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Interview time: A. Lurker

Posted 04-11-2020 at 01:08 PM by CSasha
Updated 04-11-2020 at 02:38 PM by CSasha

Another show, another guest. Today in the studio:

A. Lurker
Curious but not ready to get involved yet

Dr Cass: Welcome to our show, A. Lurker.

A. Lurker: Thank you. Now, could you turn down that spotlight, please? Or shift it away. ... Okay, better.

Dr Cass: Why isn't that a surprise to me?

A. Lurker: Maybe because you summoned me here. What can I do for you?

Dr Cass: Let's talk about how you don't really exist.

A. Lurker: Like all your interviews, my dear Dr Cass. So what are you up to?

Dr Cass: I mean, you are a persona, right? Not a real person, but a representation of real persons ...

A. Lurker: ... lurking around here on getDare. Hands the "clever" name you came up with, Dr Cass. Not very creative.

Dr Cass: Yes, indeed. So can you tell us why you are lurking around?

A. Lurker; Because I am interested. But I am not ready yet to join the fun. Maybe tomorrow.

Dr Cass: Maybe?

A. Lurker: Yes! It's my decision, isn't it?

Dr Cass: Yes, of course. I am sorry. Any plans for HOW you are going to join the fun?

A. Lurker: Well, since you asked, I have some ideas. One is to ask for dares, like so many do it. Once I am ready, I throw myself into the ring, ready to be dared by whoever wants to. Within my limits, of course.

Dr Cass: Surely. What do you except in regard of replies when you throw yourself into the ring?

A. Lurker: Well, replies, as everyone gets. Isn't the site called getDared for that reason?

Dr Cass: I suppose so. Just checking with reality here.

A. Lurker: Oh, now you are all sudden about reality, Dr Cass. Why that? Anything wrong with my expectations? Is it too much to ask for a little attention when I drop in? It's not that I have taken a lot of that in all the time watching here ...

Dr Cass: I know. But may I ask, do you expect any other lurkers to give you dares?

A. Lurker: No, of course not. I haven't dared anyone before here. So no reason to hold back on giving me dares when I join.

Dr Cass: Well, have you noticed that there are offers and dealers of dares here, not too different from a market.

A. Lurker: But giving a dare doesn't cost anything. I am the one putting the effort in.

Dr Cass: Do you want any dares, or shall they fit your post, your Likes and Limits, your toys, and your situation? Do you want something unique or just something copied from a list?

A. Lurker: Since I am different and doing the work by completing the dare ...

Dr Cass: ... and writing and posting the report afterwards ...

A. Lurker: Yes, and that, well, I deserve something a little special, don't you think?

Dr Cass: I totally agree. So how much time do you think should people daring you invest in writing the dare for you?

A. Lurker: Hmm, a couple of minutes should be enough, I guess. More is always welcome.

Dr Cass: That doesn't sound like too much asked.

A. Lurker: Good to hear that.

Dr Cass: But why should they invest that time in giving you a dare, and not to someone else instead?

A. Lurker: Pardon?

Dr Cass: During lurking, have you noticed there are quite a few people around asking around?

A. Lurker: Oh yes. getDare seems quite active. That's why I want to post here one day. When I am ready.

Dr Cass: Have you noticed that not few of them don't get a reply at all?

A. Lurker: Oh yes. I hope that won't happen to me. That's why I need to thoroughly consider when and what to post where.

Dr Cass: Good plan. But if it doesn't help and nobody replies, what do you do then?

A. Lurker: I ... bump the thread?

Dr Cass: And if that doesn't help?

A. Lurker: Hmm, I don't know. I suppose anything was wrong, and I have to lurk for the next good opportunity then. Do you have any advice on when it's the best time to ask for dares?

Dr Cass: I think so. It's very likely to get dares after having posted around a thousand meaningful times within a reasonable time period, logged in daily.

A. Lurker: A thousand post?

Dr Cass: Well, around one hundred might do if you do them well.

A. Lurker: What do you mean by that?

Dr Cass: If you post on a frequent basis, again and again, people start noticing and remembering you. People who log into getDare daily. Especially if you post in the same sections and threads you are interest in again and again, day after day, week after week.

A. Lurker: Every day?!!

Dr Cass: It doesn't have to be every day, not even every week. We all have a life. But consistency and persistence is more important than intensity. You don't need to post a lot in a short burst, quite the contrary. People see enough newcomers posting a lot in a very short time, and than burned out leaving and never appear again.

A. Lurker: And that makes a difference?

Dr Cass: Indeed. Because those people fear that with every newcomer. They don't know if it's one who sticks or who disappears. So why take the effort? They wait it out and see if those come back tomorrow. Or at least, over time, they get used to them, get to know them, get to like them. And get to support them. With dares for example, if they ask for such. But not neccessarily on the very first day.
Especially if they ask bluntly and show they have no experience. And even more if they have no avatar, no signature.

A. Lurker: I have seen those.

Dr Cass: There are plenty of opportunities to drop in without much spotlight and effort, just post here and there, like in add threads, polls, ...

A. Lurker: ... messenger threads, and Person above threads! ...

Dr Cass: Yes, though your name might drown in those more easily than in some other sections. It's all your choice. But there are definitely some small details quickly done to make a better impression that you are worth the time to give you dares that day you decide to ask for them.

A. Lurker: ... to need only a hundred rather than a thousand posts.

Dr Cass: Exactly!

A. Lurker: But I don't have even one post like you mentioned?

Dr Cass: I guessed so. Then you better start changing that if you want a good chance to get dares, don't you think?
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  1. Old Comment
    Another interesting interview. Thanks for writing it.
    Posted 04-13-2020 at 01:47 PM by submissive_s submissive_s is offline
  2. Old Comment
    CSasha's Avatar
    You are welcome.
    Posted 04-13-2020 at 03:03 PM by CSasha CSasha is offline
  3. Old Comment
    Cstelle's Avatar
    ...if they have no avatar, no signature...
    It's actually a bit ridiculous how much importance I ascribe to avatars and (especially) .sigs!

    I think it may be because they sort of take the place of "what you look like" on a forum like this.

    First impressions mean more than we like to think that they do!
    Posted 04-14-2020 at 01:30 AM by Cstelle Cstelle is offline
  4. Old Comment
    CSasha's Avatar
    For me, avatar and sig are the ante you pay. It's about the effort. If you make no effort creating this account, or personalizing it at least by such simple measures, it's even easier for you to go since you lose nothing. Take more effort, so you lose more when losing your face here or leaving, and I will trust you more that you behave and are there tomorrow, too. Someone to play with. More likely at least.
    Posted 04-14-2020 at 05:25 AM by CSasha CSasha is offline

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