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Star Shadows 04-15-2010 11:48 AM


Slenderman - Doctor 04-15-2010 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by BettyBoop (Post 261036)
The ones I can think of now, there are probably more:

Partners in Crime
Tooth & Claw
The Idiot's Lantern
The Girl in the Fireplace

Partners in Crime - Epic. One of my favourites too ^_^
Tooth & Claw - I didn't care much for this one. Not a fan of historicals.
Blink - Huge fan of this one :)
The Idiot's Lantern - I love this one too!
The Girl in the Fireplace - It's alright, but I find it a bit *meh* at times.

Slenderman - Doctor 04-15-2010 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by Star Shadows (Post 261038)

Agreed 100% :D

Sidenote: The ones in red are the ones I've seen. (I've seen all the new ones so I haven't listed those.)

Star Shadows 04-15-2010 11:51 AM

BOOPY!! I loved the girl in the fireplace one... with the clockwork people :) It was awesome

Slenderman - Doctor 04-15-2010 12:03 PM

I've put together (just for this thread) a list of my favourite stories out of those I've seen...

An Unearthly Child [episode one]
The Daleks
The Aztecs
The Rescue
The Romans
The Chase
The Time Meddler
The War Machines

The Tomb of the Cybermen
The War Games

Doctor Who and the Silurians
The Curse of Peladon
The Sea Devils
The Green Death

The Ark in Space
The Sontaran Experiment
Genesis of the Daleks
Revenge of the Cybermen
The Brain of Morbius
The Deadly Assassin
Destiny of the Daleks

Mawdryn Undead
The Five Doctors

Attack of the Cybermen
Revelation of the Daleks
TTOATL: The Mysterious Planet
TTOATL: The Ultimate Foe

Remembrance of the Daleks
The Curse of Fenric

The End of the World
The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances

The Christmas Invasion
School Reunion
The Idiot's Lantern
The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit
Army of Ghosts/Doomsday
The Runaway Bride
Smith and Jones
Human Nature/The Family of Blood
Utopia (but not the fuck-awful episodes that followed)
Time Crash
Partners in Crime
The Fires of Pompeii
Turn Left
The Stolen Earth/Journey's End
The Waters of Mars
The End of Time (quite iffy... only just makes the list)

The Eleventh Hour
Victory of the Daleks

Captain Harkness 04-15-2010 12:09 PM

The face of Boe is not Captain Jack. Jack cant age

Slenderman - Doctor 04-15-2010 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Finland4ever (Post 261057)
The face of Boe is not Captain Jack. Jack cant age

That's a debate that will go on forever :p

I'm in the "Jack is not Boe" camp.

Captain Harkness 04-15-2010 12:16 PM

if he was how come in 2,000 years he didnt age. then by the year 200,000 he's that wrinkled and is only a head (satellite 5 declared that he was pregnant) and he looks the same 5 billion years in the future.

Slenderman - Doctor 04-15-2010 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by Finland4ever (Post 261059)
if he was how come in 2,000 years he didnt age. then by the year 200,000 he's that wrinkled and is only a head (satellite 5 declared that he was pregnant) and he looks the same 5 billion years in the future.

To be fair, we don't actually know. He could age very quickly. Or slowly. Or the change could alter its speed at any time. He mentions, at one point, how he has "grey hairs", suggesting he's getting slightly older somehow.

In Doctor Who, anything can happen :)

Star Shadows 04-15-2010 12:19 PM

will borrow this then cos this is helpful.
but doubts the bold bit about it being just for this thread.


Originally Posted by Doctor (Post 261051)
I've put together (just for this thread) a list of my favourite stories out of those I've seen...

The End of the World
The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances

Partners in Crime
The Fires of Pompeii
Turn Left
The Stolen Earth/Journey's End
The Waters of Mars
The End of Time (quite iffy... only just makes the list)

The Eleventh Hour
Victory of the Daleks

(some of these may have been said by Doctor but i didnt know what they were
And stuff that i dont know names off... to the BBC website...
**Insert teleporty tardis noise here**

**insert tardis coming back noises here**

The voyage of the damned
Planet of the dead
Girl in the fireplace
Last of the time lords
planet of the ood
The poison sky
Silence in the library
forest of the dead
*well most of if not all of series 4 (last tennant one) and all of the new one so far*

Captain Harkness 04-15-2010 12:20 PM

think the grey hairs were a joke if am honest. Though your right about anything happening. But i hope to god that martha is never in Doctor Who again and Sara Jane since she was oringally awesome. but when she came back she was abit pants

Star Shadows 04-15-2010 12:22 PM

Me is confused by the jack and face of boe thing... but me love the face of boe, Jack is im my badbooks after children of earth though *shakes head*

Slenderman - Doctor 04-15-2010 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by Finland4ever (Post 261062)
think the grey hairs were a joke if am honest. Though your right about anything happening. But i hope to god that martha is never in Doctor Who again and Sara Jane since she was oringally awesome. but when she came back she was abit pants

It's unlikely that any of the RTD companions will return [except in anniversary specials] (Jack probably will at some point). And we might see Sarah Jane back, or we might not. Personally, I love her character :)

Captain Harkness 04-15-2010 12:28 PM

he did all he could and it wasn't running away. He is so old and has lived all over the earth. Also it may have escaped everyone else but when the base was destroyed alot of life went with it. The aerodactile, Grey and the weevils and any other aliens been held in the cells. He lost his brother again,his daughter for the second time and his only grandson that we know about. There's nothing but death on this earth for Captain Jack

Slenderman - Doctor 04-15-2010 12:35 PM

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