getDare Truth or Dare

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Aries_Laetus 03-19-2011 12:10 PM

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I went on a trip about 3-4 weeks ago and bought these candles in a very very small town. There were 18 people in this town, but it was filled with the most amazing things and some of the nicest people I have ever met. We even stayed the night in one of their homes. This in a way "brought the light" to me personally because these people changed my outlook on some personal matters that I happened to share with someone there. I took a picture of these candles to show the light that warms me and the air around them. I hope you like it.

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subgirl1993 03-21-2011 05:40 PM

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Just pure, natural lighting. No editing at all, i promise. i choose this picture because it shows what can be done with nothing extra. i don't have a fancy camera or anything, just a point and shoot digital, no editing, just shows what natural lighting can do to make a picture beautiful.

alex_carter 03-22-2011 05:28 AM

My entry
Here's my entry. It's both of these as I feel they both show light in their own way though if I have to choose only one then it is the 2nd picture. The description is with the picture, but I will also post it after the link.


1. description--- This picture shows that even when things get dark and dreary and rainy in life if you look around, somewhere you can find a brightness that will reflect some light to you until you can find the light for yourself. That's what this building's dome is doing. The gold dome seems to gather all of the light from the sky and shine it out much stronger than it really is on this dark, rainy day.


2. description--- I found this picture to show light because if you look closely, though you may not be able to see the sun, you can see the sun's rays shining behind the clouds. It show how strong, and how far the sun goes to give us it's life, nutrients, and energy. It shows how hard the sun works to sustain us as humans and what it has to go through (finding and working it's way around the clouds) to keep us alive and beautiful.

Star Shadows 03-22-2011 11:11 AM

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Posted alex_carter's photo as an image for you. I know you were having a little bit of a problem with posting images.


I found this picture to show light because if you look closely, though you may not be able to see the sun, you can see the sun's rays shining behind the clouds. It show how strong, and how far the sun goes to give us it's life, nutrients, and energy. It shows how hard the sun works to sustain us as humans and what it has to go through (finding and working it's way around the clouds) to keep us alive and beautiful.

alex_carter 03-22-2011 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Star Shadows (Post 423305)
[FONT="Century Gothic"]Posted alex_carter's photo as an image for you. I know you were having a little bit of a problem with posting images.

Thanks. The description is above (with a link to another photo I took that I liked).

Tordalk 03-22-2011 02:25 PM

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I have seen the light

When I saw the title for this week I had immediately the idea of taking a photo of lights from a car in darkness, because I really love this effect.

It’s a bit like last week, because cars that are passing by are hard to shoot, because they are moving. But in darkness the light during their move are leaving marks on the photo. And that’s what I want to show with my photo.

I was very busy this week and some days away, so I took the picture just some minutes ago when I drove to a little village not far from here. It was a very hard decision which photo I should post, but I decided to post this one, because I like the contradiction between the old medieval house in the background and the lights of a car that passes by. So the old house, which was build long before cars were built, and the lights of the car are very oppositional.

I took this photo with an exposure of 4 seconds.

Because I also like the other photo that was close to be chosen, I will post it also. That one had an exposure of 15 seconds.
You can see it here


Star Shadows 03-22-2011 04:01 PM

Before i start with the official business...
thank you to all of the new members who have joined in the past few weeks. It is really appreciated. However I would like to encourage even more newer members, and those older ones to participate please- there is likely to only be another 2 weeks left until we go for a break on this. (i need to think of more titles and have exams i want to spend majority of my time revising for) so lets make these our best weeks yet.

week 7 is over
this weeks winner is …
second prize goes to...

thanks to everything and the results are here >LINK<
over all winner is tordalks so far.

this weeks winning photo

Welcome to week 8

The title this week is
comfort and warmth
what does comfort and warmth mean to you? a nice warm bed? a teddy, water bottle? try and capture in a photo what the words comfort and warmth mean to you.

Again a reminder of the point scoring....
2 points for posting an image
2 points for an explanation of why you took it.
5 runners up
10 winner.

1. Under NO circumstances, no if’s, no but’s no aww but pleases, No inappropriate photographs, all photographs MUST be PG13.
2. All photos must be placed in this thread to be considered.
3. You have 1 week to submit your photograph for each title
4. Still no inappropriate content.
5. Photos all should be your own work taken on a camera. Using a search engine to find one kinda defeats the point a little. However they may be edited.

