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#21 - Becoming an Edging Toy - Punishment

Posted 12-02-2020 at 02:51 PM by Felix645

Becoming an Edging Toy

#21 - Becoming an Edging Toy - Punishment

Yesterday I got a new challenge from my master. I was required to do 30 edges in sets of 5. And for each set I had to use a different technique to edge. The catch was that at least on of those sets had to be done without using my hands. And if I managed to do two or more sets without my hands I would get a reward.

Unfortunately there are only two methods that are practical to me: Humping my matress or...
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#19 - Becoming an Edging Toy - The magic number 100

Posted 11-29-2020 at 03:05 PM by Felix645

Becoming an Edging Toy

#19 - Becoming an Edging Toy - The magic number 100

After doing yesterdays remaining 16 edges a new challenge was awaiting me and it involved pushing myself ... and I could even choose between them:

First option:
Doing 170 edges until bed time

Second option:
Doing 100 edges consecutively in a single session.

I chose the second option ... and because I wanted to make it a bit more interesting a had...
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#18 - Becoming an Edging Toy - Edging gone crazy

Posted 11-28-2020 at 05:29 AM by Felix645

Becoming an Edging Toy

#18 - Becoming an Edging Toy - Edging gone crazy

After yesterdays "getting hard" challenge I was required to do more ... a lot more in fact.

My master thought I had it too easy with the dice game a couple of days ago ... so I had to do it all again, and even do the 4th roll twice

I got kinda lucky with the first two rolls again. I rolled a 1 and a 2. Which were 30 edges and I breezed through kinda easily. As I wrote...
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#17 - Becoming an Edging Toy - A game of hardness

Posted 11-27-2020 at 12:40 PM by Felix645

Becoming an Edging Toy

#17 - Becoming an Edging Toy - A game of hardness

Today was quite the interesting challenge and quite the opposite of what I normally do. My master picked a favorite porn video of mine I needed to watch. The catch: I wasnt allowed to get hard!

The video was 16 minutes long and I had to time myself. Everytime I got hard I was required to stop the video and wait until I soft again. While timing timer was still going. Depending on my performance...
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#16 - Becoming an Edging Toy - Edging Hell

Posted 11-26-2020 at 06:52 AM by Felix645
Updated 11-26-2020 at 12:08 PM by Felix645

Becoming an Edging Toy

#16 - Becoming an Edging Toy - Edging Hell

Todays task is split into multiple parts, four to be exact. Each is represented by a 6-sided dice roll.

For my first roll I rolled a 5. Which represents edges ... times 10. Yes you read that correctly, 50 edges already on the first task.

As I got a bit more freedom now I kinda breezed through them rather quickly. Stroke, edge, stop ... wait a few seconds ... stroke, edge, stop... Its...
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#15 - Becoming an Edging Toy - An edged hour

Posted 11-26-2020 at 05:56 AM by Felix645

Becoming an Edging Toy

#15 An edged hour...

Here now yesterdays task!

It was quite the step of from the task two days ago but it was really fun!

As much edges as possible within and 1 hour time frame! Sounds simple enough but thats not all. I also had some constraints on how often I can use a technique to edge with! So I had to come up with a plan how I would edge. And I came up with a cycle that met all the criteria (list is found below). But that...
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#14 - Becoming an Edging Toy - To be continued

Posted 11-25-2020 at 12:01 PM by Felix645

Becoming an Edging Toy

#14 To be continued ...

Hey there guys!

After a kinda long sudden break my edging journey finally continues! With someone new in charge Im going to continue this blog and showing you all what all the new teasing and edging will be!

My first task was to be done yesterday before bed. It was a small and simple task but teasing nonetheless! I was required to watch a porn video I like while edging myself at least five times. So far...
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