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Got a new toy (and small update)!

Posted 06-07-2022 at 01:46 AM by SluttySarah
Updated 06-07-2022 at 01:49 AM by SluttySarah

After I moved back home, I didn't bring my toys back with me from my university residence as I thought I would be home with parents all the time. But as it turns out, I have plenty of time home along as my parents are out working or working abroad a lot. So I ordered a long beaded anal snake and enema kit which will arrive tomorrow. My debt system will be live again, and increasing by 5% each day, and I must complete punishments assigned to me to lower my debt. I will also add new punishments or challenges involving my new beaded anal snake. I think I will give more details in a thread describing and asking for punishments now that I am starting again. I have also written a short explanation below on my experience with my previous smaller beaded anal snake which I eventually managed to get all in me. The enema kit is simply a 300ml bottle with a plunger and insertable nozzle. I need to clean myself out really really well before using the anal snake otherwise I can't go very deep. This usually takes two or three 0.6-1.2L enemas. However, now that I have the enema bottle, I can also take much larger enemas as a punishment. The most I have taken at once is currently 1.5L, and my goal is 2L right now.

Here is the new anal snake:
This one is 10cm longer than the previous one, and each bead is larger than the beads on the previous anal snake, with the biggest difference being in the last bead which is exceptionally large being 5.25cm in diameter. The previous anal snake was only 4.1cm in diameter at the largest bead. I had eventually managed to fit in the entirety of my previous anal snake, although it took me a month or two of trying and pushing to fit in the very last bead. As it goes very deep inside of me, the pressure on my insides was probably more challenging than the width of the last bead itself. That said though, I have never taken a plug in me wider than 4cm, so that time I fit in the entire beaded anal snake was also the most my asshole has been stretched. I imagine 5.25cm to be unfeasible for quite a while at least. The previous anal snake was 42cm long, or 16 inches, but the base was quite long so not including the last bead which was very difficult to get in, it would have been roughly 12-13 inches long. So it is definitely past the first bend (the sigmoid bend) and I think it's just about at my second sphincter, which I probably haven't managed to get past yet, or have only gotten the skinniest tip of the anal snake in. So if depth is the main tough part, rather than the width of the beads, then since it is 10cm longer it is very likely the last 3 beads will be quite difficult to fit in. The tip is quite small though, so maybe I will be able to fit in 1 or two more beads. The last bead will definitely take a while though, since 5.25cm in width is really big!
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  1. Old Comment
    lotusdriver81's Avatar
    That looks like quite a challenge. How uncomfortable is it?
    Posted 06-07-2022 at 10:04 AM by lotusdriver81 lotusdriver81 is offline
  2. Old Comment
    SluttySarah's Avatar
    Originally Posted by lotusdriver81 View Comment
    That looks like quite a challenge. How uncomfortable is it?
    I haven't gotten this one yet (going to pick it up in an hour or two) but the previous one which was 10cm shorter did leave me feeling incredibly full, and inserting the last few beads was rather difficult because it had to work around my sigmoid bend. The few times I managed to get it all in I tried to hold it in me for a little while but because the base is quite thick, and how deep it was in me, I could never keep it in for more than a few minutes before having to push it out. It's also surprisingly heavy and incredibly flexible so when it's all lubed up, unless I get all of it in, I have a tough time keeping it in just using my sphincter muscles.

    So I guess it's definitely pretty uncomfortable to keep in me, especially if it's in really deep and the beads are large. But it feels incredibly pleasurable inserting and pulling out each of the beads since I can feel my sphincter expanding and closing around each bead.
    Posted 06-07-2022 at 02:50 PM by SluttySarah SluttySarah is offline
  3. Old Comment
    lotusdriver81's Avatar
    Does it feel like your really full and desperate to poop?
    Posted 06-08-2022 at 11:15 AM by lotusdriver81 lotusdriver81 is offline
  4. Old Comment
    I'm having a similar problem with my anal-snaking toys. I have a 19 in. hose dildo with a fixed width of 1.5 in. And I can plow that right past my sigmoid bend pretty much every time now. There's another part deeper up my colon that I find harder to get past. even when I do, the last 3 or so inches at the bottom put so much pressure on my pelvis that I can't bare it for more than a couple of minutes. the other problem I'm trying to fix is getting those two other sphincters inside my colon to stretch as much as my asshole. I have no problem taking around 8 cm in width. would love to know where you purchased that dildo!
    Posted 11-10-2022 at 01:32 AM by sugarbb sugarbb is offline

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