get in it?"
  "We wait... The guard told us to listen to instructions from the speakers, so let's not jump to anything before we are told to." Kate said as she started to walk to the tub, Ruby quickly followed after her.
They went over to the bathtub to inspect it. It wasn't much larger than a normal tub, so placing two people in it would make for a tight fit.

Then the speakers turned on. "Good morning everyone!" A voice said.

Luffy90 12-14-2014 03:26 PM

Again double chapters =)

Chapter 25

"Good morning everyone!" A voice said over the speakers. "My name is Thomas, i will be your host for the girls tournament here on channel one. If you are more interested in the boys tournament, that is sent on channel two." He paused for a few seconds before resuming his welcome speech. "Today i am proud to present the twenty-fifth edition of Path to Freedom, and for the first time ever! We have teams of two competing! We also have a record breaking sixteen teams competing on the girls side, making it thirty two contestants. On the boys side we have a total of twenty teams! That is forty contestants! This will clearly be a show for the history books. Now, before we start. Let me please introduce the contestants!"

The host kept reading up teams with names Ruby did not recognize, but once he got to team eight, he mentioned Caitlyn. Was this the same girl she had worked under last Tuesday? The other girl teamed with Caitlyn was a girl named Chelsea.

When he got to team ten, which was Kate and Ruby's team, the light in the room turned on.
  "Here we have the girls of team ten! The blonde girl's name is Kate and the dark haired girl is Ruby. Please take your seat in the tub girls." The host said.
  The two girls looked at each other before heading to the tub to get in. They noticed the cameras kept adjusting themself to follow them as they did. Ruby was the first to get in, it was weird and uncomfortable sitting there, butt naked on the cold and hard tub floor. Kate got in right after on the opposite side, placing her legs on the outside of Ruby's to get them to fit in the tub.
The host kept introducing the other teams one by one. Ruby recognized two more names from the list, Erin and Jessica from the day she had been placed under Caitlyn on her second day of work, both on team fifteen.

"Now, the time you have all been waiting for! Let me introduce the first round of the tournament. This will be a qualifying round to get rid of half of the teams as the tournament is larger than usual this time... In each of the rooms we have placed a bathtub. The contestants are now ready inside of them and none of them knows what will happen next. Now here is where you, the viewers come in. For this round you get to vote what we pour in the tubs every fifteen minutes. Head over to the competition page and vote! Now, while we let those votes tick in, let me explain the rules to get through the first round. We have sixteen teams, only eight will go through to the next round. The rules are simple. The first eight to get out, even if it's only one member of a team, that team is disqualified. Once eight teams are left in their tubs, the round is over and we move on to round two!"

Luffy90 12-14-2014 03:54 PM

Chapter 26

"The results are in!" The host said. "The first fill of their bathtubs will be a big one. This will fill about ninety percent of the tub to create a start. You voted, and the results are... Urine!"

As Ruby heard that she just sat there with an open mouth staring at Kate.
  "Told you it wasn't as easy as it seemed." Kate said in response. "What ever happens though, we don't step out of the tub! Okay?"
  "Of course!" Ruby said back with a more confident voice.
  "And cover your nose if you have to. It might smell a bit."
A tube came down from the roof above them and a yellow liquid started running out of it. They noticed the smell as soon as it started to fill the tub. They covered their noses as the urine kept pouring out of the tube, at this point it was half full. It was cold, so they knew it wasn't fresh, which just made it more uncomfortable.

"Oh what do we have here!" The host said. "Rita from team two have left the tub. That means that team two is out of the tournament! Once seven more teams have been disqualified we are moving on to round two, good luck to the rest of the teams."

"That was fast." Ruby said.
  "Not everyone is made out for this shit." Kate answered back.
  "Right... I don’t really think anyone is made out to bathe in piss, but some willpower sure helps a long way though." Ruby said, still covering her nose with her hand which made her voice sound completely different.

The tub was now almost completely filled and the tube had gone back up. They now sat with urine all the way up to their necks. No other teams had left after team two, so they just had to wait for the next fill to see what would happen then.

After the first fifteen minutes had gone by, the speakers turned on again. "I see we have a close vote this time." The host said. "With a fifty two percent win, you at home have decided that the next fill of the tub will be... Ice cold water with ice cubes! Enjoy."

As the water with ice cubes came pouring down, the tub quickly filled to the limit and flooded over. The temperature sank quickly as the ice water rushed in.