The closing time for this entry is Tuesday 29th March at 10pm GMT. (UK time) at which point I will post the next weeks challenge. The winner will be announced then

HisLittleOne 03-24-2011 05:18 PM

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most comforting thing for me other than things that cant really be photographed, the feelings and interactions is a lovely hot long warm bath with candles and the hot water so hot it makes you tingle. So i give you a photo of a bath in the dark.

Jake_NN_Bake 03-25-2011 10:35 PM

Comfort and Warmth :)
For my first entry ever, I chose to use a picture of my puppy Max. Its not neccesarily comfort and warmth that you would think of (fire, bed etc.) but the warmth that he gives off when he sees me. He'll tilt his head and start wagging my tail. I know that he is excited to see me and that is why I love him.

DaVance 03-26-2011 08:06 AM

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Comfort and warmth – as I stayed up Thursday evening to 2 a.m. painting a vacant house, and then returning by 9 a.m. Friday to let the carpet installers in, I figured this would be my photo entry. Even though I won’t live here, I enjoy this and it pays very well. A nice freshly cleaned, painted, and carpeted room with the anticipation of new curtains and furniture presents a comforting and warm photo. The aroma of paint and new carpeting filled the room, so I did try to post a scratch and sniff photo to no avail. The vacuum pattern can be seen as the photo was taken just after vacuuming the small pieces of carpet from trimming.

I also entered this photo as the room has a fireplace, although it is a fake one with no chimney. But it works quite well with one of those fake electric fires. I also added a refreshing drink to the photo, but all I could place in the photo was a red Gatorade as it is all I had with me. The second time I have a red Gatorade in a photo entry, although I do like the light blue Gatorade as well, but no other colors.

As I spend my time and money cleaning up after other people, my entry is a simple warm and comforting room in the hopes of a getting a nice person to rent.

subgirl1993 03-26-2011 02:07 PM

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some friends and i went to the beach for a weekend before spring break and we took lots of pictures, in hope of being able to use some photos for our photography. warmth and comfort jumps out of this photo i took, at least to me. full of friends, laughter, fire, beach, sun. friends and laughter are a huge part of comfort and warmth for me, and i wanted to do a different picture, but i didn't want to delve into the privacy issue of others, so i chose a picture that was a bit further away. i realized later that night, that the lens was covered in a bit of dust, which is why there are some speckles in the photo. but i don't believe that it takes away from the photo.

Tordalk 03-29-2011 12:24 PM

Comfort and Warmth
1 Attachment(s)
Comfort & Warmth

Since we were asked what is comfortable for us, this picture shows my personal understanding of comfort.

When I was thinking about a place or situation I would describe as comfortable and warm this beer cellar came into my mind. Once we were there, but didn’t get a place, so we left. But this place left a mark in my mind.
I like very much old houses with strong timbers and small rooms. It gives me a feeling of security and – yes comfort.

And I also like the warm light spots and of course the candle in the wine bottle.. Ahhh – I want to be there now ;)

It was a bit dark there, so I had again to use an exposition of I think one second to get enough light. Luckily there was ledge where I could position my camera.


Star Shadows 03-29-2011 03:20 PM

this weeks winner is
because I couldn't decide xd

so congrats to you guys who will get 9 points each and both go into the comp blog, and so on and so forth.

Link to blog
Link to scores

and the winning photos ....

But now on a sad note, I am calling this edition of the competition to a close, I will no doubt have another one at some point so keep an eye out for the sign up sheet for that which will be the first sign.

TORDALK with 74 points

So for now Id like to thank::
All the winners
and all the other contestants
Leopard, Stix and honey for their help
Tordalk for his helping PMS telling me when i screwed up.
Swan for being the only member I have EVER disqualified on a comp of this sort
and anyone else who i will inevitably forgotten

alex_carter 03-29-2011 03:30 PM

Maybe, not at all required, but could be a helpful suggestion, but maybe you could pm the people that participated on this thread to let them know when you start a new competition. I know I personally would find that useful. You could also just post here with a link to the new thread as most of us are "subscribed" (I believe it's called) to this thread anyway, and we get an e-mail when it's updated, or well, at least I do. :) Again, this is just a suggestion and not at all a requirement.

Star Shadows 03-29-2011 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by alex_carter (Post 428457)
Maybe, not at all required, but could be a helpful suggestion, but maybe you could pm the people that participated on this thread to let them know when you start a new competition. I know I personally would find that useful. You could also just post here with a link to the new thread as most of us are "subscribed" (I believe it's called) to this thread anyway, and we get an e-mail when it's updated, or well, at least I do. :) Again, this is just a suggestion and not at all a requirement.

I will try remember that then have open additional application for new participants tooo.

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