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Conversation Between hoof and Goddess Joanna
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. Goddess Joanna
    09-06-2023 04:45 PM
    Goddess Joanna
    Joan Sky was was from when I first joined, then after a while of being active I Ieft and didn't come back until years later. I came back and made a new account as ChamomileAngel as I forgot the old password. Sometime afterwards there was a thread for one month we could request to change our screen name, so I chose Goddess Joanna because it's more fitting. Pretty simple to follow

    What do you mean by nothing to bring?
    Thanks for the well wishes, I was planning to keep posting, so don't worry
  2. hoof
    09-05-2023 02:22 PM
    My goodness! I cannot keep track of your profiles. Always an interest but always figure I have nothing to bring.
    Good wishes and please keep posting...

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