"F-Fuck this is c-c-cold." Kate said clacking her teeth as she spoke.
  Ruby just managed to nod back while she wrapped her arms around her body trying to get some warmth out of the ice cold water that surrounded her, but it didn’t help at all since the water was too cold.
"Four more teams are leaving us it seems. The ice appears to be too much for some." The host said. "Lisa from team three have stepped out, disqualifying her team. Jennifer from team sixteen have also left. Then we have Amy from team one leaving and finally Nora from team eleven. Now we just need three more teams to leave until we got our final eight teams. Best of luck to the rest of the teams and keep your heads cool." He said, ending on a laugh from his very clever joke.
Both Ruby and Kate sat there shaking in the freezing water, feeling the ice cubes touching their bare skin. At this point they could barely feel their hands or feet. After what seemed like forever, the next fifteen minutes was up and the host was back to announce the next fill.

Luffy90 12-18-2014 03:12 AM

Chapter 27

"The votes are in! And with a eighty percent win. It seems you really want to see our girls tubs filled with... Eels! That's right, living, slimy eels! Better keep those legs closed so that they don’t find a way to escape." The host said, again with the same annoying laugh from his own joke.

As the tubes came down the announcer suddenly came back through the speakers, still nothing in the tubes. "Okay, seems like we have gotten rid of the weak ones everyone, apparently eels are too much for some. I'm sad to announce that we already have the three next teams disqualified. Lena from team six, Christina from team fourteen and Erin from team fifteen. All three of them leaving before the tubs even got filled. What a shame. Lara from team four also left, but since she stepped out after the first eight had already been disqualified, her team is still in it for now. However, that means that we move on to round two. We will now go over to commercials while our contestants get themself ready for the next round."

A guard opened the door to Ruby and Kate's room, before they even had the chance to get out of their tub. "Quick girls, come with me."
  Ruby and Kate got up and followed her back towards the locker room, they still had water dripping from them so they left wet spots behind them as they walked. It was hard to walk as their feet had barely gotten proper circulation back after being frozen in the icy water for so long, but they kept walking as fast as they could to keep up with the guard, not wanting to get into any trouble.
  She stopped outside of the locker room and turned herself towards the girls as she opened the door. "Get in there and quickly take a shower, then come straight back out here to me, no more than two minutes!"
They took their shower and now felt a lot better after getting the stench of urine washed off of them and having the water heat up their bodies again. They got back out to the guard who then marched them to a large room in the second floor where Ruby hadn't been yet. It had a big stage in the front and a few other girls were already standing there. A guy in a black suit was there aswell, looking at some notes on a podium, behind him a crew of four guards walked around with cameras on their shoulders.

"Get over there with the other girls. Your place is the one with your team number on it." The guard said pointing Ruby and Kate to the other girls.

Once they stood at their spot, a circle on the floor with a note that said number ten on it, they were ordered to just wait for everyone to show. One of the other girls who were already in the room was the same Caitlyn she had worked with last Tuesday, now on team eight. Caitlyn however didn't seem to notice Ruby back. After all, Ruby was just one of probably hundreds that Caitlyn had taken with her for her work days.

Once all the teams had gathered and lined up, naked as the day they were born, the announcer who was now standing next to the eight teams behind his podium started speaking again. "Welcome back everyone. Now we are ready for the second round, and i will introduce you to the eight wonderful teams we have left." He took a short pause to let the camera crew get in position in front of the first team. "From team four, Lara and Andrea!.. From team five, Veronica and Annie!.. From team seven Isabelle and Judith!.. From team eight, Caitlyn and Chelsea!.. From team nine, Erica and Lauren!.. From team ten, Kate and Ruby!.. From team twelve, Elisabeth and Christa!.. And finally. From team thirteen, Lucy and Beth! These are the eight teams that were victorious from the first round. Now for round two, we will reduce them to just four teams. Please pay attention as i explain the rules of round two."

Luffy90 12-19-2014 05:33 AM

Chapter 28

"For this second round, the teams will be sent to their own room backstage where they can watch the main stage through a monitor. We will then pick two teams to come back out and face each other in a challenge. The winning team moves onto the next round, and the losers are out of the tournament. The challenge will be a randomly selected one through this spinning wheel." As he said that he pulled back a sheet that was covering a wheel underneath it.
  Ruby tried to read what was on it, but the other girls blocked her vision of it.

The host told the guards to escort the teams to their own rooms and wait there until they were to be sent back out again.

"Did you manage to read anything on the wheel Kate?" Ruby asked her as they got into their waiting room.
  "No, i'd rather not think about it too much, let's just keep our heads cool and win whatever challenge we get once we go back out there." Kate said back.
  "Okay, i guess. I'm just kinda nervous..."
  "Don't be. I mean we are in it now, we can't worry about what we may or may not have to do."
They could hear over the TV that the host had called team four, made out of Lara and Andrea out to the stage. Right behind them he told team thirteen, made of Lucy and Beth to come to the stage.

