getDare Truth or Dare

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Dffd 12-31-2012 01:54 AM

A - seems like so many things could happen to her clothes

me_derek 12-31-2012 07:04 AM

My vote is A this time

messyslut8 12-31-2012 07:34 AM

B gets my vote :p

Memories for Life 01-01-2013 01:42 AM

I'm thinking that the "A" option could result in an activity which result in Kelsey losing the thin sheet she currently has which would be "interesting".

The "B" option suggests that her clothes may be unwearable -- either shrunk from the wash/dry process so they can't be worn or destroyed by being caught tin the appliances. Stuck with the this sheet to wear leaves open the possibility she would lose it during a future segment.

It's a "win-win" either way!

little_sluut 01-01-2013 05:34 AM

i will vote for B this time

kpts4tv 01-01-2013 11:52 AM

I'll vote for A. Great story, keep it up!

Nick 01-01-2013 05:38 PM

I vote option A as well.

Jappio 01-01-2013 08:38 PM

The room is empty besides the two girls. Zoe is at a door, opening it up. “Hold this for me, would you? It opens only from the inside without a key,” Zoe explains as she holds the door for Kelsey. Kelsey doesn’t want to lose one of her hands as cover, but does so anyways as she isn’t about to slow down the retrieval of the clothing.

Kelsey takes the moment to really think about what is happening. She never thought she’d be making such a mad scramble to get dressed. She was naked besides a sheet in school, but she was thankfully only seen by two people, although that was two more than she’d prefer.

When Zoe came back with not clothes, Kelsey was quick to question, “Where are my clothes?”

Zoe didn’t seem too upset, “They aren’t dry yet, we’ll have to wait a bit longer.”

Kelsey couldn’t believe it. She felt at least a little safe in the locker room, but she still wanted to have her clothing. “Well that’s fine, I’ll wear them wet, no big deal,” Kelsey tries bargaining.

“What? No way! I can’t let you do that. You passed out before; I don’t even think you should be running about. You need rest!” Zoe argued. Kelsey didn’t know what to say. Really her fainting was caused partially by the shock exposure she felt, but she also didn’t want to bring that up.

Zoe walked back into the locker room, leading Kelsey over to the benches. The girl rests her hand on Kelsey’s shoulders, and eased her to a bench. “Sit down, and get a bit more rest,” Zoe demanded as she stepped back and leaned against some lockers facing Kelsey. Kelsey did as told.

Kelsey did appreciate how nice Zoe was being, but she worried that Zoe didn’t seem to worry enough about Kelsey’s modesty. Kelsey felt still very naked under the sheet, and couldn’t help but think Zoe could tell she was without underwear.

“So why are you in such a rush to get your clothes?” Zoe questioned. “You can’t tell me you’re actually excited to get back to boring old class. I was totally excited to get the chance to skip some algebra to help you!”

Kelsey was shocked to hear that Zoe really didn’t seem to know or in the very least care about her modesty for sure now. “Well I don’t want to miss anything important and well…” Kelsey began to blush a lot and looked down to the floor. “I also sort of, well you know, want to be a little more decent,” Kelsey admitted.

“Yeah, I was actually wondering, where is your underwear?” Zoe asked bluntly. Kelsey could feel her heart beat even faster. She now knew for sure it was obvious she was naked under the sheet.

“Um… to sneak down here, I took it off…” Kelsey started to explain. The whole idea was starting to sound goofy in her head, “I took them off in the bathroom, since they were too obvious through the sheet, and I left them there since I couldn’t just go carrying them around…”

Zoe seemed not completely amused though, “Kelsey! You’re not feeling well; you can’t go around making it rougher on yourself. I know undies aren’t much, but it’s better than being naked!” Kelsey wasn’t sure what to say. Her face was glowing red now. “You can’t let your body temperature stay low after being out in the cold rain…” Zoe said as she stepped closer to Kelsey.

Kelsey really wasn’t feeling all that unwell, outside the heart-pounding embarrassment. Yet Zoe seemed convinced that Kelsey was in a state that had to be taken care of. All of a sudden Zoe had her hand on one of Kelsey’s shoulders, and the other on her forehead.

“See, I think you’re getting a fever, and you must be feeling an awful chill!” Zoe said, rubbing Kelsey’s bare shoulder with her hand. Then suddenly Zoe knelt down and used the hand that had been on her forehead, and wrest it down on one of Kelsey’s bare ankles right under the hem of the sheet. She then ran the hand all the way up, pulling the sheet with it, to her knees. “Head to toe you must be freezing!” Zoe exclaimed.

Kelsey was all clammed up. She had never known someone like Zoe, who was both so caring but seemingly so oblivious. Kelsey had never been quite suddenly touched by someone she hardly knew like that. Sure the touch wasn’t perverted in anyway, but Kelsey was naked. Her whole body felt a bit vulnerable, and to have Zoe’s warm hands touching her served as a reminder.

