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Everything you could ever want to know about wedgies(And then some.)

Posted 07-16-2023 at 05:57 PM by Qwerty4569
Updated 07-16-2023 at 06:02 PM by Qwerty4569

This is going to be a long post, but if you want to read about wedgies, and learn everything about them, you are in the rite place. Grab a drink and settle in, because this is going to be a long read. This post is going to focus on the online aspect of wedgie play, but a lot of the stuff is going to transfer over to IRL play without any problem. This is mainly written to be helpful for doms, but do not let that keep you from reading it if you are a sub, there is still useful information for you in here...
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Will I do your dare? ❤️

Posted 05-30-2021 at 10:55 AM by pleasehumiliateme
Updated 05-31-2021 at 09:04 AM by pleasehumiliateme

A list of likes, dislikes and limits is undoubtedly useful, but I feel that people can interpret those categories in different ways. To make things a bit simpler for me, here's a list of things you can and can't ask me to do instead 😘 To be clear, these are not meant to be restrictive lists, but illustrative examples, pieces of inspiration, and - most of all - boundaries.

I always welcome... (a.k.a. Loves)
You can dare me to do any of the following things at any time over...
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Views 1678 Comments 3 pleasehumiliateme is offline

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