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A Halloween party problem!

Posted 10-26-2018 at 11:35 PM by Twisted Kitten (The blog of a sweet bean)

So me and my friends are gonna have a Halloween party on Halloween (duh) and I'm at a total loss of what to wear! I've contemplated crossdressing as Castiel from super natural, I've also thought about being chrona from soul eater. Then again, maybe I should just use this party as an excuse to wear my super slutty red plaid corset and miniskirt again. I dunno. All I know is I wanna dress up, bit I don't know as what. So I took to posting here in my blog for some ideas from any of yall? (Keep in mind,...
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Why a rainbow?

Posted 10-26-2018 at 01:55 PM by Happy Me (Happy's Adventures)

I have just been thinking about this, and everyone knows I love rainbows but they don't really know why!

The truth is there are a lot of reasons!

Primary Reason:
The primary reason I always chose a rainbow is because of my background. I came out as a lesbian in the early 90's. This was on the tail end of the AIDS epidemic, and before Ellen came out, before Will and Grace. Every single one of my gay male friends had been beaten to the point of hospitalization at some...
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