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MetalGreek 02-07-2011 09:47 PM

i love this thread :) even though I haven't gotten any I still love seeing how all these people who seem sad a lot of the time are getting the love they deserve :)

honeyness 02-08-2011 11:05 AM

Valentine to Ninjota

I'm glad i found my long lost brother :P
love you *hearts*

honeyness 02-11-2011 06:24 PM

My apologies to all those waiting for me to post their valentine, I have been very busy the past few days and unable to get on to post them, I hope to get a few up tomorrow night, otherwise there may be a chance they are posted after Monday. They will be posted soon!

Stellz 02-13-2011 01:35 AM

To Blank

Here is your valentine, hope you get it like you said you would in 6 weeks

Stellz 02-13-2011 01:39 AM

To the amazing cuffed, loke. puppysean, manbearpig tiger fixation maddy09 and marc and anjelen and poesnicole and of course dare

you guys are my amazing getdare friends who have put up with me the year I have been here so my valentine goes to you guys =)

Stellz 02-13-2011 01:42 AM

To: Fixation.

Se supone que esto le ayude con su clase de español. Espero que tengas un buen día, y no puedo esperar hasta que yo te vuelva a ver. Las rosas son rojas, las violetas son azules, pronto llegará el día en que se encuentran con usted. Sé que esto no rima en español. Pero es mejor que podía hacer. Tener un día maravilloso hermoso.

Stellz 02-13-2011 01:46 AM

To : beautiful_diaster

So glad to know that I've got a friend I can go to with anything that's on my mind, without having to worry about being judged for my mistakes. I'm much better now and I want to thank you for pushing me to summon the strength to talk to ......... about it. You are a truly fascinating person and I wish you all the best. Happy Valentines xxx Your still moraki(hopefully soon I'll introduce you to my other moraki;) ) your baby girl(blush :p).

Stellz 02-13-2011 01:53 AM


Dear Pretty Key,
You are my secret role model.
I have looked up to you for a while.
I hope that some day I might be as sophisticated, and amazing as you.
Well I hope you have a great Valentine's Day. :D

Stellz 02-13-2011 01:57 AM

To: puppysean

Like i say, your my favorite puppy,
You make me laugh and make me happy, so thank you, so much
P.S be nice to loke

Stellz 02-13-2011 02:06 AM

To my Stellzy
The one for whom I fellzy
I think you're cool
I wish you went to my school
Because then I could smex you and allzy

Stellz 02-13-2011 02:12 AM

To My Softylicious,

You are one of the best people I've ever known.
I know you live far away, but I haven't felt this known by someone in a long time.
It's so nice to have a friend.
You take the time to care about me and that means a lot.
I know you know I care too. :3

The person who always wants their way but also for others to be happy. :P

Stellz 02-13-2011 02:17 AM

To my Maddy
The one I want to have in my caddy
Making out all night
We'll give passerbyers a fright
But no one can put an end to our lovin-addy

(That was to Madelyne by the way :D)

Stellz 02-13-2011 02:21 AM

To my Puppysean
The one I want to undress
If you didn't hold my hand, I'd hold your's
If you didn't kiss my lips, I'd kiss your's
Because you're just too sexy to pass up

Stellz 02-13-2011 02:27 AM

Metal Greek,

Your an awesome friend.
No more needs to be said.
Happy Valentines Day

Stellz 02-13-2011 02:30 AM

To my darling MG
You are the only one for me
With your sexy orange hair
And your yummy dommy stare
You make me go weak at the knees

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