Kelsey was made to stand suddenly. Kelsey didn’t know what was happening, and only though to smooth out her sheet. “You need a quick warm up Kelsey. I don’t need you passing out again, although it could be useful as an excuse to skip more classes,” Zoe teased. Kelsey was then being tugged through the locker room. “I could be your own personal nurse, maybe get a few extra credit points in health class or something!” Zoe continued to joke.

Kelsey didn’t even know what was happening. She just knew suddenly the two were standing in a far corner of the locker room, where a few shower heads were lined up. Rarely used for regular gym class really, so Kelsey was unfamiliar with this corner. Zoe turned a shower head on in the far corner from them. Water was suddenly rushing out. Kelsey really was lost.

Zoe held her hand under it. “Should warm up in a couple of seconds,” she mumbled. Kelsey gave Zoe a strange look. “So then, get out of that thin sheet, it’s probably hardly keeping you warm, and you take a nice warm shower as I finish up your clothes!”

Kelsey had to stop and think about what was just suggested to her. Zoe was expecting Kelsey to strip naked, and shower with someone right there who could see her. There were no curtains, or anything to hide her. There was even a chance more people would come in.

The idea just seemed so foreign to Kelsey. She’d be washing herself with someone else watching, with other people who might see her. Her whole body would be naked. She clutched the sheet closer to her body, feeling as if she might suddenly be exposed.

“Zoe, you’re nuts, I’m not going to just strip naked!” Kelsey complained.

“Why not, you could really use a nice warm shower. Will keep your health up,” Zoe argued back. Kelsey didn’t even feel she needed to explain why.

“Zoe, I’ll be… well… without anything to cover up with,” Kelsey tried explaining. The suggestion didn’t seem to faze Zoe at all, “I mean you’ll see me… and others might too…”

Zoe took a few steps up to Kelsey. “I get that it’s a bit embarrassing I suppose, but it’s just us girls. You need it though. Would you rather you fainted again? You could hurt yourself, especially on the hard floors in here,” Zoe placed an arm around Kelsey’s shoulders. Kelsey began to relax a little. Zoe was trying to strip her, but something about this girl’s kind attitude let Kelsey drop her guard maybe a little too much around her. “I promise it won’t be that bad. You’ll get under that warm water, and your body will feel a hundred times better. Besides, we’re both girls here, nothing I haven’t seen before,” Zoe said as she gave her own breasts a bit of a grope through her clothing. Kelsey blushed, but cracked a bit of a smile at the example given.

Zoe then took the chance to start lowering Kelsey’s sheet. Kelsey nearly screamed as she tried to stop the top from descending. Yet in the short time she was off guard, it had lowered so much it nearly showed her nipples!

Her heart began to go into overdrive again. She had to be careful around Zoe for sure! It was about to be the second time that day that Zoe would strip her of important clothing! “Zoe!” Kelsey explained again.

“Oh come on, I thought I convinced you. It’s just a pair of breasts you’re hiding there, nothing to be ashamed of! Hell, they look like a wonderful pair, nice round and perky!” Zoe teased as she pulled at the sheet again. This time, Kelsey wasn’t able to hold onto it, and it started to lower and pool a bit around her stomach, leaving her completely topless in front of Zoe!

A) Kelsey covers with an arm and holds her sheet up with her other hand. She is too docile to really fight back much, so she realizes she might just have to go with Zoe’s suggestion. A warm shower would be nice; it might also help her relax a little more.

B) Kelsey tries to pull away from Zoe. She doesn’t want to take the shower. She knows Zoe is only trying to help, but Kelsey’s emotions run a little wild.

(Oh and I was wondering everyone. Do you mind longer posts like this? I obviously didn't give you guys much room as far as how this route evolved all of a sudden, yet at the same time I didn't know where to stop it, and I felt it was flowing pretty well this way. Would you prefer that the options always stay short, or to lengthen like this when appropriate?)

LadyDiamond2012 01-01-2013 09:22 PM

I vote A! And I like long posts like this here and there, it flows very nicely!

mr_conundrum 01-01-2013 11:39 PM

I agree, I like the flow and it's a good length I think, let the story teller tell their story you know? I'm gonna vote for B.

me_derek 01-01-2013 11:40 PM

My vote is B........................................

Dffd 01-01-2013 11:57 PM

A and i think its a good idea to keep the story posts longer

little_sluut 01-02-2013 09:01 AM

i vote for A and for longer posts :)

Starman 01-02-2013 09:09 AM

A and longer posts are much better than shorter ones.

kpts4tv 01-02-2013 08:53 PM

I vote A, and I also like the longer posts.

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