"Welcome!" The host said. "Let's spin the wheel to start this round!"
  The wheel started spinning and slowly started to lose speed before finally stopping. The camera zoomed in on the result.
  "I hope you are good with your pleasuring skills." The host said turning towards the two teams. "Your competition is a race to see which team manages to make ten of our volunteers cum first. You now need to choose which member from each team that will compete."

After about a minute both of the teams had picked their member. "So. It seems we have our contestants ready." The host said. "From team four it is Lara!" She was a slightly chubby girl with a large pair of boobs that she held in place with her left arm as she walked forward. She had long dark hair put in a pony tail behind her head, aswell as a patch of dark pubic hair covering her most private parts. "And from team thirteen we have Lucy!" Lucy was a short and skinny blonde. She had her long hair hanging loosely behind her. She had a small pair of boobs, around the same size as Ruby's. And between her legs she was cleanly shaved, revealing her tiny pussy.

"Now that we have our two competitors ready, lets reveal the volunteers who have been so kind to sign up to help us in the tournament."
  As the host said that, the walls behind him suddenly opened up a lot of holes with cocks hanging out of them, ten on each side of him, some soft and some of them hard.
  "Lara, you are on my left side, Lucy, you are on the right. Get to the circles marked on the ground and wait for the start signal. You have to make each of these cocks shoot a load to be able to move to the next, once you have all ten, you win. A light above the hole will light up once the person behind it has shot his load, signaling you to move to the next."
Both of the two girls were ready in their circles and the countdown started.
  The host raised his hand. "Ready... Set... Go!"

Luffy90 12-20-2014 08:26 AM

Chapter 29

The host lowered his hand to signal the start, and the two girls ran forward to their first hole, the camera crew following just behind to get the action on the screen.

Lucy started her first hole by taking the tip of the fully erect cock in her mouth while stroking it with her hand at the same time, Lara on the other side, just trusted her hand to do the job. Less than a minute later, Lucy suddenly stopped moving her hand and quickly pulled her mouth away from the cock she was holding as it shot out it’s load in several short bursts. She had to spit out some aswell after getting it in her mouth as he came. The light above her first hole lit up and she took her hand and wiped away some of the cum from her cheek before she moved to the next hole, still doing the same method as with the first one.

"Looks like Lucy is in the lead!" The host said. "She seems to have her strategy in order, but can Lara catch up?"

Just as Lara's first cock shot his load, Lucy had also finished her second. And once Lara started her second, she decided to try and copy Lucy's approach.

"Looks like Lucy's got this." Ruby said looking over to Kate. Both of them watching closely from their waiting room.
  "Yeah, it looks like it. I gotta say though, it's kinda exciting to be on this end of the tournament, just watching." Kate said back.
  "Don't get too excited Kate, we might be up next."
Around fifteen minutes later, Lucy was working on her last hole. And on the other side, Lara was just sitting on her knees with her head in her hands, clearly defeated with four holes still left to go. Lucy just kept stroking her last hole's cock with her hand until he came, just to end it without doing more than she needed. She then got back up on her feet to celebrate her victory, still having some spots on her face covered with cum from some of the cocks that had shot their load at her. Beth, her teammate, came running towards her and gave her a long hug.

"Looks like we have a clear winner here." The host said. "Congratulations to Lucy and her teammate Beth, for qualifying for the third round!"

A guard came in and escorted Lucy and Beth to a room backstage to relax until this round was over with. Another guard escorted Lara and Andrea out of the building and back to the prison.

"Let's get our next contestants out here to spin the wheel again." The host said. "First up we have team seven, with the girls Isabelle and Judith. To face them we have team twelve, made up from Elisabeth and Christa."

Once the girls had arrived at the stage in front of the wheel, the host gave it a spin again.

"Let's see what these girls will compete in." He said as the wheel slowly stopped spinning. "Ah. This is an old classic in this tournament, and have been a part of it since all the way back to the beginning. You will need a lot of willpower for this, as you will compete in holding your pee. One girl from each team will drink a glass of water every five minutes, the first team to pee, loses. Pretty simple right? Now pick one from each team to be the contestant."

After a bit of discussion between both teams, one girl from each team stepped forward. "So... We have Isabelle from team seven." She was a tall and skinny blonde with short hair just reaching her shoulders. Her boobs were normal sized and she was completely shaved down between her legs. "And from team twelve we have Christa." She was a tall and long haired brunette with a patch of pubes covering up her pussy. Her small pair of boobs were covered up by her arm as she walked forward as the volunteer from her team.
  "Good, now to give you some more motivation to hold it in, we will have you sit on a chair with a hole in it and a bucket underneath. The losing teams other member will have to drink the pee from the loser. And now, without having you wait any longer. Please take your seats on each side of the table in front of me and get ready to drink your first cup of water."
Once both of them were ready, the announcer told them to start and they both chugged their first cup.

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